The Herald, 1903-05-22, Page 5• ' iOUSB AND LOT FOR !.l•ALL .-In the Village of Blake, 1 story house, vitt good kitchen and 4 bedrooms, all in .00tt repair. Tho lot 'contains a acre of and, and willbo sold olzeap se. 'tile owner ntends leaving the village. Apply to Mrse. MARY Quitter, 3•pd. Blake I. 0., Hay Tp. -"ARM FOR SALE. --00 scree, West half, Lot 20, Con. 10, Hay, one and quarter miles North of the. Village of nri.et, about 40 acres cleared, • belrrlice c oc1 ;suture land. Good frame Immo nd kitehen and frame barn 40 x 00 feet. 'his farm will be sold cheap. as the pro- rietor intends going West. For puttee. ta•s apply at the premises or address SobolroN .TACORE, S-6 Zarhll T', 0. t? "?•;;t, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sleet eh anddescriptionmay invention ion Is probably patentable. Communion, tons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. direst agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the $Cileitt8f is A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific :IOnrnad. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. scald byall newsdealers. MUNN & Co•36?Broadway, New Yark Brancb Ofnce. v ct 4Yashinnton. D. C. VERYONE CAN HELP THE CONSUMPTIVE. he Now Free Consumptive Hospital WIl1 Admit Consumptives Absolutely W itllout_ohar ge. The appeal being made on behalf of the ew Free Consumptive Hospital, built oder the auspices of the National Sani- riutn Association -the first Free Con - amp tive on-amptive Hospital in Canada -is one that •itches closely the heart -strings of every an, woman, and child the broad Domin- an over. Where is the community, far r near, without its sufferers from this read white plague? We are all in- reeted in bringing these relief and re- toring them to Health, family, and etive citizenship again. One important step in this direction as been taken in the oreetion of the new 'ree Consumptive Hospital, due to the eneficence of two Toronto citizens, and •lnich is now nearly completed. When he workmen go out of the building, and hat will be almost immediately, all that wanted to make it ready to receive the onsumptive is that it be supplied with eds and other furnishing appointments, o charge whatever being made for dmittance. The National Sanitarium Association re already carrying too heavy a debt to ndertake the furnishing themselves, ut the way is open for each one to help raising the $10,000 needed for this c' urpose, The stun is not a, lames one. is 1-' TH r ZURICH-flEtiA.LU The last lessor, we learn is to pardonAnecdotal. ourselves. I ' every art." ulp- ofaa ".tie combs his ' hair differently time." "Yes, he hasn't learned his p. --Yale "Reco%d ' Wigg -How -does he rank as a se ter? Wag; He doesn't cut much figure: Philadelphia "Record," Tencher-W'hat is a farm? Bright, Lit. tle Girl -A piece of land entirely covered by a mortgage. Detroit "Free Press." First; New 'Yorker -You look happy. Second New Yorker -I ani. I have found a place where I coin sere a minute on my lunch, Johnson-IIe said I was an addle- ated jackass. What do you. advise me to do about it? Jackson -See a good vetcri• nary.- Judge" Wife -I found out something to -clay that I promised never to tell. Husband -Well, go ahead; I'm listening Cllioa. go "Daily News." "All T want is a little pin -money," said young Mrs. Dashington. "I know it, my dear/' answered her 'husband; "but don't you use anything but diamond pins?" "I understand that drinking is one of your husband's failings." "You have been misinformed. 1t is his most pro- nounced success," -Chicago "Daily News." First Neighbor (savagely) why don't you stop your confounded dog barking so at night? Second Ditto -Why don't you go to sleep, then you wouldn't hear it2 "I don't believe in early meninges. I don't intend to be metaled until I ani over thirty." "And I don't intend to be over thirty until I am married."- ' Baza r." Uncle John -Why,. my girl, you've grown like a cucumber vine! What pro- gress are you making toward matri- mony? Clara -Well, Uncle, Pin on the fifth lap -"Tit -Bits." The latest novelty anent ;automobile-, is the addition of a coffin fixed to the front of the vehicle for the reception of the body of the victim or victims run over during the ride. Mrs. Ntreme-What do you think of niy new rainy -day skirt, dear? a Xtronle-Is that a rainy -day shirt? "C tainly. What did you think it w'a "A rnilltr on your waist." Mrs. 1Vitherby (at breakfast) -A you well? Witherby-Yes. Wily? M W'itherby-You look changed. I sip - pose I notice it more than those w are �withl you constantly.-"Harper's 13 zar. According to Mr. Bernard Shaw, "1:i by.' is slang, and "policeman" is situp a vulgar La tini.,,,a,tion. "Copper," h ever, he deems excellent Saxon for scribing a man who pursues and ea tures. Managing Editor-V']Iot is your sp cialty . Applicant (haughtily) -I hu jtest graduated from college. `Well, y might accept the position of editor -i thief until sone of your knowled wears off."ea"Life." Just after the publication. of the in- genious stories for ehildren that Charles Lamb and his sister Mary wrote• in cal- la:boration,'Lazmb asked' a. fellow -traveler one day: ".Slave you read Lamb's Weer replied the other, "but I have a black sheepskin rug!" An unseated mennber of the Ontario Legislature was 'condoled .with. by a po- litical friend. "Anyway, you're certain to come n ome back, so you eedn t take it so hard," eaid 'Che latter. "Yes," answered the ex -legislator, drily; "we all dllerish Christian belief in the resurrection, but I don't think that it entirely reconciles to death." The late Augustus, Hare was fond of relating a"n amusing incident winchieh illus-: Crated the absent-mindedness of his coo-' sin, Dean Stanley, and Dr. Jowett. Both were quite devoid of either taste or smell, and for some reason both, were• inordinately fond• of 'tea. One morning they had each drunk eight cups, when suddenly, as Jowett rose from this table, he exclaimed; "Good gracious! I forgot to put the tea in!" Neither had noticed. the omission as they sipped their favor- ite beverage. Bismarck, on one occasion, told Sidney Whitman of his well-known feat in oys- ter -eating. He was once in Liege, where he ordered some oysters in a restaurant -fifty to 'begin with. He saw the lady behind the counter look up in surprise; so, when he had eaten them, wishing to see what effect it might have ion ter, he ordered another fifty, and so on, until he had eaten one hundred and seventy oysters. Mr. Whitman adds that "it is only fair to remember that in all pro- bability they were the small Ostend va- riety." Chaplain Russell of the Missouri House of Representatives recently demonstrat- ed the efficacy of prayer by a supplica- tion that is said to have transformed the attitude of the members of the House, a majority of w1ionz formerly read the pa- pers during the chaplain's petition. "0 Lord," he prayed, "I ask that those in this house who rise to their feet for fl.. prayer may not continue to read their er- papers while the dhaplain prays. Grant e�» that they may have some respect for God if they have not for the ehaptain." re Recently a Virginia girl went to Weslz- rs ington to visit the parents of her 'homefiance. Upon her return 'home her old colored ee mammy came to see her, and said to her, a- "Honey, when's you goiu' to git mar- ried?" The engagement had not been ob• announced, so the young woman replied: ly Why, I don't know, auntie; I am not even engaged- 1Vhnt do you think of tt$ 01w` that?" The old colored womau said: ie- "Laws -a -me, but that suttanly sin a pity! But, Miss Nancy, they do say that ole maids is the' happiest critters we •there is, once they quits strugglin'." o,l Rear Admiral Frank Wildes, who died e, recently, used to be fond of telling of a ee great start that a Boston *clergyman once gave This congregation. "I was born in Boston," Admiral Wildes would say, 11e "and in my boyhood attended church Ic there. Well. at church one Sunday morn - to ins there was, it seems, a couple to be married after the service. The minister made the announcement in -this way: `The parties that are to be joined in matrimony will present themselves im- mediately after the singing of Hymn No. 243 -"Mistaken' Souls That Dream of Heaven."'" "Now, Johnny," said the teacher, ww ad been describing a warship to tl lass,"how is the deck divided?" "A dee divided,," replied the bright boy, "in pastes, hearts. diamonds' and clubs"--• iladelphia "Press." Husband (irri'tably)-It isn't a year since you said you believed our marriage was made in heaven, and yet you order 'me around as if I wasn't any body. Wife (calmly) --Order is heaven's first ew York IN eekly" A• little newsboy, who had been in a ecident, came into his Sunday sato ass with one of his ears bandaged t s head, and said to the teacher, "I'nl good one to preach to to -day, for it oes in one ear and can't get out the her." Miss Softly (who has bean attending a 0'h urse of lectures)-, professor, I saw oh a funny old fossil in the museum •day. I thought of you at once. (Pro- ssor Pliocene, the eminent geologist, es not know whether to feel flattered or not.) truth can no longer be hidden, madam. I am obliged to tell u that your little son is--er-weak inded; that is -well, it must be said - is an idiot. Mrs. Highupp-How for - nate it is that we are rich! No one 11 ever notice it. -New York "Week- )) "What can I preach about next San - y that will please the entire con- egation?" asked the new minister. reach about the evils of riches," re- ed the old deacon; "there isn't t ember of the congregation that is worth over two thousand dollars."-- Chicago "Daily News." "Mr, Jones,' began old Skinflint, the boss, as he cleared his throat, "you have been in my employ just twenty years to -day, and have proved a good and faithful servant. I propose to make you substantial recognition of your fi- delity. Here is a 'picture of myself as a •resent•" "Thank. It's just like you," *uttered Jones as he accepted the valn- ablerift. The physicians were holding a consul- tation beside the cot of the man sup- posed to. have appendicitis concealed about his, person. "I believe," said one of - the surgeons, `"that We should wait and . Jet hint get stronger before tatting into 1." Before the other prospective oper- rs could reply the patient turned lite d and remarked. feebly; 'What do'you take me for -a cheese?" • 'en thousand individual contributions of 1.00 each out of a population of nearly 1000,000 people would accomplish this nd. Some, of course, with their hearts eked by the sufferings of relatives, tends, or fellow -citizens, will, out of their bundanee, do better than this. Fifty oilers will furnish abed . Whet is needed that the amount be raised quickly, that he many knocking at the doors of the ational Sanitarium Association may nd a place open for them. h2 Contributions for this purpose, $1.00 r more, will be received bySir Wm.R. feredith, Chief Justice, 4 Lam port Ave„ 1 ot, 'oronto; 'W. J. Cinge, Esq., 51 Front St. Vest. Toronto; or National Trust Co.. .imited, Treasurer, 29 Bing St. Fast, CO oronto. Fifty dollars will furnish a SU ed. to fe a el 0 of 0 ONSUMPTION AN UNKNOW DISEASE IN TEN YEARS. do tatontent of Dr. John Ferguson -The yo m lie to wi ly. rtowv i'roe uOnsulnpospltal an Imu,edlate Helper to this lSnd. The statement of Dr. John Ferguson, e of Toronto's well-known physicians, at "if consumptive patients were pro• ray isolated and treated, within ten ars from now tuberculosis would be • da gr 1e of the rarest of known diseases," ' gr ght to prove an encouraging stimulus ea the friends of the new Free Consump- m e Hospital to hurry along subscrip- • ns towards the furnishing of this insti- tion, capable of admitting at once fifty ttieuts, and without any charge. The curability of tuberculosis is clearly evidence in the records of the Muskoka ttage Sanatorium, under the manage- ent of the National Sanitarium Associas n, and under 'whose auspices the new ee Consumptive Hospital has been ilt. In four years 510 patients have en treated, and more thatt 852 have en cured or so helped that they could back to work, caring for wife or child those dependent upon them. The new Free Consumptive Hospital is .uated in Muskoka, not far from the uskoka Cottage Sanatorium, the rave ntlemen who have generously borne o cost of constructing the building de- tin ins that the same benefits that have tito me to patients of the Muskoka Cottage hen natorium, .by virtue of its excellent nation, should go to the poorer. patients, . ose only hope is in admittance to the ee Consumptive Hospital. All that is wanting now is the furnish- g of this Hospital with beds and other t. ce_asa,ry aPp oln meats, 'The. National nitarium Association, because of their avy debt, are unable o undertake this rt of the work. Only let. .the many ose hearts are touched by such dis- ssing eases as are constantly chronicled newspaper columns, send their contra Mons of $1.00 or, if possible, $5,CO, 1.00, or $50.00, and no time will be lost opening wide the doors of the new spiral. Contributions will be received Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Chief Justice, import Ave,, Toronto; W. J, Gage, q,, 54 Front St. West, Toronto ; or is National Trust Co., Limited, easnrer, 22 King St. Fleet. r esTo prove to you that De Chase's OCntmontisacort.atn and absolute euro for each and evory form of itching', bleediegand protruding piles. manufacturers have guaranteed It. Seetos• onials in the daily press and ask your neigh - what they think of it, You can use it and wour money back if not cured, Me a box, at calors or RomANS011,13ATas R Co.,'1"oronto, Chase's Ointnient ao weather ;,o fur has been vc.,ry nlld lately 'ye] y warns. A ri shower would be welcome, at tl ti Who was that poor cuss that the snob tarred and feathered, .•.ode on a rail, horsewhipped, anti threatened to lynch?" "1Vhy," said the leader of the mob,•th i at s the fellow whor l c wvoteto the papers that the citizen this P i citizens town had nn respect for Mw and order, We show ed the cuss that we were law-, abiding citizens, you bet!"-lnitimore "Herald" , "Don't yon think that a newspaper in smaller, more camped form would be ap- pz'eeiated?" esker] the publisher. "No," answered his wife, "It must he large enough for It inan to hold in front of his face when there :rte women standing in' a street car." -Washington ".Star," "ZZs„ gie., go ant? put the rubbish in the dust -tin." "All right; wait till I see if ,Beatriee Montmorency is going to marry the Prince." Expensive Fishing. „t Angry Sportsman (to Irish farmer who has let him ;t salmon fishery for 4100) --Yost may like to know that 1 have ,only caught three fish during the whole season. So they cost me E88 Os Sd cash:, apiece. Irish 1! armer-Faith, twas lucky that yet honor did not catch any more hat price! _.... _.. • Senator Hoar of 111assaehusetts knows his Bible Very well, from cover to cover, and draws on it for philosophy and il- lnstration with, great facility. Only once in a great while is he caught tripping in this field. One such occasion was while the Senate was discussing- the Chinese treaty of 1881. He quoted against the exclusion policy St. Paul's declaration: "For God hath made of one blood all the nations of the earth." Senator Maier of California exclaimed: "Go on -quote the remainder of the sentence." "There is no more of it," said Mr. Hoar. "Oh, yes, there is," rejoined Miller; "for the apos- tle added to the words which the sena- tor ,has just quoted, and hath deter- mined the bounds of their habitation.'" In one of the towns which John Philip Sousa recently visited in England,. the March King met a lady with a great rye- nutation for worrying celebrities of all kinds to attend her dinners and "at homes." She sent ]lin, a pressing invitee tion to sup at her house after his per- formance; but when Sousa learned that she had issued invitations to her neigh- •bors "to meet lir. Jolla Philip Sousa" - an exhibition of "previousness" not to be tolerated even by a Yankee -he de- clined politely and With thanks. Having counted upon Soust's'acceptance, and held hie name out to liar friends as bait, the lady was much disturbed on receiv- ing his note, and wrote back to him with desperate solicitude: "I am terribly sor- ry to have your Carel saying you cannot tome, but I still belie for the pleasure of your company." To this the poor lady eceived the following terrifying answer: "Dear Madam --I have given your kind message to my company, but I -regret to say that only fifty of them will be able to accept your invitation, the rest of them having appointments. to keep else- where." Femi'line Frailty. • "Miy dear Gertrude, how glad I am to see you! Do you lunch here often? I come quite frequently. Fascinating isn't it? I love tete music; it is so weird, so delieiously barbaric. We will sit here and eat together. Waiter,.bring ole 0 salad, I+'renchdressing-see that the oil is very fresh 1 -and va y faze and tea. Ge'rti•u d t edear,! always \w a run , ys ch so light. ly; 1 have really little appetite; shop- ping is so fatiguing. Just the salad, waiter, and a pot of tea, Why, here conies Jimmie Gray! They say he is en. gaged to Mrs. Kidd, the' grass .Widow. 1 dou't believe it. Hello, Jimmie! How do you do? What a pleasure to see you! "lertrude, you and Air. Cray are old friends, aren't you? May you lunch with 05, Jhnluie? Certainly. We were just about to give our order; you are quite in time. Waiter, blue points and then consomme. 1 hope they have a decent entree fn -day. Yes. Jimmie will 'have sauternes with the ]knell. You known my old favorite.' Waiter, we will give you the rest of our order when you bring the oysters. I ant delhghlad to see you, Jhm! Please tell me all of the newel" -"Towyn I'opip as Husband (irritably) --It isn't it year since you said you believed our marriage was made in 'heaven, add yet yon order ale around as if I wasn't anybody, Wife (eadnily)--Order is heaven's diet $OW 'York "Weekly," "eeeky," Jewel -St., Mexico. Guaranteed The jewel from which this well-known street is Mexico City takes its name was Watches a magnificent bracelet of g and c „old, set with manypreei•otis stones. The jewel was made' for fatted de la Carsick y Tovar, as beautiful Woman belonging to the most exclusive : society of the capital' of Mexico, bo• th by birth and marriage The e L I { was husband, Sano. est in J'Cvvelery. Clcks. But, alas! it not her Alonso Fernandez de Bobadilla, who pre- sented the bracelet to ]ler. This gentle- man had for a long time been muck more unhappy than he appeared. In truth, he was the .,most miserable of mortals, for he was filled with apprehension that the wife of ]lis bosom. whom he so ntueh loved, did not return his affection and was not true to him. They lived in the greatest luxury in one of the 'finest homes in the Street, and, indeed, in Mexico. Senor eeernandez's offices were on the first floor of the house, and their Large and handsomely furnished living - apartments were above. One day the senor was sitting in his office, sadly meditating on his lot, when a Setter was thrown through the bars of the window and fell directly in front ofhint, He started as if from a dream, but even before he broke the seal lie l new'u'het the letter would reveal. It mentioned no names, but between the lines he read the guilty name of a professional friend, Senor Raoul de Lora. Filled with sus- picion :as he had been, the definite reve- lation of the truth almost stunned hin7. He thought of that very morning when he had ridden forth with his lovely wife by his side in an equipage that was almost royal in its richness, envied by all who saw ]rim, and richer than any of his acquaintances, but also more un- happy. His first impulse was to rush up to the living -rooms with the letter in one hand and a dagger in the other, to charge, the Dona Isabel with her unfaith- fulness, and, if she could not deny it, to stab her to the heart. But instead he decided upon the cold plan of establish- ing a watch that he might prove to him• self the bitter truth. Accordingly, h" went calmly -up to his wife and told her that he had made an engagement with the Government that would keep hien away from hone until late at night. Dona' Isabel Uncle him an affectionate farewell and he departed. A few door, away he secreted himself in the gathw- ing shadows. light had jest fallen, When a man, Well wrapped in a lour blase cloak, which he held over itis mmzth. as was the euetnm at niaht:t.int» and his sombrero shndint securely the upper part of his faee,•passed ,him hur- riedly, and then stopped in front of Senor Fernandez's own door. There was no knock, but the Dona 'Isobel appeared on the upper haleony, greeted hint, and then the heavy street door opene'l silently a little way. and the man in the long cloak entered. Senor Fernnnd,r waited no longer. Hastening into hi- own house. he found his friend just clasping a beautiful and costly lirncele' on the arm of the Dona Isabel. Another instant and a. dozier incl. penetrated the Mark cloak end th-e Meeker heart 'ha netith it. The Dila Tsnhel 'turned tt' flee, but frndinq the doers barred sit fell on her knete before her husband era begged for pardon, mercy and her life "'Tis thus I pardon you!" exelitimee the outraged husband. 03 he plunged the blood -dripping dagger into her heart. The following day the two bodies were found in the house. and on the door, will, the dagger stuck thronnh it to hold it there, the bracelet ns proof of tine erime. Senor Alonso 'Fernandez de Bobadilla entered a monastery. -"Modern Mexico," If in need of a good Violin or Uztrxnonien, I iron supply ,yon, Right. PricesRLight. Fine Watch and . Clock Repairing. F. W. HESS THE JEWELER. • 1`fYi•I S�R'�'F'. .. Chance to ,din a. Club That Waal Mahe and Save Moneyfor on. „ Everybody should Join the b;uiron. Literary PM.. eie china America. There is nothing else Arte ,1t aeyw ere. It costa almost nothing to joss and the benefits it gives aro wonderful, It enables you to turebasebo„kaandperiodicals roustoand musical instrument/3at special cut prices. It secures re• dueed rates at mt,ny botels, it answers questions fres Of charge. It offers SeholarahIps and value. blo cash prises to members. It maintains club rooms an many el ties its members. In addition, every member receives the oittelat magazine onti- tied "` Cr'r.v Mont hi/a publication in a cases by itself, including 0 pieces of high-class vocal and in. strumental mummies laze) each month 9Vltbotlt extra (Margot 72 feces 1n one year in all. YOU. 0AN GET ALI. OF x51ESm BENEFITS Foii•AL. MOST NOTICING. The full yearly membership fee is OneDollalfor which you get all above, and you Isay with. draw any fire within three roontl:s-1t you want to dose and get your dollar bock. If you don't ears to spend 51.00, send 25 cents for three mthis err rmembership.yy ' rill get yyyour money beset bo value many timetover. Full particulars will bo sent tree of charge, but if you are Wise you will send in your regalnt• for membership with the proper fee at once. The 25 eta. three months mem- bershlp offer will soon change. Write et once ad. dressing your letter and enclosing $1.00 for full year's membership Or twenty-$ve cents for three months to 1tEIIg`11729.I11 1G TER.`<'Rir RTwVGIe 17LITB 1'Je, YEONoonan St..IV. Y.!litly. CEITATE 4 -Is EME9l a :. `lf'1 e,I 4 t. TSo other Medical Firm in the world has the esteb'.ialttd reputation for curate - Mem Ei;Ien ,sired Woutoaa that Dre. L. ee T£. ;mese-. Their Nave i0b.etfaod Trout merle, discovered Iliad perfected by these eenincnt `.epseialisit, has brought joy,,, Floppiness and comfort to thousands of homsn. With ;10 years experience in the treatment of these diseases they can as ..stare to C9;a-c or • o otonar, 1'o yogis dyelsltiey, Syplaill,.,, V,ltic,,,1ele, 1-t,' c:tura, Gleet;' Secret O alans, fnpoteuey, ,catsstt radar Meal '4b'eal:alar.,,, Bid racy: asci I/easesee s acieuesea, Their gaaruateets� are Lacked by Itaub.Ilonds.: zkal�ita a You may have a secret drain through the urine-ihnt a the reason you feel tired out in the morning. You are not rested. your kidnovi ache. you feel dm:ponde t ad have 110 ambition. Ilon't let your Hila 111005 Oe drat nod away. Drs. E. dr guarantee to Cure or no Pay. EI Syphill- is the scourge of mankind. 10 luny not be a crime to bare it, for it may like oe n ated, but Beware of Mercrcuryaud Potash treatment.me to allow it to remain i tDrs. li stem, L. positively cure the worst cases or z10 Pay. ARIC` ' CSE , T• �. ar-, ' , EDar na The lucw hilet?sod Trontna,itat carts these diseases safely and surely. No' gpain-nouarantee Cusn,ferires.ng'-no detention fronibusi,,,5ss. Don't risltooe,etion and ruin your sexual organs. The stricture tissue isabsorbadandeau uee-crreturn' Drs. La. o e�"' s t Don't neglect your kidneys. ','oar acl: tar• beck tell= rim talo. Dost 1;:t i9oc:ars experiment on you. Dre. Ii. &: I{. can c:.;e you iz ;ea n; : Lc; and hue..,u., L:l. They guarantee to Cure or No Pay. CUi2Ee GUARANTEED. IW CURE' inn rt -T. Cnr.inti tation, Free. Books, neat Free, (sealed.)r^i rit' fur Cl, L_ec.::loa ii....a-I. fur Trea$nzemt. Everyt$ai:.rs Confdmemnlc:i. DRS. KENNEDY & ` ERGAl3, :v i .5;1-i'M-Ei s TI,}-, ��'4'tacnF:'r, i'alcsa ,.. m FE ter---- -r , ali The Humorist's Heroine. I was awealy. li'or a whole evening 1 had sat, listlessly chewing the end of my pen -holder and waiting for the ideas to come: Suddenly she jumped right out of the ink -well "Who are you?" I asked. • "I'nl the girl that goes into all your jokes," she 'replied with some asperity. "Wish you'd get into a few of then right :away," 1 sighed. "No, sir; not another one. You have Stood me under the Christmas mistletoe, hung my stocking up for my little broth- er, made 111' listen to impossible New.. Year's vows, dressed me in bathing suits in November for publication in the sura• mer and in sealskins in July for printing in the winter; y'ou• have made are tell about Italy lying beyond the Alps as a . graduate, and compelled me to make im- possible pies in cooking -school; you Kaye engaged me to the Wrong man every time and nixed me- up in divorce cases in Dakota on the scone day that you had me shaking rice off my hat in New York. I have stood it as long as I intend to. I strike right now." "Bat," I protested, "1 was just seine to get you a nice new silk dress and the prettiest baster hat you ever beard of "I'm going to strike." "And all the other girls would be dy trig with envy—" "It makes no dif —" "And I was going to marry you to an English duke—" - "I don't care." - "And he woeld.turn out to be a zna- titree hero in disguise," "Well. 1 suppose it' would be mean of me to quit without giving you fair warn- ing," she smiled, gone; back into the ink - Wel 1. -"Judge!" Great -Grandma's Prescriptions, it mot. Th rand Iter The tamed is not al- ways .3' ways a thing to laugh at, for sometimes it cures; but sometimes, too, the matter Dr the manner of it seems to warrant 11 mule, ns in the ease of these health lints, which, says the Philadelphia "Re- rord," were written in a family Bible righty year's ago by the great-grand- mother of the present owner of the Bi ale: A stick of britnstoret worn in the pock 1t• is good for them as has cramps. A loatdstoan put in the place ware tate lain is, is beautiful :or the 1aheumatia. A basin of water gruel, with fialf a peat, of old rum in it, with lots of brown ;tiger is good for Cold in Head. If you have h1eeupc, pinch one' of your ;w'ris'ts wile you 001101 sixty or get, some- aody to scare you and make yoll pompe. The earache -Put onion in your ear af- ;er 11 10 well roasted, The consumption.-l',at as many pea, ,tits as possible before going to,bed. Limited. Clara" -Did he "kiss you more Linuxa meet "Once and a half, ' Re only 04 an hour,"a'x',ife." { "3/'there be some weaker one, give me strength to help him on." "?find Hearts are more than coronets,"-Ta;\I-rsox. TO FURNISH THE -Wurzel:sm. ED NEW FREE cONSOpTIVE EISPITAli MUSKOKA. The Only' Free Consumptive Hospital in America. CANADIANS EVERYWHERE INTERESTED. —The New Free Consumptive Hospital, built under the auspices of the National Sanitarium Association, will be ready—so soon as the money to equvp and furnish is secured—to receive 00 patients absolutely without charge. —Over 300 out o,� 500 patients aclnaitted to the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium — the property of the National Sanitarium Association —have returned home either cured or greatly improved. —The Free Consumptive Hospital is situated in the same delightfully heaithfitd locality, bringing the same ad- vantages to the poorer patients as to the rich. i 1 u '1 ! ; �,c „k,,,.:; I ltu � ,I E t. rn l � (( o, ;rt II h .i k '1y !iN f �^ r t I S RJ 1 r '+i u N •1' i �� c r I ✓, a' w t r - f� rl I yy i ; FIRST FREE HOSPITAL FOR OONSSUt.VPTIVES N AMERICA The gift of W J. Gape, Esq., and the Execuforx Hart 4. Massey testate -Think of' the sorrow and suffering, tho New Free Consump- tive Hospital will alleviate and lndeoc1 entirely remove. —Will you not send a dollar -or 1;2.00, 0.00, 5.00, $I0.00 - Or more, for this most pressing of all charities? -The victims of the White Plague aro fouled all over Canada. .Illida. 50 WILL FURNI HH, A BED. COXVT RI P ?TIO S MAY JE SI1V7' To- SIR o-SIR W. R. valLIi EDITIII„ IZt.. Chief' ,lttvt 'n. V .t.ctsl'r'ca. N.11, 151111, •'15 eeb., T,eemm:re. W. j. o _ 1 r, ()batman 7'x. Com.. Toronto). NATIONAL r.CR'i;CCT 00, ialrnite xl, menti 11`+at". 4ir,lr t 0,4.11$,71390