HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-05-08, Page 4Tired 4ut .4 Trf. M�� �. ♦HMI, " I was very poorly and could hardly get about the house. I was tired out all the time. Then I tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, tittle.. • it only took two bottles' to shake ine feel perfectly well,"— Mrs. N. S. &win. ney, Princeton, Mo. Tired when you go to bed, tired when you get up, tired all the time. Why? Your blood is im- pure, that's the reason. You are living on the border line of nerve ex- haustion. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla and be quickly cured. si,a4o akatile. Alt druegiata. Ask your doctor what he thinks et Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He knows all about Mi. grand old family medicine. Follow his advice and we will be e,tlsned, 4. C. drip Co.. Lowell, Nass. r "� 'I' h 1E, Z U l ICH HERALD CH U R 4 ;' ES. TBONIFACI, ('ath°Iie. Order of service. for the summer. Sundays: High Mass at i).30 :>. m.; Cato - Wain and instruotiou out 10,30 !'e.look Vespers land Beuitl.11etion of the Most Blessed. Sacrament at 7 p. m. Holy Days: Ili; 1i Hass at li o'eloelc; Vespers and L•lenedietionaat 739, p. m. Week Days: hla tel every horning at 7,13 0 o'elook; First Fridays, ays,, Mass with Exposition at 8 o't,1otk; The .holy Hour,.oa one hoar n visit to our Lord in the Blessed Saeraret every Sid - lardy evt Mug frou);7 to 8. Baptism OD Stunlays at 't o'clock. Tire Comnuu.'ou Sundays before Class .at 8 o'clock, Devotions to $b. Anthony, every Tuesday, at 7,31, A. M. Send in petitions before that, h mr. Rev. Father Aloisius, 1'. P. M., Rector, v{ VANGELICAL, German and English ■ Sunday Services: - German, at 10.45 o'etoek a. in. English, 7 o'clock p. m., Sun. school at 2. p. in. Tuesday evening; Junior Allianoe, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir praetiee at 0. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.30. Thursday everting; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teachers' •aeeting at 8. Mev. W. J. i:aeger. Pastor. Aeuticlle en. Ina?. 5t. petri lircflc. Oottesbienit norm. E}a1b u 2Ibr un:b abenbs r 2tilr. Sanijteeidjute norm. ko /14r. i~,ehrcrnerjaniminng 2Tiitttuocl2 abenbs djiile• Spaitor.. BUSINESS CARL.?$• -3AC11AND & CO., REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property. bought and sold. Rents eoilected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the Leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. —OFFICE Z urich , —OiFICEZurich, Ontario. (L V. BAclit\n, Notary Public) . F. A. SELLEE.Y, El El IS rUt3LISTt1.D 'SRT TIMISD , ' EVENING. • 13? l., 7,,IS:LI,171i TERMS OP SUI3S0111 L LION :—$1.00 per year paid strietly in adva.nee. When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given and :time aragos paid, $1.50 to be eharge3 when not paid in advance. ADVERTISING IlAT'ES..—Tran s ie n t advertisetiaents, 5 cents per Brevier line for Cri;st insertion and 3 eents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small Advs.. sucli as' `Lost" "Estray" or ''Stolen void .he charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must be handed in not later than Tuesday night of each week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Loeal notices in ordinary reading type 3 cents per line. Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and quarter-eolmmn rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University, Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work e. speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Monday. 1-20 E.BOSSENBERRY, for Hur- on. County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. PHILIPeBSI PPLELinsed neer for the County of Huron. I would request those having sates to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed, Your patronage solicited. LEGAL CARDS. 1-1 D. COO KE T1- .e �:1=a1d1 E ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.O FRIDAY. MAY 8, 1903. The Hon. Justice Lount, who has been,ill for some time, and who had but recently returned from abroad, on leave of absence, died suddenly at his home in Toronto last week. Justice Lount's judicial career was not a lengthy one. The Legislature is now in session daily and no snore adjournments will be made on account of the Gamey trial. The address in reply to the speech from the Throne has been past tel, and no less than fifty one bills were received, rend a first time, and sent on to committee in one day. The budget speech has also been delivered, but so far, we have not had time tq summarize it. In reply to a question by Mr. E i 1, n'r, o nr representative in the L,�;'islittnye, Hon. Mr. Latchford stated that only the County Colin- cil of Wentworth had applied for their share of the consolidated revenue fund of the Province for the improvement of Public high- ways. It was for the improvement of 6y, miles of road, at a cost of $48,350, which was more than suf- ficient to qualify the County Coun- cil for the portion of the govern- ment grant and for the purchase of 38 miles of road. Mr. Latchford also gave other information bear- ing on the subject as well. The Gamey' investigation still goes on from day to day, and it is expected that two weeks more will elapse before the court hands in its _ finding. Most of the principal witnesses have been examined, to- J. gether with Messrs. Gamey and (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris- Stratton and so far as the weight ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. of evidence goes there would seem tleusall, Ontario: to be nothing to implicate the gov- ernment, or any member of it, in r, ca, srAsnrrzv, n, A. F. tt, manses. the charge of buying the former. Glatixitalu & Stanb'ury. ,Sullivan, Wilson, Chase, Myers and all whom (Stoney alleges were cognizant of the money passage, deny everything of that nature so far as they are concerned ; and Mr. Stratton swears thal he did not give $3000, nor even "three cents" for the promised support of the n R HAYS C gentleman making the charge. O U D F O O T & a ll A Nq/ S Tache weight of .evidence so far is Notax eu Public; against the prosecutor, Barristers, Solicitors, etc, etc. Cos. Square and North Street, whose own counsel left hint in a • Goderich, Ontario body after the Buffalo trip, when IN. peon Cyt oo-r K. C. R. c. HAYS • he called to his aid Mr. DtiVernet, — well up in legal questions. Unless something unexpected turns up, the veruict will be easily reached 41000:3..1 G,"w,at ri'a)bjRw'.pfi3".3t"J*o'd t3• tvf3*tha• by their Lordships.te ta • Stephen Council. • raid Should be in every Household. If you are not a subscriber, send in your name at once. Address "The Herald" Zut iieh, - - Ontario M." Carried. The following orders were grant- ed :—Good Roads Machinery Co., edge for grader and exp.,' $10.70 ; Robert Socil, elm lumber for S. B., $9.80 ; Maitland, Rixon and Co., one car of cedar plank, . $276 06 ; Iiaist, Wolf and Fathner, hauling ]umber for station, $10.00; G. T. R„ freight on car of cedar lutnber, $48.00: Michael Finkbeiner, cover- ing culvert and spikes, eon. 8, 75 cents; .Mex. Wild, tile, :1.04; Hy. a Khn, tile account, x,11.13-; Philip Lane, stone for road, $2.50; Ware Oliver, rock -elle plank, $33.76 ; C. Stony, rep. bridge, ;2.00 Jos. Shui'r°ow, rep. culvert on Gore Road, .50 cents ; Wilfred Lafond, grading, $6 00; C. W. Christie, drawing plank, $1. 25: Jos. Guinan, salary as Assesser, $80.00 f Jno. 'Wein, rep. culvert and ditch, $2 00; Peter Kraft, rep. culvert, $4.00; Ly -man Glanville, rep. Mud Creek bdg. and filling in approach, $3.00; John Lawson,putting in box, $1.75 ; Us, McKeever, putting in-culvert, hauling plank, etc„ $9.00 ; Nelson Baker. rep. culvert on eon. 2, 50 cents ; Henry Essery, Reh to of '02 statute labor, $8.00. Council adjourned to meet 'again in the Town Hall, (irediiton, on Tuesday the 26th day of -May next, Gravel contracts will be let at 2 p. m: and Court of Revision will be held in the fore -noon at 10 a. m. HENRY EMBER, Tp. Clerk. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read awl advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED. Offices over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter. HOTELS, 2i :? ti $ 0 THC $ € 0 0 COMMERCRi. HOTEL t'3 r.,,1' ZURICH * 0 0 Strietly up-to-date in modern im prevements. Dining rooms is sup- plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ Bar contains choice liquors and cigars. ¶ ¶ 1i. ¶ II Excellent Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. J• P. FRU, PROPRIETOR. 0 The Council of the Township of 5tephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday the 4th day of May, 1903, at 10, A. M, All • present, Minutes members were pros M of the previous meeting were read and adopted, Anderson Yearley. "Than', the Assessor's Roll for 1903 as returned to the Clerk be accepted and the Assessor be paid his salary," Car- rried. Wuerth—Webb. "That By -Law No 3, of 1903,authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow the sum of not more than $2500 to meet the current expenditure of the Town- ship until such tiane as the Taxis to be levied are collected, being read the 3rd time be passed and signed by the Reeve." Carried. Anderson—Wuerth "That 13y - Law No, 2, of 1903, be n•nstneded by striking •ottt the names of the fol- lowing Path -masters, Viz ;--leo. 16, Mast and substituting g the name of tlacob Sviceitzer; No, 30, Thomas • Lane to Simon Dieterioh; No. 39, Malcom Ziler to Xavier Meyer and No. 67, Joseph Webb to Ferdinand Gratton. Anderson --- Webb. "That the Township Court of Revision be held in the Town Iial], Crediton, on Tuesday, May 26th next,. at 10, A. HEAVEN ENOUGH FOR H. al. Last evening I was talking With an editor aged and grey, Who told me of a dream he bad, I think'twas yesterday. While snoozing in his office, The vision camp to view, For he saw an angel enter, Dressed in garments white and now. Said the angel, "I'm from heaven, The Lord just sent me down, To bring you up to glory, And put on your golden crown. You've been a friend to everyone And worked hard night and day, You have supported many thousands And from few received your pay. So we want you up in glory, For you have labored hard And the good Lord is preparing Your eternal, just reward." Then the angel and the editor Started up towards glory's gate, But when passing close to Hades, The an o1 mannered 'wait: I have a place to show you; It's the hottest place in hell, Where the ones who never paid you, In torment always dwell" And, behold, the editor saw there His old subscribers by the score, And grabbing up a chair and fan, He wished for nothing more; But wa1.s bound to sit and watch them As they'd sizzle; singe and burn. And his eyes would rest on debtors, Whichever way they'd turn'. Said the angel, "Coyne on editor, There's the 'pearly gates I see." But the editor only muttered, "This is heaven enough fox:me." 0 0 0 t3 0 0 A 0 0 00 0 0 4' h Gr onhinio L ' 3a114Qe Equipped �ec`1 with all modern , i•t r '-class 'I S conveniences. aesomnamltation to coroner- dal or nler-tial travellers. Bar and din- ing room always suppled with the best obtainable. C• L Shaomacher, Prop. ZURICH ZURICH P. 0. is open daily excepts Sundays from 8 a. m., until 9 p. nz., The mails are distributed itis follows M Alc, FOR HDN8ALL, close at 6 :50 a.m " 2:55pm ST,JosiPH, " 11:10 ala " L. H. &B., " 6:55am if L, H.&B., " 2:55am FROM HENSALL, arr. 11 :00 amit tt t. 7:30 pm " ST.JosuPIr, " 10 :45 alis. " L. H. & B., " 11:00 ana t t L.H. &B., t' 7 :30 am Mr. Sans Faust. our amateur photographer, did some work at St. Joseph, this week. Mr. N. M. CJantin, of 'Montreal, visited St Joseph on Tuesday, in company with a gentleman from Ihiris. Suffocati h g With Croup it at tt tt ,t at as it t. tt • LETTERS FOR REGISTRATION, Mid be posted half an hotu previous to the time for closing the snails. D.S.FAUST, Postmaster. Croup is 'the terror of every mother and the cause of frequent deaths among small children. Dr Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine brings prompt relief to the loud, ring- ing cough, makes breathing easy and prevents suffocation. It is mothers' favorite remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, whooping cough and asthma. fa•Irt. k'. 'V. Bond, 20 Macdonald street, Barrie, Ont., says :- "Hath; tried your medicine, my faith is very high in its powers of curing cough and eroup. Ify little girl has been subject to the croup for to ,long time, and I thin to cure it until T a� e found nothing g V` Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and TUr* Pentire. T cannot speaktoo highly of it? 25 eenti a bottle, all dealers,or Ed. manson, Bates .& Co., Toronto. Digo Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentlnon Cook's Catton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10.000 Ladles. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drug. gls for Cook's Cotton Root Com- posed. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Prioe, No. 1, $i per box; No, 2,10 degrees stronger, $B per box. No. I or 1l,maled on receipt of price and two ti -cent etam s. The Cook Company Windsor Ont. raapon lble Druggists in Canada,0nded sty all No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Zurich at Dr. Buchanan's drug store. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of Joseph Zettel, late of the 'Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. ATOTICE is hereby given pursuant to 11�� The Revised Statutes of Ontario (1897) Cap. 129, that ail creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Joseph Zettel, who died on or about the lst day of March, 1903, are required, on or before the 15th day of May, 1903, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to John Zettel, of the said Village of Zurich, one of the Executors of the pro- perty of the said deceased, their names, addresses and descriptions, full particulars of their claims, a statement of their account and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the saki last mentioned date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or per. sons of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribu- tion. Dated at Zurich, the 14th clay of April, A, D., 1903. JOHN'. Zs'rrsn 38.3 E,Zraat Executors. .rat } W`C.T.U. "Unclaimed Baggage." ante Story. The, Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago vas crowded to the door, its spite of the suffocating heat on a night that rivalled the heat of a day that had burned pitilessly into tenement and slum district until humanity could endure it no longer and sullenly lay on the cobble- stones of the street, than bear the horrors of dark bedrooms and inde- seribable odors inside. ,Taeob was sitting in the middle of the mission molls after a fruit- less day's tramp. He had been in the city two weeks and his little stock of money was, nearly gone. Ile had seen the lights of the Mis- sion, and aimlessly went in. He was thoroughly tired and hopeless. What difference did it make where. he at down for a little while? The meeting began with singing. Grad- ually .Jacob took account of the suarroundings. ' The song tottched him. A drunkard sat on one side of hint and a thief on the other, and the room was full of sin of several processional kinds. But the man who had led the meeting, and who, after the singing, began to talk, had as face that looked out over that roon full of misery, with a hope that was like a strong hand in the dark. He did not talk long, and when he 'was through ho asked different ones to tell what Jesus had done for thele. A string of testimonies followed as fust as men could rise and speak. "mane ti) reader said, e the 1P i At last , here, Roy, and tell your story astatine just as Youdid last night." The finest looking man in the room rase and went up on the plat- forms. When he turned around, Jacob foliad himself looking 'and listening like one in n, dream. All through the man's testimony, *Web Was given in a clear,eurnest, A Temper - °. tar ✓AI , .1�4,° .I.I.:.. ', : 1'�klb i-:3.1$.... t3.?. ,-.,:ion. i e HE To preserve or restore it, there is no `better prescription for men, women! and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people --but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy. with a long and successfulrecord, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stub -- born constipation, offensive breads- heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach,' bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stom- achs, build up run -down systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regu - lar use of Ripans Tubules. Your druggist sells them. The fire -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, contains a supply for a year. it tier .. met. iO4,14,:�--. rt.r,v sA. a.o.3e•;;illbrct?njy:J 4:c�$`ivN., .;: n'1 =MUM KJ ATENTS GUARANTEED! O'FARRELL c LAWSON; 1425 NEW YORK AVE,, WASHINGTON, D. O, Pe ith ng `011 t 1S s, be 'W ere sat ike t in 1 For t:1d tl it Sn "We • Id tb ryes tent ld til Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, Designs,Trademarks,Copy. hal rights. Will return fee if Patent is not secured. Send for mail ere i Inventor's Guide, or How to Geta Patent. re SiirMention this Paper and secure Special rates." blet 1'e ea lc but not emotional. Jacob had , a curious feeling tlmt Martha was standing in the doorway of the little house listening to the man on the platform. My name is Rey Logan and I have been at professional gambler and drunkard for fifteen years. Four years ago I married agirl out in Kansas, the best woman in the world. She ran away from home s an to harry sue because her father the truth. He married my little ou was—but I needn't say that—she girl,our little Annie', I've been try- dr came to Kansas (Jity, and we were ing to find her } And she's dead !" pa anarried, and then moved here; and for at ,year I was good to her. Their I got to gambling again. We had one child, as little girl, and any wife left nae, went off and worked in a. shoe factory : but I begged her to come bank, and she did, but in six weeks I was as bad as ever.. "One night while crazy drunk I threatened to kill the child. She was two' ,years old then and the next day my' wife left the house, intending to go back to her folk. They live on a farm near Topeka. She never Wrote theta after leaving home to marry mea on' account of - feeling that they could never for- give her. She got as far as Dear- born station, bought her ticket, checked her trunk and then fainted away. She was taken to the, hos. pitaal and word was sent to me. I found her unconscious ; but she rallied enough to know and beg me but we can accept Cod's mercy." 's to take care of the child. I,prouais- ltoy Logan kneeled down by the , an ed, but while sitting by her, saw old roan, and promised to be a son t t her purse and took it from the to lion, a L y 1 ed table, went ottt and left her dying there with the little child. She died in a few minutes., I sold the ticket to Topeka at a scalper's for four dollars, then threw away the trunk -check 'became of my rage at finding, only two dollars in money in the purse ; and in less than six hours I was crazy, and found my- self in the police court next morn- ing: I went out and found an old companion, who invited me in to drink and we went on a spree that lasted ttvo weeks. 'When T sobered up, I found that any wife had died Land been buried, and my little girl put into an orphan asyltun. I went irons that asylum, where I had kissed my•child and swore before God I would be a good father, 1 went straight into a.gambling hell on Clarke street, and pawned. every piece of jewellry T had left on a few game and then went out and most for-. in the streets—theo saken, sinful, wretch on the face of the earth. "If I could go any deep- er in -sin than • that, T went every clay until last week, when T stialnb- led in here half drank and crazy. Colonel Clark got hold of me, no, it was the Lord Jesus - Christ who reached nay soul through him and saved ane. (cod has forgiven ate, nt c find 1 have his promise that any ria wife has too, The man suddenly th kneeled nn the platform, and his ran voice, which ltad been clear, strong sat and musical, broke as he kneeled a I there. "You know how great at k sinner I a m ; But 0, Saviour, save .are these souls as you have saved ole." lily Jacob stood up and his soul was 'th harken -within Irina. "He speaks Roy Logan rese from his knees, he and stared at the white-haired old kv man down the middle of that room full of broken humanity. "Do you forgive nae Mr. Murray? T"11 bear the cross the rest of any fo days for little Rhoda." 1 But .Jacob Murray was seated ell again, sobbing out his heart over Y- tUe loss of his child; and while he . U sobbed drunkards and girls from lg the street and hopeless wn.nderert+Il1 like Roy Logan carne clown the ted aisle and surrendered themselves lave to the great Redeemer, who bore VO the cross until the cross bore Hint t for the taking away of the sins of we the world. After the service, 11es Clark and Logan went down where Y 1 Iilr. Murray was. al an '"Brother, said the Colonel. e Gods forgiveness is greater - than but ours. We can't change the past, fo When J atm Mtlrra nit his hand in the younger man's, and w; before the cross of Jesus his soul y' VOW it man's height before he left the room. T A gaunt hard faced woman stood 'lion in the door -way of the little farm- d of house, beside the dusty road and idea watched two figures corning to- att wards her, A neighboring farmer totes] hacl brought Jacob and Hitachi out laths from the city. Martha went out 9, GI into the yard and canght up to the 1, Te child, She shrank back at first, , Da but after looking at the face a first moment she laic. her soft cheek nee it 60 YEARS'` EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS S dtz tGNS DoPVF IGi4YS &C. n description may Sending a stela and d 9 Aek y ascertain sk t1 tl Cher 101 Thickly aaos prob out opinion free w C InVontlnn is probably Cammnnida. Lions strictly cone dontlat. Handbook on Patents gent free. oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn .0 CO. reoetve ilpeciat,totice, witbout Charge, in the Scientific' J1mntrkean. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lnraest elr• Culatle"i of any selentitld ioarnal. 'Terms, $3 a year • lour ntottths, $1. sold broil newndeatters. MON l & Co,361115Adway, New York ,Braine Caine, 6Y ''' Bit:, Waehtuartan, D. 0, es0001 against the rugged one. ,‘Don't a ecus cry grandma. I like you" said emningem Rhoda. "Thank (;Cod," said Jacob. "She's like Annie isn't she." 'ubri• But Martha did not answer. ldt at Logan is going to maize ahome ar of for us all in Chicago, and is going; ne ell to work in a new mission on the es it 1 west side, He wants us to be ready r aL id "But Martha t did. toconaebpfall, it t M not answer. But Martha did not He wanswer, She saw Annie again., the . fie ltd dusty prairie, the fringe of. suss- side flowers were all transformed to her the hungry soul. rgled Will you be good to ane grand- a lain haat? Rhoda asked and put her is tt� hand up to'thedry-colored skids. the For answer the woman folded tied t the child to her bosom and felt I something tat that moment of the tlior t 1 . great love of God for all His sinful t wi' children, ,on,p: (The end.) re Ur . Press Supt. '.Did 15 gt __ _ w.........._ ._ 'Yes. 'lY'ht BfOre. 1if7e) '1'�y'fooG�:'S l08 �lol� files L'ha The Great English, 1ie»t&f . d: Sold and recommended by all '�itel Canada. 'Only reit, . druggists fists in C a dt gg y t ed. ax Ye o ie no discovered. S to i able n d in bo *�.. S��-'3, ,�ckages guaranteed to ours all In 1� forms o •Sexual Weaknass, .all effects of abuse tt'll or exeess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To. baceo, Opium or Stimnlants. tfaded or receipt ht a of price, one gaoka a $1, six, $6, One wifd,please. tore Six wilt Cure. Tamp tlets free to an address, lady ' be 'Wood Colullany, Wiiudsor* Ont. Iuldt Wood's Plioipbodine is sold in :ny Zurich by Dr,.t3ucl�anan, Di ingest AO: •