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The Herald, 1903-03-27, Page 7
.., ...O ..rn�,,.n,,. i...�-,..�,,.,,� i misslor.artes were again facing a molt. 'C ALIX4'10R 1A..II,0Xl9S...,..,,•..y..r..........",...,.,,..w..,.. ,AF ,III, , . 1r " t See II. Cal•. 1. 8-10: Demetrius caused The homeaseeker cannot affold•to % : muLt ; declared their craft, or r Saimple ignore climate. II is ala old stor� � (a tttt"_� J btl,slrias:�, "tv� in t7azvt:,er •of � beltlg y, j''� � � brought into disrepute because Paul bu't It comes rig* home to, a, manesFL� he x n�•r etsa it and his companions had been preach pocket, As lone as fro9ts and � ',, , ' ' A 1 .n... .d • 6a ' - :''t.y in• ti afn,st Diana the goddess of -the floods •.%,%,..•,r,...,..r.✓..,p..+..nv� w 5 �f" �;Xlclou a .�,,,, . „-1 ' Ceylon �' Dpheislans Paul's companions were cleatrop harvests, and tOr- vww�„.n,,,i�,.�,,,�,,,tirw�n,�;V,, / nindoes wreck homes and crops Toronto k'armers' Markets ,.' seized and might have bean killed had alike, IVI11 men look for a land of (Black, � � 'ter at�xra� 1' °Green) will be not the town chlerk stepped in and refuge for the unkindness of oa- 'March 23, -The offerings of grain quieted the mob. !tore, on the street on Saturday were small, ,sentj l'' DIY. Capie Salvation 'through Climate Is concerned with growth With no particular change in prices, to �� ��{;��"r f'd fillai� 1,n this coup .nand faith. The 'epistle t.o the Ep'hee}ahs l.n. California. You are not limited Wheat, steady; 300 bushels of goose • was wrlttepi by. Paul, while udder oto :half of ilio selling at 67u. Oats R year and compelled g ,firm ; 30Q bush- bonds at, *Rome. It was written to p els selling at 86 1-2 to 88c. sending � ' X115 W1��Y . • 2- . 5$�.1T1, �Or ^to east up in the winter what you g 15 i � condirm. and seta entgthen rife believers grow in summer. Growth conlnti gay, dull, with prices steady ; Write Pla,lelt4y�°apd nllerlltlerl BIaC�[, MllYod in'the Gmpel, ues, and stock find ow loads sold at $1` to $I15 a ton for postage. PRACTICAL APl)LICA:T; ON. grass in 5 to 9 i . P asp• i atural Green „ th'e fields all winter. � `� for mixed. Goldem Text, "Lo, I am with you , , timothy, and two loads selling at . Narlaa <. • •. ... , .... „„ ......... ..... . .......... alway. even unto the •end of rife large elfzraate is concerned with a Straw, easier, g Address , , , ,, ... , . , .. • . , ..., . • • tYaz'lel” (Matt. xxviil, 'y0). ryl"ihls fn owl 1a rge tango of srowjtbe, Caltrornia $8 to $9 a ten. M .... produces all th'a't New England and There were .good supplies of dairy , " • • i8e Es 111notrated ba the lessons lu'f produce, with an active demand. tiew dLddreas S,5.1»ADA""TBA CO., TirrOa>f> o. the gtazt.rter. T'laricla does, all tlyat rite Middle laid eggs sold at a to 1de per dozen, West and. th'e countries of the Med- --- �� Lesson I. "Wltb 'rein" in pt•isou iterranean and the ,best dairy pound rolls of ' mm =I a.�..�..� __._...'�"�'�. _ Produce. T$alts is gain. .� -----� (Acts'xvi. 22-84}. A martyr writing You do trot butter at 30 to 33c per,lb. M1ssAgnes Miller, 0f Chicago, from am Itai]an dun eocs, began his Put' all has eggs }n one '•. � '+ panione, except r&:ake, leave Philippi „ s g basket. The farmer Izrh,s many things Dressed hogs are. firm. Light quoted speaks to y�rlallg WOmen. about V.J �j '+ axil oto T>"hessaloniea. letter, From the delectable orc6iard to tuxsl cif, Itiarkerts are world]- at $8.50 to $8.7,1, and heavy at $8.25. �. s� a g. of theLeonane'p^rlsou. T'aulandSollas wide, California ships *Following Is the rango of quota-dangers(Df li$i'M�111S�1'lC � 'EA TY: 2opi-c : The cliurcll exhorted to pa to the east , holy Divi ► could loot steep, bat they could sins. what the east wants to England 7 ons D Wheat, •;t. h1te,L bush., 7: to r lE3W they iii flV®1{� plop trg. mg, letter to the Tn AL. With feet fast in 'the stocks, with what En 1 , zeal, 7_ 1 3 o 78c; spring, NTk',11I-I1''r8'Ti'ifUN'l3; LESSON 1'i G}„ all 11 salociiane swa's �7ri•tten by1 Paul in A. gland wrist have; ; to Ger- o D. 52. Tlt� bleeding Nirrowls Irom stripes, with man 70 to 72c; goose, 67 to 671-2c; s19 i6;lxitlg � IC�dBOVC 1 b0.cause. ' . - 1P�A]bC.th3 .9, 190f . '9 had misunderstood Paul's bodies aclikil ,Porth gain, down in a y and China and Japan the � „ teaching ern �iie second coming of s I things they lack, P•rofl'ts are good. oats, 11,61-- to 380; pe�aA 7:5 to 78c: T suffered frost six years with clys Christ horrible rlumgee•n, -dump with rundried *o farmers in the world get) fare barley, 41 to 49c : buckwheat, 50 menorrhea(phinfulpenods), somuch'so Revicvr.=Read I Cor. 13 1-10, walls, close with ,putttld air, feral with interest on rth-enr Investments. t 0` 51r.: rye, 521-2c.; timothy, per that I dreaded every month, as I kneytr• V. Topic: "The superiority of dli"e Intrad -The lepAoms this I true, God overthe moods of the unclean 7ilt'h, Lund Black with unnat- Farming pays in coin and comfort. ton, ,$,1-2 to $13-i wmixalh $ig to $9; it meant three or four days of intenin Quoties •aovvr,portions of Paul's se- heathen. T atf9 having left Berea goes •ail d'Q� Ts e'nale of God f Q od a, bail fly, ate., write F. ,,t'raw, per ton, $8 to $9 ; apples, pain. The doctor said this was due For bookletu iris' to Athens-, addresses the pblloso- rim• p p B. Choate, General Agent Soiatltern pe>o Alai„ $1 to $1 75 ; clre ed hogs, to an inflamed condition of the uterine cowl ,and •th sed missionary Journeys. phars ,o'n '1Viars' II111 ;commends thenT Pacific, Detroit, lilichL $8.25 to $8.75; eggs, new laid, qd. appendages caused by repeated and. Although ,great oppo(si'tio•n imet.41im, for being ,religious; calls attention H• "With vatift' Pius Christ'i'an living to 16o; butter, ,dairy, 16 to 2.1c; neglected colds and feet wetting. fv aaa aPtar'to an unknown God ,(Phil. iia':" 1-R). It we need, strength crcompr. 21 to mac; rlilnkena, per `If young girls only realized how' at nearly.] everp, place fie visited, yet •(v, 13 ; Isa. x1. 2'9-81), Goll wlil not ]slope of a- •cdrun1Cautd is Clarist. R.e- lb., 1'_P to 15c ; ducicri pea• lb., 10 to dap Brous it is to take cold at this the 'os el •took a des hold on the V1,ses'l : Paul's Pau) was and r y g ''� p p t3iacceases �Yn Corinth.: Paul was in fail u•s.; 1T•f we �lci�ng for a,ssuz•anee �oi�ations camaot save h4Tan. Only fXoc1 1.,ic ; t-nrkey:s, per 11>., 17 to 20c: pe,- critical time, much suffering would b® hea+.rrW of ,the people azld ,iln many] COrlm'tlz sane year . n;nd six montli-% '(Johir. yUt�, Tie ewill comfort, us. can break the ,cable of liabrt that ta.t'oc�;, ,per bag, $1.'20 -to :$1.'25. spared them. Thank God for Lydia of the lending cities of ttrhe world from _C. D. 5?. to 5L He met Aquilla I11. ' V itih *yotisin the study of bin(ls him- Leudilig Wheat i',larke>t:s. IE. 3 "inlcharWs VegetaLble . Com good ,churches were ee'st0ilisbed. and IPri's6Illa • abodo ,with them • "thee Word (Ai is xvii. "I=12). '.Cliese � VIII. "With -you" in Christian love oan that was the only medic' s Fo.11ow.ing are the closing quota- p dr 3 'ivoYkel •tit lite trade; ,reasoned rf� 'Bereans ,were noted because they 4!f Cor. xliL, I, -I.3), Every vElettae is tions at Important wheat centres which helped me any. 5'4ithin 'three,.. Summary.-Lessou I.•-:•Tople: Sur- 1 the synagogues; was joined by 5ils,s son:nched the -Scriptures. Prayerful I but the, expression of the -divine .love .to -logy : weeks after I started to take it, I ferlmg ,for Christ. Place: Philippi. ,and Timothy; preached C'hrlst, situ lip cif this 'word D(f God brings Slaving through us. "Lroee sufferexh Cash. .Say. noticed a marked improvement in nty.. Itul on -his second irJmissionar • our- ti II. a lc : The duty of Ciarlstla s the consciousneas of ,the presence Long" T,ove is patient.; loveRPtiits; eneral health and at the time of m y j P :f ew Iork ... ... ... ... --- 78 3-8 1 g , "T s}sits Philippi, a city, of Mace- si*}tli respect to speak consciences. 'df `Go& :never gives za1J; never gives out. "ry (,hicago ... ... ... ... ... --- 7:..' 7-8 1 next monthly period the pain hA donna. (;hey are foilowdd by a for- a�ho 'epistle to the Corinthians was 1'i • Wirth lou, In - counselling others 11kind, benevolent, tender. Love Talod�o ,-, „ 7;1 1-1: 7� 7-8 1 diminished considerably. I kept, up tune -teller ;'Paul iva s ,grievr d ; coin- mr !:Ellen by Paul, from Lf ii'esus, In "(I• Th'ess. v. :14-18). "Every p romp' a.s alwit ys in competition. h Uetrti Duluth, No. 1 Nardi. 73 78 the treatment and was cured a month ana•nded the spvriL xo come out of A. D• `G7. i'arious perplexing quet� 'Ise of Cod ,is built vin four pillars; l ;heiress, who LErds happiness, .not in British Live Stocac llarket'S. � later. I am like another person since ha>r ; :Raul and SiQrts arrested ; a ,tions -arose }n the 0clrinthlan `G•od s holiness, :goodmes„ truth, and getting and sating, but In .givinti: and , I am in perfect health. -Mats, A-+mm� :mob hese up; the missionaries were 'C'huredl. ;Power." In every hour of difficulty, 1 serving. "Nat London, March 23. -Prices are un- , puffed up:" Love MI1,t.Elt, .5 Potomac Ave., Chicago, Ill. 'beaten ; cast into ,prison ; at mid- T111. Topic : Tho excellencies of meed, o,. longing, let us search: out Azides. Cares more to 'be changed; Canadian cattle are 10 to --;x5000 forfeit If ori ]nal o cboue tetter pritufrt,$ . 'love. Love is superior gaexl than 1.30 per ,lb., dressed wpl;;hl : t;tnr l lead genuhicness cannot be produced. fright they; sprayed and sang praises; prior to gifts. Elo- �a promise of 'Cxod and prove it; to be be praised. Knowledge ,puffs up ; cattle, 11 1 2 to 12 1-3c >PI 1 ar .greu,t earthquake; the doors ive" •querve, knowledge, generosity, aeiT• 'then dhall 'ts'e esteem the "words i love buihds utg, denies self anti lives , 1 ; b.. x a- The monthly sickness reflects ,opened and bands leosed ; the jailer deniti]-these all amount to n'otbing -of His mouth, -more than our neces- ,for others. fi'igel'iitor beef, ) to 9 1- c per lb. the condition of wolin health. 'dreiw•bis sward; Paul -saves him • the 'wittlaut love. Love is tete priucilpal isati•,y Tcad'." 1.;. "'With yon" to•bestowthe Hoiy Toronto Live Stuck Alarket. Fifty thousand letters from, Jailer converter]; s?aul sill 'Silas ''hint,*. V. With you in preaching" (Acts Spirit. Tido conditions -of .receiving„ women prove that Lydia IL Darted tor. I1.. Topic: : R,stabiishl - Mao church' xri}.:E2-3&). Paul said to the Jervis i , .Export cattle, choice, Per cwt $d � to $i 65 lE'irll, ]]aril s'1Fegetable Coataapo>Unc�. p s the Spitsit ora, 1. Pratyer. God do medium ................ a oo to a:is ae~islates mensttt>ation, spell II,'Topic: Paul's rinve and care for .at Lpile„us. Apollos arrives at Ephe- ( •of Antioch. "Whosoever ... fearetm t has prows}sed the Holy *p}rit to those do cow :..................... 3 30 to 3,in the ;eburclh. The epistle to the Phil- sue: began to speak boldly; was I 'Gott to yoL is 'the word ... sent tilat a.sk ltim, Paul's .pr,ayer .for •tho Inferior r uai...... ckeii::::.:•. 21 ']n ie, � 3 rhes those periods painless. _, r ,ipptu,•us was written • by Paul, front instructed in the wars of God inene (Ants x}Ei. 26). Holy Spirit . -_. _-. . _._ _ .. ! I p 'was aliswered i>y ]lis lay- Butchers' cattle, choice..•... 3 S3 to dI9'(Rome; in A. D. 63, ,ard sen t by Epaph- ePe fectly by Aqullla. and PrlscElia1 S`I, °With' •,you:!' to provide ef:n- 1n:g hie.hands Capon 'the,Ephesians anis Burrhers cattle, fair ......... 75 to 3 10 A I'air Exchange. roditus. Paul shows 1, great love departed to Corinth ; was com- .cien't ,.helpers (:lets xviii. 1-11). The I the bt>.,towa,l of the sift. 1 Copse- BuldoecoinmxporL,lii......eavy . .....•.... )W to �i s� TIr� was ane of thaw. irresistible for the saints ; calls diem his jag. 'mended b.r the brethren. ,coming !to Corinth of Silas and. icmt}on. du light ...... ............ s 00 to 3.50 yr.uugsters who are constantly brim- -and crown; urges them to stand X. Topic: The superiority of the Tinicth'y, 'for whom Paul had lviag- I H;, "With ,you” 'to -magnEfy Jasns Feeders, short -keep ......... .. ,3 au to a 15 nidi; over with mist:hlM. i r do medium ................ 3 60 to 3 Ji, ( :fast'; to help the `voanen who labor- +Ciiristian religion. Paul pre uc.iedthe ed was a fresh'' token of divine i(Aata x.(t, 13-20). The .key ,to this , ;,i _'S to 1; So j Tht, Iovbig, tender-heirted mother ed with liim ; to always rejoice ; to ;gos lel boldl • zn the syn& el uo far love and a ! do r.r light p i st•rioas ta.lk by saying: be moderate • to ,pray and 7 y ,, !' g • great encouragemen�`,'cea ' ;lesson is t7lo -golden text, "'The name., sLcckor,choice........ ..... ... s :';; l0 3 •to «-i:uncl u t p 9 give three months. Thele the unbelzet°ing the .apost6le. 'It put new: life and.I-of -the Lord •'esus •was ma nifiwi” Mocker,, contnion............ a 2a to 2 75 "I love you, even when you arer eatltiidesires that rou h Christ exhorts them be .,Jews z•evileci Glii•isticlillty publicly vigor into We uzihl,stry,Amanworks',(`erse17). '.Cilie,apostles lowed the Sheen eveeeperaW;......_ "'I 00 to 3n0is naughty, darling." to bink ongilol , things ;thanks them ` nc Paul withdrew from th8 sTna- better -with 'le angenial spirits than name of Jesus. '1`Ihey .delighted to Buclp;percicp.......G:....::: a iii co it 6e, A logy or two later this same small y g Bogue and preached in the sc7hool of 'he does alone. Many a Christian, ;.p personal. Laulbi,,peruyn..............�. 3 0e, to 5 73 ho,r z•s're}vecl a npxinking, and in a re" 1 .this ntlme. Tho .fon the gift sent; tells of his r-rsn- "'I'esIn us.Epp Paul wrought were m'fntd friendz sent EL, or in him. e,h'as a naive, Jesns, is the dearest of all. doltruul cad ............... uxlu to u 0u little while he climber] Into his tentment crud stz+onsth in Christ. Iles in Ephesus and many were healed friend sent :to olieer him, do barnyard, ,,,..,,,,,.., f 50 to 5 tto iIII, Topic: Paul proving that Je%us of their diseases. ''ill. `°With •Soh'' to give self-�c onk 'It occurs.700 times: in•the'New Testis- Calveii, per head .............. .' ou ro l0 ou moflitv's ttrnls. shying cis he lovingly ,I s the Christ. Paul and his este- ;KY. 1`op}c : c iu]eting• av tuns!, ,t `Piho trol (I. 'Cor. viii. k -11i). The only 'went. HOWS, setoct. per c,c•t.......... s ea [0 0 0u 1)a ttrul Ilex face: ,X1 T5'ith you" *to comfort (:lets HoLa:light,, a ew .......... ti a`, to 0 0 " I gib yrm, ma.mai so much, event •xix, °f) t0). "T,he ,whole, city 17r18 I when you 'pnak me.' Little Chron- , in eolifusion" (verse :»0), but Paul Bradstre•ets lin Trade. , lcle. ( ; � �C r .� a A ff ` � ��ia'' ' 9 d0eetewas im. A i Caxtuth`•.he had been. TLEOI has been ,ill. eraLe u:il this s I 3101 ND TRIP RATES �V 'ta s:--� g ae�e�ted rirtl riiscaur:tged and •t;fraici •iu tvJ:olt•a:l.lrr •e,rel�:, its 7Z ,ntrc•:rl this but the Lord came•to himin a i•}tiion t weiek. T,radle ut Toroutufur rife ' to West and Northwest i by night and comforted shim ant! tho! -spring un-il hwumci haw been larger ( The UNION PACIFIC has extended ALICE 'PARMER'com�lort remained. •Nothing can hurt I.* fill• than hl I1:•�,xuu ycrl.r:i. 1P'l,t•- territory to which round trip Home., . STORY OF Gods clltldren without His know.edge t .nzenty err; goo's, fad,urcw few, stocks se,;:crs' Excursion tickets will be 1 .... and His •will. j its:; h ivy:, Moth in m•lnufactuxilr©' soil as follows : i "my daughter had Bright's Disease t ��II. "With' you'" to give success I and ,robbers .h.ancUs, and the gmt, rat FROM MISSOURI RIVER TERMINALS o�' Bright's I�ISea$e 1 stn Its worst ,srtage. 7.11vio of the best I .- (.'Epi• ;t., 1-1.0)• '.Cute church at Eph J uon. dLionC .of bio-Auess worn ni�ver To many points in Ltansas, itiebraska esus was pFx•lia s at the head or tail its matist'actory as at pr,b'nt. Wbulc- and Colorado. doctors in •this vichiisty gave her •rrprw •'�u. p ) ,q 1, t up to die. Dodd's Xldney Pills cur- .P, i•. s ''- . tho eihurehes. .Paul addresses them •ale btusineas at Q, beo ,luring the To many point.% In Wyoming, Utah, Vanquished by Dodd's `� ed her." Asked to begin at the be- i as "Faints.... and falthfill" (Eph. I. 1) , P"A tvuelc his,, 11u4 bapn q+lily tro , Montana and Idaho. glurlin , and tell rthle complete .ind hits•word to #them iso good cloy •:ritive its the prece.tifng' ulle, uivinf;, To mane points in Oregon and `'Paste-. g pl e ! ,� `lx ing for us, "Blessed witli,all spiritual I no uoubt•, "'o the bad Mate of the ington. Kidney Pills story of title case, ,rise comAd, th,Jwil- country ro-1ds, which One fraly plus 2 for the round tri ' iiosly, for Nhe felt, alio c�,id, tli4•tt, � I'bless]ngs in heirl•enly places in Cthi,Es.t h p•rt,v.'nt, tit,, p $` p, �'`- i " f.move,ii811t,1 of ,tilt• t ava+ilers. Whole- r `, all thio world should know, h•ow 3esus: Tickets on eerie March 17, ApriJt ' all daughter escaped from; tb13 sup- - ,���� :isle Lradc at \I:atolla and t'ancau-� 7 and 1, Maty 15 and 1), Jun IS' posedly fatal Bright's Dii,,ense, and ,,•�� i ver l:iis suftr xt� l ,Dior front lite and 16, 1103. �� M��i•vi INVENTIONS. strike or tl c freight han,ticr, Tsut - For full inlormat}on call on or ad - Y; site o Pills, h'er eseitpe to Dodd's : i a number of mon l:ai e btarn spilt from dress • H. F. CARTER. T. P. A. 14 Mother of the Girl Teiis tb:e Kidney Pills. and to no catlz'e* , , m .agency. .,.: t Patentees •.E;11,joyialg' Gargr Incomes tthe eu4t, •hitt ,strikers' pl-icas arc Janer Building, Toronto, Canada; F Scor in Full. ErontiThaik• •C'reations• about all fili al now and there will' B. ('110iiTI? G. A.. 126 Woodward Story The �iorher's';iary.a be I'vs clifficult3 au the dttiEtexy at ai'ettrts, Detroit, llfich. D -"Alice," Airs. Parker began. " av,ne i Trivial noi'e't}e%.ttia ,ha-ve cha:nc,ed g freight in the Suture. .1 L �1'In nil>^;; ( :alwazys a delica,to elz,ld from her ,� to take 'Lite popular fancy have been thuro leas been an ac•Live ,iplu:rnel for birth. When Abe was twelvo yeare � A r V {� the faunrltttionv of some t'ery large .SLapie> gctoity. 1tihu1:•saly tilde lit � Sorry He Said it. old she svlas not any ]urger titan,o •:f : faltunes, both in Uhts country clnd '73:rivilton this w;nklTa..beren uct[re.( ..lie -Ria didn't Succeed in eottPinc- ��rrible Str1ty le With Mows a,n ordinary child. upuld be at ' C P; j' v `�` s ; in Europe, 'whetre :title patcut cans T}irt order,4 coming to Manta frdut the I Etig her. after all his argument. eight years old. But, ]lice many I,Proteat '1nv,VntGrS in th-e .product .of �•urious partly of the Dominion lirl.vc• r ill. -No; he mr-rely made her mad, ,delicate, children Alice Pulled alon - I their ingenuity, The papular toy roll i•tcil ilii;- � '•lint Lis etipl.tn: tion was clew.' Kidney g known cis Dancing ,limcroiv' 'rot been 1luuzerou.. Deadly ,of Kidney as delicate children. will, till Jul.. ASIYC,E'JUXUD PA:IU,L-ER. JorgeR i ' I ti•ibutoci, azul Show at 00TILllltlr'd con- • `'It=s; anti tLat's where he made his 3.900'. She wale then taArteett fevemm years is acrid to have yielder] j years '�8huse remarkable recovery fsozTt fi•lenet> an the p.trt of z•t=triflers iu tii,a t nristake. Ha told iter it w,as% aa;t Diseases its jmtentee an aitrual income of old. On July 7th she was taken set Bright's Disease has set all I fatnr..e cuntlil}an, of triulc. 31tip- i ' pJnin :l.s the note on her face., lously ill. Her eyelids swelled till •Caml,dn 'taltkltl uptvard Of $x7,5,000. The Beale of .an - g' other to Jolt,I t; , monis continue; hpnvy. \'slue, tlxe TEL -lits. ��• she -could hardly see. h'er lege swell- 1 - .._..- . 3 iiplw' enriche,i firmly held. London jobbing trade I — ,ed -,from her ankles to her knees, y made a ,tatal.m.iatake. She -crapped lie hie-ki inyentor to the extent of II„lnuitou this weak has boell rtcLive, took her to a doctor, saga he maid the, uoe:of Dodd's.I Kidney bills before • 41'00;000 a year as 10,11k., as it con- I SOINIk;7.iilNG Nl•,%T., �� , tlzei disease }and been thoton•*it] 1 tinned ;to enjoy the unexpected popii_ Zho couutr,} trurle ii naturally af- p by Step the Monste�' site ,had Bright's Disease, azzd couid j n y • la,Iity that l xeHtrll ii tt'Ilaan rlI'Bt IP, L'f,i at the TllaTnpnt b tilt' hl'eilli- ( Probably the bext invention in the no:t live lop . T,h1e doctor tended ctieaxred out of ,the system, There, r n l� ?Euler 'for about six weeks, but asehe 'could•only•3e,one•result. The Bright's placed upon ltilelLo of t et. he .Punt(,- wtoicsalti trlricu tla,u ,i\tt Olirl`v.t i 90.1 Is the Implement sceo for ti�la%ri Driven L7aC1( Till grew worse Y stopped Dlseese gradually xe dined itn hold top, vile invnritoi o, the, taller r;k„tc, ( er i nh is nc, svtur is i 0 s the n,>ty otlinti device on the ppecl' the doctor ,app It victim. "And,” �4rs. Par- , muse .�1:00R,000 oat of his Iden and r til}ty for Ll:iti .•,e,lsun o[ Lhr+ yp lr, ; Ma.s ry-IIuizis Molder Pitman, and titled different kinds of patent ; the gentleman irbo Ciro thought i S.'Iphu:ents itrc•' large ants a good -li z•ootny oil chamber k; laced in zliedleines. Bait all th'e time she,fust pri aleiJluuaj "to our great sur-; g' I 1 �lledicai s ciente ,got worse, and worse. Her suffer- i pr4ae, iTT Janua"1y, 190', the swe111n9I of placing a rubber tip at t)n end `ninny rnp:,at miler ;ire coining to each and of the Pitman, and the na- •eamo back. a, lead ,lte.nella: Lunde quite $100.000 l hLlnd, which indicate the eefrc,ct,1- tural action of the Pitman thrower Inge Ulad by this tlnte became e+ca 1 tion of larger salol than l tai, year, the ail up throw b the oil hole and "Tihis time, •thaltth, I ]rnow tvh[ut n. ,3'ecr b} luerl.nGs of his simple int f liver thorough and constant lubrl Triumphed gxetirt that I again turned to the to dA, i septi cl,t,onec for six boxes of Praiemenit. I l+'ailurez 'Thin t'i'c<f:. doctors. 'Gills tuna I tried another D�,s Kidn,e Pills. Site began at . tiirhea 7darv.ey Kvnnpdy }ntoiu.•.e.l cation without wizste. one, Jae had no ,a hesitation in PW_ y the ishoe lace lit, .in $2',5)()0,0,0, ail:] 11,, ta•. Dun 3z Co: report Ilabllitles The ixist feature of the device to pouncing reef dirteaso Bmiglzt'•s Dir- once to talcs them, and, gradually the of comznerclal lailures ill \Ir,rclt that the oil ethaxn}reiis aro roomy. 4-' .'(From Mall ant? 'Ln1 ire). ease -of -the worst kin,LL dread] malts}ter ,tell ,back before tine rho Ordinary a ilivolia bPne:ite,, tsix � 1 , ,incl one tilling it li p 1 great remedy. By the time she bad people .ley ars muxcll as $10,000,t)UCl r6,a).i,75,(3, agraltiF't ;;;3,238,70ii. la.s� i„ will Inst for many• +.u•iomaeadio, Hants Co., N. S., Feb. • Belt Aleasureecl 48 Inches take'll tour boxes :the -swelling began . The lfowar•a p•tt;, alt for i)01i) , ,,agav year'. I,ailntes this week ill T'h(r hours of cutting. O.••••(Speeial)--T1,i' little town, which „ r to leave. 71hi,s time T Tnrtde no finis- in caello )trove"1 a Lucrative invest-' United States aro 220', aga}nSL 2,,,)i We unr.eistand Mvsspy-Harrls Coma $n bean brought out or obscurity and I?9 this tins Alice ti as in a ter- i take, I kepzt aigtat.on .with the treat- � mont for the- c-iIplLa1, ,.s, lvbo wire last week, .'20 the. precetltng tvcpk, ! pat.nv are making a great hit with tLru:sif into the broad glare o! pub- rible ,state. Her belt fit }health mea. ti n3esi,t till every venitl e of rile disease airlo to iretut111pr,l.tp. t.lic• inventor un , and 209 the carrex(laluaiing type,. i this nein feattire, and that It is fill-. Ito notice by the almo3t nhiracixlous t soled twoniy lncalles. hl hen she was • had disappeared, til my da�>hter a. r..oloo.,al soap„. It is rtiznatvd that ? Irrst ,vicar, arvd in taa•lia.rirl tt!'tin t , !.riga long -felt svaut. cunei od a ,voting girl of Bright's DLc�- at flet tv-orst It was forty -eights I was ig}vin We], to ,mq. 'not ash the gigs income a %ern.gnd l ettreeu $:-00 - : 22 last week, 1 G .the preced}n}I Fvr,pk, l - — eace, takes its na�v-fozmd fame with I l,nches. Iter flesh Stas hard aid ' .puny, dellonte, ,child site was before 000 .And :$230,000 l,er annum, . j and 31, last yaar. Of failures thisA Married lel.tn's laluAligs. art ,sort .of .mile] ourprisia. All the till- ioaked rw,utiv ,to burnt, The doctor, I liar sicl aures, but as .;You -see her note ti'}r )oxceph itf:z: tss3, tdtm iTtrerltor of week is file Cnitr:',1 Stater; )30 wore � If thea hpatit of tih^ itvrxa:ge luurried bigte ttnowts Altar Maud I'a:rkrsr, ail I who .wv:ln a ve.y, ndco ina'n, said lice' a bis, ,%tza._ , hcnitli fel at fifteen, tie imprave:l eiteel ppn, mettle un en- ' in the east, ?11 fit the south, ,5-i tvec;t ' mum wa o,: as light as Iris Ilctrkotbaok thought that a fon• munthu ago „liar I could pat eCo an, thing. It }Coked as full of vim aged go, relaclga• to Iso]cl her armour fortnnrtn, ain<t an lits cic'a.tiz I t.ncl J..3 in illi' Pu,cil'ir 5tatter, and ?0 hr,kl be ti:tning :unn :..lulls all the ssai field 'boyona3 the licd>o of reeov- it ad that ,v cis left for my ciaugla»' �•p In tlxe struggbes of life: r LM-glieh chatr•it ee lh-nCfitM1'1 by many I report, liabilities of ;$,5,•0'00 or more, ( tient'. ary, that isright',i Disease lirtd her ter was to go on suftsrixtg 11,11; milliauo of club . Tho iatclitee of i '.Chore would be fvwvr m•rrr}ages If death ea -me to heir relief. Dodd's Kidney Pills Iain %t• 1' --- r to iia elutr:lless, and onto that men- � I the pen for s.iva.,liztl,* in different co]- _ }t were the faa�hEon for girls to %rear titer had fastened on a Victim the "She was :in this terrible state Arid all this I chad,ge, to Dodd's I olw dterl,W. ,% yeita•ly lil..,otne of al:ati:t 'tZ is;`r 'than, Bar Gran d fat tier. curl papers iso public. only rrleaco giros death; surd all know whan sbo chao-ee,i to read ,some tes- Xidney Pf1IZ, and to nothdng• else. The $202,000 from tlia5 111g,eniaws con- Cau ressmi�n Brownlow, o! Ten» "�1`hl ilavo no man, cif the great ;44tath to -da l she Is a comely maiden timonials as to what 'Dodds Xid- , doctors told me my dw4gh•tar could t trlv,inme. It is state.] that tlbe woos]- g cst mon Ir history Ueon marr}ed7" nt3y, Pills her] dans lar others. She 1 net dive. SVhon t}ley knev� T wa,o giv- i nessee, has a. snhaxt granddaughter, ail fifteeta, with health benmEng from i h p r r Rif tt ith c n •�lrtictio attnebed . ,, ha^p. plpver'sa�*Ings are Lhe delisllt somebody waaits to know. Answer- tsvexy feature and apeaking in her showed them to pie n, -ad 'I grasped I A heir Dadd}s Kidney Pills, they said j i-lel1w,i over ,,.50,00U a year, .'M.ilty It oftcat requires adversit to brty that It they cured her Et would be one , of her paretri,s. The other day,, y g revery movement. And axil have &ta this Mat:.ehcunee to ,help her, as a +p leaxzsits stili remember 'the legal ac states the Washington Post, site out one'.% strong points. heard time and again that this re- drowning maxi .grasps ac a straw. I of the greateaxt miracles in• rise world, f tlan which 'oak place sumo Years g Definition from a new matrimonial, for the like had never been in this ' came to her grandfather with her lnatrlcable elaa,r5�g;e ma's tacoufltt � 13osv ilar:,Claa,r• .Regan I , a•>;a, When, in t;hra course o[ the et'}, tii,ce all (smiles. dictionary: Dacheloxhaocl-A lucid Izf- Y rovimce car anywhere else. And ' deIlce It trans ]red that Tile T ten- „ ,r l” about! by that etc' reiiablo Canadian She began taJ;11)g Dodds Kidney) Dm's Indole Pills did cure her. I P P Grandpa;' elle 'said, I Baty some- terv:ti , teuucdy, Dmld'+s Kidney Pills. Yet it Pills on NoTember 2115th, and before ave her 70 boxes of th _ tar of tthio metal plafcs Used for. thin„ this morri1b running S'[tas, loss Angelina, remarktbcd•; F esu altoge protecting � g g across Jo with ,something lilts surprise that she hard finished t be' .fixat box I could 0 .the tides and heels of ilieo e r. Softlnigh to my daughter Itiuey }tear the noise the cure 'has see a change Y.�nr life better. B,y: t Cher, but tdhey,gave her Ilfo in return, sil,aes from rive wear]' sold 1,h00,000 rite kitchen floor wlLllont any, less. the other evcnins. "I believe first any; alrndj I fuel that Y. cannot say en,o:lzgla plititer int 1.879M ern:] iu 1887 the, nttnn- 1Yh.z do tau 'think bt wast3 i'c11otP, no mortar how stupid and avado In the outside world, The December 19th there was a marked for Dodd's Kidney Pills." Mr. Bro•tnnlow istudied for a while 'thing that has carte a,s a revelation improvement in her condition, but leer reached a. total of 143,000,000, homely, can find somebody to marry, sol the world ha.a come on theist day there was a la, ,•athedn across The Summing• Up which relalized proritis of ''$1,1'50,000 and gave up. What ,was It?" he h}u1." .'Why don't oil •� g asked,y Provo it, h1r<. by, ilny, Pia graduail,y that they fat the small o1 'hes• back ,and ready., to MIhls is the story of the famous for this ytc�ar, "Water," - oftieigh 2" asked Angelina, sweetly: j Bri,ghrt'ss Disease cure, as told by the Thio lady wba Invented the modern Water, said 10118 youngster, tlh ,1,1.nu „ da src�sp Itis nrn,gnitzn<le. lance. When Irl was Opened fit emit, umphrintlty. l lel s gc.niths Icrertamly lnhor•r. I3oyolatl All Doubt. ted' a quax't of matter, N -di er; blood mother or tile+sufferer herself. There xatby carr ,ge•enrichrrl hereelf to the itr'al,-Pitts%bur;g Despatah. e,and water• A nihz we feared far oa$n bei no doubt as to the truth of extent or �5O 000, and a young la,*17 -• "--- i nt a,ti to the aura Itsel[i (!t that g the story. Scares of people corrobor- living' lat Port Llizataeth, South ,lf- re s r r uzzmri UkV, a:.,:.tn rhercl Is no poosible doubt. he facts lief ]flog arlitc3 again the 'ttootar warn- oto It. The erase ryas tiloi ou,ghly fila • ilea, diavise,3 the sim to toilet kN are all easily obtained and (,an be ed' me t9 49t • she milg'h�t die at !aniyt s- p" _ avrorn to,, not onlyb the Parker moment,, -13ut my' faith, Ln Do�dd's Kid- niased by skilled physicians, who rerludsite -known xa.s the "Mary An- . 1 0 tZ il`" ,...p �l le-, C A Pili I t 7 ' y neno Pius bad, grown, a0d n1i't'hrou h unitr�sits.tin;gly pronounced it Brzghtla del'san curling Iron, from wh}ch shy Emily, but by a hundred cst'iaer .pso- g g Disea�ser , , clterivers i aykt•ttaes amonn,ting to 8500 w lei wlto watched the girl gradual] tbiat long Nrlhter a, w tool: them re- , tt (� C� , 1[;e ��pp y IVeltheY b there be an doubt as at y'13at^. It. was the tv}:1'e at a oler;;y� e ' ` , at't� m sinkn Into t:lto rays>, and ti3;w fist gnlarly<, antis uYider taita� treatment �° any froau Ito vary woufh• .catri hied- to gat,liz In ot'rengfly till to what caused Mie pure. $t was tnantivha dhsrgrnerd an improvement (sl Ia�;<°.L2lltllit 3a9ta Gates Tt tvrxe Mr,s. 71 G. Patrkear tl�r,t by April list (haat, ttytis tve11, and the Dodd's Ii]dney Pills. F:or after the for the corset and macic tl fortune � t om. � c tits coo ghsntieatt . Pad alt' 15 iVat s'elli'ng•, had all raft hair, Ithoaigh her. diUe*to" had glvepi the pta,tient up out of It. The gim)Yleit-poinrtecl 1'r 1 i' .&rt,i @ orifi •Nvade-s t urine when 'tost:ed. was mllke and for last,,bodd s Kidney Pills were the f,criety, Hite idlest of a little girl, i 1lLx•asaltr esu u•atspr Olgi:e 'I�e called. Mrel. Parker a at Innes It vrotu'lr1 curdle. I only medicine need. he fact remains brought many mfllIonts of dollars to 'isemmaasx lstIlm t<a tesieim • llrigtiL, 1ttAellige�nt wpziz zf, ono „ - that Dodd'ss Kidney Pills have cured the clover inven'tar. Mbsss Isnl „tit a ' %Iwse brave and hong L face tells E3t5111 she wee vallly, lrinprovod, and , ` , , b +. . _ . just the urine to be used with your �i5at ,git�r could act quickly* Ira 4x;15 L .was greatly. encouraged, and loon•..; Bright,s Disease. And if Dodds Kid- young hady of exee,lent tolentA .ae new ornamental Lawn ]fence. j q t nay Pili% call and do cute Brights ,giftod with wonderful mechanical �, . 1(parTsgeney, and w11oeD ovirsry word tlnued to glivo her fife Pills till No» , Dlisee,se, w,hicl5 Is tllzr3 waist stage of . powriits, ms mlZl x>c ser�n by the doom. � a frost Wire Fence CO. Ltd. anal( aotloti show her honeAty, of pur- vember, .when she' appeared tb bo __ lose, Ii1or ace bel �cioned wtaefr perfeet'1'yl .well, ,abd was g•rot l Sidney Di[rgase, how. sure It moat be pllraatsed lnechandarotn a[ bier machine face, g t.h. i't t'he " a 'Wallanaadi, d'Dnt. +Iipnit>etz to of her claurt;ttDr'r� lremark4 t>�etar C3taa slits had floeto In y!eara.'► LY .',re n sovereig>ac remedy for for making pa:pyr liar. We are told t those ef5a•lier stages of Sidney Dia- Ohio refused $54,000 for It shQrtiy wilumis1Od. man.. 1 , 'b1C1*0,20. , . A !Nearly Fatal lfiistake �i, ease, from which thousands of #ifs O,ftller taking c>uit the C -Citi•• `_ ".. ' s e ., � patent I , .$Is,ils° s11jo could, eaat�haittl �.L lam paint Dlrs. Pttrhet a �►i , .>IlapptilWD pgaple 'are ofuffexiag , „ cuy&'v +vhrottiVclp. 11 i .1 . _----wl�, �`I I 1 I1: I �.iI I� I I I I ! .., ...O ..rn�,,.n,,. i...�-,..�,,.,,� i misslor.artes were again facing a molt. 'C ALIX4'10R 1A..II,0Xl9S...,..,,•..y..r..........",...,.,,..w..,.. ,AF ,III, , . 1r " t See II. Cal•. 1. 8-10: Demetrius caused The homeaseeker cannot affold•to % : muLt ; declared their craft, or r Saimple ignore climate. II is ala old stor� � (a tttt"_� J btl,slrias:�, "tv� in t7azvt:,er •of � beltlg y, j''� � � brought into disrepute because Paul bu't It comes rig* home to, a, manesFL� he x n�•r etsa it and his companions had been preach pocket, As lone as fro9ts and � ',, , ' ' A 1 .n... .d • 6a ' - :''t.y in• ti afn,st Diana the goddess of -the floods •.%,%,..•,r,...,..r.✓..,p..+..nv� w 5 �f" �;Xlclou a .�,,,, . „-1 ' Ceylon �' Dpheislans Paul's companions were cleatrop harvests, and tOr- vww�„.n,,,i�,.�,,,�,,,tirw�n,�;V,, / nindoes wreck homes and crops Toronto k'armers' Markets ,.' seized and might have bean killed had alike, IVI11 men look for a land of (Black, � � 'ter at�xra� 1' °Green) will be not the town chlerk stepped in and refuge for the unkindness of oa- 'March 23, -The offerings of grain quieted the mob. !tore, on the street on Saturday were small, ,sentj l'' DIY. Capie Salvation 'through Climate Is concerned with growth With no particular change in prices, to �� ��{;��"r f'd fillai� 1,n this coup .nand faith. The 'epistle t.o the Ep'hee}ahs l.n. California. You are not limited Wheat, steady; 300 bushels of goose • was wrlttepi by. Paul, while udder oto :half of ilio selling at 67u. Oats R year and compelled g ,firm ; 30Q bush- bonds at, *Rome. It was written to p els selling at 86 1-2 to 88c. sending � ' X115 W1��Y . • 2- . 5$�.1T1, �Or ^to east up in the winter what you g 15 i � condirm. and seta entgthen rife believers grow in summer. Growth conlnti gay, dull, with prices steady ; Write Pla,lelt4y�°apd nllerlltlerl BIaC�[, MllYod in'the Gmpel, ues, and stock find ow loads sold at $1` to $I15 a ton for postage. PRACTICAL APl)LICA:T; ON. grass in 5 to 9 i . P asp• i atural Green „ th'e fields all winter. � `� for mixed. Goldem Text, "Lo, I am with you , , timothy, and two loads selling at . Narlaa <. • •. ... , .... „„ ......... ..... . .......... alway. even unto the •end of rife large elfzraate is concerned with a Straw, easier, g Address , , , ,, ... , . , .. • . , ..., . • • tYaz'lel” (Matt. xxviil, 'y0). ryl"ihls fn owl 1a rge tango of srowjtbe, Caltrornia $8 to $9 a ten. M .... produces all th'a't New England and There were .good supplies of dairy , " • • i8e Es 111notrated ba the lessons lu'f produce, with an active demand. tiew dLddreas S,5.1»ADA""TBA CO., TirrOa>f> o. the gtazt.rter. T'laricla does, all tlyat rite Middle laid eggs sold at a to 1de per dozen, West and. th'e countries of the Med- --- �� Lesson I. "Wltb 'rein" in pt•isou iterranean and the ,best dairy pound rolls of ' mm =I a.�..�..� __._...'�"�'�. _ Produce. T$alts is gain. .� -----� (Acts'xvi. 22-84}. A martyr writing You do trot butter at 30 to 33c per,lb. M1ssAgnes Miller, 0f Chicago, from am Itai]an dun eocs, began his Put' all has eggs }n one '•. � '+ panione, except r&:ake, leave Philippi „ s g basket. The farmer Izrh,s many things Dressed hogs are. firm. Light quoted speaks to y�rlallg WOmen. about V.J �j '+ axil oto T>"hessaloniea. letter, From the delectable orc6iard to tuxsl cif, Itiarkerts are world]- at $8.50 to $8.7,1, and heavy at $8.25. �. s� a g. of theLeonane'p^rlsou. T'aulandSollas wide, California ships *Following Is the rango of quota-dangers(Df li$i'M�111S�1'lC � 'EA TY: 2opi-c : The cliurcll exhorted to pa to the east , holy Divi ► could loot steep, bat they could sins. what the east wants to England 7 ons D Wheat, •;t. h1te,L bush., 7: to r lE3W they iii flV®1{� plop trg. mg, letter to the Tn AL. With feet fast in 'the stocks, with what En 1 , zeal, 7_ 1 3 o 78c; spring, NTk',11I-I1''r8'Ti'ifUN'l3; LESSON 1'i G}„ all 11 salociiane swa's �7ri•tten by1 Paul in A. gland wrist have; ; to Ger- o D. 52. Tlt� bleeding Nirrowls Irom stripes, with man 70 to 72c; goose, 67 to 671-2c; s19 i6;lxitlg � IC�dBOVC 1 b0.cause. ' . - 1P�A]bC.th3 .9, 190f . '9 had misunderstood Paul's bodies aclikil ,Porth gain, down in a y and China and Japan the � „ teaching ern �iie second coming of s I things they lack, P•rofl'ts are good. oats, 11,61-- to 380; pe�aA 7:5 to 78c: T suffered frost six years with clys Christ horrible rlumgee•n, -dump with rundried *o farmers in the world get) fare barley, 41 to 49c : buckwheat, 50 menorrhea(phinfulpenods), somuch'so Revicvr.=Read I Cor. 13 1-10, walls, close with ,putttld air, feral with interest on rth-enr Investments. t 0` 51r.: rye, 521-2c.; timothy, per that I dreaded every month, as I kneytr• V. Topic: "The superiority of dli"e Intrad -The lepAoms this I true, God overthe moods of the unclean 7ilt'h, Lund Black with unnat- Farming pays in coin and comfort. ton, ,$,1-2 to $13-i wmixalh $ig to $9; it meant three or four days of intenin Quoties •aovvr,portions of Paul's se- heathen. T atf9 having left Berea goes •ail d'Q� Ts e'nale of God f Q od a, bail fly, ate., write F. ,,t'raw, per ton, $8 to $9 ; apples, pain. The doctor said this was due For bookletu iris' to Athens-, addresses the pblloso- rim• p p B. Choate, General Agent Soiatltern pe>o Alai„ $1 to $1 75 ; clre ed hogs, to an inflamed condition of the uterine cowl ,and •th sed missionary Journeys. phars ,o'n '1Viars' II111 ;commends thenT Pacific, Detroit, lilichL $8.25 to $8.75; eggs, new laid, qd. appendages caused by repeated and. Although ,great oppo(si'tio•n imet.41im, for being ,religious; calls attention H• "With vatift' Pius Christ'i'an living to 16o; butter, ,dairy, 16 to 2.1c; neglected colds and feet wetting. fv aaa aPtar'to an unknown God ,(Phil. iia':" 1-R). It we need, strength crcompr. 21 to mac; rlilnkena, per `If young girls only realized how' at nearly.] everp, place fie visited, yet •(v, 13 ; Isa. x1. 2'9-81), Goll wlil not ]slope of a- •cdrun1Cautd is Clarist. R.e- lb., 1'_P to 15c ; ducicri pea• lb., 10 to dap Brous it is to take cold at this the 'os el •took a des hold on the V1,ses'l : Paul's Pau) was and r y g ''� p p t3iacceases �Yn Corinth.: Paul was in fail u•s.; 1T•f we �lci�ng for a,ssuz•anee �oi�ations camaot save h4Tan. Only fXoc1 1.,ic ; t-nrkey:s, per 11>., 17 to 20c: pe,- critical time, much suffering would b® hea+.rrW of ,the people azld ,iln many] COrlm'tlz sane year . n;nd six montli-% '(Johir. yUt�, Tie ewill comfort, us. can break the ,cable of liabrt that ta.t'oc�;, ,per bag, $1.'20 -to :$1.'25. spared them. Thank God for Lydia of the lending cities of ttrhe world from _C. D. 5?. to 5L He met Aquilla I11. ' V itih *yotisin the study of bin(ls him- Leudilig Wheat i',larke>t:s. IE. 3 "inlcharWs VegetaLble . Com good ,churches were ee'st0ilisbed. and IPri's6Illa • abodo ,with them • "thee Word (Ai is xvii. "I=12). '.Cliese � VIII. "With -you" in Christian love oan that was the only medic' s Fo.11ow.ing are the closing quota- p dr 3 'ivoYkel •tit lite trade; ,reasoned rf� 'Bereans ,were noted because they 4!f Cor. xliL, I, -I.3), Every vElettae is tions at Important wheat centres which helped me any. 5'4ithin 'three,.. Summary.-Lessou I.•-:•Tople: Sur- 1 the synagogues; was joined by 5ils,s son:nched the -Scriptures. Prayerful I but the, expression of the -divine .love .to -logy : weeks after I started to take it, I ferlmg ,for Christ. Place: Philippi. ,and Timothy; preached C'hrlst, situ lip cif this 'word D(f God brings Slaving through us. "Lroee sufferexh Cash. .Say. noticed a marked improvement in nty.. Itul on -his second irJmissionar • our- ti II. a lc : The duty of Ciarlstla s the consciousneas of ,the presence Long" T,ove is patient.; loveRPtiits; eneral health and at the time of m y j P :f ew Iork ... ... ... ... --- 78 3-8 1 g , "T s}sits Philippi, a city, of Mace- si*}tli respect to speak consciences. 'df `Go& :never gives za1J; never gives out. "ry (,hicago ... ... ... ... ... --- 7:..' 7-8 1 next monthly period the pain hA donna. (;hey are foilowdd by a for- a�ho 'epistle to the Corinthians was 1'i • Wirth lou, In - counselling others 11kind, benevolent, tender. Love Talod�o ,-, „ 7;1 1-1: 7� 7-8 1 diminished considerably. I kept, up tune -teller ;'Paul iva s ,grievr d ; coin- mr !:Ellen by Paul, from Lf ii'esus, In "(I• Th'ess. v. :14-18). "Every p romp' a.s alwit ys in competition. h Uetrti Duluth, No. 1 Nardi. 73 78 the treatment and was cured a month ana•nded the spvriL xo come out of A. D• `G7. i'arious perplexing quet� 'Ise of Cod ,is built vin four pillars; l ;heiress, who LErds happiness, .not in British Live Stocac llarket'S. � later. I am like another person since ha>r ; :Raul and SiQrts arrested ; a ,tions -arose }n the 0clrinthlan `G•od s holiness, :goodmes„ truth, and getting and sating, but In .givinti: and , I am in perfect health. -Mats, A-+mm� :mob hese up; the missionaries were 'C'huredl. ;Power." In every hour of difficulty, 1 serving. "Nat London, March 23. -Prices are un- , puffed up:" Love MI1,t.Elt, .5 Potomac Ave., Chicago, Ill. 'beaten ; cast into ,prison ; at mid- T111. Topic : Tho excellencies of meed, o,. longing, let us search: out Azides. Cares more to 'be changed; Canadian cattle are 10 to --;x5000 forfeit If ori ]nal o cboue tetter pritufrt,$ . 'love. Love is superior gaexl than 1.30 per ,lb., dressed wpl;;hl : t;tnr l lead genuhicness cannot be produced. fright they; sprayed and sang praises; prior to gifts. Elo- �a promise of 'Cxod and prove it; to be be praised. Knowledge ,puffs up ; cattle, 11 1 2 to 12 1-3c >PI 1 ar .greu,t earthquake; the doors ive" •querve, knowledge, generosity, aeiT• 'then dhall 'ts'e esteem the "words i love buihds utg, denies self anti lives , 1 ; b.. x a- The monthly sickness reflects ,opened and bands leosed ; the jailer deniti]-these all amount to n'otbing -of His mouth, -more than our neces- ,for others. fi'igel'iitor beef, ) to 9 1- c per lb. the condition of wolin health. 'dreiw•bis sward; Paul -saves him • the 'wittlaut love. Love is tete priucilpal isati•,y Tcad'." 1.;. "'With yon" to•bestowthe Hoiy Toronto Live Stuck Alarket. Fifty thousand letters from, Jailer converter]; s?aul sill 'Silas ''hint,*. V. With you in preaching" (Acts Spirit. Tido conditions -of .receiving„ women prove that Lydia IL Darted tor. I1.. Topic: : R,stabiishl - Mao church' xri}.:E2-3&). Paul said to the Jervis i , .Export cattle, choice, Per cwt $d � to $i 65 lE'irll, ]]aril s'1Fegetable Coataapo>Unc�. p s the Spitsit ora, 1. Pratyer. God do medium ................ a oo to a:is ae~islates mensttt>ation, spell II,'Topic: Paul's rinve and care for .at Lpile„us. Apollos arrives at Ephe- ( •of Antioch. "Whosoever ... fearetm t has prows}sed the Holy *p}rit to those do cow :..................... 3 30 to 3,in the ;eburclh. The epistle to the Phil- sue: began to speak boldly; was I 'Gott to yoL is 'the word ... sent tilat a.sk ltim, Paul's .pr,ayer .for •tho Inferior r uai...... ckeii::::.:•. 21 ']n ie, � 3 rhes those periods painless. _, r ,ipptu,•us was written • by Paul, front instructed in the wars of God inene (Ants x}Ei. 26). Holy Spirit . -_. _-. . _._ _ .. ! I p 'was aliswered i>y ]lis lay- Butchers' cattle, choice..•... 3 S3 to dI9'(Rome; in A. D. 63, ,ard sen t by Epaph- ePe fectly by Aqullla. and PrlscElia1 S`I, °With' •,you:!' to provide ef:n- 1n:g hie.hands Capon 'the,Ephesians anis Burrhers cattle, fair ......... 75 to 3 10 A I'air Exchange. roditus. Paul shows 1, great love departed to Corinth ; was com- .cien't ,.helpers (:lets xviii. 1-11). The I the bt>.,towa,l of the sift. 1 Copse- BuldoecoinmxporL,lii......eavy . .....•.... )W to �i s� TIr� was ane of thaw. irresistible for the saints ; calls diem his jag. 'mended b.r the brethren. ,coming !to Corinth of Silas and. icmt}on. du light ...... ............ s 00 to 3.50 yr.uugsters who are constantly brim- -and crown; urges them to stand X. Topic: The superiority of the Tinicth'y, 'for whom Paul had lviag- I H;, "With ,you” 'to -magnEfy Jasns Feeders, short -keep ......... .. ,3 au to a 15 nidi; over with mist:hlM. i r do medium ................ 3 60 to 3 Ji, ( :fast'; to help the `voanen who labor- +Ciiristian religion. Paul pre uc.iedthe ed was a fresh'' token of divine i(Aata x.(t, 13-20). The .key ,to this , ;,i _'S to 1; So j Tht, Iovbig, tender-heirted mother ed with liim ; to always rejoice ; to ;gos lel boldl • zn the syn& el uo far love and a ! do r.r light p i st•rioas ta.lk by saying: be moderate • to ,pray and 7 y ,, !' g • great encouragemen�`,'cea ' ;lesson is t7lo -golden text, "'The name., sLcckor,choice........ ..... ... s :';; l0 3 •to «-i:uncl u t p 9 give three months. Thele the unbelzet°ing the .apost6le. 'It put new: life and.I-of -the Lord •'esus •was ma nifiwi” Mocker,, contnion............ a 2a to 2 75 "I love you, even when you arer eatltiidesires that rou h Christ exhorts them be .,Jews z•evileci Glii•isticlillty publicly vigor into We uzihl,stry,Amanworks',(`erse17). '.Cilie,apostles lowed the Sheen eveeeperaW;......_ "'I 00 to 3n0is naughty, darling." to bink ongilol , things ;thanks them ` nc Paul withdrew from th8 sTna- better -with 'le angenial spirits than name of Jesus. '1`Ihey .delighted to Buclp;percicp.......G:....::: a iii co it 6e, A logy or two later this same small y g Bogue and preached in the sc7hool of 'he does alone. Many a Christian, ;.p personal. Laulbi,,peruyn..............�. 3 0e, to 5 73 ho,r z•s're}vecl a npxinking, and in a re" 1 .this ntlme. Tho .fon the gift sent; tells of his r-rsn- "'I'esIn us.Epp Paul wrought were m'fntd friendz sent EL, or in him. e,h'as a naive, Jesns, is the dearest of all. doltruul cad ............... uxlu to u 0u little while he climber] Into his tentment crud stz+onsth in Christ. Iles in Ephesus and many were healed friend sent :to olieer him, do barnyard, ,,,..,,,,,.., f 50 to 5 tto iIII, Topic: Paul proving that Je%us of their diseases. ''ill. `°With •Soh'' to give self-�c onk 'It occurs.700 times: in•the'New Testis- Calveii, per head .............. .' ou ro l0 ou moflitv's ttrnls. shying cis he lovingly ,I s the Christ. Paul and his este- ;KY. 1`op}c : c iu]eting• av tuns!, ,t `Piho trol (I. 'Cor. viii. k -11i). The only 'went. HOWS, setoct. per c,c•t.......... s ea [0 0 0u 1)a ttrul Ilex face: ,X1 T5'ith you" *to comfort (:lets HoLa:light,, a ew .......... ti a`, to 0 0 " I gib yrm, ma.mai so much, event •xix, °f) t0). "T,he ,whole, city 17r18 I when you 'pnak me.' Little Chron- , in eolifusion" (verse :»0), but Paul Bradstre•ets lin Trade. , lcle. ( ; � �C r .� a A ff ` � ��ia'' ' 9 d0eetewas im. A i Caxtuth`•.he had been. TLEOI has been ,ill. eraLe u:il this s I 3101 ND TRIP RATES �V 'ta s:--� g ae�e�ted rirtl riiscaur:tged and •t;fraici •iu tvJ:olt•a:l.lrr •e,rel�:, its 7Z ,ntrc•:rl this but the Lord came•to himin a i•}tiion t weiek. T,radle ut Toroutufur rife ' to West and Northwest i by night and comforted shim ant! tho! -spring un-il hwumci haw been larger ( The UNION PACIFIC has extended ALICE 'PARMER'com�lort remained. •Nothing can hurt I.* fill• than hl I1:•�,xuu ycrl.r:i. 1P'l,t•- territory to which round trip Home., . STORY OF Gods clltldren without His know.edge t .nzenty err; goo's, fad,urcw few, stocks se,;:crs' Excursion tickets will be 1 .... and His •will. j its:; h ivy:, Moth in m•lnufactuxilr©' soil as follows : i "my daughter had Bright's Disease t ��II. "With' you'" to give success I and ,robbers .h.ancUs, and the gmt, rat FROM MISSOURI RIVER TERMINALS o�' Bright's I�ISea$e 1 stn Its worst ,srtage. 7.11vio of the best I .- (.'Epi• ;t., 1-1.0)• '.Cute church at Eph J uon. dLionC .of bio-Auess worn ni�ver To many points in Ltansas, itiebraska esus was pFx•lia s at the head or tail its matist'actory as at pr,b'nt. Wbulc- and Colorado. doctors in •this vichiisty gave her •rrprw •'�u. p ) ,q 1, t up to die. Dodd's Xldney Pills cur- .P, i•. s ''- . tho eihurehes. .Paul addresses them •ale btusineas at Q, beo ,luring the To many point.% In Wyoming, Utah, Vanquished by Dodd's `� ed her." Asked to begin at the be- i as "Faints.... and falthfill" (Eph. I. 1) , P"A tvuelc his,, 11u4 bapn q+lily tro , Montana and Idaho. glurlin , and tell rthle complete .ind hits•word to #them iso good cloy •:ritive its the prece.tifng' ulle, uivinf;, To mane points in Oregon and `'Paste-. g pl e ! ,� `lx ing for us, "Blessed witli,all spiritual I no uoubt•, "'o the bad Mate of the ington. Kidney Pills story of title case, ,rise comAd, th,Jwil- country ro-1ds, which One fraly plus 2 for the round tri ' iiosly, for Nhe felt, alio c�,id, tli4•tt, � I'bless]ngs in heirl•enly places in Cthi,Es.t h p•rt,v.'nt, tit,, p $` p, �'`- i " f.move,ii811t,1 of ,tilt• t ava+ilers. Whole- r `, all thio world should know, h•ow 3esus: Tickets on eerie March 17, ApriJt ' all daughter escaped from; tb13 sup- - ,���� :isle Lradc at \I:atolla and t'ancau-� 7 and 1, Maty 15 and 1), Jun IS' posedly fatal Bright's Dii,,ense, and ,,•�� i ver l:iis suftr xt� l ,Dior front lite and 16, 1103. �� M��i•vi INVENTIONS. strike or tl c freight han,ticr, Tsut - For full inlormat}on call on or ad - Y; site o Pills, h'er eseitpe to Dodd's : i a number of mon l:ai e btarn spilt from dress • H. F. CARTER. T. P. A. 14 Mother of the Girl Teiis tb:e Kidney Pills. and to no catlz'e* , , m .agency. .,.: t Patentees •.E;11,joyialg' Gargr Incomes tthe eu4t, •hitt ,strikers' pl-icas arc Janer Building, Toronto, Canada; F Scor in Full. ErontiThaik• •C'reations• about all fili al now and there will' B. ('110iiTI? G. A.. 126 Woodward Story The �iorher's';iary.a be I'vs clifficult3 au the dttiEtexy at ai'ettrts, Detroit, llfich. D -"Alice," Airs. Parker began. " av,ne i Trivial noi'e't}e%.ttia ,ha-ve cha:nc,ed g freight in the Suture. .1 L �1'In nil>^;; ( :alwazys a delica,to elz,ld from her ,� to take 'Lite popular fancy have been thuro leas been an ac•Live ,iplu:rnel for birth. When Abe was twelvo yeare � A r V {� the faunrltttionv of some t'ery large .SLapie> gctoity. 1tihu1:•saly tilde lit � Sorry He Said it. old she svlas not any ]urger titan,o •:f : faltunes, both in Uhts country clnd '73:rivilton this w;nklTa..beren uct[re.( ..lie -Ria didn't Succeed in eottPinc- ��rrible Str1ty le With Mows a,n ordinary child. upuld be at ' C P; j' v `�` s ; in Europe, 'whetre :title patcut cans T}irt order,4 coming to Manta frdut the I Etig her. after all his argument. eight years old. But, ]lice many I,Proteat '1nv,VntGrS in th-e .product .of �•urious partly of the Dominion lirl.vc• r ill. -No; he mr-rely made her mad, ,delicate, children Alice Pulled alon - I their ingenuity, The papular toy roll i•tcil ilii;- � '•lint Lis etipl.tn: tion was clew.' Kidney g known cis Dancing ,limcroiv' 'rot been 1luuzerou.. Deadly ,of Kidney as delicate children. will, till Jul.. ASIYC,E'JUXUD PA:IU,L-ER. JorgeR i ' I ti•ibutoci, azul Show at 00TILllltlr'd con- • `'It=s; anti tLat's where he made his 3.900'. She wale then taArteett fevemm years is acrid to have yielder] j years '�8huse remarkable recovery fsozTt fi•lenet> an the p.trt of z•t=triflers iu tii,a t nristake. Ha told iter it w,as% aa;t Diseases its jmtentee an aitrual income of old. On July 7th she was taken set Bright's Disease has set all I fatnr..e cuntlil}an, of triulc. 31tip- i ' pJnin :l.s the note on her face., lously ill. Her eyelids swelled till •Caml,dn 'taltkltl uptvard Of $x7,5,000. The Beale of .an - g' other to Jolt,I t; , monis continue; hpnvy. \'slue, tlxe TEL -lits. ��• she -could hardly see. h'er lege swell- 1 - .._..- . 3 iiplw' enriche,i firmly held. London jobbing trade I — ,ed -,from her ankles to her knees, y made a ,tatal.m.iatake. She -crapped lie hie-ki inyentor to the extent of II„lnuitou this weak has boell rtcLive, took her to a doctor, saga he maid the, uoe:of Dodd's.I Kidney bills before • 41'00;000 a year as 10,11k., as it con- I SOINIk;7.iilNG Nl•,%T., �� , tlzei disease }and been thoton•*it] 1 tinned ;to enjoy the unexpected popii_ Zho couutr,} trurle ii naturally af- p by Step the Monste�' site ,had Bright's Disease, azzd couid j n y • la,Iity that l xeHtrll ii tt'Ilaan rlI'Bt IP, L'f,i at the TllaTnpnt b tilt' hl'eilli- ( Probably the bext invention in the no:t live lop . T,h1e doctor tended ctieaxred out of ,the system, There, r n l� ?Euler 'for about six weeks, but asehe 'could•only•3e,one•result. The Bright's placed upon ltilelLo of t et. he .Punt(,- wtoicsalti trlricu tla,u ,i\tt Olirl`v.t i 90.1 Is the Implement sceo for ti�la%ri Driven L7aC1( Till grew worse Y stopped Dlseese gradually xe dined itn hold top, vile invnritoi o, the, taller r;k„tc, ( er i nh is nc, svtur is i 0 s the n,>ty otlinti device on the ppecl' the doctor ,app It victim. "And,” �4rs. Par- , muse .�1:00R,000 oat of his Iden and r til}ty for Ll:iti .•,e,lsun o[ Lhr+ yp lr, ; Ma.s ry-IIuizis Molder Pitman, and titled different kinds of patent ; the gentleman irbo Ciro thought i S.'Iphu:ents itrc•' large ants a good -li z•ootny oil chamber k; laced in zliedleines. Bait all th'e time she,fust pri aleiJluuaj "to our great sur-; g' I 1 �lledicai s ciente ,got worse, and worse. Her suffer- i pr4ae, iTT Janua"1y, 190', the swe111n9I of placing a rubber tip at t)n end `ninny rnp:,at miler ;ire coining to each and of the Pitman, and the na- •eamo back. a, lead ,lte.nella: Lunde quite $100.000 l hLlnd, which indicate the eefrc,ct,1- tural action of the Pitman thrower Inge Ulad by this tlnte became e+ca 1 tion of larger salol than l tai, year, the ail up throw b the oil hole and "Tihis time, •thaltth, I ]rnow tvh[ut n. ,3'ecr b} luerl.nGs of his simple int f liver thorough and constant lubrl Triumphed gxetirt that I again turned to the to dA, i septi cl,t,onec for six boxes of Praiemenit. I l+'ailurez 'Thin t'i'c<f:. doctors. 'Gills tuna I tried another D�,s Kidn,e Pills. Site began at . tiirhea 7darv.ey Kvnnpdy }ntoiu.•.e.l cation without wizste. one, Jae had no ,a hesitation in PW_ y the ishoe lace lit, .in $2',5)()0,0,0, ail:] 11,, ta•. Dun 3z Co: report Ilabllitles The ixist feature of the device to pouncing reef dirteaso Bmiglzt'•s Dir- once to talcs them, and, gradually the of comznerclal lailures ill \Ir,rclt that the oil ethaxn}reiis aro roomy. 4-' .'(From Mall ant? 'Ln1 ire). ease -of -the worst kin,LL dread] malts}ter ,tell ,back before tine rho Ordinary a ilivolia bPne:ite,, tsix � 1 , ,incl one tilling it li p 1 great remedy. By the time she bad people .ley ars muxcll as $10,000,t)UCl r6,a).i,75,(3, agraltiF't ;;;3,238,70ii. la.s� i„ will Inst for many• +.u•iomaeadio, Hants Co., N. S., Feb. • Belt Aleasureecl 48 Inches take'll tour boxes :the -swelling began . The lfowar•a p•tt;, alt for i)01i) , ,,agav year'. I,ailntes this week ill T'h(r hours of cutting. O.••••(Speeial)--T1,i' little town, which „ r to leave. 71hi,s time T Tnrtde no finis- in caello )trove"1 a Lucrative invest-' United States aro 220', aga}nSL 2,,,)i We unr.eistand Mvsspy-Harrls Coma $n bean brought out or obscurity and I?9 this tins Alice ti as in a ter- i take, I kepzt aigtat.on .with the treat- � mont for the- c-iIplLa1, ,.s, lvbo wire last week, .'20 the. precetltng tvcpk, ! pat.nv are making a great hit with tLru:sif into the broad glare o! pub- rible ,state. Her belt fit }health mea. ti n3esi,t till every venitl e of rile disease airlo to iretut111pr,l.tp. t.lic• inventor un , and 209 the carrex(laluaiing type,. i this nein feattire, and that It is fill-. Ito notice by the almo3t nhiracixlous t soled twoniy lncalles. hl hen she was • had disappeared, til my da�>hter a. r..oloo.,al soap„. It is rtiznatvd that ? Irrst ,vicar, arvd in taa•lia.rirl tt!'tin t , !.riga long -felt svaut. cunei od a ,voting girl of Bright's DLc�- at flet tv-orst It was forty -eights I was ig}vin We], to ,mq. 'not ash the gigs income a %ern.gnd l ettreeu $:-00 - : 22 last week, 1 G .the preced}n}I Fvr,pk, l - — eace, takes its na�v-fozmd fame with I l,nches. Iter flesh Stas hard aid ' .puny, dellonte, ,child site was before 000 .And :$230,000 l,er annum, . j and 31, last yaar. Of failures thisA Married lel.tn's laluAligs. art ,sort .of .mile] ourprisia. All the till- ioaked rw,utiv ,to burnt, The doctor, I liar sicl aures, but as .;You -see her note ti'}r )oxceph itf:z: tss3, tdtm iTtrerltor of week is file Cnitr:',1 Stater; )30 wore � If thea hpatit of tih^ itvrxa:ge luurried bigte ttnowts Altar Maud I'a:rkrsr, ail I who .wv:ln a ve.y, ndco ina'n, said lice' a bis, ,%tza._ , hcnitli fel at fifteen, tie imprave:l eiteel ppn, mettle un en- ' in the east, ?11 fit the south, ,5-i tvec;t ' mum wa o,: as light as Iris Ilctrkotbaok thought that a fon• munthu ago „liar I could pat eCo an, thing. It }Coked as full of vim aged go, relaclga• to Iso]cl her armour fortnnrtn, ain<t an lits cic'a.tiz I t.ncl J..3 in illi' Pu,cil'ir 5tatter, and ?0 hr,kl be ti:tning :unn :..lulls all the ssai field 'boyona3 the licd>o of reeov- it ad that ,v cis left for my ciaugla»' �•p In tlxe struggbes of life: r LM-glieh chatr•it ee lh-nCfitM1'1 by many I report, liabilities of ;$,5,•0'00 or more, ( tient'. ary, that isright',i Disease lirtd her ter was to go on suftsrixtg 11,11; milliauo of club . Tho iatclitee of i '.Chore would be fvwvr m•rrr}ages If death ea -me to heir relief. Dodd's Kidney Pills Iain %t• 1' --- r to iia elutr:lless, and onto that men- � I the pen for s.iva.,liztl,* in different co]- _ }t were the faa�hEon for girls to %rear titer had fastened on a Victim the "She was :in this terrible state Arid all this I chad,ge, to Dodd's I olw dterl,W. ,% yeita•ly lil..,otne of al:ati:t 'tZ is;`r 'than, Bar Gran d fat tier. curl papers iso public. only rrleaco giros death; surd all know whan sbo chao-ee,i to read ,some tes- Xidney Pf1IZ, and to nothdng• else. The $202,000 from tlia5 111g,eniaws con- Cau ressmi�n Brownlow, o! Ten» "�1`hl ilavo no man, cif the great ;44tath to -da l she Is a comely maiden timonials as to what 'Dodds Xid- , doctors told me my dw4gh•tar could t trlv,inme. It is state.] that tlbe woos]- g cst mon Ir history Ueon marr}ed7" nt3y, Pills her] dans lar others. She 1 net dive. SVhon t}ley knev� T wa,o giv- i nessee, has a. snhaxt granddaughter, ail fifteeta, with health benmEng from i h p r r Rif tt ith c n •�lrtictio attnebed . ,, ha^p. plpver'sa�*Ings are Lhe delisllt somebody waaits to know. Answer- tsvexy feature and apeaking in her showed them to pie n, -ad 'I grasped I A heir Dadd}s Kidney Pills, they said j i-lel1w,i over ,,.50,00U a year, .'M.ilty It oftcat requires adversit to brty that It they cured her Et would be one , of her paretri,s. The other day,, y g revery movement. And axil have &ta this Mat:.ehcunee to ,help her, as a +p leaxzsits stili remember 'the legal ac states the Washington Post, site out one'.% strong points. heard time and again that this re- drowning maxi .grasps ac a straw. I of the greateaxt miracles in• rise world, f tlan which 'oak place sumo Years g Definition from a new matrimonial, for the like had never been in this ' came to her grandfather with her lnatrlcable elaa,r5�g;e ma's tacoufltt � 13osv ilar:,Claa,r• .Regan I , a•>;a, When, in t;hra course o[ the et'}, tii,ce all (smiles. dictionary: Dacheloxhaocl-A lucid Izf- Y rovimce car anywhere else. And ' deIlce It trans ]red that Tile T ten- „ ,r l” about! by that etc' reiiablo Canadian She began taJ;11)g Dodds Kidney) Dm's Indole Pills did cure her. I P P Grandpa;' elle 'said, I Baty some- terv:ti , teuucdy, Dmld'+s Kidney Pills. Yet it Pills on NoTember 2115th, and before ave her 70 boxes of th _ tar of tthio metal plafcs Used for. thin„ this morri1b running S'[tas, loss Angelina, remarktbcd•; F esu altoge protecting � g g across Jo with ,something lilts surprise that she hard finished t be' .fixat box I could 0 .the tides and heels of ilieo e r. Softlnigh to my daughter Itiuey }tear the noise the cure 'has see a change Y.�nr life better. B,y: t Cher, but tdhey,gave her Ilfo in return, sil,aes from rive wear]' sold 1,h00,000 rite kitchen floor wlLllont any, less. the other evcnins. "I believe first any; alrndj I fuel that Y. cannot say en,o:lzgla plititer int 1.879M ern:] iu 1887 the, nttnn- 1Yh.z do tau 'think bt wast3 i'c11otP, no mortar how stupid and avado In the outside world, The December 19th there was a marked for Dodd's Kidney Pills." Mr. Bro•tnnlow istudied for a while 'thing that has carte a,s a revelation improvement in her condition, but leer reached a. total of 143,000,000, homely, can find somebody to marry, sol the world ha.a come on theist day there was a la, ,•athedn across The Summing• Up which relalized proritis of ''$1,1'50,000 and gave up. What ,was It?" he h}u1." .'Why don't oil •� g asked,y Provo it, h1r<. by, ilny, Pia graduail,y that they fat the small o1 'hes• back ,and ready., to MIhls is the story of the famous for this ytc�ar, "Water," - oftieigh 2" asked Angelina, sweetly: j Bri,ghrt'ss Disease cure, as told by the Thio lady wba Invented the modern Water, said 10118 youngster, tlh ,1,1.nu „ da src�sp Itis nrn,gnitzn<le. lance. When Irl was Opened fit emit, umphrintlty. l lel s gc.niths Icrertamly lnhor•r. I3oyolatl All Doubt. ted' a quax't of matter, N -di er; blood mother or tile+sufferer herself. There xatby carr ,ge•enrichrrl hereelf to the itr'al,-Pitts%bur;g Despatah. e,and water• A nihz we feared far oa$n bei no doubt as to the truth of extent or �5O 000, and a young la,*17 -• "--- i nt a,ti to the aura Itsel[i (!t that g the story. Scares of people corrobor- living' lat Port Llizataeth, South ,lf- re s r r uzzmri UkV, a:.,:.tn rhercl Is no poosible doubt. he facts lief ]flog arlitc3 again the 'ttootar warn- oto It. The erase ryas tiloi ou,ghly fila • ilea, diavise,3 the sim to toilet kN are all easily obtained and (,an be ed' me t9 49t • she milg'h�t die at !aniyt s- p" _ avrorn to,, not onlyb the Parker moment,, -13ut my' faith, Ln Do�dd's Kid- niased by skilled physicians, who rerludsite -known xa.s the "Mary An- . 1 0 tZ il`" ,...p �l le-, C A Pili I t 7 ' y neno Pius bad, grown, a0d n1i't'hrou h unitr�sits.tin;gly pronounced it Brzghtla del'san curling Iron, from wh}ch shy Emily, but by a hundred cst'iaer .pso- g g Disea�ser , , clterivers i aykt•ttaes amonn,ting to 8500 w lei wlto watched the girl gradual] tbiat long Nrlhter a, w tool: them re- , tt (� C� , 1[;e ��pp y IVeltheY b there be an doubt as at y'13at^. It. was the tv}:1'e at a oler;;y� e ' ` , at't� m sinkn Into t:lto rays>, and ti3;w fist gnlarly<, antis uYider taita� treatment �° any froau Ito vary woufh• .catri hied- to gat,liz In ot'rengfly till to what caused Mie pure. $t was tnantivha dhsrgrnerd an improvement (sl Ia�;<°.L2lltllit 3a9ta Gates Tt tvrxe Mr,s. 71 G. Patrkear tl�r,t by April list (haat, ttytis tve11, and the Dodd's Ii]dney Pills. F:or after the for the corset and macic tl fortune � t om. � c tits coo ghsntieatt . Pad alt' 15 iVat s'elli'ng•, had all raft hair, Ithoaigh her. diUe*to" had glvepi the pta,tient up out of It. The gim)Yleit-poinrtecl 1'r 1 i' .&rt,i @ orifi •Nvade-s t urine when 'tost:ed. was mllke and for last,,bodd s Kidney Pills were the f,criety, Hite idlest of a little girl, i 1lLx•asaltr esu u•atspr Olgi:e 'I�e called. Mrel. Parker a at Innes It vrotu'lr1 curdle. I only medicine need. he fact remains brought many mfllIonts of dollars to 'isemmaasx lstIlm t<a tesieim • llrigtiL, 1ttAellige�nt wpziz zf, ono „ - that Dodd'ss Kidney Pills have cured the clover inven'tar. Mbsss Isnl „tit a ' %Iwse brave and hong L face tells E3t5111 she wee vallly, lrinprovod, and , ` , , b +. . _ . just the urine to be used with your �i5at ,git�r could act quickly* Ira 4x;15 L .was greatly. encouraged, and loon•..; Bright,s Disease. And if Dodds Kid- young hady of exee,lent tolentA .ae new ornamental Lawn ]fence. j q t nay Pili% call and do cute Brights ,giftod with wonderful mechanical �, . 1(parTsgeney, and w11oeD ovirsry word tlnued to glivo her fife Pills till No» , Dlisee,se, w,hicl5 Is tllzr3 waist stage of . powriits, ms mlZl x>c ser�n by the doom. � a frost Wire Fence CO. Ltd. anal( aotloti show her honeAty, of pur- vember, .when she' appeared tb bo __ lose, Ii1or ace bel �cioned wtaefr perfeet'1'yl .well, ,abd was g•rot l Sidney Di[rgase, how. sure It moat be pllraatsed lnechandarotn a[ bier machine face, g t.h. i't t'he " a 'Wallanaadi, d'Dnt. +Iipnit>etz to of her claurt;ttDr'r� lremark4 t>�etar C3taa slits had floeto In y!eara.'► LY .',re n sovereig>ac remedy for for making pa:pyr liar. We are told t those ef5a•lier stages of Sidney Dia- Ohio refused $54,000 for It shQrtiy wilumis1Od. man.. 1 , 'b1C1*0,20. , . A !Nearly Fatal lfiistake �i, ease, from which thousands of #ifs O,ftller taking c>uit the C -Citi•• `_ ".. ' s e ., � patent I , .$Is,ils° s11jo could, eaat�haittl �.L lam paint Dlrs. Pttrhet a �►i , .>IlapptilWD pgaple 'are ofuffexiag , „ cuy&'v +vhrottiVclp. 11