HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-05-29, Page 6�- -
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iI'e all Jews at ishli Ile
011 16
the religion of the siaurgliterers• it,
fil`ve " . ____._
Christianity as well.
"Whenever Rnxssian horrors reach
441'wcs g; .
American cars we constantly hear
' , Sic t., ., Kruger r a e a
Speech to .�
, .,1, t
States. If woe look beneath the
surface, which, is not necessary,
a Paris
�' ...
age i ,,Y "�,J r Cti,,,J G!
no, Hose,',
Ration of that ,city, by a mob which
I've got ;
.Iii t,': !, Loudon, May. 25, -Replying to a
the party presented the Boer states_
xloot." .. i garestion In the Rouse of Commons
mann with many bouquets, and Mrk
Kruger made a brief speech of
ai* to -ay, lila Under I!oreign Secre-
thau.ks. 1.19 said he expected to re,
tw•a or�l� tory, Lord Cranborne, admitted that
tarn to France next year, Mr. Kru-
"N'o C ; commu'nications were passing be-
ger spoke in ar strong voice and
eb ?" a.
-ween the Foreign Office and Ger-
seemed to be in fairly good health.
itztatl aliek
any racy
'9na,ny, regarding- the latter's impo-
'sition of differential duties against
A Big Loan.
London, M•ay 25.-7ghe prospectu's
cauld, " �
V,mdada. The under secretary de-
furnish intorma;tiou to
of the new Brazilian five per -cent.
of $`.:3,000,000 for the improve.
Sad . P.
cdin,ed to as
.whether the Foreign Office bad inv
meat of the harbor of Rio Janeiro,
will be issued by the Rochschilds to,
, of
" A v,151iB itaby retaliating dicated. the pubya imposing spe-
morrow. The price will 92.
.`Las 1: Fclal duties on German imports into
Bulgarians Get Worst of it.
--.Ithe United Kingdom. saying he
S+alonica. Nay 25. The long list of
., . , could not make any farther state-
recent deliberate murders in the vil-
layet of-Mona,stir, with a prepon-
urt� ment at present.
,ess' liruger in Paris.
dexanne of Bwigarlan victims, indi-
it is that the 'harks
�rll�tti I Paris Ala9 '25, -Former President
lt'=RI�+';1Kru Kruger here to -data, from
caters, asserted,
aro dettiog beyond control. Out.
1.sni• g arrived
lahis to Holland,
twenty-one officially admitted in r-
'ret. I Mentone, on way and
. I I C' received a sympathetic welcome
dens fifteen Bulgarians were among
the vlotlins. In some cases the bodies
from a small crowd of Intimate
,were mutilated. One maxi murdered
friends, who boarded his train at
by. Turks had Ills eyes torn out, his
;ta', I I the railroad station. The women of
f.ace burned and his tongue out out.
ist€ SL
( ate
NTL •.
bd AC qts Se Ew-MINISTER
Toronto building, trade ;yesterday,
;when the bric�kla;yers, wh,a returned
Alagno-9110"Vitalizer to one of
two etu,clents ctaosea trom the third -
aasllage a Talks Abaut the Shocking Outrages on
oiroulat'ion in Windsor, 'hlr'ey aro
iI'e all Jews at ishli Ile
rein e:
a Inau. New York, May '25. -Oscar Strauss,
the religion of the siaurgliterers• it,
1 solicit 3,who was twice U.S. Minister to Tor-
is a. crime cigainst civilization and
Special is,
da Utes u key, gives the Following views re-
Christianity as well.
"Whenever Rnxssian horrors reach
e }Carding the relations between the
American cars we constantly hear
f, S. and Russia; "No one can read
r Zurid horror the
about the long standing friendship
between Itussia and the United
Wltftout a shudder of re-
1 (L• reports of the fiendish outrages at
States. If woe look beneath the
surface, which, is not necessary,
Kisheneff on April 19• 20 and 21, f
when Russia is concerned, we will
DR, i upon the unoffending Jewish popu-
find that, underlying courtesies to
Ration of that ,city, by a mob which
our naval officers and profuse dip-
lomatic professions of friendship,
'seas officially incited and officially
will be found a purpose to accen-
tuate hostility toward
of 1>entaL protected. !
graduate, "The London Times states that the J
Jews I
"Th.e Russia of to -day has noth;-
m'g in common tare United
Toronto l,number of killed, men, women
of teeth. pand children, was between 60 and
' ,70, and the number of those seriously
States, and she would, if ,she could,
caviar our declaration of independ- '
At Do
!injured, men, women and children,
enceout of existence and wipe
ils estimated at about 500. Most of
llbort-y from the face of Lire globe.
the Jewish workshops, stores and I
Tdle graphic forecast of her policy
P B(Ihouses were ra,usacked and pillaged, i
by Britain'st diploverimatist,
Can greatest
Le and the greater part of a communy
L'ity of thirty thousand has been ren- r
our day: Rome of old extended its
on County
dered homeless and penniless. These xonage oi,crimes I
sway by conquest, but wherever
its eagles flew the arts of eiviliaa-
satisfa' have been committed in
Christian Russia, by a Christian
tion followed. Tlie Russian bird of
1 rabble, supported and participated i
PHI, fa"by Russlan officials.
ploy has no such commission. It •
turns indeed toward the sun, but
barbaric holocaust which has
the shadow of its wings is blighting
and •.:moral desolation closes upon
County 'taken place In a populous city of
its flight.' .
those. one hundred and Torty thousand in-
"Let not a false or misplaced
. Terms: habitants appeals for redress, not
gratitude ell?ek..1h1e humane sym-
teed, to the Jews throughout the world,
pathies of Americn, for the despoil -
but to the civilized world; not to
ed Finns, the persecuted Christ -
those professing the religion of the
ians anal the oppressed and massa -
slaughtered, but to those professing
cred Jews."
e 'c
MgJ I U- I T LIU �
Oblige t d notes and drafts are
accept s defer payment until the
( ate
nand manufacturing rights of the dis-
eove�ry for $730,000. '11110 inventor, it
Toronto building, trade ;yesterday,
;when the bric�kla;yers, wh,a returned
Alagno-9110"Vitalizer to one of
two etu,clents ctaosea trom the third -
is sai't, n,;bsolwtely, deaiiued the offer, .
because he know the purchasers lu-
to work on A2onday, again quit work,
ca,r class of New.-. 'York University
,l•,he student did not the
vault as opened and the papers
ter, Soli __
secured. t
Chews its Throat Till the
J. r. ST:
Beast Dies,
Berber Tribesmen Leave the Sultan of
Morocco in the Lure,h.
tian of Ishtar Gate . at -Ancient
Tangier, May 25.-Toutan is still
threatened ,by hostile tribes. A
thousand men belonging to the pow-
erlul Berber. tribes of the Zimmurl,
rates of Lander (Wyo.) coir. Chicago Triban,%
who were summoned to Fez to join
the, expedition againstthe pre -
Ail le:orris of hand-to-hand entoun-
tender, and whose assistance as
ZiJ ters with -wild beasts have been
cavalry was very important to the
8>xiaslted by Anson Sercoff, of Ter-
1 Offices a
Sultan, have mutinied. .
The other troops were ordered to
f rey Creek canon. who killed a moun-
fire upon them, whereupon the
tain lion a few, daps ago. Sercoff
whole body deserted to their own
PRI Avas piospecting,'when he ran across,
tribe lands, carnving with , them
a Eon's Glen. Determining 'to secure
the whole of their equipment and
Barri ,the kittens, he dug Ilia way into the
their horses, and pillaging on the
ete, e,, den. ,'kt that instant the mother
wa.y, The revolt will have serious
lion sprang upon hinx from the rear,
resultF3 damaging the governmentse
and a struggle ensued.
prestige and probably leading to
W. PRI The lion overestimated its first
the revolt of other trines. .
'leap and did not secura a good !Told^
=-•-- .and Sereoff was enabled to twist
. __
about and face the anlmal. With one
The -same experiment was nude
Aland he grasped its lower law in
Aerolite as Bi as Oil Harrel Cuts
rach a manner that it could not use
Down Trees in NVest Virginia.
00*00 Its toAli and with the other he man-
secozir l grammar grade. These chhl-
' sla aged to cross the forefeet and hold
Parkersburg, W. Va., May 25, -The
C 4 'them agglust his body so that ,,he
largesrt meteor ever seen in West
10 claws could -not be brought into
Virginia is reported to have been
* G ,action. Tilts lion and the man rolled
se -an by emphoyEes o1 the Felton Lum-
ar o'ei tog�nther, atiul Sercoff wvorlc�cl
is ,
,his bod•� In between the beasts hind
iter Company near Grafton. ,IV:hile
in their timber camp last night
3o , lllegs. In thle 'position the lion was
they, heard a pee+,:Nal: whizzing nolle,;
0 "°` able to do little with its claws.
followed by an intensely bright
Strict Sercoff burled his tenth in the lion's
light. They rui,slaecl out and slaw, a
+a prow x1eck and tore frantically at .the
met ear, which they doscrll.leel as a
itis plies •flesh until lie vevotel the .iu; n'ar
1.4'111 orf fire ass big as an oil barrel,
00 Bar rh'ein. Tare lion struggleal fiercely, -but
whizzing in rat southeasterly direc-
eiga, '40oon became so wen.k from the loss .of
iblood that S'rcoff was enabl^.d to
It sped through the- forest like a.
ns %pring out of range and watch it
lmllet and mowed clown tall timber
I* V expire. Ii'^ ems.rge l frpm the en: