HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-06-05, Page 1TIS The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. VOL. TII , NO, 45 ZURICH, ONT,, FRIDAY., JUNE 5, 1903. �.o.o.o©.00.�.o.000000©� qac q z;;c oc�oc4«c7;ouo,0' e7'.ta dao° ' `he Sovereign Bank o°a OF CANADAv Q Q HEAD OFFICE .TORONTO Q O Q Q EXECUTIVE OFFICE MONTREAL QO DO --mtA\OIits IN HURON COUNTY— D, 0 Exeter, Clinton, Crediton, Zurich COQ D,D a0 40 A general banking business transacted at all branch offices. Farm- er;' sales notes nollected. Collections made. Loans made to fanners on 144 their own naunes. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT This Bank offersspecial inducements to anyone wanting to save VOI/ money. One dollar deposited with The Sovereign Bank will give you an Q Q aceonnt in our books, Zurich Branch Open Daily- 4D •ssi,,Gj ADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors, F. E. kARN, flanager. ••-�o''ood•p•4•ocg�oo��-'0000000�ov�v �•'4.4•'q�'q �4•'Q � •Or4•'2 ' riessummi—inamminsent= 1 the ibcratt JO'B DRPA ;PAR' Is now fully Egipped for +3. 4+.4-34-434--43•43.-434-43-4t434-4-3.-43• +3-+3•+30-43• 43•+3 43•+3.-+3.43,-+3.+34- `* Book Work. Int, Catalogue Work+ +•E+<E++1;+4+41.44-4+•E4•-£+•£+.E+• .• 4+.404+44•44-44. E-4•44•-•9•44.44-44•444 +3-+3►+3- +3►+34-+34-+3-+3-+3•-+34-+3.-+ 3-+3-+3- 1 All kinds of Work i •E+4+4+.1`3.-4+•E+4++3-+3--•Ei •E+4+4++3• •E+•E* DO not pass your Horne Paper When you want .Printing. Our Prices are always the Lowest. MOWERS RAKES and BIND R5.o.. DUk1NOS have taken THE LEAD during PAST SEASONS and this year you will find BETTER THAN EVER : : : We make a specialty of all kinds of HAY HANDLING TOOLS and now is the time to get things ready for the coming harvest. Call and see my Stockon hand. J. F. Rickbeil, as - Zurich. -9.90PM SEEDS. A choice variety of Field Seeds, including Mangol, ,Carrot, Beet, • Seed Cern, &c„ &c. Our Seeds are the best money a buy. International Stock Food. � a Stock Food that is [Really Good] Best Grades Of Family • MIN Ma BJran, Shits, 4- -4 staleariroiliM,VIONIMOSNOINIIIIIININaleYeal•MeMona My ''rices are Right. • C. C H A ( , " " zuutont. ( Zeller Block. ) Successor to fl R. Johnston. mantmoressvnisatuunimosaini L00A4.. NEWS Mr. J. B. Dennis returned home from Woodstock last Saturday. Miss Tillie:Kibler, of -Brampton, is visiting at her aunt's, Mrs: C. Fritz.~ D. S. Faust has a large 'quantity of Tomatoe Plants for sale -every week. Mrs. G. Merner is spending a fete flays with her son, Jonathan, at Dashwood. Mr. G. Merner attended the funeral of Mr. Eby, ; at Tavistobk, last Saturday. Rev, E. C. Jennings, of Bayfield, called on some friends in town on Friday. Mr. and Mrs.Hoffman and family spent Sunday at Crediton with the forzner's parents: Mr: Fred Witwer and daughter, Addie, attended the, funeral of Mr. Eby. of Tae°vistock, on Saturday. Mr. Wm. Smith, of Detroit, is visiting his parents at the 14th and friends in town for a few clays. Mr. -August Hill and family, of Crediton, visited Mr. C. Greb and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellerman and fancily, of Dashwood, spent Sun -- day at Mr. C. Fritz's in the village. Mrs. fl. Sohrag, of Tavistock, is visiting her son, the flour and seed merchant. She will return home next week. . BORN.—On Wednesday,May 27th, at Zurich, to Mr. and Mrs. ,T. P. Rau, of the Commercial Hotel, a son. Mr. Jacob Sararas and daughter,' Addie, accompanied by Miss Susie. Johnson, spent Sunday with Mrs. Neeb at Sebringville. Miss Cora Hamacher is improv- ing.nicely frntn her sickness. She was seen out doors for the first time on Wednesday. Mrs. Joseph Zettel is laid un with as broken leg, and is lying at the home of her son, John, where she is -receiving every attention. A number of young ladies of town had a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Haber- er, Blind line, on Friday last. Mr. Ed. Hagen is home again. Ed is not in the best of health at the present time, but we hope ho may soon regain his usual strength. Mr. Wendel Smith, of the Goshen line, sold a year-old Indian Chief colt, recently for the handsome sum of $150.00. It was a good one. Mr. Fred Hess is absent this week, at Conestoga, AS a delegate from the Lutheran church, here, to the Conference now in session at that place. The contract for the Schwalm Drain was awarded to Wm. Bender and Nicholas Fosi er, of this town, for the sum of $1550. The Drain will be in the neighborhood of 3 miles long. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Sararas, of the Bauble Line, died on Monday, and was buried on Tuesday afternoon. It was an only child, and much sympathy is felt for the parents. T. & M. Johnson are paying 14c. cash and 15c. in trade, for good washed Wool. This is a considera- ble advance in price, since last sea- son, and it is hoped the .upward tendency may continue. Why didn't the band play? Not the Zurich Band, we mean the Dashwood Band. They played a year ago, didn't they? Oh ! Yes 1 but the snore was high that time and this time it was zero. Mr. S. M. Sanders, of Exeter, manager of the Farmers Co-opera- tive Harvesting Machine 0o., Ltd., was in the • vicinity assisting his local agents in' the selling of stock for the Company and did a satis- factory business. The road on the Goshen Line North is out of, repair and the Council granted 1`75 to put it in repair. This amount was suppli- mented by $50, collected in the vil- lage on Wednesday from privqte citizens, who benefit somewhat from the trade of that section, NEWS TOO GOOD TO BICEP. Persons who have used Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are usually so well pleased with the benefits derived that they tell the good news to their neighbors. There is no medicine which so promptly awakens the action of the liver, invigorates the kidneys and regulates the bowels as Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and for this reason they, are unapproaaohecl as a family medicine. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers. ()n Friday night of last week the (`Dominion Football Club" of Zurich went to Dashwood, where a friendly Came was played be- tween the two teams, Neither side have a chance to brag as no scoring was done on either side. Referee R. P. Stelck gave the sig- nal to commence at 7.20 and the game was hotly contested for 40 nnintitss. Both terms iltLye4 vei,7 we' 11 and both are Waiting anxious- ly for the retinas match which. will pz opatllly be payed next Friday fxxght,:in Zurich. The:first irst qutarterly service in con- neotion, with the Evangelical Church; was held on Sa.tltrda.v and Sunday, last. The Rev S, R. K.nech tel was present and preached the Word The forenoon service was conducted in both languages. The subject :wits on the Passion of our Lord and t the spiritual11 ' tlal state of the believer.Many were the commun- ieants. The evening service, which is always conducted in the English language, Was also largely attended. The preacher took for his the)nethe "Penticostal Church" This service closed a very blessed day fo r the devoted members of the Society. The Choir rendered two anthems, thus adding to the success of the OlThrts of the day. Judging. from t+he large attendance of the gatherings of this.Church,,one would be led to believe that the people of this village appreciate the services this Church is giving them; nor is this to be wondered at, for fa more earnest; and pains -taking pastor wou]d be hard to find in any pleri- caal body in Ontario. • Rev. Mr. Yea - 'ger is_in this respect the right man in the right pla:ee, and the congre- gation. shows good judgment in re- 'taaining his services as long as it is possible to do so. the t;ourt of Revisioa1. The Court of Revision for the Township of Hay met in the town Hall, Zurich, on Monday last, at 10 o'clock, a. m., pursuant to notice given in the advertising columns of this paper, All the members being presets ,. Notice of some 12 or 14 appeals from the assessment, as made by the assessor, were put i"n for the consideration of the Court. On Motion of Councillor Thompson, seconded by Councillor McArthur, the following _changes were made on the Roll, viz: Henry Youngblut, dog struck off; Jacob Meyer, assessed on W. E. corner, lot 20, B..instead of W. Wagner; Dr. Routhier to'be assessed on lot 11, L. R. E., instead of D. Spencer; Ben. Charette, to be assess- ed, lot 18, L. R. W.,instead of R. O'Brien; Ecl. Zeller, to be assessed S4, lot 22, con. 10, instead of S. Sippel; Ed. Becignenl, to be assessed on lots 45 and 46, Eis. Avenue; 33 and 33, Camp Ave.; 13 and 4, Valley Sts.; 10 and pt. 11, 1.: R. E., in stead of St. Joseph Land Co. Nicholas Foster, assessed Tenant, V. S. 1, Zurich, S. Banat be assessed N. W. pt. lot 17, con. 15, $400.00, instead of J. Witmer; Jeseph Hamilton to he assessed on E. pt. 12, K. S. Zurich, instead of W. Bender; Wan. Bender, to be assessed tenant E. pt. M. Res„ Zurich. On Motion of John K. Gcetz, seconded by .Wendel Smith, the Court of Revision was declared closed and the Assessment Roll of 1903 confirmed. Pan Hzss, SIS., Clerk, HAY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. The Council of the Township of Hay met in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday the 1st day of June, the Reeve in the chair and all the members present. The minutes of the last. meeting were read and approved. On motion of Councillor Thompson, se- conded by Councillor McArthur, the follow ing accounts were approved and ordered to be paid, viz ; Henry Rupp, teams for grader, . $21.00 John .Kuntz, hauling lumber and repairing culvert, 14th Con 1.50 Nicholas Foster, working grader and repairing Bridge 11,00 Sylvanus Witmer, repairing bridge, Con. 10 1.50 Henry Lipphardt, equalizing Union Schools 0.00 G. T. Garnet part payment W. B. Drain 100.00 Alex. Munnwork and extras on S. R.Concessions 5 and 0 and for repairing culvert 37.25 Joseph Badour, Statute Labor 02 4.250 " repairing two cul- verts, L, R 1,00 Joseph Roder, for tile 2.40 Paterson, Ellis R Welihan, Ce- ment and tile, 1900 0.12 Simon Sararas. repairing culvert 2.50 The following document was• handed in from the Trustees of the Village: To THE REEVE AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN. SHIP or HAv : Gentlemen— In accordance with the Municipal Act, sec. 738, we hereby request your honorable Body to levy a special rate, over all other rates, in the Police Villaa,ge of Zurich, of 4 mills on the dollar, for the year 1903. CMAs. Gun, Police Trustees •NO. WESEI.orc. of the J. Par> rgfa.. Village of Zurich. Granted. On motion, the Council adjourned to meet again on the 1st. Monday of July, at 2 o'clock p. rn, FEED. Huss Su., Township Clerk. HILLSGREEN Special to THE HERALD. Mr. Gramm and grandson, Wm, Jarrott, accompanied by George, Troyer, delivered a couple of fine bullocks out near Kippen for Edmund Troyer on Saturday inst. Miss Christianna Troyer accompanied by an intimate friend attended Anniver- sary Services at Sharon on Sunday last. Her place as organist was filled by Mr. W. J. Hoggarth. Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Stelall visited at the hoarse of Mrs. P. Campbell, in Stanley on Saturday. Wm. Jarrott wheeled home on Tuesday evening, 1"t is a great thing to have a new cuslatoned•framed sofa or rather we should say wheel. We believe that 't''Vi1I must have had some pressing business or he would not take the advantage of wheel. ing thirteen Miles th'rough dusty rooid3. Chas. Troyer had a, successful sawing - bee one evening last week. Mr. Geo. Bit'hardson, of Hensall, was in town last Sunday. 1. PER YEAS. Ready for !N ring 7ra6e. UR New S1-irilig Stock is complete, We think We .have good reasons for feeling proud ... of our new spring -lines, such as ,. Men and..Boye' Reay -lade R.Mon and Boys' fine up-to.fate SUITS DRESS�, sxzRTs,,>.,. Mens and Boy -s' HATS, of the very latest Anlc'11r:Flit Styles IIU LII\r�, e,1' gill k;T,rl`7, o the newest designs .., .M .. _�,,_ Many more,'lv11it'l1 sl),teo does not it us to 111e'tltiilll. We invite y'r,ll ail to come in and see our neap goods, whether you lnly or not. ' You know Vsill, it1'a' Illtti'a s weleo111E to come and.', study the new style ur� `� wu..du»ne...a....xruf:u. I1.t ' A MST s. Prices will be matte e'114V, itUL1 produce taken in exchange for grot z, at • "A:CTsil' S. 1iv LCL les Zurich and surrounding' co. !ntry, I would kindly calf your attention to the E= r ,.IR t, OE the most modern Shoe made in Can- ada, and .the best value for the money. a r y. IT Z, THE SHO AN ZURICH, 0NTARiO Butter and Eggs token in exchange. New and gien.5tutltble ir e'`' v 1.:.j',ll, .eit/s ear. We have in a nice stock of Ladies` whitewear of all descrip- tions. Night Gowns ra'vers, From From 50cts to :1,50. Underskirts 50c. to $1.25 , ' COR C C C ) ';' ER t `i' o in 20 to 50ets. We are also showing a large and up-to-date range of New Wash Goods Here is whore von get all that is new. are always strictly 111., to tl1e moment. and see for yourselves. Cash paid for Eggs. We close at six o'clock TaleSdaty s, Thursdays & Fridays. We Call J. PR E,TER. ZURICH, Ont. Agency for TRUNKS VALISES WHIPS li'ANCY RUGS OILCLOTHS HARNESS OILS Spaetzel's . Pneumatic Collars FU Try them for your tender -shouldered horse IT A FULL LIN]. t'$ 1N STOCK FIICFI GRADE PIANOS AND 0RSR AX018a A number of second-hand. will he sold sat BARGAIN PRICES • Z ia h« yl t1 , , 9.s1 bei heel d€ Set ierl dre' alet 1 tc o: th sol rses the Am cot nerl• ;hese cor- ewer, ear- VDT, - Sear. alana atr- sear- liana rder Inlet,. hos- yard, m no Am - that ifted dent 'ash- nem' shcert. day 1pe- nade. b we' bur telt. ?ring' 'sight: e re. r� and' the in, ound here, con- state and rive tuck ket.' you you. row- o of .ase, then )and , I give 121`9,. that ere% trq vork, fish„ the; give, very!. ., s Wold.. . the love avitils. aro :mux, *mildi lents. Ilfor! sofl s'kee;rfs ring' Ike it doe* n55�'�i'.slli�