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The Herald, 1903-05-15, Page 7
_-________- WINS ___._______. INSTANT eening mellowed into night, bright low the •wun Still _ FAVOR _. tthhelu, �e IVas promised to give yo "What I'' This tender, boyish look heavy, ]land hev; n furniture, trio With all Japan teff drinkers ,,"`ploy �. Won m money, nor he never swiped y p . fled from lila face 'svit'hl every trace of color. He wias on; his feet, trem- . lap, straining her ears in ed in her I •F } none of my cattle. I ain't even )kale oyes on him myself. But lgtort sling" with ¢'tnger, " Whut's that-- t' t t aid WITH � w:ha s ba you say t -she s -she'd give me up I" He seized her .al- 9 y amiostt lieIO roughly. "It's a lie -say ,it's nnyo s Live] Remedy. The tears poured do*v;ni hoer cheekO. "It's true --as God sees me, It's true. Go across the border', `Reddy - go + i straight. 1'11 comae to yer there, 1ilut boy --I'll make yor a home -I'll make yer .every day the little biscuits yer Ceylon CEf EFEN Tea is pure, delicious and healthful. It uster like so much;,' .. Is as far (ahead of Japan tela as `°SA1,..>RDA" black is The pat'detio voice penetrated ahead of all other black tea. Lead packets only. fierce . 25c even his rage and pain, With a � fierce shake of hits sliaulders he and 400 per Ito. By all grocers. cast the thought of the other w•o man from him., . . "Mother, if it wa.sn"t for you I'd go straight there, and ra shoot the H tBru whole outfit, and be shot good g��!! sOf, ext I ainPt been much good to you -anal , I owe it to you to spare you what I can, I'll go:' lie turned to her again, all tender- ME THE E E L o noels. "When I can. make a pisco for you, you'll Dame, won't you? I ain't such a bad lots Good bye- no. Don't come aut-I'll get the horse-watclll from here, if trouble DO WISH YOU i agog? Where was Grace? Gone, too, comes. shout tn' woii4dn't,"she said Married to a ship's captain in the He was gone. She stood bewildered ¢I ' "You don't seem West Indian trade, 1•ured by some in the room, murmuring incoherent to realize holy dream of tropic beauty, of waving loving words, 113echanically she pray- dreadfu! it is." palms and sorsa arses. She gazed ed for his safety. Soon even, petitions out sadly at the strange landscape •• a t • Her tali son died upon her lips, Crossing to the ,� • ' • '' frowned. "Darn it -gray-;brown dust and gray -green doorway she looked out anxiously as' :' cactus, wiry mesquit and tall, can- .� • all What did torted yucca. To the right, grass Cite hoard h!in gide away. No sign • V ` Buck go to toll .covered slopes of water fed lands, of human occupation in all the wide 4„ h W; � you for? I knew slatted with red and white cattle, horizon. She seated herself in the jyou'd make a near Ity lthe corals, and far soruth the narrow shade of the long red tiles =t fuss." �� -and waited. Hour after hour crept glue mesas of Mexico sharp against slowly by. '1 Ere sun began to sink, P1era,se, Jemmy," the sky. Loneliness brooded with her the mesas turned to purple, the spiky . she begged; ' this in thatt rose in her heart lith• p n p g cactus shone bronzed and Tat. Long morn is strong- the majestic loneliness of vast st beyond the yucca. The er to YOU. He's never donea shadows crept you any spaces that brings with it the great harm- Let the others hound him; peace of primitive; unchanging green of the watered lands became yoly keep out of it, Jemmy. 'Taln't things. It could not soothe the long- Intense, the air took on the vague right, a,nd I couldn't feel the same) ing that rose in her heart With freshness of coming evening. Twi- towa•rd you if you hard a hand in the thought of ]ler lost children. light came. He must be safe no'zv-he must be it:' Erin turned from the window, hop- , + '' ` over the border,' again and again "Now, see here," he' said, ermtb- des ing to find forgetfulness in soind p she said It, as if to make it true ly, "you can't understand it, I know homely task. Tile strangeness of ,_ ver force of desire Slowly "People should die only from old 1.ger• ,�y a,:eluk: i,•. -,awl:,�..... r to T unhesitatingly pronounce my Cure for Liver troubles a discovery of the high- est importance, Sluggishness of that organ brings on biliousness, sick head- ache, indigestion, constipation and all the ills which follow those conditions, My Liver remedy acts promptly -purifies the blood, clears the tongue and skin and makes you feel like a new person. The Liver Is one of the most important or- gans of the human body. It is dangerous to neglect it.-Munyon. 4MUNYON'S REMEDIES. Munyon's Liver Cure, 25c a vial. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all im- purities of the blood. Price 25c. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu- monia, and breaks up a cold in a f@w hours. Price 250. Munyon's female Remedies are a boon to all women., Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost power to weak men. Price $1.Personal letters addressed to Prof. 111unyon, Philadelphia, U. S. A., contain- ing details -of sickness, will be answer - ,y1 promptly and free advice as to treat- rt will bn aiv,•n. 14B but the crowd wouldn't never for- give me if I didn't) in with them. her surroundings gripped her. Whyt were these yttiuw mud walls, this eening mellowed into night, bright low the •wun Still a� "8' ,tt���p e.11 o'a. 1. go Red; Jack never did me a, hurt nor heavy, ]land hev; n furniture, trio and great stars g' she sat at the door, her hands clasp - ,,"`ploy �. Won m money, nor he never swiped y p massive carved leather caddies as- t;^ids the wooden ht tide the lap, straining her ears in ed in her I none of my cattle. I ain't even )kale oyes on him myself. But lgtort pegs door? rDhls her home! Ab6 not the silence. . t the the thud', INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO. V11, the same we settlers has to The v! -!d picture of the old shingl3d house, the fringed elms, the trim gar- ingn horses She roseance a ( closer MAXI 17, 1903. stand by one ntIiere',sandwhen den, lost t her now forever, brought ; pillar came the,rhythmicalsupport.Closer - eat moving it's this 'way : Red Jack, he got 'off; majority says bad ears to her eyes For a � Paul Before Felix. -Acts 24:10-16,24-26. to be shelled out of the community,shrTRQ the; bunch ars a whole has to da it-, Commentatry:-I- The charges against Paul (vs. 1-19) Within five days the high priest, Ananias, to- gether with representatives from the Sanhedrin, accompanied by a professlonal orator, Tertullus, ar- rived in Caesarea to present their charges against Paul. Tertullus be- gan by flattering Felix, as one who hard done great andynobie deeds, and who had greatly auvanced the gov- ernment. This was not in keeping with the truth for "bath Josephus and Tacntua xepresent him as one of .the most corrupt and oppresive rulers ever sent by, the Romans in- to Judea," II. PauI's defence (vs. 10-21). 10. Paul--answered-Although twice before Paul had spoken what be called a defence --first, before a vast crowd of Jews in the temple area, and again before the assembled San- hedril-yet this Is his first actual defence, as he now stands before an impexlal tribunal, this governor re- presenting ethe person sand author- of the emperor. -Butler. Foras- much as I know -It is remarkable that Paul did not begin his speech, Tertullus hid done, by any flat- tering address, or by' any., of the arts of rhetoric. He founded his plea on the justice at his cause, and an the fact that Felix lead had so much ex- perience In the affairs of Judea that he Was well qualified to understand the merits of the case, and to judge moment 'homesickness blinded ail bulked in the dark. throw estrealn iotrols If I hung soca: from my share of else to her. She tottered to the kitchen, her refuge in -,hours of i �alighten theyellocv lam the sill, to lose itself in the blue the row they'd never stand by me. trouble. I Intensity of the dark. „ Taint as if we -mos all at home in- ., r ,. "No," she said aloud, as she took, „What is it?" she quivered. the East. You, haven't learned the' her checked apron from its hook, A man swungfrom the nearest customs yet, but I teili you I've got "no, I'm not sorry -I'm glad! if my, pony. "It's BucLang, ma'am." He to go." Jemmy will live out here, Wily', paused, shifting uneasily. " Yer see, She wrung her hands and tears I'll live here, too. What's a house it's this 'way : Red Jack, he got 'off; gathered in her eyes. and a tree or so to one's very own ( an' that Mendez girl, she followed "It's lynehfn', Jemmy? _o chlid I" him; but -well, there was some sort "Yep, and if there wasn't lynch The door behind her creaked. She, of a mix-up nearthe' line -an' we law there'd be no law. Mother, don't quickly, looked into the bazvml of a ? picked your man pretty badly wing - take on. You've come out here an� levelled re -ower, and heard a stern voice order, "Be ! I'm cad edw" ) You've got to learn to stand our quiet beat' and T -ant grub, ez . ,Then they brought in Jemmy, ways. I know It's hard on you, but d t Her eyes traI eted from the I you'll et .used to it „ y g by and by. "What'll they make you do, jem- dto t ti t her head to ing weapon pone e talo man behind it. lie was till and q �v rnry � Iry .UI '�"isssyyy` my?" jaw, 1 3J.i, tS >iray 11. T]le receipts of grain oxk handsome, with a square a' ,lt{,ioxl{ul "Oh, nothing much; put me on guard somewheres to keep a look grim mouth, a thin nose, with wails nostrils. and a pair or reeldess eyes, q t IYJ out and see he don't get past ,and shaded by a brown sombrero heavy I 11 in �tA•.i f iI j over the border into Mexico. They'll with ornaments. From underneath i ruin m big circle and gradually draw the gong: ous M .�xl2an hat strayed 1 els a1: 34 to 35e. Dairy produce, in good supply, with): him in. Then he'll probably step golden auburn hair, babishly soft and Dodd's kidney Pills Cured His out to Mendez; bas stuck on that !Ine. Slowly the -woman's face fitted I i.,urnba�o and He is a Sound half-breed .girl. They'll have ,an itself in a widening stare, question- Man. !ty extra watch there and pinch him. Ing, terrified. 25 loads at $12 to $15 a torr far; timath+y, and at $0 to $9 for mixed. Sam's said she'd turn him over.' "Yes, I'm Red Jack," he went on, •salem(chap. xviii. 23).-Mcyer. He d him i The woman's "but for all that scaring women , , I isn't niy business. I lvou't hart you, Granton Man Shouts the Good News arts wria'she fa-ey face went red with indig- natiun. nation. mother. Just give a poor hunted that There is a Cure fou 'kidney „ Sure, or Mendez couldn't run the man a, decent me'tl, will yer? You see. a measly, lantern jawed set of ]Disease and that Cure is Dodd's Blue Devil. T1he crowd'd clean him cusses are after me 'cause they Sidney Pills. out-h'm I" he said suddenly, realiz- didn't know how to play the na- I Granton, Ont., May 4.-ftecial,)- ing that his tongue 'lead run away tional game." There was a-vearied There is no uncertain sound about With him. "Don't you take on so, attempt at levity in his voice. 'the statement of Jahn Fletcher, of ' guess It'll come out all right any- Her eyes looked Into his. "Teddy!" this place. "I am glad to let the I how. He'll get across the line and she gasped. "011, little boy Teddy !" public know that Dodd's Kidney Pills there won't be any Flourth of July The man lowered his gun. "Well, be !" have cured me of Lumbago, and now 'Zi•at is the at all. There now. This ain't no place for you; mother, and. I vitas at I'll .banged P3'he words drove home like a knife i am perfectly sound." way he ,puts it. Questioned as to dinged fool to let yer come." • thrust. the particulars of his case, Mr. Butchers' cattle, choice...... 410 to 435 ``Oh, my God! they shan't hang Fletcher said: ; , She recovered her self-control yer, Teddy 1 Olt, run -run -they, `• I had been troubled for a year quickly. "Iva, Jemmy; where my boy mustn't get yer! '.Phey're after yer, with Lumbago and Kidney Troubles - Is is my place, too. There's nobody they are -go now, linea you can make My urine was of a 'very bad calor, else in the world left to me -any- the border! 011, to find you like and I could get notjling to help me. body, but you; that's why I irate this -and they a hunting of yer !" • " I consulted doctors, b t ;diet' i Q see you doing ungodly things, and • With a sudden tav!ng movement of eoiuld not help me, ams' I was not in this is ungodly, Jemmy, and no good his huge arms he lolled the little a very 0heerful frame of mind when Will came or itt, suppose you won't old woman to his breast. I decided to try' Dodd's Kidney Pills listen to your old mother. Children • With sobs ana -ears she clung tai But it was a lucky day for me mostly think, they know it All"— him murmuringhis name between • when I did. Almost frorl the first Yaw don't understand," be inter- ehoWng gasps. 1 they gave me relief and I was soon rupted, exasperated. "Go, you must go," she repeated, entirely cured. • "No, I don't understand this sort while her withered arms clung to i "Yes, my Lum,ba6ro is f'+ne; my ,of thing, thank God. I don't under- him even closer. Kidney Complaint is gone, sand Dodd's stand the killing of nary a living "No, I ain't go!n'," lire said, soft- 1 Kidney Pills did it all." ' man." ly, "not for a while, mother -no, I' Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to "Well," he said, in the tone with you needn't tell me I goiter. I .-I cure Kidney ;Complaint, whether which one humors a fretful: clii)d, ain't seen yer fer years an' years, that complaint takes the form of "I'll Anel; shah up, and let V.1am and I'm just dead beat." • Br!ght's Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, think Pin solid with 'em, an' then The confession of his immediate `Itileumatism, Sciatica, Lamo Back, 'pll slide out an, drop the. thing. need gave her strength, steadied her etc. i • m, There, naw'il that tlo ?" failing merves. Swiftly she set be- -- She put her withered hand u on fore him the beid she could provide, � Some Guesses at, Truth. his broad shoulders and looked Ilam "You aurin to touch lnlm with soft, p $ a tat Whiskey and the ;)lice get a square in the lace. remember caressing wonder. Huge, Whey, awk- ht men into trouble. jemmy,'• she said slowly, "that ward, he accepted her ministrations, + Hope and hustle enable a man to Your old mother is up here alone, a wistful yearning piercing his all gain ' for every roan's left the place for feckless mangler, making him, only-,' keeps many a man from this ljloocly til ork ; all alone, re- , an overgrown boy, again. She flut- linfyourself memilor, 'anti srh'e'li be a thinking of! •tered about him, panting with bap- i m'Consistency aking a is synony- you here 11y tho window, waiting ror pines in his recovery, trembling . mous with obstinacy in your neigh - you to come sick with your hands with agonized apprehension at his bor. clean of man killing. Don't forget, danger. A. man Who lives beyond his income now, boy I" "And t'ons'il never play in those is apt to live !beneath his oppor- He hurried his, head quickly deet dreadful places again, will yrou, I tunities. she read his !retentions of cleceit. 1 '•Iced 2" she begged for the hundredth Many a man walks the floor tit ,+ "Yes, mother, lie nodded. Catching a t,irnta, and for the hundredth time he" 'night because his wife doeyn't be- 11. Mayest understand -From the shortness'or leis stay in Jerusalem, any offence committed there must have been recent. There could be no difficulty, in obtaining witnesses and proofs. -Cook. Twelve days From Lila time Paul had left Caes- area until his return was only nine days• Only; eight of the twelve days hard been spent in Jerusalem. 12, 13. Neither found me, etc. ITTRICTING GREAT ATTENTION AMONG THINKING WOMEN. RA up his Winchester, he jammed down gave her his promise. "You'll get in, ]!eve in paregoric. ) �) � �))i �' )I P his sombrero and macre for the door. 'to, Mexico and take up a ranch' and You probably wouldn't feel flattered y am "Baca: lay sundown, T guess," he call- live quiet, won't you, Ted?" if you knew what the people you � s Stafford, H. ed ]lack. "'Don't-vorry." "Yes, I will." e y p �fiS.rf6l$flt'Cu 3�fAy�s©����� I thin]: are fools think of you.-•Chica•go . .She watched him sling himself "rind I'll come to ty;er. Jemmy, do -nit Tribune. 114th St., N.Y. City, adds her tes- eaa,siiy upon his 1lronco and cantor need nae here." tifllon to the hundreds of thou- stvirny off over the tra!I toward thn "I'll take care of yer, mother." :liver settlement. Site sighed deeply. "`tau got move have Lazy old sores wail not linger long after t p y, yer ? treatment with Weaver's Cerate. If the cer- Sfi11d�S Q))0 Mrs. 5• �a 1�S� iii S files. So this -vas the great southwowt ; this fie smiled whimsioally, slapping au rite smarts reduco with sweet oil or lard,and a the unfettered lire that bad inratua- his heavy belt, "I rather guess that cleanse the blood with Weaver's Syrup. When Lydia �. r1iducem S ted Jcntmy, 'with its excitement, Its ain't no trouble." dies were first intrOCluOed skeptics ?bloody cowboy wars, Its inad revels "Ain't there nothing I can do to Times Rave Chan- d.• all over the country frowned upon al' tai°(1;;, an dr;olr, Yfat bey was a good help?' she begged. Times have changed since the days their curative claims.? but as year 1)ay, she thought hastilY, and the "Can I get m parse? I'll leave yer , ,When "a great novel reader" -vas after year has roller by and the w0d life had given Klin Atongth anti! Poppy -she isnt safe for• me; she's a term' of roproach, Nowadays novel little group of women whob.idbeen n beauty all Its own. She sighed,, known,)' reading -is, a duty. No longer is a Cured b the new discovery has opsin. All, falai terrible inheritance "Yes, yes L' sale quavered, all Il'or diet of naves. like. -,ad to a diet of y Foil whence came terrors aroused anew. `Yogis take h1n( grown hotl a vast: sena] Of of resttless Xlloo4l 1 er sweets. One does not hexa of poo- r n 1 dutsad 1 1 , htul ' d of .ileo lolls s o b ,. die s r ,.' , Pinto, :n: the yet it a n a lie's i ] n co a ) .)t uus�s a was .e .m s 1 corral 7 Silo Cerulea sic ,. � 7 m y of i't S 1 � � pie atllitlg away their time those, inclainitallle. Where was run- 11 back of the Ilonsr:.-litre's the sad- "occti ytn vacant Half hour" by skeptieisms have boon swept away away Teddy,.-littlo reel headed, 12 dle, Olt, Toddy 1 they're to draw a -,picking up'' light literature. !',be as by a Xni„hty' flood, until to -day year-olcl Teildy-crazed with the big oir'elr, 11,11+1 •ihry think you're to novel reader ofto-dayis respected the great good that Lydia E. ttinsel of a circus ring so many years run to Mendcz-a, girl -a woman as P. serious worker with a steadyPiuli;iialn'sVel;etableC0111poundl . _ _ a-- j'ob. shale old stories of the startled and her •other medicines are doing n,r �nm.<,xrxm,m�._ Pa rte' G forbid detected in Lite perusal of the smonc the women df America is Metal forbidden novel are told no mare. atiractin the attention of mall of `" Single or double--Iil;ht, stron h, dnrablo soon. Not to aliave absorbed a Certain ' +ar 3' �. • •') fin; r' amount of modern fiction !s .now to our leading soientists, ,physicians ,.-.omlcas. will not sag or got which o p Wonted p,nd thinking eo le. • .. -with ucif,•&cling latches, tvllich open either be defected in a faixlt. g ,, way. A child can opens closo in a eixang --- --. -- l4ierit alone COud wjli s11Ch fazn©; wind -to stirfiseo to resist, . 130ab farm .roto . '' + -:: made. TTsoPagelfancesandPoultryNetting. eThb largest negative ever taken ox p ie, therefore, is the woman Who : 3,, ,e - a sitter was 64 inches by 83 Inches, sur r 1 .1 upon Lydia E. `�-. «r , „.. Thal'agbwzr0l'eflc6eC10.,i3mnted,q'aLkeR�ilib, f0i" iL , e e iC l) a* qqz,sem .a't•�'-•`�'-ted •�' a,� :'. `I Ont. 1r4ontrbal, l',ti and eti. Jahn, ,i.u, ib or pro,ntictt,lly The -size. It' was the work of a Dublin firm. t .,' ._..,J. ,.. , ,_ ... gain s'Ve„etablDi7oiaiapo lri. In terms of unqualified denial he - -' ity, however, to he pardoned snd� : meets the first charge -of uedition. acquitted, "Warship, next the plottingof Insur- Proara.stlnatlon Ig the strategy off,',, rection was the obj.set of Ills recent tine devil. Felix mid, "Go, thy wa, visit to Jerusalem; and -'sable war- for this time, when' I Have a con •l shipping lie was ,found and arrested. veplent season I will ' call for theel,.r Etc had not even spoken in public, He will agree with the ginner thatii, much less by artful harangue sought there is a 'devil, such a thing as tat' gather olsaffeeted persons either sin, an awful heli, a heaven, a just' In the temple, the synagogues, ar. God, genuine Christianity, and t]nAt" lie' Lt, bast some future time, J tibia clty.-lsutler. Neither can they needs .at prove -"Sere was Mlle pith of the not now, It will he well to .accept .case. This appeal is badly made; lie Christ. challenges investigation, c19„ r=s I couluss-This verse and .�+••,.a« ..+'--?�* � the following contain Paul's reply to p°�°""""" rte °• the accusation of Tortullus, that he was a ringleader of the Nazarenes. p� The rh"'I�ets. Hie It he i a C joyously cat theI that h© is a Christian, but at the I same time declines to acknowledgeLL�=L. '� rA I the opprobrious term used by Tar- tullus.-Lange. The way -`'The Way„ Toronto Farsners' -Market. is here used by Paul to signify the >iray 11. T]le receipts of grain oxk Clu•!stlan religion. See chap. lx. 2- the street today show an inereasei 13'.'eresy--"A sect." ' . 9 beat is higher, with bales of SOA 15, 16, Elope toward Gotl-Having bushels of white at 741-2c, •20Q a hope of the resurrection of the busbels at red wiltlteil at 74 to 74%o, dead, which arises from the promises one load of spring at 7W, and 800 of Cod. -Barnes. ' He declares that, lfusbeis of ,;oose aft 07t. Oats ares in common with many of his ac- unchanged, with, sales of 1,`:00 ljush-, cusers, and with the mass of ilia nation, he holds steadfastly to the els a1: 34 to 35e. Dairy produce, in good supply, with): hope of a resurrection from death, prices of butter Basler, choice large through :the promise and Bower of rolio selling; at 17, to. 19c, and pound ' God." I exorcise myself -"He strives rolls at 20 to 22c. Eggs 14c dozen]: as the athlete or warrior, only Ills retail. Garden stuffs in good sup-' struggle and warfare is -within the soul." ply ; Hay !s uncitatnged, with sales of 17. !After many years -Paul re- 25 loads at $12 to $15 a torr far; timath+y, and at $0 to $9 for mixed. fers to the four years which had elapsed since leis hist vbdt to Jeru- straw, naminal at quotations. •salem(chap. xviii. 23).-Mcyer. He Dressed Hogs are unchanged, witbi . came as the almoner of help, not as salesl at $8 to $6.50. - Following is the range of quota•, the fomenter of disturbance and source of injury to his nation. tions -Wheat,- wlAt-e, bush, 74 18-21. Jews from Asla-` Paul just- mato. 7;. 1-..c; red, bush, 74 to 741-20; ly complains that tilt very per- ;_;rause, 07 to 671-2c; oats, 341-2 to 35c; barley, 43c; peas, 7a .tb sons -who alone could tc,stiry a.gaineit hint were absent, and showed that 78c: hay, timothy, per ton, $12to' there was really no well-founeis 1 lel G ; miac:d, $G to $9 , straw, $8.50 charge against him. - They alone to :;9 , apples, pc;r bbl., $1.50' 'to. could testify as to anything tivi.t r -•"U; dressed hogs, $b to $8.50; eggs, 10 'to 14e; bu•tter,ndairy, 17! occurred in the temple; 'and as they were not p. esent that charge: to _`2c: creamery, 20 to 24e , chick - ought to be dismissed." Or else- ens, per lb., 1' to 13c; turkeys, per "Pahl turns, with a bold challenge lb., 16 to •'Oe..; potatoes, per, bags to the Sadducean .Jews present. $1.20 to $1.25.. III. Imprisonment tit Cesarea (vs. j Toronto .)Jive Stoeic Market. . 22-27.) 22-24. Wheal Felix heard --The t Export cattle, choice, per cwt $4 70 to $5 00 governor virtually decided the ease I do medium ................ 4`25 to 4 70 in favor of Paul. But he wished to I docowe.................... 330 to 4 00 2 keep the good -will of file Jews. So he Inferior cows ...... ...... 75 to 325 Butchers' eattle,picked....... 4 50 to 435 deferred w3 answer from time to Butchers' cattle, choice...... 410 to 435 time, in the meanwhile allowing haul Butchers cattle, fair......... 2 75 to 300 much liberty, and the company of his Bulls export, heavy.. , ...... 350 to 4 00 jI do light .................... 3 •25 to 350 friends. Having...... knowledge -Felix Poeders,ehort-keep........... 4 25 to 4 75 knew more than most Roman rul^rs I do medium ................ 3 75 to 4 00 about Christianity. He evidently t do light .................... % uu to 350 know the character of the dlseiples Stockkers, common............ 2 75 to s o0 and that what Paul said -vas true, i Mitch cows, each .............. 30 00 to 60 00 And yet he "deferred" the case be- LighuShoop ................ 4 50 to 5 00 Cause he did not �gisL to Bice offence ScckK Sheep e ewo................. 3 00 to 4 00 i to the Jews. After certain da s-� y (; •• irnfe ewe we hers...... 5 dU to 5 00 ra d s, t Felix camp tato the auoliE.nce-chem-i(#rairi•fedbucks ................ 5u0 to 550 bar with lits wife Drwililt, and the i Saruyardlalnbs.... .......... 3 50 to 4 00 prisoner was summoned before them. i Ouive,ui,lper s....ad ? 50 to 2:,,, "6. Reasoned of rigllteonsntss, .............. 10 000 l do per lb................ 03's to 04%z e'tc.-Paul pl oache�s as a faithful Hogs, select, per cwt.......... 6 33 to o 00 f apostle ,sbo ul:i have pr va•ched to suuii Elogs, light, per cwt .......... 6 00 to 0 00 HoE",.fat, 6 00 to 0 00 bearers. 'l1hey sent for him to hear per cwt ............. about Christ. They heard much mora The Cbeese Markets. than they cared to hoar. Paul's bold- Believ!1I::, May, 9, -At the meeting ness is all the more striking when of the C.!eese Board held here tt;-day) we remember that lie wars dependent there were offered ,-Sj white and 175 on Felix for pardon. Fclix treulbled- colored azay, cries e. sales, 60 at: In view of hie past sins, and the judg- 11 1• S� i l Mont to Come. T11oughts-.Paul's tac+ a;nd tour- Cowun,svtlle, que., Afay 9. -At the weekly meeting of the District of I test' was the secret of much df his Bedford Dalrylnen's AFsociatlon here success. A true servant of God has 1 o-c7ay z3 fat:toriEs offered 614 practical sympathy for his poor and i em rad iGrantes c suffering brethren, "Our lesson Cola- , 861 boxe4s butter. A. W. se- tains two plctltresa I. Paul before e 2„ c ,1 iaoxe:•s cheese at 11c said I•-ciix. Note, 1. Paul's lttamner. 2. His i ,dr , Atibo n here 11 belief, 3. His worship, 4• His conduct. ( -uay,lul:hilll'ymGn f' t r• • • uffered %1 (fere 1 u t,s 6 4 5. His expectatian. II. Felix before I( 1t- ; 101 t- ' .rc�e ; 14, c, •- imur'G offered Paul. Tote; 1. Hls• interest in the gos- ! e G 1: 1 e 2 t; bwttem. A. S4. Grant se- pal, i do -la he hoard. i2. His feeling. 4. His delay.' , ileced :S.1 boxos cheenn at Ile ansa 30 boxes, alai` 10 7 8-% Hagar Allen ,sd PRACTICAL SURVEY. cured Cis boxers at 110 and 151 boxes Paul a defender of the faith. The ta.t 107-8a. D. A .1 el'hersom secure ) �G boles at 10 r-8. and 106 boxes charges that have :been brought against him by the goilless orator at 10 -4,o, Ti, IN Illiamson secured Tertullus, viz., that of beinga, "pest,' 35 boxes a" 10 3-4,c, ail ,sole!. Gnnn & Lam laic secured : 8.) boxes butter utterly break down under Paul's trs- I at 18 5 -Sc. James Dalrymple, secured t!mony, arguments and logic, which $•i bw:tr ; at 18;3-8v and i01 box) s like a mtgllty avalanche beats down eft 18.1-2c. Hcxlghron Bros. leo Ircd 85 upon it, utterly dnmoli hin:g and an- nillilatin.g it. That he is a ring- boxes at IS I-,,•,. all sold. leader of the sect of the Nazarenes Leading; Wheat; ,Markets. he does, not deny, and that he is a believer in and a preacher of the Following are the closing quota,-, glorious doctrine of the resurrection 1ioonss at important wheat cenetres lie boldly affirms, and then in his withering and forceful way of part- I Cash May. tkng things, challenges his opponents chienTui• dbr "' 76 _ 761-8 to show wherein he Is guilty of set- ........• 'JJ , Duluth, No.1 north,. 773-4 7784- 7 8-9!' ting forth error. fearless A fearless preacher. While con- scious that Felix, before whom he, i 13rid.,.h Live Stook. l6.tartcets. London, stands, has it in lits power to take, May 11. -Live cattle, un-+ changed, at 111-2 to 12c per lb, his life yet lies Is obl!v!ctus to that for fur American ntoer•s, dressed lveigirt fact so far as its; influenving a tame- Canadian steers, .10 1-3 to 111 -tai ncss In his manner or compromise of I per lb.; refrigerator beof, 9c per lb. truth in the mrssnge is concerned. An illustriclu; eoup!o. Paul has a I3radsi:reet'b as Trade. royal MR1,J)'11 n•s aud,tors, but lie '%Vholesn.le tra2le prospects at Mont. "shoots to lc.lt," The truth pa r'Seynt real continue to bold out the pro-, ed was a' ipt(d t, h's h a.rer,;. Ilorein i mise of a large movement in staple' he -was wises (II. T!n1. !i. 151). Ile. was goods the next few months. '.Chea: Indiffermit to thoir lofty position in demand from interior points and: the civil gover`nmoi t, and addressed especially from the far West I%. them as judHmoltt-bound souls. N17he- already showing a steady expan•stonr,. tiler the 1)1.l w0111d llifltlellee the Th•c pre -ailing cool weather has kept.' 'Governor to h.how favor or disfavor down ills demand in some important.,' towards h inscif was not the import- season bre lines in wholesale trade, ant onestlon. at Toronto in a manner that has.; A proper diagnosis followed with been quite 4.1sappointing. ;tfanufao.;! the xecommoridation of a potential tur•rs are very busy in Invetin•g the,; remedy-r!gbt,^ousne s -to be real- c\panding demand for staple goods, ized in his own character. This im- an+] still complain about scarcity of' plies right rela•tlau to God (I• Cor. skilled labor. At Quebec during the' !. 30), In which relation the brokenpast down character is reconstructed, and weer: buAness Isis been fairly;! I active, a.lthk.ugli the cool weather has . where there has been a departure, ewhat terfered with sales Ir4l somin from rii;lit Iiiies of liking, the life Is reasonable goods. There has beers a•' rectified., . steady domand 1n mercantile ..ireles. Temperance. -Barnes says that file lan.rticular tla!nh in the life of at Winnipeg this week. NYboIoiaaa10 trade at the Pacific Coast citlet isl Felix which Paul probably had In very fair for this staason. 'At Ra..m•-y; view, vas the indulgence at lion- tioue desires, or incontinence.'' Note Ilton, as reported to BradatreEt • wholesale trade has felt the unfs>w';` ]low consecutive and logical is the orable effects of the cool weatherl order in which this truth is put: ( on the sorting trade in sumnlei4i 1. Qiighteauisnovs-de:1•Iing -with the goods. The first burst of hot wear" relation or the individual to God, ther, however, will remit in a, Watt - and the great principles operative oral bronl ing of retail stocks 'to a in the spiritual kingdom. 3. Tem- greater extent than experienced or peranee-•-The practical :application of far and will bring in a flood of : great moral trutbu isewng in the sorting orders. Stocks In the hands' overy day; consistent, fruittul and of the wholesale trade now are 'not.' syntmetr]cal Chrlstlan character- large, and as it 10 difflcult to secure;. temperate in word and spirit and, some cases prices have advanced: til the Indutgenen or physical appe- since goods were fru kbasod, there 111 titer .and poisis)ons, In thentselven no ocensiou to force sales, The out -1 perfectly lrgitilliato, snow beautitill-, look is good, rind the general feeling ly clom!natod overt, and eontro'led by in trade circles Is eheaorful, The move to Goll and man. 3, The ,lush- ' movcmealt 1n fall goods no fa.r 00W_ 1110111t to collie. I' OU% ml's made to feel pai'08 well W101 tiny PI'(t'Itens seasom thatt a faithful record was being i At Lonclaa there bar; boen a moder- kept of all his conduct, that after! uta demand for seasonable ,gookls,, alealth lie would 1)r, brought before a' ;111i1 it will lnrrensr itlrgoly with the trillunal where there would be no : first favorable turn in tlw. wc2the*r, bribing of the judge, or wrong blas 1 There has been a. good demand for Influencing the iildglnent rendered. , staplo goods :tt O'tawa this wcekr The erreet or sits i proae11171g. That I_.._-.,•..•-.__•..._....y,�...J•-_ the consMenne 01 the governor was Ilimws IIow to Make it, Powerfully wrout ht inion ,and ter -1 Smart Sat. ribly alarined Wag; mallifeeted In Ills I 6, phyN!cal emostion. Tilt' ,Judge himself I Iradge---Shoe has a lovely eoraplex4 w<il� a trembling, pris�na)r at file bar • Ian. , . of Ills own ronselenoe, sentencEd to AW,jorle-11TO woorlor; that or`l eternal damnation, with, opportun- studied, chemistq. , , :