HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-04-17, Page 3. . t.M- :..�..ro mow. w to crown and complete, and all-, #%r:11e ..,,.,„.�,,.,.M ,_. isIsON .rr ,�,�*- qty [�1 .wrro,.e nr+nh _. �t"'y ..�'.7�,' r''rFe 5' it y�'�t :3 iS1'. r7.ts, ".v,r+a,r�+,+..ivvv.w•�r�,!,,. .- 1,1. _ @t Ar,=,e. . S.. ;; //�� ' 9 enfolding to beautify and '!?'less, NOTE � ,d 'bird oannot fly 1,krou,fh . .malt ) O : aa, It oars �i0ti�j �° �{ reign till a universal law• xta,;.blOs (II08E crarvI titrpu h; se kale x'071,, r)' ,{ , ., t.,, ar, l>1 Ldp with AFrielke Sample (,�tV6riA� nozns in the beauties oC ear'th, anci Tarke'�ss sntallzrzaa1111 a ,III t l>st.bozctwosklaxKs��L�tt�7}a,,t,?15�?aga,r. _ bato$-- le 're be, t. Y i ,1 w d , I 1.asks in ilia thunders of Gads law, a basins in rho benefits of grace. It �.� UR"�Offi The >?atf,e Wire 7ct nc© lie. l; zkttt+#., �3 $ ' 11 /� '�' •� nd whispers fn t]zo voice or the„`�„�,;,��,,,;, kt�,'d9>: Ceylon "lea Con, wher, IDW - hlontregl, V4,,rid St.. iolm, h. a, t3 • � n The law applied to rulers. "Tile `.poronto Farmers' ;tliarXet. of De'tcious Ceyl attlral Green W1�1 be powers that be are ordained of God." April' 13.-GPthaat-wAt hundred, '." �� Mack, �.l�I���td o� � ) �j�••��1,g� ` sold firmer at 71 .. . _. ..,_. - ._ . e ._. .:. . 1 Human government is divinely ars .busaliels otif white �Vlltanp its be EtAocrnt rtucfatrl,rl;•A SECOND I�� LV,�y so '1 fillip tri this coupon and dained, taut .osists not for the a,9- to 73c per btt�dliel, 2.00 of red sold ,bent �4 Y g grandizenient of ilia Lew, Unt for 'the 4it .71%% and 240 qtf goasq at 65c. ] anSnv City,TnurnnL - 0 benefit of the many. Its design is I�axley-Quota.tiotas about steady; Furniture, Dealer-=-1'o.s, ma ani, this �,i'itc: i'r1>a,rte�.•r C'.t,t;;nt nn Niftier, 1talwy sendln its with: a :t -cent, wSc�ril for not ollpressfve, but beneficent., Coy- :140 i2ta�lhels salol at 44 to .45•t; par 1dz•oom asci lv'lil !gigs'. you fifteen 11� �} lntr>t'rt,pri )t>a. �! ernors do not .:rule :for .their own 'buisU7`el• lreaz'ts• A writer in tits. 1"til w<lrllthiar X.etL, �YV'Irp1Eo Plainly and menittpn. Black. !dlLtwd pleasure, but for the well-being :Of l0at�s-lt,eeti is were fairly large, a'ureh.ulger-A,nd if it cl.oern't? .. „ � ' A g sup gtvtrs tilt: fc>!1< !stat; I!14^.rostirzg postage.or, Natural Green their subjects. Tlxey' are 'God's ruin» 011ier '1'lsen come !lata!: anti nye sa r*i i- �tt,:y }arzw" !stars." "L'17e' higher the honor and and the ma„rlcet w;a,s steady; 600 vai•]ak:lrtt of will salt ;you a batter one. . Name ..,..,,... •, ...... - ...., .. ... •..... tela rester the ower, the more btr,sitels sold"aa„t 3�,i to 36tfa per bush. �-. e�ci on u cc,ilfut�iuit of tlrm g p lit Dressed Ro!gs-There was a, fair p�,-,� �,� � llatnc.s of tris.) R1Iidw of ilddress: :.. 11 ....:......... ,.. , ...: n ...., ,r.... r ,r» Overwhelming _.the , responsibility. ""`"" If 'vntr' -are run of hogs offering, and the mac- AIV 41'ly£DRT1J1r11T91 grttcs. At L ecrtairt c^r'ietLl aacctirg Addr'esst 4sSA.LA®A" THA C(D., Sovereignty means service. Love k� lr quoted steady. at $8.•40 to AOR '.boldus for ul' cuboroll foll:<r in at tllul ]ti in Toronto. The law applied to subjects $860 er c t far c'h•oice ]i ht- a home ane, 11'orih Claac3El;a th''1,]iiliter tin g � H01`I1�ShG16F1�S I 3 11 Wqday c. dale INTRIINATIONA LESSON NO. 'III Ai?P.IL 10, 1908: The Law of Love. -!tom. 13 "r,14. Study Verges 1.14. t t(9t�m ,men;;tary; -.C,,Irlanatory. !tome tial a]tu,,,ted in. Itaiy on the River Ti- .ber, 1,450 mlless n'ortltwes�t ol. Jeru- oalem. The gosp-al hard reached this fratr 'off land and there were a few Christians there who were dilif,'ent ty'c colon , ith,e truth. Paul hail never v+iisitod Atom, Pat be greatly desired to do Iso. A fete years after this ]Lis }napes were realized, altho•agh lee d1d nidi go to them as he ha41 e - peeted, for instead of .going . olun- tarily.as a missionary, be .vas com- pelled to go ass a Roman prisoner, under bonds. 1T- Clnill duttl� vs. 1-7. In these vierses 'it is stated as a 4arimary truth tbta,t olvil authority is a di- vine, iriatitution. Nothing is said of the forma of .government, !tut revo lu'tilona.ry action in a Christian is ditartinctly far'bidden. 7. To all -To all those in authority over you. Tribute. -Tax on person or property. Cuis�tomReven.ue. Toll on mereliasnd1se. Fear -Such as is doze to a public orfielat and to an,author- Ized avenger at wrong. Honor -Do nwlt behave diereapectfully to any person, amd to those in authority 4show reverence, and respect on ac- count of the dignity of the office, even though you cannot respect the tYCan. II. The late of love- --vis- 8-10. 8. Owe no mlau.-"It cannot l:.e supposed that the apoetle meant to probiilit the contracting of debts on any so- courd. Cbrl,stiama are indeed under the httghetst obligations to pay all legal demands without reluctance or needless delay and with ,great punctuality, and they should ai,okl all superfluous expense and care- fully guard against contracting any dpltts wbilch. they have not a reason- able prospect of discharging.,' Love one another -7n the preepd'int; verses the apostle has .!teen showing the duty, reverence and obedience which ail Chritstians, from the highest to the lowets't, owe to the civil magis- trate, whether he be emperor, king, proconsul or other otarlte officer; here lie shows them their duty to once ,.another, but 'th•Es is ;widely different from tivat which they on* tto'the, civil :!goverhmeat; to the fli% they .awe atubjection, reverence, obs Idlenoe .and tribute; to the latter they owe nothing :but mutual love and athaae oflices whdoh necessarily spring from It. ' 9. Shalt not commit, etc. -In this verse the apostle quotes from the law as though lie would say that tho perfect love which he declare they owe to one another will en tions of this law. And whatever h has omitted, which the law contains is all covered in keeping the law o love. Why neighbor as thyself- When hyself 'when this is done in reality the, Is completeness and we keep th whole law. 10. Worketh no ill -The law o love, forbids the doing of anything that would injure myself or others •'Where love reigns the golden rug Is practised, and he who loves, act toward his iipighbor as he would the, his neighbor. should act toward him I _ _... _ enJoins .both dondaion and subjection.: A w M ,; w,Lnt..,visit ltuunocFl rruu7 .ilia It' l ,i', "` i'y te+ti. , r ' The at•e equally honorable and V01,gh:t Ilogs and $7,50 to $7.7:� for ". Ihleavies. the West les 'Let ,do w;O n,l,!1 1 '•r-11: [t't G11011M therefore this lary 'o'[ lave can never sacred. It Is as royal, to serve as to B f rz ars you can cio' no .vlth very littlty es- r. }<i tilt lstr'l,yot titin. 5 uu is -ill ..lane work ill toward another, ane thus rule. All kings do not wear visible , utter -A• large number a fn n , , C will the *;. U^i l AC,ll i t n!se as 1 U� I :t 1t�•r ,Eaten ?r O 1'i.u' it uttot'i, u12 ti in ilia a t , 1t a ,,t and a A i d bti'tt r n the a>nilt filo Law ]tis fulfilled by loss• crowns and true sovereignty cannot o a m ,s'ell Uite-.vay CCloni,�t "L'ick't., l:t•l:llx vathv:, of �il.,vex," `.l Ciii�I mentiva III. •'Christian practice (vs, 11 -:LQ. be conferred by coronation sere- ,`bra+tc trade was dorso t'l.lrotlghotl't D41 anti. June 15th at the folluly- 11. iwriowin>• the tinge- .The nature monies. 4narchy bass n -o place in the the morning Prices are about of 1. uivicedvn t [u -r is tL iia bro i, g Ing rates from ltieaouri River ter .kips p]urY.cd :he au it iailts of thio and character of the period in which Christian system. (1ltizenslilp Is A .steady'. Pound rolls are quoted . t min,als e we live, High -time-That Is, the hour !sacred' thing, and its duties are 18 to 25c, and large at 1G to 20e ,- r iztluI.s't g T1te !,Gats, Ltirntel e,"Iround*., has arrived.. '1'a awake -How many essential 'toeomplete Christian life. .per pound. $�u.00 to San Trt.>oiaco, Las An .!tail again faCecl C;yr, tlurlieatce, In so-called Chrlstiams are fast -asleep! The narrow sphere of personal In- 1:;ggs-71here were plenty offerin geld and litany osier California 1.1gile air -d lntprzuptiuia," lto said, - I f;' poi.rits. `•1 rc teat .ler tcx tt ru 'fi'uru cte )rap- " Tlip accursed liquor traffic is becom- 1 tere,sts and action does rot fill the and prices worn steady at '13 to 140 $•210,00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City' oil, chapter, 'levaxrth vatrso, ob CIO - trig powerful, bold, defiant; is de- measure of responsibility. Bvery p^.r doze for nen• ]mist. Butte, :lnatcantlaL and I1ticntl. � ver. A�aiu ilio cot t r; Jl.s were 6troying our best brains and blood; j citizen is a factor in the national• illy'-albout :'0 loaxis were on circa $2'�,."O to 7[tukanla sail 11'rnatutai:e. k i dor lint I lila and makes or mars the national i T , ., n '-oat- plucked, it i:llo ui,,,,,,'s' glared uic Is ruining our morals; is t n m , market, and prices are steady. leo. $2,,.00 to 1. ut t,lwi 1, 1'xeorua, Ing the Christian Sabbath, one of honor ; for "no life can be pure int ,1 timothy is notod at $13 to $1 Ir tie, and many cLli(.- Oecgon and I ti4e glue! cr,.Onl m to 'l]. 4t. v"P, msec E q to ilio.. ;;rrtt[,re„rtLt.an. P,xu,ld z the pillars oil which our nation Its purpose and strong in its strife, (,A4r ton, alid mixed or clover at $ i 11'asb}n;;ton points. „ rests • is fillip the land with au- and all .life not be aper and stronger , ]•,. ,,, Fulinstnl, Ilia rata! uiijrrcts' to do g p I , p to, .$rt, Ft•nm ( i azho lint! s Louis prat I cox,. 'I,et ts.vinRa,it� 1,•Lrn is Mience:. pets, disease and ezhne, and ,qct the thereby.' 1 Straw-Viewas none offering. portinrttit.ly lata rttic�>; are n effect sloe an eacefully as though we had Thr* Iaw between individuals. -,Ren t g 11'e :Ill knr> ty *lrt:t t3L�rti�r Jo11±2sosy p p , Quotations are undul.n red at pS to by liners cuuiti ut]zI1 .with tit+^ 1'niuu nes responsibility in this matter! der to all their clues.' "Owe nothing v , tt,in rat aUent wamtLa. Iiut > done $0 per ton. I acific. _ r•etteats dal; tier ter, r, 111 be loun' 12. Tile night_ -=Of heathen dark- , !rut loso.' The brief but comprehen- ' S� itea•t, white, 7'y to 730: rod, 71 - noss, ignorance, immorality and. sive command, ••Thou shalt love thy i 1 , ,> , • The 1`1It)\ I':1C11FIC hal; also ox- in de ,scoop' chapter, 1,.weatll vlt.rse, wretchediiess. Far spent-Ileatlien neighbor as thysaif," covets in print I to : oa! bowl, 6_/ •ta 6:>c; o g' tonded tatrritory to rvIdeh round tr•i[> of (lilt i,"' darkness wits rapidly coming to an c}pla and fulfils In practice the en- 168c:rarity, 3,,,� to 36,1; l�arle3'• 44 Homrli4eeker't4 !Zxourskou Tickets wilt , Ilpr•tt 1 ro•ther Joh!in.oit rose to the t to 4•,c , rvn, :� 1 c ; peas, 7Jc : buck t , end. n"'1'he full manifestation of the tire measure of mtitua.l obligation. t ,i' . 3 ba sold as follows: niitlt,ter s ossa' anal rcllispertxl earn sun 'oY rfglitebushess tit the illumfna- It forbids every spirit or -action , wJteat, 5-e, bas, t9ntathy e 1` tonri y n,stly. t hole Gentile world which violates the rights of another l¢21: clover, mixed, $ 5 ,to $9 ; 5Lratiw, To mninvi icints In I�nnras,tN bra.aka, ` 'Oil," sa.iit the doxuinier• Then La tion of the w sheaf, 3 to 9 ; loose ,$6•; dressed • t alaproache6 rapidly." The day -Of in feelings, person or possessions, and $ arse! Colorado; the gaping popple. "I ;leks bister 'the deliverance from evil; of true enjoins the same care for all these' h'ogr, owt., hc�`a81 $7.;>0 or, poall$7-75d ' I ,lint.!-v.Jn's patxlott. Ilei• husband Christian knowledge; of uric ha interests which we demand of an- i rolls, $8to 5, $8,6.7; rolls, 16 pound TO many po]ti le n Wyoming, .stair, 94.0- I dish" a mistake, lie is dal. g Purity, p- rolls, 18 to 2.5 : large rolls. 16 to _'Oct liiant;ina inat, Ti.aho ; I tr]flirt'. 13 Itoc' will not be fours` p}ness ands a phaco ; of terns! blessed- other. eggs, new laid, 12 to 1;•i.c : chickens, To gunny points in Uregon and )Vast'- I ]n de srco ' uh;li rtrj ' ness "is at hand." Lot us cast off per pair, 8tic to $IL; turkeys; per ib. ]ngton, t p r, leventit varse. -The works of darkness described in One Tare plus $21.00 for the round i ob Clover; but' ill do tseCan' chapter, the next verse. 12 to 17c, geese, par lb., 1.0 to 11c; trip. 'levonrth varve ab T}.tn.:)th'y, I know - '13. walk honestly -"lie decent, or- At London., ducks, per pair, SOc to $i ; apples, r ed It was some kind ob grass," . derly and sincere in all deportment, per bash,ell, 2.i to 60ic: per barrel, T)o Tickets on salla April n and 2., - _^_ an example for all eyes to look upon., to $1.75'. potsLtoes, per bag, $1:20 to Dlaty 1:; arts! 19, a-ur,e and 16; 190:1, � � $1.25• 1 For full information cal[ on or Ltd Ilrart 13 -Als. Hem choose ,night. rot- their revels of dress In r In -opt all c;t> es of organic ante i ran- skn and supemstitioue tolags, but .... Leading Wheat ;tiarket. II, F. C,IJITPR, T. P. A., childreni of light (Eph.'v1.11-18) must Following are the closing quota- 11, Janes 13uildiztg, Nle, ti.e haart is apt to heat rapid- , behave becomingly and live above tloit5 act im rtrrut reheat centres Toronto. ildin Iia. ! ly. Irrf>guiar• h.tbits worry, tllapi- slneh censure." A6 in the day -In airs to -day^: I t F. B. C)!OA'1'G, G. A., pitann arerworking until the per- ogen way which everyone may see Interesting discoveries have re- {!a,It. May, 1::t3 'Noadrv;trd ave., vau osis nr iiia wreck-, is a sure and: know. Not In rioting and drunk- cently been made at the Tower of Chicago .......... � wap to crt�ate a 'J0 pulsfa rate. How- ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,-_ 7ti 1-� Detroit, 1E]ch. 75 75 1-2 � ' ' r t vi r. when th 're is no o••g tn:o trou- etnnese-"T,:tey are not to indulge in London of some insci•i tions, mails Toledo .....,.. ... __� -_ ,,, A lilt-, tile rem .ly t'r to, correct the revels where intemperance in eating on tale walls by persons confined Duluth, ?\o. I , i vrror3 of liOn ale•' in and drinking Is common and where there in past tims. In the .verb Northern ............ 751-8 747-8 1 iallisslnlo. I g, �A g regularly, irndecent exerc]ee in games, etc., fol- or re airlr. a defective window Britlsh Live Stock Alkets. Yonkers�t.%.'e:nv n. in-ahi regularly, pxercIf t well,thin Lou*s, and where conversation is cos- p` g tn:llting Vetter blood. If there is no rapt, Th]s was what the heathen did opening in tife'St. Martin's T,owar, London, April 1o. -Prices are un- "What w•as that uolrre, .Cabe?" , loom trouble tI lit is the best way, whom they so condemned. This was apiece of Ileal Framing 1i4ac1 to Uo ohatinged; Canadian cattier are quest- sitonted 'the lady fr,)tu he's boudoir. I to curr,>et that condition. -Health. not the tltkng for Chri.Ftiaats to do" removed. Behind this was found the ed at 11 to '12 1 2c per lb. (dressed `•Olt, mann, it crag only thrl baby ceotalnly. But they are to be so fully name of Ambrose Rookwood, a -weight) ; Ame:ric:,a.n cattle, 12 1-2'c aucler the piano, an,l ha hit Ilim- Weaver's C`era!e in the conittry pis use - engaged in a pause lite and in its wealthy young Suffolk squire, who to 1:3 1-20 per lb. ; sheep steady* at I self, must," rapped the giro . !fill tr> rt,ll,n'e the pain eansed by bites of ani` dutleO, tlia,t the temptation will not was concerned in the gunpow.er plot. .14 to 15c per lb, : refrigerator beef "Dear little bogy. Did he .curt him- I umis, shims of Enseets, Itud In trcatlnit burns overtake them and they be led It 'was finely carved, . Lid t'he sur- it9 firm at 14 to Ile per lb. sr1f, I, n-tie'cl' tnd cnida,^- -� astray." ••\o, !mini; Mille it Was the soft �: name tress di it to , or Its derivation. fn. Torortto Dairy Matkets, Indy Rose's Vaught 14. Put ye, oil...... Christ-'11'ithout dicatil2g filo n!> taro of its derivation. It pedal he hrt, nauru.,further comment on heathen prac- Title unfortunate.culprit w,ja drawn Nuttt'•r-The nin.rket contblirec firm -- - ,1 Cana•lian edition of ;1Ir•s. Hum- tis.es, the apostle plainly ezplains and Azanged in palace yard, !Vest- for cbo'ce gnaItties, which use scarce. I n f� r## r(��[ y[�n �q phi e,Y 1'. :.-,-t s novel, "Lady Rosea 1vlx%t the armor of light means. It minster, with other of the conspira- ,We ntto+te, Fresh, large roils, ;18 to ��Iii MARY Daughit•,•," has been published by,. was plain to be seen what They must tars, on the last zv of Jantt:ary*, 13 1-'-e; finest 1-!b. pints, 1) to 30c; HAM 9� ARJl 19111 I1uoI.e-;Sterl:src, 21 Ricliniond stre,at put aside, and this exhortation would 1606. Mr. Hepworth Dixon., in "Her poorer grades, rolls and. 'tubs, 15 to t apply to all who might hear it. To Majesty's Tonver," gives an account � 17e: creamery prints, 23 to 25C; so- SPRING FIB KING � .,test, 'Poruntu, and is on sale at Put bill Christ signifies receiving and of Rookwood's exciting; ride out of lid, fresh made, 20 to 22c. ilia bool:sitores far $1.50. The believing the Gospel• 'Phis fully dome Landon to his home at Coldham Tlall, I L gs-The m trket 'in steady, with mtury attracted much attention' vand held to, would stop a.11 thought f ,ctttfo}k, after t71r. ganporvdor plot densand goad. Tile price is unchanged whlle it ryas runnlag as a serial kill of following any sinful inclination Of i at 1:=c gem dozen. Is Quickly Disposed of by Dodds Iiarper':s Magazine, oldnions vary - Of discovered. Ile covered thirty ' e their .nature. To be clothed with a I miles on a single horse, and by C'l!'c'41 seg -Margot firm, with good de- Kidney pills Ing with regard 'to the merits of t person, means to enter into hfs views, I m,mlyd. We quote : Finest, 14 to 14- the heroine, Julie Breton, who as - to imitate him, ancl; to be wholly on men.as of relays of ,a:ninials .made the 1-`,e: rvinq; I 1-2 t•o 1So; nary cheese -- sinks it I>reslding ova>r the draw , ilius side. Tile flesh -By flesh here we ,!mire distance or e}g17ty-one miles, 1 J to 13 1-ic i.n,g-room of heir patronr�sa, and is ' are to understand ills carnal nature, in- less tbmn seven liours, a remark- They Tulle up tate Ridne"ys, Balsnrm- Calar,n, N. Y.. April • •11, -Cheese, , s'o successful sr:cInlly that sire the atificaition of which led to the able performance, considering the I •, • ,,o sa'les'• butter, 26a , I are I31ood, Good L'iruailarioel, alio aroases the older woman+s jeal- e Iabominat,tions just mentioned. state of the roads at that.period. 1`c' as a Consequence, Vigor and ousy-. This Ieards to beer dismissal. . Thouglits-Love. "Pure lovr: is ever A- rztore elaborate inscription titan Toronto Live Stock. Energy. tome of the influential friands sl1'e true to the requirements of the di- that ar Rookwood's and one of the Tkport enttie, choice cwt.- $ 4 su to 4 85 I !tams learned to know[ in Lady t vine law. Love never faileth• heathen, finest of the whole series in hit:, 1Inr•- do n,ediunt ,........... 410 to 4 61 Neatly everyone needs toning up in 11cliry's salon rally to her rival s der), -iters will vanish under the force t.in's 1`,orcrr, is one that has been infrrot icows ),er cwt 75 30 to 3 ?5 the spring. Some are altogether ill, I ts.tall lard, but without great en- o'f this law. Love rejoiceth not In found through the removal of some Ruteltein' picke!t.; ........, 4 r0 to 4 60 others just feel fagged and worn out. thusia.sm, except 9n thie case of her e iniquity, and in every lieart where coats or rrllitowash. Btenea.th an em- dogootl to chore......., 3 0o to 4 30 E loyal cuuasin, the Due l ass of Crow- + love is ,the la,w sin cannot' remain. blem of tre Trinity appear the sac. do tairlonledium ...... 3 0o to 3 55 They have little Inclination to rr ork : borough: •lu.t:ob 1)eltit'ir'ic[, who lain f Heavenly love cannot be resisted, ret! letter$ "I. 13. S., and then the , do rough to carnlnon.... 2 75 to 3 If: Bulls, e;tportheavy ........ 3 5u to 4 •23 and less to eat. !'hey are simply ups- ; lace tl itis lie+r, and a few athero - Pride melts away under its rearm name, "George Beisley, Prist." On ! do light. .................. 3 00 to 3 50 less. I _Meanwhile, Julie, having exerted e breath ; s'elfish'ness disappears under II -le, left is a sh:eld containing the 1 Feeders, short-keon......... 3 9C to 4 25 Did you ever stop to tll]uk that ; all ]ter political infixicaiiek) witlu o its glowinginfluence; anger cannot do luedium ............. 360 to 390 b , flour de Its, the .card 1ilLria, ahcl ! do light .................. 3 •25 to 3 00 there is a reason los: all this ,suit i I,aily liettz3't7 friends for Captain stand before its gentle force. l ut on tale date, "1:�OU" A Latin inscrip- i stockers, elloice............. 3 so to 3 40 that if the complaint iA attaelttxitin- I Warkworth, a young mail, poor, f love; wear it as a garment. tion• tvhkcli follows le supposed to be do conuuon.............. teiliguntly it will yitit. readily, 1 C alnbitiou-i, -determined to sueceelin PR.A CT'ICAL SURVEY. a ti erre from tiro Psalms, "As the Milch corns, each..,......... 33 00 to 00 00 r will depart, anciTi,I its I lite, has became deeply ilpterestod' , lazy feella The Law of Love. t 1%xPort ewer tint.,........, 4 a to 4 i5 o The taro of love. "God is love." bort panteth after the .mater brooks, 1 But;ks, per sirs .............. '3 50 to 4 00 place will come vigor and eucril and ill }rim. IIer efforts are successful, so pallteth my soul after Tutee, 0 ; drain -fail ewes, ,rcthere.... 600 to 650 app!:titCs 1 and Warlinvorth }sets thcz foreign s This is the supreme fact, and this C+rabl-fedbuck.......... I.... 5 cio to a 00 It is the Kidneys t11at are not doing I appointment he covets. rhoz n Julie t element the supreme principle Df the God," But this cannot be st1tiA i ,p1•inglambs................ t'1 to 5 00 , universe. Beneath to sustain, above rv}tIf absolute certainty, as several II i3arnyardlame.............. t 50 to 5 e0 their work. They rebel to be tonert lea.rn); that lie is engat-�M to her ------ wozds are wanting, -London 'fe!e-, l l aivo ,each 2 00 to as oU up with Dodd's Kidney I'illn, 1i'lty Y i otrtl causing a young glrl whom he ....-_- _,�-.--..-...._.-_-.. _.. __... __..._._-..-_ r i h. do prr lh................ 0 03 to 00,1!5 Boo arse they are being ovi:rworLc<, , nlet to luditL before ]te kne.vt Jntie. graph. Irogs,,cleat,percwt........ 6 1-,, to n 00 . da fat per civt.......... 6 00 to 0 00 a.nc} need brig. :17thn inti \Cart,rr or til face .ilia tit t Jnntpcd the .inb• do light, per crvt........ 6 00 co 0 00 In tlip, ,.inter ttie body fortif1m; rt i truth• that that love' each other, ,~elf against cold. With the coming , ,ill,[ tlxa.t it i4 Lo.) late. Julle, al- !I, ,= t "I'm perfectly willing to do any I3radntaec>rs on Tracie. of I)ring it throws off this fort}fi-i tlrongh pitta, tt, bars strop;est Si sort of work,, lie arglaed, a6 he held At 3lontrenl the dpmanct for .spring ; otttiau, rvltirl, consists of extra tis-, rhaltrtt:tpil tic, 1,•,s Il,'r rr•sorve go e , i [incl <untlu"="€ :,<ls Es so grc ;Lt' that ,true, anti w1ditional waste matter Is ; tuvi uonfc .•stn npr l,,ve. Arrange- , I 1 fixe door open•. I cion t sick ,roe to I mills .End 1'tictc:rien are t:rxcxcl to givtln to thrr Utro[i to carry away. Il' ! Hier!. are httrrirtily •nettle to ,.slat S ZT090 "I`wt;ha .c give, nxe a xnebl for nntl7iug." "You'll their utuu,;,t to m, et ttur roquire- I the likinevs arra= !n e0ltdition to cio I in Pati,, ariA before: they say fare- ,, earn it, will ,you?" asked the ]lead I nteni.4 o; tit,> trail.•. in fttut the extr:l Ivor!. tlt]:a warts matpria,l is ; r:,ctl forever. to taker two or three I:i Nt� IL S=TES 1Cl D FOR PURITY Y P, PdI� GERMINATION. 1�1 tt r (llt'i;tl view t.I.ke isr tltlLt tlxe pias- ; quickl3 errs:. ll.'ti Tram the Uotly in isle i ,1 t vs rut t 1' .hili, livrcl and use of til:et !louse. C.erta.inly, I will. All g' " � ��0�� TUBEROUS BEGONIAS. I abtk for is the opportunity." "Are i poets 1£,i tra,tr w,�r, 110N Or lJoLrpr , usual way. ! tltpni a; t til r .rill. - AA ant. 1.isie i Litt• !f then I':,1,lneyn,are tires, or .Julio. slips away from hr�rfriends ;` y I tlir2 n tilt v a1 c act [)r r :. btu MANGEYa t'4S� ibofl1so fi you particular about tiro work?" c,spring iveiltlur at ,wonto titinI worn tnti' ttic� tt[tett1tnmttit2c;p,�tl� ali-d reavit ,; l,ririn, lit tho railway v':,` I` t, _ 6zUv"afe rJ�� I "Nat ]u "'she least! r me at :tui^, weal. 1L:tr4 stiltttll itpil tlrw df•nlilrld for , blood anal the ti c l ; �t Ition tlit, N% It •te con rse of her life tSRtia,nmoth fled. Floids z r r 5carlor, r: ,into, i y ., i "Cite rrrnrdy ]; simple. D,.,.( 's inciter ; i,; alterrr,I in :t ntrpli:iu mann,2r le .I the record for heaviest Lv, 't� '_V Yellow, Itnso. CwY bussed t'h112 vast rP.Lrtt doing," I ,se- s_nablf• l;rtt`tlr. lI'i c eaLl ly' t)ya`tl- bill:; pltt, t11e I,;d1,e;; t, ]Il gacicl rvat'ktitg Ito- the 6:ub:lyd,,n app •;lt•U11C:+ of Jac:Yb si -3 wei0,htitroavn. RootsofCiaan, -t i Mals, PostPtlld. ` „ c" , int; of nUVIJrait:;n• till.. liar, int rt:tr, tl orticr• '1'he lLitllteyt; in ood working 1 1+ 't tic size. 1sinttle anerimem,8a C( A pr -- 'Very well. My wife's out of town, I alta dpmrLnd 1't)r ;;!guilt fur 1411pntaut , F 1)11 tit +1,:1, thea mon wl. ile e her ! _ �, �r �- t LOAiit_iA`3 I y order eusuro pare b odd. atnd Owl ' .t itt u1l-alit li ,Ir;vrrt is>u. Tao eliding . pounds nutrimmed and 7a} '� , •-. - ,•,, ��G . and DYE,, got 1t servant. wito bas beet. � 1)y wat,:�,r to intri•lor .)olio;,, Trode ! - ponude trimmed. 1?ossesooe a I. Ctat�hle Dahlia f; sit tripe clo,l.yt. ifi [;°i<iwi:t ° a rill!* rX- . circulation-ott,ure brig}itnent; and ; could Lilt[ I,p more 1 l,u sl and nait- :`}, , Eld extraordivaryfeodinCanal,t[es. ' -„) '�F,�4 c'c' 3. iso � rLSn17111' tho, �IiC9tb(:+ far €L rVt'BiC tlt `J• ' : r~tlev y, '1'.;:0;;,4;,rid,s of p!'aI)le Will tail! � t 11 "'•,t. Vory fteo from fibrous roots '•,%•• :�Il'!�y �i 1 I?Laglo laablia, B slid I,'litLCt.'xl't tyle n2aral CULrI"ttP• tit ; ;.lnSiarl't•oi' Liti>' nrvanti:,. Ilitnlilr�t,"a :l.t - l,•f",lit. "'112 ifi, fL:;;t of sill. a >`gi7t?d . ,y andrr.adiiy etennedforttorinC. "i� ��t ,, P you io, bait tall you �a rut oC thpit' a�1,UI t:' Dovou4] that, if ill,' reader y grando?t and rich• discharge. 'her. Conte in and work ' Ilu,milton 9t,.t,!; ii. o allt!vo till,- w,•.,'1c. '�4. J lb. loc.. * III. , ti tl ost colored large 1)rCll Ct nCrtl;nCe. 1t7 ,:r tlotvoting Ca,uaaa, lies nut.' Lpt me see 'her, sir I'll ! " * in of tilt, I ;carps ta) !full: for It, it is a re " 1°ire nvholr, , c nip. c'tct t luark,OII. .tn, y in hvilvdi ty, and in Pound loc. • _r te all differen�� c I iso to titrry b:t,ck door a.n-1 sizo itrr I Ambitions fitv at'p g tirr:g a very t i Through- . founds $1.00. i t' it l 10 1t.> "•v of rvatn,tn. 1'hr s h- �'+ (ira�a and !toots � R'A" Ile? livaa sail., a,t70ttt two tt1}11- i 'btld h51',t.:tr( Of illi* iltLtr:tset] ..•!lila Cattti)1;;•t$iid ut' lbrau ('boss{t)ly', ti g a AddGc. per brand' wanlrrE - ready a l8. Or. I utos, :)nd whor lit; came back 110, , requirempnt.ts of tliv country. both I A certain uvoi, n. market irtic'N- nut the nitre! brilliant .,,..apes ed p p of ! l"' l,on•I•)tl �o,Lcty at Its bust succeed �>x byouril. derto•day.] ; + ilcarly ells"pied the nide gates oYl its i in t'lxe tva'xt will Ill ont-lash,, -and , er, with it fttm]ty of four tdaughtfr^', , r•a.ult oihctr with dratmnt}, rapidity. y hinge:. in. lits hurry to gold through. sh:ipnsentn ecivttinur- tln a large ;was most -lt yiruun to sett his t,tl .s : It 3,4 nnque th)na•h}ti firs. tiVard'6 GJANT SUGAR ff�.l�l�'aAR00 .�v�EDE. Ile didn't even stop in the front, ,scale. 7tyhe firm tone of the mar- I married atS they bpcatlle o tge. Ii MAN GEL. The grandest: of all yard, but a,s lio kept do he turned t keds co.ttinnps to stipulate purchases ' He wt1dted till 94trall, tit:' eldest; I greatest triunalrh. l} es the " ' • 5avcdea. Keeps ton. � Ill face to the cr k in the door 1, • t London this week I wars her owls mistress, bat, ax "he - - 9! n +Y I far .tits fall. L mostlProtitable(toot6or r than any other �, I y I {'IeaT About lila Stairs. oadln Unt sort and produces and sa.td; 'Jyha,nld vrtr, very k[nr11;�, I ltc rv'tcrl^.sllp;•,rhtlr . 1,tp;t c;uitel7IRy rratrha41 ilia ,tits of 2v, anki Marg, ya�`toclttho lamins Dfam- I crows evorywhore. vola sir, Out I find I ain'•t ihungry, and with, ,cortin orders for the spring the recon l datrglvtel, too, bilcatmc � A. lawyer was Dross -examining an, -" utathIIIMafumantraittlr! hnrdy.tortho EI� cnal mn-t-.e these old clothes do me and summergt'ra.de, and th'e talll trade of age, mild, •gill nes signs oC inarr�h , IrLah woman, fife paint under enquiry , :q.}t. -• per acro. Vwluable tither. wrld growth Color trop very itPw11 till hest summer 1" is also increasing. Ottitw'a whole- I Ing them, 'thee father belga.! to !Dalin(" the relative positions of filo �,r ,. 4' for produdlmC milk or las a - - phooxt '!tela r br most worry eery touch. ' We,11," he •sald `do;7rts, windows, etc., in aa, house which :p �, flesh .formor. handsome, popular Swede h cui.tt- )sale, trade is very active far this ; < T perfectehapedrootaoftsluk• vapivatid. Particularly In esti Wanted a f:liinesc+ 5on�• season. Geneza.,l }ausinlrss at Quebec , to tete .nei.gltlbars who wa:Lrntetl to a certain 'transa,c.tars had o^tutted, Is ontotc¢ronnEaey Most of the olicemen in Australia during tine wre1.J hats green active. I knaty will.. he rt+tas going to -10 "And now, my good woman," .ilia' aptedto ttietricts rvhero rt to hnrvext. ,rhe xlchoat the laird ]Icy exposed. } p g _ with all h'i,a daughters, "if any loan lawyer isle!, "w}11 you gored 1b. 12c, t lb, s ex are Irishmen, whose genius for ]ium- will. have one of my daughiters, I enough to Lett the court how^. Ahe an ssre0 ,t of AlI roots. +' Ponntl3bc, orous blundering loses nothing of Its Girt to One. will give him a hrrnrlrecl with her..'' stairs run 1rr your house. I . " 8 Pounds $7.,10. 4 Pounds $1.00, quality under the Southern Cross. A welt -known r5argc.on was impart- . Then the girlis were crowded with "RcL a do tilt istatirs run ?" the s'1 Edd be. per pound if Here is ah instance : Ma,ny Chinese a,ddSo.perpound(/wanted inM come clinical instruction to ha if suitors, and finally Sarah .vats mar. •witness replied. "Shmx+2, whrin, I aast3 byinail. ,baited by 1pf0• names are reminiscent Of a bur- - .,`,.,-_ a cdown is'tuclents who accompanied i ,'loci. And the next day ih'e !)ride. ` ulasta,,ira tlnKy rtnx dawn, and wlhlm e lesgtte and arra Probably merely bar- ham ill hiis rounds. Pausing at the groom received from his fathr r -in• a.m (tbd.r•Ill trait's they run UP, '-�anp`at barian claxicaturau of ,the Originals. „ `i (� 'PACKETS �a Of these Fong Fat, Ah'Su and Alt Fee lre'dtyicicr ,e a doubtful case, 'he said: law- ono hundred ca,bUrrgcls, Earn. "Now, g+ealtl4:nterl, do ,you tbInk thiag l .�.�-. _ /M 5 1 are, the most common. „ _ _.-._.._ __.__._ _.._.___ _ .-• _.._.__. _ ..•... ...._., ... . is, al4 is, not,. a carr+o far operation •. - , TAKE YOUR CHOICIE.. BY MAIL POSTPAID. A newly appointee. crier In a county One by ons the !students made their �- sl +a _. n , VIec11?'rABLES. ia. Caoutmber.wilbe ith rumatphin.Lart;e 45. atr11mbers. an=ed, court was o;tltor•ed by the judge In it dtn,gnoisis, and all of them answered �.,.-• - , t, LGemaaa. Golden Wax spin& .ehnrse. 4a, Ever.•lnatinate. T,rx'd. case, 11) which a Chinese was witness OV 2. zeet,nellpse,round. '10,, i3erbs,sma x ,mvArebarrtoeyGern '41.ElktgiloaletterallooG ,, , til the negative, "�'+t=11, ,gerltlCmeX1, ....., a 9. Hteet, Flan it rpttoa, tt. Iletht,e. Savory. - ,3. cacl.Iart.Brcgktaet., 4S. 3Zarrx4tl actors, to call for Ali Song. .'",idle son of 'Ilrin "' „ °' -" txrrR05r qq !coke -1 uzztbd and !!sifted c lock at you are rill wronig', ral,id the wielder i .,, , ,It igi:M 1,019 incoth. la. Pr+rba,,)tarlo,nha, �-�,twiis a, Long acariet, . xdlx4d. p, + - b.l'4abNgCe,WittntaS• t@. ,tltLtaco,raoaIlnt.IL 96.SMIAt0^y.ndammoth. - 42, 'ttstaa;t•irn",Tsalt. of Ithie free sand flaahilpgr scalpel, "and � ,•„-„- ,,.., sbbI tto. TIH�tstaximp-.time erz¢•tet. #u..3ati<ublrt.ar•�,xro .. rxl.-thvaatgcu•ttltrie, n„•irt t the laenell to try to diseaver if this O,Catbr>,eato Y?otnan, 2t,10.tg9HclYFolom,tenkty„ al,XtLnnxQ�;rtublu?,L X3,fiaa�uasltta ed I a.m k"bins to OIDhr`at•9 tatutorrOW," 4 l„_,,, logia l�alrinn 2z, ea artrtsaoioia.Harry. xa, tearmlio, ltu.l Top , 52. 1I aWa0, Mixed, ryas o colonial joke; !rut, scalp[; thr „Na, 5ott won't," ext^lanmed '.lite pa- i .tea --.n > li 7• Cattrtot, a judge aas gravo ao all undertaker, he sCarreG _ ,. 23. 6011 a, l.09d'itA G,Obo. . . ri5, .a'laaIl,&n U,ianrhlle), •. .." & �+ - Y•ot, Gam atoic•t, t, 24. on rata, rrw Da van, i o. aromiato. crampton. uizea• , , � - me d blain�.ly `l itenit, alis 12r� 7"tN�' in his bed, "fix to 1 `��, � '`-"- y. o. iUakU 100`tYar,uarlp N. 0111 rut, rruvor ,l 10.'Yotr4autto,Rzt, Fxrly, a4, se es lsaraaineuom. turned to the andiei i an of you ane is a gbo.l major2ty; g}mm47 my .:: ":: » '.- ° - - - " W---- - " tb. ate4114. ltiitanebinty; "�' 11 mrsrDy, c. q tl Crintl,,men, will y y " `; ,site. hi Uizo , B7. ^xirl.10.liollom 7+iLtoV�rcxB. G5, 3Vv�r,6SFmfl�t.011. Clathlel9. 1l. 410ka, Barry Minnosotat, ordHL. 41, Atr,snnraa, SIMi - co, dcrxeasxara, tied. - favor.hls hbxtor tvlth a song?" -,,; -_.� i, boost ire Fence is �,.4�etfwong �a°�,�,�;�t, Lt. ..vara, aawraroa 12. alae mbac,okicklina;, '00:.��,+-11,I tdo0 Vicat: i4:;imiss"trmfTYt°xda'a. -- w�+10 Al's• +� xve'n ' with kiln.'•-• Air. Vlirty 13,C� 14, ouoatmber,V8026m. 9c. I*raleiaor,AubyXhW, 44.-Q:tarltWt:lnm.atlxod. .tit, a... it lit. .---d- Played a Ilfigber Trump. (taun�tingly)-aI Isar, Iilrs: B!errymitn a;c xo wires and 6 stay, fence Inas i'.'aeagt�*', uprights. .Chore s T tt9 SEALIII �'ACXAS,O-NEVCR IN FOUL. � Phil tteeord. On the sltreet torday. Shirt .looked not a weak spot in its construction. It will last three times its long SOLD BY LEADING ME13CHAN S i pin own. � as other fences. Plade your order for F molt 'enc e, satisfactiolll�� p ADELAIDE AND I esvore she was my queen, and yet charming in d7or mouz g g 3 i1i3 DIRECT � t�J¢e RENN> IE, rp or onto; JAr#VIS STS. No trace of joy suffused hm., face, iYi.'re. Flirty (sarcastically)•-lndredl guaranteed. i;`rite for catalogue. IFI?S13V1 ltl � e Y lvl uLa� n � Slle slrirply I'l1g,vcrell, "I regret , It?s. Q �7ilty wtie al can't be 'c'1'1tla,tvs, ' `Tito rpost !!!lire �'enco Co., Ltd., Nvetlmud, Otlt., and tvit)uipeg, nrata. uu " .�, d1. �. tli=�fs t,t�'-ti3 Wo, din.}+_ I Gilt ant)tlieir`s ace." rJtltxoxi Free l?iGrs, a.;....M... Mmm..-- -a .a A . M _ - r . _ _ o