HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-04-17, Page 8"Thi Peoplc's §tor�
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We handle good goods
Our prices are low
We carry a large stock
Highest price for produce
Obliging salesmen
at 41,
^1�, 'Right
fpr ices.
�E+w€+4C+*'a3►+3 -43►
1 have put in a stock of
Palmerston Cutters at
prices to suit the tunes.
Call and see them.
J. 11. WISMEI ,
Zurich carriage
Our new Stock is now
finished. See us before
you buy. It will be to
your interest.. . .
F. HESS & Ziricli, Ontario
Planing and Saw Mill
--All kinds of woodwork and saw-
ing done to order. Estimates
given for all kinds of buildings.
A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al-
ways on hand.
Field Gates, Water-
Tanks for Wind -mills
and Water Troughs.
Mills 14th con.,
J'. C.
Zurich P. 0.
Lot 25.
Furniture and
We have now
a large and up -
,to -date Stock
of IIouse Fur-
niture a n d
Furnishings which we
offer At a Low Price....
Our Stock is Large and up -to
date. In time of need., give us
a call.
P. Mclsaac
Protect the Robins.
The cause of the robin has been
ehampoined by some California
horticulturists. .At a meeting of
horticulturists of San Jose a reso-
lution was made and adopted favor-
ing the protection of robins from
bird shooters because they devour
so many insects. The same reasons
that governed them should lead
the fruit growers of this section to
protect these birds, The air -gun
and the boy with the catapault
should be carefully watched, and
if any attempt is made by them to
kill the robin they should have
fitting punishment. If the parents
are too indifferent about the song
birds andallow their boys, with
vicious propensities, to destroy the
robins and other insect -eating
birds, that are tow beginning to
fill the air with their melody, our
constables will attend to the mat-
ter if a complaint is made, and
those boys who have no hesitation
in taking the life of a bird or
destroying its nest will be taught a
lesson. If the parents of a few of
them have to pay a fine of $5 and
costs,there will be fewer catapaults
and air -guns but more birds.
"Few things are more important
to a community than the health of
its women. If strong is the frame
of the another says a proverb, the
sons will give laws to the people."
Kalbfl.eiSch i Dywmns NmeervodBsy esipta-
tion on the blood and nerves it
gives strength and vigor to the
delicate feminine organs and
ensures their regular and heatlhful
functions. It gives color to the
pale, strength to the weak, and a
rounded form to the thin and
Revised every Thursday afternoon.
Wheat . 68 to 70
Oats-. 28 .30
Barley ... . .......... 38 42
Peas..,,..., . 50 60
Flour .. „ .:1 75 1 135
Butter 14 15
Eggs.. .�.. : 10 11
Chickens ib 4 5
Ducks. - , 6
Geese.. .. 5 5
Potatoes.,.. ,.• 55 65
Wheat +..,.•.1+,M1.,. 70 to 72
Oats. . 30 32
Barley. .. . 40 .40
Peas ... ..... 65 75
Flour., .., .... 44,i440. 00 2 10
Hogs (live) pen cwt.. 5,25 5,116
Advice to Merchants, from the Owen
Sound Advertiser,
"Hardware and Metal," of Mon
treat and Toronto, the leading
paper of. the hardware and machin-
ery trades, is giving its readers
some plain talk oil, a at1,4ertising, and
in a recent article referlres1 to the
methods adopted by the a epast-
mental stores in the big cities to
secure trade which legitimately
belonged to the local merchants.
:Besides advertising in the usual
way, it is pointed out, the depart-
mental stores are always looking
about for ways and means of reach-
ing customers. "Hardware and
Notal" cites an instance of a daily gess,
paper in a certain - t0W ,, wlhic..h
supplied it„ depar. tlar.ollt it store in
Toronto with a list of its caltbserib.
els, the list being; required by the
department store- for. the purpose
of mailing (ii'COlaars and catalogues
to that parti silex pauper's readers.
The price paid for the list was $150.
'There .is 110 711Ore (deal ve \vtay,'
stays 'Hardware and Metal,' "fur
minimizing the influence of the
department store than by the local
morobants giving all publicity flint
is Within their power to the goods
which!: they carry in stook. The
department stores frequently- td-
vertise bargains; but the great
majority of the prices they qaote
would not he sufficiently .attractive
to get the business if they worar
compared with the figures at which
the local merchants can sell their
goods. It is this fact that needs to
be impressed upon the customer,
and the only way that it can be
done is by means of publicity. The
hest medium for this purpose is the
local newspaper. An advertise-
ment in the local newspaper, as a
rule, is the cheapest thing which
the country merchant gets."
The Annual Spring Show of Stal-
lions and Brills, under the auspices
of the South Huron Agricultural
Society, is advertised to be held at
Brucefield on Friday, the 24t11 inst.
Contrary to the usual oustem, no
judging by the society- will take
place and no prizes will be given
for Stallions, but all animals shown
will be awarded the sunt of $3 in
their respective classes, in order to
encourage a good showing. In the
Ball classes, which is four in num-
ber for Shorthorns, according to
age, the prizes will run from, $9 to
$3; and in Ayrshire% Herefords,
Poll Angus and. Holsteins from $6
to $2, according to quality, as
adjudged by those appointed for
the purpose.
is past, bat many who are cured of
itching, bleeding or protruding
piles by the use of Dr. Chase's
Ointment look upon their .recovery
as next thing to miraculous. It is
not uncoin non for persons who
have undergone painful, risky and
expensive operations in vain to be
finally cured by this wonderful
ointment. It is the standard the
world over and the only Tetuan -
teed cure for miles
Special to THE HERALD.
The annual conference of the
Evangelical Association is in ses-
sion here, this week,and our village
is presenting a very lively appear-
ance as a result.
'Miss Graham, of Goderiolh, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. J. J. Mer-
Misses Jennie Hall and Flossie
Snell aro visiting their parents in
Solomon Hardy and family, who
recently returned from Michigan,
have decided. to settle in Dashwood
for a while.
Mrs. G. 14lerner, of Zurich, visit-
ed her son Jonathan, this week.
Mr. John Dumart expects to
leave in a few days, on a trip to
New Ontario and the West. Mr.
Dninart has been a resident of
Zurich for thirty years and has
occupied the Sarno room in the
Dominion house almost contin-
uously for the same time, He has
been a good citizen, making hosts
of friends in both town and coun-
try, and should he decide to 'make
an investmentandpitch his tont
elsewhere in the future, all will
regret it. There are men in talinost
every locality who seen to' have
a faculty of drawing men towards
thein. This faculty Mr. Duuiart
possesses to a remarkable extent.
THE HERALD wishes high prosperity
and good luck but hopes for his
return to Zurich soon.
Mr. 5 )loin on Hardy, a former cit-
izen, who arrived in the village a
few days ago, has been virtually
driven out again, for want of any
1l;iu,cl of a docent, house to put his
family in. ' He has gone to Dash-
wood, though much preferring to
reanain in Zurich . Will not some of
our monied. men put up at least one
of two medium sized houses so as
to be prepared to take in any new
comers that may wish to be one of
us? Where there is not a vacant
house at present there need be little
fear that such an investmentwoulcl
prove unprofitable. Here is a fam-
ily . who, if residing here, would
spend in the neighborhood of wmo
or 5800 per atintiith for living, cloth-
ing, rent, &c, This money 'would
all have been spent in and around
the village, and every citizen would
have been benefitted, if ndt direct-
ly, at least indirectly, and there are
few families who aaa'e not worth
half that amount to the pin.no whevo
they reside, if such family is coin.'
posed of the average number of
Mr. Thos. Ogden, Exeter, was In
the village on Wednesday, on busi.'
tiiessra, Hess and Deichert, of this
village, have purchased the Mayan
farm, containing some sixty-nine
acres,atbout one mile north of Drys-
dale, for tbo sung of WOO. Tile
propeity contains botwe?n 'Hf, and
30 acres of heavily t.ianler'ed land,
and is generally regarded as aa, b
gain at the price paid. It is, we
understand, the intention of the
alaove.named gentlemen to lose no
dine in cutting down and working
into marketable shape 811 this finis'
her, and a small army of men will
ho given employment there as soon
as they have cleared up their other
wood lot, which they •are now en-
gaged in doing.
Letter of Thanks.
Following is a letter received this
week, front aformer resident, Fath-
er Valentinovhich will be retial with
interest by the Reverend gentle-
man's many friends in and around
Zurich :
London, Ont., April 8th, 1903.
To Editor HERALD,
Permit me, through your value -
able paper, to express .my sincere
thanks to my inlay friends, in Zur-
ich and vicinity, for their many acts
of kindness to me and my beloved
parents, during our residence in the
Village. These years of association
with the good people of Zurich
shall always be a pleasant memory,
and our constant prayer shall' be
that Gocl's choicest blessings may
be their lot. I utnst also express
my gratitude for the !handsome pre-
sentation to my father, and the
kind wishes to my mother and my-
self, on the eve of their departure
for their new home. We indeed ap-
preciate the good -will of the people
of Zurich. It will be a, pleasure,
no doubt, to know that I have re-
covered so far as to bo able to be
up now for a few hours daily.
Wishing the village all prosper-
ity and THE HERALD success,
I remain yours truly.
In Jesus Christ,
.�... -
School Report of 8. S. No. 5, Stanley,
The following report shows the
pecentage of the aggregate marks
obtained by each pupil, who wrote
on the Easter Examination : 5th
lass—Willie Elliott, 42. Entrance
lass—Mamie Lamont, 09 ; Ernest
Pollock, 64 ; Jas. Armstrong, 44,
r. 3rd—Mabel McKinley, 74 ; Mary
togdill, ti4 ; O.n.o. Armstrong, 60 ;
live Pollock, '59 ; Geo. Lloyd
rmstrong, 47 ; Ella M. Stephen-
son, 47; Lloyd Dowson, 43. Jr.
3rd—Victor Boyes, 49 ; Geo. Arm-
strong, 44 ; Robbie Armstrong, 42.
r. 2nd—Marjoy Armstrong, 43 ;
illie Boyes, 36.
JAS. S. DELOATY, Teacher,.
Mr. Chas Fritz, the shoernan, is
uite a suCCCSS as a mouse catcher,
laving secured ten, nearly all full
grown, so he informs us, in one
small trap, which was untouched
from the time he set it at.night un-
til he examined it in the -morning.
What a testimonial this would be
for the manufacturer of the trap,
but most of the public would think
Mr, Fritz was only " jollying" hini.
All kinds of good logs wanted at
once, for which highest prices will
be paid. Gash on delivery.
PilesChasea Ointmentis}hcortnin
and absolute cure for each
and every form of itchinr<,
bleedingand protruding piles.
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Seo tea.
timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh-
bors what they think of it, You can use it and
get your money back if not cured. 60o a box. at
all dealers or EDMANSON,IlATES & CO.,Toronto,
Dr. Chase's Ointment
Clubbing rates.
Efir'We have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with•Trun 1:1a1RALD:
Daily Globe, . $ 4.25
,,. Mail & Empire 4.25
Weekly Globo 1.00
Mail & Empire 1.75
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Fancily Herald & Star 1.75
Daily Free Press 3,25
weekly Free Press 1.75
Daily Advertiser 2.25
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun 1.75
Farmer's Advocate 1.85
Mr, Wm. Davidson, St. Andrews,
Que. states ;—"Dr. Chase's Syrup of
Linseed and Turpentine has cured me
of bronchitis. I have, without suc-
cess, tried many remedies for the past
six years. - Last winter when I had a
severe attack and was unable to wont
t procured a bottle of Dr. Chase's
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, and
am happy to state that the third bot-
tle made me a well man."
Mr. W. R. Alger, insurance agent.
Halifax, N.S., says :—"I used Dr,
Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen•,
tine for a severe attack of bronchitis,
Permit me to testify to its splendid
curative properties, I got better from
the time of taking the first dose, P7av-
Ing a family of young children, my
doctors' hills have annually come to s
considerable sum. I believe a bottle of
Dr. Chase's Syrup occasionally will aid
me in reducing. then- very materially."
25 cents a bottle, all dealers,
Dr. Chase's Syrup
of Linseed
and Turpentine.
For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Sily
ani Glass Ware_ ..,_
and Hollywood
'W Jd
Oils, Portland Cement and ail kinds of
Building laterlal.
Most durable Fence on the market
Don't be deceived with a Fence ilaachinc-=-lou will not be if you buy a LONDON
We We have a large stock of Spring and Summer
Foot=wear, all sizes and styles, at prices that
will be to your advantage. We have also this
this season, the
American Outing Shoe
they are a fine cheap Summer Shoe
We solicit your partronage because we
know we can satisfy you and give you value
for your money.
P. BENDER, , & Co. Zurich
Ears taken in exchange for Goods.
�[ 1T
for Wire Fences tliis Spring, The American
and The Ideal are the two best woven wire
fencing on the market.
is made of all No. 9 hard Coiled Spring Wires
with No, 9 Wire Stays. The strongest Fence in
the world. Call and see it and get prices: Also
a big stock of Coil Spring Wire at lowest prices.
Weaving Machines at $6.00, will weave No. 12 wire.
aEs:arimumtrAmizmismarmarciaiwommoimuwoormeramessammanricamairsease. '43-
The Big Hardware and Harness House.
This Season
we have en-
d e a vored to
surpass all
previous sea-
sons in making our MILLINERY
and do not hesitate in saying that
we have succeeded. Our stock of
Read, -to -wear and Trimmed Hats
are the very newest that can be
bought also our trimmings, such as
Flowers, c c., are complete.
Every Lady in town and snrroundlng country i invited
to inspect our stock.