The Herald, 1903-05-08, Page 2{ 6 t �^. A t c) I
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Owing to grave apprehensions 'a
to the result of to-morJow,s .lob(
demonstration,• the 2nd Canadiz
Artillery, 300 men, have ,been orde
ed to go on duty In 'tire mornin'
They have glad infantry drill, ther
fore will be armed with, rifles and
rounds of ammunition, the salve t
the thousand men, now on duty.
The .business community appears t
be incensed, at fi2ayor Cochrane, r
they claim that Itis Worship and tl
Chief of Police could have nipped tl
trouble in the bud had they acts
a few days before ; hence the actic
of the Board of Trade, before ri
ferred to. ,
The excuse given for the cabin
out of the artillery Is that tthes
troops are to relieve the others, bu
It is believed that the authori`tle
Montreal despatch: The situation three or four policemen at that ship claim that a clash is, possible, if nol
On the Montreal wharves as the re- ( the mounted squad started off at a probable, tomorrow. The people are
canter to reinforce them. At this also counting the cost.
sof the longshoremen's strike as- broke into a run to rano bro
the crowd There are about 1,200 men an duty,
sumed a serious aspect to -day. The the policemenbro but the tailor gat Each man gets 50 cents a day pay
Mayor this afternoon called out the there ,lust ahead of the crowd. The and 50 dente for rattans, while the
whole t+ barf .looked alive with men officers draw double. this amount for
militia to preserve order and to a rations, and also larger
Protect Ithe shipping in port. The The labOrers woriczng in the sheds Hussars g Pay The
and on Lhe wharves ran on board get extra for their horses
regiments ordered out are the 65th The men are supposed to provision
112on11zt Royal Rifles, the Victoria the vessel. and down ,below. The themselves out of the allowance
shouting of the advancing crowd and made. The cost 'will .be each day
Rifles, and the Duke of Xaric's Can- the galloping up of the mounted 1,200 troops' gay, including officers,
"an Hussars, or all told over 600 squad had given warning to the offi- $700; rations, $700; horses, $100;
men, They gathered at their ar- cers and crew of the ship, and they total, $1,500. This is a conservative
mortes this afternoon and proceeded appeared at the gangways. For a estimate. Aside from this is a logs
p moment the police managed to hold to business, and to men on duty, on
to the scene of the disturbance. As the crowd back. Then someone about- account of absence from work. 'Should
the result of the longshoremen's ad, "There are 'some of the 'seabs' the trouble be of any duration, the
agtions operations in the harbor no at the end of the shed!" Tile financial side will be deeply felt.
words wero regeated and a general
were completely tied up, and it took rush made round the little line of
all the eflorts of the Mounted Po- policemen' through the sheds. The
lice to prevent a serious clash Ile- crowd surged round towards the aft
tween the strikers and the non-union gangway, and it looked as though the
men might try to board the ship. KING lowflo l
lrlaen, who were employ ed in unload -
Ing the vessels. The strikers Proceed- Gave Orders to Shoot. P[I ed from one vessel to another and The officers (gathered their men
succsucceeded fn eniticing many oP the and gave orders to shoot the first P6MITS THE
fled work. In one case they man who attempted to get on board.
overpowered the pollee and drove Meanwhile the police were driving '----
e men away. Tueypoli also set fore th'e crowd back. The police kept their
Rise of a vessel's cargo. temper, and finally persuaded the
t crowd to retreat from the ships. They are Closeted Together
First Blood Sbed. Then there was another movement
The firlst blood shed during the in the crowd, and the cry was raised, for Twenty Minutes.
&strike happened ,this afternoon, "To the Monterey!" The cry took, y
when Jolen Lavoie, one of the atrik- the 'crowd moved off again, the
wg longshoremen, was shot in self- mounted squad started to head them
defence by William Quinn, paymas- off, the men .broke into a run and
ter for Messrs. .!'ernes, stevedores. there was another race to the .big A](0 �T����TT� �1D6)�B1ED9
Mr. Fernes and a gang of non-union C. P. R. steamer, where the scene NO ETIQUETTE OBSERVED,
men were working on the Alexan- which took place alongside the Sali-
dria, when a gang of strikers made cia was enacted over again.
an attempt to rush the ship. Mr. Tile next move was to the Alex -
Ferner kept the crowd !lack at the andria, where the laborers, as on Although the King Was Received in
point of a. h+evolver. Finally quiet the 5allcla and the Monterey, beat
fuss restored. .Mr. Ferues, accom- a retreat on board, the police offi- State-11isAudience With aisnoli-
panied by Quinn, started to go up cer In charge stationing two con- nese Was Private -The Pontiff
to the city. Tiley had not gone far stables armed with revolvers on each
when they, were met sty a big crowd gangway as the crowd a `TalkedAbout the Canadian Schools
of theistrikers. Words led to blows. approached.
Quinn drew his pistol and shot La- Then a move was made, to the Fre- -A HistoricDxeeting.
vale, one of the eroivd, in self-defence.
mona. But by the time the crowd
Quinn shat three times, but only one reached there a patrol wagoutui of, RdmB cable : Bing Edward S lI.
short took effect, Another moment policemen had arrived, and the crowd of England, wearing the uniform of a
and, -tyle moot was after Quinn. The did rot get near the gangways. The field marshal, paid his much -talked -of
police rescued him and placed him laborers were, however, withdrawn visit to the \'a Li an to -day,
within the vessel, � Edward left
Under arrest, ).cringing him to the This altelwaoou liin'r
Central PoAee Station. Lavoie was By this time it ww�ao noon, and the
lite 13ritistl Embassy for rho Vati:3Ln
takent_to the hospital, where ills strikors, having succeeded in their in a clD,sod carriage. It'd -vas acculu-
wound, which was stated to Ile not I object in preventing all work on the panled by Ctrl. Lamb, tie brltisll ulili-
serious, was Stressed. After this af- steamers, began to disperse. While Lary attache, a-r,ti wvas followed by
fray the str:ksrs s,vept on towards there were several minor casualties, "nuLher c.irr.age con,;,g mclu-
tlhe Carrigan Head, w pure eighteLn nobody was seriously- Injured, but burs at his SUILe. Tud lii.Il'b wore a
men were at wurk on the vessel. serious trouble was only averted by 11-1.1;hul s umitorm. He had no
The mail attempted to storm tllt: the tact and good work of the police. esuom. eae..lit nomLl pol.cj!meu In
gangway, but litre they went: mwt Deputations 11rpresanting the ship- haul clothes, anti nu troops lined ti141
Dy the captaln and O]flcert3 Oi the I pin; men anal the stevedores subse- utrcets, 1•u cuntrant Nuhn wi,aL Was
ship, ITIla, qui tidy wratlted on Mayor Cochrane tic,Je at the tial;: Of I,lUperor %%',I-
Leveled Sl l:e wuic<'a;4. (+I:(1 dealiardElci adequate prcltection. 1,atn's vi;It to Ulu Tolle. llcopiu 1)(. i
ordered the Moult back. 'there wva-; The poliile authoritles :,.till that they all azo wwlcil cul'iusity, but t,l,.y ..L1 -
a onolment'A 11t.4.tatwil. "lit shuoc I foared that t11ey would ba unable to l,taln0d frvul :.toy duawnt,tratloa.
the flraL aL'aIl IJ:1,,} dti';I)s U21 tit LI: ('.()p.' wlt;J the r•.trikors, u.n(1 as the ILS' allo�() ways r(:ma;k;. ( t3t.3t, e..
gangway'" Lure Chun+tut 'd i re•-Tllt of the conatult'ltun th^ tL lr,y to Lhtr il,u.l1 Lt,<lll.I;it Ie.
from L.iw dv,,k. The cru,vd 1,!Ii u,k.. tit•citle(1 ,. I."; va1rd ti:d uo: 1t12:'cil 1tt LIte Brit; •IL
1 eta tail tuft tilt, nll.ltla, 'trhicil 1 1 1). ;,, w- I,,1L
A vulivy' U+.`` k:,Ual.::i i, lll8tled 1(l;L'V;,,:i till'" (101 thl:;, afterI non, i , ai 11.1a lull i;t'UIl at ' t1."
the Zu k. l,le Iacl2 ie!i is:lt:1. ',t :tt. a,i atLtr a :.rice Stop ,t 1
ikul-Ill,-, Lily aLta"k U.1.. U. L110 ult•,1 r' itll-lulloll ".,s LtVI. it.'i. :iww.vy.` 1 ' 111 ti. '.:;j, a4l'uw(` t;l L t ,t ,t'..:i. l
wail i oil •Lliu (:ill`,'. "a.3➢ 11:.a Ci, .�11U 11:CI1 Cl-l:;:i.J ctl ell tile �.tt'1" iL: 1,. 4.:i: X1:t;:' ELIW, t'i :1' !
.Bila-iu"u, was kilu,k:All in LU 4i:ji.:I1C1- 1 ",:'.I Ali•::;lldY .; I kVrlwil nib Ab:Ji1Lto 1„ '\ ,t (•.:.11 't. -i ':, 1 � , , c.a.;
:, w11,c: t ill:. 3'.I ; flea."" +),1 i
kliiL;r IJ tilt: urU;i',i. air+ f-h:.➢(t; tu'u this urt(•rt1uwl.. wvilel] .. ";
"Rlie Lillie Cliauij,lu"i, writh, 1.',O nl ll ti,i v Swot•(, foire I t,) (tI it. Tlte'•piI'ii:- iC 1'' 0 Ull, 4;,'lil, :1'+ la. (i 1, U:
f . , ' ) °•L '1'",:t'+ i e1^� ii: .t . th(: R.!,,a:� U. ],..;.;1. ,vt.A, 1' Ile:}.:'., \� ]Li:iLl i
tULI ,L.1wt:i'I1CU1, Lt 1 y.l.ld,' .. ! L , � tlttLed rill:ty Uf l.l,Iltl t(1• ."top ,
arrive,! ill purl t:,l., t-N,iii'1'•. 1 ! %Vvi"k IA;S' ar},�uwLe'. IDt1L t}IUAC wVilU t11U Ii: La,.11tii; t.1 L;14 (tile ,t,'i.,+ 1,.1aov.
large, crow ii ui (9Lx•lkS:J-» Jt ;1%L't t. lit•iil oUL 51'2 ' ^:(•'' I 1a.•,': ,t c "' .,. .
b i tl .. _1 :,;,1 LIPS the; e.: Inc [
bUtlt tilt w']2 ",'f, t1+14 ,;IU „L:..Ut1-L1'.L- (i.)lva the wal;gw•.tt's a]1(I wCre c• 1 :la X"II1„^ i',:vmnl � . LL.. ",1 i
ar- I S ]
LIOW was made. flat away froul the slllps. I I11nlIL(,,a I)_a A lul r slit. t ,, cuul•L
There are nt,wv .seven ,:tealushll.s is d0i' 11.1 of the btr!_-er were ratll- ; of S,IIi Dalli11.. , ILS ,..1 ; :y was
port -tile Carrigaat iluad, .11v::un4,li;t, el badly liljart it by buing ciubl)ed : '`Y,tttlte,l Iia, a b itttillti:l vi L:;O 1'ala-
Sloilterey, *aLdia, Preiuolia, f'a' Lit. - )-`,Ytht I)= LOU tifitr a3tortlx)un, and L,no Unar,ls 111 illi uI]ifu:'l:l. TatLov
lain, o4 Ottawa, anti L icurna, and I , hail to be taken to tale husllit:ll for; \ras g:v:.0 S'n tl.l url.i l 1 ,4=,: ti.c;•u
number of b,6, oevan line'r's aro ex � rcii,.ars. I wwat,s aro Inu:-:c, as then: ur,. 1:u .I•apal
pected to arrive w'ltilln the nest f.3ww ? , r baticl5.
,hours. An attampt w,ll bo ],lady tv I .laautw Also. 1 Upon arriving before tl)+l Is Nate,
unload the ve, by Iioa-union mea {E{ -S011ie of thi. aLt tkCIU to -eight set 1 .n.parLminL of thU 3'Oib1 Li, N'tible,
Lander the llrotteLIUn UI tilu tt'Uup3, t filu-to a portion of tike cargo of (1a:int rcndelydd I ;li:llty i,Ullul'a to
but as the strikers are ill an ugly' tlrti Ltylantl i -neer ,11,.s„nttriu, \vhi;il tI]e Iilltlsil Sa\er{'i;;n,
mood sur,ous trouble is f(:an,d. Iu the ! is lyJ);g near Lho big C. 1'. It. eleva- AL the collet K'
e u un of tl ,; u•+rc atony
p'resoll.t temper Of the ellen it wwUulLi ' tor. 11 portion of the cargo had been theciour of the 1'UI.e's ap.trLnle:rt woos
take very little to Precipitate a ser- 111:1oud :d and woos lying un the wlia..f lminoulately oi:eacd, an(I the a)"t.d
is riot. ursd )r c vcdarkness, >
lets ot. 1 0 1 oY t 1't o i'
lt- lit f1 ab 'c • •• ,
wvllun w t ,\ E,..i�d ;-tuudiu!+• at i ,
ac L � ;
I ,11
Or the strikers tiu'c�'
- ; era set s},a1d. r
d,low• Grew Etre to t His Crowd Q, (v ,Noisy. he Il h,l l r� • ,
I a .1 was r .'•
3 w n .wt(.lt t..l
The scenes on the wharves to -day ; pilo, which was soon In a blaze. Had awaiting his guest.. Ills it..I: o,. wwft:
• were of a turbulent do,acril:tiou, i it no', , eon fox- thl; ll,rowpt ;Lefton dre,sseal in, robes Of IVIIILt, at,•.i also
These are five steam h1 )s in the tar- i he Aloxaudria% crew, a serious wvore a red velvet Calle hurl.+ar:)d with
1 i lift i �•
might or
l have l 131
la r n e
resulted, I is fel t: w
:a as the 1 c Was the - t t hS u•+ ' r
� _lu vl'
bar It i un o d "t
waiting o e i c the c., 1
w b a d II c.
Liner Carrigan, the Leyland ' wInd was blolving, in the direction of Ivory, but lie mover! without. as•1:41-
Liner Alexandria, the Tuoinpsun ! the C. P. 1:. elevator. The flames 1133,011 and wltl) nn a} pltt'1.r1L ulffi::ully,
were aickl ca t i ' Tile Iiin, al lei tile q y x l lguralteci b the � g i Ile. lldeltl •1[ thea C'ht11S;7
Liner i'rcanoua, the C. 11. laol.. mel] Ol the Ale:;anclela. Several of c111,sp(I'd 11WHIS alld esdllall etl a few
Liner Sadlcia, and the C. 1. R. b ,
Liner Monterey.•1'lekets of union men tho st'9kers we:e arrested by the word ; In Fr(:nch. X.1139 Edwardpa 3-
wea'e out watching each of these pollee. Ori vvithln the Papal apart3)lent, the
vessels from early morning. There The Victoria Vifles, the 65th Regi- door wa,s clOsc*ti, and Lilt, Dope and
appeared to be no haste about be- mint• and the llu�sara, are station- the were left alone.
ginning work on board, but between od on the wharves, They will .too Klub" I-'.divard remahled with the
eight and nine, a few, policemen hav_ guard duty all nlght, and will pro. Pontiff for 20 minutes. A bill was
Ing been .stationed on each wharf, tett the men who -will be put to then rung, and Bing I':dwar(:s tiuitc
op'e,raa,tions began in every ship. There work to -morrow to unload the ships. was admitted and prowlited to the
were Probably two hundred or two Each man is provided with fifty Dope. Thiz little ceremony seemed to
hundred and fifty men at work alto- lounds of ammunition and strike Illease the Pontiff immr:na(ly, At its .
gather on all the ,ships. Towards ten eartridges. ',C11e troops are accum- conclusion Bing Edward took his
o'clock the wharf and revetment wall p'a'llied by an ambl•laricet corps. Icave, the Pope crusslag the room at
In the vicinity of the Alexandria be- Everything wa,s comparatively I his side and saying his lata words
gem to attract attention as the main quiet on the wharvOs to-ni};llt> but at the door. .
rDs trouble is tearto-mororv, „rima thE''rii.xe1;
'gather there by the hundreds. For a woken the attempt to unload Lite vee- Frem the Va'Lican King Edward
time the a eraLtio¢r;s of the men du-• sets velli be renewdd. passed through the
p g piazza of St. and
Pe -
gaged 1n unloading the cargo wore Montreal desp.,Lteh: One rather ter, where ire was warmly greeted
wawtched, in ailence. Then as the stubborn atteml:L by striking 'long- in English by a number of 13'cotch
crow,:! grew In proportions it began sboremen In the early morning to pilgrima now In Rome, who shouted;
g1'taduftlty to get noiay, and tney bleak through the militia guarding hurrah ,for the King!" Had Icing
made thingog lively by jr:ering the the approach to the wharves in front Edwvard looked up at that moment he
mein at work. Police "Aablildlvd and of the Bonsecours market, and a few 'would have !seen a ,figure in a win -
maintained a line outside of the feeble efforts f(triher along the re- dow of the second story of the pal
wharf, Beyond which they allowed no velment wall during the day, were acs ; it was Pope Leo. Contrasted
ome without business to pass. Tito all that materialized of the threats with the British Sovereign, who .
main part of the police force on'duty that freely circulated last night. The stood below In the sunlight and the
was concentrated at this point, and appearance of,armed men in uniform centre of the animation of the lm-
they, ,were able to keep sufficlent seemed to have a, decidedly sobering mense piazza, the solitary, white fig-
opace vacant to enable the work to effect upon the groups of ship la.bor'- ure in the palace window seemed to
prroceed. The men at work were era athered at almost every street further the idea of tbe,Pope as a Pill-
,parivaps .not extra expert, but they corner ,acing the. waterfront. saner.
Jeering t
began t
o aI+1 Instead of
ton ver well until stopped. � g g y, and for a time a returning 'L
g y. pl g D the Sri -
Started lbr Glasgow Boat. some of the guards had to dodge tish Embassy; the Ding drove to the.
= hurling missllo:4. Then a mob eon- Quirinal,
,About ba.lf-past `ten quite a crows:"( gregated in front of Jacques 'Cartier Same artictlia,rs of '
of strikers hn,d gathered. Eventually square an+1 gradually q P 'tire Int(:ervlew. I
one shouted, "Lot us Issue them and g 1 y snow ed towards between the King Hind the Pope have
Ono of the widest openings in the become known. the lope greeted the
go to the Glasgow boat 1"' Several wail. The order to dIFDarse was given, Ding, saying in Vrendb;
took up. the cry, "To the ,Glasgow but they crowded closer .and' ad- `"I a m' ha to sed our Ala estp,"
boat 1 to the Glasgowv boat!" and a vanced. The Royal Scots, 'who wore Ding ErTwl re lied; "I a
considerable off
bo�ing. of tido crowd On gttArd, forced them 'back, but Choy py, 'to be here, aund to . m heap-
tita2tod off shouting. As the party add m'y' eon- a
pressed forward again as the soldiers gratulations to those or others up=
Moved off others joined them as retreated. A second charge was on, your having outlived the da s f
they passed, and the crowd soon made, a second fall ,back resulted, of tit. Deter."'
attained large dimensions. It looked but the mob recover• ed ground the •...-, = =-_. I
as though the tiring litUT "become In- n,onient the ecots withdrow. Tben The Montreal carpenters' strike,
• i'nctious, Jlnd as It the whole crowd the cavalry and a squad of mounted which Involved over two thousand
was going to swoop Clown, upon the police were called out.. ,T11•oy rode men., Lias !seen settled. The announce-
Saliefa, on which vesLaol the work of Into the JoPrimx crawd art' Fratf-r-1 n
met was made last night.. The
Unloading, Wa.s proceeding +quietly them ' In all directions, This ended i bosses have agrced 'to the demands f
AAd stoadl,ly, .As there were only the only serious clash or the tray. of_the. men •for '221•-2 cents an 'hour,
Whole Families Burled Beneath a Hundred Feet of Bock—hocks Sttil
Falling --Government Experts Do Not Believe it Was act Earthquake
—Clouse Overturned Three Times and the Occupants Escaped Unhurt
—A Little Child's fllraculous Escape --Lest of Dead and Injured—
Act Official Report of the Catastrophe,
front of Turtle Mountain, and
spread out fan -shaped, fro that at
extreme end or slide it was aearlyl
two, miles wide.
"No trace of river for one mile,
but water now going 'through nock
al, Sast as coming down.
"Place very orderly this morning.
Men that were drunk and, disorder-
ly' !yesterday morning gone to Blair -
more, Searing further. slide.
""Not probable there will be fur.
thea• slide or any consequence.
"Twelve police and two, officers
here; plenty to maintald' peace and
order and for (necessary purposes.
""No earthquake Or volcano, All
working in mine except two es-
caped." .
Bel» lllsheO Everything,
In its sweep the great slide, if slide'
It was, or upheaval, if that be the,
more proper characterisation, demola
!shed and carried away the entire'
operating plant of. the coal coln-
pany ; the tipple, boiler and engine
house, electric llgllt plant, railway
soales, shops and a row, of coke'
ovens destroyed, seven houses ow.n
ed by the coal company, burying six
of 'them, with most of their occu-
pants, ,and likewise burying ten'
The Dead. quake which shook the mountain and other habitations situated in ,the
started the slide. valley of the town, together. wfth
Alex. Leitch, merchlant, wife and Experts li.idicuic Earthquake _Theory every soul within them..
four boys, John, Wilffled, Allen and The Government experts declare to Bodies Buried 1+1orever.
Athol, the boys ranging from four the contrary, and ridicu4e the idea of TI)e family -of the twlo Grahams,
to fourteen years, an earthquake; but: it is hard to eon- whose homes were separated by till
C. Ackroyd, miner, wife and two vince the people of r,ran$ that such mile,• and the employees of .Poupore
childrenl. , wa,s not the ease. Hbwever, the && McVeigh, whose cabin wan tit .mile,
problem is an intricate one, which further east, were buried fully a
A. Clark, laborer, wife and five can certainly Ivait fora finding. hn'rdred feet deep, and none of'the
children, ,Chiarles, Albert, Alfred, The list of dead and injured is not bodies Ban ever be recovel'ed. Infaet,
Ellen and Gertrude. In age the complete a,s yet, as some of the fami- it Is doubtful if many of the bottles
children wore from five to fifteen. lies lost had visitors staying with of the dead are ever recovered.
J. Sirota, drive'ri: thein, but is given ''as eig}sty-(three A� citizens' meeting map held early.
killed, including two unknown Welsh,- yesterday, and steps were taken to
Andrew Gresack, trapper. men) and about ten unknown Flnus. search the ruins for bodies, but only,
G. E,. Williams, rife and three Nine were Injured, including J. Rar- seven bodies bad been found up to
children• rington, fractured thigh; Mrs. Wat- last evening. Most of the bodies
William Warrington, wife and six bins, Fred. Watkins; loan McKenzie, recovered were mangled so badly
children,, internal injuries; Siam Innis and fam- that identification was impossible.
John Vandusen, carpenter, wile lly' bruises. -- -
and two children. Limestone May Have Burst. ':I C%_-0C-..V*C% 'O.i
D. lfitcheli, 'wife and four child- There are many theories as to the
cause of lite slide. Some declare that j(lTjl BRIEF
ten, there was an eruption and that it t��ff''�� BRIEF
Charles Lice. I shook the mountain sufficiently to p�
Two unknown Welshmen. Start the rocks; others declare that �1110W jd/X6a+�.i�V+
'len uniCllown Finns; overwhelmed the; quality, of the rock being almost
in their lrouse. , pure lime, the great heat of the CANADIAN
B. sumis. last week caused the snow to melt,
1'. Sumts. and that'tle water.worked its way Wr. Mathlas.Stricker died at Wat-
B.. leskhd. down into the lime, and slacked it, orioo, aged 194 years. .
F, Farrington.. 'thus causing the start. Again,. hive inches Of snow fell at Fort'
1). Foster, there are some who hold to the gas William on Wednesday night.
A. Dawesr theory stories of the slide. C. C. McDonald, a wealthy rancher,
,,01omas Lock and ' In the house of Sam Innes were Of Russell, Man., was drowned in the
dl,r Alartingan, ail. miners, and quietly sleelying Innes, b'is wife ,and attempt to swim the Assintboine
single, three children. The house was over- River.
James Graham, rancher, wife and turned three times, and yet the oo- At Ellco, near 1Tornle, B. C. an ex -
grown suns, Jowl and Joseph. cupaaltn were practically, uninjured. ,
Alex,' Urallam, laborer, ant! avi.e. Tills was the ally house caught in ploslon of dynamite took place on
Robert Watt, laborer, the slid in wrhieh the oceupallLs the Great Northern Railway line.
T. R�oollette, laborer. survived. The stables of the Canada.- q'wO laborers were killed. ,
Tilomas Delap, engineer. Ar:lerican Coal & Coke Company held Rov. J. D: Poilertson, 'Al. 1sE, Di, So.,
A. '1LLscagian, .1veigh'mall. fifty hurrses. Of 11hi.s immense build- of North Lerwick, Scotland, has,been'
Joseph Bregutoll, Ing not a vestige remains. It It, cov- 'LI)1)ointed professor of apologeti s,
J.; J. Scott, ered by fifty feet of rock. A tiny ter- h:,miletics and practical training in
frank w ouuhan, rier pup 'teas the Only creature Knox College, alai will probably enter
Juhn _MoVolgih, ,_I:•,l saved. on Ilia duties at the opening of the
J. LOuilard, 1111 Ltinl'loyees of l'u•u- babies' Marvellous Biivape. se:sloli in October.
pule d, ALu1 e!ell, r„111•u,td eollLrut:- In tilt. home of one of the Finn min- The aggro ate of C. P. R, land sales
Curs. era a baby came sonnei three month(, (luring Anlil, 1110.1„ was ',~07,:3-.3.12
. -.-- , ago. 'the slide destroyed the house 'lures, for ,;1 51,1 ,'2.,'33. rlt:e figures
an'd tivu lives ar se\'en ndcu ants. for Al .ril, 11.)02, war(! 1351,1.27,14litres
1:'tLilllty ks)jtlr.�<!• ., wee , is r will}.,. �t
T None were found save the w ee babe, ti ., 0; t.(;,.. TIlr :Shell, 13020
Airs. Ji):iil \t atl.i:l't L(`:'i It i ' (1.11 C:1J` w'110 w4ati llit4etyyd'L'tNi ill a eI•GJ1e(1 (>11e price w',1:1 })lt' a+'.', . `•}.'hitt .ICar
u.l atld IIAL•t,,,t:1: ,LJ ;l:. tl. 1 1] 1'+ ht' (L"i el,.+, lL (Y pall til !
1u d eu y;[,riles fu()hu wllvnr die lionsn ,� is 1 t April was
IXQ4LVI' .IU1{.t.i0.1, :.44,•.1 1-i, 1"Lor- !A00a, Il:«1 ad but al'ivo, ull" A, and 7 .LF'' t
!l:li l,ljilt'lus. y Cryllig vvl,ll exlit' uro. .1,1:':t. Luitell I 9jr!��r`Iii r. s T, s`+EIr*
"'.'«"- all t.l 11114 I: it,t wr4'1'tl kilit, III ii (•d. :111(1 1 BYt,;T! •a,� AND p Y.11'a t...: Itji:'y.
:t t;lat•.l.➢., 1-.•11 a ,iia.xc (1lvii blthy of noven lm)mths, which ! Pre�si•lell't 1,+ml,(rt 1 rr'V,4l at Mal+-
I•.,,i,la, i,. .iii. .., .]. .L:;.L, 1 o1,L::, I:t,a* lie l:wV-t`(.•:i its In'Ll'a):ltr„ 1w'aer unhurt.' 3a(.ili0,: fL't,lll Wil'.. vi. 1.
i t I ria.
,, t . L .1, I ,...., t•1 LG_..:.1I Some u, illi' ;:;(•ad. I T :c (t. ,;w 1', ci' . l.a�: pro-
,... t,,,,.. ,:1, „L.. 4), 1,l.,tl.: ,Ia t roll r.d. �1,.., cl 43JU,,. vtkl Islaee in
" .L' kr, i ,ld h w•ikl, liln) w t -re
:J L- n.,(,,,:.,1,., ...i Lal }:1,.(. i 1,� ,I. �tv tl11.11 C.
. .C. ,:. .., 1. , .. .. :a l+➢lt. a U, Yv;'k, w, .'1'(1
.. _ - 't ) -11 - i4 .i, t : t.. : i,.. E ,:i„l.�a .;: lLw to ,1 , It is 1L t +tel that tt10 town or
ilk" ,;. , ,,(,.I. ..,., lu:, I C...131.. .'lii:1 I-,•:111:: is tb. 1::ii of I'Wt Aio.lnt Jcvly L, 1.., Iiit.lF 1)S -en eektroy-
. _,�; i t : ,.:ti ..;,.,.. 1 , , " I wt ,1,,11,1. I.,t- ',t r .1 1, _`�) J, wt,;U DLI by fire. ,
• ,\,• t.., le !,,..I' ., ,'., .:,t 1 d_,1t.t.,i j I i.i :,,.., 1-..,1•<I}• 1,13,12•,.+1, iti ,L :;till Ul C„r •:•ui ,,l San?'.hall I' 1Ta t'r0'OT h^;11412
-1. .. .,, U: 11;2 ,,i,4....', ..;.4L ,u %t .SC -k: 't41. 'i r' t .-1
..1 L r , :,: 1.'r 1,., ,i.. .. .:1, as ,. ` ' ” • .l . t 1 i ll �.5 a:hru- rills it lw 'Uh )L,., It 111'1L Ili..•will lint be
431. 1.:2 '1-A i. ,. it ,.k ell,. 1Ut,.- 1hte,', .i it t•xt i�IVtt 1._. ,Ilett 11. i' it l.l" tU d Jilt t1, .,�
Card- r .2JC aet.v') tllliy.
( LC - , J.'(.k w .:lt�ull, 101,1 Iv tit hitt, 1'1'iw:Lto, I'"•Lt?'Iti ric,::cda at Vif'nlla
i.,,(,a , ..,.t'1:..:.u. ,..,1..t�t, 1 \:i:C n.ual Shlt:i;l�ll m,rt /.lt':cilt 'rt _-•! �••
1 ill., ,,,.,y Ciw: L ::;:J(1 I'Et1nie wGig killed In
'131 - ,a ;3.11 Ll it 1.. 1: ..t-t-.Ij ti. 413.- ! I,L,.�) Y(,Ck:, wras Verw w0L hie:) ... 1 . I" +•
r,l ill tit (lett-�ra.l.t(. rlotr.; a l5 itihincv,.
Ll—,.,•.➢::, :,.1i wt 1., it.:,., .lui.(,'1 i'1•;Illk 12;1\1 •I
,.•Ul It t.t' L1'0- iv 11 .i.e U ( ' 11�, lfc(l41•tIlf,rU 74IiidP. , ]i) l,ca,:aa'aLblaL.
' `' - ,Pa\Cn b;'• :11. ,.wrr. Vnn6iiii4n) e.111 -
I ,y4 t,-Ltl.. u. ,l-Yi: ,l •1:,li",u,.. .iilallt'• fresn l erif .�_�
t11:., r,`,\ tttlt, acid . r
1,.. L.,.. k,1•,'at \'i Il, t.., `,t ;, ,.:2.11 d \\' ,tl::vil froth I1 il;l)r:.I ' MOAT H'OU E ." i S Y 1�E'�1C�.
• �.I:. t tl,•: Ci+. 'flet. I
Lal.vd! ., at:e loci.;. '1' v.., uJt1 wwa+! (,r.lh ill anti Ills wife, orl„i.lally Nowv
} lu: 'Ji, la, }n 1,11 rc:w 2t,tlr 11wc , i l;:cl,t.iwvlokk)'e8 ca1n,) flot3 of i;'ont:➢u 1•'owrSl in ti Lona;
li';,.'i` tal;;�A in..::.11itij ( ,� ' LU L1;Lil1i fr ul➢7 .'Y y
Jl.(1tm. ThAr Niall l tell
t? UT1 1L I•alid l'
1 `; '
till '7 n '
Ud,d,ll' .. ,
� U 1A1 l:��f•5.
1 .i wl (' O. til, LT.•e..t rat, f ,,,... ...., .,.._ _ .. ._
�•'•'"' ." •' . .."^, `•'" " i -• • ea -)It of frank, oil tri:'- L:lop of tllc
U,Wl, 1Lli,j Lww L) 1111, 4 ls,Iil Ilii ill uiLy hill eppOt,ltu to Turtiv :\ OUIl Lai)), aiitl
1.1 •tile:;. '1`un11r1•) LU ill:', 1:..'1„;ht Ui tie
1 h. s: roil i' *; Ill • (. •,
1 „ , 1 ,lit, 11 Llla33 twt d til d. ra
,: ''
More than a mllo f •()
1 lu un r.ri '
3 1 a
tori! Btlta1111i'L of the
U, ulaLes u. ri 4„U as t u L'a
1vuu11 thin\w It flout 1134 dr:ia I:Irun
?leCll111t r1 1. Jan,
: Ciento tw urr<l stir, san4 were thn ileal
tomer~ (lmplu,I'od in
thui mars trrow aalothur u1 Lua s:11u4.:
60et f,.fLy flet li;,gtier; 3t,n11 you Lave;
Uri Frank ank mine.
iltorww•anis bfr. Graham liehl a re-
Lul lima Ui wli'LL tilt; 1,eealrlo to ill(.,tUUli:
position us boss' later
elle a h{)tnt`9tea)Cl i(J elle oast he
C.L.L,at ,yl this 13LtlL+ tow•'il luukw I`Lk(
"Wheal ivoin the sld,.) of telt! great TUr-'
,h:e tUw11 't,14 l ,Illr:it 1L l)iC'lllr()8(Ill(=
I hl,me beside
tIa coaltSls 1'oar;aq, in a continuous
ill('. river. 1'I(', }lira wife
an'd two sons Chore met (loath. 7'11la
611' liu�;u ruL'ltc•, wv,lich are fol
lower[ by a & .i.o; cloud of white dust.
part of Ili-) valiey !vas CC2v('t'Cd 1110re
hocks bt.ill 1•:i]1flig.
dhc,ply. . ;1frs;. .1 (irallatm Lilac] ;lira.
Alex. Graham were the flrst, )V011i?]I
ebW. I a1111 I.a:Jliing the works a new
nluke tlwie ho'me's in li'i,•nni:..john
roar breaks, lUUn�e. It its l.ka thualder,
I and Joe 'Grahslm, krona Of :TILmrt, Gra-
tile echo card air taking it my until
' halm, wvere young men in the prime of
thelte are, a lialr(ired peals like that
` life. They erlliated for' service !fl
or tort:`' 13Cavie,st thunder. There is n0
,South Africa i'� tl v - > .,
with the i3,.,(,Sn 1 ows.11
posbibla may of esthivatin,g too am-
I coumtabula.ry and returned at the
oust of roc,: t,hsL,L ha;s fallen. At no
close of the wars. ,Tames Grah.•Lm and
pisco oln Oui: journey were we Ions
than fifty feet from the ground, ,LLnd.1
family canoe from England. Thumas
BL -lap, who was killed while oil duty
oftclu we noticad close to one hundra:d
as engineer of the mine, was; very
feet. From Lha faul, of the moualLaius
to the farthermost by
well known, ]laving managood for
some time the
points reached
that Slide it is two, a,ud aL hiLlf miles,
Sanitarium Hotel at
the sulphur springs, near Frank,
\with tllo aaLrrowcot Pl urt two miles
DOlap was tin American. He leaves
wide. Tdte valley is filled with pure
a wife and o,no child. .Mrs. Watkins,
white limestoele rock, Scarred and
reported fatally injured, and her
rubbed where the parts tossed and
daughter, Aifreda, seriously injured
rollml. over ea,cib other, '1`1to rocks
came to crank from Yernle earliy'
ranged In ,size from an apple to a
In 1002.
niguster the size of an eight -roomed
Mr. Leitch, who wa.s'killed with his
Thu Slow 'Of the great torrent
wife and four children,.. was a broth-
of destructiou hlaS levelled hills, and
er of Mrs. James Munidie, wife of .Tas.
thrown aside tile river channel. Two
Mundie, lla%v Manager ,for J. W. Peck
soler One, -h0,11 miles of tale new, spur
& Co., Montreal, a,nd a former real -
built into the Yvench mine is buried.
dent of Winnipeg.
mileis of the main line of the
The eastern part of .the town and
Crow's' Nest Railway Is covered. The
thae valley east of Frank suffered
edge of the salde lla,s totally destroy-
most heavily;. The row of cottages
ed the livers of elighty-thxe'e people.
on Manit'obi avenue, the ,farthest
The 1+`irr;L Tremor.
avenue west, was demollLshled.
'.E;:he first report was about twenty
All Official ueport.
minutes past 4 in the morning, while
l0ttawa, despatch: Mr, William.
night men on duty, in the hotel
Pearce, Inspector of Government
\vette busy wicking and lnak-
Surveys, Ivha want to Frank yes -
ng ready the travellers for the west-
texdaa,y to act, for. the Government'
train, A! short; sharp report
end deolde nvitat relief measures
heard to the north or the town,
ooudl be ac•ranged, wires as follows
.almost at once a tremor of 'the
to the Deputy; Minister of tile In -
was noticeable. Immedi�
terlar l .
afterww1 rds tI•was•beard another
1'Frank; N. W. T., April SO. --Eighty-
eport from the mountain, and
thn'es killed, of wham about fifteen
ore the lads ml(1 reach the tiaOr
are women and tfifteen oh3ldren.
`'It Is thought there will be
inside of e wl p fall.
trouble from damming of the river.
majority of
ng. The majority of the people
with' whom 11)avo talked have do-
,"Rock slide about X011r. thousand
feet long, extending from the blgh-
emphatically that there were
est poln't of Turtle Mountain ; wes-
reports, and that the upheaval
terlyl end of slide all feet west of
place down �lelow the town
mouill of tunnel, extending aero
Irst, 'Ate theory is that report
the va,ireyl and UP the opposite bank
one wva,,s that of an eartl-
for one and one-quagter miles from
Loniion, May 4 -What, is known
as the "'Nion.t douse Ilystery,
which has baffled the � 3
of ce for
long time, retched a new filip to-
day by the diuctivery of the fully,
dressed body of the woman in 'moat
House Lit Saffron, Walden. Tills
body is supposedosed to be that
of Miss
G, I.olland, an aged and NI-calthy wo-
man, who ownud 7.10a,t Ilouse, Sh'e
lived there for ser(!raJ )nonthe in
1NJ? tiller 18J f wvitlr a twirl named
DOugUl, w1lo was t,ormlarly sup-
posed to be her husbtind, but who
was not married to her. Subse-
quently a Miss Dougal, suPr)osad to
be Daugal's daughter, took ui) her
residence at 'Moat lrouse. Some
time afterward Miss llollancl mys-
teriously distl.p}reared. Then Dou-
gal brought suit for divorce against
the woman supposcd to be his
daughter, but 'Thu was really Ills
wife. This led to suspicion concern••
Ing the fate of hiss holland, and
an active search for her was'Insti-
tuted by the police. Th'e grounds
surrounding Bloat .rouse, and the
Boat which' gave the place Its
name, were thoroughly searched,
laborers being employed to dig up
the grounds and to drain tille moat,
but no trace of the missing woman
was found until to -slay. Dougal
was recently arrested trying to
Cash a cheque signed by Miss Hol-
land. He is now, in jail.
Kin„ !Edward Starts a Craze and the
Women Take it Hep.
London, Delay 4. -The fashion el"
wearing moleskin was recently re:
vlved by the King, who bas been
wearing a moleskin walstopa,t.
Mole catchers all. over the country;
are straining all their onergies to
collect the skins, and th6usatnds are
realehing tie gr eat furriers everyday,
from all parts of the United Kingdom
and the continent. ' I t,,
Four thousand came In one con,A
slgnment to, a Bond street firma,
which says It cannotgot too many,
The women are also having• mold.
skin muffs, stoles, jackets and motor
Ing (garments and even gauntl;,e
gloves made Out of this skin. ,
Ono pair of the gloves eontalubl.
forty skins, the price of which In this
rough that had been tiled formertd,
was about n, tinny, but now ave.
agei eight dente a -place. The fasblalipl
Is expensive, its the skills arta vea,�q'
fragile, , i. , , , ( . I , I_ i i. l'.J.l