HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-05-22, Page 8THE ZURICH HERALD.
We handle good goods
Our prices are low
We carry a large stock
Highest price for produce
Obliging salesmen
at *_
r prices
I have put in a stock of
Palmerston Cutters at
prices to suit the times.
• Call and see them.
J. 1. W1SMEI,
Zurich Carriage
Our new Stock is now
finished. See us before
you buy. It will be to
your interest...
I' HE►J8 & 61O-'1, Zllrlch, Maria Our foot -ball team are again in
the field and intend giving Zurich
a gains on the 25th, Monday even-
ing. The boys will no doubt give
a good account of themselves.
lbl i ' IQ The following teachers from tiiisr
part attended the convention in
Exeter this week : Messrs. J. W.
Hoggarth, Robt. F. Stelck, Will E.
Jarrott and Miss Annie Consitt.
Furniture and
We have now
a large and up-
to-date Stock
of house Fur-
niture a n d
Furnishings which we
offer At a Low Price....
Our Stock is Large and up -to
date. In time of need, give us
a call
P. Mcisaac
Special to THE HERALD.
The Masons are busily engaged
putting up Mr. E. Troyer's wall.
Mr. A. Guhr and his gang are
busily engaged putting the machin-
ery together of the dredge and in
a few reeks will commence work
on the swamp drain.
Planing and Saw Mils
—All kinds of woodwork and saw-
ing doneto order. Estimates
given for all kinds of buildings.
A. full stock of B. C. Pied Cedar
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al-
ways on hand.
Field Gates, Water -
Tanks for Wind -mills
and Water Troughs.
Mills 14th .Con., Lot 26.
J. C. Kalbfleisch
Zurich P. O.
We ha,vo this week to chronicle
the death of Mr. Neil Maxwell.
Neil had been ailing for a number
of years, but his sickness was not
thought of as being so dangerous
until about a year or two ago when
he became aware of having that
dreadful disease, consumption.
After trying many different doc-
s ors and remedies, Neil went West
last summer in hope the climate
would do shin good, but he was
doomed to diet.ppointment, return-
ing about Chri.stnia,s, he gradually
grew worse until hie death last
Wednesday morning. Driving his
long sickness he was always cheer-
ful and always entertained the
hope of getting better. The funer-
al took place on Thursday last• and
was largely attended.
Mr. James Troyer, operator at
Kingseourt, is home for afew
Miss Anna Love has been on the
sick list the past week.
Revised every Thursday afternoon,
Wheat 00 to 70
Peas.... ,
Flour . , , , ,
Chickens ils , .. , . 4 5
Ducks",.....,.... 0 6
Geese .. 5 5
Potatoes..,-.,.,.... 55 Gia
Wheat ..... , . , .... 70 to 72
Oaths ..... 80 82
lit Eley , , 40 40
Fens,.,,.„ 65 75
Plow .. . . , .. . 2 '00 2 10
flogs (live) per cwt. a 5,00 .5,0.0
. ... 10 11
Special to TAE HERALD.
A number of this vicinity were
at Messrs, DDichert and Hess wood
bee on Friday.
Miss EImira Stogdill is to present
laid up, with a severe cold.
James McLinohey spent Sunday
at Calvin Dowson's,
Mr. Thomas Robinsons purchased
a new buggy from V. Hess & Son.
What is going to be the result
A number are wondering where
W. H, titogdill spends his Sundays.
Mr. Robt, lVfunson is at present
visiting tinder the parental roof.
Miss Ann Armstrong was the
guest of Miss Ann Ourvin on Sim -
H ENS. A4,L,
Special to Timm, I3kiw t .
'qrs. (Dr.) 131aokall was
in Clinton hist week.,
Ed. Bedard, of the Bauble hne,.
was in town, on Friday last.
11 Tr. R. Keys, of Varna, was in
Iiensall, on business, en Monday.
Mr, Chas. A. Witwer, of Zurich,
was in Hensall on Saturday, on
Mr. John Becker, of the Town
line, was in town, on: Friday, on
Stew hats have made their debut
for the season and will be ahead
for the next two or three months.
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, of Sea -
forth were visiting Dr. and Mrs.
Blaekall, at the Queen's, on
Dr. Blackall and Mr. Cook, of
Cook Bros., drove to Seaforth on
Mond+iy, in connection -with Lodge
Mr. Poulin, a student from Knox
College, Toronto, will conduct the
services in the Presbyterian church
on Sabbath next..
Dr. S. F. Hopper, Graduate
Optician, of Hensall, . is announced
to be art the Dominion House,
Zurich next week,
Mr. H. Magel, of Zurich, was in
town on Monday, advertising a
cargo of cedar posts, date to arrive
at St. Joseph. on Monday, the 25th
Mr. Jno. Thompson, of Blake,
disposed. of a fine Pole -Angus bull
�.a yearling) to Mr. McCrady of . the
Thames Road. The price being in
the neighborhood of 170. dollars,
certainly a good figure for a year-
A gentleman from Baden was
here some little time ago and rent-
ed the ''work -packing building to
start a brush -making industry.
He'expects to open it about the
15th of next month, and will give
employment to live or six hands.
The Band gave a lengthy pro-
gramme, at their open air concert
on Saturday evening. The atten-
dance was large both . from town
and country. A gentleman from
Torontp was also present and help:
ed to swell the volume of sweet
'Mr. Alex. Stewart, of Chisel-
hurst, bought ten steers from Mr.
Ross Johnston, of Blake. They
were delivered to Hensall on Satur-
day and, are a fine looking lot, be-
ing 2 • years old. Mr.. Stewart
intends putting them on grass for
some time.
Mr. Arthur Mason, of YBrucefield
was in Hensall, on business, on
Monday. Mr. Mason r;r'turned a
few days ago from Manitoba and
the Territories, where he went
with a lot of gond horses for dis-
posal,. He was absent from No-
vember to May.
If You would see Hensall at its
best you should visitit this month
or'next. It is now putting on its
best bib and tucker, so to speak,
for the last week or two has
brought forth both leaves ' and
flowers and made a beautiful town
still more beautiful,
Dr. Blackail, of the Queens, has
just purchased a set of single
harness at a cost of $40.00. They
are said to be up-to-date both as to
design and workmanship, Mr. H.
O'Brien was the maker and is just-
ly proud of then'. The Dr. is noted
for having the best of everything
which is obtainable.
The Hensall Foot -ball Juniors
will be one of the competing clubs
at the sports to be held fit Exeter,
on Monday next, the 25th inst.
The prizesto be awarded are not
large, but the boys want a day's
outing and enter the centrist as
much for a good pCarti0 , as:• for
the money there is in it.;
There was a fall in hats and caps
in Hensall, on Tuesday morning,
when a team of horses, belonging
to Mr. McCauley, of Exeter, took
fright from some falling wire and
bolted throwing four large trunks
to the pavement. The horses were
soon caught however and' no other
damage was done. 'The telephone
men were operating over head at
the time.
The bell Telephone •.Oompany
have sow 1.0 Or it men employed
in putting up n Iii o froti; this
to Clinton. The same fere() under
Mr. P. Deehan, of London, has
just completed a line to Bayfield.
They start from this town and will
push the work as vigorously' as
possible. They are an active look-
ing lot of men and seem tothroe.
some energy into their work. ,.
The street sprinkler has made its
appearance on the street. Some
of the merchants, having in view
the pleasure and comfort of the
citizens and visitors attending the
open-air entertainment by this
band, made a special effort to have
it out Saturday afternoon. Xt is
sneh tuitions as this that "speaks
louder than Words", 4114 11P11). to
build up a town end make life
worth living init.
So far as we can learn no one in
the company's employment seems
to have been responsible for the
derailing of the trail on the God-
erich-Stratford line, near ItipPen,
last week, The fact that a rail
was placed across the trackonly a
.few days before, near the scene of
the 4irataster would seem to indidate
tllan an "enemy had done this,' `
and this opinion is liow largely
held by the public in this vicinity
at least, It is wo understand, the
first mishap, which over befel
either the driver or his engine in a
service of nearly 40 years.
.Hensall has soine energetic busi-
ness men; but few of them have the
get -up -and -get gait aboutthein that
characterize the business activity
of Mr, (lantlin, the Egg -buyer, He
seems to be a hustler from the word
go, and as a oonsegnenee. gets the
lion's share of the hen -fruit in the
vicinity of both Hensall and Zur-
ieh. Ile pays the highest price the
market will allow, and generally
manages to got together between
400 and 500 dozen per week, at, this
season o1 .the year, He is now
making up a car -load for the west.
The egg trade is a very uncertain
one, and is by no means as profit-
able as many people suppose, and it
is only by securing .them' in large
quantities, and quickly, that they
giveanything like a living profit at
all. When the bad and broken ones
are taken out at the destination to
which they may be consigned and
often a shortage in the make-up of
the cases as well, that is not to be
wondered at very much.
Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of London,
again officiated at the Presbyterian
Church, here, •on Sabbath last.—
Mr. Ballantyne has a pleasing per-
sonality, is mild in manner, with-
out . any attempt at display, but
speaks as one sure of his points and
utters them in a confidentmanner,
begotten, no doubt, of deep study
and careful preparation. In the
morning service he dealt with King
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream, and the
part taken in it by Daniel to save
the lives of the 'vise men,, dwelling
more particularly on the mountain,
in the latter part of his text. The
speaker commenced by assuming
that most of the congregation had
noticed the difference between Dan-
iel and some of the other prophets,
the latter generally laying stress on
the fact that the Jews were the
chosen people, whereas Daniel sel-
dom,joined in the glorification of
their claims in this respect, hut
dealt faithfully with all matters
with which he was called upon to
act, taking, as it were, "everything
to God in prayer," and acting unhes
itutingly and boldly from 1 lultever
vision or inspiration received from
the mercy seat ; • and this was no
exception, for he asked time to con-
sult his Heavenly Father, who
brought before him in a -vision, or
dream, both the dream itself and
the interpretation as well, when he
proceeded to the task assigned him,
and pointing out the fact that other
kings would arise, who would shine
only as silver, brass, iron and
clay, compared to his of gold, but
that another kingdom would arise
and overspread them all as a moun
tain, and which would endure for-
ever, and ;drawing useful lessons
from the different parts of the nar-
rative, as he proceeded. He like-
vise voiced the general opinion as
to which were the nations, or dy-
nasties. referred to, as silver, brass
iron and play, which should arise,
but this was only EN PASSENT, and
he closed by urging all present to
enroll themselves under the chris-
tian banner, represented by the
cloud, which grew to be a great
mountain, and whose shadow east
in the shade all nations which then
existed, or which was known to ex-
ist, and which will continue to exist
when time here shall bo no more,
and to act their part faithfully, and
like the servant of Elisha their eyes
would be opened and they would
see the army of God, who would
stand between thein and the
army of their worldly opponents,
when hard pressed, as he (the ser-
vant) did, when his master was sur-
rounded on a mnemorable occasion,
and escape seemed impossible. In
the evening he preachedfrom the
2nd chapter of Ecclesiastes, taking
for his text the words of Solomon,
in his later days, and after are bad
enjoyed. " the pleasures of sin for a
season," viz ; " Fear God and keep
his commandments, for this is the
whole (duty) of man."
Special to Ter HERALD.
Mr. and Mrs. Jac. Weber, of the
Bronson, visited at John Decher's
on Sunday.
' The boys are doing a little kick-
ing some of these nights but for-
tunately they have part of a cow-
hide with an expanded rubber
ittside to l;.iol; at. They expect to
be able to give sotnebody a pretty
severe tackling sotne time soon. •
Some of those who are interested
in foot -hall went out to see the
match betweem Zurich and Drys-
dale, but bad to come home with-
out seeing it after all.
F. Sehiaell and sister Emma visit-
ed at the home of John Hey on
Henry Pfile and sister, Melissa,
spent Sunday at John Hey's.'•
Mrs. Weber and Mrs. John Hey
returned on Saturday from their
visit to Ingersoll,.
Mrs. John Geiger and daughter,
Viola were on the Babylon, on
Some of our people have ° been
into the sheep -dipping business
lately. `^
Will Rennie is snaking consider-
able rooting in his swamp -land' this
last while,
Joel Baeohler has a fine coif, a
few days old. •
The orchards around here had a
pretty good share of blossoms this
to e* Greb,.
For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silv'e
and .Class Warere
and Hollywood
Oils, Portland Cement and all kinds of
Building Materia
The Famous
Most durable Fence on the market
Don't be deceit/ d with a Fence Machine—You will not be if you buy a LONDO
We have a large stock of Spring and Summer
Foot=wear, all sizes and styles, at prices that
will be to your advantage. We have also this
this season, the
Arnerin Shoe
they are a fine cheap Summer Shoe
We solicit your partronage because we
know we can satisfy you and give you value
for your money.
P. BENDER, & Co.
Eggs taken in exchange for Goods.
= at =
12 dozen of Dippers, regular e 10 cents ; while they last for
Best outside Paint $1,60 per gallon now
Steel Shingles put on at swine price as wooden ones would cost you
Pure Paris Green
Woven Wire Fencing 6 wires 30 cents per rod ; 8 wires 35 cts.; 0 wires
Stays 12 inches -apart
Coal Oil, per gallon
Good $t 00 Shovels
Wire Gates, all sizes
Special prices on Single Harness for the next 15 days FOR CASH...
Wire Nails, 13as
5 etta
1.40. ....
25clb. .,.
20 cts , . .
75 ets..,.
Coiled Spring Wire $2.75 • , , .
All kinds of Tin=smithing done
.And Satisfaction Guaranteed.
1 1 cents Cash for Eggs.
The Big Hardware and Harness House.
Gents' Furnishings.
We wish to draw the attention of
all the men in town and country to
the . above department. Never be -
fore have we ,shown such exception
able values as the present season. - -
Call and examine the folllwing :
Sailings, Hats ,Caps, Shirts, Collars,
In Hats' and Caps we have the cor-
rect :4ty1e, Itl Printings we have some
Specialties. SHIRTS—ours are always
in the lead, Collars, Ouffs, Ties, Summer
Underwear and Umbrellas—See our Self•
Opener. For comfort you want to wear
our PRESIDENT Suspender.