HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-05-15, Page 2No. Naval Base Must be Estab- . fished here by Other Powers,. London, Namy 1,1. -Foreign Secre- as it affects British, interests, con- Uwy, Lansdowne has proclaimed a tending that so .far as the naviga- lritish• "Monroe Doetrin0," in Alda tion -of the Persian Gulf is c oneern- ed, Great Britain holds a Ilasition Persian Gulf, and has praoticallyt different to that of other powers, notified, the competing powers that both because it was owing to Bri- ;<lny; attempt an their part to astab- tish enterprise and expenditure of wish anaval base Or fortified post time and money tb,at the gulf is now, open to the commerce of the world, In these waters, means war with and because the protecting of the Great Britain. sea route to India, necessitates Bri- "I say, without hesitation," said tisb predominance 'in the gulf. the Foreign Secretary, dealing with Lard Lansdowne s attitude In this matter generally meets with, appro- .ttle subject in the house of Lords val, although the answers thereto t tiesterdxay, evening, "that we should of the other powers interested in the regard the establishment of a naval gulf are waited with some anxiety. i The newspapers here comment on the base or a (fortified port in the Per- analogy oS ural present proceed - Sian Gulf by any other power as a ing to the U. S. pollog of Monroeism. very; grave menace to British in- The Westminster Gazette holds that terests, and we should certainly re- the British motive, ,namely the pro- sist it with all means at aur dispo- tectioq of the sea route to India, car - responds exactly with the U. S. mo - Lord Lansdowne preceded this ex- Live in excluding European powers plicit intimation of British policy from American waters, because their with a review of the situation there, territory, is thereby, threatened. FISH"E"IMEN r"TACHERS CANUTO oa+s Conifisca ed and Men Taken t® 9,11 Port. Colborne for -Trial. I puffalo rebort : Four U. S. f}sh- captured one of the small boats. The 1 ormen were arrested and two boats, . two men were taken aboard, but one a gasoline fish tug and the before the Petrel could get under way again the second- small boat had other a four -oared rowboat, were passed the imaginary, line, Confiscated by Canadian Government The Petrel went back to where the officlajs yesterday. Two of the men had been fishing and confiscated men gave the names of James Cav- soveral hundred feet of gill. net, with a large quantity of fish. The nets a•na- glr ,and Geo. Derinbeek. The and Iish were loaded on to the Pet - prisoners, with two other men,were t rel and will be used as evidence flsblag in Canadian waters abovethe I against the American fishermen. red can buoy yesterday. ,afternoon 1 About four years ago, a U. S. fish tug was confiscated and four fish wren surprised by the Canadian ermen arrested. They, were taken revenue cutter Petrel. The cutter Ito Port Colborne and each was fined loft Port Colborne yesterday morn- • $50 and the vessel was taxed $600. ing and, to escape detention, kept ! The men did not like the fine im- close to the Canadian shore. The , posed and sent to friends on this side Petrel arrived at Windmill Point 4 to aid them. A well-known mem- about one o'clock yesterday after- I bar of a dredg}n•g firm here wend -.loon. Some of the crews went ashore ' over to Canada to try to have the !n; a small boat. They walked, out ( flues lessened. Tie was also ir- on the point to cc place where they i rested and fined $50. lie did not could view the lower end of the have the money with him, and it is lake. from this pasition they dis- said, he telegrarAied to another mem- covered three boats about a mile bar of the firm to help him out ofthe away, the occupants apparently fish- touble. Talo second man crossed the Ing. They returned to the Petrel `i border, and he too, wa.s aiso arrest - and ' a few minutes later, the out ell and fined ;F:10. Tho same day ter, going at full speech, rushed ar- f telegram, worded as follows, was 44und the point in the direction of ; sent to the Buffalo office; . "Send the boats. no more members of the firm here The fishermen discovered the Pet- or it will be bankrupted. rel coming shortly after she emerged Allowed to Go. from the point, but beware the an- : Port Colborne. Ont., may ,- The ohors could be raised the Canadian omen taken by the Government steam - cutter wears on them. The Grew on r or Petrel for fishing in Canadian the Petrol Immediately seized the I waters were not held for trial. They gasoline boat and made her fast to returned to their homes in Buffalo the cutter. Tile two small boats, i last night. Their boats and nets ;going 111 different directions, start- were confiscated and are here wait- ed for U. S. waters. Ai few seconds Ing instructions from the Marine and later the Petrel gave chase and Fisheries' Department at Ottawa, 20 _OST IN WRECK, 9 - STEAMER STEAMER CUIN TWO. Norfol;., Va., rep'ort: A, collision at sighted her stern was under water sea that cost the lives of 20 or more aped her bow., high in the air. Panic - People and e sng d 'the of the Clyde stricken people rushed over her 1 eq:FpauAiol paltimu ris pun s-ilaap ( cteamaliip Saginaw by the Old Do -!,row. Llfe-boaLI3 wvere lowered, and minion Steamship Company's liner into tine first 15 colored women flanriltoua, occurred between Winter were placed, according to Second Quarter Liflitship and i`enwick I lOf�ne r The is, who swamped as it lsialld Liirh,tship on the Virginia i nstruck the water, and Its occupants coag% at 4.40 o'clock this morning. were thrown into the sea. Ali were Tboalfalniltan left Now York yester- drowned except the second officer, dat afternoon at 3 o'clock, for Nor- and the colored stewardess, and folk, amx7 the Sagiliaw passed out the silo diet, before the small boat reach- ed the Hamilton, rnorc from injuries Virglii}a CupO;s at 0 o'clock last nlght, received by the im taat of the col - bound fro.ul Ide.hmond and Norfolk , Ilsiall than by drowning. She had A1011 1'hl. A ciexlse [og setd ; been held up by -'irst Mate G'oAce, al � tla lclpllialie coa of shortly aftor night- i who sank himself as the small boat fall, and, wlillo going through this hood the IlamUt,on reached them, fog at rokincod ,,peod, the 11a.milton era od into the Saginaw's side Decks Bar„t Asunder. about 20 feet from the ,stern. The In ilia weautime the rush of water Asan'; of the cali}c,len is about 13 or into the bow of the 'Saginaw had 14 miler, off trio .shore, anal between caused the dicks to burst from their l8a and 200 idles south of Newv York, fastening wvitli a roar like the report and between 125 and 110 mll.s north of big guns, and tons of freight of of Norfolk. alt description dean littered the sea. Fog Whistles .lEieard. To floating wreckage the strug- gling .people in the water clung with .Vie for wjilstics of both vessels desporation and many of them were away, c116Ll11ctly Imard by each Other rescued by the boats from theRftm- for several minutes before the colli.- Ilton and Saginaw. 'Before the life sloin occurrod, According to Captain boats of the Hamilton had reached Boaz, off thio Hamilton, his ship was the Sagi'law the latter had di.sap. m,•t'klog :..boat 9 knots an Hour, and peared beneath nae waves, and tho .4ngritwawv about 10. 7.1110 fog ww>as nothing but her topmasts” were visi- wxl thick that objaots a ship's length ble. TO those several men were n,w4jly were, inyhdY.:ie, and, when the clinging, ono of ww hoilr was the aged tiro Crafts hove ill right of each captain, J. S. Tunnell. When he was othex, bow oil.. there was but a< mo- taker, off it was found that lie had >xmv.nt's interim before they, met. ; sufffered severe if not fatal internal 7 tai Sa 1naiv, veored, as did ilia injuries. 114allito'n, but tliey had not time to "Tho llhmilton hovered around the eiie,ar each oilier, an:d the Itnife-like 11 , scone of the wreck for more than an ,gG0:11row of tho ,southbound vessel p , i Hour, True no Sign of life could be ctk laic ttiyder hip oI , the port seen aluon>y the mass of floating gvaxtor, :%bout :..r10 feet from hur freight, Two bodies, one of a man ,Wtorn, cutting; ilia entire roar of tide and the ol.11er of u woman, both Clad %hip array;, Ln lncs a1•eeady reversedonly iIt night dressos, were . ob;wry "lsvvroro 13.11[ lull. e team to the rear, ed drifting bctwoon bales of eottou 'Amd the Tht=illoil (lr'Cled to the Beane and cakes of goods. of the w;-ror:k. at the same time low- l,iat of t,ao Victims. wing two 1117 bo•a,t,a. Tho se kn own to be lost are: Pas - x ~h'. c txz, •r^, fo ran,.! , k't Pendleton, e.•to , I atsserl A r• Gilmore, rd• L. I .nc 1 n s .n •ors --A. Cri pro P. . g T,lrere wwa~q coil%kri:ornation alnonl; : Florence Newby, lWna Ward, M. Z. the of th0 Old 1)ontinion J'once, Mary lWb:rrtson 1 crew, Ed. Ili 11 n tTiC fir, [ thcu.ght wvat.s fax ward Cxoalcl?, !list m a.t0 ; C•4Ililam 1 •�+ t as lift[, s fids[ ixasistr.Llit. ori inecr. Nt:try their safoI;v, itut sO soon as 1 w r rI` war, unrla.in- Arldorwn, stcwa.r'clobs; --. cook fliLScoYc!rt.•,,1 .l..Lt tllo ,sl fl` th::A.t ssonte bow Batas t William Tlloi ris, stowrlt:.w—unknowli o I x l dt- 1 lored niter. Peter ,�wanrwn is •ivr�ro �at.ovca in, all aftoiis wore , co wv , ;rwted to the rosoue of those on ilia lame m€labor of the Grow, is among la ;insrww*, ,, tho missing. Just how litany of tit: then ,the 'Sa•ginaww: was again above pass;angers were included In file IN that were lost in the swamp- and wife, who survives him., he dlyd 1 W boat c;a,nnot be determined as A nurnber of 'passengers left I In almost absolute poverty. Tlie widow Is Mrs. Annie F. Cunningiltl.m ' yet. Ririlmolhd Sunday on the Saginaw, Stanford, and die was married to 'years and until the list of these is ob- the colonel about eight ago. talned it will be impassible to se- rure an accurate,, estimate of the KILLED AT FORT WILLIAM. dead, IV. MOSS Fell Down Atli Elevator Shaft PARDON TDD LATE, -Relatives in. Toronto. William, May :1,1•—William Boy fvr Whom it Was Obtained Was Moss, Moss, emnloyed in •tire construction Dead Some Days., En- of elevator L+' ;by the MacDonald En- Washington, May 7. -Martin Gull- G gineering Company, was killed this morning by failing from a scaffold.. ford's pardon cams too fate, I - deet Roosevelt yesterday by tele- The scaffold was being in,oved by a gram ordered the release of. Guilford derrick, and one of the books dwhich it was suslagave to elle side from the fort Leavenworth Pen}- tentiary, where the lad was serving of the steel tank gave way, lotting seven months for a Far t -Office rob- Moss fall twenty-five feet Into the tank Moss is said to have relatives bery in Indiana, proved to clemency in or near Toronto. by the Information that the, young man was dying of consumption. WORKMAN FATALLY'SCALDED Yesterday the Department of justice wired ilia vrarden at Fort Leaven- Accidentally Fell pato a Vat of Boiling worth : ``Release Martin Guilford. Par- Soda,. dined by President." .Toronto, May 1,1. -Fred LeRoy, a The answer returned was, workman at the Swansea Bolt Works, " Too late. Guilford died on April yesterday morning accidentally fell 29th." into a vat containing a boiling solu- tion of water and soda, used for washing nuts and }�alte• He was cam- immersed, and although the TogMp[ mediately rescued, it is feared the medial severe Scalds he sustained will re- sult fatally. Dr. Griffiths attended .�, him, and- he w iia 'then taken to the Body of Murdered lean UnderGeneral Hospital. LeRoy is 82 years Old, and. Iris home is at 172 Sorauren Mob's Feet, avenue. Later -LeRoy. died 'this morning. !, , 1 , � BUFFALO'S RECORD. MURDERER WILL NOT TALK Three Persons Committed Suicide Pittsburg, .May 1,1• -Tony Greg, an Within Twenty -frim hours. Italian, shut and killed an unknown Buffalo, ;Olay 11.-+T11ree sui- Italian in Townsend street late last cides have occurred here since last night, and in trying to escape lie evening, and up to 2 p.m. to -day. endeavored to shoot Policeman An- Charles Fax, a travelling salesman; drew Terry, Who arrested flim. It Mrs. Relen Oatman, and Airs. Anna was two hours before the victim'saadman, all died from ilia effects body was removed from the street. of carbolic acid poisoning. Mrs. Nearly 500 persons gathered about Woodman came here from Cleveland the corpse, aind when the police tried several months ago, and was in poor to disperse them a small. riot re- health. Na cause is known for Mrs. suited. The .body of the murdered' Oatman's act. Fax was despandent, man was trampled oaten by hundreds. being out of work. , ` Additional police arrived and the crowd finally was dispersed. Greg says the Arc fele resulted over woman, wlros0 affection both men LORD SHOUL ! � � � ��a E. claimed. Tie refused to give the dead man's name or tell anything about himself. -- ,ROW A] A DANCE, "- Action Taken by Claimant to Secure Evidence, One 'VTan Killed and Two Badly Cut in Afrray. Slay City, May 11. -Frank De - 'roe, WITNESSES IN FRANCE AND SPAIN a fisherman living south of this May 11-Anotber chapter city, was shot and killed early yes -London, in• i claim of Henry ' terday during a drunken brawl at to be the legitimate a dance at Big Creek, thirteen miles heir of Lord Sackville, former Brit - east of here, on the bay shore. ish Minister ,at Washington, was heard to -day in tale Chancery Court. John Schindellatte and.Dave Tram- The claimant, whose full name is bley, also fishermen, were badly Ernest Henri Jane BarAiste Sackville - carved up by knives. Tile three men West, appliedthe appO10tmcnt of met at a, dance, and g•coming in- .for a commission to examine witnesses toxicated it is allege[] they caused in France and Spain in support of trouble, and that Mrs. Vanderbilt, his claim. Counsel for the plaintiff proprietress of ilia hotel, pulled a explained that the action was for gun and ordered the men out. They testi- the purpose of porpotuating teSti- refusedto go, and Mrs. Dofoe who refused many supP ort of his- claim s to e - was also present, says the Woman. [file and estate, as while Lord shot three times at Schindehette Sackville Was alive the plaintiff could without hitting him and once at not bring action to establish his Defoe. In the fight that followed rights. Henry Sackville -West, coun- both Schindehotte and Trombley sel continued, claimed to be the eldest were stabbed. son of Lord Sackville 'by his mar- riage with Josephine Duran De MRS. PAINS WARNED. Orta.gm. The defendants* iie'nied the mar - alleging that Josephine De Letters Advise Her Not to Go Abroadriage, . Crtaga previously had been married After Dari[. to Antonio De La Oliva, who was New York, May 1;1.-A2rs. Gertrude then and stili is alive, and is not B. Paine, who came to tilt.-. city after the Burdick tragedy, declared today divorced from her. The court granted the application. that she would never, return to Buf- falo. She sayil that she has been get- A STRANGE CASE. ting anonymous letters of an alarm- ing nature that lead her to believe that come person contemplates an hien Begs for Vood and Dies While it a,ttempt oin her life. 1 is Bein,;, Obtained. ".Tlbeoe letters," said Mrs. Pane to, IMontreal, kay 1•;1• -While three day, "are written by a person of evl- , young men were In t'ite woods near dent cultivation and are friendly and bore yesterday afternoon hunting, a sympathetic in tone, but they are full man of about 35 came to them, say - of awful warmings. 111h:ey advise me Ing tbht lie wvas starving, and asked never to go out unaccompanied and I something to eat. The men went never to go abroad after dark. I can- to the convent at St. Laurent to not Imagine who is writing them, bot procure food, but an hour after - they make me very wretched." wards, when they returned, they Mrs. Pane will go to Batavia to- found the man Iy}ng death on the morrow, to join her husband there. ' ground. There was nothing about him by which he could be identified. THE IMMIGRANT INVASION. JAPAN POR OPEN DOOR. Vigures for April Exceed the Largest Russia Said to bcw Garrisoning Liao EXpeCtatiens, Vorts. (Winnipeg, May. 11• -film statis- Tokio, May I.I.-In the name of tics, which have just been completed, Prince Ifanoyc.c , President of the showy the arrivals for the month of I,louse of Peers, the Nationalists April have far excer dad even the have telegraphed 'to Yuan Shib Kai, largest expectations. It wvas thought ; Viceroy of :Pe Chi Li, and CIhang that when all points of entry were heard from they would have shown Cbin Tung, VICeroly of Nanking, ad - i vising t lie lin-V ,i:Lte ajr.x ping of about 20,000 to have, entered during I \2anchurla and the granting of a the mantli, but now the complete re- calicest"ioru lor•,.,ctc \1'lja-_140.,v Ghwvalig tuxne makeup the magnificent total railroad to an Angio Japanese -Am - of 23,�c,, O:I. .illus Is over twice tile t a e erican syndicate. number than entered during any ` Pekin, fatty 13.-Th•e Rursians, It Is month last year. Yesterday's arriv announced, tla.ve re-cccupled New 1 als numbered 4,30, nearly all Drit- CllwN aug with a largo, force, and al- fishers. , so heave put garrisons In the forts at ---- - the mouth Of the.Li,10 :River. They, KILLED AT A CROSSING. are further reported to be making extensive ,warlike preparations. The news of Russian activity, which The Wagon Contained Vour 'Days- Comes from a most 'trustworthy, Three &Iseape, source a,t Now Chuang, adds -that an Baa,uharnois, Quo., May 11 --An ex= their return to New Chwang, the Russian troops brought wltli thele tri train on ilio N. Y. C. 12, Il., go- several large fauns. A lark. fame Ing south about 4.50 this after- has been tha Tien - noon, struck a grocer's express on , The nt have al- The R clans the highway crossing just south of 000 tro-Ttaf. Inh tile. the I L0 Alta mouth of the Beauharaois station. Thi,'e express River nd:wveca Liao River and Port Arthur, lilt Rus - belonged to Air. J. G. Leonard, and cl. a ut, slaps are reported to be construct - � was drlven by Mr. Leonards son, 1 ' i Liao 1'tn 1 years of age,accompanled by three ! ca mtatndng�tirell road between theme other boys about the Same ago. ! and the Yalu River, and they have Young Loonan.1 was instantly kill- larranged to !lave ft large quantity ed, and one of the othler boys sus- i of pravletons delivered at Now tai.ned slight external injnries, , while the other two Cscafled with-'' Cliwa,ng. A r.3eSPhtch from an official at out a scratch, Thb horse was kill• i says indications iVC:wtr rtillwwrangr y a n ad and the ;wagon broken, polrrt strongly to those active pro' nel,raliaals, bring Intmided to fore - A 1IILLi61'1'�AIR fend apena't,lonrl against twee Rus - slams in 1f:i.11churla. slams r,at. Asa P. atanf'ord's'tb idowvaa He Says Never fl?;vas ix�tA [l. ;w, 11.-T1 C announce- 11i: t unce- ndo y London, l)Ia+d in Poverty. n-icnt fra.trt 1 eltin Lli:ri: Aho 1ti111,sian ment New York, Away Y�..—f''a}. Ass, 1>111Ip ; bavo "ra-occupied" Now Chww .%llg Stanford, 81 years old, and a brother i must nowt be understood as Implying of the late Sollator Leland Stanford, ; tll:rt dile., ever fully evacuated the of California, died here ' yestorday, place. rbhe news is 'falcon hero t , v .• Col. la�ul .been ailing for •who, Inst four years, allow jils death was 1. t the talon liar been ro rltCatn t11�1, i Occupied by the force, -who withdraw i due i o ner•vami pro.Araton and heart • al of which wart an,nounw d in April ` failure. 0i when the Ruh diattll+ Hall that all til I At ono tinge ih� cis:rrmsed wvn;s a troops ext;ept the ,1c n ne..esgary fo millionaire, l,ut at ctr.,,1,t a to hid pec» the police guns,:(• lt.,J..;ew 11 removed BECAUSE 0 0TRIKE DISPUTES* Toronto and Montreal Strike 4tdu try Wareing Overtime NSW. Montreal deogLtell:, Sir Wil- liam Amulork and , Han. , Mr. Prefon- taine, wb•o reached bore this even Ing from Ottawa, with a view. to confer with the shippbre and long- sboremen, and if possiltle bring about a settlement, have been clos- eted with ,troth parties up to mid- night, and so far the result is un- known. Tile men, howvever, appear most anxious to get to work, whale the shipping men are getting more Independent, [having no less than two tbousaa.nd men to work to -day Oil the wharves. In the first case they refused absolutely the condl- tians submitted by the men this morning. I , , . Shipping Companies Virm. .The following statement was given oiut ,by Peers Davidson, legal adviser of the shipping companies, after a meeting; held by the principal - ship - Owners: "The steamship companies I have received no direct eommunica- tian from the longshoremen as to the alleged new terms Offered. An unsigned memorandum only was re- ceived without written explanation. I As far as known the longshoremen have adoptee no new proposals. "With the exception of wages, this memorandum entirely ignores the other clauses already, agreed upon. ,w'on't Accept New 'Terms. "The alleged new terms will not Ile accepted by the shdpping interests If presented. ;'The clause respecting foremen is a transparent attempt to o0tain a preference for union men in an- other form, The terms already agreed upon provide that the men h1hall retturn to work as soon as places may Ile vacant. This covers the point. There is and has been no dispute with the foremen. Their Strike, such as it is, is a purely Sympathetic one. They now ask a guaranteed preference for them - Selves, ana tbrvugh them a pre: