HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-03-27, Page 1NO.35 ,The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. ZURICH, 0 `TT., FRIDAY, MAR. 27,1903A c 4 O., '74[ 1r+ Yo will find a Complete Stock of Goods usually kept in a First-class Flour & Feed Sti re "We will mention a few : Best Family, Buckwheat and Rye Flours, Feed of all kinds, International Stock Food, &c. SEEDSOur Field Seeds gave the best of satis- faction last season. Leave your orders early for any new Varsities you may want. CLOVER AND MOM SEED WANTEE doh stun, Zurich _GTsperl,t43.-+34-43.-43.+3.- The season for beginning farm work is rapidly approaching and it is none too POOH t0 look about you, to see where you can pro- cure the; Best Machinery. 'We handle the following Lines— r. }r. (\Ease in Hamilton Ont itiligMLIMEIIIMERLIMEIZEIMEN Fleury, Cockshutt and Wilkinson Ploughs ... . Binders 'lowers Rakes Cultivators Discs SHOE & DISC Drills HAY FORKS, TRACKS AND SLINGS. Repairs for all machinery, on shortest notice. PRICES RIGHT samearaimisermarecruutesmourtsmaramersonaseceakesemsessembra LOCAL. NEWS Mr. Calvin 'Williams left for Toledo, Ohio, on Wednesday. Miss Ortwein, of Hensall, visited with Miss Millie Koehler on Sun- day. Miss :Edna Holtz, of Blake, is visiting with Miss 'Tillie Fisher at px ont. MisssePstrie, .of London, was the guest of Miss Ethel Williams on Sunday, Messrs P. Lamont and 0, Frits visited at Harry Wing's, Shipka, on Sunday. Les. William left for Port Huron, where he will spend a few weeks with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Dietrich, of Mount Carmel, were Zurich visitors on Sunday last. Miss Lovina Deichert visited' bier brother, John; at Clinton Hos- pi tal on Monday. Our Native Herb King, Jack, is out on the rood nearly every day. Jack is rL hustler. Mrs. H. C. Doan is attending the Chosen Friends Convention, at London, this week. Mr.Watson, agent of the Frost Wood Company, was in town a few days this week. Mr. J. Preeter and family and Charlie Brown spent Sunday with friends at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles (;rrob and family visited Mr. August Hill, Crediton, on Sunday. Misses Annie Hess and Minnie. Doan were to Clinton to visit John Deichert, last Friday. Mr. C. L. Shoemaeher of the Dominion House die. business in London, on Wednesday. Messrs. Alex. Challett and Bruce Bosseubery, of St. Joseph, spent Sunday at the Contnlerciail. J. 1?. Rickbeil has a fine display of all kinds of seeding implements and his prices are very low. A snap. With. a pound of Baking Powder, a lovely dinner set given away in parts at D. S. Faust. Forty German farmers from Waterloo left on the western exur- sion, which took about.550 people. Mr. J. W. Ortwein and family of Hensall, spent Stind*y with rela- tives and friends in and about town, kinds oft Miss Ross, of St. Mary's, and Miss Gibson, of Blyth, have return- eel to town for the spring millinery it will require the sum of $(12.83 to be season. 0n raised annuallyby special rate for. the payment of the tiaid debt as hereinafter Mr. Henry Bauer took ill very mentioned, and also the sum of $10 to be suddenly, on Friday, last. A speedy raised annually for the payment of interest recovery is hoped for, by his litany es hereinafter mentioned;' friends. And whereas there is no oxistin'* deben. i 1.-'?'' 1 ILLAGE OF ZURIO EARLY CLOSING We the undersigned business -mot, of the Village of Zurich, hereby pledge our selves to close our respective places of business, on the evenings of Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of each week, at sic o'clock sharp, commencing. with the first Tuesday in March, 1003, and we agree to forfeit the sung of TEN DOLLARS to the Village treasury for each and every violation of this pledge. Charles Greb P. Bender... J. Preeter Charles Frit% Herman Well F. W. Hess .Hardware merchant • Booty es Shoes . General Merchant T. & M. Johnson.. , J. D. Merner John Weseloh J. H. Wismer D. Steinbach F. Hess & Son John Deichert & Son ... , ....... . Boots S; Shoes Furniture & Harness Jeweler Furniture & Woollens ... General Merchant Blacksmith Blacksmith (3 et oral Merehriit Carriage Works Blacksntitlis ..... Tailor & Laundry" Farm Implements Tailor . • Hardware & Harness General Merchant W. H. Hotlman............ .. .,. J. F. Rickbeil. , John Deichert Jr C. Hartleib & Co D. S. Faust . , , , . . The Knot Securely Tied. About sixty of the relatives of the happy couple, gathered at the , home of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Roesler, on Wednesday evening, to ' witness the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary, to Mr, Elinor Klopp, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. \Villiatn Klopp, of the Bronsox.t line, The marriage ceremony took place at six o'clock and was con- ducted by Rev. Effort, of the Lutheran church, Dashwood. Miss ' Clara Klopp, sister of the groom acted as bridesmaid, while Mr,I, 1 Ernest Roeder, . brother of the bride, supported the groom. After congratulations and good -wishes' had been extended to the newly wedded. pair, the gathering ad- jonrned to the dining room, where a magnificent supper (such as only. German cooks can prepare) was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Mr. aincl. Mrs, Klopp were the recipients of a large number of useful and : handsome presents, a beautiful j dinner -set from the bride's uncle, Mr. Henry Roeder, being partiou- larly worthy of mention. The evening was spent by young and olcl in all kinds of games and amusements, and the dawn of the next day was.not far off when .the last of the guests departed for home, and ye editor was one of the last ones to hear himself away, as such occasions make one feel young again. Among the guests, those from Zurich were Dr, and Mrs. S Btwchanan, Mr, and Mrs. E. Appel, Miss Vickie Johnston and Messrs, E, Zeller and William .Johnston. The best wishes of a .host of friends and acquaintances of 'Mr, and Mrs. Klopp follow, them to their home on the Zurich ?:toad, where they will Start tbn'strenttous. life shortly, . Mr. Henry 3ilicher and family .left this week for Elkton Mich., whore they wvill take lip residence. We are sorry to lose citizens of Mr, Eicher's stain 1). 1. PER YEAR. THE SOVEREMN BANK of Canada HI^,AD O;rFIOID - TORONTO EBUIiTIVB OFFIOIIS ' • MONTREAL Authorized Capital $2,000,000,00 Capital paid up - $1,200,000.00 I3, 5, HOLT ESQ., - President D. M. STEtART ESQ., Gen, M'gr Savings Department. Deposits of $1. and received and 4 highest rates of interest allowed. Deposit -Receipts 1st -tried at favor - rate's. Loans made to Fanners on their own notes. k GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONE —OFFICES AT— Exeter Crediton F. E. KARN, C. W. GILMOUR, Manager. Manager. F., W. GLADMAN, Solicitor. SALE REGISTER. AFEW good building lots for sale at the North end of the Village. Any person desiring to build will find this a nice location for a residence. Apply to E. Zet.c.xn, Zurich. iLEAIUNG AUCTION SALE OF vv Farm Stock, implements, Furniture, etc, on Tuesday, March 31st, 1903, at 1 o'clock, p. m., sharp. E. BossEsnaanl, auctioneer; SAMUEL l tx o ;, Proprietor. By -Law No. r, OF ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL SECTION NO. 1, IIAY, FOR 1003, AByLaw to raise by way of loan the sum of $1000afor the purposes here- inafter mentiouecl.�,'�,,;y98,' Whereas repairs to the school house of .Roman Catholic4Separate School Section No 1, flay, have become necessary; And \\'Iwreas the estimated cost of said repaids is the ,u,n of y1000; And whereas the Trustees of the said Sep.rate School Section are authorized by Revised Statutes of Ontario, chapter 294, section 01, to borrow the necessary funds ,fef such repairs upon the debentures of too said Board of Trustees as hereinafter mentioned; And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Separate School Section, nucwrding to the last revised. assessment of the said Separate School Section, is the sunt of $99000, and Messrs, Fred Rickbeil and An- drew Hess drove to Clinton on Sunday to visit John Deichert -and other friends. ture or other debt of the saki Separate School Section; Be it therefore enacted. by the Trustees of Roman Catholic Separate School Sec- tion, No 1, Hay: TnOROBRIcD SHORT HORN' BULLI 1. That the Trustees of the said for sale, 2 years old, Registered. Separate School Section shall raise by wits Apply to Alonzo Foster, Lot 4, Oen. ; of loan from any person or persons, body 0, Hay, Sureptai P. 0, + or bodies corporate, who may be willing to advance the sante on the debentures here - and. from Cioderich to! inafter mentioned, the sum of $1000. and Parry Sound interviewed the 1 2. That the 'Trustees aforesaid shall Government at Ottawa in regard: cause to be made any number of deben- , to harbor improvements. !tures, not less than 5100 each, and nut I C. Grob has receives.. a Three+.exceeding• in the aggregate the sumof shipment of S. W. P. and Hol $1000, w�iid'shall be payable not later ly- ; than twelve years from the 15th day of wood Paints, the two leading rem y1 December, 1903, and such debentures nixed paints on the market. 1 •stall be sealed with the corporate seal of Mr, Wm. Hoffman and family! the said Board of Trustece. and sfl;uctl by left on Sunday for Crediton, to the Chairman incl Secretary thereof, and attend the olden weddincr of Mr. i shall have attached thereto coupons for r, � Lie annual payment of interest thereon at HOffttttiri's parents. 7.REt I��RALI) , tho rate of five per coot. per anutun, extends congratulations to the aged 1 3. That to provide for the pnynwnt couple. , of said debentures the ttutn of $6-2.83 in ItIr. 11I. Stumpf and family left addition to all other rates shall be levied On Tuesday for Mildmay; thein arand collected by lei eial the said nee all the former home. Mr. and -Mrs, Stumpf Scheel Section annually during twelve had made many friends while in 1 years, tete current\• of the+salt . dehetwelve this vicinity, who regret their diet"' i or any o£ then., and also for the purpose of es partura. p)aiying the interest on the said. debentures Mr. Jacob Meyor of the Town the snni of �," 50.00 shall, in addition to all line, recently purchased the prop• other rates, ibe levied and collected by arty, known as Corner, special rate upon all the said rateable Wagner'sa r property annually during twelve years, from Mrs. Wagner, for $150.00. the currency of the said debentures or any Mr. Meyer intends to occupy the of them. 110 his sons. property, having rented his fartxn This By -Law shall take ef}eet on and from the 7th clay of Mauch, the day of the passing• hereof. Passed the 7th day of Mareh,A. D.,1003. Jong-LArowrF, Loris N. Dust) 1At11 Secretary. Chairman. Mr. Charles Fritz is putting up tx large pig -pen on his premises and intends going extensively into hog - raising. We would. advise the farmers to keep well cleaned up as there is sure to be a slump in the market soon. , "-.. --. '..."`--- The above is a true copy of a By-LawAllam rria e�.• . , The by the Board of Trustees of Roman Toles -- (Ricin• — At Nlttrquette, Catholic Separate School Section, No. 1, Mich., March 1i , by the Rev. C, Hay, on the seventh day of March, A. D., NI. !I'lnompson, P. E. Rev. Joseph 1003: And all persons are hereby requir. Totes, of 1Viinocgna, Wis , to psis: ed to take notice that any one desirous of Fanny, youngest loaf;.. for of. thereof, qt nslto lincl, muse t, maLk make his r iapppart ltr. Abr:tlltixn Geiger, of Maly Moe for that purpose to the High Court, of !Powxzsliip. Justice within three months next after I L01'r . Ro1rmtli,—.lt the residence tete publication of such By -Law and this of the bride's parents,, Goshen notice once a week for three successive Notice. 1tne,Hay, on Wednesday evening, March 2115th, by Rev. Eifert, of Dashwood, Ivir. E11mor Klopp to Miss Mary Roeder, both . of Huy Township. Deaths. STIT:oTcx i, ---On 'Wednesday, March 25th, Melinday, beloved daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Steek1e, at tete age of 5 5,orars, 1 month and ' 23 days. weeks in the newspaper called. the Zurich Herald, or he will ho too Into to be heard in thatbehalf. 33-31 JOHN I„chonrr, Secretary, All kinds of good logs wanted at once, for which highest prices will be paid. (Dash on delivery, J. 0. KALIIRLICISOII. For up to elate Wallpaper. Call tit t, 5, Faust, AYt(3fA S! E are offering some very. Big Bargains for a few weeks.... LADIES' Dress goods, Furs, Capes, Capers nes, Muffs cc � c...... r)e. Walking Overcoats, Large Uisters, Smocks, Pants, Underwear &c. These Goods are away down in. Price. Call and see them While they last. S. FAL '-� Zurich A9 111 r.};}',.h .Wt�; at.}..,.• 1.•dn�ta�a..... .�:.-..J...�.:.n.. .0 a..Li.Lt' �: .S..n • ."� - .be•. .aS'fan' �M��.^ ft Wu N .ii.., Watch for Spring announcement next week .,•....a.,.e.., CHAS. FRITZ THE SHOE -"MAN ZURICH, ONTARIO Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. a/0 ST OK—TAKING ,3. - Before taking stock we offer our entire Stock of WINTER GOODS at reduced prices Call and secure some good HONEST BARGAINS A. few LADIES' ENs Fur Coats - left to be. sold at away down prices. some good values in Flannelettes - 50 yds .)lain and striped at See our stock of New Prints. • J. et Prices fall 9 ere 5c We offer a yd. from Ge to 12 1-9e urich Stere e101es cn Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6 p. rt. Agency for INGSS TRUNKS VALISES WHIPS FANCY RUGS OILCLOTHS HARNESS OILS Spaetzel's Pneumatic Collars Try them for your tender-ohouidered horses rU'ITU'Ii A FULL LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK HIGH GRADE P!ANOS AND ORGANS A number of second-hand will bo sold at BARGAIN PRICES MMT. V.V .AI�.�#.Y' Z 1..' gypZZ