HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-04-17, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. VOL.III., NO.38 ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APIA. 17, 1903. 1. PER YEAR. the iberaR' 1JOB D Is now fully Eqipped for Qs- •E++3•+34-+3>+3•-+3•+3,-+3•+3•+3+3. -*£++3.+3.+3►+3+-+3►+3►+3•+3►*3•+3•+3•*3•4 Book Work. Catalogue Work 144 44-*E+-E+-.E+'1£+•£4+E+.44.+;;E+-£+••£+-04.$. -0..1+ •£*-E4.4+4,;+£++€++E+-`£++£++E++E+*£+ +3.43•+3.3•+3+-+3•+30-+3-+30-+3►+3•+3-+ 3.-43•+3+ et All kinds of Work i -*E+-0£+4E++; • £+ +••£++3•+3•+£+ -£+4+4++3• -*£+•£r 00 not pass your1 Horne Paper When you want Printing. Our Prices are always the Lowest. IMMEMNISMINSIKUOIREIMESIIM WHIERE THE Far EST 1 -Are Made. Call and see my Stock on hand. J. F. Blckbell, ` A I O J4 3 Zurich. OF SEEDS 4 choice variety of Field Seeds, including Mangol, Carrot, Beet, Seed Corn, &c., &c. Our Seeds are the best money buy. International Stock. Food. a Stock Food that is [R3eaIIy Good] Best Grades Of Family ON....1•1101MMS.100•10••••••••• 301 41:30,10r 31EXP •s -e• C ran Shorts, &(4,,L.; Mlo y Prices are Right. • �• C. SCS IRAG,, . . ZURICH. ( Zeller Block.) Successor to IL11. Johnstone For tan up to . date hat, D. S. Faust has them for you. Miss Addie Sararas, is visiting her sisfer, Mrs. Neeb, at Sebring= ville. Mr. J. J. Merner, of Dashwood, spenit part of Wednesday in the village. Mr. Hy. Pletsch; of Mildmay,was in town to visit acquaintances, on Saturday., The Messrs. Russell, blacksmiths, of Exeter, spent Good Friday after- noon in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benedict, of Crediton, spent Good Friday visiting friends in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Yungblut, of He'h- sall, spent Good Friday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Bender's. Mr. Chas. Fritz and fanny spent Good Friday at the home of his brother William, in Crediton. Several loads of the members of the Y. P. A. are visiting Dashwood Alliance this (Friday) evening. Ed. Warm is doing duty at the Dominion House stables, for John Knorr, Nvho had his arm injured. Mr. Peter Lamont is spending part of this week in Toronto and is combining pleasure with business. Mr. and Mrs. Rausch, of Berlin, visited with Mr. Casper Rarig, of the 14th Con., over the Easter holi- days. Mrs. McLean and family, of Chatham, are spending some clays at the Commercial Hotel in this vill age. Mr. Robert Stelck, the principal of our public School, is spending the Easter holidays at his home, in Hillsgreen. Miss Hart, assistant in the pub- lic school, is spending the Easter vacation under the parental roof, at Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bean, of Goderich, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Scheellig's, of the Goshen line, near Zurich, this week. Master Harold Johnson, of Clin- ton, returned home after spending his Easter holidays with his uncle, Thomas Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Wettlaufer and :nvo. daughters, of Blyth, are visit- ing relatives and friends in and around Zurich, this week. . Mr. Wm. McCloy, of Hensall, general agent for the Deering Com- pany of the United States and Canada, was in the village on Tues- day. Mr. Peter Bender purchased a fine building lot from the Joseph Zettel Estate, next to P. Sipple's residence. The price paid was $i70. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. Wm. Battler, Babylon line, on Monday evening, friends from Zurich and Dashwood being present. Mr. D. S. Faust and Mrs. Hoffman and son, his daughter and grand- son respectively, went to Milver- ton, on Saturday last, to visit his other daughter, Mrs. Finkbeiner. Rev. Henry Holtzmann, of Ful - las ton , visited his brother, Mr. Gabriel Holtzmann, on Tuesday, on his.way to the Conference at Dashwood, which is in session there this week. THE HERALD is in receipt of a letter from Mr. Charles Bossen- berry, of Cavalier, N. Dakota, and his many friends will learn with pleasure that Charlie is pleased with his new home and is doing well. - Mr. S. T. Hopper, B. A., L. L. E. Graduate Optician. Hensall. was in the village on Wednesday, on pro- fessional business. It is his inten- tion, we understand, to make per- iodieal visits to both Zurich and Crediton. Mr, J. P. Rau, of the Coimner- eial, is busy renovating his hotel at present and the rooms are present- ing a very attractive appearance. The Comrnercial continues .to be very popular, under Mr. Rau's able m aim gement. Mr. Deering, of Exeter, was in the Village, on Tuesday. on his first trip of the 'season, collecting cream for the Butter Factory.• He expects to make two trips per week for the balance of April and three trips after the lst of May. Quite a few of our citizens drove to Dashwood, ora Wednesday after- noon, where the Evangelical Con- ference is hi session, to hear Bishop Horn, of Cleveland, give an address in the evening, He is spoken of as an able and eloquent speaker. A good meeting of the Dominion Foot•Ball Club, was held last Thurs- day evening, sat the Dominion House, and the prospects are bright for the coming foot -ball season. -- The following officers were elected Robt. Stela, President, Ab. Shot - leis Captain ; Andrew Hess, Sec'y- Treas, Challenges to the Senior Club may be sent. to Ab. Shetler, and for the Junior Club, to Gannet Magel. THE SOVEHEICN BANK of Canada HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO LxECITIVE OFFICES - MONTREAL Authorized Capital - $2,000,000.00 Capital paid up - - $1,2.00,000.00 H. S. HOLT ESQ., - President D. M. STEWART ESQ., Gen. M'gr Savings Department. Deposits of $1. and received and • highest rates of interest allowed. Deposit Receipts issued at favor - rates. Loans made to Farmers en their own notes. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONE OFFICES AT— Exeter Crediton F. E. KARN, C. W. GILMOUR. Manager. Manager. F. W. GLADMAN, Solicitor. Bus the Nugget Polish at C. Fritz. Fora nice Neck Tie call at D. S. Fat. Thuse Schools will re -open on Mon- day morning. C. Fritz is showing some hand- soine shoes in his window. Good Friday was very generally observed as a holiday in Zurich. Mr. George Ziinmerniaan, of Tavistock, was a guest at Mr. H. Well's over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein, of Hensall, spent Good Friday visit- ing friends in this village. Miss Melvina Koehler and brother, Ezra, spent Easter with their sister in Sebringville. Mr. Jne. wispier, Blacksmith, has been laid up for several clays past with an attack of the mumps. Mr. Seheellig, of the Goshen line, visited with his son, Dr. George, in Detroit, during the Easter holi- days. Mt•. Wes. Schee-Rig has disposed o ` his entire colt, but we have not learned to whom, or what price he received. Mr. James Swan, of Brucefield, general agent for the • Brantford Wind -mill Co,, Was in the Village on Tuesday. Miss Clara Galin -Ian, of Beaver Meadow, spent a few clays tivith Miss Plicebe Riekbeil, the latter part of last heck. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. S. Ronnie on Monday evening, April 20th, at 7.30. Mr. and Mrs. John Ort, of Blen- heim Tp., spent Easter with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ort, Bronson line. Messrs. Sam. Faust and Fred. Riehbeil, drove over to Dashwood, and spent Good Friday afternoon with friends in that village. Service will be held in the Evan - g alical Church, as usual, Sunday Evening. A supply will be sent from the Conference, now in session at Dashwood. Mr. W. E. Latimer, a resident of Stratford, and a Typo on the " Bea- con," gave THE HERALD a call on Monday last, on his way from Drys- dale to his home, Many loads of tile passed through the Village this and the latter part of last week. This tile is manufac- tured at the brick and file yard of Mr. Ronnie on the 15th Concession and is generally pronounced of good quality. 11Iiss Andrews was entertained at Tea, by the Ladies of the W. C. T. U., the evening previous to her departure for home, en route to the North-west. ° The spread took place at the home of Mrs. Doan and was contributed to by all the members of the Association. Mr. Peter Lamont was out for a spin with the greys on Sunday last Twice during the past week he has had offers to sell them and in one instance, only the modest sum of seven dollars was between the price asked and that of the would- be purchaser. Messrs. W. O'Brien, W. Hess, Jno. Sob nettles, ,Tito. Truemner and Mike Meiclinger, spent Good 'Friday afternoon on a fishing expi- clition, near -Bt. Joseph and brought home with there 55 large sized suckers. Many of their neighbors also enjoyed afish dinner on the following day. The many friends of . Mr. J, D. Manes, general merchant, of this village, will be pleased to learn that he is now so far recovered as to be able to bo about the house again, after the operation which he underwent some tinie ago, for 'appendicitis. Why don't the young men of Zur- ich getup a base -ball, club. It is now the popular summer game, calls for less exertion on the part of players than foot -ball, is easily understood b,p on -lookers, is less dangerous and to seven oitt of every tan, is more interesting. than.ta kicking contest, Ready for 'tin r tab. UR New Spring Stock is complete. We think we have good reasons for feeling proud of our iiewr spring lines, such as Men and Boye' Ready-made I Men and Boys' fine up -to -dale SUITS , DRESS SHIRTS, Mens and Boys' HATS, of the very latest American Styles - MUSLIN-, of all kinds, of the newest designs Many snore, which space does not permit us to mention. We invite you all to come in and see our new Goods, whether you buy or not. You know you are always welcome to come and study the new styles at FAUST's. Prices will be made easy, and produce taken in exchange for goods, at �UStT's_ To the Ladies of Zurich and surrounding country, 1 would kindly call your attention to the EMPRESS SHOE the most modern Shoe made in Can= ada, and the best value for the money. CHAS. IRI T", THE SHOEMAN ZURICH, ONTARIO Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. The Leading Dress Goody Ilouse. We are always in the lead in Dress Goods. Call in and inspect our Stock. We are also Showing some pretty suitable for Waists. - - MILLINERY.... Our :\lillinery Stock is new and strictly up to the moment, and is again under the management of MISS HANDFORD, We would invite all the ladies of -Zurich and vicinity to give us a call. +3► J. Preeter, Zurich Store closes on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6 p. in. HARNESS TRUNK'S VALISES WHIPS FANCY RUGS OILCLOTHS HARNESS OILS A.g,ency for Spaetzel's Pneumatic Collars Try then for your tender -shouldered horses FURNITURE A PULL LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK HIGH U11:11)E PIANOS AND ORGANS'.. A number of Second-hand will be sold at BARGAIN PRICES -C7\7=7..47....1,