HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-04-24, Page 8THE ZUPdC
dle good goods
ices are low
arry a large stock
ghost price for produce
bliging salesmen
at n*
• 'fight
+1E+4 ••E4.1 +3►+3 - +3•-
have put in a stock of
Palmerston Cutters at
prices to suit the times.
Call and see thein.
Zurich Cartage
Our new Stock is now
finished. See us before
you buy. It will be to
your interest..
E. HESS & SON, Zarich, ()Mario
Planing,ancl Saw Mil!
—All kinds of woodwork and saw-
ing done to order. Estimates
given for all kinds of buildings.
A. full stock of B. C. Red Cedar
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al-
ways on hand..
Field Gates, Water -
Tanks fox Wind -mills
and Water Troughs.
Mills 14th Con., Lot 25.
J. C. Kalbfleisch
Zurich P. 0.
Revised every Thursday afternoon.
Wheat r . 68 to 70
Oats « r .. 28 80
Barley «...: ,,38 42
Peas . « 50 60
"lour « ........1 75 1 85
s3utter..., .. 14 15
Eggs . r . 10 11
Chickens lb ........ 4 5
Ducks ... , .. 6 6
Geese ...,mr..r,r..... 5 6
Potatoes , .. 55 65
r .. r r -. r« r r r r. r a 0 to 72
Oats r . , . r 30 32
Arley, , ; .. , r r . , 40 40
Peasr.r.♦ r 65 75
Vont. . «.,. r .., .. 2 00 0 10
firogs (live) per cwt.. 5,50 0.00
Furniture and
We have now
a large and up-
to-date Stock
of House Fur-
niture a n d
Furnishings which we
offer At a Low Price....
Our Stock is Large and up -to
date. In time of need, give us
a call.
P. Mcisaac
A very interesting meeting of
the W. C. T. U. was held at the
home of Mrs. S. Rinne, on Mon-
day evening, April 20th. This
meeting being led by the President,
was opened with song service.
Mrs, Fritz then read the lesson,
after which several of the members
led in prayer. The business was
then taken up, reports of the dif-
ferent committees being given.
In the Cor. Seo'y's report a letter
a as read from the Prov.. Supt. of
antinorcotics, requesting us to
write a letter of thanks to our
member of Parliament if he voted
in favor of the cigarette petition
and being pleased to see his native
with the 10:3 yeas, it was decided•
that the Cor. Sec'y unite a letter of
thanks on behalf of the Union.
The meeting closed with singing
the Temperance Doxology.
Dr, Blackail, of the Queen's Ho-
tel, is making extensivr alterations
to that house, mostly, however,
to the interior. New hardwood
floors have been ptlt down in the
bar -room and a rettLlic ceiling ad-
ded, which together with a coat of
paint, and a rich and highly colored
paper on the walls, has changed the
appearance of the place wonerfully
for the better.
Cheer up, we may have a January thaw
s000ner or later.
Some girls keep their hands white by al-
lowing their mothers to do the housework
for them.
That base -ball player, who turned
preacher, should be able to put in some
"hot ones."
People cannot arrest the flight of time,
though frequently asked to stop a minute,
or two.
All kinds of good logs wanted at
once, for which highest prices will
be paid.' Cash on delivery.
Thom Aft woes p 1oonai e,
'nice Great English 12emedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada, Only- reli
able medicine discovered. ,SIX
kages guaranlaed to eure all
forms o Sextia Weakness, all effects or abuse
orexeess, ?frontal Worry, Excessive use ofTo-
baeso, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on reeeipt
of prier), onoaokagtte Sr, six, $5. Ond 5nli please,
Az til care. Pamphlets free to an address.
Tho 'wad O'oanapaeay, W.luddor, Ont.
Ntood's Phosnhodine is sold in
Zurich by Dr,buclianan, Druggest.
Special to Tnis uii;itwlals,
School re -opened on Monday
with an increased aLtten.clance on
account of several younger ones
having started for the summer
Considerable. improvement has
been nude around aur school lately
by John Docker. The gates • have
been ropairt d and painted., the path
from the road 'to the school Ims
been grauleta the water spouts and
drains cleaned atncl fixed, and the
pooch -door fixed and the roof re -
shingled. All these improvements
certainly do not spoil the view as
one passes 'along the highway.. nor
(loos it give the children any more
A very sad and palnfnl accident happen-
ed to Nester Albert Hey on Saturday.
While his father was turning at the end of
the field, with the disc -harrow, Albert
attempted to get On in order that he Would
hays. a ride, something, of which, most
children are very fond, and in so doing
missed his footing in some way and got his
leg in between the two parts of the. disc.
The result of this of course was the break.
ing of the both bones in the leg a little
above the ankle. Medical aid was at once
summoned but owing to the Dr, being
away it was nob attended to for some five
hours. Had the discs been turned inward
instead of outward the lad's leg might have
been Cut off, as it is tho flesh as simply
bruised. He is doing pretty well,however,
we are very glad to say and we hope he
may soon be alright.
Seeding is pretty well advanced 'around
here. Several have already finished.
One of the highwaymen in passing along
the road the other evening took a severe
fit and was so overcome that he coohl not
keep his feet and lay prostrate on the side
of the road for some time. hortunat6
before aid had reached him he again re•
gained his strength and managed to travel
again. We have not as yet beard any i
serious results.
• Quite as number from' (mound here
attended some of the meetings held by the
Conference in Dashwood, They express
themselves as highly satisfied except with
regards the seating capacity,
Geo. I3roderink has had kind of hard
luck in. losing both a Calf and a colt
Johri'i)eehcr purchased a now National
- Jream Separator a few days ago. no is
well pleased with it.
Highest prices,paid for eggs in
exchange for Seeds, at Feed Store.
We learn that four new houses
are in contemplation, by residents
of the village, but as fax as we
know only ono party has yet broken
groundfor that purpose.
Notice is given in this issue of
the passing of a by-law, by the
Council it of the Township of Hay,i
for an issue of Debentures to the
amount of $1641,25', ni
l e the Sohwai
Drain Scheme; end that any mo-
tion to quash or set aside such by-
law, or any part thereof, must be
made within three months from the
t1ate of registration.
Mr. Diirnart left on his exploring
trip in New Ontario and the West,
on Tuesday last. He promised to
write to The Herald, giving his
views in reference to the different
parts of the country traversed, and
as he is looking for a suitable place
to make an investment himself, any
inforination vouchsafed can bo re-
lied upon as correct and true to the
Special to THE HERALD.
A. E. Erwin culled on John
Deichert, at Dr. Gunn's hospital,
Clinton, last Sunday.
K. Murray and F. 'Keegan, who
are fishing at Sarnia, were here
with a tug over Sunday. They left
on Monday. M. Ross, John Erwin
and L. McLeod, accompanying
Fred Elliott, of "The Albion",. is
now clerk of the weigh scales, R.
Rouatt having gone to the North-
west for a trip.
A grand phonograph concert 'is
to be held in the Town Hall here
on Saturday evening'. Admission,
10 cents.
Miss Annie 1Vhiddon has return-
ed to London, after spending the
Easter vacation here.
Rev. Mr. Millar, of Varna,
preached a missionary sermon here,
Sunday horning, in the Methodist
Alex. Brown and Harry Falconer
left this week to take positions on
the Government survey boat "Lord
(Too late for last week.) •
Jacob Taylor, of Clinton, was in
town on Monday, looking up insur-
ance business.
Mr. and Mr,. John Tough spent
the Easter vacation with friends at
Chas. Card, of Toronto, was
hoirie for Baster,
Harvey Spirting, of the Albion,
was at his home, Georgetown, for
the holidays,
W. G. Johnston, wife and family
0,114 Marcie Dewar left on Tuesday
for OxBow, N. W. T., where Mr,
Johnston took up land last summer
and where they purpose making
their new home. Robert Rouatt
accompanied them.
Mrs. T. Sturgeon and son of
Kincardine visited Mrs F. A,
Edwards during the Easter holi-
Mrs. H, Dreluuan, is visiting her
parents at Hollywood.
Miss Maggie Vanstone, of Ben -
miller and Wesley Vanstone, of
Regina, were the guests of their
sister, Mrs. T. King, last week.
" For two years 1 suffered ter-
ribly from dyspepsia, with great
depression, and was always feeling
poorly. 1 then tried Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla, and in one week I was a
new man."—John iV1CConald,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Don't forget that it's
"Ayer's" Sarsaparilla
that will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste,
your time and money by
trying some other kind.
Use the old, tested, tried,
and true Ayer's Sarsapa-
rills. Sl.oa a baffle. Ail druggietaa.
Ask your fleeter what be thinks of Ayer's
Saraapaarala. iia knows en about this grand
old family medicine. renew his advice and
we wi1I be satisfied,
Aran to., L.oweil, Mass.
Persons -who have used Dr.
Chase's Ointment have the best
right to judge • of its merits and
there is no -preparation on the mar-
ket to -day which is backed by succi
a mass of unsolicited testimony.
It cures eczema, salt rheum kind
piles so promptly and thoroughly
that people feel it a pleasure to
recommend it: to other sufferers.
See testimonials in the newspapers.
The death of Mr. Henry Bender,
of the Babylon line, took place at
his residence on Sunday, the 19th
inst.. being about 85 years of age.
Mr. Bender has been resident of
its Township for a good many
years and was one of, the early
settlers. The funeral took place
on Tuesday forenoon at the.Luther-
an cemetory,of which congregation
deceased had been a member. He
leaves au aged widow and one soli
to mourn his demise.
The Rev.. Samuel Rauch, the son
of a foriner pastor of the congrega-
tion here, officiated in the Evailgeli-
etd Church, on Sundry evening.—
His discourse is spoken of as earn-
est, eloquent and -practical: His
father, who accompanied him, also
addressed a few words to the con-
gregation, in his mother tongue,
near the close of the service. Most
of his old paislioners were pleased
to welcome both father and son.—
Tile hitter attended school here and
was, of course, well known to those
attending at that time. Mr, Philip
Hauch, of this village, is a brother
,and uncle of the ahove name gen-
St. Boniface parish has been tak-
en charge of by Rev. Aloisius, a
Franciscan Father. The line of
services will be as heretofore. By
request and upon the approval of
His Lordship, the Right Reverend
Bishop of ,London, a short sermon
in the German language will be de-
layed every Sunday and holy day of
obligation" the principal sermon,
however, will bo in the English
language. A first Communion and
Confirmation list has been arranged
on last Sunday, and instructions
will be given on Wednesdays and
Saturdays, at 2 o'clock, P. M. incl
on Sundays, at 11 o'olock, A. M.—
The Marriage ceremony between
Valentin Cocheni and Mariana
Hartman, will be performed May
5th, at J o'clock,' A. M.
iles Co se °la ent rehab Dr.
Chase's Ca to you is a certain
and absolute euro for each
and every form of itching,
bleeding and protruding piles,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Seo tes•
timonials in tTTo daily press and ask yonrnoigh-
bors what they think of it, You can use it and
get your money back if not cured. 60c a box, ab
all dealers or EDMAN6oN,BArisS & Co.,Torento,
Dr. Chase's Ointment
Clubbing rates.
p Wo have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with TEE TIyi1uALD
Daily Globe . $ 4.25
Mail && Empire 4:25
Weekly Globo , 1.60
Mail & Empire 1.75
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1,75
Daily Free Press 3.25
'Weekly Free Press 1.75
Daily Advertiser 2.25
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun 1.70
Farmer's Advocate 1.85
r chrtis
Mr. Wm. Davidson, St. Andrews,
Que., states ;--"Dr. Chase's Syrup o1
Linseed and Turpentine has cured me
of bronchitis. I have, without sec•
cess, tried many remedies for the past
six years, Last winter when T had a
severe attack and was unable to work
I procured a bottle of 1)r, Chase's
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, and
am happy to state that the third bot.
tie made me a well roan."
Mr. W. R., Alger, insurance agent,
Halifax, 1`t,S,, says :—'I used Dr.
Chase's Syrup of Linseedand Turpen-
tine for a 'severe attach of bronchitis.
1?erinit me to testify to its splendid
curative properties. I got better from
the time of taking the first dose. Hav,
ing a family of young children, my
doctors" bills have annually come to a
considerable•suln. 1 believe ai, bottle of
Dr. Chase's Syrup occasionally will slid
the in reducing thein very materially,"
25 Cents a bottle, all dealers,
Dr. Chase's Syrup)
of Linseed
and Turpentine.
For your • Hardware, Tinware,
and Glass • Ware,,
Sherwin=W lliaa .
and Hollywood
oily, Portland Cement and all kinds of
Building Materials
&' �► e
(granite, Silver
The Famous
Most durable Felice on the market
Don't be deceived with a Fence Machine—You will not be if you buy a LONDON
We have a large stock of Spring and Summer
Foot=wear, all sizes and styles, at prices that
will be to your advantage. We have also this
this season, elle
American I n Shoe
they are a fine cheap Summer Shoe
We solicit your partronage because we
know we can satisfy you and give you value
for your money.
P. BEatWER & Co.
Eggs taken in exchange for Goods..
for Wire Fences this Spring, The American
and The Ideal are the two best woven wire
fencing on the market.
is made of all No. 9 hard Coiled Spring Wires
with No. 9 Wire Stays. The strongest Fence in
the world. Call and see it and get prices. Also
a big stock of Coil Spring Wire at lowest prices.
Weaving Machines at $6.00, will weave No. 12 wire.
AR ESS F OIi1 $ / UP.
C. J1x1R 1 EIB C 'S
The Big Hardware and Harness House.
This Season
we have en-
d e a vored to
surpass all
previous sea-
sons in making our Mi .LIME Y
and do not hesitate in saying that
we have succeeded. elf ur stock of
Ready-to-wear and Trimmed Hats
are the very newest that can. be
• b. �lso our o trimmings, �,• ,, such as
Flowers, c.., arc complete.
Every Lady in town and surrounding country is invited
to inspect our stock.