HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-05-29, Page 7. 11 ­ . I � I I . I i � . ---- ,- W, ;­­­ .... 17..- I � 1 77 ., �., -1 I ­­ 1�­ ­ 11 - , 1 .1 . I . , . I . I I I - I . , -,7.7 11 , : . ... .... . , ,­­ I I 11-- 1: - I �� I I . �. " - . I .1. � I I ,� ;; - I " --T ...... F.I. ;. ., . I I I . . . . . . � . I . . I ., . .. � . ­ � I � I , I � --7 Il. . . � 4 . I . ­ . , I � . I I � : . ­ ,- �1 . . . I I � � I . . . .1� , . i � I 11, I . � . . I I I I I I I I I . I � � � I . � I :. . . . . . I . ,. I I I . I I . � . , 1, I . . . . , � ��..; , � :.� . � I . . I .1 I I , I I I � : I � I . . � I . I I . I ,:.. . �. � I I I � - : . �, , , I 1. , , .i I . 11 :.. �. � � , I : . � I I I ;, " I 11 . , � ��� ;�J I . I I I -14 1, . I I -I I . 4 1; - I I � � I I I � �� � I � �. I � . I . � I . - I I ­ - -- 11 �--- I � . ...... F­-­­­-�o � � ­­ . I 11 I . . �w, 1. ,,, I � I - " : , I . - I . I I . I . . I 40 EM )pli- lor- ,ure ino. eon- hid- nts, ff as here �ere tile ;0,010 tit a Wall tent dis- or, it offer, a hi- - tile han- lison Ylt- hat. � o'b- Im at IId : that I I by " I. , VU 0 Ills ii i"'Ll" a �atl, . y I all- / " [37 11 i Ias a , 'wily Lters I read - C .In is I the two - a at , and D,ern- I , * 1!D lay were n(Ilng mll,`Iuli�� 'Ial 11011- Iurbs, I Open r0`M him Iva - who here the gtou Poo- . $2, - the at the a fter loss I the wtN- Bev`- [ t lie i der - k by Leh lis Uan. 141124 - miles Ioav- 1byiloo x* . k ,,You don,t cance?" silo said to the luls, as he leti bar 'pao)c to the marc , , COULD Nol., WALK - — . 111911 I I *I;' + 4' +++ . . . 4"'+ ' OP a, Mual WAVAK, 'L 004 Q. "My , . iming "' pelt to give It but Bought ill valn t7,6 disarm or dGaI)Ie. Affairri; 1).ALIroom, "Unforturio6tely, no," he said, and AL'X0u,N1.Lftdy Tellstbe Torture She I ii ly, , 4 Were t.11pridly approaching a crialls 1[[[11�'111 as lie Spoke lie glanced at the nUm- , I S"ffived tronit Itbe,uniat isnit, I + + witen footateps were heard run I 'a I I 11 O+er )vIlich appeared Ili front of tile MISS, XYrtle Major, Uartland, MD. 0 j. 4? down the stairs, and Bio.a,, . Imad stand. it was the number which Its one of (the thottsaaIds wito have .1, later the dwtorlo -voice reached mal Ir 40 ant ea liar pl!0- proved that Dr, Willialnu' Pink Pills �*.-+,I-. +++..&++++ and a beavy weight was tbrowa gramme. wlJ1 cul'a rheumatism. .1ollss major I I algainst the lo�ked door. � . "I don't think I ain en,­agml� I[or , . tIlls," Intending, sQls: "I laffered from tile trouble rot, noarlYa I lia,fl. the advice (By-Frrod CUlbert Blakeslee.) I .Seeilig that lie was likely to trd .Ilot:�d halketi, of ble prey, tlie maniac tb . suld Lady Blanche, that he should asl� hex, to sit it Out year. of a, doctor and took Ills medicine, UOI)sJour Beaupre, tile . - Swordsman aua duellist, an,l hls�j caution to the wb3ds anil attacked with him, -*J>ut even as she spoike-the but it did not help 'me. "ae troublGI friend, Capt. Mauriae of tho hus- tile recklee-oly, screariling curses on man silo had engaged herself to came NYAS located chiefly in loy, atialoo, sal -S, slit at their r , 1 my fioa(l Nv,,1110 a J41oody foam avorito table at I lip and claimed bar, The manjuls "a- allid the p,,1jll I suffered at timeR, qla Care de ItL Ptlix one evenIng. fi;thed from lilo lips, , sIgnea bar, and Stood for a inotrient NvaS illtellt,v. As a, inattor of fact i "I'llis calitala had J�ist told of a flerid- Suddenly the door gave way an Dr. Churchill and t-wo attendant wbere she had left him; then she saw him make his way to the upper and of a.t times I Nr,ae quite unable to walk !Sir Inurder . which Irad just been com- liprang into the room. 1I or a moment t the room, whore Elaine wau Stand- fi,afoss the room, mod for scale SIX, nionths I waki coi3finod to the house. mitted by a wan whom the doctors tile madman's eyes left mine, and I asserted mu6t hayo been insl*lne *old Ing Des.1de tile in,ajor-the majar ra- 1. used lhilmente and other medl- ' Ila that tiec,Dnd, recalling an J for months previous, but who II04, Itallan trick, I sprang forward diant Nvith pride and self-satishic- ticti-and ofrur his arm, and she fol-, at ties pre,scribed for rbouniatism, but t1ley 41d nlu no IX,hen somet of ' bidden Ills Infirmity lie succe,qsfullY : � ill that it was not even suspected on- i '­1-U0k Up his blade, and SeiZ1113% Id Left hand, tore It lowed them. with liar eyes as they good, my fi4endH urged me -to try Dr. -Wil- , tII too lal'o, Nvllen Alontileur, Beat,_ I sword with my ; from his grasq. prIssed into the recess. 14—S, 13i"t- 7.)',Il I r --i On tl,eiv . . pro x enlarked : I Did I ever tell you i '"I .A the -a- ��— ITIle marquis had her ­ . or my fight Nvith r, madinan ? No! � .1. .XI - -ftfp . , . - and clalined her, as if lie had en- advioa and before I boad used throo , Iliac. away, and that night the doe- nq-6-0-(D-C-d-&-O--a-�g-e-g-W-91*,:&-61,�-r,qo,,,,g-g,N6f"w,,,�4el,g-�" gaged himself to her for tile dance, boxeR I began to feel better. I took � Well. in vome respeots I think that top told me his Bud story. He bad � I and Elaine me silo saw, him Coming, ).line boxes of the pills altogetber, It ,was my strangest; encounter. k1bled his Jjest friend in 4 duel I r- ------I -1 the color rising to her face, but and before I finished the last bo% "When a young li(outenalit, Ili t113'through a =iounderstanding, and relt i t I L she put her hall(] on his arm with- not itt tracti, of tile trouble remalned,1 T011th llus6artj, ..'I was at one Ime! the shock when he found. that his out- V, word. It Is tow. nearly twt�) years since I : statioilod Nvith my rcgiiiient at � frolorld. was innocent, Unsettled )lie I isinmwics, where I formed a great'reason. He was at times almost. ­ . �. I The Rose and Lily Dagger I" CEVAP,TER XI. I took the pills and av there has, not , fdoildslilp. for till ,A.murican doc­' sane, bvt the eight O,f & sword Or , been a S)'mptom 61 tile trouble since , L . "Are you tiroa?" he said. "You are ' tot-, who, was Ili practice there. an alluslan to sword play was apt entitled for a rest, for yoa have It prOTcS tll,%t the pills make per� fn course of time lily regiment to J�ring on an attack of madneff's. 4. A YALB OF WOMAN'S LOVE AND mmrOlit ellras�11' I 11 I I � :� I kept all your cligagemunts , LuOst was ordered elsewhere and tile doe- I After lunch the doctor bad performed L WOMAN'S PEP,FIDY I,$ a ,p ,a religiously. now do I know T lie Rlicumatisial is a, disease of that i tot, and[I I parto(l. We kept lip a de- 1 an operation on one of hist patient% L L�,�,.—"­,,�,�,-,� l "Oued Ii -8 Wile giallcad lip CLL him, "Be- blood alid can only be cured by treat, i sultory Port of a correspondence for' &lid in changing into hospital gaT" cause I have baun watching You. 1119 It thMU,gh the blood- That is , a NvUlle, but finally even That 41le-41 � lie had left the key to, the fencing $4.,-o.,.i.,J.,.o.,.&.,..P.,.J.,.R.,g.,.Q,.V.,.V.--, *.--ol�P.1-01�.4.1-&.1�&e.";Nwp.--*.--O..�o Toll $see, I iiave boon Ivaiting iny tarn. why Dr. W11111ains' Pink Pills alwtays , out and I had not heard from* room in Ills other clothes. H. Do La - "That is a quevtIcon I could not all broken Ills heart; and with this �Rhils IS lily dance, is it UOL? Shall �cure this trouble. Goodbloua makes ( him Ili any way for several yeaIs, � Nial must have stolen: the key, which object in view lie had danced every, wa go alit on to the balcony T' every Grgan In tile hoDdy strongr anti , ,fill moit � lie could cas'lly have done, aw be' possibly answer,'? She saki, trying , � ,when one day I ran across I to speak Lightly and carelessly, and dance, and laughed land talked with "It will be 'very pleasant -cbere," licaltil"o-, and as evorky (1030 Of Tir- unexpectedly Ili L,�Ons. He waa W&V at that time enjoying compara- feeling that site had completely the loudest; but he felt that he had silo said. 1,1 am a little tired, I Williams' Pink Ville make pure, rlclx delighted to set, me and Insisted tive III)erty, being in oine of big saner failed. not produced the effect lie had aimed think, but it wffl soon be over. Are blood, it follow& that tlipy cure sucli ' lipol, lily being Ills guest during my � moodo. I I Dr. Churchill had not missed the "But I can" lie said. "The gentle- at. Elaine had seemed unconscious you not tired of it" It must -S"cl troubles as atilaoinia, neuralgia, In- way Ili tile city. lic infl'orm.4 mu that 1113111 was Wron o or his presence tuntil he had met liar Bo, hot, anti Nrearhome to 0110 WhO digestion, heaxt trouble, kidney ail- � he 'had left 11arsailles and opened Rey, and It was only when he , jectures, ;9,t any rate. I just now, and then she bad returned � does not dance." . i learned -that I had returned and I did not mer.t% cryk4poelas, the oJtor effects a private hisalle aqylujn iiist out-, would 11 un an e of. come down to see Lady Blanche, his curt bow with a. gentleness I,ob, I tia-ve been *vcry well,amuged," of la, grippe and revers, etc. They . kide of Lyons, and was, lie assured' not a rat d, d that on list Miss Delaine. I came -17 which shoWed him plainly. that noth- lie osaid I -losides, I have been busy also rr-lieve and cure the ailments � me, dolng wall. I accvl)tcd his kind his patients wits ,%ISO, missing t . , � be became alarmed and sought roe Ing lie could do could cause liar a tbinUing P' from which so maliy women con... :, offfer with. pleasure, for -we were a The dance had finished and several "T111111ing")" she said, leaning, On the underground 6hamller, and couples poured. In upon them before moment of uneasiness or jealousy. sta.ntly Fufft�r. See that you get the � both anxious to renew our old M Even a weak-minded man like the rail and looking down at The ganuine pills with, the fall name, "Dr, friendship, and that same evenling � found me fighting for my life With -he could finish Iris sentence. Among reet all astir with tho' carriages I the ni.:W duellist. them was her partner for the next Charles Sherwin cannot lose Such a fit Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Poo, , saw me comfortably settled In Ills � I woman as Elaine wlthout feeling his ,which were beginning to draNy UPI I I" at tile wrapper around every, � h0mv- waltz. who hailed her with an ex- into line. "A. baft-room, is not the Pe The next morning immediatelyaf- clamation of relief and delighted loss, and Ila told himself M13 he ab- best place far thinking; tile noise box' 11�told by all medicine dealers gr � Aor THE HARDY SEX, satisfaction. . Saintly looked at the sky and down dig- sent potit paid at, 50 cents a bw! or I tei, our corlee and rolls tile doc I I'Mis,z Delaine! 'lly dance, y into the street lined with carriages and the beat must be rather six boxes for $2.50, by writing the : carried me off to his private salig i — On that he was most unhappy; and he tj acting." - Warms, for lie was the same er,Lltu- lt*s the One That Wears Low SbQec knoNtr ! They sald that you had "But I tave spent, Most Of My time Dr.'"'Illiams'McdIchie Co., B,rockville, gone -disappeared, and I never felt almost resolved that lie Nrould go here, who�e you. left me," lie Said. ontaxIo. elastic fvncer as ever and wau most I andCopenwork Stockings. So cut up in my lire. It's hard home and nurse his jealousy and dis- I, .. ... i anxionc, for a bout with tilt, folls. , enough to got .I, da, apointment In solitude. Sliall I tell you wha,t I haVve DOen I It -w-ts a fairly large apa rtmont, I 'At is yet to lie proved that ,%vomen nee with you Then be re- thinking or, Illss Dolaine?" to' cherish a desire that they� might -Inding Stair-' Who Nvear low viloes are more sub- . but to lose It after getting it- , membered that lie had promised an- . : reaclied by nleant; or a v - Elaine half turned her head, her be true; that through the black � -way. and dvooratod Nvi'll a ti�lendld Jost to collds thall those who wear ow 11 other dance to Fanny Itichley, and eyes still fixed an the street beneath mist, which the past has thrown � ' pro -red armor. I high shoes. As y(Ati It Is to De be over the lizesout and the future, I : I fInIr,Iv.,d illy work for the d,a�V that thOse WhO are constantly On. E, laltio took his axm, and .With a decided th,at he would stop for bet. collection of armu and slight bow to the maruqls turned that and go immediately afterward. III was thinking what a capital seemed to see a glimmer of light, of - sooner flian I had expi,cted and it their guard against what IS called He and that young lady -were fast dancing room the big saloon at the light that meant hope and happi- i was o% c.xposura live lwiger than those who I , rly, in tli.,-, a.fternoon when I away. As sho did so Shot came face frionds by this time. They had met C stle would ma,ke." ness to me." . returned to, tile cliateau. 1310ing to faeo Nvith Captain Sherwin. 110 by ill, river on several occasions 4� , Ill- , ttu llo.t care. I'V21an women not Only,, Yes, it -would," she assopted Ills volco !lad grown deeper, a a hu a(> 0 reddened, and his light (,.Yes looked since the evening lie harl Picked up . al- � formed by, the servant that the doe-!; OlIt"ViTO & fickle clim t , t in from one wide, to the other shiftily;; promptly. "But--,' most limudible, and Elaine, *pale ' toir Nvas engaged with one of Ills pa- 1 out of its most trying changes in the handliorchier, and tile. captain Id. IIYo,n mean r- 1 alutbing of a wolght that men would then suddenly litalo again lie Inclined "But 'wilat?", lie Oft now to the lips, held tile shaw-1 NVIth , ti,zitts I did not onnalinoe my a , found her Society peculiarly agree- that thore would. be no one to dance suddenhy trembling hands. I rival, but laying aside my sw(,>.-(l I l"i.n.tky feel it IV difficult to Sao bow, his head ,and stepprod aside for liar ol)le , . ,Ind soothing. in it; tba,b I am seldom at the Cag- ,,you lire sorprised-I have frigh-1 arLed ant rGr VIL to Pass; but Ito stood, and looked af- Fanny had the knack or flattering . st� stroll through the tlwAr health enn stuffer Wcause 'they, ter liar, Ills small hand plucking ner- him without Ills befit aNvar4p or it, tle?" toned ,you," lie Said In a gentler , cxt�?nsilvc grounds w1licli surrounlod wear low 811I.Me. P.; -Yoe,,, v-tI,1 Elallike, quietly, "that. voice, ari if lie were trying to reas- Tar,%vljcn I -.'Now, tak!A a man-tak!) the aver- ,, . -Iylum. I had not go,ne vously at his Ilps, and unconsololis and the, captain's diunor hatl been io what I -was going to Bay." sure her. And yet I' tile .rut . l on five thle-kneFses . I ,"-as amoosted by. & gputletillux that tit(, warqul.s, who had not illoved ItIft to grow cold very ortan or late ,,But tilere I,,,, no reason why I thought tiiat you could 'not i ola da,v. lie Is; ,not from Ills, lounging attitude, was re- while ho sauntvrcd bt,EwIde *Uiss Valllw sl,coliltl not b.o there oftener. I have have failed to see that It was the who introduced 111--naelf as *U011--iiell" , in e Z . a So 13 w garding him closely. through tfi(w meadows, or silt with ..-r-_- I de Laval, and wb.��, artl�,,�� sollia slighu � content It tLo te P r1tur I elo I B41no was fund of dancing-w4ere licr and list( -nod to the river and . -- ---------,------- ----- thouglit of you NvIllell had grivau (10111-nrsfi,tion oil gviipral topics. ask-' 75 Lit 1260 O"1100- lie WO'altl not think is tbo livalthy youll." lv�)Iljan Wile is the birds. . TKOUSANDS OF MOTHERS me lwl)3 and courage to plerce the ed me ir I wov,Ild hollor Illm NrIth 4'. O;�* srtapphtg arrous the street with- . darkmoss. Elaine, do You know that bout NvItIl tile folls, S-'LYIng that ho t cut put,�irlg oil 1114, overaoilt. In most not-aml Imr partner wam one or the fro had quite looked forward to I out best dancers in the room. But for ,ommend Daboy's Own Mablots. "I -1 lore You?" was an eraliuslast cli rol s(,(.Jng her at the ball, and Ith had net ricing an11!e&s(4,1, ho Nvulild noot venture The "Myosotis" grow lU<UtW0t, that Dr. C,burehIll had kindly loan,Id � without lih, mufflor and overshoes. once the jo,yK or tile dance ware lost onjaynd the dance she had given him*, would not be V,-Ullaut tllom," 10 0, tile nul,.,, of the carriages a 0,011-, him tIk e c RtLIlP d'arms. I I And takil Illn't; Ill"'ling v, i"o. ,S,he wears f,-j,r Nv Ilkm a dam,'Ing- very fam liar ,s �ntanca in tilt 1, lct_ i k,v to tit oses of upon her ; sjiu wa 6 scarcvly conscious fuseti t.ound in her ears, the stars acoodod retr�dlly to, his request, tind i VIN -0 Or thl'00 thIn thILICIle master's daughter, Fanny could talk tors to us. MhAI Miblets get this g k;ox'­',�It illind the Nvetl,- of tho inutwic, the thront,, of peoplia, k4jinlitg so brightly In -tile dark -,,,I, strolloof rl�,tek to the chateau, �' t,"`�o`tIlL'I i- �`Ile lie Illaste of -is w( praiso idniply Wcause no otl me I- blue Ay 'Suddenly 'become blurred. olvattIng or fet1clug ,Is Ive vrrilt. I! tllt�r. l�.Iie Nrill meet t . -11, and she kept up a running lor d even h(tr partuer. A va.que Inde- criticism oil tha manw-re and appear- cino has ever done so much in re- va I, � winlor with uneonaLwit. In her home finable, Istneaticin--wati It of pleoasure ance of !;I her Sight. But, so-arcely ventuv- , found. Sh de La I i (,x,. emoly AveA , the persons around them lieviii-all4l coring the minor ailments Ing to lool;. itip, sll:e saw- Ills face, ver;,ail on ,tile silliject, avil mado or pain, dreatl or hopu?-had taken NN -111L,11 omuSp(I tIlc ctlptilin , nd he � , up, Lgle ,,Nv,IlI allu%v tilt) furna,ee fire to 1. ,pt I of infanto anti zroilnl,- childron. Olt: hawlsome race IvAll its Dlles in- , .1 follow a caller to possession of Imr, iknti, as tifte, NvIltirted him Ili good humor ; alinost, indeed, .r tallid t1lat lie would provu. no � 91A ]OW- isile. wit verandab and , round tho room the wordS;, the voice, causp _ ' I Mill. L,�vl Porry, RoseNvaY, N. S., of Fuffering, alld or roulorse, 11.1,1111- � lej,aii , I Lile door, out Oil tile .fl him to r(,)rgc.t I a no. S.,lye - ,,I takk! gr(�,at pleaSure in re- 1, talk and talk, eatirely unmindful of ,t,l 1, alw'o Own TablotBfor enodand t Ildversarv. ateali Nve des- I wrape. of the intirtluixt, rang lit hor cars. Now, att ,he slood on the balcony, I cultIniending & ly ellough. And its Slia Ib -it Arriving at !lle all, .'What was it fin, -was gollig to Say ? .still lookfngn ,gloomily at the skies, i In,oketi, a strango till Ill ran LLIVM2411 wrdod at 0,1100 to t1w Torl"IT 11001111 I , ,jOI:c .,Ii.l con-iLipition. T havp n,,vnr , I fl,:.,- pll..111an,l tpkns eolds---all kinds 'Why Ii.ittl ho Come down. to this ball ? lit, 13,�.Ird .11. II -ht footstep behind him, t ro,,`nd allYtIlIng to V1111,11 tIW111 for 1 lif-l'', ner flt��-Irt scellu'd ti.). 001111d, 11"Y 111i'llil 1:11 I nit) -n l."lloviting, 01". "c"I'l ,-I, I (""� krid t1l"It is going. Ila had alillost Ill suo many words and, turillng,' I . I .vith it. Su,,ifl�to jLiy, Lliva WaziC 1JOULl- � a Ila stv.6�.I,.Ig ii-r,LL-�11y as;tx 1� T, Pl' '1w I I) .­­,­rr � he Saw Fatilly' at Ills !tIIt_S-,. troubl,,s." Besides curing- col- - . Ila vic,ilder-- Nv",.v ;:(! '..-�1-1;11 ,-Old. llia asked hor to sit out liar vacant side. , , - I Ing. I cuter first. No, S0,0111111' Ilad We on-, daueow;th him. Had asked liar, not -Illmv ,van Startled me," she' le, i-0:11-Alpation ftntl indigestilln'. Ila Laid Ills hand on linn-;, it,; it tored, holveror, thaal it. marked � ,ovifo Is good enoveh to -woader with Babvlo Own Tablots p,revent cro,ipAl v1:i.,pc.ei t1w balcaily, with ti, 11.13- cjg,�Iljgr came cover him. ,L.Ifl VaT(411111Y � I-im au'Lt tc!"I's Idul lie 1.1"Id. lia wore. Lady B,Ianelie, or some other wo- murmilred, wilh affreted innocence. I j�,, rt� ill o,r 1,11il�smr. Maybe slie -vrill brc.akup, colds, expel worms, allas,i � mLte, h-vt goiltle. graKfl. .I. ,f . NA, . lochfti.q thu door alia rroLurnlug tile man, but her, Elaine I Why should he '-'Qle 1111"I dReen hill% vitter the rece-w tl.ZI� irritation acutlinpanying tho mit- ,I 11 his leading to the Waloony, a nd, had I I havu-Z tolit you liu.w,", lie emirl. kt��y -to It's troasars. licivIt-t lie U,vgradt' ineist; that In addition to all Of , - do so 7 till,, Of t��vtli, sweeten Tlr� f.tom-achl ..It . I UOICT ,prCMUL10111Y agallIpt exposurl, .1 wat, yo,u-z�'va auld 110 A)"O, to curtia 1�e,viaji,,ntly, declarim,' that t4tla callIll Nr�e, him still stantling followed him. "The room is very ; -nd promoto hr�alQi-g.,vIn,4 Is%,t�p. Nviivro sho iiati tort win, its ir lie Ila w.rtrni. and I came for a rest." ; nW,bIllg 0160 I C,LUIC down to See- at l"Int he- hall 1W fn Ws I;";.-tllr aild 1 lit� r.h.111 wnar a C1111vt PrataetoT or N, d � 6'.'aranteed to coutahl n^1ther , p� � I had 110t 101311.11t to 0�>111,0- I had h.l.t. I would nc,ver wave 'L�.w roulill tit=Vu..; pl,ttsWr. But skLe takes ll,�,, lit) (1(,.�dry to talk, and no Intention For M short time they sa� 4 -here I � : (,0,,tl,�,,, t,,14Lt 11�, kRuo soldom does, an ' ., nig 11014 � - of talking with any one. Could it Lin all([ theil, as ,I. diniao was beginn f, , "Z. I ititcuded keeping away, troul zrtfa, allyp'. i if sho du'�� a al.ir! n-ttribLtes tbo cold sht'. �4,,: , atvw nor other imrmr�tidt ,.1 ' , pw"ibli, that he liad coint, doxvii with lie prDpw;-,d that they k at II5 conto ,I bov fly all Idrimgkts I newr seelag yoa tl!,,,Uti, it I Could For a momrInt I was ton daze�!, � ,in �m I! t to cltre;et�snoss, )7ut to this, ' � oi- ira y b- had by writinn: th" T)r* I llelti It. But l7couhflioL II(III) ft. I to undprstaxid witat lie meant, . d: Ul­� I':' the v.xllrotis pulp'osu of sevilig her- Ill It., l Williams' Ut dielne. Co., Brockvill'?'' ! "et that Sim hati Illadverteatly un- eolf ? The ab.:urdILy or the idea ILI a, few moments tbOy were Nvliirl- NIL arawn towards You against tl.�,t�n natiCing tile wil,lil.-os of lilt; � ,n,talv�n ',M�f relf - . d, .1 to W* tO,3 c &UI 01 tier', - caused liar face to burn hotly, and Ing rowitl the ball -room, and did i Cot * my Nvill. it will not; mattor to You, evPs' the a 'fill rvalizatiGti of nloli I Ej' c -Dr .lily other -woman-findo I if-ij, you (10 not low wo, U You rAmRton riis!wi ; I ,I not', esoapa the wateliful eve of Lady .. . � - od upon in(,. and I kneir, - % She, does sho stoliop-,d short t,uddenly with a ' I I ul,­l.rIuJd­,Vitb greater a,l1:a:ort in loir til. 11 laugh. Blanclic, who said to Mrs. Lul- I �;oan tlijrtkln-� a great deal to -night , =ivat brin.- 3:o4irself to, i 0 so, I t ii,a t I wn. 8 akt,,lo n -lid In high. shooz, NN -by blamo hor for M11 he wift go aNvily again, aud-aild See a, 111-IdL�l"Lil (a mutali niol,,�, powerfully, '� '­ -5 .- your pardon I Was I alit wood '. NS Maine." Sba notice : %vml�l.ig tile forrn��? JI, 11' it Sh Id that I i Oj' Oil, I be "Who, is that little Nvoman, in the I li�e` ,d liar Christian no.11113', anti t1j., I; �'��U It() Mork3. All'ti--Ull ! my dclftro,s'�, bitilt nian tnaii niytialf) in a, rOGIu , ars Irn-v Allovs and openwork stock- fitc,p ?" exeLtImed ber partner. J o.h � 3113, dar;LIlg, it 11JIl ba I)LILLOr Nvllj2rp I wa� cut o,fr* from all Chance w o' , How sturild a,' Inn 1" black driass ?" ; lie seemed Unconscious of hw,illg Luge from Pore vanity, ir'ay blame "No, no!" &,lid rlalne, hurrictil'Y Alm. Lidwood put up liar cyoglase, I (tone so, "They &-ty that the, groat fur you I-S,Io ll,*Nv horioat my love or help. 110 Smile ill,( women of America I � 'd, ,r,,) Art) tiort the and confusedIv. "It was my fault. alit[ isbook )let- hand. . I has made me! Sue NvJla.t a inlraolq 'Noticing illy attltwL! . limiltily ? Are tllvy not strong ? cha,nges of our lives come Sudden Y it ' has porf(.ormt,-tj, alroady - it r,cO-,nf*uIIV ­.nd SNvItchin a il 1 Please forgiv� me, arld lot us go Oil," "I don't know I one of the tenants, and une_,cpeote(JIy,,, . g n I'a A.ro they not har(Iler than the men But she bad not only brought liar girlS, I SUPPOISO," Silo said. I'llerWipS they do," she said 'with Nvill be better for you to sand cle � ,ctric Ilght"Stclipnd to the wall and i -4t;4 a rule? Tbell Wily not let them own partnor to a Standstill; an- "Reminds me or Becky Sharp" eald a slc,%v smile. "My life has tied no nle, away I. 13ut-but with. all Tily ja�Z-V­ooin -tile fastenlrig ii, cOU11110 ,of i havo their own wav aLIOUL low shoera. ago�t gaz- clianges, so I cannot Say." . lot Ila othor couple; had been pullet] up short Lady Dorman, an old dow. heart and soul, I i�ray that you will (Iti,elling rapiers, o-nc or NY-] I I I I opm,work stockfilis and everything Ing aftev Fanny. "She's the best III �jisb I could Say tile sa=," b e, not do so! I slw7il indead be lost till,ew , tontemptnolislY to tile, tell- I (.,Is.p. tll,-I,t give,9 thr'ni comfort or ,by her n2dden halt, anti one of them mi"elf, Nvw), it tot was Lady Blanche. Elaine caught (lancer in the room, not expectl ng Said, In a lorr voice. "Have you used Without you! Them will be )to hope, Ing nin, to dKend p1cxlsurc?-C-bic.ag0 Triter -Ocean. the blue cyps fixvd on bar with an even you, Blanche. She's a claver your key yet?" lie asked Suddenly. 111) tight for me, Elaine, If I leave tlivi, 1)('St or my -ability. I ' , expression of cold anger and dislike I little gill, whoever She is, Pit be Sbc- ShDok liar limid. you to-111ght for the last time I Thn Instant nly lb,,i.nd* grasped tho I -lad 11inlo in Doubt. ' 12hink, dearest, dearest. And pity me ra.111111,1­ Ililt I �('�It that I was mas- liout It YaTii,qbetl Ili an InsLant, and as bound. That colored hair used to 11,Nto, I have beon too busy, and-" if you wtn ! I am the drow,altig man ter Of tile situ.itlon. Scarcely had ,,Is -your wife il good manager " ' my reasolls rot, . she whirled by Lady Blanche said, be the rage a little while n9o. Is "Alld Yet 0,210 OL I ploasantly emough : It still? Fa.bbions change quicker leaving that Castle was that .YOU NNI16 SedS, at tilt; last breath, 'the I peaaba(l this hurried 00,11clusloo,ii "I really don't know." I . 11 What is tit(,, ',a.Ltt(,i-, dear? T-tave than thsy Used In illy time. That Nvas itilglit feel free to do so I" lie said, Chull" Of 'salvation I Yell call save whon our awards crossed and the at- "Don't 1010ow!" . � t,g.ek 13,togan. "No. TOU seat I always thought I you turn your dress?" .young Sherwin she was dancing Nvith, ha ir- roproacliftfIly. ,,to U you will Stretch out your handl . � But, swift as It had been, Elaine wasn't IL'21" � There Nvms a eiiance for a me- �),nd yet-oll, (lad, Who knows!- I Ife fvll�vd WItIl. dovillsh, cunning. I had pretty' much Illy Cnvn way io, - fi , had Seen the cold glitter of the steel "I believe eco," assented Mrs. Lul- meut as lie ,looked do-wal at liar. m,iy pull you 'down into tile vortex kn(,Nv -am Ifl.so very ftrkt pqss that overy.1-hing, I but tile other day. 11 goll b1no Pyos, and It haunted bar and wood'. ,libe had thrown a, China, crapa with mel It Is for you to decide -i I he mrant to kill me. Feinting, 4oub- au article oil the djpl - omaLla miiiglctl with liar trovibled self-qn(,,q-. Lady Blanche looked after tile sba,wl over liar howd, but it had w!" only say this: t I hat I love You. Ling ,'I,n(I dlSellgllgillg, his point mo� hold or , � tioning respecting the marquig, wh ronlr. She had bban struck by Woe lialf-slipped dourn, loaving tier pro- I 1070 Y. . oil! I cannot even promise nacing me in 1111 the different 11 muno,agc U es, .1nent of huslinads, and sincovo tbat rm not at all sure thaV She felt-, rather than saw, was st,101 Fanny's face and dancing. file free to his gazo. tile delicato hav-1i't been managing in* , yoll haplitness, though I would give he forec,xi the attack from the start reading, "' " my life .to win it for you! I can and in spite of all that I could do my NVIf wniting for liar. . � A little later the marquis came up g1r1lish. profile crowuml by tile gl;�- . compelled mo to give ground, Slow- right aloog. if -that's so, You caa �' to Nvbero Manche was resting. iout; wealth, of dark silky ,'air. Only; say, lo, love yo -11 !" 11canwhile, tile ball swings on; t and tile room gets hotter, the 110100 "I .,Lin to take you to .supper, Lady IN,111oll sholle with raven laStre Elaine stands, one hand holding her ly 1,Alt surely lie, (Irove me back and' put her doWn oa one of the has Manche," he saiid. ill times I saw open- cleverest marl,xgers that ever lived.". of talking alit] laughing louder . I against the white neck. Then he shawl, against liar bosom, the other although sever, and more unrestrained He had been a*ed to do so b,.v one I is kI 1 it a loir vo�ca: quivering beneath Ills, which trem- ---- ---,-------­­­-­- - liandwritin- appears on the wall, to of the stowards. The room was no r- �'Xov are fond. of poetry, I lmow." bloo too. . d., % I t , 9 n I crov9,4 that the first act 1Y. full, liout way 'VILS lilado for t�2II,p Maine assented by a slight move- rtll� ' . twic, great poiwoina.gos, airil he saw luent of liar head. - 0 % 1-11, of a, 11109 tragedy. Is being played, to -he Sprin warn the `�.\ . . S that she had sovinothing to oat and J I IN e a k Otonuch in. F3 oven as they dance I I'llow N.10 thoso lincs o.1-TonilY- Married Nick's, 1�tsfer. VA.01 11.0 himself filled liar glass for liar, son. I think-rull! I.Mon way rise Scotti& American. . -- ' 01-11APTE, R X. but tbaturb he talked NrIth her. as lie oil their dead selves'--" -IiIshire, who, I Captain Sherwin passed on to' th a I, ­r,o highor things.' 'I she ' A farmer's wife In Pert . stood with a glass of wine In his said, as jr,i,s much troubled by. liar busband's i Indigestion and Dyepepsia tho Natural Result of 14.'xha"sted Nerves and balcony, and stood looking at -the hand, Lady Blanche Saw that lie he " starlit sky with a. restless, dIssatis- was prco-peupled, ,111A that every now NtOppe'd. � � druDken, fiabl.tb, arranged with liar i Weak, Watery Blood -Dr. Cliase's Nerve 1,00d "Yes, tha,t is It Do ,Toil bel!cvc brotli-or �a Play the "ghost" upoill . fled expression, He was Dot 0WO-7- an� then lie glanced across the room thrid ?", ;... I liar husband oon6 dark night. When ' Ing himself very much that evening!. I to -Nvilere Elaine Stood, antl a Eflitillax ' , poople Suffer mor loss mrsi, M. A. Sharp, No. 3-16 Dublia He had meant to $,,how Elaine. by s6ilsatlon of Jealousy and resentment Elaine raised her eyes to his face; oll t,he ,way tl 0 Most .. hoillo from ",Ila kin I - or -- stroet, Poterborough, ont.. writao '. 0 galv, an al, arlLlaoil Sil,tidonly' fl�olu SCO1110,01. Weakness, in0lgra,,�ion I-Imor, som:o years I was troubled avoiding liar, and displaying Ine � shot tbroug-h tier to that Nrl-th wbIch It Nvas pale aud full at a grave fill.111,01, ,p, ' I rorl,ng' I intelivity. rliv behind Some busll(m Ilwlia 0, thc� Is .0 forenten wlion lie should meet liar, I -til,, li�vl n�voi-r0w-1 Elabir"R beauty re and lo"is of "pPotito In , I ivith In-digastioll, wh! I' dMlOroed 'that her rofilead of his hand bad not wheon she bad first seen her. "Yes," 0 i sal -d, softly, " C ed Via arliv?r, "I'm Auld but inally' dO 'lot r013,117c tlMt tbi�3 into nery � ous dysPOPEIM, and bet - "I did iioi; nntll�qntil a few days I to Was tile roply. "Gie's a r S a Kvc`lk� aQIlic1lL;o,u of affairs is duo to 10W �41da sufforing f am, 11011voll n Ss, . ago," jig salt,l. "I likid forgott(In tile g lauk he I I ex I [in Vo I a We . I 01 er iia,nd, I n ' ca - OCXI and strange dizvy SPells I , uI( 0 1 1 vit.,lity, poorness of tile bit I' I I C1:!m, ;11 I'll I, .... ­ ­ �4 I I-Illon, as one (fees forget such things , t'llo ti 1, , man. 111,111 =%rrled trie L-11-,"stoel IIIII'ves, over Ilia, XlearIng of the good re� 7 =�1170 Z I i � �: , r n . 1114 1 '-f-m-m— =­ 1" 0 , 1.111.1,11--11 1-10 stopp Ours. Slinoll be Nvaltin- like ill'(,, I I Oil. "And yo%tl)o- 11, sl;4tor o' .Vllt' dig"estivo corgalls, , f4ults Ol)t.l.lned fron Dr. Chaseln . . Ilove they -'re true ?11 for!s lip byo at tile fal"111, Will, Me; 001(ir org'.".11.; of thlk, bvKlyl lire on- I Nal,ve Food, I decided to try It, . 1�1 Good Paint not o3fly be autifacs "Yes," she said, with Sweet sol- (El'A Intak, yo woloom-00, . I tirctl,y (J.­,pL,ndont oil tile nervout; 1 mtor o, protty til'twol),-Iii t-evt of Ir emlllty� ­ � --,-. -.---- I - .I(* , I can Say thut I I I I S� st(, .1 otects and preserveS. 11,1111-t Into vulgar prose, It is 'It -::ii DauifAi Vai�,-, rcwl NvIt1j' a -WhIto I '11, for thc., r,norgy or power ; tiltv inod ,ino �g . I but pr jvhlt�ll rinablos tllclu to 110";Orul I tlovr,r 11sw anythin. that did we Is never too late to lneild,' " lie said. er.�­; upoil It, ��, Almix to the hvart of , tllc.il, fullc[,J0tl.,;. Without thl,4 tile I so niulob. goad� It 6100mccl Lo be the i I " ngtmsayPs ]Paints have brilli- "Novor too late to regaiii ono'slotqt 1, n Aloxil,mlra, aad N0101 her 1111,9- digestivo flilit.15 (it) not flow. tile very treatment that I noeded, and 3 , .0*;- I ancy and durabilit wbich Malm � btll)Pllless� Alla Y" say It IS true. . 1)0 l;,1�,,11',1;`,; llrqll.,,�b ,su1j.J,,!(1tt4 Hot fl)-ing Ill illiu-,cular contratitiOn and motion I aso a yasult & its Use I jaml quite y careful, I boseach Von, for ,you caii- llulldrcdj� of windows thirlilar the Corao- 1), ti)r.1 stom.,l.0il is wea.k and Irregn- I roAturod to hoaltib." � I R� . thein the most econoillical to use. not glicso how llnpollt�lllt "vo,"Ir vor- 1�,I, 1;*1 I ; tivi'Lle 4, lla,�, A I'vetty It-gend I:- I r. lind com.wolaontly 11'ri.4", i7i'll- , D�.* potl.a�� your incroti,so In -w,�Iglat " , � I #1 , . � diet is -to 1110", al. �;�!;O',J tu !',;, ;;j,J*I, a, Nv7'1V,l* In t1w . . 17 bi gron f Od t re W Ranisay's Paints are good Paints. U . ,lL,,t4tjon, Iiaa.daelliot?, dl,7y SPLAIR, IVIIAC llsfll� V t; t 0 U " � I . B!'liki-ek, lau" fill-Alod and than I Y"(Illvlol 'I't Jl(%IJJ '. 'A I'all1r.11 la'y tolt; F+j,�Ill;�sp,IeNs arld, other distressIng you call provo Illat now, firral flesh, � Is writelts, ttletitiollingt1lispaper., forl�ooklct2h­v �e glow pale. The witsio of t1ha­1fyo:.;oo- ,I,..,- "Thf, fla�� (51 w, irg . i ,lit"ll wo arn vo , al; gladfIciled our vyini"torns, and tissuo -is boing added to tho, � how soluji bcautirui ilotuas are pamtedwitli our T,tliutP- t1s" floalod out to theiii, tile sca"t il�,olld, and,wiliall h. 1), 1, Snell I I I 1-11-1. ��� of a toa,7roso ollinbh7g up one of the pll,­., st), orteal ill tile Lontlon streets I ,c,,8tI­vo tp,l)lnis, polisin and body. Thro n-PPOtItO is eharPOIle(Li A. RAPUISAV&SONt pAlti,r 0000iltrvqs, MONTRI5,AL6 tro"I'Llannt,; can never do niore thab djqestlon 1-nd o,n,KslnV.Iat!ion ,are 11131 I 4std. IS42- . �j� Pillars of the vorauda, bennath was t1,J NVJI�l See it fl.,Nlll.Ql in Jj0II0V 01 your By their provold, the form. rounda out, tl* I I W.1ifted. upiward, hiatno Nvouia ro- (,�,mwll ii -.ml Our Xi"I".*", (1.111whtor, J�; Itfroml to"ITIOrk"T I'AlOt 11 It I I 1.� I 114 "I i�o contilliled Ilse to 0frvot kIlgV80011 nvidy glow, roolturns to tile Chleekqs . ,. I . '�I.Qll- p -ember tile Nv-altz, the acent,of the f, 11,111)�44LI(l by tbe 1),1111S,11 PM31111" ,I -y way there Is ovitioneg 1'1�,WQIII � ,� �, ard� I !"V., 1�(.() tbro_ Jll.. ­­ illo 1lll1tq+,s Of t1in oLomaell w4tsto ,11,4 in eve �n '71, (!()1%,, �� � ;�' IVII . ,� it otl J �i;,� - I ,�,��,,g\elxg I " .1 ­q.W '. 11 � itITOR 'N - " tea -rose, all liar life aftervv I for Nv,ouit of excrels-0, tho liat- that thit) SYSt011ll Is bo,Olng t0stOr0k, ,\�N ,L\ ,\, I-V "Why -why should you. ask, NVITY m.flelil or 1"'lut,10. We 'worn " a57 1 I fi fl-litiliq 41. I I � �, A 1151111,� ­ \:,.. ,�\' ,%�� i . I 111'.11 (ligo-4iyo fluld"i oeasro to flow, 1.11d built up.. - I I .. " v- I .1 0, 11 " A -Mr- , , -;t , 0, N, I oir, III "i 01), NvIlf, -allnicnt bccome,3 elYronle Dr. Clia,m''S X(.rvo I'lood, W vont& " \0 \111 \ -out(( YOU derxind upoll my ordn- t1p, Ruf4siall,4Y In , 1* I \ , I "I 11 & I � R �� 31, V �, sh and tilo . RM\ ," � - -or -to ­ 0 0 -1 -- , ��, �..21'11101 111" tan ?" i4io said, an carelessly as a!)o lhol,lo for our 1400 so"1111c,il 10A, kileA- lt� i$-11 A 1-1 --- �� E , , a bax" 4 box 4 tot* $24:0, at,t. ­­ - -e fr-­. � "I 11 1� 4 � 1011S, . �, 'N 'I , 'm, I Z.. ­­ .Iz�ll " t ,\ III.'; could. . .. lAg VIA tila batilt"[1(t4i, pinlycd --nin. � - I ­ W,��- ­� - � , I I'lid Sol, , , � ,� �� , � IN t'o1,Ie,,q J)r. Cli,%Fj-,'�i N-rvo Food vu;eg in- Irl.a.,11(!rg, or T!1,tJul.%ilSon, Dates & Cod, ' "I I I Z I "�, "necause-well, I value It more a.*! vo,"w1i VVI'Ll) g'v-,a,(tT Carnl*�R St as It Tv;'Ontg I I 9 ..,-�; . r -11 . - 1,�-,� �11 - ,Sgn , ORKRII I -lily than an,v other human be- r(v" 1;0("�­;- to ()Ilv !,71'�!".q, At Ir"I"t.h. 1:1140's0on and rl,�Vspt,I)zsln jm ), To prot;oct Foa against , IV . 111 - L .�.11'1 , 0 &M, big -, - � ro. criro.� otlier nilamnt% by inaltingth!, , jujitiltiono, tho portrt3,lt and, 4gna* - ... � 11-1 i Ka .1- I ,,,;,,, - ;);,nv� in lrnv�* 3"t4l" , R1 Q H -, W- F 111108", lie saldk I'llecausa � 741tig ,, ow 110 fli-Per-V nih '4',,, , � ��� .". , -0-41--e 11 r,jlg, 11, Olt JV111.^11 0: Wilo'd I'lotyl I'Li'll noill erna-till", 11�,%V, 110"Vo tuni Vi Or. A. `W� chas(I. tb,.4 famoua � 11.�,­ tR -M vis �. P"Ii`1llleV.,-�iiP drin". tloo,rtlr to 1,or ­ I a b I r . " ..". It- . I .-( I.!, I , 'm Ill i I ... . T) PAINT A IGI I ,.� I I �­--� , - PAI N I 11111�111.­ C. , 1, ill for!.".. -I", - V"", - w ,och 'rulw, ro�,Vlvt book alitlior, I= on over$, � 1. ' I '� - ' I � �, r,00mv;�ol - � -A I�J" . ". - ­., .. "It vrns Tmt i,,,i'1' T. :o ;�o �-wi tba� %'A"!lii0 ' 110 - 11 111,04 1 , - . . �, , :".'o,v,� . .I( ,,'-%V�,'��R%�"41y'tl".V"Qm. , ,%;,�, �"",Ijkl?t', "�., I I : � 11 � I 1: 1. I - -, 2Z: - ��� 11" - , .14- -61t. Lbo Inachulol"y or I tile bod,y. , I . . I I --11 . -I"—"- I pam6M]ioorod the ftj;t,to;. L11JA I btsg�arl tlye V. aii�J. we won tlia.t. bAttt,% i . �', I I . � I . . I I . � 011AU I 11 . . I I I I � I ­ ­a�,- -4-- — I . I ,, . � - I . I . I I . . . ". , ,� , I ­ ,. I .. I .. , - . . � . . �l I . .1 � I 1 ., r . . . I ,� I , . . . . . .......... ­­.''.., , 1. 1-111. ­ 1-1 ­ . -1.1:- � '. � - - .".. '. ' - ji.6&Jj.jjjjJfiJJj',jo�� I - .., ­ ,. . - . ' : .11 I I . . I : I . I I ­­. — ­ ­ . ­ ­ ----4 ... . ­ "' ­­ ' ' '' � ­ �' " " ­ ' ­ � " ' ­­ '­ ' � � , , � " � I -1 , �, --- � ���� -1 ­­­­ .1 ­­­ -.1.1 11.1 ... 11 ... ­ , -11. � I