The Herald, 1903-05-08, Page 7'' I N
iTE N 12„_,j
Dick Ansle'ca e,y and 1 were camped rifle. With a queer, rasping snarl, ;
at ithe foot of :.Moyle Lake in the the thing reared like agreat, evil -
Selkirk Mouittaius, beelde the trail looking phantom. In tllo ,swirl of
wh off' leads froln fort Steele, Brit- snow It stood revoaled•—a big and
lisp Columbia, tto Bounars Ferry, ugly grizzly., And I was on the bare
Idaho. 1`Ve called ourselves, and leg mountainside, armed with a light
ally wAre, • licensed minors;, but calibre rifle
Dick s'pe'nt most of )tis time on the l+or• the space of ten seconds we
broad of lilts back, and I devoted stood facing each other, the grizzly
most of .'tile time to the hunting moving its head slowly* from side .to
of blue grouse and black -tailed side, and frequently uttering that
dieter. queer, blood -curdling snarl which
One morning I buckled on a cart- ended in a sort of querulous whine,
ridge belt, took my'}Vinchester and Then it dropped to its forelegs and
struck off 'throttghi the woods to Slowly advanced. '
the foot -hills. They rose vers steep I had enly' three cla,rtridk4 In my
for about six hunds•ed feet to a level rifle 'and 1 knew that six would not
Plateau, where, after a weary kill the animal unless by extrao,•din-
ciim'b. I seated' myself for a nio- ary luck. .Thawing several more from
m'eat's (breathing space. my belt, I hastily attempted !to' push'
The snow; -capped mountain look• them into the magazine. The first
erd so far away as ever, but for one jammed, and then the full horror
the nexit two hours the aiscent was of my position came upon me. They
more gradual and the walking bet- were too big for rhy rifle ; they were
tor. Still inwohlrig, upward. toward Dick's! I had carelessly taken- his
Mite sno"M.I entered a dismal belt Belt in mistake for my own.
of 'dark -green spru-ce. Here, be- To run was hopeless—tbere was
na3a,th a great overhanging root, I not a tree in sight. I dropped on
found the resting place of a griz- one knee, and relsting my elbow on
xly bear—a, big one, judging by the it for additional steadiness, waited.
size of the footprints. As I con.. There was a' little hummock of
Item -Warted them and took into con- snow within thirty feet of me, and
sideration the light calibre of my to that I determined to allow the
rifle. i longed for Diek and the bear to advance before I fired. When
camp • fire, within a few yards of it the grizzly
Mhe day's• wii►Ych in the early morn- stopped, reared again, and contem-
ing had been clear, was now plated me, evidently -somewhat puz-
clouded, and a raw, northeasterly zled by my behavior.
wind, carrying a sleety rain, stir- ,It you will let moe alone,” I said,
red mournfully the branches of the in a 'voice that did npt seem at all
spruce tops. I was glad to emerge like my own, "I'll let you alone."
on the open mountainside again, The brute dropped on its fore legs
and begin the final, ascent. At again and, apparently not liking my
last, after crossing a canon, I appearance, moved off to the right.
reached the mountain -top, which Keeping at about the same distance,
was covered several feet deep with it made a complete circuit about me,
!snow. and commanded a magnifi- and as it did so I moved around
cent view of the surrounding coup- with it. Than it advanced again a•
try. few feet.
frwo thousand feet below, me lay Just as I was preparing to fire it
11Soyle Lake. To the northeast lay stopped, lifted its cruel, pointed snout
the rugged piles of th;e Rioekies be- in the air, gira•ve a curious whistling
gond the parklike valley of the scream, turned and walked delYber-
Kootenay; -to the south and west ately away. I watched it without
.the wild and broken country of the moving till the driving snow bid it
Goat River; to the north, peak from my sight. Then, with intense
towering above peak in never -end. relief,. I uncooked my rifle and rose
Ing ridges of the Selkirks, to my feet.
The snow was hard enough to bear Once more I started for camp, and
me, and crossing it I found the fresh continued at a brisk pace for twenty
!tracks of two caribou. Their trail minutes or so, until I reached a flat
led from one point of rook to anoth- below the snow line covered with
er, where the gales had blown the stunted, dead spruce. ' On reaching
snow away and almost exposed the the further side of this flat I found
;tempting lichen. At these places the ground to be rising precipitously
they; bad stopped to feed, and bad in my course. This could meant only
scraped the rock bare with their one thing—I had been walking in a
sharp hoofs. wrong direction and was lost 1
I surmised that they: were not Up to that moment my proceedings
more than a few hundred yards die- Mad been rash, but now I determined
' tant, and at once determined to hunt to act wisely for once, and accord
,them. By, way of preparation I ate ingiy made up my mind to camp
my bannock and bacon, and then I where I was rather than ran the
noticed with some uneasiness tate risk of going still further astray.
appearance of the sky,. A heavy, Near at hand I discovered a clump
bank of black cloud was drifting of green spruce scrub at the foot
down from the northeast, 'obscuring of a big rock. In front was a ridge
peak after peak. Tile sleet was rap- of ground which effectually screened
Idly changing to Snow. Tile Yvind bad mo from lite wind. Here T resolved
Increased and struck through my!
damp clothes. to stay The thoti ht of a night alone in
Thad gone hardly a quarter of a g 1;
mile when the storm burst over me the mountains alarmed me little. I
in blinding snow and a half gale of -tad come aat'ely through such nights
wind, In live minute, the; tracks; I before. Eat I expectod to be both
was following were completely- ob- glet'plcxs and uncumfortable. ite-
llteratt�d, and I could kiue but a rew- m('mlt-ring, this grizzly. I di:termilled
yards befora2 use. to col.ect a good xupply of wood,
Now I wislwd to return to camp alid !I, illi:; wv..rk I tip,: It tl,c+ remain -
as quickl3' as I,orsilrle. I slttrt�,d o-tt Ing tww-..) hoe. :s of il.t} l:g-fit. Finally
a brill: wv:llk toward where I kin- 1 g:1 th(•rt d wr',ltm arlmirls of spruce
agined it to bt•. I my cour;;e Vvas cor- i ht:-;jgil,; for my lic•tl, 11„htv,l sly fire,
rest, half all ]tour c;huuld bring. nit,; and in a short tilno had a . blit=,
to the 141upo which I asoi, lld,;ci in f proua:o that I had klllid carl!er in
'the morlI1 Ig- i till. ri l.y ro, ,tins b;sf,2t•e it.
U Ill ' ' i e os.;0'd t
Il y w v I I rUIil:' br(21tf Fa , l the than lay ,Itl),o� r w•:ts finis,l-
ground whl°h I did nut reillembor { ed the orwiv 11:1(1 coi.,"d to fall. I1!r-
to have -wc-ll ww'hilc: coming. but ?,up-' ,•oily ivs wv:tta a Ia.ttall of blue,
posing I had ntrl noticed in tilt kt rn ; lvith ono sin.- twinkling frostl.y.
interest of tilt) hunt, I proceeded' Uradwil;,V tier blue Avaltdud, and by
without m}�� iving until I I c tr;ht!d :t ten o'clock. its nrarl,w au T could
slope whiolt I believed to be the o„0 I 6 uess, thl> sky was Cicntr,
I had cl:wbed early le. the day. Down i As I was wacd with my back
!vent rabidly, half c*liding, half
ltw"alkhig. Oil the height.n illy, Cloth -propped against, tho root of a fallen
ing had been an Insutficicnt protec- i tree in front of the fire, its warm
tionagainst a northeast snowstorm, I glow-, 'together with the fatgne of
but my quick course down 11111 was r my walk, began to tc;:l on me, MIV
,putting me into a glow, Sudd•cnly I ' head nodded forward on my chest,
Rivas brought to an alarming halt by, and i fell into a sound and dream-
s dark object some thirty yards dis- less sleep. ,
tant. I stopped and necked my. How lung I slepit I ,CIO not know,
--° _ but I awoke with a feeling of ner-
w allEnel3R,
! The night was calm and exqui-
"t sitely beautiful. '.Che snow-eapped
1``^g 1'+` Ii'i" isitmmlt I had crossed during the
„ 'fit"� jA oo 'e, day gleamed like tsilvor in the soft
= ii r moonlight. Apparently ttlere was
>< 1� nothing to account for my nervous
`N..•,• der, • .�'' dread.
1__"iii.. �• Then I turned and lanced at the
' !.til° 1 9-M, top of the ridge. There, in that
white wonder of moolalih t clear-
Ca -
1 r
11, • ly silhouetted against the midnight '
-�Z- •+ a sk stood the grizzly starts r down
�.. 3 , 6 y b
upon me.
, L. '( I shouted in hope of searing It,
? . but oft remalued* motionless. I
. ` i, picked up a lighted stick, w,hlrled
it round in life air, and threw it
s, I o toward the bear. 'rite effect was
• t hastily soalarmingthe., I 'ts a caught
ha ly c u
��Ill � . j up my rifle and prepared for the
I worst, for the great brute began
Mrs. Tupman, a prominent , slowly to descend the ridge at a
lady of Richmond, Va., a great ( loose, shambling walk.
sllffe er with woman's troubles What, within twenty yards or so
of my fire it turned, as it had done
tells flow she was cured. on the preceding afternoon, and
"For some I suffered with circled round it. Then. climbing
y' once more to the summit of the
backache, severe bearing -down pains, ridge, it deliberately lay down,
leucorrhoea, and falling of the womb. • Fortun'a'tely 1. bad enough' wood
I tried many remedies, but nothing to keep up a good fire, and as 'Lhe
rave any positive relief. moon was on the wane, I would
"I commenced taking Lydia I7. ,have the benefit of its light till
Pinkhain'sVegetable Compound the, sun rose. Never can I forget
In June,1901. When I had taken the that night -how that grim senti-
first half bottle, I felt a vast improve- net kept wa'tell on th'e ridge -top;
trent, and have now taken ten bottles how at every movement of mine It
with the result that I feel like a new would. raise its head the better to
woman When. taking , observe ma actions.
lite Vegetable Compound I felt all Tao fast my fuel seemed to de-
1vorn out and was last approa,trhing al oase, and when but a dozen sticks
`implete nervous collapse. I weighed remained the moon began to pale.
aly 08 hounds. Now I. weigh 109y, next, a long, narrow shaft of light
bunds and am improving every day. illumined tile, eastern sky, gratin -
gladly testify to the benefits re- ally deepening and Vvidening. 11311-
tived.11—1lfl:s. R,C. Turmma, 423 West ad the remaining sticks upon the
)th St., Richmond, Va.—$8000 forfeit if fire, stirred it up for the last time, j
iginaf of above letter proving genuinoness cannot seated myself, with my rifle rusting
iprodutiod. heroes my knees, and waited for
When amedicine has been Sue. what . m}glt�t .come.
8048ful ill more t1an1 l.1 million Just as the last Sticks burned
aces, is it justice o yourself. to away, the glorious sun arose in a
3,y without trying it, I do iliotG
�elie've It WOURi help =0?" filmy viper, d, a fallen log a red
Sure! you cnatano� cvisla to re- squirrel leaped,' and catching Sud-
Aa>iu Sv Kis and 8ico den sight of me, fled away shriek-
1t lnlch=4 whose address Ing, Then Isilon,tiy tile' cruel mon-
11LYn-11,DlasS,,gvillallSWerehecr-" ist:e l on the ridge arose, stretched
all and with cost all letters itself, and with a harrier snarl,
y'' came down the r4lope •toward me,
ddressed to 110 by sick women, Thera wars a log smokiing a little In
fierhalls elle 11US j"St the k>alto'wl" front of me. I Pushed It aside with
. ge that will help your case--- the too of my moccas}n, lest it might
her to-d,04y--,it 041ts nothingo ka,t2trfere w hath my*: sal gI ,t„ ,_: . a a.,.
__. _. ..
,_.^1. _ .. r
. .k.� faked inch, We sholld. always be A'•,.+w�.,+.•r.r5rve»,,R;dr'kn,••wwr+w!+,
1-1 REALLY e"dy to assist those In ,,'rouble, ""°`"""'TM^"" """"'". �� `"
EYen cllildren call solnetinaes da
�, vary Important work for (hod's I� .mfr
than Japaro tea, because it goes so Much furthe r people,
In the uproar that Occurred be- Van`!•q,r,/• ,+,".+,4�f%+'� °^" : l
it .ttwteen the Sadducees and Pbtarlsees ' ~
upon Paul announcing himself a .i,WQVOlkCa l at•tt1tr8' DILtx-deet.
Pharisee and a believer in the re- 7afa: 4-•-Tlio, otitirU s of rain on
L 0 1 i surrection, he was In danger of the erect today were fall Wheat
being torn in pieces by the con- steady, ',?00 bu,sibt:ls of'wi)l,tc sell ialtg
tending factions° The chief cap- art; 7 1-2c, 300 biwlicU of rixll winter
tain, who was responsible for tb'e a,t 731--'c, a:na:i 30U.buatzel.; of ,goose
I sk A A maintenance of order, had Paul at $7c, Earley gstciad}*, 100 bli.slle s
rescued from the mob by the so]- selling at 4t:c. Oats eaxsle', ODD bu,ph+-
Ceylon •GREEN Te -a for strength, flavor and purity is diers_ and lodged in the castle for clip a,t 351-3 to :,6•t.
superior to the finest Japan tea q grown. Is is as 'far safety. For Paul, the tower of Dairy produce in fatir ,supply, wvltli
ahead of Japan tea as.66 SALADA" I�lao&C tea is ahead A'nftonia is the one place of safe- sales of o4olce p'oun+d, Poll butter at
1' ty in all Jerusalem. 21. to 23c, maid largo rolls n,t 16 ;tp
Of all other Mack 'teas. i.,ead packets only. lac and The Lord stood by him. Once more 20c. Togs sold att 121-:1 to •1,,e a
4Oe per Ifs. By all grocers. i,s God's servant supported by the 1 doze!Iz•. '
cheering vision. As the Lord had Xay in moderate ,supply, with sales
stood by and encouraged him at Cor- of ::f, loads at $12 to $11 at ton . far
At the foot of the slope the grizzly jj-� ,� w }, and as He will again appear timothy, a!nd at $6 to $c0 for mixed.
:paused and turned a little to.avcicl a 1J 9 qC� (�(,j. to tapstain flim In the shipwvreok, so Straw ealsier, two loads selling at8
root, thus exposimsg its left ,tide. It now, amid tumultuous scenes and Im- to $9 a tan;. i
was my opportunity. With my elbows ^°»--- minent fissile, he comes and uplifts Dressed ,logs are unchanged, 'tiviti
tin{g on my knees I took a, careful INTERNATIONAL LI A;soiq NO. 'vI ane! comforts Paul, suleis at ?'8,3;1 to $8.75.
aim, a little be
the shoulder. and 111Ai' io 1,108 Tche danger increasing. To make F011owvinig is. the range of quota,
fired. ' . Paul's destruction as sure as human tiomts:
With a mufflod growl the bear rose,. power or plaints could make it, more 1 buvt, white, bivili. 1, 731-2c; red,
beating the air with its fore feet. The Plot Against Paul.—Acts 23; 12-22, Study than forty men, with murder In their 731-2c; goose, 67 to 671-'2c; oats;
Than, it fell across the root' upon its 'verses 10-35. hearts, entered Into a, solemn agree- 351-'3 to L'6s; I)arley, 4:31-2 to 4:30 ;
back and rolled completely over Commentary. — Connecting Links. m'ent to kill flim. Mhey voluntarily pears, 73 to 78j; hwty, timotlty, per
twice. Rising, it tore up the moss The chief captain gave Paul permis , bind themselves with a great oath, torn, $12 to $1.4; mixed, $6 to $9'.
with Its fore paws, screamed, bit the Sion to speak to the crowds from the vowimg to eat nothing until they ht2,c1 straw, .$l.3 to $0; apples, per bbl.,
empty air, and came at •ole+ again, stairs leading up to the castle. He Main Paul. But how foolish and hair $1,:;0 to $2.50; dre,st•;ed hogs, :''S L'S
When it had advanced ten feet or so, made h'Is defense in the Hebrewv len- wicked to take such ,an obligation! to $8 75 ; eggs, new laid, 1.3 to 15c;
it reared u an its hind legs, I fired Only that which Ys wrong need have butter, '.air 18 to 23c ; creaamiery.
It guage. I. He showed that he had y.
a second time, and over it rolled recourse to deception wind [roue! ; no- 21 to ';;c ; chickens, per Ib., 12 to
been a zealous Jew. 2. He describ g 1 g 13c ; turkeys, per Ib., 16 to ` Oe ; pota-
ad,ulm, only, however to rise instant- thin is o les* le the ll. ht, so
ed the manner in tvhieh he became transparent, as the Ctir'stia•n rrli-
ly and charge more furiously.toetsM, par Doug, $1..0 to $1.25.
a Christian, giving a vivid account gian. It we desire to make vows let
Now I had but one cartridge .lett,. of this conversion. With all his zeal wra make them »:uta GOOar;d keep beading wheat INIvorkeis.
and I determined not to use it till for the Jewish, religion;_ he had found thecal, but let us beware of the wicked I'+ollowinf; are tli,e closing quota,-
the, brute wi upon Ise, So I rose, to Something .far better. 3. He told spirit of the age which ,,•eek to ren- ( tioln,q fit important wheat eentrea
my feet and waited for the end. 31y them that he !lad been commissioned tangle all mankind in the mashes of +
llps amd mouth grew dry as dust; but to -c iy
sl,,ani 1 those who
fortuma'tely in ;that supreme moment to preach to the Gentiles.les. Tltey secrecy. T•.special[,y 1VIa• duly,
my hand was steady and my eye listened to h}m until he made this wool l be free to follow :Te4ua, hurl Nem• Pork ... ... ... ...— 77 8-4
statement and then they cried, wvho desire the most favorable moral C 11,,, no ................. 7'8 7-8 7:31-8
c1Whe(n within ten feet of me, and „Away with, such a fellow from, the and spiritual atmosphere, keep a,i,north.
T:Acdo ...... ............ 75 3-8 72 78
earth, for it isnot fit that he should m ailiance with secret fro er- Duluth, NO, 1 ... 771-1 771-8
just as I Was raising my rifle for the live" The mob seemed to bretk nitles. I Brn,sli i,sv, erode 1lxnrkets.
last time, the bear suddenly stopped, The most careful, planned con -
wavered a moment, sank down upon fortli with greater fury than be- y p ' London, ;11n'y 4.—Live cattle.bas}er,
Ito side with a deep, sobbing moan, fore. L -sins then commanded that spirac against God's servants or
A b work, mus tcome to naught and fail !lt 111-3 to 13 1-4,c pert• ib. for Amer -
and, straighteningits rent limbs, Paul i scourged, evidently Svith the ican steers, tiressed weight Canal -
g when the Lord girds himself anc]'tlli-
lay still. Intention of forcing from him a con- dortakes deliverance. it is nothing than ,steers, 101-3 to 111-2c per lb.;
Tb an a queer, weak- feeling came fession of his crimes; but when Paul for Him to a.rran;ge the details, foil refrigerator beef, 5 per lb.
over me. T adiffed the morning air informed them that he was a Ro- the plans and baffle the cunning of Toro,ua favor titock,
with thankfulness, and the sunlight man citizen, instantly the thongs HIS: foes,
filled m heart, were dropped and his safe, secured. (, Export cattle, eholt2e cwt $4 70 to 500
y y Paul's only crime consisted in dif- do ua-dium ...... 325 'to ! 70
With the sun to guide me I rectified I. The conspiracy against Paul, faring in his opinion from the Saddu- du cow., per cwt......., 3 30 to 4 00
my course, and staggered into ramp (vs. 1:3-15). Cees, and although there was one Illforior Vows ................ 275 to 325
at about 11 o'clock, undekr the great 12. Was day—r4hursday, May 25. common round of belief with tits
Butchers' [,[eked...,.,.,..,. 4 s0 to 485
� do Good to choice........ 4 10 to 435
weight of the bearskin. Dick lay, as Sunded together—made an agree- Pharisees as far as the resurrection do fair to medium....... 310 to 355
usual, prone upon his back, a placid m'ent. Under a curse—Literally, was concerned, they had no more do rough to common.... '? 7•1. to 3 to
expression on his face, sleeping the placed themselves under an anathe- real love for Him than the Sadducc?es Hulls, export heavy ........ 3 • to 400.
do light 39-5 to 350
sleep of the unemployed. I awak- ma. It was an invocation of God's bead. The real crime was his clean, Feeders. ,nhorl-keep......... 4 1 , to 450
tined him with a gentle kick and told pengea.nce upon themselves, if they holy life and teaching;;, which were do Medium............. 3 c•t to 3 00
him my story. failed to do the work wviiich they a constant rebuke to their hypocrisy 8 do light ...... ............ 3 bit to 360
"Then It was the first shot that undertook. and wickedness." tockers, choice ............. 3 5, to 37.5
really did, the business ?" he said. 13. More than fort do comnlou,........... •d hj to 300
forty—This large Atilehoowq,each............ :U In( to 5000
"Yes," I replied. "It went clean number of desperate men, backed up >.xiwrt ewe,, owt.......... 41:, to 4 75
through its• heart."
—Youths Com- by the Sanhedrin, the highest coup- e'°`j-`o-`e"`o•` i4"'e—za"`a"`d"`o"`� Husks, per cwt ............. 3 2 i to 375
pa7uion. g Crain -feet ewes, wothers.... 5 5, to 600
eel among the Jews, wvou:d be like- Grain -fed bucks ............. 5 GU to 5 60
y L S®1NE F'ACE'S ABOUT `•arnyalambs mbI........,... 5'1 to 5 00
l to succeed in their murderous de
3 y Barnyard lambs............ 3 UO to 4 00
sign, and Paul's life was in great LC'.alves, each ..........•..::., oU to 10 00
r I rlo erIb.............. 0 fit t; to U 05%
danger. •( THE PLANET J�1MER p
. 14. To the chief priests—The lot- 6 � ; lfo4r.yelr�t,ucrcwt........ 0..., to 0'00
(y lr b 1� f q p p ` do fat, per rc%vt cwt........ It •? , to 0 00
i� 1p :!113331fI1,A`!� lora no doubt ,vent to the chief,�.��,� da light, nor cwt........ f '1;, to 000
c priests :Int} skiers wlto were :ienddu-
_ aces, as they were strongly opposed How- many of you ]snow aityllting
to Paul (vs. 6 iJ) and, wou:d ba glad about that'• planets'? I and sure most I'll,., Cheese 31aelitcm.
' Pills Cured Artrs. to sca him put to death. Avehave � •,� . + I > , �i I a'ailti: 1. i:Icli re rant : It (liar meet»
Dodd's Kidney 1 A a of coca knoww �,.Iy ll.t.c, tit tat tht r- I
�Itiftnlast of Iva arses btruna, etc.—Literal!,•, with a i nam. -s, au,I yet Ithe eu:ijeet is :t mast, It,," tri ]-}n.•11 t Iict•,;I 1, L- ,, Il! this.
P cosec` lr• tr.lvt cul'SC 1. oursz1ve ." A l lnLoresting o�?e, The bigness of the c r ,l;a Nuilliwr of 01 l.:arded
Ildirew Ilr.?llo of ttpIts:;Illg tli[2 ill- plantits is one of the Inuit Interest- ) .t (t w It.'t, li:1l Iiv: 4.;, : It
tel it'y "lid eat•i..,,L'-Q.a t}f ally tic- f ins, thlilth6 abl'ut tiv,in. , 1`. 13.: 141..h:- - i i1. - 0,vi,,,.; 'tu the
And Noav She Itc'umnuat•nde, Thnni to tion. I l ILrm ate:, a few fa ui w ont Jtlp'ter: i s tr;k; ? In J1. la". , I f . t (.:,, "J, n cots- -
Otlic'r Young Undies or 'Nxarried i 15. --•iii, counell-Thp `.+:22tlwdrin, i Japit;-r i:s the M01 Itlanot from 1* Il, 1 0.t It1+3 cat'.: u-I.ii 1!'. iti'ea+l£.
49 omen. 1't?lc ,'I;•:,tc, t je'jvi:;tl Ct>ut1c:1, `'It th,r nun, atnl Ire?volvo,; •irti;tnd it tit _ ! {, e+.:. t re,;,,;zit, L :;.tn, :.:T:,, (.'.Iii ort
,"s C,,,witmr ;i of swv,i:r-t,,•(, inmij- m••It'i +:i^1:,11'(3 rr 4ti1;•0.i.t.00.1 In; ,I tv: i.•. a
i\apanee. Ont., April I:7•-•-('V-I,irci:tl.) ; lvmq, oi' •i' , .it.ili ttl :er,. ra.' uiw. heli. 1., . •_,I' 1;. :t.:{; Y'! iii. [illi ,;• _ ? 6;,itial
—That ' cl ,1 w, ,•n,� are (rhe .r' ..,, t {,r 1,%! r8. 4: • t:l(t l l y, as i tl .a t;.i'•.; .. �..� •t ) :.i " ,.-0
Da tl'n` ICi r, -y I t,,. 11•r, IT• , tr:. �l. )(. : it I,.atle
,, a,+3 �: Y}I2.';1 t !i'sl 1,21 4:1, E'.`x,st r,;`I,, i aLS .17 ,.c.. i -N L� „ , ..•.t.' 1. , T� +• Il_ -
Of the.: ••rcatcHt it'.11ws t•v(;r. cctnforred, 1
tr ti rt',. ,r :t [• 1: Il,'. is tl I t.- -,: ;