HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-05-29, Page 5Clubbing rates. 1W—We ]mve made at'ratngernonts to' offer the following low clubbing rates with Two lito,A.w. DailyGlobe $ 1',25 • Mail R, Einpiro 4.25 • Weekly. Globo . 1.00. „ Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (Germain) 2.50 l+ a mil;ir Harald & Star 1.75 Daily Free- Press 8.25 Weekly Free Prosy 1..75 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly.Stni . 1.75 Partner's Advocate '1.$5 SALE REGISTER. FARM FOR SALE.—Lot No. 7 and the South half of Lot No. 8, Concession 8, Hay, containing 15() acres. Good frtune house and bank barn: spring water all year; convenient to school and about four miles from Zurich, Ont. Will be sold at a low price and on terms to suit purchaser. Apply to BAc1rA:vD & Co., Zurich. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—In the Village of Blake, 1 story house, with good kitchen and 4 bedrooms, all in good repair. The lot contains acro or land, and will be sold cheap as the owner intends leaving the village. Apply to �'\1a'. MARY QEICII.Y, 43•pd. Blake P. 0., Hay Tp. FARM FOR SALE. -50 acres, West half, Lot 20, Con. l0, Ilay, one and a quarter miles North of the Village of Zurich, about 40 acres cleared, balance good paatur'e land. Good frame house and kitchen and frame harm 40 x 60 feet. This farm will be sold cheap as the pro- prietor intends going SVest. For particu- lars apply at the premises or address SoLosiox .TACQ7n;, 33-0. Znrieh P. O. FARM FOR SALE.—Lot 22, N. 13, Hay, 100 acres; half -a -mile East of Blake, 88 acres cleared, balance good hard wood bush, 45 acres seeded to grass. (:good water, (3 wells). (food stone house and a large frame barn with stone stabling underneath. A frame frig -pen, driving and implement shed and other necessary out -buildings. This faun will be sold very reasonable; if disposed of within the next two months. ' Apply to E. 'Zeller, Zurich, or'to ROBERT N. DoroLAs, proprietor, 33-3 Blake, P. 0. ken Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION .OFFAL Breed to the East, TARESTUM, 31795—The plrenominal, well bred etandau'd trotting stall o t. Leads all stallions in Canada fur siring great speed, and )nigh stepping action for p toad and carriage purposes. T,,rentum h tuts now produce(! :3 colts 5howiug better than 2.10 speed, one going miles •in 2.05, t who has now entered in over twenty-five h thousand dollars in stakes down the grand i, circuit. Harry 1) commences the grand oir•cuit at Detroit in the $5,000 Chamber and Commerce stake, and at the same ineeting he starts in 2.14, $2.000 stake and then goes down the grand circuit through other large stakes. Tarentum is the, only stallion in Canada that leas produced a colt that won second money in his second start in a race at Memphis, time 2.04. Route as follows; lllnnday'--Situon N]cli,enzie's, Tucker- srnith, for noon; then to Blake far night. Tuesday—Zurich, for noon; Crediton, for night. Wednesday—Exeter, for noon; 'Farquhar, for nights Thursday—lily way of Stellii to Dublin for noon. Friday and Saturday —At his own stable, Egmond- ville. For extended pedigree and further particulars apply re A. 0HARLES- WORTII, Egmondviile Ontario. HJLLSGREEN Special to u..a T l I1tr3,ALA). Mr. • William ,-iurrott spent the 25th at Bayfield. Wily can't the boys start a foot- ball cl11b here ? "There is certainly plenty of good Material for that purpose. Mr. Thos. Farquhar 's barns have been Tnoved and is now in position for tl)e Masons to commence work. Mon ate still busily engaged in {putting together the dredge, in'the big swarriu, Mr and Mrs. J. Mollickof:Zr rich spent Sunday at Mr. Isaac Hud- son's. We are pleased to say that Mr Webster Turner is gradually an pro wing. The new boll for No. 8, Hay, is now in position. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of Exeter, visited friends in this 'Vicinity recently. Mr. Sherritt, M. P., for North Middlesex, was in the village on Saturday, attending the Insurance meeting. The copious rains of the last few days carne in time to greatly assist spring crops and we may now cen- fidently look for an abundant har- vest. Mr. Ram Manager of the local brunch of the Sovereign Bank, attended a meeting of the Boa°rd,• at Toronto, on Monday, and the officials at headquarters were more than pleased with the business already secured here. Anyone having any banking business to do will find it a pleasure to do busi- ness with this bank. Mr. Melick, agent for the Empire Cream Seporator refers intending purchasers to either Leno ,Tripper or Conrad Sebilbe regarding the recent tesla made 1.)y these gentle- men. 40 seconds saved on 55 lbs. of milk is worth considering. llny the Empire and you will Le on the safe side. 41-1 TEE SOLAR PLEXUS. Is the largest nerve centre in the sympathetic nervous system, is sitnated just Buck of the stomach, and supplies nervous energy, the vital force of the human hotly, to the stomach, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, etc. By creating nerve force Dr. Chase's Nerve Food dirt'ctly aids the solar plexus in supplying the power which runs the machin- ery of digestion and so cures ner- vous dyspepsia, headaohe, dizzy spells and bodily weakness. LOST THREE CHILDREN BY CONSUMPTION. A. Mother's Lotter and contribution for the Free Consumptive Hospital. That " one touch of nature makes the whole world kin" is being shown by the many sympathetic and practically help- ful letters that are being received in re- sponse to the appeal to furnish quickly the new Free Consumptive Hospital, the first Free Consumptive Hospital in Am- erica. A few days since, Sir William R. Meredith, who has kindly consented to receive subscriptions for the hospital, found in his mail a letter from a mother in Hamilton, which reads :—" The en- closed three dollars is a contribution tc the Free Consumptive Hospital, being one dollar for each of the three children I have lost by that dread. disease." All over the Dominion families are, being broken up by this terrible whiter lague. Need we wonder that those who ave lost loved ones should contribute of heir moans—much or little—to bring ops and health to others who are suffer- ig in this way, and whose case may become hopeless if help does not come quickly? Another, signing herself " Let not. your left hand know what the right hand death," writes i1Ir. W. J. Gage ;—" En- closed find $1.00 for the Free Hospital for Consumptives. I would like, and if I' were able, would give you $100, or make'ono of ten to give $1,000 each, but I am poor. Though very poor, however, I cannot resist your special appeal, and earnestly desire that you will soon have all the cash you require." The new buildings are completed, and the trustees are anxious that they should bo furnished with the least possible delay, so that response be grade to the daily and pressing appeals that aro corning to them for admittance. Contributions may be sent to Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Chief Justice, 4 Lamport Avo., Toronto; W. J.. Gage, Esq,, 54 Front St. West, Toronto;, or to The National Trust Co., Limited,, Treasurer, 22 King St. East, Toronto. SO YEARS" EXPERIENCE T S B y1s dead a .Fy ass of Sores Fur Throe Years a great sufferer from Eczema—Would scr•enut with agony. Ma. JAMES SCOTT, x36 Wright Avenue, Toronto, states :—"My boy Tom, aged ten, was fornearlythree h e years afflicted will r a bad forma of eczea of te scalp, which was very unsightly, and resisted all kinds of remedies and doctor's treatment, His head was in a terrible state. We had to keep hien from school, and at times his head would bleed, and the child would scream with agony. For two and a half years we battled with v/ r/tr/y it in vain, but at last t found a Dore in Dr. %Chase's Ointment. About live. boxes were used. The original sores dried up, leaving the skin in its normal Toni Scott condition. To say it is a pleasure to testify to the wonderful merits of Dr. Chase's Ofntment, is patting it very mildly." Dr. Chase's Ointment is a positive cure for eczema, salt rheum, scald head and chafing. Iio cents a box at all dealers, or Irdn tnson, Does and Co.., Torontg. All kinds ofpgood legs wanted at •once, for whiOli highest 1)rices will he paid, • Cash on�,clelivery�,. • 1'rir. 0 . , iii\i`.131Ct 1tiSCn. ij TRADE: MARKS DESIGNS C0r'InIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sleeted and description may (Mealy ascertain our opinion free whether an. Invention is probably P,ttentabls. COmmirnla,t. tions Acridly confidential. Handbook on Patents sett free. Oldest a enoy for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn. & Co. receive speoialtaotioe, without charge hi the SCitittilk f sItit init. A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest clr.. ()mallett of any selontliki Journal. Terms, $3 a, rear ; four months, $L Sold Alan newscasters, MUNN Co 36%Broadway, New York. Branch Ofileo ),,w -, HI .Washington. D. C. ptil i1'o prove to you that .Liar. 1esChase`s OIntment is a certain 1 and absolute cure for esaili and every 'form of itchimg. blooding and protrudingtritest.the manufacturers have guaranteed it. oo tesr, tirnonlals in the daily press and ask your neigh - bora what they think of it. Yon oan use it an& 5a1; •our money back if nob cured. 60e a boa, ati all dealers or EIMAs'sM4,13Arras & Co..'roronlo Drs Qihaoe's Ointment: TETE ZU RICH HERALD D Needs of the Nations. "If we rimy believe the Washington correspondent of the New York 'World,'" says the "St. James Gazette," "the Unit- ed States Government erre to propos() to Portugal that they should take a short lease of Lisbon for the purpose of blockading it, presumably with dummy shells. . The object is to prove that the `American' navy can cross - the ocean to take the offensive." This passage suggests to "Punch" a new,a,Aid extended field of usefulness for the property -market as well as a fresh era of prosperity for eountries and cities which have known better days. Perhaps before long we may see some such ad- vertisements as these:— WANTED,—Good roomy continent for Army Manoeuvres, and colonizing expert, nrents. The larger the better. Good price offered for immediate possession. Also wanted, good-sized ocean and part fleet.—Wire, SV. 11., Potsdam, Germany. TO BE LET, for summer season. Large ancient city; great historical and anti- quarian interest. Admirably adapted for sieges, surprises, sorties, etc. Artillery, rnen, ete., can be let with eity if desired, or bring own S. P. Q. R., Box 21. STREET FIGHTING, every opportun- ity for•,—Houses lean across streets; in- vading army inevitably destroyed by brickbats from upper windows. European tenants preferred. Address, Mayor, Car- lisle. BARGAIN,—Beautiful green island of- fered for internecine warfare. Home- grown enemy always in stock. Moonlight operations; every attraction. No Eng- lish need apply.—Write, Erin, Europe. RULER of large and pleasant Empire has vacancy for pupil to learn autocracy and give moral support. Live in palace. Excellent mixed shooting. Strong head of Armenians in iminecliate vicinity. Army provided if wished, but better bring own. Religious convictions no bar. —Address, Caliph, Yildiz Kiosk. (Ex- cellent testimonials,) REQUIRED AT ONCE.—Empty coun- try, desert preferred (with lions and alli- gators), for settlement of undesirable aliens.—Apply Howard Vincent, Army and Navy Auxiliary Stores, Great Brit- ain. GOOD HOME, free fife, every oppor- tunity for expert criminals, unlimited prospects, no charges. -John Bull, Lon- don, England. (Testimonial: "Since I cane to London I have found it neces- sary to go nowhere else.—Haman Un- hungski.") Individualities, Several of the friends of the late George Douglass Brown, author of "The House With the 'Green Shutters," are preparing his biography, which will be published soon. The introduction is con- tributedLang, by Andrew and the Me- moir by Cuthbert Lennox. Other friends give their reminiscences of Brown's life at Oxford, in Glasgow, and in London. A letter of condolence to Tobias Lear, March 30, 1796, signed by both George and Martha. Washington, brought eleven hundred and fifty dollars at the Peirce sale in New York recently. It was, of course, the double signature, said to be unique, that gave it this value, though the epistle itself is considered a model of dignified and yet sincere sympathy. The announcement that the Sultan of Morocco has bought an estate in Nor- folk, Eng., has created a good deal of interest in Europe. The purchase is be- lieved to be partly the result of the Sultan's apprehensions that the present rebellion pray be successful, and that he may in consequence have to flee to an- other country, and partly the result of his remarkable admiration for foreign things. ]Ie is said also to have deposited a large treasure in gold and jewels in a London bank. Ezra Kendall, who is appearing this season in "The Vinegar Buyer," has just purchaser) six hundred aeres of land near the 13cnnings race -course, several miles from Washington, which he intends to divide equally among his six boys. Mr. Kendall propose:; to let each cultivate his share according to his individual taste. He will build a comfortable home on the property where he can watch the lads and live in peace and comfort dur- ing his sunrrner vacations and in his old age, when he retires from the stage. Dr. Friedrich Mueller, who was recent- ly here as chief assistant to Dr. Lorenz, has returned to America to treat Lolita • Armour. ]'or a year he will remain in Chicago, and will daily massage the limb of the little patient whorl his chief op- erated upon some months ago. ' Dr. Lorenz, the dt:spaLeh es announce, will also soon visit .America again to super- vise the after treatment. It was the intention of the Armour family to take the child to Vienn•t for that purpose during the approaching summer, but Dr. Lorenz's decision to revisit America ob- viated this neeensity, and it i:y believed that better results will follow this elhango of plan. For the fourth consecutive tinge,' Car- t2ur Ii: Harrison has been chosen as the 9.^xanoeratic candidate in the coming rtsu yoralty campaign in Chicago. Graeme ?ttetvart, the Republican national com- n,t;(hkceman for Illinois, the business man tykes secured the nomination of the Re- publican party after an exciting contest With John M. Harlan. will be Ilarrison's antagonist in the fight for the mayoral- ty. The city is nominally Democratic, and it is generally conceded that Stew- art will be defeated at the polls. If he iss it will be -the ninth time that allar- riaon has occupied the mayor's chair et Ohimeo. Colter. Harrison, father of the present •mayor, was five times the city's chief executive. Tlie First Law Book, The well-known assyriologist, Dr, Iiu- go Winckler, has published an account of the legislation promulgated by Ding Am- raphel of Babylon, which, so far ne is known at present, was the first book of laws ever given to ,the world. Ring Amraphel lived 2250 years B. C., and Is mentioned in the Bible as a contempor- ary of Abraham, so that' his stattites were drawn up fully five centuries before the laws of Moses. They number 282, and contain the, following: "If a woman who sells beverages gives bad value for the money paid 1rer, she shall be thrown lute water. "1f a wife be a spendthrift, or it she )therwiso neglect 'her duties, her 'him - band may put her away without eon pensation; but if a man put away his wife for no other reason than that she nes no children, he shall return her whole dowry, "If a betrothal be rescinded, the pian shall pay the woman compensation. "A widow with grown-up children may rot marry again without permission :rem a judge." The 'AoSt. Ili portant Question, • "The cjtifi�r ; recently agitated with so much vfge't gid rigor, as to whether a college edti tion 18 necessary to a yours;,' .elan in bnii mess" (says Tem :Masson in one of: le magazines.)."is not hall so as sting an' how znany men should a gh'1 'be engaged to 'before she is mar- ried, This .question strikes at the roots of society, and generations to come will be fnliueireecl by 11 "Jus£ as the kitten acquires 'valuable practice by playing with• the dummies before she enters upon the serious busi- ness of the , professional mouser, so, be- fore the knot 4 tied, it is proper that agirl should fortify herself with as much preliminary training as possible. Yet this does not imply recklessness nor that superfieial skimming from one sub- Jett to another which precludes a proper mastery of the problem. Enough time should be taken to hook the man thor- oughly, and when lie is properly and steadily in hand, to stnd,y liiri until the possibilities are exhausted. fly - then should he be relinquished, and another specimen should lie selected, and so on until the final adjustment. "And, above all, girl,, do not allow any false sympathy for the man himself to interfere with your end. It is na- tural for hint to squirm, but the whole process, while painful at the time, will do him lasting good. "The ideal, toward which you are di- recting .your efforts, is, of corn'se, to ac- quire such 'a working knowledge of all men that; When you are married, the management of one will be a second na• ture—a habit of life that imposes no ad- ditional strain and does not take away your attention from the other enjoy- ments that you have a right to expect. To be constantly astonished at some new and hitherto unsuspected peculiarity in your (alleged) lord and master, when, by a brilliant series of preliminary en- gagements beforehand, this might have been obviated, is, to say the least, unfor- tunate. Well might some married vet- eran exclaim at thin point, with mucl, emphasis, that if a gel wail ed to find out all the -peculiarities of glen before she married, sne would never marry at all. And there is considerable truth if: this. "What a girl should strive for, haw ever,' is not only to discover a mal', pe- culiarities, but to learn how to subtle; them to her own uses. For, beneath hie envelope of weakness and cunning and roughness and tactlessness, man, after all, is a useful animal. HIe is a good machine to pay bill.; with, to receive use- less orntuuent, from on anniversaries and holidays, to ward elf burglars with. to escort one to functions, to consul! about the baby's peekedness, and Last, but not least, to feed. For every wuina . should have one animal to feed, and a rnan, while often lacking what a dog has, answers the purpose perhaps a. well. "It must be admitted that there i about a first love a freshness, a piquancy. a. 'fine frenzy,' and a peculiar beauty that belongs to it alone. And, if this high pace could be maintained, if life were all loving, it would be rash to re- linquish this brightest dream for a suc- cession of lesser commonplace reveries. Yet sooner or hater the fire mut be made, the table ,et, and the dishes washed, and practical love requires a practical, working knowledge. So, go on, girls,' end 'leers your lessons' beforehand, while yon"ltuve enough text -books, and do not whit mull you are limited to one —only, with regard to the number, don't wait too long. There is always a last lover; and it IS generally advisable to be on with the new love before you are off with the old. ' "All this, of course, presupposes :the probability of a girl being able to find out about a man beforehand, when it is notorious that wren are not the same before and after. This, however, is not so difficult as it seems. Perhaps the best rule is the rule of contraries. The man who promises too much, spends too much, loves too much beforehand, will fail most, have less to spend, and love too little afterward." Musical Gossip. (New Style.) It is estimated by Sir Robert Giffen that the number of women who are to be deprived of the chance of marrying Herr Kubelik is 51,391.472. Gospodin Bolossy ]3ovrilsky, the great Cossack contrabassist, has taken to golf. With a handicap of 56 he was actually 13 down on Bogey ;it the last monthly competition at Lompalanka. • Mlle. Daniela Deronda, the Syrian con- tralto, has been. decor•atecl by the Sultan with the Order of the Jerusalem Arti- choke. A portrait of the gifted artist, with artichoke, appears in the last num- ber of "Home Prattle." M. Prosper Ukhton:sky, the Bessara- bian pianist, hers purchased a cattle -run in Arizona. He finds the work of a eon' -puncher admirably suited to keeping his hand in. During his recent tour in the United States the Chevalier Bo]eslas Simjanki, the one -eyed Armenian violinist, received offers of marriage from no fewer than seventeen millionairesses. The rival claims having been referred to a plebis- cite of readers of the "North Atlantic Hairdressers' Gazette," an overwhelming majority was returned in favor of Miss Edna lit \ser, the Oregon oil Queen. 3111e. Obhia I3ohotle, the Somali mezzo- soprano, has given £3,000 for her new motor -car. With a generosity that •can- not be too highly commended, Mlle. Bo- hote hae engaged destitute English s coniposc'i as chauffeur and accompanist. Miss Mamie Cachalot, the New South Wales prima donna, tvho is so well known for her pronounced Imperialist views, hie bequeathed her larynx to the British. Museum. M, Scroll:, the Bohemian maestro, when not enga,rd in training prodigies, de- votes all ilii leisnro to the elucidation of Coptic palingpsehts. Sir Charies Stanford has purchased a motor-bicycle, whielr lie rides with the soft pedal down.—"Punch," A Shocking Question. An Oklaluoma, paper prints this story; Site was from Boston, he from Okla- homa. "You have traveled a good deal in the West, have you not, Miss Dea- con?" "Oh, yes, indeed—in California and, Arizona, and even in, New Mexico." ' "Did you ever see the Cherokee Strip 2" 1 There was a painful silence; but fin ally she looked over Ther glasses at hint' and said.: "In the first place, sir, I deem your question exceedingly rude ; and, in the second, you might have been more refined in your language by :asking me if had ever seen the Cherokee disrobe:" Guaranteed Watches atche and Clocks. The Latest in Jewelery. If in need of it good Violin nr harmonica, I can supply y 011. Prices Right. Fine Watch and Clock Repairing. F. W S THE JEWELER. Oconee to ...rola 0 Club `k:Sat Will itt(al.51 end Savo Noney for coni. l"erybr 1yg' should jo!n ilia Ittutual Literary Ain... t;ieCli'! oC d ucri r;. There fsnothing else like it anywhere. It costs a?mostnothiiag to joie and the benefits it gives are wonderful. It enables you to piimanse Itoc,lcs and periodicals, Tamale and musical inatrnments at speoaal Cut prices. It secures re• ducedre r ItInsaayhoteis, It answers questions free of a'r tr.e. Is "offers scholarships and value• bto easli prizes s to members, It maintains club ron:nsfu many cities for itsmembers.In addition, every artet-r her receives the official magazbae matt. its(sllf ICr' hiding 6 pieces of publication voocal andfp strumental atus'o(full size) each month without extra charge^ 71 pieces In ore year !nail. YOU CdI3 GET ALTA Oft TILSSE nnnL-'FiTs FOR Az.. rnos3' l•ING. 1'he fNOTun yeaXrly memberehtp fee is One Dollar for which you get all above, and you inlay with. draw any time within three months it you want to do so and gety' urdollarbucic. It you don'tcare to spend $1.00, send 23 cents for three months membership. Nobody can afford to pass this offer by. Yon will get vour money back in ".•afus marry times over. Fust particulars will. bo sent free cr charge, but if you are wisp you will send in your request roc membership with the proper fes atwnce. The filets. three months mem. Yenrr bip offer will soon change. Write at once ad- dressing your letter and enoiosing 51.00 for full gear's membership or twenty-five cents for three' months to frfftP"i'+IliS, LITT717.8T ;Y. 3 1Y5Id CLVH No. 61( a*.iatnsau ht., itr. Yc. Orly. V rxt^z' 't2 :ar,ag.;Sadmi3i'sr. ana.rt4 s a�3a sri 770 other Med'cal r'^. irm in the world has h' e:t .t ! .,'wl rot -notation for curing 114.1013 anti Gd: on Da that lam. E.d `4. en If, 'a:i: tr 1^•'a''f33 w ieti';<oel Treat - entene, discoveredand per'ected by those Lunar:- b o..oia.:i„to, has brought joy, happiness and comfort to thousands of tunic:;. by riff :l, yarns experience in the treatment of these diseases th ty car: rzna:•r. rt'•e iu Cur,- •.c;- No v;ay—r:xrctis- to-ons, Nervous l)a btl ty, byre -bash: '0.le;esesese, . triotisra:, Gleet, Seose1 1)rsiancs, inpott:nc-, �c�ex:a: »"-ret[ :ster.ltol md:.'.'calenea,E, $Ciel - lacy amts Ltiade,; 9)iaataaei. 'flub: gea.antct.s e..:a t,. eked by Eankllonds. IFI r,' tr r• You may have a secret drain throne? tee urine—nova the rcareii v'evi feel tired out in the morning. You are not rested. your kidneys ach.. you feat despcnt,e..t nd have no ambition. Don't let your Life limed bJ d.'i1ue: away, Drs. I.:. & K. guarantee to Core or no Pay. t=om Syphutis the scourge a mankind. FL may not to a er•:aie tc, hsve it, for It may be inherited, but it is a crime to allow It to remain: [u t::.+ s,,,:t., I. Like father— like sou. Beware of Mercury and potash treatmcat. nee. li. K. cusitirely cure the worst cases or no Pay. .^t ICOCELE TY1 The New Method Treatment cures these ctise::res s:af lr and si•r.17. No pain—nosaft' etinrr—nodetentieufret-111m ir,.,se. ltr,r.'tr. ?:ts' ••acio,irindrty'i•iyour e sexual organs. The stricture tiesueis absented aa;icctt: nver r :t i•s• 17.5. L, & guarantee Cures. . •,5� �.• caro ? i Don't neglect your kldneva. Yonr aching beet: tells t:•0 tclz. Lat't Sat Doc.:ors experiment ou you. Drs.'' N. & 1~:. can au0 > on if ',I -GU a.. i.,: L•2,ry :� La's ai.i. They guarantee to Cure or No Pay. C:.'i G".5�it CURES GUARANTEED. 7aNO.r Y"a:.'t". ..`ut:.t..t,,.ct� lee. liiloolre merit Free, f sealer. i "Writ( i'. RE) r :: e : ac,._ : ,n.<.ni: f ,. i .0✓w Treatment. Everything., Con€ic a _I. DRS. KENNEDY & KER,CAN14'3 MICH ,}�, q' �L e�1Vil.Yi'`%�il A--s1,ss.—tr, �''t t'"-'""• a �a d.�''._a,r. W.'•�5...<., � � .� ?i.';.>.,.�,f� soup, oo,1,•r'r 0113, e/1 f•? 7115 5tron(,'fh to hs'lp lana on," •'ia%N'l )owls are inwt' than e'm")net"."—Ty.xxrsoy. TO FURNISH THE NEA FREE cO SD ti P T I E gOSPIThh M USKO KA. The Only Free Consumptive fiospital'in America. CANADIANS EVERYWHERE INTERESTED. —The Ne'w Free Consumptive Hospital, built under the auspices of the 2\ utional Sanitarium, Association, will be reach—so SOne as the n1o22ey to equip and furnish is secured—to receive 50 patients absolutely without charge. —Over 300 out of 500 patients acl/12itted to the M slt:aka Cottage Sanatorium, —the property of the National Sanitarium, Association —have returned home either cured or greatly improved. —The Free Consumptive Hospital is situated in the same delightfully healthful locality, bringing the same ad- vantages to the poorer patients as to the rich. 1. • 5 4. !J I ffOr lir�i F; i 4 '4 ea i'.ra r, »'" 5FS 1"a;Cli yr.# '-'',..-%, , 'tlf. +Ct L h nit - ra., b . l �k""•°• r.t 11' j... �. �r .� — Stu t v, �+ �! �I �r I Vllafi✓dW ''7 -',^FYI , '---'"'tr ' 7 � ,.ill !',, ii ., .♦,{..„ i ,/,/,i+'. tC,S'V(/ %,�-j .I1p1 {t f t/i',� 7 1„�11�tl i•'I�i i 'j,.. ;,✓"., + _ c •..,:,zt "" ir, illy fir 4' i 1'v til, !'I(1 � r"• ll ri�fi/i. , I t :Or/, t • FIRST FREE HOSPITAL FOFI CONSUMPTIVES li'd AN1t-.RI DA The gift of W. J. Cape, Esq., rind (2u' F:'rc'e,Oot:e Merit A. Massey Estate --Think of the sorrow and su`.lbring the /few Free Consump- tive Hospital will alleviate and indeed entirely remove. —Will you not send a dollar—or 12.00, 03.00, $5.00, $10.00— or more, for this most pressing of all chat itles 4 —The victims of the White Plague aro founcl alt ever Canada. $50 WILL FURNISH A BED. ..t W+. m rim W au .,1 O'UNT.R7l3L"TIO,i1'ss' 111,1Y PM SWAT r) --- SIR %V 11'. l4.?'1t1a.En1'rtr, I;at,, Chief r.11titiee. vice—Pres. Drat. lan.Ar3',ocu., 'Toronto. rte. ti. G.t . 1 , Chairman l.x. Cont., Toront:o. NATIONAL T11,U;riT CO. Limited) Treasurer,