HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-03-27, Page 8he People's THE X039 WHV? MA;..R PL re We handle good goods Our prices are low We carry a large stock Highest price for produce Obliging salesmen J. 0. MER ZURICH Vsfil ON TARIO Cutters rsq- at r'`t"' Ctc 1Rigbt Prices. 4++E+49.043•43.43. I have put in a stock of Palmerston Cutters at prices to suit the tunes. Call and see them. ALL KINDS OF JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. H. W1SMER, GEN ERAL ° BLACKSMITH. Zurich Carriage Works. cutters! :'' Sleighs A few Portland and Square Cutters on hand yet, which will be sold cheap to make room for Spring work. F. MESS & SON, Ziiricli, 011taric Kalbfleisch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill --All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stook of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on handl. Field Gates, Water- Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mips 14th Con., Lob 25. J. C. Kalbfieisch Zurich P. 0. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon, Wheat 68 to 70 Oats .. , .... 28 30 'Barley' ... 38 42 Peas....,. 50 60 Flour .1 75 1 85' Butter.... ..•.. 14 15 Eggs. .• ... 12 1.3 Chickens ib .: . • . `g ' 5 Ducts 6 6. Geese .. , .. 5 5 Potatoes.,..... 50 60 EENSALL MARKETS. Wbeat,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 70 to 72 Oats .. , ... 30 82 Barley ... • , . , .... 40 40 Peas. ,. ,... 05 75 Flour 2 00 2 10 iflogs (live) per cwt.. 5.75 6.25. DASHWOOD Furniture and Undertaking STORE We hitve now a large and up- to-date Stock of House Fur- niture a n d Furnishings which we offer At a Low Price.... UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Large and up -to date. In time of need, give 118 a call. PRICES RIGHT. P. Mcisaac DASHWOOD - ONTARIO Of Interest to Farmers, Whatever helps the farmer helps the community. We therefore have pleasure in announcing that the Ontario Fruit Growers' Asso- ciation, through the Secretary, •Mr. G. C. Crcelnlan, has mad0 arrange- ments to holds IL series of Fruit Institute meetings in this district. An orchard has bean selected and hero a practical demonstration in pruning will be given, and discus- sion will be conducted in reference to matters pertaining to orchard management. Two prominent fruit growers have been engaged by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, ' to assist in the work, and it is expect- ed that these meetings Will be n1.ost helpful from a, practical Stand- point, The meetings/in this district will be as follows :-Brussels, Arpil 3 ; Blyth, April 4 ; Clinton, April 6.; Godorioh, April ; Hensall, April 8 ; Exeter, April 0. Delegates a A. E. Sherrington, Walkerton; P. J. Carey, Cobourg. s T'T-[E ZURICH HEl_'lAl_,l.k Eil6'. ADkr 'rS A , . I Forecasts for April., j BY OM Lt 11.11',,,,,,, I April the t,t and 2infl, are r0110- t t.'ionary storm days, on and about 1 which may be expected a decided I rise 111 te1111)dratlire, falling harem cte1 higli hunliLlity and rain ant. 'thunder >•tor.ios. Cloudy and nn- settled weather, with snow squalls very probable in the north, will be I very natural for several days at this time. Tho moron at first cluar- I ter on the 4th, and in perigee on the Cit11, will aids in prolonging 1 these disturbances. , About the '7th it will change to 1 very werlo in western Sections. winds will - shift toeasterly and sonther1 , the barorneter,'wvill begin Special to '1'111; HicaL u 1). Owing to the mild weather, seine of our farmers aro getting ready for seedling. Mr. Fred Kalbflcrrulh skim -kat a car load. O1' flax hist week, on le, emelt of the 1>a1 recur, they had u difficult task to get it out to .k1en- sall. Miss Sarah Smith is at present on the sick list. Wo wish hes a specify recovery; 1dr•. Ferdinand. S11e11 is engaged with Mr. henry 1'alblleisch. A very valuable horses 1: a per - ell t ce:1 by Mr. John Reid, 'from Nlr. Joseph Dow'son, for the sum of $190.00. - - Mr. Henry Smith left on Mondasr for Cavtalier, :North Dakota. We are sorry to ioii' lLitn. WHEN LIFE 1: 1:; NOT LIFE. " 1\ 1t11out health lift- is not life ; fallingg, and storms of wait, with sons' active hail,tllunder and wind, will pass east\.ardly over most parts of the country, from the. 8th to the .11th inolusivo. Look first for high temperature, low barome- ter. rain, thunder and hail follo�v- it is only a. state of humour and ` ed later by 'well erly gales, rising Suffering - an image • of death."1 barometer with fitful squalls of The otic, of DrChase's Nerve Focal snow and ;lett northwards, and a gives the Weak,. languid. and die- I very general. a1ac.1 decided change to couraged a' new hold on lite. it t colder. makes the binoxl 'pure and Atli, After a few mornings of chill creates new nerve force and instils' and frost, over all sections central new energy and. vitaLlity into the I anti north arcs, change to warmer, whole being. It makes weak And I with falling barometer and. more Sickly pee'f)le strong; and well b;; I April storms will center about the building 1111 the system. I 1 ;th end 14th. The transition state of the season through the most part of April brings, as a rule; scattering "April showers" at al- most any tire. But. this tendency to showers and squalls becomes decided, general and often violent as we pass into the regular and reactionary storm perincls. In the Neil Cameron UllaFred Genlin-1 nature of things, haail storms are hart have gone to Milwaukee. 1 mere numerous in April than in John Spencer liar bought the almost any other month in the bicycle business of J. (eminhart ) year, dashes of hail being c'oniliion Miss. Mary Parsons has returned! from almost .11.1y local and dense from a visit to Hillsg:reen. I thunder -cloud. Miss L. F ergnson has gone to A regular storm period is central Toronto to take a situation in al 011 the 9t11. .As we enter this tailoring establishment. !period look for change to muds Wvarnlal• to set in from 111e west - Mrs. \\'11.1. Patrons returned SRC- i ... nrdaLl from a few weeks' visit ut's,ty about the 17th. Tho barometer. L4AYFf ELD Special to THE HERALD. Charles Ferguson has gone to Cleveland. to engage for the ran, mer. A NIAGARA ROPLWALKER. He Will Cross the Falls Hanging by His Teeth; New York, March 23. -For a wager of $200 and expenses Otto Paterson, a Brooklyn athlete, will try to cross Niagara Falls on a three•quarter lneh wire, carrying another man of his, own weight. Unlike Blandin, he will make the trip by clinging with his teeth to a leather strap connected to the wire by a shall roller, The other roan will sit in a chair strapped to the strong intan's body. The entire weight on his teeth will be about 260 pounds - The wire is to be stretched directly over the main falls. . The journey will be abort 1,030 feet and Peterson'cxpects to traverse rse it in from five to seven minutes. He plans to perform the feat within the next two weeks. Peterson says lie call hang by his teeth for half an hour and lift a, 700 -gong weight in the saute Way. The young man is physical direc- tor of the Danish Atheletie Club, sand his wager was made with three Members -Harry old Nels 1lllireh and Peter Badtirg, He weighs 130 leprids. Ridgetown. W. Whiddon and Alex. Ferguson left this week for Cleveland. Erwin Brother e lo'luli1 ' g; 4 • ts business these days, clipping hors- es, at G. Ertvin's blacksmith sharp, country. Ya'ry waarni, humid Mrs. Jas. Iluaie, who is said to weather with lett/ barometer - have spent the winter in 'Florida, things probable at this time -may was home as few clays this week well suggest sro3'111S of great energy, and left Tuesday for London. and cause that degree of watchful - BOSS funeral of the late Mrs. J. BOSS and caution on the appaoaell Mc. Intosh of Exeter took place a of storm (lents, which the eii'enm- here on Tuesday to the family bury- ,tances warrant. As in the other ing plot et the corner of thd°Salable Line. Deceased. was a foriuor rest - dent of this place and '\vas in her 83rd year. will begin falling. in the sante sec- tion with the rising temperature, and from about Saturday the 18th to Tuesday the 21st, very decided storms will rt111. tllcir regular course from west to east across il1e Boys if you want an up to date hat call in and see what D. ti.Paust has for you. .1. FAMILIAR NAME, - In the homes of Canada and. the United States there are few mines 11101..0 familiar 0.11(1 110110 more reverently spoken than that of Dr. A. W. Chase, the great physician and receipt book author. He is blessed for the suffering he has relieved and the diseases he has cured ; his remedies are 11x0(1 •a1c1 endorsed by the best people in the land ; they are popular because they clue -when others fail. $LAI BTOWN Special to Tsar: HERALD. \LD. The debate last Wednesday night "Resolved that a farmer is more independent titan a. mechanic!" was deckled in favor of the mechanic I by 1 point,1ty judgt. George Broder- ick, The affirmative side had a slight disadvantage as four of their side were absent while ono was absent from the negative side. Mr. W111. Bose, of Stratford, visited his wife, who is at present remaining at the home, of .rel' father, Alov. Rennie, over Sunday. Will Eley spent a 11nv days the beginning of the week visiting friends o11 the 14th. He was ac- companied to his home by Ed. Steick en Tuesday night. Jelin I-Iey, Jr., and wife .spent. Tuesday evening at the home of •the former's parents. George Broderick delivered the horse. Which he sold at Centralia on Friday last. - Mr, Fred Willcrt was on the Babylon on Tgescfay. George Cl,tnv,i)oll 08'11t Saturday and Sandal with R. •111. Steelol:, at his hone in Hillsgreen. •A flock of some fifty or more wild geese passed over Writ burg 011 Wednesday morning. They settled in. Mr. Martin's Held for some time, but our sportsnlen were unable to get their game. Our young men (Lncl lacl.108 are invited to a. bee at Mr. Parnell's on the Town line for to -day (ThtLrs- clity). Wo tinrerstand there is likely to be a little jig in the even - Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Decherr •'and family' were over to the wedding of Mrs. Deoher's sister, on \Vednes- day night., • 'The debate this week "Resolved that married lift i_4 bettor than single life" was 40oii 001j.:i n fat'vor> of married life, by ltl.cl;fo Alonzo 'Foster., by 1).points to. 8. Debates are Closed forthe present. R. F, Steles, and John Hey, Visited our debate this week. Mr. Edgar Naagei bought- - a valuable dog from Morris llauilacll= er, for, which he paid the scull of $.000.50. Renew i ve clog, storm periods i11 April. look for high barometer. westerly gales a.nd very cool nights to follow at the close of this period -that is im- mediately behind or west of the actual storm areas. The next period in which storm conditions will develop and run their, courses from west to east. will be central o11. the 24th and 25th, The Moon passes northward across the celestial equator on the 24th, and on and. touching that date :t series of highly electrical storms aro almost certain to de- velop. Showery. stormy conditions will not pees off until after new Moon on the 27th, after which date will. follow a brief, short change to 11111011 cooler and frosts northward. • Summing up the whole platter, WO believe that April -will be an average good month for all indus- tries. The last half especially will be fine and pleasant. Showers must be expected, with an occasion- al hard storm, but -we - (10 not predict an excess of general rains, but rather the other extreme. Clubbing rates. r,i2rWe have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with TI1E H 4}ALD : Daily Globe 4.25 Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1..50 „ Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Press 3,25 Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.25 'Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 I+' arnler's Advocate 1.85 For a fine Spring Snit, tile very latest, D. S. Fast has them. -. . Chrorb fi hitifs Ur. Wm. Davidson, St. Andrews, -true.,, states :---"Dr. Chase's Syrup 0! Linseed 1101 Turpentine has cured me of bronchitis. I have, without suc- cess, tried many remedies for the past six years. Last wiutet• when I had a severe attack and was unable to warlc T procured a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, and am happy to state that the third bot- tle made me, a well man." Mr. W. R. Alger, insurance agent, lalifa N.S., says :---"I used Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine for a severe attack of bronchitis, remit; me to testify to its splendid curative properties. I got better from the time of taking the first dose, ing o. family of young children, my dectorsi bills have annually come to s considerable sural, 1 believe ,a bottle of r)r. Cita se's •Syrup (mcasiono 1ly will sirs me in reducing them very materially." 26 cents a:bottle, all dealers. • Or. Chase's Syr > p of Linseed and Turpentine. �d A . Is the place to buy your HARDWARE,. GRANITE, SILVER and GLASSWARE. ASBESTOS FILLED SAO IRONS, Will retain heat twice as long as ordinary irons, and costs very little more. PAINTS, OIL, PORTLAND CEMENT. RUGS, DUSTERS, DASH APRONS, SWEAT PADS, WHIPS. ° TINWARE, We have the best Cook Stoves made, war - 'ranted Quick Bakers, Superior Cookers Power- ful Heaters. Agent for the London Fence Machine, also agent for the Lamb Fence, best woven wire fence on the market, and all kinds of fence wire on hand. Eavetroughing, Furoate Work anti Mdtai Rooting a .Specialty, ZURICH, Main Street, ONTARIO. n SHE) We have a 1;u'ge stook of Spring and Summer Foot=wear, all sizes and styles, at prices that will be to your advantage. ` e have also this this season, the .American utin Shoe they are a fine cheap Summer Shoe We solicit your partronage because we know we can satisfy you and give you value for your money. • P. BENDER & Go. Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. for Wire Fences this Spring, The American and The Ideal are the two best woveli wire fencing on the market. is made of all No. 9 hard Coiled. Spring Wires with. No. 9 Wire Stays. The strongest Fence -in the world. Call and see it and get prices. Also a .lig stock of Coil Spring Wire at lowest prices. Weaving Machines at $6.00, Will weave No, 12 wire. ALSO 20 SET OF SINGLE HARNESS FROM $ 7 UP. . C. J -1J1 RTLE I B CO'S. The Big Hardware and Harness House. 'RICH T. BIO tVERYONE IS AWARE that Spring is approaching, and now is . the time for you to be on the look -out for your SPRING CLOTHING. Wo have prepared orirselves for you, by getting in'the .Largest and Best Assorted Spring Stock yet shown by us. It will 1)e to your interest to inspect the following Lines :: : DRESS=OOtD5 Prints Ginghams Muslins Art Muslins. Lace Curtains Table Linens Mercerized Prints .Etc Etc MEN'S y1' a art hent Hats Caps Tweeds Ties Collars Cuffs and Pantings For a NOBBY SUIT don't miss to see our Lines Your inspection for the above is requested EFACillt ZURICH TARIO