HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-03-27, Page 6SA°F'�' jAc F
All :R odily Aches
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Ladles' Favorite,
Is the only safe, reliable
regulator on which woman
can depend "In the hour
and time of need."
Prepared in two degrees of
strength. No. -1 and No. 2.
No. 1.—For ordinary cases
is by fek the best dollar
medicine known.
No. 2—For special cases -10 degrees
Stronger—three dollars per box.
Ladies—ask your druggist for Cook'n
Cotton Root compound. Take no other
HS all pills,, mixtures and invitations are
dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and
recommended by all druggists in the Do-
s: inion of Canada. Mailed to any address
on receipt of price and four 2 -cent Dostade
Stamps. The Cook company.
+4-+•i'+•E•l3,.rt.,i.%.g.•e..s•ia++•ir-F.. ++++++++++++++++++
placers turned out $22,275,000. All
then other gold centre,, of Canada
in: that year yir lit'e'ii only $0,000,000,
The gold p,o(Jwnt of the Klondike
in 1001, amounted to $24,000,000,
wiiieh. was $1,000,000 more than the
output from all onr gold mimes in
AJe la ka, during the same year. It is
not expea;ted that tile Klondike pro-
duction in 1902 will equal that of
1001, for no new, dde:every of _gold
was made daring the year.
It wake due entirely to the wonder-
ful development of gold mining in
the Klondike that Canada attained
in 1001 the third platuo among 'the
gold producing countates. It was
surpassed only !toy the -United States
wdth $78,058,700 and Australia
with $75,283,200, and took its place
le advance of •Russia, which mined
Thee. K1ondilee in the fleet three
yeaiis after its discovery, yielded one
hundred tames more gold than the
Wibw atol'tsrand in the first three
yearn after gold was, found in that
nenrarteen° region, and nothing is
more certain titan that we have not
yet begun 'to fathom the 'wonderful
mineral wealth .of Alaska and the
other northern parts of North Am-
Money in it.
"I see that a anchigaa man and
his wife .have adopted 22 children."
"Da you know their post -office ad-
dress ?"
No Why?"
"I'd like to go over there and start
up a drug store."—Chicago !Record -
Chicago Chronicle.
"Sir," she crietl, "if you kiss me.
1'11 shriek."
"If it's all the sante to you," he
said, politely, "wily not shriek first?"
"Sir," she coldly remarked, "I de-
cline to shriek at 511."
Then he kissed her.
To many points In the States of Cali-
fornia, Oregon and Washington.
Phe Union Pacific will sell One-way
Colonist Tickets at the following
rates from Missouri river terminals
$25.00 to San Francisco, Los An -
1+ + 1 gales and many other California
N. Y. sun. 4. ' points. Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to
* June 15, 1908.
+4++++++++d+++++ e+++++++++ ----
According to tee latest official in- $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City.
formatiou, Dawson City is being $20.00 to Iluttey Anaconda and Rel-
trantstormed into a town with a good en a.
.deal of general business beside gold $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee,
minting, and is acquiring a settled and Wash.
a. civilized aspect. 435.00 to Everett, Fairhaven and
piere are now five miles of maeacl- New Whatcom, via Huntington and
am,2ed streets in the city. The set- S k'am
coni, nearly Bali of the total point -
tied population Ls about seven thou- p
lotion of the Klondike mining dis- attla'
tract. Two hundred of the Canadian $25.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, En -
Mounted Police maintain order. gene, Albany and Salem, via Port -
The Catlioiici:, Epia:copnlians, Pres- land.
byteriana, Methodists and Salvation Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to April
Army all have well built places of 80, 1903.
worship. Five small hospitals are For full information call on or ad -
maintained for the sick. Tares daily dress H. F. CARTER, T. P. A., 14
newspapers are published, thirty- Janes Building, Toronto, Canada, or
three lawyers practice in the courts, F. B. CHOATE, 125 Woodward avenue,
three theatres afford amusement and Detroit, Mich
there axe four mutual benefit boui-
fiiblree companies with twenty-tbree
steamers give facilities for freight
aind passengers on the upper Yukon,
wind eight other steamboat companies
' with forty-one steamers handle the
traffic of the river between Dawson '
and the sea.
There has been a large drop in the',
prices of many commodities as the!
.facilities for transportation between
lawwon and the ocean have improved.
Coffee is now sold at 50 cents a
pound, canned meats at 50 cents a
icaln, !rash beef (the cattle being
driven into the country) at the very
low. price of 25 cents a pound, pork
and fish at 50 cants a pound, butter
• 35 cents a pound, eggs at 50 cents a
dozen, potatoes at $2.50 a bushel,
and oranges at 50 cents a dozen. On
the whole, however; living, judged by
our standards, is still very dear.
M;amy cigars sell as high as a dollar
The wages of miners ie $8 a day,
and even at this .rate their savings
are mot very large. It was estimated
that in 1001 the average purchasing
power of $1 in eastern Canada was
equal to that of $6 at Dawson. The
ratio tn 1902 was estimated at $1 to
$4.50. showing that the high prices
act Dawson are gradually decreasing.
The smallest piece of money that
has currency in the Klondike is 25
watts:: The daily papers are smaller
than the one -cent papers of Eastern
Clanada, but they ,sell for 25 cents
a. number, $4 by the month and $40
lay the year, payable in advance. A
well-known pereen in Dawson, who
recently sand that the period of fancy
'prkea bind now passed away forever,
was compelled to admit that he had
,just paid a quarter of a dollar for
:0) pair of ordinary sboestrings.
watts are -still very high An office
•which in Eastern Canada would be
rotated for $30 a month costs $130
on the Klondike. A tattle waitreee
r oeives $100 a month and a maid
of all work tarns from $75 to $1:35
a months.
Hotel charges are high, but not
exar'hitant, for this out-of-the-way
part of the world. A small room
oasts §12.50 a day. Breakfast and
lunch .are a.erved at 75 cents each•,
amnia' aet,1911, and that, meals are bet-
ter team miMht be expected so far
anew irn the wilderness.
It lis; ;probable that for many years
the Klondike region will be very im-
portant in the ego.i•d industry, though
it may never again equal its past
arttnuai record. The placers of the
Klondike yielded. adecorcline to oi'ti-
aial figures in 1877, $2,250,000 with
no m'aahineery and no recede, so that
transportation teas 'eery difficult.
The• output in 1898 was $10,000,000
and in 1899 $113,000,000.
In 1900, thanks to the employment
of machinery and t0 the facilities$
given 'sty many well built roads, the
Consumption is a human
weed flourishing best in weak
lungs. Like other weeds it's
easily destroyed while young;
when old, sometimes
Strengthen the lungs as you
Would weak land and the
weeds will disappear.
The best lung fertilizer is
Scott's Emulsion, Salt pork
is good too, but it is very hard
to digest.
The time to treat consump-
tion is when you begin tryin
to hide it from yourself.
Others see it, you won't.
Don't wait until you can't
deceive yourself any longer.
Begin with the first thought
to take Scott's Emulsion. If
it isn't really consumptiol so
much the better; you will soon
forget it and be better for the
treatment. If it is consump-
tion you can't expect to be
cured at once, bat if you will
begin in time and will be
rigidly regular in your treat-
reatment you will win.
Scott's Emulsion, fresh air,
rest all you can, eat all you
can, that's the 'treatment and
that's the best treatment.
We will send you
a little of the Emul-
sion free.
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a label is o¢ the
wrapper of every bottle .f
Emulsion you buy.
Toronto, Ontario.
5oc. and $i; all druggists.
Doing Big Business.
London Answers.
An Englishman and a Scotsman,
both commercial travellers, were
bragging about the firms they rep-
"You may judge of the extent of
oar bwi1ness," said the Englishman,
'from the fact that we spend £215
a year in ink for our correspondence."
"That's nothing," said the Scots-
man. "My firm saves twice that
amount yearly by not dotting it's
is and not crossing it's t's.'
I Cured a Horse of the Mange
Dalhousie. k.
I Cured a Horse badly torn by a
pitchfork, with MINARD'S LINI-
St. Peter's, C. B.
I Cured a Horse of abad swelling
Bathurst, N. B.
as asusaa +avw ousam neo m ....s.u.uw atm WmwN,Mtl,
Bringing Hubby to 'Terms.
"Yes," said young Mrs. Solo, "Henry
and I had some: words this morning,
and I ca,n't deny, be got the best' of
it.'. "O.11eat will never do," returned
tate experienced neighbor. "You can't
afford to eta,rt married life that
Wale" "I' know it," answered t'he
young wife. "I've thought it all
over, and when she comes home to-
night l'me going to bring him to tome
so quick that he'll hardly, know what
has happened." "That's right, my
dear. Show some spirit. What are
you going to do ?" "I'm going to
bring up the subject again and then
Mirard's Liniment Cures Burns,
Cart' ()fettle Eyes.
When the, eyes ache, relieve tbem
by closing the lids for five or ten
minutes. When stinging and red
through cryieng, they, should be
bathed in rosewater, or wet a hand-
kerchief with rosewater and lay it
over them for a fesv minutes. If they
are bloodshot, you 'need more sleep,
or have been sitting in a draught.
If they have a burning sensation,
bathe them with hot water to which
a dash, of witch hazel bas been add-
ed. If the whites of the eyes are
low and the pupils dull, stiriet at-
tention should be paid to diet. •
Minard's Liniment Rilieees Neural-
Counsel to Smokers.
From the Royal Academy of Belgium
comes the following sage advice to
" Do not Luse 'moist tobacco, since
nicotine then escapes with the vapor
and is not decomposed.
" Do not smoke either while fasting
or a short time .before meals.
" When smoking cigars or cigar-
ettes always use an amber, meer-
schaum, horn or cherry holder.
" Nicotine vaporizes at 250 degrees,
and that portion of it which is not
decomposed in the centre is attracted
toward the tip and accumulates
there ; it is therefore prudent to
throw hway the last quarter of a
"Do not smoke a pipe that has a
short stem.
Of all methods elf smoking the
cigarette Is the least offensive."
Culture, Not Creation.
Ttty business is not to rebuke my-
But make the absolute best of what
God made. —Browning.
Shore Clerk—Are you being waited
on, ma'am ?
Fair Customer—No ; I want a pair
of walking shoes.
Shoe Clerk—What price, and size,
ma'am ?
Fair Customer (rather loudly) —
Shoe Clerk -Threes?
Fair Customer (in a low tone) —
Yee, three dollars. Size S. D—Phila-
delpltia Press.
Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg
Drops have become an indispensable
home friend for sufferien'g women.
Wraps and Coats.
Both short coats and long coats
are fashionable, but there must be
included in every spring outfit a
long coat In the nature of a wrap.
Silk coats are no longer thought
as smart as they were There are
some Meavy corded silks, but all
of these are in light colors. A bet-
ter investment than a black sick
or satin coat is one of light cloth,
which may be most elaborately
trimmed or made in rather severe
tailor style, with one, two, or
three capes, and big buttons of
smoked pearl, bone, or silver. The
long coats are wider around the
skirts, to allow of the increased
widths of the gowns.—Harper''s Ba-
Hardening. Aluminum.
A process wth the object of increas-
ing the mechanical properties of
aluminum has been patented In Ger-
many, says Kuhiow's Trate Review.
The process is interesting in the
sense that it opens up a view: to the
passibility to employ aluminum to
new uses in giving it certain qualities
of endurance and resistance which
are wanting in its pure state. It is
well known that aluminum works
badly with certain cutting tools and
files. It has been shown that the al-
loying of aluminum and magnesium
have a marked superiority over pure
aluminum, but less malleable and duc-
tile. Tho authors observe that If al-
uminum Is allied to 2 to 10 per cent.
of magnesium the metal obtained is
hardly to be distinguished from alum -
but when this alloy is passed
several times through a flatting mill,
heated each time towards 400-500
deg. C., its principles are modified.
The alloy cuts and files well as
though it was charged with magnes-
ium. It has preserved, on the other
hand, the ductility and malleability
of pure aluminum.
To prove to you that Dr.
Chase's Ointment saeertafn
and absolute euro for each
and every form of itching,
bleeding and protruding piles,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tes-
timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh-
bors 'what they think .otit, You can use it and
ack if not cured. 60o a bx. at
All. dealers or EDab your trioneyM A soN B ATES c4C Co. Toronto
re'Chase's Ointment
Sobool Children as Suicides. ---
,ao 0o C
In Prussia 413 school children
under fifteen .years of age have con
milted suicide within the space of
i ten years. Three hundred and thirty-
seven of them wore .boys and sev-
i enty-six girls.
FRAME J. CHENEY makes oath that hetet the
'senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY a
Co., doing business In the City of Toledo,
County and State aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the sutra of ONE HUNDRED DOL-
LARS for each and every case of CATARau
that cannot be cured by the use of HALL',
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence,thls 6th day of December, A.D.,1886,
r- -� A, W. GLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Care is -taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. .T. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0
Sold by all druggists -75c.
Hail's Family Pills are the best.
It is not only because of their great wearing qualities
that, you are recommended to wear
Style, fit and finish are almost a`s important. GRANBY
Rvllsa l.s have a stylish, clean cut appearance all their
own, all the different shoe shapes.
and are made In y
"Granby Rubbers wear fli' a iron."
+,rc.as+v+.aux,u W MMInP.llrMllw�,weaxw,r,w.�...r---,—___
Health Laws in England.
Everybody by this time is fanciilar
with the pronouncement of science
that spitting Is a habit which, apart
from its unpleasant nature, is
fraught, in the case of consumptive
persons, with great daaiger to the na-
tion at targe. Something must have
just build up your system with
the great South American
Nervine, the health builder, blood
maker and nerve food, that is quick-
est and most thorough in its action.
Will put every or5an in the body
in good working order speedily anti
permanently, through giving them
a new nervous energy, andatis the
system with health, vigor
and rich, red blood.
J. W. Dinwoodie,
of Campbellford.
Ont., states : For
yearsl was troubled
wi th nervousness
and impaired liver
and kidneys. 1 was
treated by several
doctors; tried every
medicine. Lastfallf
procured a bottle QS
I took but a very
few doses and the
nnarvous depression
lett my_ entire sys-
tem. I will never
be without it."
DR. yd•>a4 r;::y
a • '�Ifali.. c
allow the sufferer from indigestion,
to eat heartily and heavily of any -
thin he likes while curing aim,
for die Pineapple actually digests
the food, letting tho stomach rest
andet sound whilst you enjoy
,life. -rico, 35 cents. 9
There aro very few cleans-
ing operations in which Sunlight
Soap cannot be used to advant-
age. It makes the home bright
and clean, 1s
Penn's Philosophy.
It isnot quite certain whether a
bird with one wing is as pretty as
With two; it is, In fact merely a
difference of a pinion.
If you want to have home-made
bread, you must wed a home-bred
Maid.—Pennsylvania Punch Bowl.
New York and Boston Via New York
The numerous trains, the excellent
service. the uniformity of its trains,
its four tracks and the location of
its depots In Boston and Now York,
make the New York Central the fav-
orite line to talose points.
Any ticket agent will confirm the
been accomplished in the way: of less-
ening the practice from the advice
to refrain from it legibly displayed
ip public -placer," from tramcars to
Post -offices. Local laws are also In
operation for the punishment of
those who offend. A Liverpool inves-
tigation showed that of 105 "sam-
ples" of expectoration examined five
contained virulent, that Is active,
bacilli of tulbe culosis. I am at least
glad to see the °Oudltion of railway
carriages is beginning to receve at-
tention. Tbgy are "places" much re-
quiring attention in this respect. A
fine of Its. each was inflicted on two
men at Perth the other day for spit-
ting, in a railway carriage, The pro-
secution was undertaken by the
County Council of Glamorgan. All
wolfleg*isle,tion Is not only heeded,
its ts beneficial effect will not be
limited to seuppressing a nuisance.
Through the operation of the law, the
thoughts of the nation will be di-
rected toward the prevention of dis;-
ease, and. tills aIOme must be regarded
as an eininently desirable result.—
Dr. Andreew,. Wilson, in the London
Chronicle. _ , .r ; .
IHow Tiine Flies.
Mr. A.skem—Do you believe in here••
dit,y ?
Old Mr. Kidder—Sure; now, there's
my grandson, for instance. He's in
Iove with the same ballet dancer I
adored when I was his age.—Boston
Minard's Liniment for sale every-
where. ,
The Exception.
Antes—I wonder if animals are
happy ?
,Giles—I guess so—with the possible
exception of the mule. He's a chronic
kicker, you know.—Chicago Naive.
Settiers' Low Rates West,
Via. Chicago and Northwestern Ry.,
every, day frons February 15th to
April 20th. Colonist one way sec-
ond-class tickets at extremely low
rates from stations In Ontario and
Quebec, to points in Colorado, Utah,
Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon,
Washington and California; also to
Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin-
ster, Nelson, Rossland, bete. Full
particulars, rates and folders can be
obtained from Be. H. Bennett, General
Agent, 2 East King street, Toronto,
The Odor of Sanctity.
T, he sextom of an Episcopal church,
in Boston has many stories to tell
of the remarks and comments made
by visitors. One Christmas, when the
church was beautifully decorated
with evergreens and firs, an old lady
walked up the aisle to the chancel
and stood sniffing the air after
everyone else had left the church.
"Don't It smell solemn ?" she said at
talet to the sexton as she turned
away with evident reluctance. "I
don't know as I ever realized just
what the `odor of sanctity' meant
before to -day. We don't have any
such trimmings in the church I at-
tend up in the country."•
•' : d 1 • •r.. ?'Y,I. yv. e�,L1A AY:N�nI f&tt" E
Your Cly 1i
with the old standard reme-
dy that has stood the test
of 40 years experience and
is more popular to=day than
ever before.
is carefully prepared from
Red Spruce Gum, retaining
all its healing, soothing pro-
perties. It is pleasant to
take and is always effectual,
2.5 cents. At all Iruggists.
`,,'.011 >.•%.1••;', r�•11''d'"'
ISSUE N0. la, 1903.
.w...Mma,.,.......w.....1.6amm.—..- ..a
Mrs. Winslow's ,soothing Syrup should
always be used for Children Teething. 1t
soothes the child, softens the gums cures wind
colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.
to solicit orders; handsome profit
assured. Apply Canadian Lady Corset Co.
London, Ont, m�..�.
istrict Manager
PORAT.ED under the Ontario Joiut Stock
Companies Aet by letters patent capital
paid up $100,000, with head office In Toron-
to, will appoint a representative for the dis-
trict comprising • the county in which this
paper is circulated and the counties adjolu-
Ing. Nominee must undertake to canvass
the territory thoroughly, large and small
towns and villages.r Income (salary and
commission) from $1,000 to $7,000 per
annum, according to the ability displayed In
Lbusiness. $1,000 for exclusive
An energetic man, 'widely and favorably
known, desired, but d0 not reply if cannot
invest $1,000.00.
Apply Executive, 204 McKinnon Bldg.,
Strawberry Pants, EIct, For Salo
I have a choice lot of Strawberry Plants
to osier for spring setting that have been
htown on ground specially prepared. They
ave good, llbrous roots.
1 have been spraying my plants regularly
for past two eensous hence they ehonld been-
tlrely free of leaf bliglitorrust,which is every
important mutter in starting a plantation.
I have 0 large supply of the Williams (the
most popular market berry to -day) Clyde
Wlisou, Micluael's Early, etc. Can furnish any
of the leading varieties. Any of the ordinary
varieties buneehed and packed F. 0. B. at
following prices—
In lots less than 500, 35cper hundred
in lots of 50U and under 1000, 30e per
In lots of 1000 and over, $2.50 per thousand
A ,.liscount on orders of over 10,000.
I have also 20,000 Black Berry Plants of
leading varieties to Nell at $1.25 per hundred
or $10 per thousand.
Raspberry Ylants, and Currants, red and
black, for sale cheat).
Order early. "First come first served."
Cau ship U T. 11. or C. P. R., Canadian or
Dominion Express. G.N.W. or C.P,R. tole -
graph curnnection, Bell telephone No. 10F,
Grimsby. .address
Excelsior Fruit Natal, Beamsvilie.
If You are a Sceptic or Non -Believer in
The Real Khartoum.
There have been some marvellous
stories of the transformation of
Khartoum under ,i3ritish rule, One
writer saw a vision of a stately;
city, with beautiful lawns and gar- I
dens, wide streets, churches, 0 col-
lege and magnificent Government of -1
flees ; a handsome palace built of i
red brick faced 'with stone ; a rail-
way- running into the ally-, and fast
steamers plying on the Nile. All this
where there bad been five years earl-
ier a reeking huddle of mud huts.
An unfortunate exile in the Soudan,
who has been looking for this state-
ly, city, says, Khartoum is still no
more than a big village ; tee palace
and Government offices are nothing
worth talking about ; the churches
are non-existent ; the Gordon col-
lege, still quite incomplete, might
pass for a red brick barn ; there are
no roads, except just around the
palace ; the railway, is a narrow-
gauge track, on which a miniature
engine draws the material for the
new Government buildings ; the tra-
veller can only enter the stately city
on his own legs oil' on the back of
a native donkey ; and the fast stea-
mers plying on the Nile would not
compete with lobe fleet of the late
Thames Steamboat Company. Khar-
toum, therefore, hardly seems to ri-
val Paris, or even London, at pre-
sent --whatever it may, do in time.—
Landoll Truth.
Noe many ynung ladies in Canada can
boast of having cut the entire crop on their
father's farm.
The two young daughters of Mr. George
Wells can do so, however.
Mr. Wella' farm le situated ono mile south
of Wellwood Station on the famous Carberry
Flatus. He cultivates 820 acres,
DM and
Owing to scarcity of help, MISS
Mies Emma Wells volunteered to drive their
father's Massey -Harris bindery through the
harvest. As a result of their efforts, Mr.
'Wells was the first farmer on the Plaine to
finish cutting.
How much of the spirit of Canada and
Canadians there Is in this? Tide is the spirit
which le steadily bringing our fair nation to
the fore.
One of Mr. Wells' Massey -Harris binders is
six and the other four years old, end Mr.
Wells asserts only seventy-five cents' worth
of repairs have been put on them up to date,
and that the binder first bought is good for
five years yet, to say nothing of the younger
Send date of birth and ten cents (silver) for
trial horoscope and he convinced. Careful
and conscientious attention given to every
horoscope, freed from all humbug that has
made astrology in recent years so distasteful
toork. ninny. 11. Buge, Morris Heights, New
Street Gowns.
Street gowns for spring and [pla-
mer wear show three or four alANo-
lately diverse styles, all of wince. rite
attractive. For ordinary every-
day wear the skirt must be short ;
that is n. positive command at pre-
sent. Not 50 Alert as to shot* the
feet, but at tho same time to clear
the ground, 'u.Yld to levo a decided
flare around the foot,, to fit well
arotind the flips, but not too tightly.
The coat of three-quarter length or
short, with a,, short skirt, is the fav-
orite style for the moment, made on
the lines of the riding -habit or af-
ter the pattern of one or other of
the favorite fur models of the winter,
with an attached .skirt. The coat
blouses, and. has a broad girdle at
the back.—H�arper's Bazar.
Creamery and Cheese Factory
at :e)fuirkirle Station, IIf.C.Ry.
Land, buildings, engine, boiler
nodi all machinery tot butter and
cheese making.
Will sell whop property—com-
plete or detached—very cheap for
cash. Apply to
Box 355, St. Thomas, Out.
It Has No Equal
Manufactured only by
For sale by all leading dealers.
' d
will tell
When an animal is all run down,
has a rough coat and a tight hide,
anyone knows that his blood is ant
of order. To keep an animal econo-
mically he must be in good health.
is a necessity where the best results
from feeding would be obtained.
It tones up the system, rids the
stomach of bots, worms and other
parasites that suck the life blood
Noticing like Dick's powder for
a run down hors.
50 cents a package.
i,seldfaing, Miles & Ce., Agents,
.ai. Dry Toast.
"Ewe's. looking at you!" cried the
man, raising bas glass and making
a. study of the bathers on the bene
below.—Princeton Tiger.
Lifebuoy Soap—disinfectant—is strongly
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a safeguard against infectious diseases. as
Out ,late,
Toperiy—Is it sitting up late nights
that has knocked you out?
Jagaway—No ; mornings.
Minstrel's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
Too aleph for the Other Man.
"Don't you ;thunk that a btt1ion
dollars is too much for aby man to
"Yes," answered Senator Sorg-
hdum; "that 'le, for any other man
to have."—Washington Star.
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