HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-05-22, Page 4l3ONl;t`ACE, Caholie. Order of ser vies for the summer. ndayh Iligh Mass at 0.30 a nt,; Caito lineup and lustructiou at 10.30 ^'clock rpSperb. and Benediction of the Aloe lessed Sacrament at 7 p. m. 3 Days: High Mass at 0 o'oloek spar:; and Ileuedietion at 730. p, itis qle, Days: Mass every morning at 7,3 'Clock; First 'Fridays, Mass with Ixposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy lour, or one horn a visit to our Lord the Blessed Sacrarnet every Sat- i•t13+ evening from 7 to 8, tient on 5uudays at 2 o'clock, Cumrrrut.'on Sundays before Mass a t, NtFC!-1� , ti ' ! IS PU1i141SHj )) • EV 1,Y izzu IIsDAY EVBNING t 13Y E. ZELLEit TERMS O1;' SUBSCRIPTION :—$1.00 per ' year paid strictly in advance, When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until sueh order is given and arrearages paid. $11.50 to be charged when not paid in advance. ADVERTISING RATES.—Tran sten t advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsoqueutiusertioii•. Small Advs,. . such as Lost ")stray" or "Stolen wi,l be changed 50 cents first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must be handed in not later than Tuesday night of.eae)} week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and quarter -column rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to ,. it ,tions to St. Anthony, every Tuesday, .7.31), A. M. Send in petitions before it hour. Father Aloisius, P. F. M., Rector. V4NGELICAL, German and English `enday services - rman, at 10.45 o'clock a. m. English, 'clock p, in,, Sun. sehool at 2 p. m. esday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, vier Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at 9. dnesday evening; Gleaner) prayer eting, at 7.30. Thursday evening; ish prayer meeting at 7,30. Friday nig; Teachers' meeting at 8. Rev. W. J. Yaeger. Pastor. • The E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.0 rrH a L U rr; 1-r lit A. L lJ. i ui b.tble to inane 3 any considerable nuruber of inhabitants, aside fi•on1 the birds -of -passage, who are there to -day and away to -morrow, at any rate for years to conte, when it will be time enough to undertake more expensive public works. They al- ready have a telegraph line, courts of law, Judges, •proteotipn.from an armed force, as well its a, fair Mail service, and we .believe it is good policy on the part of the Govern- ment to let private individuals and corporate institutions bear part of the burdens and assume part of the risks, when they are willing to de, so. These men and corporations are generally of large means and if their investments prove, a failure, as they very often do in -mining and' mining countries, it is their loss.and the fact that they own a number of acres of rock, is no great con- solation to them. However, they Itake the risk, and as there seems to be no shortage of rock in that north ern part of the :King's domain, it is 1 ust as well to let them invest their oocl money there asit. is for the (4overnment to do so, and- it is, of nurse, lighter on the tax payers of he whole country, as well. e eu. Iutl). St. Petri 1iirdle. g FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1003. tesbienit Dorm. f?aib lI 2II�r ettbs 7 1 Utr. Sanif ta3jcl)ulc _ _.._._._ _ _.. ,--- o rr. e lrerveriantmlttn abenbs um halb8. 5chiilie. pastor. 'USiNESS CARDS. CIIAND : CO., The threat of the Ministf t' Ter o Finance, in his budget speech, as to their future course on • the pre- ference to English manrtfactures, seem to have had some effect• in England after all, and the speech !.of Mr, Chamberlain recently deliv- ered, would] indicate • that the government, of which he 1s perhaps the most prominent, has the matter of a preference to Canadian goods under consideration. SAG ESTATE & INSURANCE AUNTS represent the Leading Fire and Life nsurance Companies and respectfully olicit your patronage. tt eeial attention given to collection of otes and Accounts. age and Farm Property bought and old.. Rents collected. Conveyancing f all kinds promptly attended to. —OFF10E— LiriCll,, Zi3I oc1R Ontario. fI (L. V. BACHAND, Notary Public) 1 . F.A. SELLEIY, A steamer was burned on Lake Huron about 35 miles out from Goderich, on Wednesday evening. The boat, whose dame we were unable to obtain, is .said to be a+ total loss. The men were taken off hi ;a fishing boat from Goderich. sir irnrrlon, a son-in-law of Mrs. Px'e l elmettler, of this town, was (eller` eneinPP?' , and reported the Dentist, graduate of the Royal College; plat tr'r to lu r by phone. A lamp ' Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor l ev riding is said to have been the aduate of Department of Dentistry,, p oronto University. Painless extraction i cause. teeth. Plate work a speciality, t Dominion House, Zurich, every' Considerable time -trap taken up Monday. 1-26 I in the House, at Ottawa, last week • discussing what is known as th • Tlrreadgolcl Concession, This has a company Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- : reference toan County, respectfully solicits the pat -p y of British BOSSENBERRY PHILADELPHIA Special to THE HERALD. The weather has been very dry land hot for the past few weeks, which is something the farmers do not like. Fred Leibold had the contract of putting up a fence for J. Schnell. He has glow completed the job and John says it looks all right. Good for Fred. Mr. Dow•son is break-inm • in a l.landsor)le driver William thinks he will make a good one. 'Mrs. Henry St.elck, who has for the past few weeks been visiting in London, has returned home again. Mr: Adolph Kalbfleisscli, who has for. the past few years been work- ing in Detroit, left for Walkerville, where he intends working for it,few months. "Will the Greyhound leave God eri h for Detroit again this suns mer" is the cry among he young boys, but have patience ;' the will tell. • Mr. 'Wm. Howard, of Drysdale, left for Walkerville, where he P intends visiting for a few days. Mr. Fred Schnell was visiting at J. Hey's on;S'unday last. Miss Mary. Roerig left for Detroit where she intends working for the summer: Quite a number from around here'attended the wood hauling bee of Messrs. Hess & Deichert's. It being a very warm day and a long trip, the boys -were treated , with a good lunch and a,good.many glasses filled up with what they wanted. The 'boys went home 'quite happy. Dame rumor is whispering of a. wedding in our burg. nage of those who intend having sales. I capitalists, now operating in the Satisfaction guaranteed. Yukon, who entered into a contrcat HILIP SIPPLE with the Government, by which it was to expend considerable mono Licensed Auctioneer for the y County of Huron, I would request in equipping a plant for the pur- those having sales to call on me. pose of supplying the miners with 'Perms moderate; satisfaction guaran- , water for theur oge of washin teed, • Your patronage solicitdd. i •I p g . i the gold from the pay dirt, mined LEGAL. CARDS. ; or extructed during the winter i months. This was thought to be J. D. CDDKKE, necessary to a more rapid develop- __ I ment of the resources of the Yukon. • (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris- This contract, and terms agreed o between the Government and t ' Company was published, and prom• ulgated largely in that country, and i brought into force through an 0 der -in -Council, in 1901. Some the charges of this company see to have been excessive, and poop immediately interested, proteste and petitioned against there, wit the result that an investigatio was ordered and the conclusion a rived at justified the action of th petitioners. The first order -in Council was then revoked and th contract annulled. Another Order in Council was then issued, restric ing the company to about one fourth of the charges first sough to be imposed. This Order-in-Cou cil was likewise protested agains but as far as we can learn, not o account of any overcharge on th part of the company, but rather t try and force the Government t undertake the work itself, Thi the government did not see its was clear to do, or at least did not do as it was estimated to cost all th way from two to five millions o dollars, In this we take the ground that the Government was right. Large expenditures have already been made in connection with the administration of justice, in that far off part of the Dominion, and it would, we think, be hardly fair th tax the citizens of the Dominion generally for what can be met by a land-grant, or other concession, in hat, country ; besides the Yukon is nly,, at best, a mining country and Berge part of it may be useless.-- Men do not go there, as a general hing, to snake it, a permanent place f residence, but sinip1yy to try to zrieke their pile and return with it a more habitable climate ; then ke many., other gold -producing opt trios, it may peter out and re. urn. to its former isolated condi- on. One thing is certain, and nd must be apparent to all, and rtt is that the country is hardly r, Solicitor Notary Public Hensall, Ontario. O. STANBvrts, B. A. F. W. GLAI:WAN. Giadma.n & Stanbury.. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA- ies, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on illago and Farm Property at lowest tes of interest. Documents in original 'erinan read and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED. 1h.ces over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter. pROUDIFOOT et HAYSBarristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public te, etc, Cox'. Square and North Street, Goderich, Ontario I. PROUDFOOT K. C., R. C. HAYS HOTELS. 0i,"***iiit **40****t$ lt$*miry****. t$ 0 n r O TH E t (1 €i r3 G to COMEOCL IL HOTEL S $ t$ $ 41 ZURICH :1001 aer=1223130.1Cletlf...•344.41611111*1 44, Strictly up -to-date in modern im provements. Diningrooms is sap- fp plied with only the very best. 11 1f ei Bar eontains choice liquors and 4 cigars. 1i ii 11 iT I 1'7xeeiient Sample 1?ootrrs far Commercial Merl. onximenctnamemeer F' J. P. RAU, ROPRIETOR. 2 'rXrb000!,4,E3 a�t, pE)"43• O'fose a 4. 'the o inion" lbouee .,,..rte; Equipped with. all inoderrt conveniences. First --class a�cconxmodat :on to coxnlner- 3i�i1 travellers. Bar and din - ng room always suppied nth. the best obtainable. IJt ' i Shoomaohors Props t zualoy. n (Zurich Locals Continued.) he A little son of Mr. Andrew Mit- 1'- of 81 le d til r- t e 13 t t n t, n e 0 0 s y e f 1 t 0 a 0 t li c tu Et til tleholtz, of this village, met with painful accident, on the evening o Monday last. The little chap, writ is only 7 years of ago, was playing round a . ladder swinging frou hooks on the house, and agains which the end of a pole rested, when by some means, at present unknown, the pole came .down on hila, breaking the thigh bone. Dr, Buchanan set the limb soon after and the child seems to mind it very little, unless itt night, when he has to be assisted. • The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held at the hone of Mrs. H. Magel, on Monday evening, May nth, The devotional part -was led by Mrs. C. Fritz, after which the educational part was given to the Rev. A. Geiger, -who gave a half hour address. taking for . his sub- ject, the 15th verse of the 2nd chapter of the •songs of Solomon. He . compared intemperance with the tiny foxes and pointecl:out that the hotels and saloons mere more wide awake to win the young • than the church, and greatly eficouraged the members of tho Unioi •to cap. tore the sly creatures of intemper- (ince and thereby turn many souls fro>Itt ruin to a life of glory. A duet entitled "Save The Boy" was sung by the Misses Ella aid Lizzie Ronnie. The Union wa:,;visited by a member of the Ladies' Aid, in the person of Mrs. Noah Geiger, of Pigeon, Mich, She gave' a very interesting talk explaining the work of the Ladies' Aid and ex, pressed the idea that the two societies were twin sisters. After some business the sleeting- was closed by singing '+Gott be With Yon Till We Meet Again," • fi b r C $ r e r e le 0 co SO sh th w on G " I suffered terribly and was ex- tremely weak for 12 years. The doctors said my blood was all turning to water. At last I tried Ayer's Sarsapar;ila, and was soon feeling all right again." Mts. J. W. Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct. No matter how long you have been ;ill,' nor 'how .poorly you may be today, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can take for purifying and en- riching the blood. Don't doubt it, put your whole ,trust in it, throw away everything else. 51.00 a bottle. Alt druggists.' Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, He know4aLIabout this grand old gamily medicine. Follow his adpice and wu will be satisfied. J. C. AYnn Co., Lowell, Blass. Another Letter from Mr. Dumart, - Yew Liskard is a booming tow It has one hotel and another goii up, two Butcher Shops, three Har ware Stores, two Bakeries, seve General Stores, three Blacksmit Shops, three Churches, one Schoo three Boarding Houses, three Sa. mills, two Brick -yawls and abo three hundred private houses, a put up on a cheap scale. They s_ the land. -is pretty nearly all take up that is surveyed.. The town i fall of people ; some cone in th morning and leave in the afternoo I must say they are a nice lot o people here, all seemingly happy. The Bush south of here is compos ed principally of Tamarac and •biro'h and cedar ; and the land is up-hil and down-hill—Worse than Gocler ich Township—but good soil. I costs about, nine dollars to get n acre chopred, and the pulling of th stumps and clearing is, of • course ektra, Walking is cheap here ; started out on,Frida1 y morning and walked out about thirteen miles and back again in the afternoon. I have plenty of company, and more fun than I have had fox- a long Mine. The Boat oodles in every other day, with about 150 passen- gers on board. Board is x,1.00 a.day —at private boarding houses *3.50 per week. The Lake is really a nice one but there i3 no •good shing ground now at New Liskard ut there are plenty of fish. in whale iver, about 12 miles from the town If a plan want; a farm now he must g0 north and west about 80 miles. Wages are $1,50 a day for laborers, arpenters get $2.50 and they pay 30 amonth, with board, on the inroad. When you see a man °ming he has either an axe or a, ifle with him. It is worth $50 to slake this trip ; it is the best I have ver had so far. North of New Liskard the land is vel, and with good roads and A ne land, this will make a good anus ..some day. I have met me farmers who have cattle and eep ; this will be a good plane for ixed farming. I have seen ice in e bash and there is ice in the ell where I am boarding, The ly German I have seen is John eiser of Crediton, and I was told n. 1g d- n h 1, v'- lit 11 ay n s e n f 1 t n e I 1 1, that young Winters, from Soa- f forth,. is in town too ; I will see ) I hint to -morrow. The nights are nice and cool, but it is warm in the day time. J. Dumart. Junior 9'. P. A. The nieetlber'q of the Junior Y. P. A. met on Saturday, bay 9th, to hold their semi-annual election of officers, which were elected as fol- lows :—Pres, Emanuel Iioltvanann ; Vice Pres., Iva Weber ; Rec. Sec.; Latina Bender ; Cor. See., }Xtmor W. Well ; Treas., Laura Bossed. berry ; Organist., Etta. Irartleih; Assist., Iva, Weber; Librarians. Lee Hoffmann and Clayton Bos- senberry Page bey, Clarence Yaeger; Supt. L. Faust; Pastor W. J. Yaeger, Iamor W W Breed to the Best. TIREVTUM, 21795—The phenomieel, well bred • standard trotting, stall'oi. Leads all stallions in. Canadaforsiring great speed, and high stepping action for load and carriage purposes. Tarentum has now produced 3 coltsrhowing better than' 2.10 speed, one going miles in 2.05, who has now entered in over twenty-five thousand dollars in stakes down the grand circuit. Harry 1) commences the grand circuit at Detroit in the. $5,000 Chamber and Cotntizerce stake, and at the same meeting he starts in 2.14, $2.000 stake and then goes clown the grand circuit through other large stakes. Tarentum is the only stallion in Canada that has produced a colt that, won second money in his second start in it race at `illernphis, time 2.09/. Route as follows: Mondey--Simon McKenzie's, Tucker - smith, for noon; then to Blake far night, Tuesday—Zurich, for noon; Crediton, for night`: Wednesday—Exeter, for noon; Farquhar, for night. Thursday—By way of Staffs to Dublin for noon, Friday and Saturday.—At his own stable, Egmond. vino.' For extended pedigree and further particulars apply to A. CHARLES WORTH,; Zgmondyillo Ontario. THE GLOW OF HEALTH. When the blood is rich and pure there is a healthful glow to the complexion which speaks of the vigor and vitality of the system. .rhero is no more certain way 'for pale, weak people ' to attain the glob of health than by the persis- tent use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, the great food. cure which forms new., rich, red, blood and creates new nerve force. Cook" Cotton Root Compound is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies, Safe, effectual, Ladies ask Take druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com. pound, Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imita_tions are dangerous, Wrtoe, No. 1, Shier bet Flo, 0,10 degree stronger, ;8 per box. rxo, 1 or 2,mailec't on receipt of price and two $•cent stta�ni�nps_. The Cook,Compauy Windsor Ont, tt•!"Noa, t and S soldand recommended by all responsibleDrnggiate In Canada, No. 1 a+uti No. 2 are sold in Zurich at Dr. Buchanan',s (i lng stole, A .;9'E W good building lots for saleat the North end of the V ]lag), A•n person desiring to build will find this a nine location for a residence. Apply to V, Zetrrit, Zurich, Ga� tLTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children 1 than. Rfpans Tabules. They are easy to take. They are made of 'a combination of Medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a Nreritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy: They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and successfurrecor 1, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stub- born constipation, offensive breath. heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stom- achs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regu- lar use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, GO cents, contains a supply for a year. ATENTS GUARANTEED; O'FARRELL & LAWSON, 1425 NEW YORK AVE., WASHINGTON, D. O, Solicitors of Americari and Foreign Patents, Designs,Traderrrarks,copy. rights. Will return fee if Patent is not secured. Send for Inventor's Guide, or How to Geta Patent. Sielliention this Paper and secure special rates, `fir it Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN' CONNECTION W. H. HOFFMAN Indications of Nerve Exhaustion Severe attacks of Headache, dizziness, and pains in the back—made well by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Hosts of women who suffer from a run-down system neglect to cure themselves, believing that they are only tired and not knowing that their vigor and strength are being depleted at an enormous rate. When the duties of the day become a burden and you feel like putting them off, you should suspect there is something wrong, and profit by the experience of Mrs. Harrison who restored her system by using Dr, Chase's Nerve Food. MRS- T. HARRISON, 7 3 4 Victoria Street, Kingston, Ont., states:— "For some time I have been troubled with pains in my back which bother- ed me a great deal. At Mrs. Harrison tunes I had dizzy feelings in my head and would suffer from severe headaches. I can heartily endorse Dr. Chase's Nerve Food because it has entirely freed ane of these distressing symptoms and so built up my system that I now feel real well." To protect you against imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, are on every box of his remedies. SALE REGISTER. FARri FOR SALE.—Lot No, 7 and ti e l--' South half of Lot No. 8, Concession i, }lay, containing 150 acres. Good frame house and bank barn: spring water all year; convenient to school and abort four miles frotn Zurich, Ont. Will be sold at a low price and on terms to suit purchaser. Apply to BACHAND & Co., Zurich. 'WARM FOR SALE.—Lot 22, N. B, Hay, 100 acres; half -a -mile East of Blake, 88 acres cleared, balance good hard wood bush, 45 aures seeded to grass. Good wafer, (3 wells). Good stone house and a large frame barn with stone stabling underneath. A' frame pig -pen, driving and implement shed and other necessary out -buildings, This farts will be Bold very reasonable, if disposed of within the next two months, Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich, or to ROBERT N. Deno Les, proprietor, 38.-8 Blake, P. 0. LET, O'PHERS EIP1RXMENTt ' There is always sotnothing new in the way of medical treatment and you are constantly invited to try new-fangled, unproven reme- dies, Let. others experiments and so risk health and lose time, Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills have been tried in the crucible of time, won the approval of -public opinions and demonstrated their right to a place in every borne asa familq- niedicbie. Clubbing rates. Ot We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE HvIRALD : Daily- Globe . $ 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1.60 Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Joirnal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Press 3.25 Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 1.85 All kinds of good logs wanted at once, for which highest prices will be paid. Cash on delivery. J. 0. K ALBELEISCH. Notice to Contractors. Sealed tenders for the following `works will be received by the Couuoil of the Township of Hay, on Aionday, the 1st day of June. 1003, up to o o'clock, p, n'. 1. For "SA walm Drain," Engineer's estimated cost over „t1,600.00. 2. For cement abutments for Sauble Bridge. Height of abutments about 13 feet. Span of Bridge 70 feet. 3. Fot' steel superstructure for Sauble Bridge. Si an of Bridge 70 feet, width of roadway 14 feet. Plans and specifientinns, etc., may be seen and all other information obtained at the office of the undersigned or at the office of F. W. Farncomb, C. E., London, Ont. The bridge is located about 2 miles from Exeter Station. The lowest or any tender in either ease not necessarily accepted. Erten Hess, SRR , Tp. Clerk, Zurich, Ont., May lith, 1003. 4'3.31 Frightful Case of Protruding Piles 'Doctor wanted to burn them with a red- hot iron—Cured by Dr, Chase's Ointment. MR..tr.rx. MCLEAN, Tarbot Vale, N.S., writes,—"Ar section man on the railroad, I was :xposed to all sorts of weather, my health failed, and I became a victim of protruding piles. Though a doctor treated me for piles; they only grew worse and I was'forced to give up work and go home. My sufferings could scarcely be described, I could not walk or lie down, and while the rest of the family slept I would be groaning with excruciating pains. "The second doctor told me the piles would have to be burned . with a red-hot Mr. McLean iron, but I could not think of.undergoing such an open, ation, so he gave me a box of salve, for which he charged me two dollars, -but did me no good. My experience with Dr. Chase's Oint- ment is that the first application did me more good than did the two'doctors, and finally made me as well and free from piles as any man, Since being cured I worked during the winter the lumber r woods; and had no return of my old trouble. Dr. Chase's Ointment was worth one hundred dollars'a boa to me." .146re title'• V'ood's Phoop lbdina, The Great .engitsh Remedy. druggists in Canada. Onlybreit• able medicinf, discovered. ;Stat packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effeots of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, lixeessive use of To• baoeo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed en receipt Of price one package $1, six, $5. One Oat please, s18 wilt Care. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Colnpatty, Wiiid'sor,,gat. Wood's Phospholine is sold' in Zurich by Dr.Buchanan, Druggest 1 b hl a n ( r fe o J O er erb tl Tl tui us nt et m; nE 11 0: ee Al ee ea ni rt a ss nc tic 0 sr 8 a q•, e