HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-04-24, Page 1Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry We use no chemicals to destroy or injure I your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. II. HOF MAN awawaimagoomewasie r The OfficialOrgan of Zurich and Hay Township. VOL.III., NO. 3a t,,gio'+TCk *der.. gx f, er ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APR. 1. PEi :!LEA B. Is now fully Eqipped for +3-"E4+3.+3.+3..43. 3►+3-43-+3.43.- +3-+3•+3.-43►+3*•;34-#3.+,3•+34-43+'+3 43.43. I . Book Work. 14Catalogtie 'Works •E+ +"E+-*E+*E4-*S"E+*E+-E+-e+•£+ £+ *Ea-E+-£+-£+•£+-£a�E+-E+-E+-£+�Er�E+�£+ +3.+3.+3.+3-+3..43.43-43- 43.- f",x.43-+3-+3-43>+3� All kinds of Work �£a-E+4E+43---E+4£+ 0 not pass your 'Horne Paper .When you want Printing. Our' Prices are always the Lowest. WHEE THE BEST re Made. 1 s AlITOM34v►:�. ryp� Call and seep, my Stock on hand.',/q►�yZurich. J F. i ickbeiI, - LdL6 V�rieb. //��.N OFA 1�1 SEE J A. choice variety of Field Seeds, including Mango], Carrot, Beet, Seed Corn, &c., &c. 'Our Seeds are the hest money r; buy. International Stock Food. a Stock Food that is [Really Good"j J .3est Grades Of Family. My Prices are Bight. a- -4. C. SCIIRAG, .. ZURICH. (Zeiler Block. ) Successor to R. R. Johnston. LOcALNEfSJ Bost Hensall Flour at Feed Store, Znrioh. Miss Clara Surerus left for Pigeon, Micla., on Tuesday. • . Messrs. Oliver Surerus and Wm, sturdier left for Asawa, Mich:, on Tuesday. The lady,' who has lost a veil can get it from Mr. M. Kcereher on application. ' :BORN,—At Dashwood, on Friday, lith inst, to Mr. 'and Mrs, J. J. Merrier, a.son. Mrs. Kruger, of Detroit, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Henry Sippel, for a few weeks. • Miss Catharine Hart returned from a visit with her parents in, Brucefield, during Easter holidays. Mr. Robt. Stelck, principal of the school, returned from Hillsgreen, Where he spent his Easter holidays. Miss Dora Eilber has returned home, after a very pleasant visit of some clays, with friends at Dash- wood. Mr. Neelands, Editor and pro- prietor of the Hensall Observer, was in the Village on Tuesday, on business. The Rev. Mr. Yager has returned hone from Dashwood, where he spent last week, in attendance at the Conference, Billy Mitchell, of Exeter, general agent of the Frost and Wood Manu- facturing 0o., was in the village on. business on Friday last, • The Revs. J. W. Bean, E. W. Bean and H. L. Wagner visited their aunt, Mrs, Geo. Schcellig, of the- Goshen line, on Monday. . Mr. D. Nowell, of Stratford, agent for the -Canada Land Co,, was in the village on Thursday and Friday in the interest of his em= plovers. . Mr. Wes. Schoellig disposed of two drivers to Mr. Irwin Arm- strong for a good price, a colt • of one year and eight months bring-: ing $100. A wagon load of washing Machines and another of fence wire, of different kinds, ere un- loaded at Hartleib's HTwardware store last week... • Reeve Lamont and Mr. C. Fritz, the shoeman, drove over to Dash- wood on Sunday afternoon. The rig was a consl)icious one incl the turn -out creditable to both occu- pants. Mrs, Sipple has workmen employ- ed in the erection of an extension to her dwelling. For a kitchen it. will be quite commodious and will add much to the apperance of her property. Mr. E. Zeller, of TIM HERALD, will open a Job Printing Office in Ilensall, on or about Monday next, with J. W. Anderson, of Toronto, its manager. Any- one wanting Printing, should give him a trial order. Ed. warms wheeled over to Cred- iton on Sunday and spent the day there. There would seem to be a magnet in that locality whose in- fluence is powerful enough to draw him to our sister village quite fre- quently-. Read Messrs. Preeter's, Stein- bach's and Faust's advertisements in this issue. They were ehangeu last week but may have been over- looked by some of our readers. It pays to read the advertisments, in all Cases. Two large. rigs, filled with mem- bers of the Young People's Al- liance drove over to Dashwood' on Friday ovenig last and fraternized with the members of the sister organization at that place. The sitting of the Conference was also an attraction. Messrs: Floss & Son are inking the • carriage business hum this Spring. They sent out 'fora new rigs last week and three are to be delivered this week all of which are to be fitted with rubber tyres and are worth ono hundred. dollars each. Mr, Chas, Grob has improved the appearance of his residence, by put- ting on a galvanized -iron roof, on the street side. The other side is yet 'good, but will be treated in tie sante way as soon as it needs it,— The work was done by his own Tin. smith, and would be a credit to any mpohanic, Zurich has fine animals of the equine frtinily, nearly all of which we have seen and noticed, but as n, well -snatched team of the heavy draught kind wo think that Mr. John Hey would likely be awarded the red ticket, were they competing, at almost any of the agricultural fairs of this district. Any party, or parties, in or near Zurich, wishing to invest in fart property, should read the notices in this issue of Tri1E Mum:a). As a general thing there are not Many wishing to sell and the two or three advertised is not because they are unsuitable, but because the friends of the parties, reside elsewhere and the (mi'ler's desire to be near theta, THE SOVEREEN B NN of Canada HEAD O?ESOP) - TORONTO F,iXECI TIVE OF1,ic,y - MONTREAL Authorized Capital - Capital paid up - - H, S. HOLT ESQ„ - D. M. STEW&BT REQ. $2,000,000,00 $1,200,000.00 President , Gen. M'gr Savings Department. Deposits of $1, and received and highest rates of interest allowed. Deposit Receipts issued at favor - rates. Loans made to Farmers • on their own notes. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONE —OFFICES AT— Exeter Crediton F. E, KARN, C. W. GiLMOUR, Manager. Manager. F. W. GLADMAN, Solicitor, SALE REGISTER. rpHOROUGiDBRED DURHAM BULL for sale, 13 months old. Eligible for registration. Good dark red color and pronounced a first class animal. Apply to Ronrr:T N, DOUGLAS, 38-8pd, Blake P. 0. FARbI FOR SALE. -50 acres, Nest 'half, Lot 20, Cnn. 10, Hay, one and it quarter mules North of the Village of Zurich, about 40 acres cleared, balance; good pasture land. Good frame house, and kitchen and frame barn 40 x 00 feet:, This farm will be sold cheap as the pro-. prietorintends going Nest. For partiou-' ]urs apply at the premises or address Sot oato:t JAcosr, 38-0 Zurich P. 0. VA= FOFt SALE,—Lot 29, N. 13, Hay, 100 acres; half -a -mile East of Blake, 88 acres cleared, balance good hard wood bush, 45 ar•res seeded to grass. Good water, (3 wells). Gond stone house and a Brigs fratne barn with atone stabling underneath. A frame pigpen, driving mud implement shed and other necessary oitt-buildings. This farm will be sold very reasonable, if disposed of within the next two mo.' .§,s. Apply to E. ?eller, Zurich, or to ' Routs== N. Douuas.S, proprietor, 38-8 ' Blake, P. 0. Notice. .iATOTICE IS HEREBY CIVFN THAT e By -Law wrw passed by the Council of 11a Township of llay, ou the 0th day of April, A. D., 1903, providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount of $1041.23, for the purpose of the "Schwalm Drain" scheme and that such by-law was registered in the registry office of Huron, at Goderich, on the 11th day of April, A. IL, 1903. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof, must bo made within three months from the date of registration, and cannot be made there- after. Dated the 18th day of April, 1903, FRED HESS, Si,.Clerk. Leave your order for Latin Grass at Scbrag's Feed Store, Rev. Father Aloisius, late of Cin- cinnati, has been appointed by the Bishop to take charge of this parish The Rev. Father officiated here for the first time on Sabbath last. Dir- ections as to hours and time of ser- vices, as given by the Rev. Father himself, appear in this issue. Messrs'. William Finkbeiner, Ezi a Finkbeiner, Chas. Finkbeiner and Ezra Kneohtel were visiting at D. S. Faust's on Sunday, they also attended the conference at Dash- wood. A BDRDEN TO SELF AND OTHERS, "Take care of your health ; yon have no- right' to neglect it and thus become a burden to yourself and perhaps to others.'.' When the liver gets sluggish, the kidneys inactive,ana the bowls constipated, Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills will promptly set your filtering and excretory system in perfect order, and insure good digestion and good health. There is no medicine so generally used, and none so suc- cessful. One pili a dose, 25 cents a box. ady for PVtIlG ra a•. OUR New: Spring Stock is complete. We think we have good reasons for feeling proud of our now spring lines, such as Men and Hoye' Ready-made 1Men and Boys' tips up-to-date SUITS.a DRt-pSam Ts .....nr.._._._,7saw* Mens and Boys' HATS, of the very latest __ _ American Steles M'USIA:NS, of all kinds, of the -newest designs Many more, which space does zlot permit us to mention. We invite you all to course in and see our new goods, ' vh other you buy 01' not. You know you are always welcome to come and study the new styles at PA JST'S. Prices will he made easy, and produce taken in exchange for goods, at e Lia rich and surrounding country, 1 would kindly call your attention to the the most modern Shoe made In Can= ada, and the best value for the money. OHAS FRIT THE SHOEMAN N / /g ZURICH, 0 6Yi TA 'I0 Butter and Eggs taken in exchange.. The Leading rens Goods i °use• We are always in the le -ad in Dress Goods. Call in and inspect our Stock. We are also Showing some preti y suitable for Waists. GEV 0= MILLI r, IERY 8011 Cia Our Millinery Stock is new and strictly up to the moment, and is again uuder the management of MISS HAN DFORD, We would invite all the ladies of Zurich and vicinity to give us a call. e Mb ter ACh Store closes on Tuesday, Thnrscltty i icluy at 6 p. in. } N c• 8 TRUNKS VALISES WHIPS FANCY RUGS OILCLOTHS HARNESS OILS Agency for Spaetzel's Pneumatic Collars - Try them for your tender -shouldered 'horses FUR 1TU!' E A ECU LINT: ALWAYS IN STOCK HIGH C411,$1.)E PIANOS AND'ORGANS A. number of second-hand will bo solei. at BARGAIN PRICES :1;