The Herald, 1903-04-17, Page 44 CHURCHES. ;QT. BONI1'ACE, Catholie, • o Order be y is o a f )t Eft. the sunrTrl er. Sundays:: 4 Highh labs Lt ]30 . in.; Cate- chisen and lustructiou at 10.30 ;'clock; Vespers and 13et oi1ktlou of the >ylost 131eesed Saerameut at 7 p. Ltt. Holy Days; High Mass at 9 o'clock; •Vespers and Beitedic'tioe at 730. p. in, Weak Days: Mass every morning at 7.3 0 o'clock; First .Fridays, Mass with , Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy Rorer, or one hours visit to oar Lord iu the Blessed 3aeratnet every Sat. tu'dy:eveniug from;7 to 8.. Baptism an Sundays at 2 o'clock, The Cotumui.'on Sundays before Mass at s o'clock. Rev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest E�t VANGELICAL, German and English • Sunday services: - German, at 10.43 o'clock a, m. English, 7 o'cleek p. su., Sun. school at 2 P. m. Tuesday evening; Junior A1lianee, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at 9. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teachers' eseeting at 8. Rev. W. J. Yeeger, Pastor, geutf die Inn). $t. Petri 1{irdle. aottesbienft t'orm. t?a[b yj 11hr unb abenbs 7 U,1t?r. Saniftagfct?uIe vorm. ko Z1I1r. Eettrernerf antmlung 21tittivocll abenbs um ha[b8. e Schulte. Daftor. BUS.ONESS CARDS. DR..F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraetion of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Monday. 1-20 i V. BACHAND, St. Joseph. 1.4• Notary Public, Fire and Life In- surance Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. E�BOSSENBERRY Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. PH.CLIP SIPPLE Licensed Auetioneer for the County of Huron. I would requests those having sales to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed, Your patronage solicited. E ZELLER • Clerk 10th Div. Court, Huron Commissioner for taking Affidavits, Conveyancer etc. Valuator for the Hu- ron and Erie Loan and Savings Co. Office— Zeller Block, Zurich Ont. LEGAL CARDS. Ht, J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. PROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public ete, etc. Cor. Square and North Street, Goderich, Ontario W. PROUDFOOT K. C. R. C. HAYS tJ •G. STANBURY, B. A. Successor to COLLINS , STANBURY BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Doeuments in original German read and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter. HOTELS. 41** 3**04,,6**sReSsts*0t'tla`?004s*sz!^*Li ** See * 43 re by es THE * Q Fly Fly a &s to 0 is y!. p Illi * fly 4 Q ZURICH t1 * 4 a fa ga G g Strictly up-to-date in modern im ; ey ds provements. Dining rooms is sup- f,; plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ a Bar contains choice liquors and els cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ Excellent Sample Rooms tn� for Commercial ivlen. * te, J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. te ***ooze* eeee y Tag*00**ee***ai COMMERCI t HOTEL "the ;ion -anion„ asiiimilommuirs lbouee Equipped with all modern conveniences. First—class accommodation to commer- cial travellers. Bar and din- ing room always suppled with the best obtainable. O. L. Shoemacher! Prop. s ZURICH DILA. W. CHASE'S CATARRH CURE ur ARA is sent direct to the diseased parts by the improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the passages, stops droppings in the throat and 'pernlanantly ewer Catarrh and Hay Wever: Slower free, MI dealers, et` 1)r, A'. W Chase Medielns Co.. Toronto east Iiuitalo, 18 PUBLISHED i ED 1 EV RY THUItSU.Y EVENING% BY E. ZLL'.LLR Tb11eMS O1' SUBSCRIPTION :—$1.00 per year paid strictly in advance. When the paper is not orderod to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given and arrearages ].laid. $1.50 to be eharged when not paid in advance. ADVERTISING BATES.—Tran s ie n t advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequeet insertion, Small Advs. such as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen wi:i be ehargod 50 cents first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must be handed in not later than Tuesday night of each week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and quarter-eolnmu rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to The��ld, E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.O. FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1903. Senator Gillmour—one of the representatives from New Bruns- wick—died suddenly on the train, on Monday last, while en route to Ottawa, to resume his duties in the red chamber. It will solve many vexed ques- tions among European nations if, as stated in a cable despatch, the control of the Bagdad Railway is to be held jointly between Great Britain, France and Germany, un- der a guarantee of the Turkish customs. The affirmative'vote on the mo- tion for the abolution of the impor- tation, sale and manufacture of Cigarettes, in the Dominion Parlia- ment, was a most decisive one.— Unless, however, it is followed up by a law on the subject, it might as well not have been taken. This is a question which deeply concerns all parents, who have growing tip sons, and they will doubtless watch with interest the next move made in this, to then], important ques- tion. Foreigners in Rome, led by the Duke of Norfolk, are taking great interest in the workmen's monu- ment to the Pope, which is to be erected under the portico of St. John Lateran. Prince Colonna is also interested in the project, and the idea is said to be very pleasing to the Pope. The monument con- sists of four bronze slabs, on which are engraved all the encyclicals of the present Pontiff having refer- ence to workmen and family life. The investigation into the Gamey charges wascornmenced in Toronto, on Monday last, all the necessary witnesses being present. So far the Court has shown nd disposition to favor the Government, the only decision solar having been rather in the interest of the prosecution.— The case has not yet advanced suffi- ciently far to permit a summary of the evidence presented. Mr. Gainey has been the principal witness so far and the evidence presented sim- ply a reiteration of the charges as made in the House. Nearly every citieen of Ontario will regret the accident, to Sir Oli- ver Mowat, which happened on Sunday evening, at Government House, ;while being prepared for bed. Sonia two months ago he fell injuring a small bone in his leg, since which time he had to have help in dressing and undressing. By some means his attendants, on Sunday evening, relaxed their hold on hint and he fell breaking a bone in his thigh; How the accident hap- pened is not clear. Tho limb was of course, promptly set, and only his great age is against a speedy recovery. Sir Oliver's terms of of- fice having expired, he is only now filling the position, at the Ottawa Government's request., until a suc- cessor is appointed. There seems to be a great deal of Unrest among the members of labor organizations of the Dominion this spring. Many strikes have taken place, some of which have been ac- companied with disorder, riot and blood -shed. The better tithes which the country is now enjoying, is no doubt, one of the chief causes, and most workmen seem disposed to take advantage of the scarcity of help,' to enforce the demand for higher wages. Whatever griev- ances the laborers and working trades may have had on the ques- tion of wages in the past, as far as we c • THF ZUR1c 11 1'-1ERAI ID titication for trouble now, as most men receive a very fair rate of wage and many shorter hours as Well. So far the lonlinion Parliament seems to be making haste slowly in bringing down and discussing tb various measures for which tlt House was ashen] together. It f true that several of the Depart mental Reports have been brought •down, and that some progress has been made in the passing of the Estimates. The redistribution bill has also been introduced and re- ferred to a comtnittee, but the gentlemen who are to fit the .boun- daries of constituencies have not up to the time of writing been named. Tho bill takes away six members from Ontario and gives a greater representation to the- West, and the principle laid down for the bringing about of this necessary- legislation ecessary legislation seems to be regarded as fair and equitable. By the British North American Act, generally called the Constitution of the Coun- try, the representation of the Pro- vince of Quebec is a fixed ,number but al] other Provinces are liable to increase or decrease, accord- ing as population has increased or decreased, at the taking of the Census every ten years. Mr. Blair, Minister of Rail- ways and Canals, has likewise introduced a bill appointing a Railway Commission, which will have power to adjust all matters respecting rates from different points and 'all other complaints chargee] a ti ainst these overland Of late there seoni t to be some thing radically wrong in tho man- agement t.n- tL et lent t i our railways, 1 all�� a � as Hardly y a day passes now that we clo not hoar of accidents by rlin-o.i'fs, from as oave-fnl4, broken z'txi1:.t, unst`tbstan- teal bridge::, U011it+iou , .O1 spine ' other anuses, Heretofore such s lmppenings were few and fax be- . tween. There must be some rea- son for the present state of affairs. Are the Men in official positions incompetent? Are those in subor- din.ate positions, qualified for .t work entrusted to theta? .&re t hours of service too long for t natural man's encheranoo? Are t road -beds level and gone over ca fully the required number of tier, daily? Are telegraphers at th he he he he cat 0 0 0 t 0 b b p t T cl a 0 h E e t a 0 T t s c p in f to d le w B d r)1 h l0 a t ci ri w th in fu h w rn on of th d a qu to gr ed ge pa th ex Su Sp to ut sar lea sp rep cas th pa tic jou me op On exp do tugs see, there is very little ,jps. progress. made in the futta.re, arrying companies. This bill has received its first reading and is referred to the Railway Committee f the House for consideration.1 11fr. Fitzpatrick's bill, relating to bscene plays, was read a third line and finally passed. Some titer important things have also een before the House and have een dealt with in whole, or in art, notably the Cigarette ques- ion, whose importation, sale and manufacture should be stopped. he motion to that end was intro- ueed by Mr. Sheen, of Montreal, nd seconded by Mr. Homes, of West Huron, and carried by a vote f 103 to 48. Mr.. John Charlton as introduced a bill to amend the lection Act, of 1900. , It is intend - d to prevent corruption at elec.- ions by imposing heavy penalties nd making it dangerous for any ne to engage in this past -tinge, he penalty, on conviction, to be We years imprisonment, a fine of 500 and disfranchisement for even years, while in the case of a andidate the penalty also includes ermanent disqualification from be- g a candidate for Parliament or or holding any office of profit nder the Government. One of the best things acceni- lisped so far is the raising of the x on Celestials coaling into Cana - La to $500 per head. This ought to ssen the influx of Chinamen, ho have become so numerous in ritisle Columbia, as to almost rive the white population from the ore menial positions, such as ouse servants, laundries, etc., by wering the rate of wages paid, nd who aro almost monopolizing he laundry business of the various ties, towns and villages of Onta- o. Canada can well afford to do ithout this class of citizens, and e Government has acted wisely trying to shut then] out in the tare. Many other acts and amendments ave, of course. been brought for- ard, mostly 'however, by private embers. These, with the debate the address in reply to the bill fare presented, and the two or ree Government tueasures intro - iced, have afforded the members chance to air their views on many estions. There has been much llfing, and consequently little pre - ass made in the matter 'of finish - legislation, Thus, however, is nerally the case in the earlier art of the session, the object of he less conspicuous members being show their constituents that they 0 not altogether nonentities. uch members 'usually talk to Mr. taker, and nearly if not always, a very thin attendance, but their ter 'tutees must be reported in Han- d, and in this wap generally nage to get their speech, or eeehes, back to the people they resent, or misrepresent, as the e may be, by sending copies of the oflClcual document to thcr glome apers, with the request :, to rho - re e. Now that the Easter tel tad- rnment is over, and most of the rnbers have been afforded an. )ortnnity to speak ° r their piece" the floor of Parliament, we ni y ect to see the House getting wn to business, and much better eir instruments or are they forced to do yard duties as well? Tlaee are questions which might and 'ought to be investigated by the .govern- ment, or a commission 'appointed by the Government for the purpose, in the interest of the pt.iblie gener- ally. If cheapness is the first re- quisite of Companies in the employ- ment of men, in stead of qualifica- tion ; If hours are unreasonably long in order to lessen the pay roll ; if favorites are pitchforked into positions for which they are not fitted and section men given snob wages as to produce no interest in their duties, the companies should be called to account and forced to make an effort to run their several roads as much for the safety of their passengers, as to earn large dividends for their stock -holders. This is a subject which the press - of the cities has not yet dealt with, but which would be in the interest of the public quite as •much as many of the topics discussed from day to day. If American railroads Can Carry passengers for two cents per mile it is no more than justice that we should insist on efficiency in management when we are con- tributing one third more for a similar service. Mr Blair has, it is true, introduced a bill for the ap-, pointment of a Railway Commis- sion. but that bill is by no means likely to grant powers along the line indicated above; but rather for the adjustment of freight rattan, the prevention of discrimination in fa- vor of one place over another, or of one shipper over another, and along the line petitioned for, some time ago, by representatives from. the Toronto Board of Trade, mauufaac- turers' Association and many other equully prominent organissations. puma Notice is hereby given that an application will be grade to the Par- liament of Canada, at its next session, for an Act to incorporate a company under the name of "The St. Joseph Transportation Company," with power to locate and con- struct a canal or system of canals so as to create a navigable waterway from some point on the eastern shore of Lake Huron, in the County of Huron or of Lambton, in the Province of Ontario, to some point on the northern shore of Lake Erie in the County of Elgin in the said province, with power to make surveys and to determine the location of the said waterway; to dredge, deepen, raise or lower, the levels of, or improve the existing water-cous•sos between the said points, aucl to establish such connecting links necessary to snake and complete throughout the entire dis- tance between the said terminal points, a navigable canal of a depth of not less than eighteen feet, and of a width which may be found necessary to enable vessels of deep draft to meet and pass in safety at any point in said carat; moreover, to con- struct, operate and maintain all such works and struotures necessary in connec- tion with such through waterway; more- over, to acquire,!build, own, lease, operate and maintain or otherwise dispose of ter- minals, harbours, wharves, clocks, piers, landing places, water lots, yards,elovaators, warehouses, dry docks, reservoirs, and other structures, such as locks, dams and all works necessary for tho production and Ilse of electric, hydraulic, pneumatic and other power roquired for tho said under- taking, and also for tiro purpose of irriga- tion: to lease er otherwise dispose of said works and powers; to acquire, own, trans- port by cable or electric power, all steam- ers, barges, or any other vessels which require to be transported through the said waterway for the lrursose of inland naviga- tion, and also with power to acquire, own, sell and dispose of and operate vessels of all kinds, end to transport there through the said canal, in such manlier and upon such terns as the company may deem fib; with power also to acquire by purchase, expropriation or otherwise, such lands, water lots, rights in navigable or ennaviss- able streams and rivers, and other such prsporty as may be necessary for the pur- pose of the undertaking, and to again dispose thereof or any part thereof as the company may deem expedient; to levy and to Collect tolls; to take, use and dispose of water fur the purpose of said ()anal or for irrigation purposes or for gen- erating hydraulic and other powers; to transmit and dispose of the said powers for all purposes with power also to eon. street and oporate a line of railway and tramway of oil her standard or narrow gauge; also such bridges, ferries, tele- graph, te'•aphone or electric light or power lines; which may be consideree] necessary in connections with the said undertaking; to own, acquire, control and operate branch lines of railway to mined with all and any railways situated within a distance of ten miles from any portion of the said canal, and with respect thereto, with. power to acquire lands and property necessary for such branch lines by expro- priation under The Railway Act, and to couneet with such other •railway or rail. ways and enter into running or traffic arrangements therewith; also to acquire and run said branch linos of railway either by steam or electric or cable or pneumatic power; to snake arrangements with any company, corporation, person or persons' whomsoever to carry passengers, freight or other commodity over and through the works of tho company, and to charge such prices and tolls therefor as may be approv- ed; moreover, with power to -purchase or otherwise acquire shares, debenttlros and seemed -es of other canal or railway com- panies and corporations, and to sell or 1 oxehange its own securities witheisuch eonteanies: and to carry en transportation, forwarding and elevator business for the 1 purpose of the undertaking; together with i all soar 'other general powers and privil. egos, including ilnaneing, as ]nay 1)e 3 liCc`w" n FO treseeereee gire, tee IS 03:1=77.7.a..141 EAL To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. The are made of a combination'ot medicines approved and/used byever . physician. Ripans pn y l S R,1pa�1s Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend .Y flencl in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy. with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion; dyspepsia, habitual and stub- born constipation, orfensive breath. heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel" and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stom- achs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and south], natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regu- lar use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, contains a supply for a year. ..s.$00 - asseel?tgtienSeet• iw Xe,es•e...ells+ MISSIEgeineeeeil O'FARRELL & LAWSON, 1425 NEW YORK AVE., WASHINGTON, D. G, Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, Designs,Trademarks,Copyi rights. Will return fee if Patent is not secured. Send for Inventor's Guide, or How to Get a Patent. Wifir 'Mention this Paper and secure special rates. i necessary for the purposes hereivabovo more particularly described. (kitxnxsiiilarrs, CREENSItrnLps, Ilir.i Ran & _2weirsuLL, Solicitors for applicants. Blontreal, 30th January, 1903. 20-9t• By -Law �I o. 1, OF ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL SECTION NO. 1, HAY, FOR 1903. ABy-Law to raise by way of loan the e. of on sum of $1000afor the purposes her inafter montioned. Whereas repairs to the school house Roman Catholie�Separate School Secti No 1, Hay, have become necessary; Aud Whereas the estimated cost of said repairs is the sum of $1000; .And whereas the Trustees of the said Separate School Section are authorized by Revised Statutes of Ontario, chapter 294, section 01, to borrow the necessary funds for such repairs upon the debentures of the said Board of Trustees as hereinafter mentioned; Aud whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Separate School Section, according to the last revised assessment of the said Separate School .Section, is the sum of $90000, and it will require the sum of $6'2.83 to' be raised annually by special rate for the payment of the said debt as hereinafter mentioned, and also the suer of ,,S'•3U to be raised annually for the payment of interest as hereinafter Mentioned; And whereas there is no existing deben- ture or other debt of the said Separate School Section; 13oit therefore enacted by the Trustees of Roman Catholic Separate School Sec- tion, No 1, Ilay: 1. That the Trustees of .the said Separate School Section shall raise by way of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who tnny be willing to advance the same on the debentures lits re limiter meutioned, the suer of $ 1000. 2. That the Trustees aforesaid shall eauso to be made any number of deben- tures, not loss than :5100 each, and not exceedingin the aggregate the sum of $1000, which shall be payatle net later, than twelve years from the 15th day of December, 1903, and such debentures shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the said Board of Trustees and signed by the Chairman and Secretary thereof, aucl shall have attached thereto coupons for the annual payment of iuterest thereon at the rate of five per cent. per alumni. 3. That to provide for the payment of said debentures the sum of $03.8:3 in addition to all other rates shall be levied and collected by speeial rate upon ell the rateable property in the said Separate School Section annually during twelve years, the currency of the said dehentorec or any of them, and also for the purpose of paying the into-ro:.ton the said debentures the sum of ,$50.00 shall, ani addition to all other rates, ,be levied and collected by special rate upon all the said rateable property annually during twelve years, the currency of the said debentures or any of them. . 4. ' This By -Law shall take effect on and from the 10111 day of March, the day of the passing hereof. . Passed the 10th day of Maroh,A. 11,1003. Jolty ]'.AroTtrr•., LOUIS N. 1)T::iossme `eCretary. Chairman; Notice. The above is a true ropy: of a By -Taw sassed by the Board of Trustees of liotnan Catholic Sopasate School Section, No, 1, May, on the tenth day .of _larch, A. I)., 1003: And all persons are hereby requir- ed to taste notice that any one desirous of applying to have such lily-Lraw,or' any part thereof, 'quashed, LSh ni 1 ee mese melte , al e 1 i his applica- tion fore -het purpose to the Iliglt Court of ust,iee within three months• next after he publication of suet By -Law and this totiee once a week for Lhr'ee successive weeks in the nowspepor called the Zurich 'herald, or he will be too late to be heard n 'thrxt behalf, +7oia LM?OIrrr, 0•3t Secretary.: SALE REGISTER. A FEW good building lots for sale at £3.. tine North end of the Village. Any person desiring to build will find this a nice location for a residence. Apply to E.Zrr.Lxn, -Zurich. rrinoROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL X for sale, 13 months old. Eligible for registration. Gond dark rod color and pronounced a dist class animal. Apply to Ronny N, Dotertes, 38—Spd. Blake P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. -50 acres, West half, Lot 20, Con. 10, Hay, ono and a quarter miles North of the Village of Zurich, about 40 acres cleared, balance good pasture land. (:food frame house and kitchen end frame barn 40 x 60 feet. This farm will be sold cheap as the pro- prietor intends going. West. For particu- lars apply at the premises or address Sor oitos .Ltcoue, 35-0 Zurich 1'. 0. FARM FOR SALT,—Lot 22, N. 13, Hay, I00 acres; half -a -mile East of Blake, 88 acres cleared, balance good hard wood bush, 45 notes seeded to grass. Good water, (3 wells). (food stone house and a large £rare barn with stone stabling underneath. A 'frame pig -pen, driving and implement shed and other necessary out -buildings. This farm will be sold very • ressonab]e, if disposed of within the next two months. Apply •to P. Zeller, Zurich, cyto Ronne N. Devotes; proprietor, 38-8 Blake, P. 0. • •a n'r,,tx.,J've>: ZsV 0 ,r4,0 .ia,� Ma.vCA11.9s1 )/ 1't•I}: GltHA 1' 131,00D 1'tTRINIEn AND SYSTEM RUO- Pr.A'rolt will cure the most aggra- vated forst of Dvsncpsia and lmiirestiorr. It will nor- reet "'chat YuIt Peeling After felting," Nervous Ttesdevile Sour Stomactr and ] lahrlenrc. Whys,, rer when a cure is guaranteed? 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.00. some natio, Dashwood, says: "r was unable to get any relief front Asthma and Stomach 'Trouble until using Our . Tative Herbs," JOHN DUMART, AGENT. ZURICH, ONT. THE ALONZO.0. BLISS CO. Sole proprietors, 7V101,11'12 SAL, CAN. Lr• Mr, John Deiehert returned home from the Clinton Hospital on Wed- nesday evening, on a short visit.— He intends returning to the Hospi tal for a further stay until the heal- ing of the wound, made necessary for outlet of pus.. .?3 re. d f el f 2'he Great Engtisia Remedy. Sold and recommended by all drug gist$ in Canada. Only reli. able a in m die G diseovered. Slx packages guaranteed to cure nil forms of Sexual Weakness, all affects of abUso or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To. baeeo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one paeltagao $1, six, $5, One toil] please. A1320.44 cure. Pamphlets free to anyaddress. Tho Wood Company, Wlndsors Ont:. Wood's Phosahodine is sold in Zurich by •Dr+.Buchanan, Druggest,