The Herald, 1903-05-15, Page 30 J ,., ..... .... ........ ..... _...... 1. .. i I 1 I "Ut1, yes," assents Lady Blanche. ` .. , .. „she W a cousin of yours, I su{� pose?", I 1 1 '' I 1 �! ` 'ITHE Poon ID'YSPVPT$C ( ._- i I 1 I "Ut1, yes," assents Lady Blanche. ` Is the 1VTort311serableorMortuls-••Ons; 11 0 T shall be able to. speak to liar Similar Suf}terers cyan Uncldsrstand sooziw" S11,o 3s warranted ln'rxprassing the 1XIs Hours or Agony.. doubt, for Elaine Is already surround- There is no mortal more ad, asci the proud major has the patis- factlan of lies"'liig men almost clam- 'brat miserable than ilia poor dyspe tic. He is neve) p healthy, never happy oriing for a danoe�; presently while ElaGne, Is tsylne to bestow liar --•always ailing always out of sorts. Every mouths daneas impartially, May Bradley, who has been waiting and watching fol of food 'brings hours of distress - every moment of ilio lag Is spoiler fca her Impatiently, snip y breaks through the throng and catch" her by, isle and soured. tIf you are a dyspeptle, You y kno'vl slip arm I "You wicket) girl! Hdw late you signs; the coated tongue, the dull headachesthe heartburn, the are! It's ,no use, Major 1igpe, I'm.'biliousness, not. going to let h'ar give all her the persistent, tormen:i after moals, the hopeless despond• dances away in a moment I Elaine, send them ancy, Any bna of t,heso signs pointe to indigestion, The one sure cure for all away and lot diem wait!" And Shia thew, Elalne from indigestion is Dr. Williams' Pink thio major's arm, up against the wall "Oh' my 'dear flow 11e'autiful ,Pills .They make Hely blood-tllat't 0 whole seer0t. '.Phrough the blooc _ �__ - --- you look 1 ',Thlere' n•o one 'in the' they will brace up your strength, C"�Z9"lia-Ag-w"��°�no o" -d •, 1�K it --w 4�.a-�&--e—e.,&-a-SCS room who is half so pretty or half. . waken your liver and sat your stom- as well dressed I No.. ndL even the ach right; TT you ask your neigh- ^'W"�° �eA °x^^^1.11 ••�-•�-.�...�. --- born you will find proof of this right great. Lady B�.•rt th ,lapse share, a,t yOUr own -home, Mr. Charles dear; there, noxi isle Lulw.ouds: 'WCOd, Mars, Ont., one of the thou- ® Did you know she w;asa eomingl?" yepeptics cured by the use f o "Who?" said Elaine, half iaugb'- sands of d ThW 43af �,l li Daggel ` Ing. "1 don't kn.mv rrinotn you,,meaq. of these pills, says: "F,,or upwards I can't' see-tl,are are sa rac;Lny Of t�vclvo years was a ,great 'slif• I camw' ferer from Indigestion and nervous - A TALE Q;rlc �fp3MAN'S LOVE AND « ness. Everything I ate tortured me, Who ? Why, Lw.ly Blanc ide, Lord T doctored alv-Ost Continuously, and i �YOlt`i 3a� P4 -";i 'aITDY .a 4y; � . Delaine's daugli'ter; your %Duslo, used almost everything recommended dear." for this tri bl but• never got more ''"'""""'°'°°'°""•'"�"e'• i=- 7,v%, %,%O � ,Elaine looked ratii'er gurgxised. a' than tem;islrar. relief until T began "p"'P•��i'°'a�rtlR�`W�I'?m�,�'�a.,d'a�,,.�. �9a.A.�.d9a�°a.,ilx.s "+M' y vriasi.n 7 Pas, T th'inif there th�a use c4 Dr. Williams' pink Pills. Mr. Lulwood shakes hands withand these two young lords from Lon- is a Lady. PlanrFli'e, bulla I bc,ve never Words cannot express the good these anybody, everybody, ars he niakes the don, it strikes me we've got :rather scan h'er: And is she lila:{ ?" gills haus done m0. Iain in .batter tour of the room, and; to ope and all I swell company, eh, Markley?" And "]:es -there. ;look n6wl '.Chat fair health than Thavo enjoyed in' years offers the same remark; I two to men *look rbumd with proud girl in the love -the very low( dress. .before, and I.have proved that Dr. "Fine, evening, very fine; we shall satisfaction and complacency. And you dlaa't know, she5 was Isere ?. Williams' Pink } ills• Cure wheat other a have the wet presently." I "Quit•e a nice room," says Lady She is staying{ with th'e Bannisters. medicines fail,' . Tlien he laughs, shakes his head, Blnche, to;•king around and fanning Isn't sho tra)mendouslp. dressed? I Bacl ,blood is the mother of fifty as if .in approciatlon of a capital herself slowly. thought Star just perf;;at until you diseases, and Dr. Williams' Pink "-a-as," came now! joko, and passes on. Yresponds Mr. Algernon, in, but no.,hat is it you. Pills will cure them all, because they A few minutes afterward the Ban-, "not !1a -ad for a colvniry plata, don- do do, dear, to m,.ko• everythiury convert bad blood into good, rich 'sisters maize their appearance, The cherknow. Going to be jolly hot, I you wear look as if it grevr, ran red blood, without which there can baronet is tall and thin, with a ' N""`'1 Some of these windows--" you i Oh, do go awav for a n.lin- be ridther health nor strength. Daon't square, wooden farce, and a lack- ""ertalnly - certainly, Mr. Ban- ute, stir., Markley I'.' she broke off be persuaded to try something else - lustre eye; lie was In Parliament i'," says a etmvard vpho has in :despair to a young fellow who take nothing but the genuine Dr. for a few years, and is supposed - !;er,n standing near enough to catch carne upon diem hoping to steal a . Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all by the Barefteldians--to be a great j the precious words that drop from nWxah-ands a dance. "I sha'n't have medicine dealers or sent post paid a•t statesman, and certain of the prem- t the golden youth, and he :farts al,other chance to say a word, to her., 50c. a 'bot or six boxes for $2.50, lershipp, if he cared for it ; and the i away, to have all the windows open, rmir'haps, and the;re's a dance just be. by addressing the Dr. 'Williams Medl- baron•et, who is quite convinced they; 1 brrAAglreat- many people here," eays _`Ji� n ,IiPl it came?" said Elaine, cine Co., Brockville, Orit. , are right, carries himself like a main + weighed down by State secrets. Tie •� y "Yes,' assents Lade, Blanobe, "ant] with a slntlai, fectivOy, in black lace, which re - doesn't doesn't shake hands with anyone un- there are somI know. Tlhere is Col- 11ta y sighed and shook her head, but, 'sieved while it accenimated her pale less he is obliged, and even now to 11 onel Swashley, and Captain -isn't ros% 1 1. I face and red hair. Captain Sher - most persons he vouchsafes only, a I that Captain, Captain --- that ".No --not yet. But 41a May; and- win juA, glanced at Elaine as le couple of fingers. tall man with the light hair ?" all, Elaine, dear, don't forget ! You'll passed, but to bar relief he made Lady, Bannister is a small woman Mr. Algernon turns his eyeglass have to be awfully artful, for the uo silyn of recognition.) with a hook nose which has never reluctantly in the direction indh- griffin" -she glanced across at Mrs. She had forgotten him before •the been seen in public without a bu a cateci by her fan. It is Captain Bradley, a severe old lady in an slab - p g 5horwin who has Just entered, and . mesio , the next dance had com- Napair of pInce-nee, through which I " j ar'ate head -:.)refs which seemed tom- menced, and her ne�'v' partner was ll surveys the world at large as I Is standing pulling his mustache and posed of bird of paradise feathers and approaching to claim liar when ff it were a museum of curiosities 1 looking round with his shifty, uer- oahbage, leaves -"is dreadfully sharp May Bradley came behind liar, and, Into which she had wandered by] ac- voud eyes. .and wideawake. I believe she suspects plucking at bar dress, whispered. "Ya -as, Captain S.herwin." saraething;, I do irideed--" client, and Cori* much to her sur p "He bas came, Elaine I iTe liar prise. , "I met him last year--somewher9;' "My dance; I think and hope, Miss corse!" There Is a son --the future baron- says Lady Blanche ae they ;none Ikelaine," said; the man who had been Elaine looked round, and caw, a at, a tali, not to say lanky, youtb, to the upper part of the room where Lecky enough to secure Elaine for her young fellow with a frank, hand - :who seams to have outgrown his Ithe great ones (?luster together In fir's't dia,nce. )some face entering the room, and brains. He is near-sighted like ble proud exclusiveness, and as If for "There!" exclaimed May, with a recognized May's lover, Gerald Locke. mother, and wears an eyeglass, i+mutualdefence rAriainst the pi;lebely.n,- pout. "What is it, a quadrille? Oh. At' the same time she met the stony which bothers him a great deal, bat i Lady Blanche is given a seat of perhaps I can be vis-a-vis I I'll see! glare of Mrs. Bradley beneath her without which he is utterly and I honor next Mrs. Lulwood-who gVes I envy YOU I" she said to the young headdress of bird of paradise plumes. hopelessly' helpless. As he is the heir i liar through her glasses defiantly, fellow almost fiercely. "I'd rattler "Oh, help me, dear I" whispered and the only son, be is supposed to I as if expecting and already rewriting dance with her than with any man May Imploringly. Sae a great match, and his appear- tier patronage, in the. room." i Elaine put Out heir hand and caught ante causes a flutter in th0 bosom ' "Anybody else you're looking for ?" May was unsuccessful in her effort May's 'trembling one, , of some of the young ladies. asks Mr. ,Algernon, ralsar.g his none to be placed vis-a-vis, and the persons "You silly girl l" she murmured, en - toe musical voice alcove the band. who took their positloris opposite courts n iy There aro also swo girls, alas) gh g',,. "Ono would slunk Mrs. not protty; thin, scraggy girls with Ln-Jy Blanche sniffer. Elaine and her partner. were Lady Bradley could order him to instant sharp shoulders and Paces I 1 tivas wandering if- 1y cousin, I Blanche and ':1Ir. Da.nlnistesr, . excca+taon t" only u little less wooden than the • supF,Ose she is, I rsally don't quite Lady Blanche looked across at "8h.: van do worse than that "I baronet's. Under any circumstances! kriow-is here." Elaine with a smile that meant to pout,d Iffy. "Oh, I hope ate won't tho entrance of these notabilhties I ":.dies Elaine, tl1•e 7/Aajor's daughter," be sweet, and, as they approached sea him, 7,Uain% ive both count upon would create a Stir of excitement I he drawls. surv+eyt>w,g the. Craved. "N -a• near enough to rpy0ah, slie said: yoll't„ 4 is getting a few, minuteca' 'but to -night the excitement is in-' she's not here ret. You don't know "How do you do, Elaine? I am private vonvcu:,sation. Our lives are in creased by the addition to their i liar ?" glad to meet you I" your Landis I" , , , Darty of two young men from Lon- 1 "I've never seen her," says Lady Elaine blushed slightly, and smil- I,laiae la,ubhed'r ` • don ; two youaig men in dress clothesL'latneho, with a>, indifference which ed a response, but said nothing, "It's dre.autully wickod," she said; of ilia newerit cut, with gloves whose finely draws the .lino just this side aril the dance proceeded. At its "but-- How do you do, Air. Locke ?" faultless its causes the I3arefield of contempt. "°he is rather a pretty finish Lady Blanche, on her part- she. said to tile yau11!g fellow, who youths to glance distrustfully at! girl, Isn't sbo'y" Car's ism, came toward her and came up with a hL1It defiant, half shy their Own gloves which seemed all 1"YesI suppose so," assents the held out a hand. air, looking beyond her, ars he bent right until these exquie;itea en tar- I y , outh, reluctantly. If he has learned "I am so glad to meet you,' sh'e over her- hand, to Alay, who tried to ad: witb rvatent-leather pumps of ; lhttlo else, he has somehow picked said. "W0 only came to the San- ])leis herself behind Elaine. the minutest description, and With: up the knoirledge that it is unwise -'-' �^^-•-^� —I "I supposo it's no use to ask for a crush fiats which strike despair 'to to pialw one woman to another. ��� dance, Miss Delaino?".he said. the hearts of the provincials. But 1 "Y -,a$, I believe. Will you dance 13AB S DEET F.LII r:1ND, Elaine ebook her head, regarding the excitement and curiosity reach: this nest with me ?" him with an amuked, protecting smile. a climax whon it is observed that I Lady Blanch,a gives him bar card, The best friend baby earn Have Is a ".Not; this onc; but perhaps I can a gaung lady is leaning on the arm ,and h•e is •writing his name in the simple medicine that will relieve and beg off, and it volt world care to of: Mr. Algernon, the baronet's son, ; shaky 911-torm,ed characters which cure the minor -ailments that make come on, the balcony and tali; to me and the town clerk, who acts as a; tb0-youth of Eton acquire, when the Ills little life often very miserable. and Alay--" ' kind of usher on these occasions, calla town• clerk calls out Such a friend is B by,s own flab- Ile looked at her, and beyond her to out wittl due solemnity: "Major and Miss Delaine. " , lets. T,liey cure indigestion, sour May, eagoriy, and offered his arm, "Lad Blanche Delaine !" g "Colne, May 1" whispered Elaine 1At isle sound or the name there The major looks his pest in even- stomach, constipation, simple favors, behind lien tau. "Mind! only ten Ing clothes, and he comes in with his diarrhoea, ,and allay the irritation 9s a little buzz of surprise and burl -,light stopand sprightly minutes!" t i osity.• . Everybody in the room' p a y juvenile air; accompanying the cutting of teeth, Miss Delaine, you -you are an I knows Miss Stains Delaine, and not 'mut Lady Blanche, bestowing only All mothers who have used these angel !" murmurod tile young fel- "IaSew love her -but who Is this? glance at bimy fixes her cold blue Tablets praise them. Mrs. F. L. Lady, Blanche is tall and fair; she 'eyes LOW, r an the girl on his arm. Bourgeois, Eastern Harbor, N. S., '•No; only a sentinel," laughed Ela - will be the most beautiful woman I It Is Elaine in her simple dress of says; "I have used IIIaby'sOwn Tab- ing, In ithe room -if anything should hap. ` nun's veiling, with 'no jewol9, no or- late and look upon them as baby's Tbey passed through the open, pen to prevent k:Iaine coming-andnarilents save the MarechAl Niel bud best. friend,. I ,have round them an window, and Elaine discreetly draw )she is d essecl-well. the ladies of ; in her dark hair; but it is Elaine excellent remedy for colic, and they back behind the curtains, and left Barefiaid, tbough they are instantly i in all the sweet freshness of her have done our baby much goO.1 in the two young lovers together, smitten with. envy, cannot realize or youthful loveliness • with a faint many ways" Little ones take these ale room was hot, and the rest understand haw well she Is dressed, I calor In her usually colorless face, Tablets as reo.dlIT as candy, and the and the coolness of the midsummer for M. Woitb's 11a11 costumes are not Iwith ra soft, joyous light in her dark mother 'liar a gula,rantee that they nie,•ht air were not unwelcome..b'he often seen at Barefield, and it Is beautiful eyes, and as Lady Blanche contain no opiate or cilia: harmful leaned against the framework of the one of that artist's masterpieces I looks there votwe to her that sudden drug. Once used always used where window and fanned herself slowly, which Lady Blanche wears with such I hot flush and cold chill of surprised, there are little 'ones in the Home. watching the dancers as they whirl-. perfect grace and apparent uncon- 1 Unwilling admiration, and, alas 1 Smid by druggists or sent by mall at ed pari bar. Once, twice liar bean - 250 cents face is a `f r sit sit of b�eaoiut a and aur© euf 250 cents a box by writing, direct to tiful cousin, Lady Blanche, passed goad oval, tier corn- g y grace the Dr. Williams' Medinine Co., her, on the arm of the colonel of plexion would warrant her in giving surTxa,ssing their, own. Brockville, Ont. the garrison ; arcs presently Cap- ra, testimonial to an advertising soap Lady I•liamehc is a wonian of the thin Sherwin g Call - maker, and bar features are dellcate- world; and no detail of Elalne's face, paused by again with Fanny Inebley. ; ly sand clearly cut. If there is a fault'; figure, dress, escapes her ; and she nisters' two days ago. and I had g7.ro ba C9oz#tinu6fi.) I • to lie found It is that the eyes of does justicew unwillingly though it be, a bad headache yesterday, or I palest blue are a trifle too cold and to each. In an instant she knows should have called. Is Major Dolaine --dare it be said ?-calculating. Even that; liar owm -beauty is eclipsed by quite well ?"'- now, as she stands looking round this vision of vernal loveliness, and "Isere is papa to answer for him -Sumner Suggestions. "With• a smile on the small though the knowledge stabs her she self," said Elaine, as the major Here are ,just a few; hints for the Shapely lips which is meant to, be smiles ;admiringly, and still smiles came up at that moiue.ut. swmmar girls of 1908: approving an'1 Ingratiating, the Oyes even when Mrs. Lulwood remarks, in Lady Blanche extended lie$• Band Eat 1alaSters;, but do not flirt vest)) da not smile, but seem to be, nand are, a Casco which 6110 intends Ludy to' him with a gracious smile. thein, talrinu in a,ll tll,n points of the scene. 131a.nche shall hear: "I was just saying to Elaine hbnv Dress In lawn, but oto not sit on it. "Lady Blanche Delaine-Delatne?" "Beira Carnes our belle, Lady strange it is we have never mate Beware isle lynx on the links. says. one of the stewairds in a whir- BlaRllolle I" Tip file porter, but not the highball. or to a confrere. Why, that must "Yes? Ao1v major,"' she saki • and in an under- p Protty she is I" says tone she added, with a eh'armIng • Only a potato Inas any license to ifs the earl's daughter, Miss Elaine's Lady Blanche at once. "I think 8110 air of fra,nluaass, ",Isom , protty Elie make goo -goo eyes. Morin ? Didn't knave she was down Is the loveliest .svom'an I have ever n• Here. I wander whether the major seen." ib . It does not require a highwayman knows it? What with her ladyship Mris. Lulwood; thus repulsed, nods. The major bowed and smiled ;end � to hold up a train, . puffed out his spotless shirt front.------IBe Bat clams, but do not be one. - _ "Delighted to see you here, m9 careful not to mix your teats clear Blanche. The Earl Is well, I With Your tew.-F,rom "vest rocket . �" )rope ? You are staying with the Canfidancals," in Iyour-T,raek Mews for Bannisters ? We shall be very glad, May,, )' if , 1 : I is to see you. when you canfind _' time to look us up 7 Capital bail, ... isn't It ? Great success -always is!" One on the Bishop. , , "and yes." said Lady .Blanche. BishopMcCabe, who and you ought, as a steward presided over �1`41.` Ramsay's paints are for beauty,and the fattier of the belle, to be the New, York Conference of the M. especially proud." E. Church' at Poughkeepsie week be- . protection and, durability Clads The major bridled Lind patted his fore last, was visittn-g. in Fort �'�-. _ steward'h badge •complacently. \ from the best oil, turpentine asst) "ver bind at Worth, :))oras, not sang ago New a•, y you, verb! kind, lie York a •` "8'lit= � ( pglxlentS. said. to adinii•o my clear girl l" he paper wired.liim� thus: C, C. �IGHi" "�11© i1Ce is �t1S1 xi 'lit end all d "You'll be able to ,find our McCabe, Fort Worth', Texas: 1Ntliat �� J i; mod •est Cottage? ,Anybody will dl- is your opinion on the Auglo-Amit ,FAINT `h,I i good dealers have uses)). tact YOU 1•0 it: Ell?" as some one Orican Alliance? Please wire us an - touched him on the shoulder, it 14X- slv;er" Now, 'it hapjlons t.h'at there fou earl's get better paints-- cure ire I Ptewai,rd, you l�now; )Haat resides irn Fort. Worth'. a well - Q / I "" : many get worse, attend' to fluty !' And away lac known Citizen of the name of C, merit,( ; C. McCabe, Tho telegrams, company 'f Q I A. Write us, mentlotning th!a paper, and well send a Jalalna's r . , i pa, tnOr hard led 'Carr mat knowing C. 0. McCabe better, than 6i'AIN`r 1 booklet t2 o�ir eliits �nvdaaoniela cut fullloauesaie Painted of tlla cr0tvd r tile Visiting ; 1 �l�• , i+ iia 1 thc;,q stood n.t ilnslt blshal , delivered the 'RIGHT i � &' , A. RAMSi Y A SON, Palot meakers, ... MONTRr 11.. the• wall; looking on at tho line of message at thci 'former's house. The `.1,.i � :148418 a, promenaders. recipient w,as considerably su' 1 - . , sills 1 � Ire antsy CIp-tain ,herwin paps. i cdl; but he pron7latly wired this r�e- Il�,11 ed with a girl who of I ,Iv, "It is a1. --- 'Hoch thin .,, � an ljlaino did n 1 i; g Just e x recognize for a inoinent; then a s 1 v'hai Lhla Now York editor thought ',,5111 : ,. ab a loo , � I>0ct after thr.ni ,;Iiia s.cry that I on. xont,lvinl; isle rotursi mossago i iNX It was 11,11111ey im,11loy. Fanny w'ae is not a inat,ter of recorld.-�-New,- - W.._.. - _� ._ _ _.. . .. dresaed very quh,Aly, but vory, ef� burg N'0:ivs. _. ;" - When the Kind s .vet Those Entertaining Royalty Must Have Big Bank Rolls--� Nothing But the Best in the Land Should be Set Before Hism (LOmdoin Art!•w,eva.) At this time of the year therm is . Zie unfortunate illness of the King, sure to be a day's shooting, and It which Canoed the visit to Chats- there is anything interesting in the; worth to be postponed, brings to neigbbarbood an excursion must b,t mind ,the enormoLps cost which, has arranged to go and see it, , to be borne by entextalners of roy- Lunch, a;t.2 o'clock, casts, wit?lir n,ity. ,wines, about £ per head. Onlyj the' A week -cold' visit from King Ed- finest and costliest vintages in the word, If 'ae. were on your visitlnl„ woa'ld are offered to the king. Then • list, would cost, you just about £;a,- Comes the afternoon's shooting " 000, exclusive or special entertain- King Edward Is one of the best shots) melnt. !phot is the regular average in Britain --and when the shoatinl; cost of a three­daysa' visit, Said tins party returns there must be a good Ming of England is the least costly solid tea ready for him to his rooms. -though the mosat difficult -of all Dinner is at 8 o'clock. It is as royal visitors to entertain. This is pecially laid down before the visit because of his personal tact and con- that dinner must not last longezr sideration, for lie does not care to than an hour, for King Bdward dis-A- put a f,rielod diad subject to too great likes dawdling for a long time over; expense. Purei,l n ,sovereigns am dessert and wine, as the Geargglan muK;h moire e.spon,,�ave, and tale recent habit was. He drinks .little, but of visit that the Kaiser paid to Lord I the finest quality,), and the' dinner,' Loinsdale, lasting a week, cost some- will cast a clear £t3 a head. thing like £8:5,061). ! When the ladies have gone the !1'o beg,'iu with, you muss not Invite King smokes his fourth cigar of the the Klug. He is supposed in theory! day, leaving one far the last thing ' to be able to take or leave whatever at night. When the party: morres for he chooses. All that even the most the drawing room there will be some powerful ,acrd friendly peer can do is music, which settles down into Cards to h•ilnt at the dalig;ht lie would have 1 until bedtime. In most games tbe" In entertaining his ,sovereign, and ; King stakes £5 units, but when ; later the King announces his intan- I "bridge" is played this Is reduced i tioan of staying with ilia subject for to half crown points, which of a clay or two—which he never doers+ course comes out veryl high in each} unless certain he is welcome in every t game. way and that his hint's banking ac- It is altogetber forbidden, by the count ivi11 not be hurt by the ex- way,, for anybody to withdraw foil pem'se. the evening until the King gives that Prapas•at,d„Is for the Advent. sign and breaks up the party by As - The first ne'uesshty of the host is to , Ing himself. When be goes upstaira practically re,urni;sh the rooms the' King Edward has supper in hial 1i,!ai;g will ase, for it is an unwritten . private room, becoming host himself, law that what the Kial,g uses shall ' and invites his entertalner and one besiew. Every inch of wa,:l paper and 1 or two of the men to join him. )saint and gibing must be altered and 1 Putting up" the king's servants rcluear:ed and an artier given to a big costs about £,10 a day. Besldes his firm of furnishers—;;enera,ay Messrs. equerries King Edward always takes '11ra,r!ng% .of London—to refurnish at . two valets, two royal footmen and Oaice an their very oast style. 'sins ! a page, as well as 'his confidential will cost' froui £2,00U to £8,1,00, l ery telegraph operator. On Sunday the Often the wiiole house is renecorated, ` King goes to the local church,• un - too, but in any, Cape the royal suite ; less the host has a private chapel most be. '1' 1 -on the w,h.ole staff of ser- of his own on the estate,- and re vamp, train chief butler to kitchen quests all the other guests to go maidis and ,sta,Lle boys, have to have wltll 'him. All this sounds as though Deco livur!es, whieu are not to be ' the visit must be a constant anx- w.orn till the time of the sling's ar- I iety and restriction on the host. rival, a,nci this means anything from ; and the other guests, whereas, in £20U to £: 0,J. Only a famoaa chef can ; realtty, the King Is the most popu- be Xiveai charge of the kitchen, and ' lar and cheery of all country -house the iwual o�„k gives place to a Visitors add puts everybody at ease. Firemoh "artist," whose salary is E45 visit gives much less anxiety' from £50 to £100 a week. 'Usually the than that of other persons not quite chieQ carriage that meets the Bing so exalted, because, as he arranges has to be a anew, one, and costs £20U 1 and "subedits" everything on the at leapt, programme, down to the menus for Generally the country house is I the dinners, which are submitted to some way from a telegraph office, hint before he comes, he is reasonably, and it is an absolute rule that a f sure to be please). special telegraph wire must be laid As a rule King Edward discourages at once from the nearest one, and • anything like spacial extravagance, in the house an instrument is fitted! though some time ago Lady William for four up. This usually costs from, £100 to i Beresfordaeepdeneentertaiand thned e bills came £::00, and uunn,ut 'be dispensed with, I , iia as linsinsiantamt tou touchthat with any may i for comes the King 000. Wtopleave a the etips he portant event, such ars the death of 'bestows something prodigious. Hint a foreign monarch or any big affair, I usual tip for a week -end visit is for a royal slight in such a case , £..50, which lie leaves to be divided is very grave, and the King sends I up among his host's servants, un - his condolence at bona. , less they are a very big staff, when It sometimes reaches £300 or more. 33rrx,rys 1£i C)na2 Servants. Rle,s,,averageguest, peer or common - Ile takes with him ever,*where his � ayingat a country -house in primto tela*graphiat, who has charge e hooting season, gets off with of the Spacial wire. Then, as to the ' from £5 to CIO, but when the King - fare of 'the house, you cannot give ; comets even the: stable -boys get "pa - the King what you like, however ' per" in the distribution. costly e.nd excellent it is. Lord t When one ,sovereign visits another Knolly s, King Edward's private sec- � the tsps are bigger still and when :story, writes to the host, giving the Kaiser finished his stay at Wind. the smallest ldetaila of everything sor and Osborne at the time of the required, and all the King's likes alis! late Queen'3 funeral lie left £5,000 dislikes. His Majesty takes his own between the two staffs. When King cigars with him ; he is only allowed Edward was staying with his sive five a day .by his doctor. He must ter, the Empress Frederick, he left not be served rvitli Indian tea, but ' £5,000 as a tips for her servants. prefers the China kinds. Tea, by the , way, is the first necessity in each day. and the host is instructed to A Gifted I4Fonl ey. � have a service of it taken to the A gifted monkey in a London men - King's .bedchamber at 8 a.m. I agerie died recently. He answered Breakfast must be ready to the to the name of Esau and was four minute at 9 atrid served in the King's I and a half years old. His life was in - private room. Lord Knollys Instructs I eared for a large sum and the Tuan-' the hone that King Edward is pot' ager of the menagerie asserts that - allowed bread, but, to keep his weight the signature for his life policy ,bore' down, must eat rusks instead. The Esau's own -autograph,. which his King breakfasts by himself, and most trainer, Oalpt. Delascier, had taught' of the morning is taken up with him to write. Esau, indeed, had his state business. When that is finished own banking 'account, his earnings, His Majesty joins the house party. amounting to some thousands a year, A list of the other ,guests, by the being credited in his own name. way, has to be submitted to the King i Cheques drawn against this 'sum before he camas, for his approval- were signed ,by Esau. , In fact, he suggests himself the num- Not a Financial b'ailure. ber that shall be asked, and some Philadelphia Ledger. of the names. If you are asked to MCt�}ueery-You're not so attentive a house party that includes the King to Miss Itosieiy as I thought o It is equal to an announcement that t would be. � you the King wants to see you, and it Is just as urgent that you should go 'hunter -No. You see-er-Nae told as it would be if you were com- ma ,she didn't go in for .social plea,- manded to i�iadsior., , , suras since her father bald failed. . McQueery-Poor old man0l He le Amusement Must be Provided. failing dreadfully.' (.,}uite a I)bysical Besides this the host must send I wree . the icing a list of the amusements Hurter -Gee whiz 1 Is that what he is preparing far him beforehand she meant ? 1 -- - 9 Spring in It is Lacking the �ssentiai Life'Giving Principle Which 14 is nest Obtained by the Use of DFS. A�� � FOOD Zie tired, l,a:nguid and depressed feelings which come with spring are the outward indication of the weak- emed condition of the blood and the lave Sta,to Of vhtallty. when the blood !gets thin send teat- 0ry the wa,stc of the hanal,ri body is more rabid than the ,prooess of re- canlsltructlon. Gradually tho action of the heart grows weaker and wou,Icer, the lungs do not work to their full capacity, tho .stomach and other digestive organs fall to per- form their d11tlev, al,nd the 1'esult is ail= of bodily da ralui;amaints. A0�1111a bead, dlizzv e;"pells, Indiges- tion, feolinls of tvenknoxs and do- spoalKI0110Y, leek of rncIriry to per- form tho (1110 +s of tile day, loss of appetito, failini;• memory and power of concentraLting tho mind, irrlt.tbl!- Aty, nwvou;sness rola sImplessnt,ss are ,�inoing the oyml:lr2)s w11ie11 dlsitrtss you, a!nld all can be avoided by the use of Dr. 107.1atve's Nerve Food. There, is no preparation to be sous-, spared to Dr. C'hase's Nerve Food am' 'a spring reotorative. it does not stimulat0 amid so, whip the arcane or, , the body to Over-oxertion, but by;, enriching the blood, Instills ne'1)gll vigor Into the nerves and builds up the whole system. By noting your,, increase In weight while using thiel• greaL,t food Cure you can prove that,t now, ,firm fleslb and tissue Is belogi adided to the body. 1 TO awakein, tbo livor, Invigorate tho l ,.mets and 'regul,a,te the bowels,; use Dr. Cbais,o's Kidney -Liver ' Piill& All denfors, ox rArrianson, IIatos_ d'o• ,O., Toranto. To protect you agatuRt imltatlons the prortrait ,t 1 'I'Macltur0 of Dr. A. ,W. Chase, fainuxsorecii5o book autli,ovi a,re4 nve;ry" box of 111,81 reimc,dle,s , ,l . �,, * I N . . ' N. ,; ,.. '�, . I . . .. 1. ,.... ,. 11 . When the Kind s .vet Those Entertaining Royalty Must Have Big Bank Rolls--� Nothing But the Best in the Land Should be Set Before Hism (LOmdoin Art!•w,eva.) At this time of the year therm is . Zie unfortunate illness of the King, sure to be a day's shooting, and It which Canoed the visit to Chats- there is anything interesting in the; worth to be postponed, brings to neigbbarbood an excursion must b,t mind ,the enormoLps cost which, has arranged to go and see it, , to be borne by entextalners of roy- Lunch, a;t.2 o'clock, casts, wit?lir n,ity. ,wines, about £ per head. Onlyj the' A week -cold' visit from King Ed- finest and costliest vintages in the word, If 'ae. were on your visitlnl„ woa'ld are offered to the king. Then • list, would cost, you just about £;a,- Comes the afternoon's shooting " 000, exclusive or special entertain- King Edward Is one of the best shots) melnt. !phot is the regular average in Britain --and when the shoatinl; cost of a three­daysa' visit, Said tins party returns there must be a good Ming of England is the least costly solid tea ready for him to his rooms. -though the mosat difficult -of all Dinner is at 8 o'clock. It is as royal visitors to entertain. This is pecially laid down before the visit because of his personal tact and con- that dinner must not last longezr sideration, for lie does not care to than an hour, for King Bdward dis-A- put a f,rielod diad subject to too great likes dawdling for a long time over; expense. Purei,l n ,sovereigns am dessert and wine, as the Geargglan muK;h moire e.spon,,�ave, and tale recent habit was. He drinks .little, but of visit that the Kaiser paid to Lord I the finest quality,), and the' dinner,' Loinsdale, lasting a week, cost some- will cast a clear £t3 a head. thing like £8:5,061). ! When the ladies have gone the !1'o beg,'iu with, you muss not Invite King smokes his fourth cigar of the the Klug. He is supposed in theory! day, leaving one far the last thing ' to be able to take or leave whatever at night. When the party: morres for he chooses. All that even the most the drawing room there will be some powerful ,acrd friendly peer can do is music, which settles down into Cards to h•ilnt at the dalig;ht lie would have 1 until bedtime. In most games tbe" In entertaining his ,sovereign, and ; King stakes £5 units, but when ; later the King announces his intan- I "bridge" is played this Is reduced i tioan of staying with ilia subject for to half crown points, which of a clay or two—which he never doers+ course comes out veryl high in each} unless certain he is welcome in every t game. way and that his hint's banking ac- It is altogetber forbidden, by the count ivi11 not be hurt by the ex- way,, for anybody to withdraw foil pem'se. the evening until the King gives that Prapas•at,d„Is for the Advent. sign and breaks up the party by As - The first ne'uesshty of the host is to , Ing himself. When be goes upstaira practically re,urni;sh the rooms the' King Edward has supper in hial 1i,!ai;g will ase, for it is an unwritten . private room, becoming host himself, law that what the Kial,g uses shall ' and invites his entertalner and one besiew. Every inch of wa,:l paper and 1 or two of the men to join him. )saint and gibing must be altered and 1 Putting up" the king's servants rcluear:ed and an artier given to a big costs about £,10 a day. Besldes his firm of furnishers—;;enera,ay Messrs. equerries King Edward always takes '11ra,r!ng% .of London—to refurnish at . two valets, two royal footmen and Oaice an their very oast style. 'sins ! a page, as well as 'his confidential will cost' froui £2,00U to £8,1,00, l ery telegraph operator. On Sunday the Often the wiiole house is renecorated, ` King goes to the local church,• un - too, but in any, Cape the royal suite ; less the host has a private chapel most be. '1' 1 -on the w,h.ole staff of ser- of his own on the estate,- and re vamp, train chief butler to kitchen quests all the other guests to go maidis and ,sta,Lle boys, have to have wltll 'him. All this sounds as though Deco livur!es, whieu are not to be ' the visit must be a constant anx- w.orn till the time of the sling's ar- I iety and restriction on the host. rival, a,nci this means anything from ; and the other guests, whereas, in £20U to £: 0,J. Only a famoaa chef can ; realtty, the King Is the most popu- be Xiveai charge of the kitchen, and ' lar and cheery of all country -house the iwual o�„k gives place to a Visitors add puts everybody at ease. Firemoh "artist," whose salary is E45 visit gives much less anxiety' from £50 to £100 a week. 'Usually the than that of other persons not quite chieQ carriage that meets the Bing so exalted, because, as he arranges has to be a anew, one, and costs £20U 1 and "subedits" everything on the at leapt, programme, down to the menus for Generally the country house is I the dinners, which are submitted to some way from a telegraph office, hint before he comes, he is reasonably, and it is an absolute rule that a f sure to be please). special telegraph wire must be laid As a rule King Edward discourages at once from the nearest one, and • anything like spacial extravagance, in the house an instrument is fitted! though some time ago Lady William for four up. This usually costs from, £100 to i Beresfordaeepdeneentertaiand thned e bills came £::00, and uunn,ut 'be dispensed with, I , iia as linsinsiantamt tou touchthat with any may i for comes the King 000. Wtopleave a the etips he portant event, such ars the death of 'bestows something prodigious. Hint a foreign monarch or any big affair, I usual tip for a week -end visit is for a royal slight in such a case , £..50, which lie leaves to be divided is very grave, and the King sends I up among his host's servants, un - his condolence at bona. , less they are a very big staff, when It sometimes reaches £300 or more. 33rrx,rys 1£i C)na2 Servants. Rle,s,,averageguest, peer or common - Ile takes with him ever,*where his � ayingat a country -house in primto tela*graphiat, who has charge e hooting season, gets off with of the Spacial wire. Then, as to the ' from £5 to CIO, but when the King - fare of 'the house, you cannot give ; comets even the: stable -boys get "pa - the King what you like, however ' per" in the distribution. costly e.nd excellent it is. Lord t When one ,sovereign visits another Knolly s, King Edward's private sec- � the tsps are bigger still and when :story, writes to the host, giving the Kaiser finished his stay at Wind. the smallest ldetaila of everything sor and Osborne at the time of the required, and all the King's likes alis! late Queen'3 funeral lie left £5,000 dislikes. His Majesty takes his own between the two staffs. When King cigars with him ; he is only allowed Edward was staying with his sive five a day .by his doctor. He must ter, the Empress Frederick, he left not be served rvitli Indian tea, but ' £5,000 as a tips for her servants. prefers the China kinds. Tea, by the , way, is the first necessity in each day. and the host is instructed to A Gifted I4Fonl ey. � have a service of it taken to the A gifted monkey in a London men - King's .bedchamber at 8 a.m. I agerie died recently. He answered Breakfast must be ready to the to the name of Esau and was four minute at 9 atrid served in the King's I and a half years old. His life was in - private room. Lord Knollys Instructs I eared for a large sum and the Tuan-' the hone that King Edward is pot' ager of the menagerie asserts that - allowed bread, but, to keep his weight the signature for his life policy ,bore' down, must eat rusks instead. The Esau's own -autograph,. which his King breakfasts by himself, and most trainer, Oalpt. Delascier, had taught' of the morning is taken up with him to write. Esau, indeed, had his state business. When that is finished own banking 'account, his earnings, His Majesty joins the house party. amounting to some thousands a year, A list of the other ,guests, by the being credited in his own name. way, has to be submitted to the King i Cheques drawn against this 'sum before he camas, for his approval- were signed ,by Esau. , In fact, he suggests himself the num- Not a Financial b'ailure. ber that shall be asked, and some Philadelphia Ledger. of the names. If you are asked to MCt�}ueery-You're not so attentive a house party that includes the King to Miss Itosieiy as I thought o It is equal to an announcement that t would be. � you the King wants to see you, and it Is just as urgent that you should go 'hunter -No. You see-er-Nae told as it would be if you were com- ma ,she didn't go in for .social plea,- manded to i�iadsior., , , suras since her father bald failed. . McQueery-Poor old man0l He le Amusement Must be Provided. failing dreadfully.' (.,}uite a I)bysical Besides this the host must send I wree . the icing a list of the amusements Hurter -Gee whiz 1 Is that what he is preparing far him beforehand she meant ? 1 -- - 9 Spring in It is Lacking the �ssentiai Life'Giving Principle Which 14 is nest Obtained by the Use of DFS. A�� � FOOD Zie tired, l,a:nguid and depressed feelings which come with spring are the outward indication of the weak- emed condition of the blood and the lave Sta,to Of vhtallty. when the blood !gets thin send teat- 0ry the wa,stc of the hanal,ri body is more rabid than the ,prooess of re- canlsltructlon. Gradually tho action of the heart grows weaker and wou,Icer, the lungs do not work to their full capacity, tho .stomach and other digestive organs fall to per- form their d11tlev, al,nd the 1'esult is ail= of bodily da ralui;amaints. A0�1111a bead, dlizzv e;"pells, Indiges- tion, feolinls of tvenknoxs and do- spoalKI0110Y, leek of rncIriry to per- form tho (1110 +s of tile day, loss of appetito, failini;• memory and power of concentraLting tho mind, irrlt.tbl!- Aty, nwvou;sness rola sImplessnt,ss are ,�inoing the oyml:lr2)s w11ie11 dlsitrtss you, a!nld all can be avoided by the use of Dr. 107.1atve's Nerve Food. There, is no preparation to be sous-, spared to Dr. C'hase's Nerve Food am' 'a spring reotorative. it does not stimulat0 amid so, whip the arcane or, , the body to Over-oxertion, but by;, enriching the blood, Instills ne'1)gll vigor Into the nerves and builds up the whole system. By noting your,, increase In weight while using thiel• greaL,t food Cure you can prove that,t now, ,firm fleslb and tissue Is belogi adided to the body. 1 TO awakein, tbo livor, Invigorate tho l ,.mets and 'regul,a,te the bowels,; use Dr. Cbais,o's Kidney -Liver ' Piill& All denfors, ox rArrianson, IIatos_ d'o• ,O., Toranto. To protect you agatuRt imltatlons the prortrait ,t 1 'I'Macltur0 of Dr. A. ,W. Chase, fainuxsorecii5o book autli,ovi a,re4 nve;ry" box of 111,81 reimc,dle,s ,