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The Herald, 1903-03-27, Page 2
. __ ' E ,1 IN FOG _ WOU11da aware 41 e0MA, ',l A •strx,teanent follarti3O . At Llwut 1.L i a. in. i To. 17, .©ni;no _ FRENCH1. R POLICY i, / d, langlnel r iiazelrvpa (pndud for 9a .. PP PIE t uu SX0'3 11 I . I I I , Lt111,s, wa o derailed at a point seven ' Li SIX V tkhei s nal,d of t, Ali he ears I an tl l :"ad tk., of district, All the ears , tlhe 0x,1112, cortil.Stliig of baggage .cars, '' -'"" STSTAINED CHS MBER@ lives at Guelph. turn and olcen first,- oa,-*,*o Toronto, is lying at the loyal with serious Injuries in the head and bate I . 0 oacl, r oict.:,vr caatici:, turned over down a 15; A Pageant to Western Tonibs—Tile I foot c•mbankinent. 1.1%:e accident' oc- ` imismatic and Antiquarian .S'OC13ty, purred on a ,straight track, • which '+ / e c 1m Disastrous ®E Steamersn in perfect gauge and .surface, and not 51 immed so that the cause of The Religious girders Will Not be Allowed ;D KJ f'J the accident is unknown. Two offs- Heavy .taxes. ,., #HAMILTON PEOPLE 'ON BOARD cials of tLe Grand Trank were inane- to Conduct Schools s/ T London,C • di trtell an o c scene, and an en- and two coacl:aot were sent out. n i o ••t.hcir fgine rocu! (fuel pl, rvitll doctor's, and also Paris, March c3: Mlle ''ate in the an <1 farther existence is k from) Fergus, to tLo Beene of theac- Chamber ,of Deputies yesterday even- tbrOugh -stifferarnee, 'Aliero remains to I WieAv L`ondom Con, Ifarclt' 23 ;In in the zx "s of debris from the c0ellt, a *soon as tee report' Was jig• give2s deflntte form to the present be determi.-ned the time the orders the; foQ'which doseemded Upon tile j wrecked Cabin and staterooms t there may be several more bodies, received. The following is a cgmplete list of will be allowed to wind up their af- polloy of the Government to te•-rmin- fairs and tea•minate their work. Many opatrs of f fiSound Last night the ? ounrt=h.11e in the steera-•e,, w'h'ere the the Casualties: ate 'tile exIstsuce,of the religious of the orders, anticipating the Cham- ' .big Fall RAver paRseinger steamer water poured in 1!le a. Niagara. Conductor James Lillis, Brantford, teaclihig orders, and to substitute a be -r vote of yesterday, already have Plymtutb, with d00 palsseuxgers and a there xilay be, and probably are, • ;arew of -900 men wads run down while bodies of others drowned besides injured. Mail Clerk .1, Cheeney, Southanhp_ ,,System. of Goverinntemtal schools. 7Ahe Completed their pians to retire from . tale field. It" is expected that a, few 11 .' l papsin through. the race by, the those repoz'ltod. ton, seriously injured. principle of this eba:nge was formlt- months will almost suffice to execute - , 1,rei ht steamer City of T$lxmton, :of As the I lymisher 'rill being made ' + fast. t0 t11ie Fishers, Island Navlga- air. and hers.. J. J. Houston, Thes- SLLLUI,, $et'iatlSly injured ; one Of their' bated under the Prrmter,shi of M. the- clean ss. Numerous incidental p g AAral0e.Ck-l',,O11,5Seat1, but its actual en- glle,StltYnS are involved in the transfer iiia same line. A full hundred feet tion Company's 'v -fare', there• 'vas cliiicirc ll killed rand the other not et- faroeme i0 was left to the of the pupils amd the effecit on the present -:vif tdlle: sttr:rboaxd side of the vessel seem to be a lisle tell feeit square in liar hull on thee,starboard aected to lite. f Judge Jameson, Guelph, grin broken. oxtenslve to , , p' • parties, and notices of (Combei„) '12inistr;y. ,Lille lag*. voted ,several interpellations have been side, I was em{Lshed in as !f it had been about 3,5 Leet from eller bow, while papa], the i'mpa'ct threatening' death for a hJundred feet her joiner work AIi d s Gibson Uuc*l,?rh, ar2z1 broken. Will. Bremner, wholesale merchant, yesterday is very brief and nega-i em v with the vi f •i g view o securing dela tive In its terms, simply refusilig.all- gr ' y permitting 11n adjustment of the new to the.occupainfis of Life staterooms had been cox^slate away, including Hamilton, ss3lzously injured, thorization to teach to all the male esynttitiolis, but the statements of teaching and of the second cabin, which was cut time entire second cabin and seven ata.terooms thta The following were s.lglltly injured : Miss Christie, Hamilton ; J. Harknett, leof M. CoxnbPs axil other Ministeriatists 'roe effect of this is to place ,the I in,dicate the prompt caa.ryin.g out of away, .and obliterated as if it had an saloon cli,ek, Jolxai AieCatrthy's dead body roulcl Goldstone • Ph!t a Harley, 1.'dth 'line orders outside the pale of the law, tide I?remier's policy. %ewer, been ,. . . . i' be seem in the debris in• the dim Peel township; , , 1 C. H. 5.lth Lis- --- :[-. a of above, J ortur:ately o Panic. rays of title sbip•s :lamps. livery towel , P. J. Lir iugsto ie, Listowel; survivor was u Oe!re wars terror and dismay oil p and dressed when the the T 19. Robinson,ead Bellwood Wil ; .1Sa, eat- Amy, Ptxllhc xti Mr. 1Cilkinson, cat- STEAMER ROUNu E FLOES. strl.okein ship, but tilers was no steamer reached liere. tle i serv.lea to the injured weve Drs. Mae— I k-lnuon, Robinson, O'Reilly. tctvart, Panic. iaCew and women comported The head rand Injured, '" dealer, Ualt ;liars. Irvin and child Niagara fails,, N. ].; L11a Billings, lino was for the purpose o1 reduo- P P ing the cost of ,these pilgrimages, the tbemselves with womderful self- The dead so far " known are : oomtrol, ne ,collision occurred; after J0h1u McCarthy, rwattchman, ahead Gait ; L. rruwanlock, Oriilia ; Miss I'errltor, Goldstone Miss. A. O. _ • the vessel lead clawed herr way up the out off • Snow• Cleulan, colored, pan- loumd u h a fog natio Bebe reach- , fog,:011Gull ; Boyle, Drayton; • A.tiss Brocklebank A $23,000 Bar of Gold 9 Stolen Oip > ( ' .thT li cid ,a, poiii,tthrq gosa Island. try man, drowned; Julius Dawson, colored, mess man, drowned; J`oh'n Walkerton ; Geo. Hughes, Niagara Falls, -T. 1.; Win. Oluistori, jun., Co- , . Mhe westbound steamer drove up out Bristol, colored, walter, drowned • of the fog, and ween she was sighted lumbus. Ont.; Airs. tralvlti \o. 1.8`2 Re- + $ e`r . Jobill AVllhain, colored, baker, by, -.the officer's of stile Plymolxltb was p drowned; Jaiiatlt:lr AA'. :13$om Ban, Doo close to avoid the collision, phare Mecca street, Hamilton ; Dr. Savage, Guelph . Geo. J. Br4y, Toronto; Rev. H. lli'huskeegon> Aflch., March '..'3.— The at tYabasA' train number four which I,of Wa ' ,AArilkesbarre, Pa„ skull *pattered. wap a quick exebangW of whistles, Patrick Da.ty was the first 'injur- D. Martin, Canzuugton ; :Airs. Len- r}reth, Berlin; All's. Al. AIcGaw Barry Line steamer .,,lice Stafford, arived at tr Union station from the though whether they were correctly pct man to be rentor ed .to t}i'a hos- I or not there is no statement Guelph ; AA'}ilia. Lupines, Strasburg; . With 30 passengers aboard, bound for west at 8 O'clock last evening, and !left for Baff1110 at midnight. yet available, and then the crasih. petal. His Injuries Was tilts lofts y slits right arm. Chances of recovery bow, of the westbound steamer Mrs. August Bunt, Bertin ; D.r, Leung, Isingaz o ; Rev. J. O: Striltger, Chicago, is fast in a huge floe of ';rile property was in. charge of the slush ice about ;'our pee sllgh`t. Aiicltael Kilduff, a passeur_ pepetrated ten feet into the hull of ger, of Boston, h td his right fooft No. 240 Carlton str•e•ei, 'Toronto; Tilos, licNalnaru, (auelph ; L. Rash- miles out and Pacific Express Co., aril ,was con- one mile north of this I g port. The signed to Buffalo. Just as soon as .the Plymouth, and then asst she backed aw she raked Lire upper works ed crushed badly. pP kofsky, No. 31 lrlsoil street Toronto; strong southwest wind is rapidly the messenger missed the gold, he Besides 'Patrick Daly, who had the Passenger vessel with terrible delstructiveness, tearing out the sec- ar, a-rm torn off, a,notlner passen- C. H. Passmoro, ' "o. 79 Yorkville ave' nue, Toronto ; Tilos. Bradt, Guelph ; notified the local express agent of driving the floe towaxrd shore. the comp.my, who, in turn, asked the Gola? ger was badly lnjUve d.1-As name lira's and calbin and ripping 0ha siateaooms not been learned. He rvasi To}tn L. Dyer, Enfield . L. H. Clarke, \o. 6:3 Isabella street, Toronto • Win. Who Stole. the police to assist !n the search ;;or the retrott, 31nrOi 23.—A -i:l.r of gold 1 missile g trousure. found at- .to Pieces as if they had been built ter the collision on a heap of deb- or Water poured into the Gibson, Guelph ; A. W. Howell, In- f(il; to bo valued at $20,000 to $23,- J Every avn.11able, cleteeLive Las d aildoaad. bald amd pis oil the main. clack, in the space ger soil ; S. ;toss, IIlrmiiton ; ekes 000, disappearetl;from the express car been assigned to the case. I 1 , Drowned Alen in Their Bunks. cat'ere the second cabin was io- cait•c:cl fisher, Darlington ; R. A. Todd, No.. "'(i9 Jarvis is street, Toronto ; Af• Ti: . , • --- _ _ `' TPhe Ply mouth wase immediately This accident occurred julit cast headed far this city. It thought Pierce No. 32 Fuller street, Toronto; A '• Jacobs, o, of j fes OR AL S, R, Ea was of Plum Island. Tho City of Taunton _ltaCrill arcane, Alleal,, known ar,a Aloss :Park. an,d t;he grannds aft ulnad, hate !leen St one time that tide ship's Company drew- off instantly and sounded itis- Montreal; E. G. Co!e,'No.:598 Dover- # tlelpfr' R'epor't: IBM. morning at 111,30 d serious _urs off took place , would have to take to the boats, but tress signals. The. officers said the closing of the court road, Toronto : C. I). Walden, Augusta --.__._.__.__•----.------- collision bulkheads that they were unable to see her Prevented the 3VAtex from graining, in th•e fog and could not ascertain jncl the vessel-maha de the rbor the -No. ,81 street, Ifamllton. The train bearing the hljuredl ar- rived 91_re;abo.ut 3 q'.lockl Tile. A , s de q oe e cq Chateau of and extent of Iter injuries. - more' T 9 wharf unassisted, i , . (rlb City' of Taunliton made this .There ere w,as no way of telling fin- xlort at a:•tai t],`; morning,g, ;with ecrlrru'si,l•, iojneed 'sere pl'a'ced on stretchers and conveyed to tileGan- ' ` / H A , . Snediately hb,many persons were h'er boir,s stove til and her pumps killed. ,Sit are dead certainly, era] Hospital, while others were ac- r g4q merkirg, Her bulk.ltlead saved her, companied by friends In cabs to pri- vale douses. Judgti Jameson wa,s among talose echo wero ;able to walk. Mrs. J. II. Lelndreth.Aof r„rt'llll, who Aiantmal, Que., Mar:;h 23. — The t}te years 1823 anal 1824, which give arelllvos of ilte Chateau de Ramezay I the boundaries of Alaska when that have peen ransacked to provide ma- territory was in possession of Russia. _ ._._ __ _ — !i it: dratgggedi along for a :sborc distance,. ,.ewilidel of SERIOUS RMIT WHIG Lit me shaking m ir41es r up and down in a 11os. This lsstei tr>.s taken to the Royal Hotel sur- fcring; frons an Injured Rhoulder, be- aerial to rove the Canadian CQ21- > n Air. lobe obtained pt:rm[ssion from ' ' akout th're'e s:co&lr , arra 'then we - telt: 'tile c•Lr ;o•ing, and it seemed like sides being halt internally, tv:ts re- t tentlon in the Alaskan boun-.ary tetra museum people to take these [dispute. _lir. Joseph. 1>opc, Ctldrl. rlocumenis to Ottawa, where the - - - a, dream until live rr-otie up •t d found moved to the General ilslsaittl to- 1 c nlnlas will be plrotograplled. They ome, a,Z,d a line of 1100e wars att4o}je4 to it acid a good ot're'am; of water was throwpv. , t3ydney alsio' trent' assistance, and the men have been fighting the fire ever slnoe. At one time during the a,t;ternoon it .was thought the fire w,ap under control, but it broke out algaln in the evening and is still burn- inig. The thine is the second) of im- portance operated by; the Dominion, Coal Co., aitd employs 1,400 men, the daily output being between 2,500 and :3,400 tons. It is expected that the mine wilt -.be wot•king• 'within a week. Tllia are ' covered by the fire In, abouit i@dtl ' eet, In tale other part of the mine 1 e men went to work as usual, as tt fire will not in any way*' interfere w;. 1 them, The firemen axe- still bravely fighting the fire. Manager 1 okenzie says to -night that there i fear of the fire get- ,thig beyond o trol, and he expressed: comfidearce tit, it ,'would be control - red by to -morrow. Manager Macken- zie says that should it become neces- sary to flood the mine, only that per-- t1on where the fixe is located will be flooded, so that the resultant damage will not be very heavy. OBJECTS TO CRIVION, English Judge Condemns the Practice. MURDERED HiS THREE WIVES London, Unrob 23..—George Chop - man, a Saruttlwark &aloon-keeper,. who was charged with the murder of three women, was to -clay ponvicted and sentenced to death. In the course of his summing up, Justice Grantham commented on the facts that 'if cremation had' been the law of the land, it would have been im- possible to bring the charges dome to Chapman, as nothing would have remained of his victims to shore that] tbey had been poisoned. He hoped that the people who favored crema- tion would take this as a warning. Chapman, who was charged with hAving polsoned a young woman who lived whit bins as his wife, was ar- rested about three months ago. An autopsy e}towed that she had been poisoned. Tiley bodies or his first and second wives, who had died within a ferviycars, were exhumed, and were also found to contain poison. A: o fourth Woman, a Pole, claimed Ch:lp- man as her husband, and said his nalno was Klosow,ski. Chapman at first claimed that lie was an Amer- ican citizen, but When Consul-Gener at Evans called upon him to produce same proofs of this lie failed to do so. Chapman said 'lie was born in Afichigan at)rl was brought up in Nc,w, 'lark when quito young, by a. German family. lie claimed to '!rave worked in barber shops in Noir York. It is known that Ile arrived in England !n or about 1805. Two Little Children LostTheir ourzelres in•'ihc 'wnl,'ter 'Then ,we ptP;.htl, I [ ' . A. X. Modd, Implement doaler, .8ecr•etary of ,Suite, hall a careful tele large may, be of service to the Canadian l ROTTEN TO THE GORE. heard a mother cal out that her of search made through col- commissioners in the coming confer- lives at Guelph. child was }n 1.1Le hater and oould vat Toronto, is lying at the loyal with serious Injuries in the head and bate lettiion of clocumonts amassed by the ante with the United States. Later on Air. O'Leary found A Pageant to Western Tonibs—Tile r not get out. The battle one had got ` imismatic and Antiquarian .S'OC13ty, another atlas, .g- '.f .l . U1, --- --- t>Adt rnMattt one or;L;12e f>entS air] 7ca,g Urs;..Tadd arrived from' Toronto to- I a r{sUh 'the reslxlt that 9Ir. Thomas printed in 1860, seven years before tho territory- Heavy .taxes. ,., #HAMILTON PEOPLE 'ON BOARD d> otvnln:g. Pcop.e were d4tzed for @L minute, Jlut fife child was gat out uigRtl.' i i t i '.rare mail clerk, Andrei, (:honey, o•f U'Leiiry, of tlhe q0hateau, discorez•ed a I I p tLseed into the hands of tile united States. 'This will ba forwarded to Mr. Pope in Pekin, March 2$.—The court. its preparing g , imps the largest pageant'almast in1>iled! tt3ly; ani Dr. Savage g Southampton, llaci his c11csL eru5hsd coulrie of of l atlnsfiPs pn,rlisIt d in London, in fifteen years, when it starts for 'TRE, DVIA 1, otatrte:l i}le t,itempts to resusci- tate the child, and shortly after_ in. He was t.nken to Forgus, and there is a possibility that he may I „. ... u , :•_. ;,;;, ,,, _ ,,,„,,,-_ ._._,,, .— __ .-_-•a,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, —` the visit to the -western tombs on April atilt. There will be 9,000 per - Charles Houston, Petlierto'n, aged 2 , swards handl l itt oder to mq. I spent aitaut half an ]>taur i❑ elle water try- not recover. ,, „• l Tlllo iw•sr your -old dant liter of Air. t I The+ Nc'v York pollee have arrested sans in tli'e party, exclusive of the 'the 80 3,ears. I Lillian Irwin, Niagara Falls, New txiig to bring it to. Til ere'v:.tis about foo half incl Airs. Irwin, aC 1'in,g:Lra Falls, N. ! . I Glos(*x, e \Michael, an Italian, accused of bar!.ng killed Anthony A.1ellugh and troops who will card miles of x a lway'. s York, infant child of {Vm. Irvin• a; -t and; a of 'water where i -t• 'cats• In one end of the car there Y., had her right thigh broken. She I 1}y Afiss i\?aJlie 1'isber,1 WS IN j 2 Jame*s Kearney in a. street fight at 'stan, Tile people bitterly condemn ,the them was picked up ( ill, Pitt Pa.., on Alaiclx 15th last. taxes that are levied oil for c * • I)AYG,EROUsLY INJURED. S T, Fir) s.on, Petherton, face and were about :two feel anal irn the other I hla,lf a foaoil; I tiw•al, on the upper side,'vnr of 1?:tirlingion, and Dr. csavage, who 611 'fife tvreckeit Era in; set the I E0 ' 2q:-. -?ts.r .,ic "w•% ' Some doubt is thh•ar'-n upon the such purposes as this. Itiatwlthstand- in the ann uncement bt 'the throne i}esti hurt. : 1 and wander t'.lat X es^a i.d as 1ce1 21J1'aken thigh: S report of the finding of the tomb 01 Attila. Ills Claimed that the btu;}Iain of a aail'va to :[-. a of above, ,.,y alar !: only inetili`ia*nleLua 1 fat [ is IIKt t 'i *,, i 7,2c phA°sie!ans tvllu rcniiftcect food G thl l i peasttnt'vha to have cdiscar ert¢cl Lite bronze cof- • connect the tombs with the Lu Hou PA4is. E301rsto'n, ci shoulder fracfuteilsbock and ex- j taus-eci ,Aly he eclat tea- ter In which x -caw standing for so i serv.lea to the injured weve Drs. Mae— I k-lnuon, Robinson, O'Reilly. tctvart, Afro Agues AMc('lemant dlea at ( t fin and the stone bearing Attila's na.mP, now, says Ate found them two lino was for the purpose o1 reduo- P P ing the cost of ,these pilgrimages, the ;losure.. . I T + : . 1 ; 1 , I m tor, t ' x , Tn Lindsa;v azid Lowry, of Guelph. Stew_ I Klli gstoll, .lg4[?d 1.00 ,NY11l' " years ago. , Pxpendltures have been muitiplied. ? il. Choetta mail clerk, skull fri;0- 1 • y, 1•hoss flit fume part a1 tete car were hurt the art, of Paimerston, -and Robinson andt "Tine 32etta'va,s," tlin ly',g)• summer •ssvill•e, ,lase Estrada Paxixna, a sun of ; The best officials complain bitterlyg tured, t : , I : , mare on account of the breaking in of the car. I thine: ` Kerr, of"I lora. Mr. Lionel II. Clarke, of the firm, ( hlot,ei .1xit• 1<1u built by ih:e ,. 1"oto Iii ram AA'alhci, is 'to be torn , r, Thomas Estrada Palma, PresidlPnt o, the Utlban Republic!, and Ai!st5 Alabet of the extensive corruption, saying' it is impossible to escape blackmail Philip Farley;, Drayton, face, bagels it was about 1.00 or o'clock b4 hey of L. H. Clarke & Co., uhu.lt de•alrrs, down. l , i p Jacobs, a student at the Normal in ono form or n.naiher. It is belfev- and body badly; burned. -to the t•elief train cauls:+. Of course the had to go in' kvLth the jiggmr. „ y 3l Yongo street, was not injured. Tie i g l Inte:sliting dleinan•tration, of color •1•apity, 8 te.lc.grapily College, and daughter of Da,vi:i B. i eel the Chinese Government has nev- rr retc11Ec1 it lower sialic in this re -a In addition the above, some in- r i r Stringer is a nitsnlatla ry of Life was an his wat.,v to Palmerston, and Ph!ota 'r•iteI arcs lanai rvcrt given Jacobs, vrealthv tobacco importer,; thirty ersons were more or less P Jared, including Judge Jameson, of A.hl; livan Cuurcat at IletsChei, a eta,- tion in the Atsclic circle about 2,OOU after returning to Guelph procee,l- ed on his journey later to the da.v. am:d a rsinl;ing amt 1~nlvensit,y Cotld:ge couversazione. were privatnty married in New York',fipect. on I eilruary 11th. t , -,. -- Guelph, who suife;real from a broken Guelph, miles north of Ldnlonton. He is ]fere . , • --- I.`hse residence or the tate hrnator 'Toronto, John T. Prior, onginee.r, received Will ('tlr:c•r \'bith the @den. arui- . I s : I- . ; , , ... Z. ! . --- an a visit, acrd with his lay' assstaut, Air, to". D. Youn •, and lir. Hallam a ' --- Toronto report: Sp,micing to a Alleal,, known ar,a Aloss :Park. an,d t;he grannds aft ulnad, hate !leen basil Injuries about the head by fall- Ing b backwards wards into an asst pit while Now York, March 23.—The direo- tors of the i ew York, \taw Haven & # tlelpfr' R'epor't: IBM. morning at 111,30 d serious _urs off took place teacher at Ridley Col.ege, St. Cathar- Ridley Ina% reporter yesterday res lretin the l g Wr6ck near Uuel,ph, Superintendent scold -1y- the trustees to the \.asmith Company, Limited. coaling a his en. ine at I g p g j'.ondon, His left le; badly sprained. Con- llartPoxcl Railroad Company mert here. to -day to take up the employees' on the Wellington, ,srey, & Bruce '.r. R. Iseating(s was proceeding to Pinkerton, near ,Kincardine, to attends his bra- Jones said: I " r,ev. Charles J. Trlgg r an, 31. A., teas also ductor Jackson wits thrown from lits g," antes, presented to President Ball. Among those present was J. P. branch of rile G. at of this ther'•s 'ceddia . 'lit'. It was purer- n.celdental, and no oil. Forest, Ont., ludo resolved anal a.c- the train at Woodstock ami badly shaken Alorgaz. farm, some Bis miles north Young Ls badly cut over the blame Call be attached to anyone asi,cepted a unau,imow cilli to tip. Both are from Windsor. , t t l city. The mcrning train going north, In charge of l ngincer Hazelwood and forehead and brulsed all over his body, He 'vacs reatodlered unconscious far as ice can learn. AA's know bPyortd 1 a• doubt that there wars 190 defect Ili pals;torate of t1 a Ilninaniu,I L'aptisL (!b1trC11, of ,AI;ttlttmpot!,q, Minn. j - ----- i - MANY IMMIGRANTS EXPECTED Conductor Jas. Lillis, left Guelph shortly after 11 o'clock, and teas far a time, a.nct an recovorinM re- b lnarkl:d, '•1A'ell, had the txa.ek, unci so far as we know There teas zlo defect iv th^ card. It Ainrl.enzc' & \Iuaiu It t to [rlbs,re,yl: in •the I l ace- ICg LMINE i.qu'iiv:cl IS ON110ri fair the been with a aL cront.roll.ii, 063,0 Three S(<•rlrurn•s to 13rirtx 1,400 running at a rate of speed clog train this, would not have hap- e'r'as one of those accidents that Is s ,;t,ack of tile sircat .tiorthern Rail - `4bea'1s. when the acci;d4=-t took place, pemed." lir. IIallain was uninjured, liable to occur at any thin, no frim- of Qil:cih"C, alldh have elected - - During J'i't'rPrit. 11 The train ConSlsf.ed of a baggage and all thl'ee returned to Toronto ter flow "Inch Cars, IS oxereis7ed. It tIlliy, tltetr own morn to the' Loiilrd of Di- klalifaL 3dn.rah23.-7`itl'e,? oteam- car, accolumoclation, mail and smok- Tile with ate afternoon train,, was another case like that at Whit- i eataxg. ` Serious Confla ration in Col-• ern chxe hf-ire this week will brig ine; car and a ri onClass coach. The Second Death. b ' General IiOadJll ISt(t i Pl' , Ubait ,1.i0j% Dr, Wild, formerly of Bond 1 r2vf,r 1,c1:00 passengers. The Hamburg - engine remained an the tract, the tender was partially. derailed, and An auxiliary train was sent out as was on the train as far as .Afard'en Pit, about three xizYles this side of ,t!reet CJongreG Lt;onal ChurcYi, To- lc+ Just nolo tn.m ao- I eery at Glace Rayl N. S. American litior Areadia, duo from Ilanlhurg vire Boulogne, lilts 688 par the baggage car and two passeng- .speedily as osslh o, with doctors on P l where the accident took lace. I3e t r•eatito, and who 1 occupying esu•, piApit of Bethel t srsnget's, and thea Asian liner 5iberfau, er cars -turned over anq slid down a board, and the mora serlouely injurs:d got off there, a.nd a5 you will see rtiril•i" C;hnlmrlt, Clini au c;tl cr.t, aegis College dut) oil Thursday from Liver pool, has 15 -foot embankment. were Latest to Life hos 1ta.l at I er us. p g. he meas a,ble to be on the, scene int- street•, has tPE'l) a larded the pastor- I w'00 intorluedlatc alld steerage pas- (, Irito a Creek Bed. Shortly after .She }had been removed mediately after' the occurrence. He alto or 11. CiI UtK'll. 171 (-'FL)lfal'[Ila, and. p 1 pq p + FOUR WORKMEN ARE MISSING Serlget•s, besid.Ps .vl,i tl.lval men for .The car that first left the rails to the home of 3Ir. •John Black, Lil- has clharge of the mai.nt(nian .o of also of da.nothi;r tshalroli • ll 11 western I Vancouver. 'The (."oriutbhxn, now st seems to have been the paesonger Tian Irvin, Infant daughter of Ayin. Ir- g way, and with Trainnlastor Srtwln, of `tw 't'e H'e mr, prc,lrabty al rcpt one X. 8., ALarxln 8.--,1batYt with malls, basfirst, flood' intssecond coach, and it apparently, pulled the vin, of ia,galra I'a'.1s, .N.Y.succumbed Palmerston, cvha was Lice lr'eHent, ori alooD cal,s. foual;Ifax, r t o'clock this morning firo was and 1 combination smoker and malt coach, off after it. I''ortunatelyi the cars in to her rnjurias. At a late hour to- night a message from Fergus stated all investigation was promptly nift(le 1 on rho spot The scene twra.s,found asFOREIGN.-- I tIT)« r'tIdHD I discovered in Dominion No. 1 co'.liery .tt Glace Bay, and up to i, songers. . leaving the track held togetliex, that mail clack Clheene, was in a Y already described but nolhin +• could , Cbti.ls. C o,gweil is dead at to-iai,ght it'va,s still btilnl.ng, though tbonsh, MEN WERE SAVED ;with -tile exception of the passenger „ critical condition; his ,,skull having been fractured, and tl,a.t Mrs. Rous- be learned as to }low 011 accident. happened at that particular time and i tetc>r San .1 rituctIsoo• it stated that affithe had every lu:opo of extinguishing the fire coach, a trey was projected Into ;llccl of a creek e u so in© Px g torn tvnsr in a ver dangerous st1t1: 11 y g place. ( Th%; United eta:Les Senate ratified pe, rvitllin J, ),ours. Trite fire was caused b an y l But About •25lJorses IT, Rilled by h, at i; t4taw, The coach, at a dlistanco of aU The others -were reported upon as „The damage to egni,lamF%nt will not Lila treaty with Cuba• , Ptplotllom following a shot, The fire f nn ls)xytloston. feet from Lite track, turned partly, follows: f be great—trot more than $1,000 alto- Thu.- War Minister of Austria has bloke out virtually bettween shifts, I Halifax, N.S., March 23.—News hags, over an its side, and in a tow sec- Austin Houston, son, fractured stip, t ether. The baggage car was not fobritldell till officers to join the Seventy-eight houses were suffocated I been received here of ars explosion. onde hard about t.wo feet of water Philip Farley, Dratyton, very badly burned on face and hands and part dlaminged to any extent. '.tire coni- bination mail and smoker is on the Anti -Duelling League. and four mem aro reported missing, g but it !s thought that they have es - followed by fire at Dominion No, 1, 1n it. The saddest incident was the dTC,wn1ng a. a two-year-old baba in of body. John Casey, scalp track now, aa9c1 till not Fmffer to the e,ttent of more than cwhile the the Giex rian JZ,r..ieb ria, tai's•, In g - C.huncetlor said that tiro triple al caped from the mine, although the S y •l;ho Olace Bay, at 3.43 thus morning. The t. 'losiom occurred between shifts,but Ole coach. The c,hda, who was the .Golklatone, wounds. ,$200, dawage to the coach has not yet lia,nee wot id be renewed. cannot be locatcid. aline is on a • fia•e !m w,h, t is known as the north a,ncl all the men were got out, but a,,ji son of J. J. lfToustan, ,was drowned Lila could. reach the Annie Nichol, Ayr, badly shaken, been estimated. - . • , It is reported ']vitt dtsvensiotls. -leap, about one tllotisand feet front abont 25 horses ,were lost. Mile cauda An tbefare rescuers spot where lie was, , , r ' . Ella B111}ngs, Durham, badtyehaken., L zzio Gow.anloelc :fort - El in "The 'Grand Trunk is seeing that tiro injured eo le are recabinM r.o- p p p exist in th,e B;rbt}sh C: bitnet In re- to Levo land pnrahase ill, l;lte bottom of the shaft, and the oafs is changed] with polsonous of the explosion is not yet known. em,gine wa,s sent from Sydney, a,nd It y y' Piled in n lieaP• scall' wound's. per attention i.n Lite hosJi'ta•ks a,t gird It ia, officialiv aniiounce•cl in Lan- gas, so that it is impossible for rho mon its believed the fire is Hary under con- T21n' passengers were all piled In Mits+ Brochlc:bank; Walkerton, bh, Citzelpli gild Is'ex',nt tion ,the Line Was securer- venture into ilia mine` It reported ed trot, r,. b,eUp on tike floor. 'The uninjured ly ,3hakan. A number of the least Njuvod per- maAllil A, tela marl contract for an- the 5ltl igh f t 11 ololook tmen _ t)ro;ke tile windows in the under' side Mar -.0 -al Armory, Parkhead, s'oa.lp, sons carne, Into town ;yesterday and 'to earc other, year, last nthat t,mandi that the were F I.>lA ,L ®fv', IvQ R, . of the Coach and at once proceeded wound. 'Garden, went their homes, 4. syn ilicaa,te of London, D:;r°iin and rvarmrad of the danger of accumulat- of help those unaklle to rescue them- selves. The farmers in the vicinityhnlid 3n•nry Camna:ddcn, Man., batch, cut, A cull erten cxtelldeti ori: bankers hla,ve offered to Now York - Ing gats, and they left the mine. AA'hein the fire swags discovered the Victimsor'lv'rcmiw in I ergas liospitaLl . qulickly 1.0,vicheii the !scene of the ac,- frr.arge %Iarr.e t, Galclstonq, aeallr lev. S.1.1. bus to 7uM 5'. Ti'. Turnbull, of Be'vnatl- , ,e nssutiic 4enazuela s debt to Ith- conditions. Glace Bay firedepartznent was called t'rogrtssln Favorably. cident:, and ausyisted in *tile removal ,the wound. Cillo, lay. tl,ds CO'ngrC1;',•atl(YIl Of I' rl:ilk powers on certain ... 'far ii,6^S13ta1,nCC.; '1 11F'y t;.rrlwP-d Ort -.S'sorsuts ZOm:Lt.) r egnait: Lczt'c ni S,'SI or the moist .soriously inert from, „ 11-ev. ` t. TTiallam, ',W'ycliffo College, Street Ll:ttrch, Uttawfa, dif wltteh tile, .. Tine fjVe. America.• 'vtoluen nurses the hospLta,I ship .ail the scene shortly before 7 o'clock, from L"orbus this afternoon states. wreek. DrIppin.g tvet, muildy and with • itorn clotlt>ets, thdJ injured were speed- .sealpl wound,. James Robinson, Belwood, suffering 'Rev, Dr. Moore, :ex-Aioderator..• of t},o General Assembly, has been lvna- wli,o s'orvod on Axa'tn'o hn south African and Chinese by opeclal"train, bringing 2,500 feet oi` hose Ivith t1lem. over %I,,000 feet that the nine virtims of tiro railway, wreck who 'are in the linii'pital 'there ily xseeovered, mind it w.ats Icarned froixtl ,severe ftwh wound in .side, was L vastor for lh,.:.trly y. ;.trs, Mn Turn- wxt,telar6 will ,gel. Illitlob medials, of hose, w,as required to get ai,t the oxo doing fairly well. Mrs. Ruston that only file one death hate taken takerr to 1x15 sister's hotne here. boli is a g^••a,riuiLto of Qucen'!s Lin;- Tlie U. S. commercial treaty stipu- i!x•e, and there ways only 'x,000 feat at 3s Buffs*r'in'g severely from }ler In-' plsaee. . • ,, ,Iiit get Jarwesa7t, of Guelph,, had an r e7 sity: . laces that Pekin, Mukden and Taku- DomLnlon No. 1 colliery, iso that the -juries, but it is napec•ted that she. A 1'axssellger's Start'• arms broken, but is not dangerously UM movement is 'on foot nowamon Ban, near the Yalu River, be opened fire, was able to gain considerable will re-cover. Mall Clerk Chewne Is . Ott of the most graphic bcdounts ?njixred, t7'e va•rlou.+y trades c;ounells of To in the manner that treaty ports are headway sant account of want of suf- doing well, and will also recover'. 01 the acel1ent; is that giv,611 1 1y the 'sire OfIrcial atxaternent• ronto t0 wilts all tho trades Into Oppn'o' ficleint h0'se. - Coroner Johnston opened all in - Rev. I. 0. Stringer, reslding' "' No,. Tl.o'offtclal st'atenieilt sent out by one central council, each group of ... .. Work of fighting the fire in Do- On account of the nearness of the quest this morning on the body of 1:4GCarlton-re;'t'Toronto.'ZZe•stiidt the Grand Trunk contains a cont- trades to be Immediately eabovdi- ininlon No. 1 pit, Glace Bay, Is staph fire it was impossible to use tale the RusLon Infant, After the jury.. '*1 was In the wear ear with Any Vista list of the Casualties. M:Lny of lin,to to their own council, and all going on, and the workers are .grad- pump at No. 3 level, mn-dl It became had been sworn In they viewed the :ripen a debt hap- ile ait tete t.lme tit aebl p t own ae slightly in urate tho• o ,se down g y 5 t%e esyuncils to tonp{itut.e tiheunit- nail,, to all appear,pcnees, betting nese:ssara . to use the p1lmP on No. 9, body and adjourned until Friday at , perletl, After, the ear lumped the track . left for ,t•Ceir homo after theirs coulncll, ; t t t t t tA.6 ,be;tter of it, , . , ,. 1 ; , . level, 'Ablo Pit'mp is a, very powgrfal 1 p'.m. , , ; ; , , l r 1 ,