HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-04-24, Page 6GIVEN LEVE TO REMARRY. T lixli ue l'etittotl A'r4asented to all Ala0 C Oak IkLmri.pr741{ydl)y1ii6'Ui'L'li4i11axD, ? ell "I Lave been practicing Ial'v; for nor the surface off linens, w1any ytnu's ibnd l ayo seen niatny not bit , the Dia _ .wlhent•vrithout y y to unique legal papers oil file?, bat tic moot unique 114ve Boer struck oats Timbers of oak keep the old h iuf Birmingham, Ala.. tho other day," oaad S. H. Jackson, of Atlanta, ho111eStP,aC1 standing through at all run down, the New ;Willard. "Mile paller was iso, thoroughly unique rind original the years. It pays to use the 3f and atight hide, I had the oleivk of the court nvak,: a right stuff. hat his blood is out copy for *b.,o. It wAs a petition filed 't was Cured of Loss of voice cep ati animal econo- In, 1891 by a viten 14 -king to be 5%.I- t tae in health. lowaal to 't Men of oak" are men ill good remarry, his I{rst wife h a.v- by MINARDIS LINIMENT. Yarmouth. CHAS. PLUMMF.R. Ing accuretl tb divorce. It reads: °' °icor rugged health men whose `�� ' the 73onorable lI. A Sharpe, Judge of the City Court of Birm'ing- bodies are made of the sound. h�am. ill Eclulty: Your potitionor,-- "� ����� materials. of Mobile, Ala., would dtfurentialIy est ess'itpwherethe best res-ulto represent that oil the loth day of feeding January, in the Childhood is the tinle_tU lay would be obtained.' year of grace 1£91, ZXR°'rl_NSre- nes up e ths your honor dilved the connubial system, rids the swties therefore the foundation for asturdycon- existing r between e a clz of bats, worms and other t p - — A Ir for the Octagon Bar. yrs unites that snck the life blood titioner and his vo,lsort, --, grant- stitution that will last for years. Ing her divorce a vinculo matrimonii ,Atlanta Constitution. A matin whet wants to Tise In the, Nothing like Dick's powder. for with the beatific privilege thereto Scott's Emulsion 1s the r1o11t ' annexed of marrying again, a priv- m r= down Norge. liege which it Boas without saying g stuff. 60 cents a package. she :i.vailled herself of with alacrity: One, pint of Happiness beats 'ten• bushels of motley, but some people ntieng,; Miles & Co., Agents, of spirit and a fastidious levity dis- - Scotts Emulsion stimulates tIOMEAi.. daining; pursuit. But oil this vital Poittoo r honor pe- tendsrity the growing powers of children, titioner hl Y ur -- lance. helps thein build' a firm � bo City Church. `• `His days rapidly verging on tLe '.. foundation for a sturdyconst!- 4R'tit onl;lr In the. hush of mountain sear and yellow leaf, the fruit and pots tons when it rains, but some folks can't stand blot or rainy, wea- l:ando, flowero of love all going, the worm, And on the storms which shroud the I the canker and the grief In sight, tUtion. boundless deep, with no' one , to Jove and none to Does nlature's Cod. His awful v1gI1 carerss him, your petitioner feels Send for free sample. keep, an indweribable yearning, longing SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Here, in this church, though raised and heaving to plunge his adven- Toronto, Ontarlo. ` by human handy turous prow once micro into the un- all this to come• to pass, and as it + the skirt was draped with beauti- takes but a mom•cnt to Change one's ful olds ince. A tulle lace veil orae f 'Though in the txvaffic crowded street i veered wn,ters of ilia sea of connu- goo, and S51,00 / all druggists.druggists.it stands, blality, �_ Complicated Process. God's throne is set; aiid, ,while men "' For comforting as the velvety work or steep, touch of an angel's palm on the ness judgment to operate on the : He wakes, and listens to the hearts , fever -racked brow and soothing as Youth's Companion. that weep, tbe, strains of an aeolIan harp when Boston people who ba,ve -seen a 'And in Hies tove makes straight life's I swept by the fingers of the night bang line of hua•rying people held up tangledsttmnds, wind and dear a,s the ruddy drops lNervy generations Lome and pass; wl.ich! vkdt those and hearts of ours � on the sit cps leading down to the sway, i ant' as sweet as sacramental wine to subway station while some woman I They pour their anguish into God's i dying lips, it is when life's fitful J kind ear, i fever is ebbing to its close to pil- I extracted a nickel from 'a purse in a pocket7zook in her underskirt, will They .gaze up mutely towards His ; local one's aching head on some fond I „ unewtn face; i wifely bosom, and breathe his life f appreciate the humor of what a 1 And, eompge-:: e1 with His mercies day t gently there. writer in the Brooklyn &%gle le saw. day,`"TAo petition w.as granted.,- I They strand unebaken, while this AYashington Star. I saw a woman in a street car open a slatchlel and take out a purse, earthly sphere !Rolla through the dark infinity of Beware of Ointments for Catarrh closer the satchel and open the purse, take out a dime a+nd close the purse, space i _ that Contains Mercury open the satchel and put in the purse, close the satchel and lock Both ends. las mercury will surely destroy the sense of Help for th© heathen' smell sad completely derange the whole sys- Then she gave the d1me to the con - d'wetor and took a nickel in exchange. El Dorado. San., Republican. + tem when euterin,u; It through the mucous I Then she opened the satehel and A woman who has been working in ' surfaces. Such articles should never be used _ except on prescriptions fromreputablephyal- l the heathen business for tools out the purse, closed the sat- diel and opened the purse, in a, good eians, is te damage they will do is ten told put Lti many y-emrs says it takes $16.75 to to the ood you can possibly derive from I ! et 1 to the heathen. kit an ac- them. _Hall's Catarrh Oure, manufactured by F. J, Cheney S, Co., Toledo, niickel and closed the utrso purse, Open- ed the sawliei alnd put in the purse, O. contains I taunt Of people who 'take toll for ' no mercury, and is taken internally, acting r closed the satchel and locked both handling the contributions. She directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces 1: ends. Then she felt to see if her 'back : further remarks that if once -wIll pat , of the system. het buyingall's fs taken hair was ll right,and Just as s�fil "That I :t $1 tato a btrttlo, Cork it tip tight internally and made in 'Toledo, Ohio, by F. was and thmow it into the river it will J. Cheney S Co. Testimontnis free. ! stand just as good a chance of ar- i Soldby druggists. Price 75e per bottle. 1 Halls I'amity 111118 are the best. Knew kiss Business. C riving in hestilen lands as it would • , by giving to some collector of heath- en mons C y. One on liter. Stella -Wheat is a sealed proposal? p- p sal. -� A well-known barrla`ter relates the ar re Bella -Jack sealed his with a kiss. 1r'� If you aro following story with groat gusto: t AN OPPORTUNITY Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, FOR '.00king - for Some time ago he had under cross- etc. HOrIESEiEKERS a Mame anu , examination a youth from the coun- . want to viz;it ^-� I try, who rejoiced in the name of t e W e s t ! Sampson, What Hl Should Have Mone. and whoso replies wero you cast do so with very little ex- provocative of much laughter in { Baltimore Herald. 1=0 as the UNION PACIFIC will court. "And so," questioned the bas- salt One-way Colonist Tickets EV EF„F) rister, "you wish the to Beryl11table manners. Why, X hear that Jim eats the pie that court be- ±DAY until June 15th at the follow- i have that you are ,peacefully disposed ring rates from Missouri Fiver ter- i big wife hakes with a knife. 61h,71—If yon! lea.w the and an i1loIfcnaive person Y' "Yes " mimsls • pies you'd ima {ne he'd have to t th Ayou no desire to nd that bg ea em with a. MW, W, a chisel and a stane'crushen. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los An- . fellow In thc% steps of ;tour illustrious geleas and many other California ; name,;ake and smit4t the Philistines T, points. i "No, I WN riot," :answered tho witness. ® To prove to, you ,thab Dr. $20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake' City, ".And if Ihad tilt'. desire I ain't of i Chase's Ointment b a certain Butte, 'Anaconda and Helena. )the parser at present." "Then qou and absolute cure for each $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee. � think Tou ' 'would be able to cope im bleedevery ng ndp ttruding piles, $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seat- Successfully with a thousand enemies the manufacturers have guarauteedit. Seetes- Etie, said many other Oregon and l and utterly rout them with the jaws timonialslnthe daily press and ask your neigh- Washington points. bona of an ass?" 'Weil" answered borswhattheythinkol% You can use it and lFrom Chicago and St. Louis pro- this ruffled Sampson, "I 'might have altdeoauiaisoren�e sohsarEs8,C,.,7.00ntat, portIonztely low rates are in effect i a try whon you are done with the b y lines connecst{ng with the 1711110Dt weapon 1" Drs Lhasas s Ointment t paCifle. iThe UNloN PACIFIC has also ex- Kinatrd's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Freshness Taken clown. A NEW WEDDING CUSTOM. i Futures of Wheat. ton the road to 'Epsom, a mous- tached youth on the tqp of a drag, Su nlighl Saab will not lllr Ulaborsite, Attelt to llav{ Viu, %l ith i buiun th� nap' Off Woolens a Bridal Couple a17 al lrtttrst. r nor the surface off linens, A passenger, an a trails out of Naiv not bit , the Dia _ .wlhent•vrithout y y to York the other night 0))ierced the �s cnr+ed of a dad case o[ Grip p MINARD'S LINIMENT. most elaborate attempt to have fall stop -lass near purchase price. It his master and family, with: "Hal. Sydney, C. B. .. G. I. LAGIIE, with a young married coiiplo 'thea l UNLIGHT loa 1 you, sir i Where's your shirt- 't was Cured of Loss of voice Montmia and Idaho; To many points in Oregon and Wasb- her evor e'ncoun tered. ; sli by MINARDIS LINIMENT. Yarmouth. CHAS. PLUMMF.R. ington. One Tare plus $2.00 for the round After the train left Trenton the growled forth, wltbout lifting his eyes from his horses : '"Ow the -dooee man passed through the car and laid, trip• Ili. •I3TS.1'CFS on every seat a printed handbill. Itso" Burin. NIId. LEAAfIGS S. BUTLER. Tickets; on sale April 7 and 21, announced that at 'Pli{lad'elpida ,a ' I your mother ain't sent home my ZXR°'rl_NSre- young married couple then st*,titetll it sold under that price last month. In the dwrwing room of a Oar of — A Ir for the Octagon Bar. yrs w'haeh the name was given. were to Soino Georgia Nal»gets. leave the train. They were described briefly ',n1 ,Atlanta Constitution. A matin whet wants to Tise In the, nada* was grv,en that they would be world his got to Soot the bill for more closely indicated when the i the, dyliatmilte- tx°sin stopped. '1`lIe handbill closed One, pint of Happiness beats 'ten• bushels of motley, but some people with the announcement that rice would be distributed atmoih.L this I taro ratLli after the 2tbliel measure. paswm er•s, and they were requested f The man wilderness ess,-s this ivarid is a lhowlnng �vildern•as�s ongl>;t to shoot to make the customary use of it. the, dogs and get liatppy,. i In accordance with the notice the distributor of this original aimounle- Make helywfien the sun shines, and nlents appeai*a In a rew minute, pots tons when it rains, but some folks can't stand blot or rainy, wea- a+nd laid on the seat of every pass- ther. onger a paper bag of r1ee. The train rubbed the way henstraw'-The soon reached Philadelphia and solve spects are now above the average for Of :the passeagers event to the plat- form to see what effect tilts olilhor- ato attempt to -worry the yotiliug peo- phe would have. Appa,l*ntly aft; was a failure. The bridai ,coutple alighted and a party of fire or six friends pelted them with rice. Bust +he rest of the pass- engers, paid, no attention to the mat- ter. The Cate to Heaith Is a hale heart, and the better the blood pump the more vigorous the vitality. Some know they have weak heart% - others only know that they're III and don't suspect the heart. But cure the heart cures every part. No heart is too sound • ninety-nine out of a hundred are disordered or diseased. Doctors do not get to the heart of the subject; to be effective that is what med- icine must do. Dr. ACNEfltf'S HEART CURE enthrones health where disease reigned, in the great center of the system, the heart. Then good blood pumps in full measure, sends new lifequivering through every organ and tissue of the body. It cleans new courage, new cheer, anew lease of life. iii'. ACNEW'S (PILLS scavengers of the digestive system and healers of the disordered apparatus. Purely vegetable and mild, forty doses for ten cents. One-fifth the prise of the next best competing pili. 13 A (alaniity in Brief. Balimore News. A mean once owned. a balky mule That blandishments resisted, And,LOSing patlenoe, he gra'pbed • hold Upon his tail and twisted, Whereon the mule looked back at him In mild, reproving sorrow. And 1f the sad remains came dozen, The funeral's to -morrow, tended territory to which round trip Homeseeker's Excursion Tlokets will Futures of Wheat. ton the road to 'Epsom, a mous- tached youth on the tqp of a drag, be, sold ae follows: Goo. H. Phillips, Chicago, says: Do evidently ambitious of being mis rrom'Mlrasouri River terminals !'.Do mamy points in Kansas, Nebraska, not bit , the Dia _ .wlhent•vrithout y y to taken for an officer, saluted a fat ooacalman who was 'icy gravely driving ' �s cnr+ed of a dad case o[ Grip p MINARD'S LINIMENT. and Colorado; stop -lass near purchase price. It his master and family, with: "Hal. Sydney, C. B. .. G. I. LAGIIE, t TDo mail:,v points in Wyoming, Utah$ Ls difficult to fouoiV such a deal, but loa 1 you, sir i Where's your shirt- 't was Cured of Loss of voice Montmia and Idaho; To many points in Oregon and Wasb- It is very profitable when It can be done. I collar ? How dare you come to the Darby without a shirt -collar?" John I by MINARDIS LINIMENT. Yarmouth. CHAS. PLUMMF.R. ington. One Tare plus $2.00 for the round Sell July wheat from this price up growled forth, wltbout lifting his eyes from his horses : '"Ow the -dooee I was cared at Sciatica Rheumatism by MINARD S LINIMENT. trip• and back atgal:n ; 72c was a low price I • could I have a shirt -collar when Burin. NIId. LEAAfIGS S. BUTLER. Tickets; on sale April 7 and 21, for May wheat for a long time, but I your mother ain't sent home my ` May 15 and 19, June 2 and 16, 1908. For full information call on or ad- it sold under that price last month. j washing?" este If Dve, do not lose more of this year's H. F. CARTER, T. P. A.,� 14, Janes Building, crop 'than the average lass from other crop prospects, ,and prospects `Von by a Bride, TO Cleanse Straw Matting 'should Taranto, Canada. are good for a big crop of oats and , A recent bride wore R yr rycifaral-! Straw matttog never be i., s • F. B. CHOATE, G. A.; corn, so as to give us lower prices ' 1ng gown of soft oroam! aittiu With washed with soap. A large, coarso k.(�• 126 Woodward ave., iewill se cereals,believe July, I °t2 ro oT a Ieheciled ®vitit men oft f. +!f � Detrolt, Mich. wheafoIr II h high at 72c. Pro ltd tulle. h m ette and rubbed the way henstraw'-The spects are now above the average for ! bertLa, were of pleated elliffon and mat ehouid them be thoroughly dried, Canon Farrar's Words. + all this to come• to pass, and as it + the skirt was draped with beauti- takes but a mom•cnt to Change one's ful olds ince. A tulle lace veil orae f rind if treated In this fashion will not tart yellow. Papier-mache articles, Ain, no; religion is not church -go- milld, it teams to me 111DOgood bus,- arranged over a coronet cif orange' must not be treated to heap. i%mg. OhrU;tianity is not form. The ness judgment to operate on the i blossom's, &nd she wore a diamond Miley should be lightly sponged with love of Christ our Lord is simplicity basis of the legitimate with a.n eye and ouppllire Collar. Her bouquet was cold water, then dredged with tine „ litself. Believe and ye sbd:tl ata an the illegitimate. The Government report out yes- of wLit-.o heather, orange blossoms and or4bids. Tata going away gown' flour, and finally polished with A soft ila�nel. '-saved!" What could be simpler? Al- tordcay a'fterit.aau giving condition wars of blue spotted foulard, with I 'mighty God to trwth, a11d truth Is The Christialn i of 97.3 indicants a crop of winter I ivbeat of 544,000,000 bush. An aver- i which writs worn a pastel blue hat and pale blue coat with ,vh{to fac- Berore and After Marriage. simply. simple is tiro 1 '!true Chxl{ tlain. I believe in churches, age crop of spri,n} u- beat means a total of 800,000,000 bitsal. 1 Ingo.Dorfbarbier. �� --- '-^s N"W-��•--� A-So'you've married the little ,a'n'd I believe in forma But the ---- �� widow? Dotm she smile as much as y are mot all; clay. they are not a -tithe ! Edward G. Heeman, Ch,:oago, says: ' "Truth Usmighty, and it shall pre• When I turned bull on wheat two Fail!" 1''revaii if we'sks ago' at that bottom, and before preached from a , the buying 'which took placo this'f pulpit by a priest Ln vesrtments ; pre- i week was even i;ndimted, I turned Vail If lived by skb Lever in the desert; on the belief that the steady •deoline f prevail if roared on a mountain top In May wheat since January had j by a winter gale; pra:vall if breathed i extended about fax enough, and al - In the valley of the moat delicate and so that scenery or glo'lvidig crop tiny wilt! flower of the spring! "13e- prospects hai,d been discounted in the 1Ceve in me and, ye shall be saved!" i low price (under 70c), ruling for July, 21rutli I Truth Truth i No matter (w}leat, I itrn watt aware that the Ifwho speaks it or who hears it; Ito short interest, espoc{allyin the July, inta.tter whether it be proclaimed tri.� head become nnivieldy-dangerously; !.:the clarion'tones of eloquence or ally- so -,and i bel!eve it is still very large, ffI ;2y 1g1r1spereQ to a secret et place,,t will t. 1,11 tact, it, looks Ma It it has been n- ;•pi eva,ll i t i ereatsed this week. Outside of the buy - Ing, however, by the Arinoglr con. earn, there, wasnothing important in Cook's Cotton [toot GtAll!3f➢Qlltliid the news this work different• from . t ll a dilbs'►1", anvorlte, The preeedling works to WArrant one Is the only safe, reliabld Who "Was beiarilsh then to turn bull regulator on which. woman � now_ I - Cat depend. - in the ihouxi and time of need," t Prepared In two degrees oe Text Observation. t strength, • No. 1 and No. 2. 0 1.• --Po TI N r brdlnar nitinror e e .A.meri y cases Criri, Is b�` far the best dotter, A Fre.ca Mrati�rla,tion A'V{lile Einer- rnedictne known. or Special egses-if/ degrees son"Smith (reaidCng) - A nc! Huey _stir• t $&dngei---thr:eo dollars per box 01'04 from the dollar of tbo earth, d f,aldles--ask Your druggist for iCbolrsrs i ` *)."her (in astonishiment).M .. 1"xom laaattrom Roott',,om>no�wend.''t'ftke no otherf 'elle walla-atti,'7( 1 to All irlils, mixtures and Inlitatlons aro i Willie iJm'arson-Srn{tll>aFroilr Vie' �an(yet us. No, land No. 2 are sold and Alar of clic c r1 thS' ! ttecotnitleuded try alt drug Iste in trio DoY t , rt i fpitnitln of Canada., 112aI1efi to An etddresa l`limeher-The text says from the IetEaxai :p of girloc°aj our ri ,pos'tag/I f ouPVr'it leap E mersnn Smit i-• Weil, t "pViraa%is Iti`Iks q she used to, and show her teeth " B --0m 1 Sho doesn't smile so much, but she arhbwls me her teeth oftener I About the House. Al. thin paste made of whiting and cold teal 10 a splendid mixture w1di %leh to clean mirrors. To rerstore an elderdovrn quilt to its original fluffy lightness, hang it out of doors in the sunshine for sev- era,l hours. qto renew old bedsteads, burea.iis, tables or waAflistands, polish with 2 ounbe$ OP 01170 ,011, 2 ounces of vin- egar and she tablespoonful of gum arabl% if in ooveftlig a kitchen table With oilcLoth, a layer of brown pa,- per a-per 3,d pat on first, it will prevent t'ho oilclothcracking and wpar threo timers lbs long. An old-fashioned invalid drink is Lcalled crust Coffee. ' Over tlhb equiv- otent or twq slices 'of brew toasted n, bro vn in b oven o r olds � th , ur o>ao fi. p 6" plat of boiling water. Slteop gently for fifteon. minutes, strain and serve, sicVh3S sugar and crekanr to taste. Cemetery i(`or Gallnblinf; Victims Monte Carlo leas a spoelhl come. { tery for 9=11111119 victims who com- ilLt°$a'iJ foxir allxnarrtfixts a ollaa 7i lt suicide. Sdnee, 1860 over 2,040 grtives'bhve Veen ,dug there. . Not the j nd He Wanted. I3ufGtilo Express. "I see you advertise for a don- key" said the man whto looked as if he lraad something for sale. "Oh, yeas," said tIfe busy man, stopping his work for a minute to look up; "but I want one with four legs;" A ItECOG IZED FACT, It Is universally conceded that to properly appreciate a trip to New York or Boston, one must take the )zest road- Viet road is the New York Central. Pioneer Days David Kennedy. senior, bas told his I experiences {n a, book with the above title. He was boles in Scotland, and came to Capada with his parents in 182'9. when one year old, lived near Guelph from 1830 to 1851, and then started to spy out the land and found a new home near the 'mouth of the Ssugeen River, in Bruce County. The journey to Owren Sound and thence through the woods to Southampton isvividly described, amd tale method of selecting land, building houses, clearing, hunting. cooking, etc., is made plain. "We managed to roof our shanty with elm bark, and we chink- ed the cracks up with pieces of split basswood and moss, and we made a fireplace with stones from the river, I and a ahimney place of bent sticks plastered with mud, and a floor of basswood slabs, split and hewn with 1 am adza. Thema were a good many people looking for land, and seldom a day or night passed without hav- ing some 'to entertain." The town- abip In which the brothers settled wa,s surveyed by Senator Vidal, and Alexander 'ic\ab was the land agent. Mr. R.ennedy left his brother In Bruce after a time and became ownar of his father's farm near Guelph, but communication ryas kept up between the two branchas'of the family. Tare story of pioneer life and Its di.fl'icultios Is very well told in this little book, of which; copies can be obtained from the author, David Kennedy, senior, Bronte post -office. Price 75 cants, . Lever's Y -Z (Wire React) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. ;,.i Lord Alverstone. The Lord Ch'lef Justice of England is 60 Sears of age. It is trine years !since he ceaaad to be Sir Richard Wobster. and (became Lord Alver- atone. Hie wAs educafted at King's College, Chsrterhlouse, and Trin- Lty College, Cambridge, at which university he graduated as 35th, Wraougl'er, and with a third elass J In, the Classical Trjpos. Ile spent juist ;ten years as a stuff gowns- man. and took silk in 1878. Re wa.s then only 38, and wa's perhaps the youngest Ii. C: of the nineteenth century. Alt any rate, his career as a junior was the sbixsttest on re- cord.t A further unique honor Was 0 be his, for in, 1885 hie w --as ap- pointed A'ttor'ney -General, though he h'ad no seat in the H+allse. A long record of success in curing all sorts of cuts, burns and brulses, as well as all bowel complaints, is held by Yalnkillor- over 6o roars. Avoid substitutes. 'There Is but one °!Painkiller" -Perry Davis'. Politeness at Rome. , Exchange. "Mamma, dear, why don't you l$a polite to your little Johmnie, just the same as you are to visitors?" a1doedl the pride of the family. "Why, what should, I do, Johnnie?'' "Well, mamma, ask me if I won't sit down and take some cake.,' ISSUE d'CY Os 17, 190,-3., Mrs. Winslow's boothing hyrnshould always be used for Children Teething. U sootlios the child, softens thegums cures wlan _otic and is the bedt romeav for Diarncooa, 'LEARN A PROS=ESMON IN lOFTEEN DAYS by mall so you cau mater from Irivi4 ro Tlis .DOLLARS RA�iI�11dY.. ppFor�1p;w•tlaulars write A. �9AlelSfl_L, ITA. 1s19 A,ve. North Hamilton, cera. I LADY AGENTS WANTED THE AL -WAYS READY _a WELT %Djurs•rizp-d Best selling Skirt Supporter and waist Adjuster ever Introduced. Sells at sight.. Good profit. Send 25 cents for sample and terms to agent+. THE HORSE PRARKET Demands Sound Horses! Only. Lame horses sell at less than half their actual value and are ueidterdesirablu for use crsmlc. The remedy is easy. A few bottles of will work aPPermuentcum for Spavins, Ringbones. Splints, tlnrbs, cm. and alt forms of Latnenese. It cures thousands of eases annually, Suchendorsamonts as the one following area guarantee of merit. Cured two Bono Spavins of Ten Years' Standing. EnrhAtle. N.Y., Mar. rt, rWL Da13, j. Kendal! Co., Gendcmca-.—Soma years ago I uses pear Svnd:dl's 5uavin Curaon a horse that hadtwo Bone Spavins. audit removed them entirely. These Spavins Rad been on Jilin from birth and were of ten It .yyears' standin� Inow have a tma ot< a mare that was ,Jured byp fall ng through abridge. and am going,to glue her compute treatment with your Spavin Cure. Please send ,nn a copy of your " Treatise on the Horse and hN Diseases;• Yams varytmly, CLARK O. PORT. Price $1; at= for 46. Asalinlmeat forfamity use It has no equal. Ask your druggist for Xendnrrs Spavin Cure, also "A Troati" on tho 31orae;' the bosh free• oraddmss DR. D. J. KENDALL Co... Enosburg Falls, Vt. USE 11000 MILE AXLE GREASE It Has No Equal Manufacturod only by THE CAMPBELL MFG. CO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. For sale by all leading dealers. No Itisk to the Dentist. ,Dotroit Free Press. Dentist -Will you! take gas? Pationt-Ts there any risk? Dentist -Not for me. You'll Uave to' pay. in advance. Minard's Llnlment for sale every- where. The New Boole, Toronto Star. Just after the publication of the Ingenious stories for c,blidren . that Charles Lamb and his sister 'Mary wrote In collaboration, Lamb asked a fellow -traveller ane clay: "Have you read Lamb's tales 4" "No," replied the other; "but I bhve a black ,sheepskin rug!" Minard's Liniment Rel{evas Neural- cla• A. man may bo as honest as the day is long and still bo a lawbreaker at night. '9 � ob, ; 11 , p�Is the greatestremedyf in the world for all bodily * � "�° , - fof %tibich an external remedy may be used'. ftiee, 250 and 50c. ,w" • ., . r n I,h !?i!t fk>, u,rn`irt.�,r•5{"td'k r.t e .d Can Va hrranga the aliovo sots of jumlilcd letters lnte the names cf eight wall known trusts. If sot YOU CAN S11ARIi IN fill: DISTRIDUTION Or THU ADOVE PRIZE. ]t is noses, Task, But byppntionoc and per. severenteyou can pr, janblyq make ant, or 6 of them, To the person who cau,nakyo nutthc largest ntnnber we will Oivb OOSUT of One launtrred Dollsref, To the parson making out the, second lamest nurabor the sum of Vlfty usat el AN ME]