HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-06-05, Page 8month,t`for keeping tl, g,lmlag It44n Thul•s6%V, but by thu goon offices of tt,t 69.1-� G�ue�G�n street tte,et, ITe Reid 1 tlt,r isill,lull Atnb,,�'asctdoi leu lids peen TOWN".the fine Seventeeia other Chinese I ai)0lvell 4o, tte tlaj'r� 9, we to naulte tlat.4 fatitd 91 0 alttl cort�tr or k <,y b' 'lt', bek'Qto led s- SULTAN'S BRU ���j 1U tl't 8 ciGll:'�titit tti'rttll •t,mGi leach for loo.:k tn,g an at the ga,nie, ;inti It • 7r '6eYeliteen mote were. fined $1, and 111o:lirnrs',•cotatme.it.n,' editorially BY GREAT osta ar 30 days aaah for Igequent { u fou tnt. 1nt:Iden. sn,ys : ` Until we astng the Iiiace. All paid tthoit• finee, i posuess nior:eAotailed xnformatron it EARTHQUAIKLESy Y f tr flue a stblo to co.Iattetl4 iutlequatyly 01"4 A WSE ®F POISO"T.1. � BRITISH AND FORE GN upon this =•emurkable naeastue, unfits= The were Qty de, tits frim •'bi_ cedented tvitliin ,our experience, ,or.. boric plague at Iquique, Clrili, even to spectilate 'i1pon tits causes to - . Tlvo Ttussi¢t.n artillery officers acts. n'iiieli. it 16 lifts. '11 e feel very confit. Population of Two Thousand dent that out: ve given i n the will not lA 9 lJ li {f 'YJ �7 fee'sed 'to plottilig to )t it uota,ble per t • Sol' be be found 'tu nave given fife, slightest -, d @•� q rJustification for the harsh treatm-ant'Croatian Members Issue a Mani- n��p (� Perished TJae deaths from, the plague in the dealt out to him He has dis lay- ..rr and . � �E�'{il �' li �Yl ��h�,� tiered r lrrrut 'Jan, 1 to lifaly S alum- ed conspicuous judgxuent and Iuod- Turks bared 141,72#9.; eration Ili tete discharge of Ills s re- nn A numbcu- of Jeware leaving St. spowdble' duties, If ,there bave.been festo in Defence. Petersburg because .otf the receipt of features in Vussla's domestic polley IConist",tinople, dune - Advices garrison of A;ielazgberd, with his thr-ea,tehing lettere, b lvhicll it woos im'pro8slble for any:for- Vagrid, Juice ,1.-- A report from, Cathedral of St. Isaac, which, was 1 tvhiotl r©4iched here to -day from whole family, three other officers and One lrtiliclreci ileuses once ina2ty half- sign observer• in lrir p�osftlon to, ( , I : eigh,ty,soldi.ers, perished in the ruins; ness buildings were burned o n I either overlook or minimi'? 'Ile ,has Ceuta says the Sailta,n of lllorocco s rescued amidst the pealing of many, d'siatic T,ui1£eyR sliaw. that a:terrlble fa d �" at ' bells and, the chanting of hymns. At Lieut .-Colonel Tayib, whose family Laconia,•N. IT. but shared thio tatiagivings felt by brotaer,'MI'lat A,Loiammod,.i,s `dea.d.' teteCathedrala great aartltiluake `o�c&irrgd on April 29th perished, became insane. The telo- tin, Alfonso of S tin hr3s in e I not a fete tlioughtlnl rind patriotic l Tie was poisoned; arecotding to the g a assemblage of at Me g p Inherited digpItarfe�s, diplo'm'ats . and repre- ia,zgllierd, in the vilayet of 'Pan, graph operator who sent the news of $7,5001000 ainclo:r' ' the will. O Russians theluseive,;.` the catastrophe, said he himself was J.11s _ deispatoh, ! se�ntativo bodies awaited. the arrival elkghty miles southeast of Erzeroum, ,grandfather; the late Bing Flancfs, Croatia's Protest. of the Czar and Czarina. on the tuphrates, T11e town was badly injnred, and that his wife and An explosion of sister had been killed. He rescued ills gag in. -the Clear- Vienn'ra, June 7. The Croatian i Attacked by Strikers. ]totally deetray�d, with: its entire Instruments from the ruins of the of- tiers coal an•d coke mine at Pedera,l, IWOKE FHOM, �I����GE memhers of the Ileichsrtitti and the Now York, Jn'nie 1.—About 400 liar-Ipopulation, numbering 2,000 souls fice with the eatest difflcu,lty. I'+t' today killed four' men instantl3,fans, ibhw typic formerly employed , members of the' Cro;atia:n Diet have ilneludin,g 700 ,1.rmenians, as well as The Foreign Office has appealed for badly burned ,seven and slightly in- o'ti the subway, bu't, are now out on �e tr g subscriptions for the relief of the jared a naimber of otliers.,, -- published a joint manifesto attrib- shrike, gathered in Harlem too -day troops*forming the garrison of de,stltute :lfohammedaus and Chris- Newspaper correspondents charger utinig the populla:r excitement in Croa- wind, made a des'ceot on the son-unioi Melazgherd. In aiddition, over 400 tiaras of the Dfelazgherd district. the�F;repoh Government with criniintat Girl V4 h,) Slept for TwentyV tia to what they describe as the• sad negro la'borer's who were at wgrk houses in net hborin villages y-oite Drowned. negleot in regard to the arrange- eandition of affairs in that province on the tunnel at 161st street, and g i g Lager Col- Gwent ,; the national ti Uorris avenue. Tame Italians were sed, 1 menu made for the auto racewhielt Years Passes Awa rights of which they cls- arineaL wftn i + „ Lnlr Posen, Prussia, 'June 1.—The Pos- twos attended by, so many fatalities: 3' ' clefs have been violated. p cA:s, rslvavels, eflabs and oner Tageblatt pubd lies a report ire somewhat severe earth shack p 4t. Petersburg, pieces of lead pipe.. The police ad - that a ferry -boat bza,ving on board The afternaoon Faris papers con, „ A:elebrates• vanced on the Italians , and rained atwos felt tiers this morning, but no forty-five children capsized on the teen long G'taries of the remarkable St. Petersburg, Jutie 1.—Tele cele- blows rightt and -left. The rioters ; +dcmatge was done. ' River �Varthe, near Dem,bro. The ca,se elf a young woman living uealt THE CASE A PHENOMENAL ONE bratlons of the bl-centenary of the made a brief shonv+ of resistance and London, May ea.—T,be 1loreign Of- ferryman and twenty of tits children, St, .Quohr'tia, whto, after living in a�' founding of St. Petersburg were in- then, fled in a,11 directions. A ma- e. he paper says, were drowned, trance for twenty years, awake last PAXIS, Ju.138 1.-1larguerite Boyen- aitigurated auspiciousli* to -day with jorit floe here to -clay received some de- I y of the gang gathered again,. tlai1s from the British Consul at l.rz- Lady ]He11ry Quits. night. (vat, who awake Tuesday trorn• a _0 sua lutieu aind' a procession of the Image however, amid went north to 171st roum regarding the recent earth- I ,Lanldorn, June 1.—ImAyl Henry Som- George Diedrich, imprisoned in the years trance, died •to -day. The case i of the Saviour, aaad Peter the Greats street-, near Claremont Park, and :quake at >Vtelazglterd, according to erset has retired from the Essex County jail, Newark, N. 7., err is referred tab . tdi,e news ti ers us boat, " the. grandfather of the Russian, at -tacked the men engaged in work t g presidency a charge ori burglary, hanged him- y p` p nava,, from Peters house in the fort- on• the concourse, Police scattered 1�;hiGh a strong earthquake shock, of the National British Woolen's yertex*da Fee . had 0116 of the moist • remarkable known rose of Saints Peter and Paul to the the crowd and enols several arrests, i Ming 30 setconds, was telt in the Temperance Association self in his cell y. p on account of April 29 throughout the of her health. persisted in asserting ibis, Innocence, In, medical .science. The woman fell morning , entire district between Lake Tian A Crael Husband. and brooded overhits imprisonment. Into a cataleptic trance on May, 21, pected. that concerted action was F$dANCE�KEEPs UP DUTY. sxtd filo Russian frontier, and so far Lornddn, June 1.—&<1'1vs Jeffreys, Waiter ilaitli, seventeen 'years ped, 1883, 'after giving birth to a. child. y to be taken to reach the jail, and Worst as lfiharput. Taro town of Melaz» filo well-known actress, has been of �Clinrtorn, pleaded guilty in the Sup+ It teas thought at first that she I' the troops re y Rhard, consisting of 500 houses, was granted a divorce from Aon. F. IG, ercog Court at Worcester, Mass., yes- was a victim of halucinatian, and p prepared to give an Bill Proposing Reduction Rejected by Y tezxla•y morn'ng of killing has father, the comers a hot reception. A terrific destroyed,, and much havoc was Curzon, on the grounds of cruelty police were going to arrest her. Big �ia'arlty. wxought in the surrounding villages. and misconduct. Curzon is a son . of 'rliont is Smith, AprlI.20th,; and wasI At the beginning ofherlong sleep storm was raging, and no further J sentenced to the State is demonstration was made., Padre, .Jame ll.—ra' tllia Chlamfber OM Colonel iihalil Bey, commanding the the lath Lord Howe. t a p'�san for she suffered serious convulsive 'at- Deputies an Tuesday, after a .brief life. t tacks about every`, two months, but discussion, the„bill reducing the duty The. Baa of Croatia, Count Hader- eventually ail movement ceased. Her di wheat to five francs reducing mras defeated le - IN THE MTlffTHE MONTREAL STRIKE. vary, declared that the whole mote jaws were clenched violently, and IS KING FOU KEIT, by a majority of 30g etas m ifi in Croatia was; the result of the she sank into the most profound le- The Minister of riculture. M. tutificafion of the Croatian opposition telergy,, .with pbysical insensibility Mau oet, in o a opposing the measure Statement .by the Street Railway at Agra,m and its adaption of a de- and mental inertness. Dr. Charlier, stated that the present price e,1: Company, mand for financial separation from who aitenaed tier throughout, was wheat was not excessive, and that' Hungary, as a national battle cry. able at first to cause sensibility by Father Y►:ll Spend His Last the farmers were receiving alotcer ?d',tre'a'l, June '1 --In view of the Sir William Mackenzie, in an Inter- injecting -sulphate of atropine sub- p price than was regarded as legiti- ew Zealand Government to end of tae strike last night Mr. W. vieav, in London s� el%ks ve'r highly cutaneously, but he ceased that mately profitable. The proposed re - G. Ross, Secretary -Treasurer cd the on their singing of oratorio in atreatment when lie. found that no, Cent for SOn� duction of duty would not produce Establish Enterprise, Montreal Street railwaq Company, oda, acrd says Canadian choirs have permanent progress was induced. the desired end of cheaper bread, as to -dray issued the following state- all the necelsbary qualifications and About five miouthts ago t'he doc- -- it would not affect the price of flour. ment • ' N WILL HAVE SHOPS iN BRITAIN Lonlddn, June :1,—The Government of New Zealand will shortly initiate able meat selling enterprise. Prime Minister -Seddon has cabled, a re sponse to an enquiry. from London that the Government proposed to buy meWt;. in the colony, and ship it direct to the United Kingdom, where depots will be established in The big manufacturing centres. The moat will be sold at a price that •"'frill simlal-y cove* the costs. It is further Learned that New. Zealand Intends to employ the existing silty or seventy factories, to kill, freeze, track and ship the meat at a fixed 4'Um per carcass. A commissioner will manage the o promise of any nature whatever has been made to the strikers to in wee diem to go to wart;. The compall,,y wiAl adhere to the published statement issued by them before the strike started, to the effect that they will help the men themselves to form a. mutual benefit association, but will brook no interference with the manage- ment of oiur affairs and so soon as the 6itnatian levo s Clea red lip we in- tend to consult t'h'e best of our men and form'ula'te, such an association. Although the mere have broken the agreement entered into last Febru- ary, the edmliia.ny will continue to carry out their, part of it" The 1100teeai Light, Heat & Power Company state that a largo num- ber of the striking linemen have re- turned, seeking employment. Joseph H. Aube, business manager of the Street Railwaymen's Union, an a charge of trying to intimidate men who desired to wort;, was or - Government's business in the United dterod today to pay the costs of tile. lMn,gdam, and euperintend a staff of case and find two sureties in the 'branch managers. 'Che first depots sum Of $400 to keep the peace for will be established at Glasgow, Man- twelve m'Ont1be, Chester;' Liverpool and Cardiff; all ill aGn In tflame of the New Zealand Government ,, jr'here will be also, retail shops, ai- (' though it is intended when the bust— sell is firmly established to abandon n BRIEF these and lease the retailing to �V�•��� � ordinary butchers, the Government Imply mgLgtaining experts to 6ver- *0 fife trade, • •�'•W. CANAWAN ,The New Zealand frozen meat trade has rapidly advanced in recent years. Judgment was reserved in the Tho New Zealand mutton imported North Grey protest appeal. tato, Great Britain in 1897 was valued There are thirty-five cases of scar - •ht £.2.,077.000, and tine beef at £118,- lett fever at London. I 000. In 1902 the mutton imports had In the Northwest Territories 300 risen in value to £31219,000, and the parcels of school lands have been sold beef to £417,000. 'Great Britain's at pricers ranging from $3 to $37 per total imparts of mutton in 1902 acre. izmounted to nearly £7,000,000 and beef nearly £8,000,000. Mr. Seddon Mr. John Fleming was elected to hopes to capture a large proportion the County Council of Hastings for of this trade. the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. R. A. Porter. DECIDES TITLES FOR FLEETS, has asked foremier theresignat Columbia, _ resignation of At- tarneyGenera.l Bberts and Commis- _. P, R. Has Fixed Official Designa• sioner of Lands Wells. I , e tion With Bub -Titles. Tarontos' bill providing for elee- i' Montreal, June L-Jalwo officials of, tion of Controllers by popular vote ;lite C. P. It. have decided upon tete passed the Private Bills Committee. riofficial deliguation of, its steamship mIt is reported that the oavern- ent intends to advance a loan of i;leet,a, • . ,, l,..•:. , , ' ,, . $2;000,000 to provide further, faelli- =ere are five of these in all, and tim at Montreal harbor.. ! , . ' the general title will be: "Trite Can- hOv. S. Jorti'n Dnnein Llark, ''To= adian Pacific Railway Company's ron'to, has accepted a call to be Steamship Lines," with a sub -title to ;Pastor of the Christian Church, Apply to each ,service as foliows : Traopvidie, N. Y., and 'leaves rot Pacific service, Atlantic servibe, TrOO&R-le some time nezt `week. British Columbia coast service, up- Three 4hiners fell 140 feet in 'the per lake ,service, British 'Columbia 13e11'ii26nd: mine at - Cordova, 'Ont:, lake and river service:through some aceld:ent to 'the skip. The only nes. application In rL-- lvleezer 'yeoinains vvas killed; The spect of these various services ig Catnby and another man probably that which applies to what was tor- fatally. in'jared, 1tn+erl the he C. P. Navigation y a�t on o - g C m Y tel• es da was�a b" y i da t In h e g n a •;. y . fully, and which, having now "been Toronto 'Police Court, and as •a ter taken over by the C. P. R. company, suit tine city 'treasury will receive will in future *be known as the Brit- oven $1,000 aontributed'In finee. •Lee }sit Columbia coast service. Jim was fined1150 and'costs or six ,BRITAIN GETS THREE ISLANDS, U. S. Will Pay for British Steamer sua�fi by a Cruiser, Talliti, May 1.5, via Sass Francisco, tided that the united States must .lune I.—Intorrmla,iian received on the p'ay for the British 'steamship Pos-, best authority i0onfirme the rumor colla, a which w srammed cd and sank byS. Gtlli lei Ca lumbi' a, on the :that tierce small islands near 1�it- sii,(;h,t of ili:ay. 18, 1898, in ��. •dense fog bah%.,sveMeseiz,edby. Britain recently, off Firs 1slaind. 'Tile Calutubia, was , oma of the ] e lotto 1 uadioh t e I sti lookln t: appears t fat .lie w re regarded a I ed X i'la, y g g pp Eby 'British G'ansul Simons at Tahiti oat for Cervape' fleet, which lied safle'd front Gape �"arclt;, for what Iles- '94 vAJi14blo, .atu,ticlpating the cath dl3atlon Ways unknown, As tlld '[l. S, jxletion of the Panama Canal, he cannot be ,sued as an individual, Con. B,ritlsh Foleigb office approved the grerns passed it bill autborlAng the U, S. District Court to decide who. +ATxui"e; ! I the, or Tot the Government was re - 'Will. ..• 'Pay for Stbarner. spanslbi . '1111ie having been decided, . t. b& questioin of darsaageg will now go l!tefw York, May ?.e, »Juchge tidaxn,s, ko a i sferee. be o iii rl�zt Court Q wlners clam beafr- ! Si, hA td ly V �t Y v�• only require careful cultivation to bring about the mast excellent re - suite. `A former insurgent named Galda, who lives in Tacloban, leas brought suit against Major Edw,asd Glenn, the notorious torturer, for $15,- 000 damages, on the ground of un- just imprisonment and loss of his business and healt'h4 ` A despatch from Flgulg to the Pa. trie ,says Bu Hamara, the pretender to the Moorish throne, .yesterday re- viewed thirty, thousand mem before the Amir df tIguig, 12 miles from Tagil. It is supposed thlat he intends to attack the Frenchpests. Solomon Rdrn; 29 years old; of Brooklyn; committed suicide yester- day. by shooting, after perhaps fat- ally wounding his employer; Juliurl Reiss; also of Brooklyn.. Reiss was taken to the Goniverneur Hospital with tiva bullet wounki;s in the back. tars sate signs of returning con- sciousness, and renewed their efforts to revivetier, but she did net open her eyes until Tuesday, when, , feel- Ing the dowtar',s finger on her flesh she said: "You' are pinching me.” She answered the doctor's questions wital "Yes" or "No,' but dial not converse further. From her laconic answers it seemed that she was unable to recognize her relatives, She mistook her mother for her sis- ter. Her memomy c*peared to be fixed ,On the time when mile 'worked in the village sugar factory. Throughout her sleep she was fed air peptone administered through a quill wbere a tooth lead been removed for the purpose. She fell' asleep at the age of 22 years, and awoke at the age af'' 42 60 the co'nsci.ouSness of ex- treme pb'y,sl al weakness a•nd ex- haustion, from which she died, The bo(N, woo almost a skeleton. Lord Monikbretton, who has been private ,secretary, to Rt: Aon. Joss Ile . ATTACKED 1$$E JAIL 41 Cha•mberlainy has been appointed -- 'w w Lji Which 'Men Charged With Marcum month,t`for keeping tl, g,lmlag It44n Thul•s6%V, but by thu goon offices of tt,t 69.1-� G�ue�G�n street tte,et, ITe Reid 1 tlt,r isill,lull Atnb,,�'asctdoi leu lids peen TOWN".the fine Seventeeia other Chinese I ai)0lvell 4o, tte tlaj'r� 9, we to naulte tlat.4 fatitd 91 0 alttl cort�tr or k <,y b' 'lt', bek'Qto led s- SULTAN'S BRU ���j 1U tl't 8 ciGll:'�titit tti'rttll •t,mGi leach for loo.:k tn,g an at the ga,nie, ;inti It • 7r '6eYeliteen mote were. fined $1, and 111o:lirnrs',•cotatme.it.n,' editorially BY GREAT osta ar 30 days aaah for Igequent { u fou tnt. 1nt:Iden. sn,ys : ` Until we astng the Iiiace. All paid tthoit• finee, i posuess nior:eAotailed xnformatron it EARTHQUAIKLESy Y f tr flue a stblo to co.Iattetl4 iutlequatyly 01"4 A WSE ®F POISO"T.1. � BRITISH AND FORE GN upon this =•emurkable naeastue, unfits= The were Qty de, tits frim •'bi_ cedented tvitliin ,our experience, ,or.. boric plague at Iquique, Clrili, even to spectilate 'i1pon tits causes to - . Tlvo Ttussi¢t.n artillery officers acts. n'iiieli. it 16 lifts. '11 e feel very confit. Population of Two Thousand dent that out: ve given i n the will not lA 9 lJ li {f 'YJ �7 fee'sed 'to plottilig to )t it uota,ble per t • Sol' be be found 'tu nave given fife, slightest -, d @•� q rJustification for the harsh treatm-ant'Croatian Members Issue a Mani- n��p (� Perished TJae deaths from, the plague in the dealt out to him He has dis lay- ..rr and . � �E�'{il �' li �Yl ��h�,� tiered r lrrrut 'Jan, 1 to lifaly S alum- ed conspicuous judgxuent and Iuod- Turks bared 141,72#9.; eration Ili tete discharge of Ills s re- nn A numbcu- of Jeware leaving St. spowdble' duties, If ,there bave.been festo in Defence. Petersburg because .otf the receipt of features in Vussla's domestic polley IConist",tinople, dune - Advices garrison of A;ielazgberd, with his thr-ea,tehing lettere, b lvhicll it woos im'pro8slble for any:for- Vagrid, Juice ,1.-- A report from, Cathedral of St. Isaac, which, was 1 tvhiotl r©4iched here to -day from whole family, three other officers and One lrtiliclreci ileuses once ina2ty half- sign observer• in lrir p�osftlon to, ( , I : eigh,ty,soldi.ers, perished in the ruins; ness buildings were burned o n I either overlook or minimi'? 'Ile ,has Ceuta says the Sailta,n of lllorocco s rescued amidst the pealing of many, d'siatic T,ui1£eyR sliaw. that a:terrlble fa d �" at ' bells and, the chanting of hymns. At Lieut .-Colonel Tayib, whose family Laconia,•N. IT. but shared thio tatiagivings felt by brotaer,'MI'lat A,Loiammod,.i,s `dea.d.' teteCathedrala great aartltiluake `o�c&irrgd on April 29th perished, became insane. The telo- tin, Alfonso of S tin hr3s in e I not a fete tlioughtlnl rind patriotic l Tie was poisoned; arecotding to the g a assemblage of at Me g p Inherited digpItarfe�s, diplo'm'ats . and repre- ia,zgllierd, in the vilayet of 'Pan, graph operator who sent the news of $7,5001000 ainclo:r' ' the will. O Russians theluseive,;.` the catastrophe, said he himself was J.11s _ deispatoh, ! se�ntativo bodies awaited. the arrival elkghty miles southeast of Erzeroum, ,grandfather; the late Bing Flancfs, Croatia's Protest. of the Czar and Czarina. on the tuphrates, T11e town was badly injnred, and that his wife and An explosion of sister had been killed. He rescued ills gag in. -the Clear- Vienn'ra, June 7. The Croatian i Attacked by Strikers. ]totally deetray�d, with: its entire Instruments from the ruins of the of- tiers coal an•d coke mine at Pedera,l, IWOKE FHOM, �I����GE memhers of the Ileichsrtitti and the Now York, Jn'nie 1.—About 400 liar-Ipopulation, numbering 2,000 souls fice with the eatest difflcu,lty. I'+t' today killed four' men instantl3,fans, ibhw typic formerly employed , members of the' Cro;atia:n Diet have ilneludin,g 700 ,1.rmenians, as well as The Foreign Office has appealed for badly burned ,seven and slightly in- o'ti the subway, bu't, are now out on �e tr g subscriptions for the relief of the jared a naimber of otliers.,, -- published a joint manifesto attrib- shrike, gathered in Harlem too -day troops*forming the garrison of de,stltute :lfohammedaus and Chris- Newspaper correspondents charger utinig the populla:r excitement in Croa- wind, made a des'ceot on the son-unioi Melazgherd. In aiddition, over 400 tiaras of the Dfelazgherd district. the�F;repoh Government with criniintat Girl V4 h,) Slept for TwentyV tia to what they describe as the• sad negro la'borer's who were at wgrk houses in net hborin villages y-oite Drowned. negleot in regard to the arrange- eandition of affairs in that province on the tunnel at 161st street, and g i g Lager Col- Gwent ,; the national ti Uorris avenue. Tame Italians were sed, 1 menu made for the auto racewhielt Years Passes Awa rights of which they cls- arineaL wftn i + „ Lnlr Posen, Prussia, 'June 1.—The Pos- twos attended by, so many fatalities: 3' ' clefs have been violated. p cA:s, rslvavels, eflabs and oner Tageblatt pubd lies a report ire somewhat severe earth shack p 4t. Petersburg, pieces of lead pipe.. The police ad - that a ferry -boat bza,ving on board The afternaoon Faris papers con, „ A:elebrates• vanced on the Italians , and rained atwos felt tiers this morning, but no forty-five children capsized on the teen long G'taries of the remarkable St. Petersburg, Jutie 1.—Tele cele- blows rightt and -left. The rioters ; +dcmatge was done. ' River �Varthe, near Dem,bro. The ca,se elf a young woman living uealt THE CASE A PHENOMENAL ONE bratlons of the bl-centenary of the made a brief shonv+ of resistance and London, May ea.—T,be 1loreign Of- ferryman and twenty of tits children, St, .Quohr'tia, whto, after living in a�' founding of St. Petersburg were in- then, fled in a,11 directions. A ma- e. he paper says, were drowned, trance for twenty years, awake last PAXIS, Ju.138 1.-1larguerite Boyen- aitigurated auspiciousli* to -day with jorit floe here to -clay received some de- I y of the gang gathered again,. tlai1s from the British Consul at l.rz- Lady ]He11ry Quits. night. (vat, who awake Tuesday trorn• a _0 sua lutieu aind' a procession of the Image however, amid went north to 171st roum regarding the recent earth- I ,Lanldorn, June 1.—ImAyl Henry Som- George Diedrich, imprisoned in the years trance, died •to -day. The case i of the Saviour, aaad Peter the Greats street-, near Claremont Park, and :quake at >Vtelazglterd, according to erset has retired from the Essex County jail, Newark, N. 7., err is referred tab . tdi,e news ti ers us boat, " the. grandfather of the Russian, at -tacked the men engaged in work t g presidency a charge ori burglary, hanged him- y p` p nava,, from Peters house in the fort- on• the concourse, Police scattered 1�;hiGh a strong earthquake shock, of the National British Woolen's yertex*da Fee . had 0116 of the moist • remarkable known rose of Saints Peter and Paul to the the crowd and enols several arrests, i Ming 30 setconds, was telt in the Temperance Association self in his cell y. p on account of April 29 throughout the of her health. persisted in asserting ibis, Innocence, In, medical .science. The woman fell morning , entire district between Lake Tian A Crael Husband. and brooded overhits imprisonment. Into a cataleptic trance on May, 21, pected. that concerted action was F$dANCE�KEEPs UP DUTY. sxtd filo Russian frontier, and so far Lornddn, June 1.—&<1'1vs Jeffreys, Waiter ilaitli, seventeen 'years ped, 1883, 'after giving birth to a. child. y to be taken to reach the jail, and Worst as lfiharput. Taro town of Melaz» filo well-known actress, has been of �Clinrtorn, pleaded guilty in the Sup+ It teas thought at first that she I' the troops re y Rhard, consisting of 500 houses, was granted a divorce from Aon. F. IG, ercog Court at Worcester, Mass., yes- was a victim of halucinatian, and p prepared to give an Bill Proposing Reduction Rejected by Y tezxla•y morn'ng of killing has father, the comers a hot reception. A terrific destroyed,, and much havoc was Curzon, on the grounds of cruelty police were going to arrest her. Big �ia'arlty. wxought in the surrounding villages. and misconduct. Curzon is a son . of 'rliont is Smith, AprlI.20th,; and wasI At the beginning ofherlong sleep storm was raging, and no further J sentenced to the State is demonstration was made., Padre, .Jame ll.—ra' tllia Chlamfber OM Colonel iihalil Bey, commanding the the lath Lord Howe. t a p'�san for she suffered serious convulsive 'at- Deputies an Tuesday, after a .brief life. t tacks about every`, two months, but discussion, the„bill reducing the duty The. Baa of Croatia, Count Hader- eventually ail movement ceased. Her di wheat to five francs reducing mras defeated le - IN THE MTlffTHE MONTREAL STRIKE. vary, declared that the whole mote jaws were clenched violently, and IS KING FOU KEIT, by a majority of 30g etas m ifi in Croatia was; the result of the she sank into the most profound le- The Minister of riculture. M. tutificafion of the Croatian opposition telergy,, .with pbysical insensibility Mau oet, in o a opposing the measure Statement .by the Street Railway at Agra,m and its adaption of a de- and mental inertness. Dr. Charlier, stated that the present price e,1: Company, mand for financial separation from who aitenaed tier throughout, was wheat was not excessive, and that' Hungary, as a national battle cry. able at first to cause sensibility by Father Y►:ll Spend His Last the farmers were receiving alotcer ?d',tre'a'l, June '1 --In view of the Sir William Mackenzie, in an Inter- injecting -sulphate of atropine sub- p price than was regarded as legiti- ew Zealand Government to end of tae strike last night Mr. W. vieav, in London s� el%ks ve'r highly cutaneously, but he ceased that mately profitable. The proposed re - G. Ross, Secretary -Treasurer cd the on their singing of oratorio in atreatment when lie. found that no, Cent for SOn� duction of duty would not produce Establish Enterprise, Montreal Street railwaq Company, oda, acrd says Canadian choirs have permanent progress was induced. the desired end of cheaper bread, as to -dray issued the following state- all the necelsbary qualifications and About five miouthts ago t'he doc- -- it would not affect the price of flour. ment • ' N WILL HAVE SHOPS iN BRITAIN Lonlddn, June :1,—The Government of New Zealand will shortly initiate able meat selling enterprise. Prime Minister -Seddon has cabled, a re sponse to an enquiry. from London that the Government proposed to buy meWt;. in the colony, and ship it direct to the United Kingdom, where depots will be established in The big manufacturing centres. The moat will be sold at a price that •"'frill simlal-y cove* the costs. It is further Learned that New. Zealand Intends to employ the existing silty or seventy factories, to kill, freeze, track and ship the meat at a fixed 4'Um per carcass. A commissioner will manage the o promise of any nature whatever has been made to the strikers to in wee diem to go to wart;. The compall,,y wiAl adhere to the published statement issued by them before the strike started, to the effect that they will help the men themselves to form a. mutual benefit association, but will brook no interference with the manage- ment of oiur affairs and so soon as the 6itnatian levo s Clea red lip we in- tend to consult t'h'e best of our men and form'ula'te, such an association. Although the mere have broken the agreement entered into last Febru- ary, the edmliia.ny will continue to carry out their, part of it" The 1100teeai Light, Heat & Power Company state that a largo num- ber of the striking linemen have re- turned, seeking employment. Joseph H. Aube, business manager of the Street Railwaymen's Union, an a charge of trying to intimidate men who desired to wort;, was or - Government's business in the United dterod today to pay the costs of tile. lMn,gdam, and euperintend a staff of case and find two sureties in the 'branch managers. 'Che first depots sum Of $400 to keep the peace for will be established at Glasgow, Man- twelve m'Ont1be, Chester;' Liverpool and Cardiff; all ill aGn In tflame of the New Zealand Government ,, jr'here will be also, retail shops, ai- (' though it is intended when the bust— sell is firmly established to abandon n BRIEF these and lease the retailing to �V�•��� � ordinary butchers, the Government Imply mgLgtaining experts to 6ver- *0 fife trade, • •�'•W. CANAWAN ,The New Zealand frozen meat trade has rapidly advanced in recent years. Judgment was reserved in the Tho New Zealand mutton imported North Grey protest appeal. tato, Great Britain in 1897 was valued There are thirty-five cases of scar - •ht £.2.,077.000, and tine beef at £118,- lett fever at London. I 000. In 1902 the mutton imports had In the Northwest Territories 300 risen in value to £31219,000, and the parcels of school lands have been sold beef to £417,000. 'Great Britain's at pricers ranging from $3 to $37 per total imparts of mutton in 1902 acre. izmounted to nearly £7,000,000 and beef nearly £8,000,000. Mr. Seddon Mr. John Fleming was elected to hopes to capture a large proportion the County Council of Hastings for of this trade. the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. R. A. Porter. DECIDES TITLES FOR FLEETS, has asked foremier theresignat Columbia, _ resignation of At- tarneyGenera.l Bberts and Commis- _. P, R. Has Fixed Official Designa• sioner of Lands Wells. I , e tion With Bub -Titles. Tarontos' bill providing for elee- i' Montreal, June L-Jalwo officials of, tion of Controllers by popular vote ;lite C. P. It. have decided upon tete passed the Private Bills Committee. riofficial deliguation of, its steamship mIt is reported that the oavern- ent intends to advance a loan of i;leet,a, • . ,, l,..•:. , , ' ,, . $2;000,000 to provide further, faelli- =ere are five of these in all, and tim at Montreal harbor.. ! , . ' the general title will be: "Trite Can- hOv. S. Jorti'n Dnnein Llark, ''To= adian Pacific Railway Company's ron'to, has accepted a call to be Steamship Lines," with a sub -title to ;Pastor of the Christian Church, Apply to each ,service as foliows : Traopvidie, N. Y., and 'leaves rot Pacific service, Atlantic servibe, TrOO&R-le some time nezt `week. British Columbia coast service, up- Three 4hiners fell 140 feet in 'the per lake ,service, British 'Columbia 13e11'ii26nd: mine at - Cordova, 'Ont:, lake and river service:through some aceld:ent to 'the skip. The only nes. application In rL-- lvleezer 'yeoinains vvas killed; The spect of these various services ig Catnby and another man probably that which applies to what was tor- fatally. in'jared, 1tn+erl the he C. P. Navigation y a�t on o - g C m Y tel• es da was�a b" y i da t In h e g n a •;. y . fully, and which, having now "been Toronto 'Police Court, and as •a ter taken over by the C. P. R. company, suit tine city 'treasury will receive will in future *be known as the Brit- oven $1,000 aontributed'In finee. •Lee }sit Columbia coast service. Jim was fined1150 and'costs or six ,BRITAIN GETS THREE ISLANDS, U. S. Will Pay for British Steamer sua�fi by a Cruiser, Talliti, May 1.5, via Sass Francisco, tided that the united States must .lune I.—Intorrmla,iian received on the p'ay for the British 'steamship Pos-, best authority i0onfirme the rumor colla, a which w srammed cd and sank byS. Gtlli lei Ca lumbi' a, on the :that tierce small islands near 1�it- sii,(;h,t of ili:ay. 18, 1898, in ��. •dense fog bah%.,sveMeseiz,edby. Britain recently, off Firs 1slaind. 'Tile Calutubia, was , oma of the ] e lotto 1 uadioh t e I sti lookln t: appears t fat .lie w re regarded a I ed X i'la, y g g pp Eby 'British G'ansul Simons at Tahiti oat for Cervape' fleet, which lied safle'd front Gape �"arclt;, for what Iles- '94 vAJi14blo, .atu,ticlpating the cath dl3atlon Ways unknown, As tlld '[l. S, jxletion of the Panama Canal, he cannot be ,sued as an individual, Con. B,ritlsh Foleigb office approved the grerns passed it bill autborlAng the U, S. District Court to decide who. +ATxui"e; ! I the, or Tot the Government was re - 'Will. ..• 'Pay for Stbarner. spanslbi . '1111ie having been decided, . t. b& questioin of darsaageg will now go l!tefw York, May ?.e, »Juchge tidaxn,s, ko a i sferee. be o iii rl�zt Court Q wlners clam beafr- ! Si, hA td ly V �t Y v�• only require careful cultivation to bring about the mast excellent re - suite. `A former insurgent named Galda, who lives in Tacloban, leas brought suit against Major Edw,asd Glenn, the notorious torturer, for $15,- 000 damages, on the ground of un- just imprisonment and loss of his business and healt'h4 ` A despatch from Flgulg to the Pa. trie ,says Bu Hamara, the pretender to the Moorish throne, .yesterday re- viewed thirty, thousand mem before the Amir df tIguig, 12 miles from Tagil. It is supposed thlat he intends to attack the Frenchpests. Solomon Rdrn; 29 years old; of Brooklyn; committed suicide yester- day. by shooting, after perhaps fat- ally wounding his employer; Juliurl Reiss; also of Brooklyn.. Reiss was taken to the Goniverneur Hospital with tiva bullet wounki;s in the back. tars sate signs of returning con- sciousness, and renewed their efforts to revivetier, but she did net open her eyes until Tuesday, when, , feel- Ing the dowtar',s finger on her flesh she said: "You' are pinching me.” She answered the doctor's questions wital "Yes" or "No,' but dial not converse further. From her laconic answers it seemed that she was unable to recognize her relatives, She mistook her mother for her sis- ter. Her memomy c*peared to be fixed ,On the time when mile 'worked in the village sugar factory. Throughout her sleep she was fed air peptone administered through a quill wbere a tooth lead been removed for the purpose. She fell' asleep at the age of 22 years, and awoke at the age af'' 42 60 the co'nsci.ouSness of ex- treme pb'y,sl al weakness a•nd ex- haustion, from which she died, The bo(N, woo almost a skeleton. Lord Monikbretton, who has been private ,secretary, to Rt: Aon. Joss Ile . ATTACKED 1$$E JAIL 41 Cha•mberlainy has been appointed -- Under Secretary, for the !Colonies in Lji Which 'Men Charged With Marcum succession to the 14�arl of Onslow, i Murder etre held. appointed President of the ,Doane of Agriculture, vice R. W. Haubury, de• Jaeksotr, Ky., June 1.—Last night pealed. , w,tis a veritable 2night of horror here Queen Wilhelmina, 'accompanied by and there %vas almost a panic among the troops, as well as thie the Prince Consort and the Queen people. An attack on the jail vv'as mother, opened the new bourse at. repulsed, but hundreds of, s•]vots Amsterdam yesterday ,afternoon. were -fired., Her Majesty made a ' brief speadi, Early last evening a body of during which she expressed her best wishes for the prosperity of about 6'0 armed mss were seen trade, in the interests, of the whole prowling about tete city, and at men began to sneak to - country.midnight country. :the jail, where Jett and White, er,, whb la ter 'released him on $20,-1 accused of the Marcum !murder,•are ORDERED FROMRU A. confined. Guards commanded the _ men to, halt and. in reply several Times Correspondent Has Been Asked shots '-were fired. Immediately the to Blake Himself Bcarce, guards returned the fire. Terre prowlers ran about a hundred LoIrndon, June 1.—The Times an= yards towards the jail and fired nounce-s the receipt of a telegram) again. The . guards then poured from its St. Petersburg correspondent three volleva into the on -coming stating that he has been ordered met in rapid succession. 'Moving by the R,usdan Government to leave objects .meru discovered on the Russian territory. The order, as north: slide of thle jaik also, and a originally signified to him i,, was that { fe,% moments before the firing a was to leave St. Petersburg on fla,sh of lighthing. It ;ivas' then ex- HIGtl POSTAL OFFICIAL ARRESTED FOR TAKINfi BRIBE.I c Dade off SQx ,Weeks Accused of Poisoning o s®sang fierAusband. .!4YatslidiYtolh, b. 'C., rano 1:—A.' W. 'custody tete Postmaster'Geirerai is- MUCheb, general superintendent of 'eede1i sued a,n order removing him fron office. He paid been practically an - 1I the oery -division of the der suspenscn for a fortni tt>nend-Lostoffico Department; 4vae arrest- lng the 'Investigationinto his bat' - est yesterday afternoon In the of- !m4iti. fice of 'General Bristow,on the Postmaster 'General Payne In an - charge of 'Having accepted $2�0.00 'nouncing the news' of these events, w -as perceptibly moved by the enor. In bribes from 'the firm of rGroff mity of this culmination of the .Ma,- atios, of this idity, -inventors and Chen past of the scandal. And it manufacturers of a .patent 'fasten- .'Was 'with an evident appreoiablon of this ga eat seriousness of the whole er u'secl on street li tter boxes: afitiir that 'he said; Mu,ehent `wd s. tlakeQ into custody, by Ii "•I fear the end is not yet," N Unitedi5tate's marshal ond•brouglit Brides Charged With Alturder, before, a United States commission- Goliblesville, 'Ga., •June 1.: , Wed.ded er,, whb la ter 'released him on $20,-1 ;just sL% weeks ago; Mrs. Clara rran- 000 bail, 'furnisheid by. a bondingl net is under arrest, Wharged will% } killing her husband by., poison, She oompe,n.y; gave a Mutter ' partyi on "Mond'ayv ' Diller B. Groff and amue1 A , Soon after ic! •cream was served all 'S Groff,, the 1aghoneda meberner became ua1elt1 i11, except Mrs. Tan - wha did flat take oriy, of the Of the Gi'aslifntgton police force, who: cream, The. h-lisband scan. died and compose the �. p h firm of t UzolC s: Bre, , oaf rthe' guests m .d ' two g >ay ler � toni 1tand w111 be to 1� y.sict ans declared i vo. arel t1e rQvorarrestec were, sym�ptams aP btryGiiiiine poI.arri sed -morrow. suit will (be entered by the �Fl goinun,ro'!en the erealn was ex•aCivil amied liti nea,s fownd to ocntaiil govornigent to recover the22 $ ..,000,. wbibb,' it is ,alleged, Maclien re � quantities Ott t, tepoison,n. btrs. Tanned 1 a,;rrested ' Ti is said she lived ceivod' ue a bribe, 'and 14laehen and f WAi:v . unll lrplly. with her busba,'nd, having the tw,O. Groff brothers wi)] be'pro- { been forced to mtarry him by; �herl sent ed Gr i min,alf On t n he o h f y charge o - r m, _. reptle. She laved - en .s S1 snot r 11e an. i h i conopiracy, Mrs, 'Taniner is nineteen ti''�aftel' Alter ,Mr, Machon. 1ias t.,akoll into ,41111 knit heir hastaind w o ;fid. , , r 1 i S• FRIENDS ADVISE HIM TO QUIT T,he remedy, if bread was too dear, I continued tate Minister, was for the municipalities toexercise their polwer Rochester, June 1.—A. D. Kent, I III to fix an official price of bread: father or Leland Dort, Bent, the young medical student who was sen- tenced to 20 years in Auburn for 61NAMITE WAS STHUCK111 having caused the death of Ethel L••lcu;nehe Dingle. is coniident that Jus- tice Davey will issue the certificate Carelessness of Rock Foreman of reeisonable, doubt, for which appli- cation was made by Attorney Cost Two Lives. Raines, Bent's lawyer, in Penn Yau last week. Justice Davey may hand down his decision today. "If' i CONTRACTOR ONE OF VICTIMS U'ail is flticad at �i.'30,000 we would have to qua.lily, in the sum of � ,Mdotreal, June 1.—A 'terrib3e a�- $40,000, said Mr.. licnt, and I tear cadent occurred yesterday an tate ghat is g1•ciatly beyond me, I hope line Of the Northern Colonization that, if Justice Davey issues the cer- Railway at Mahaza, about 35 miles tificate of realeonable doubt, the bail from 1Ffomtreal. As the result of au will not be higher than we can fur- explosion of dyln,aiitte, J. Laurence 131011: ' i Sutherland, well known Nova Sootial It appears that Mr. Kent's most in- railway' contractor, who was com- tiinate, friends have been urging hint pletin.g the road, an•d Frederick Mig- to abandon the attempt to Secure a nerorn, a boarding-house keeper, were new trial for his son, • kll% and Tele,sparore Michaud, one ,,It will ruin you financially and of Sutaterl'atrti'le foremen was so bad - may be the cause of your death," is ly, injured gnat hoe is not the argument they have used. "You .expected to recorver. ares not strong enough to stand the The disaster was the result of the strain. Let the boy serve four or five then carelessness of Michraud, who, ire years af.his sentence and ap- ply for a pardon. You can ' as-ify get placing the dynamite in a cut in' the racks, now being torn asunder, anti it on the grounds on whicl2 you seek through which the Northern Colon• - a new, trial, the severity of rile cousin izatian llailway' extension is to pass„ I and they unfairness of the al lib failed to notice that a quantity of you, will be in :shape to help him when rock crumbs had fallen in upom the ne, c.omele out," TJaose who have been urging ells. sticks of dynamite. In order to dis- I lodge the dyin,a.milte, he struck it with Bent to give up the attempt for a; tbo "tampag rad," and the nest new trial include some of the 'most moment a feaxful explosion took prominent men in the city, wlio have place. knonvP him* all his life. his physician Mr Sutherland, who was standhI4 Is among the most earnest in at- near by, waa i,nsthmtly killed. Mign1 te,mptin;g to dissuade him. ; • "`Tt iey toast Ise to quit," said Mr' Bran, who was near, wNs hurl.ecl many feet Into the air. His rod Tient. The bolt friends I have are trying to get me to 'throw down the mains came dawn near the feet of Ili,* case. `Feil; I vt:an't do it if it costs wife who wale. standing at the doov of taeir hone. Michaud was terribly$ me every oent I have, and even if injured. I knew that my life would, be de- tided in the issue, 'too. Mr• J. Laurence Sutherland, the What is bothering me is the lines- dead contractor, was a native of River John,Pi,ctou County, N. S. R*tion what I am Igoing to cio when my was about 30 years of age. The Sutb-1 money is all gone, Mr. Raines here tells rile that it will cost $1,500 to erlandanvil are well kw throughout Noria Nova Scotia, ,severe get the new irlai and $900 for p'lrint- bl,others of the deceased being pro•• mg. the testimony."one "ever you mind about that, Dorr," N of thew sairl Nir. Raines, "When your money lamalding av prolsitone ins� the Springhill I mines. )s gone I will go on with the case Inyself. This is my case as. well . as yours." " ' WEARY OF HER rARON. Mrs. Jvna Travers, sister of Mrs. Madge hent; wife of the convicted Ina %vho testified against rent at The U. S. Girl Once Engaged to the trial, is expected to visit her sxs- Marconi is Suing )br Divorce, for „jo-dra3*; The effect upon ,Mrs, New Ydrk, June 1.,-1ccording t+a l�uaa',s mince is viewed with misgiv- tho Paris Rappel, the Baroness de ings; but :•a,s she knows that Airs, r Dorss, \Nilo, When Slee was Miss 1 -101 - Travers Intends to call, the meeting man, was affianced 'to Signor Mare eamnot be prevented. I coni, is suing for divorce, cables a, la,txs 'correspondent. ,i i A e � t d'etil of lcnoavleti o wh c1i s g ' IIn �� I. �e h Bh'ti"elneSei 'IS successful ' not capable of making a than wise, the separation proceedings she will) blap a natural tendency to make him return to America and resume her vain and arrogant.—Addison. maiden name. CYCLONE WRECKS OUTBUILDINGS Bort' by Great Good Fortun6 Dust Filled Farmer's Dwelling. 1 l,,t,e eweli, Ont., Report ­'A cyclone, a jet which would reach thu ];round, accompanied by a funnel shapedl and tante apparently was when the cloud, >assed over this?laceat l.30 I greatest dumix,g6 was done. Large trees wore broken and trttonoitlF yesterday af e noon, which tcstr0 •were small trees co 11 tsly toI'n out ed everything to its track. ,A ,barn of the ;ground. til fact, ovorytiling and outbuildings (o nrd by 1, god wlhere the at c lfl touch tlU ground C wait completely dcno1In1Gt. West were completely destroyed anti "I)le cyclone ,Massed to the: north - the 'fragments ,scattered over the east over Lnkr•, I.furon, where ia, cloud adjoining Rehm. Not a vestige of. the of water travelled dirvotl•y under.. buildings remained. 9:%e bo•use, which neath the funnel. Jas. k,Slnith, of this village, naxrotvly 'escitlr Il (IvtLth,. is riot mate 1,31an Ono hundred feet He was riding a bicycle up lhf* ritropfl from wtere the barn stood, teras not when lie sn.w the cyclan(+ •I,11•prora.oll- damaged in the lout, . The funitLal.-shapral 01:0114 was Ftp- Inig ,him, 110 put oil' a Pf11ii t. a rid lgot out e,2 its wtl,y by a shave. Mr: parently ?about ono thousand feet 'west's. 1080 on ills buildings will be 'ft'ig 1 ,n,)nd ,at times would throw out about $i,()00,