HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-05-08, Page 8Peo THE ZU1RICH HERALD Letter Frons; J. 'Dan -tart eEditor HER Lit Berlin, May 3rd, 1903, ',Dear - I will give you a Short. Sketch of my trip since leaving the • good people of your town. I reach.. • eel Stratford on the 2 ist of April and remained two days... Stratford is tt nice town and is a busy rail- way centre, the G. T. • R's largest shops being located hero.. There are also some fine business blocks, stores, etc., here, but they are lacking one• essential convenience and that is a street. railway. I arrived at Berlin, on the 24th , of April and was at • once impressed with this busy place. There are over fifty manufactories here, who send out upwards of 150 travellers OAto all parts of Ontario, selling; the wares mattftictured ,or handled here. Berlin has 18 churches, 6 public schools and one . seperate school. Victoria Park, one of the finest recreation grounds in Cana- da, was one of the first places visitecland its natural beauty of woods and ]awn has been greatly enhanced by the landscape artist. Acres of lawn have been set aside for athletic sportsa. and a game of some kind may be seen every even- ing. I boarded the electric car and took a run to Bridgeport which is -two miles north-east "p'f Berlin and found little change from 20 years ago. Bloomingdale,wa,s.next visited, and is a fine ilittle village. From there I went to Conestoge and this is a really fine place, Tying right on the banks of Grand River, and where some: ' good - fishing grounds may be found, I mind about twenty years ago: when , ono was going to Huron CQUnty from here, Berlin people would say ."go- )tiv' We handle good goods Our prices are. law We carry a 1 rge stock Highest price for produce Obliging salesmen ZURICH klev ONTARIO Cutters at 'Right Prices _Ir qtr I have put in a stock of Palmerston Cutters at . prices to suit the times. Call and see them. ALL KINDS OF JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. 1-1. WISNIEI4, GEN ERAL BLACKSMITH Zurich Carriage BUGGIES Our new Stock is now finished. See us before you buy. It will be to your interest... . BUGGIES F. HESS & SON, Zlllticll, Ontario Ka1bf1ci c 's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stook of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. Ali kinds of lumber al- ways on hand.' ' Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. Kalbf.eisch Zurich P. 0. ARk TS Revised every Thursday afternoon, Wheat 68 to 70 Oats .. 28 30 Barley 38 42 Peas.....,. ,. , 50 60 Flour . , .. , .1 75 1 85 Butter ....... 14 4 15 Eggs ..... . ...... 10 11 Chickens ib 4 5 13uclss ... . . 6 6 Geese . , 5 5 Potatoes , . , 55 65 HENSALL MARKETS.. Wheat .,.,. 70 to 72 Oats 30 32 Barley ..... , ... ... 40 40 Pei , , . 65 75 Flour. .. , ... , . 2 00 2 10 flogs (live) per cwt.. 5.60 6.10 DASHWOOD Furniture and Undertaking STORE 'We have now a large and lip- to -date Stock of House Fur- niture a n d Furnishings which we offer At a Low Price.... ,UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Large and up -to date. In time of need, give' us a call. PRICES RIGHT. P. Mcisaac DASHWOOD - ONTARIO CONSUMPTION AN UNKNOWN DISEASE IN TEN YEARS. Statement of Dr. John Ferguson—Th. New Free Consumptive Hospital au immediate Beiper to this End. The statement of Dr. John Ferguson, ane of Toronto's well-known physicians, that " if consumptive patients were pro- perly isolated and treated, within ten yearsfrom now tuberculosis would .be one of the rarest of known diseases," ought to prove an encouraging stimulus to the friends of the new Free Consump- tive Hospital to hurry along subscrip- :,ions towards the furnishing of this insti- tution, capable of admitting at once fifty patients, and without any charge. The curability of tuberculosis is clearly in. evidence in the records of the Muskoka Uottage Sanatorium, under the inanage- nieat of the National Sanitarium Associa- tion, and under whose auspices the new Free Consumptive Hospital has been built. In four years 5,0 patients have been. treated, and more than 852 have been cured or so helped that they could go hack to work, earing for wife or child ur those dependent upon. then. The new Free Consumptive Hospital is situated in Musketggk, net far from the Muskoka Cottage ffriatorium, the two gentlemen who have generously borne the cost of constructing the building de- siring that the same benefits that have aortic to patients of the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, by virtue of its excellent gituation, should go to the poorer patients, whose onlyIlope is in admittance to the Free Consumptive Hospital. All that is wanting now is the furnish- ing of this Hospital with beds and other necessary appointments. The National Sanitarium Association; because of their heavy debt, are insane to undertake this part of the work. Only let the many whose hearts are touched by sueh dis- tressing eases as are constantly chronicled in newspaper columns, send their contri- butions of 21.00 or, if possible, $5,00, $10.00, or $50.00, and no time will be lost in opening wide the doors of the new Hospital, Contributions .will be received by Sir Wrn. R. Meredith, Chief Justice, Lampert Ave., Toronto; W. J. Gage, 17.1sq., 54 Front St. West Toronto; or The National Trust Gia., Limited, Treasurer, 22 King St. East, All kinds of good logs wanted at once, for which highest prices will be paid. Cash on delivery. J. 0. KALSEL1t IS0H. 10 To prove to you that I es goodp l and absolute auto for each and every form ot itching, bleedingand protruding piles. the manufacturers have guaranteed It. Soo tes• Omentattx in the daily press and ask your neigh' bora what they think pf it, You can use it and gob sour money back if not' cured. 00o a box, ab all dealers or MAWSON,l1ATsn & Co.,'roronto, Dr. Chase's Ointment ing up in the bush" but I assure you there is more bush and stumps in one Township in Waterloo Coun- ty than in the Townships of Stan- ley, Hay 'and Stephen combined. I also visited Elmira which is north-west of Berlin. I called on G. A and found him in the same store where he Was employed two years ago, which speaks well for our olcl friend. Anyone would like it in this village. It has a large Shoe Mfg. Co., and a splendid farming country surrounding. Most of the farmers in Waterloo County are well-to-do. I spent a few day in St. Taeobs, - another nice little village, six miles north of Waterloo Town. 1: was in Waterloo quite often. It is a nice trip of an evening to take the car and go from Berlin to Waterloo. I also visited Preston, another bust- ling business town. I will leave on Monday morning, May 4th, for New Ontario, and my postoffice address will be New Liskard,where you will please send me THE HERALD. As soon as • I get my bearings in the Northern Country you will hear from Me again. Wishing you and my Zurich friends health and happiness. I remain • Your friend • John Dumart • a.b ADDITIONAL LOCALS. COCHEMS—HARTMAN.—At St. Boni- face church, Zurich, by Father Aloisius, on Tuesday, May 5th, Mr. Valentine Kochems, to Miss Mary Hartman, both of Zurich. Mr. Samuel Dietz, of the Bron- son line, is erecting a fine residence on his farm. The brick work is now completed. The building, is 2 stories and is 20 x 28, with kitchen attached 16 x 18, full height. Mr. Chas. Meyers, of Blake, hacl the contract for the" stone and brick work. The Sovereign Bank of Canada has opened a Branch in Zurich. This Bank issues a neat . booklet "How to open a Bank account," which is written iii a plain and simple way, easily under' toocl .by all, and clearly explaining about saving money and bow to deposit or withdraw, either personally or through a friend or agent, or by mail. This booklet will be gladly sent to any one wishing for a copy, or Balling at any branch of the Bank. The officials of the Bank at Zurich will be glad to make the acquaintance of the people in this vicinity. Division Court. There were five cases disposed of at the sittings of the Division Court here on Monday, In the suit of • Hildebrand vs Tiedeman, and Hartleib for wages of son. judgment was given for plaintiff for $20.81 and, costs. H. .T. D. Cooke for plaintiff; L. H. Dickson. for defendants. Miller vs Babcock; was a case whidh was only argued as to jurisdiction of the oourt. His honor Judge Holt reserving judgement. L. H Dickson for plaintiff ; W, Proudfoot for defen- dant. Priiueau vs Routhier was an action for wages, but as defen- dant is now living at Ottawa, and has been under the doctor's care for some wheks, the case was ad- journed till next court. H, J. D, Cooke for plaintiff ; W. Proudfoot for defendant. Ortwein vs Becker, was a shit for store account, and as items sued for were not correct, jidgtnent was given for defen- dant with costs. Plaintiff pleaded his own case, W. Prondfoot for defendant, Ortwein vs Mo0linchy was another suit for clothes bought about nide years ago, and which defendant said were paid. ' He also pleaded the statute of limitations, and the plaintiff wan nonsuited. Mr. Ortwein the plaintiff in these two cases also acted as interpreter between Hildebrand and the court, and fulfilled this trying duty in a very s4tlsf4otory manner. MILLSGRE'gN Special to THE HERALD. Mr. Alfred Reichert purchased Mr, Wm. Jarrott's driver last week. Alf. will take no tltist from anyone now. Mr. J.` W. Hoggarth addressed the prayer meeting Thursday even- ing. Mr. Wm, Gram has been on the sick,list for the past week. Mr, Wiwi. Reichert was to Blue - vale last week for a load of house- hold offects. Win, Surely has an eye on business, Mr. Robert Stelek has been on the sick list for the past few days. Communion services were dis- pensed with in the Presbyterian church, Sabbath. Mr. Alfred Reichert gave a Glance to a number of friends Friday evening. . Mr. Samuel Reichert has engag- ed to work with Mr. Mofatt of Kippen. Eggs wanted at Feed Store, Zurich. . J► b. - TO INOIiEASE YOUR WEIGHT. If you are thin, weak and ema- ciated and want to increase your flesh and weight you should try. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. You can feel it doing you good from day to day, as it strikes at • the root of trouble and creates new rich blood. You can prove that it builds up new tissue and adds flesh if yon weigh yourself each week while using it. SLABTOWN • Special to THE HERALD. • Albert- Hey is becoming tired with his long forced rest and" is getting a little of the restless spirit; hence the leg is not doing quite as well. We hope he may be able to rest quietly in order that it may heal to the best advantage, Mrs. Bletzer, of Hullett, has been visiting in this neighborhood dur- ing the end of last week and the beginning of this. She is the sister of Mr. John Decher, Sr., and is heartily welcomed whenever she comes into this section. Several took in the 'Passion Play"' in Zurich on Monday night and seemed well satisfied. Some of our citizens attended the funeral of ivlrs. Chas. Wolfe, of Crediton, on Tuesday. Mrs. Wolfe was an aunt. of Mrs. Sol. Martin. Mr. Alex. Rennie suffered a severe loss the early part of the week, in losing both to mare and foal. Geo. Campbell visited at his home in Stanley on Saturday and owing to the rain he had to be driven back. He has come to the conclusion that these "horseless carriages" which you have to push_ are not the best thing going in, damp weather. Jno. Decher disposed of a driving colt to Deicher•t Bros,, in Zurich, the other day. He just bought it• a few weeks ago. Miss Lizzie Decher is at preset on the sink list. May she soon be well. All kinds of Field Seeds always an hand. at Feed Store. TEE SKIN ON FIRE. So dreadful are the sensations of burning, itching eczema that vic- tims frequently describe their suf- ferings by saying that the skin is all on fire. The stinging, biting fires of eczema are quenched by the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment. Tho first few applications may cause a little uneasiness but cure is shre to result and the skin is healed with- out scar or blemish. Clubbing rates. p "We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with TEE HvIRALD : Daily Globe $ 4.25 „ Mail &Empire 4,25 Weekly Globe . 1.60 „ Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Press 3.25 Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 1.85 Chronic Bronchitis Mr. Wm. Davidson, St. Andrews, Que., states :—"Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine has cured me of bronchitis. I have, without suc- cess, tried many remedies for the past six years. Last winter when r had a severe attack and was unable to work 1 procured a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, and am happy to state that the third•bot- tle made me a well man." Mr. W. 11. Alger, insurance agent, Halifax, N.S., says :—"I used Dr. Chases Syrup ot Linseed and Turpen- tine for a severe attack of bronchitis. Permit me to testify to its splendid curative properties, I got better from the the of taking the first dose. Hav- ing a tamity of young children, my doctors' bills have annually come to a considerable sum. I believe a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup occasionally will aid me in reducing them very materially." 25 aorta a bottle, all dealers, pry' Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. G� to C. Greb .. For your. Hardware, Tinware, Granite, and Glass Ware- Sherwi,n=Willialnis and Hollywood Oils, Portland Cement and all kinds of Building Materials The Famous Silver Most durable Fence on the market Don't be deceived with a Fence Machine -You will not be if you buy a LONDON ALL KINDS OF 'PENCE WIRE ON HAND CHAS. GREB, ZURICH, ONTARIO. BOOTS an S1 -IBES We have a large stock of Spring and .Summer Foot -wear, all sizes and styles, at prices that will be to your advantage. We have also this this season, the A nerYcar� Outing Shoe they are *a fine cheap Summer Shoe We solicit your partronage because we know we can satisfy you and give you value for your money. P. BENDER & Co. Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. ULA RIGHT IN 1T for Wire Fences this Spring, The American and The Ideal are the two best woven wire fencing on the market. THE IDEAL is made of all No. 9 hard Coiled Spring Wires with No. 9 Wire Stays. The strongest Fence in the world. Call and see it and get prices. Also a big stock of Coil Spring Wire at lowest prices. Weaving Machines at $6.00. will weave No. 12 wire. ALSO 20 SET OF SINGLE HARNESS FROM $7 UP, -*C-4. Aemoomeemamaseseasaacasamnusammaamse43. C. J-1J1RTLEIB & CO'S. The Big Hardware and Harness House. ZURICH ONTARI M Gents' Furnishings. We wish to draw the attention of all the men in town and country to the above department. Never be- fore have we shown such exception able values as the present season.. - Call and examine the folllwing: Sullingsi h'a.'s ,gaps, Shirts, Galles! CUFFS, TIES, FANCY HOES, &o., &c. In Hats and Caps we have the cor- rect :;tine, In Pantings we have some Specialties. SHIRTS—ours are always in the lead, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Summer Underwear and Umbrellas—See our Self - Opener. For comfort you want to wear our P ooSIMOTT Suspender. Da SST I N ■ ._'ACH ZURICH.