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The Herald, 1903-05-08, Page 1
941.2 qt.. The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. VOL. HI., NO. 441 ZURICH, ONT.; FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1903, COQ QO The Sovereig f I? � OF CANADA 0• HEAD OFFICE TORONTO 0 Q EXECUTIVE OFk"ICD MONTREAL 0,•'O.4••. 4oc�•e�•cac cyc.���^ •--� o r�e�-c���� •`/•vo U o••o•�•✓•ter ri va•o�•a•�•d o• ✓ v•r�•� q a..0 --BRA E'om s n RURCN COUNTY -- Exeter, Clinton, Crediton, Zurich A general banking business transacted at all branch offices. Farm- 40 0 o ers' sales notes collected. Collections made. Loans made to farmers on 0 Atheir own names. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 0 This Bank offers special inducements to anyone wanting to save- 4 0 0 0 money. One dollar deposited with The Sovereign Bank will give you an DOO aceonnt in our books. 40D 000. '�'urich Bralnoh Open Daily O0D caoP•p'�c--'�^-.�c�o�o••oc�o�cac'��'oc�-�ovn. 00 • �• �O.4.4•t�'•4 ©•4.O• �•Csr d•p•• �+ 40. 1 then erat JOR Is now fully Er ipped for 43,- 43.43°• +�•-•+.3.-4-3.-4-3.-43.-43, •+3, 43,--•E4• ;.3 f3. ¢3a "y3. +3.43. t•3,"43°'.3043' 434 4343: `i; Book Work. tICatalogue WorkT, .a. +3.43•-43••430-w3.-0 43.-43.- e3>.3.-43, 430+3.-+3•+3► All kinds of Work i, �£s 0+3. -.14-•01.-.E4-43-43. -14 •-•Ei•-.E++3> -• *f. 0 not pass your Horne" Paper When you want Printing. Our Prices are always the Lowest. DLERI 0� MOWERS RAK.E- S and BINDERS... 6's have taken THE LEAD during PAST SEASONS and this year you will find ]SETTER THAN EVER : . . We snake a specialty of all kinds of HAY HANDLING TOOLS and now is the time to get things ready for the coming harvest. Call and see my Stock on hand. J. F. I ickbei 1, - - Zurich. �I=AN�Ci, OF` 11D -OP -I SEE A choice variety of Field Seeds, including Mango], Carrot, Beet, Seed Corn, &c., &c. Our Seeds are the best money a buy International Stock Food. r�ea11 Good]a Stock Food that is Best Grades Of Family Bra Q71,1 0410118, &e. saancismasomaltzoluanmagsmasmolouralraw u' My Prices are Right. C. SCHRAG-, , - - ZURICH: Zeller Block. ) Successor toll. R. Johnston EigMatme.Witav”..,rgrzgrsamwommalogromemmisumill LOCAL- N,Ews mai For Bibby's Oreain Equilt:tilet call at Feed Store. Mr, and Mrs. Dennis return from Exeter on Monday. Dr. Smith and Mr. A. Erwin, o Bayfieldd, were visitors in town o Saturday. Messrs. Gornie and Norman Cook of Henson, called on friends here on Tuesday. Be' Euro and read Preeter'e and Steinbach's ads in this issue. They will interest you. Mr. John Maearthur, banker, of Hensall, made a spurt business visit to Zurich this week. Mr. Fred Hess & Son, aro having a cement walk put in their store room, both for cleanliness and as a place for washing carriages. Mr. Schwartzentruber, of the Bronson line, is erecting a • stone wall under his barn. Mr. M: Meidinger has the work iii hand. Mr. Win. Hess, of this village, has had a fine cement floor put down in his cellar. Mr. - M. Mei clinger had the contract ancl made a good job of it so we hear. Mr. Robert Stele$ was confined to the house all last week with the mumps, and as a result there were none of his class in attendance at school. The other classes rehearsed. as usual. Dr. Smith, of Bayfield, has con- sented to take Dr. Campbell's prae= tice, during the tatter's absence in the old country and will be in Dr. Campbell's office, Zurich, every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon. Mr. Jno. Knorr is to receive 15 dollars from the Accident • Instil once Company, of which Mr. Ire- land is agent, as a partial compen- sation for the time lost, on• acoonnt of the accident to his shoulder, recently. • Between fifteen and twenty stal- lions were entered for inspection,. at the recent show at Brucefield, all of whose owners received $3. The show of bulls was also good. Zurich was represented in , the equine port of the exhibition. A child of Mr. Win. -Denomy, near Zurich, had both legs broken, on Friday last. The father it seems was engaged in moving a log and the little fellow, in some way, got before it at a time when it got be- yond the father's control. The child was only 5 years of age. • ll L PER YEA. fl R, 3, HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated t, Animals. Veterinary medicines of alt kind always nn hand. r1 Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFIi;E-- In Wm. Bender's Old Stand, Alain St., Zurich, Ont. f n .A number of farmers are agitat- ing for a creamery here, and if such an industry were started here it would be a great benefit, not only to the farmers but to the village at large. A public meeting for the purpose of dificussing the project, should be called. E. A. Almond, the noted Eye Specialist, of Guelph, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on May 12th ; Dashwood, May 19th. If you are having- trouble with your eyea, call and see him. If it is glasses you need, you are sure of getting them fitted right. 41 Mr. Wm. Slack had two bones of his foot broken, recently, while engaged. in operating the portable saw milli which is getting out lum- ber for Fred Hess & Co., of this village. Mr. Slack is getting along as well as could be expected, but will be unable to do anything at this business for some time. Our correspondents will please notice that the law in reference to printers copy has been changed and instead of two cents being re- quired, as heretofore, at the post office, one cent will carry all such letters, provided they are left open and marked "printer's copy," and does not exceed two ounces in weight. Several important additions have been made to our business institu- tions since our last issue. The Sovereign Bank, Bachand & Co., Real Estate and Insurance Agents and Dr. G. Hamilton, Veternary Surgeon, all opened for business the past week. These new institu- tions have ads, 111 THE I3.EitA1.D and our subscribers should read and study them carefully. Warden Kerr, of the Brussels Post, has offered two medals for competition among the pupils of Huron County. Those obtaining the two highest marks at . the entrance examinations will be awarded these narks of • honor. One is of gold and the other of' silver. It takes a printer to be generous and it, is a pity some of us are not well enough off to fol- low the example of Mr. Warden, if not in this line, in some other. The regular meeting of the W. 0, T. U. was held at the home of Mrs. Steinbach, on Monday even- ing, May 4th. Mrs. Paulin, the County President, presiding. Af- ter fter the devotional exercises letters of appreciation from Mr, Holmes and Mr. McEwen, M. P., Were read by the Cor, Secretary. Tlie mem- bers all joined in singing 'God Be With 'y'ott Till We Meet Again," after which the meeting was clos- ed with prayer. • • SALE REGISTER: rllI1oRocic4FIBaEl) 1)L'RHA11 BULL 1 for sale, 13 months old. Eligible for•registr•ation. Good dark red color and pronounced a first class animal. Apply to , .Eoin am N, Dortar,As, 38—hod. Blake P. 0. FARAI FOR SALE. --50 acres, west half, Lot 20, Con. 10, Hay, one and a quarter miles North of the Village of Zurich, about• 40 acres cleared, bulu,noe good pasture hind. rood frame house and kitchen and frame barn 40 x 60 feet. This -farm will be sold cheap as the pro- ririebo intends g•. iug West. For particu- lars apply at the premise, or iuldress • dOLOUON JACOB; 38 fl Zurich P. 0. FARM FOR SALE.—Lot 22, N. B, Hay, 100 acre; half -a -mile East of J3lake, 88 acres cleared, balance good hard wood bush, 43 acres seeded to grass. Good water, (3 wells). Good stone house and a. large frame barn with stone stabling underneath. A frame pig -pen, driving and implement shed and other necessary out -buildings. This farm will be sold very reasonable, if disposed of within the next two Months. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich, or to RoBEatm N. Dornr,As, proprietor, 38-13 Blake, P. 0. AFIV gond building lots for sale at the North end of the Village. Any person desiring to build will find this a nice location for a residence. Apply to E. ZELLER, Zurich. Notice. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 11++ a By -Law was passed by the Council of tl a Township of Hay, on the Gth day of April, A. 1) , 1903, providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount of $1641.25, for the purpose of the "Schwalm Drain" scheme and that such by.law was registered in the registry office of Huron, at (toderirh, on the 1lth day of April, A. 1),, 1903. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof, must be made within three months from the date of regisctntaou, and cannot be made there' after. Dated the 18th day of April, 1903. FRED }TEss, SR., Clerk. Hay Council. Council. met pursuant to adjourn- ment, all members present. A circular of the Laura Soeord Monu- ment Committee, in which a grant was asked for, was laid before the Council, the communication was filed, • The Council passed a reso- lution endorsing the County Coun- cil's movements regarding the good roads scheme in the ,county. The treasurer was instructed to -change the accounts of the Township from the Molson's Bank, Hensall, to the Sovereign Bank, Zurich. The Clerk was requested to advertise for tenders, for the following works : 1, For "Schwalm Drain". 2. For cement abutments for Sauble budge. 3. For steel superstruc- ture for Bauble bridge. Tenders will be received up to 1 o'clock, p. m., 11Ionday the lst day of June. The following amounts were ordered to •be paid: — Patterson Ellis & Welihatii, cement pipe, in 1900, $28..12 ; Hy. Magel, working grader. $2.25 ; J. Deichert, lumber, $109,00; Fred Kehl, cement cul, con. 13, $6.00;- John Corbett, cul. and ditch con., 1898, x+7.00 ; Casp. Roehrig, cul., 0. R., `2.75; Isaac Wismer, wood for. Mrs. Ilse, $1.75; Grand Trunk, R. R. (Jo,, freight on cement. ;+31.50 ; L. N. Denoinie, cul. L. R., $1.00; J. 0. Kalbfieisch, bal. on spile 'driver, $25.00 ; Mrs. Aubin, charity, $6.00 ; Caspar Wal - per, hauling cement,. $3,00 ; John Holtzmann, hauling cement, $3.00 ; Hy. Rupp, work C. R. and hauling cement, $12.00; Dan. Koehler, hauling cement, $1'50. • Council will gleet again on Mor. - day, the 1st clay of June, at 10 o'clock, as a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll and for gener- al business. Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry .. We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work, TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. H. HOFFMAN Ready for pring Cr UR • New. Spring Stock is complete. We think We have good reasons for feeling proud of our new spring lines, such as Men and Bou' Ready-made I Mon and Boys' fine up-to-date SUITS DRESS SHIRTS, • Mens and Boys' HATS, of the very latest. American Styles l]I1wLIN`, ()i' all kinds, of the rlewe;tdesigns Many more, which space does not permit us to Mention. IVe invite you all to coxae itt and see our new. goods, whether you buy or not. You know you are always welcome to come and study the new styles at FAUST'S. Prices will be made easy, and produce taken in exchange for g( ods, at th ''A-CTST S. of Zurich and surrounding country, t would kindly call your attention to the OE the most modern Shoe made in Can= ada, and the best value for the money. CHAS. FRITZ • THE SHOEMAN ZURICH, ONTARIO Butter and i' ggs taken in exchange.. New and g6ewn:ort. . itewc4 r. We have in a nice stock of Ladies' vvhitewear of all descrip- tions. Night Gowns, ,;oct,itoi*l. JO Drawers, From 50cts to $$1.50. Underskirts From 50e. to $1.25 CORSET COVERS from. 20 to 50cts. VTe are also showing a large and up-to-date range of New wT ash. Goods Here is where you get all that is new. We • are always strictly up to the moment. Call and see for yourselves. Highest Prices paid for Produce. J. PREETER. ZURICH, Ont. 11 Agency for SS TRUNKS VALISES WHIPS FANCY RUGS OILCLOTHS HARNESS OILS Spaetzel's Pneumatic Collars Try them for your tender -shouldered horses FUkNIt U' E A FOIL LINE 41LWAV S TN STOOK TIIOTT C411,AI)1 PIANOS AND ORGANS A ' number of second-hand will be sold at BARGAIN PRICES NiiIRA x:.110 !!w• J�.