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The Herald, 1903-03-20, Page 6
PRESCMPTIONS UTTE::LY FAIL To cure itching and disfiguring skin diseases, But DR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT CURES no matter what other or how many other applications have failed. Madam used it and got well, and she keeps it for her friends and her children, having learned it is a neverfail in the treatment of piles, and in tetter, salt rheum, ringworm. eczema, barber's itch, and all skin eruptions. Price, 35c. The Sisters at St. Joseph's In- fant Home, South Troy, N.Y., state "Many children come to our home covered with eczema. We would like to buy your ointment by the pound." Dr. Aginew's Liver Pills are the most effective pills—while milder in action, more quickly set- ting free the digestive canal. 40 doses, 10.e. 6 The Danger of Being Polite. - Slie—Your step :quits mine beauti- fully. Fie—How lurks' Especially as I dance 5o bt;ell,..—Harvard Lampoon. resat- -' r',—I have been a. great sufferer from rheumatism. and la.te- ly 1111vr !ten confined to my bed. Seeing semi- MINA RD'S LINIMENT advertised. I. triad it and got int- mediate relief. I. :i Scribe Inc restor- ation to hen Ith to the wouderfu! power of your medicine. LEWIS S. BUTLER, Burin. Nfld. Th, Kaiser's Residences. Emperor William's decision to buiid e, palace for himself .at Posen, the capital of 1'rue8il:u PoSand. with the object of iucre:tsing his hold upon the loyalty of his Polish subjr'ets, serves to mall attention to tile. fact that .he possees-s already no less than '83 resideme•s. Three of these are at Berlin, the Royal Schloss or Pal- ace, the B,eillevue Palace az d the Montbijon Palace, and there is the Clutrlottonburg Palace in the sub- atrbs• At Petstllun alai in the vicin- ity. 11e has 13. inclu:fing the S.tadt- sellloss, the Ileues Prl,lais, Sans - Baud., the 'Marble Palace, Bebelsborg, ','lllte Orangery, the Belvedere Palace, etc. Besides these he has palaces at Cassel, Wiesbaden, homburg, Stet - Ain, Hanover, Koenigsberg. Indeed, in nearly every big city of his do- minionee, their maintenance staking a great hole in his annual civil list. DR. Rir, W. CHASE'S t) CATARRH CURE ... AGDt' is sent direct to the diseased parts oy the Improved Blower, Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanent) cures Catarrh and Hay Fever9Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Sfedicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. Continuous. Gormon—We were at the dinner table from one till seven. Dizer—What did you do after dinner ? e3ormon—Why, it was so late then .that we had supper. OXYGENIZED WATER.- 11lost Simple and Painless Method of • Destroying Superfluous Hair. Oxygenized water Tarnishes a sim- ple, harmless and painless ineans of getting rid of superfluous hair. Tills fact ;1f, Lallans, or Paris, discovered by accident. Having read that it would cause red spots in the hair to disappear, he used it for that pur- pose ; the result was that he found that it also destroyed the flair. i0reover it has long been k1101yn that oXygen:lted water applied to the hair changes the Color into the Venetian tint so much admired. Here is Vii. Gall +is' method, which Is extremely: simple. He saturates a pad of cotton W 11it 01 yg<mi:eel wait er anti applies it to 1111'' part cc -moil he wishes to deprive of hair, leasing it there for several minutes. Ile re- news the cipp(iestik'tn daily until the desired result is obtained. Suppose. for Instance, 1t is the flair eu 111(5 upper lip that is in question. The hair quickly loses ,its color and be- comes a more colorless dow'u, ab- solutely imperceptible. if the ap- plications are continued the hair he- conletn attenuated, bleak off aid dis- appears, The uletltoel is painless and has no ill result. The only inconvenience is that the 111111oss toot absolutely des- troyed, and that the 'application of oxygenized water will have to be recommended. Butt, as far as women are concerned, the applications are not complicated ; they merely con - situate an addition to the artifices of the toilet. There is only one pre- caution to be taken. The oxygenized water must not be allowed to mois- ten any stuff to which value is at- tached, for it destroys tissues as well as bunts hair.—European Edi- tion of New York Herald. Not a Taker. "Do you take this internally t" asked the customer as he put the bottle in his pocket and handed over the change. "Me ?" saki the druggist's new as- sistant, "Great Scott, no 1 I sell it F • ONE-WAY RATES. To many points in the States of Cali- fornia, Oregon and Washington. EVERY DAY. The Union Pacific will sell One-way Colonist Tickets at the following rates from Missouri river terminals: $25.00 to San Francisco, Los An- geles and many other California points. Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to June 15, 1903. $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. $20.00 to Butte, Anaconda. and Hel- ena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wauatellee, Wash. $25.00 to Everett, Fairhaven and New Whatcom, via Huntington and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Se- attle. $25.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Eu- gene, Albany and Salem, via Port- land. %tickets on sale Feb. 15 to April 30, 1903. Por full Information call on or ad- dress H. F. CARTER, T. P. A., 14 Janes Building, Toronto, Canada, or F. B. CHOATE, 125 Woodward avenue, Detroit, Mich She Was Dead. 'Michigan Wrinkle. "Really. Mr. Jones, I am: very sorry to hear that you buried your mother." "What would you have me to do with her ?" Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen uten- sils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and forks, and all kinds of cutlery. The average girl Is prepared to ac- cept the inevitable, If it wears trona - era r ,iarv,. ir✓rNv'.`4P,'iw�d'r' -.. Yl .`i . '1iC;'si. ,.r ..:'K'..'s;_*k6"'a�ity'ar s.s -. r'1' i". i ER_U IYHbI1E LURE 1 NEGRE • '. IJ The Cour Seta of mixed up or jumbled letters panted above, when correctly arranged spell the morns of Guar different colors With winch t tryone 'stammer in every day life. Can you arrange the lettere In their proper order so a6 to spell. the Amir colors; desired/ They are four of the most common of all the tSora. Three of them are very dear to the heart of every patriotic American, and the fourth is the favorite many of the none and daughters of Erin's Emerald isle, It Is vary proinlnent on 5t. Patrick's day and Jo a quits common In matures and gardens during the 0110Imer time. ,Now, can yott make out the correct ewes of the four enteral 11 so, you may easily win in this great contest, in which 682,100 in cash nod a enc Genuine Grand 'Upright 1lauo. Valued at 5600, will be given away each month 1t 11I Eat. in making the words the letters can be used only in the groups in which they are printed. Try it t limiemberthat this contest .00.1ESNO'rCOST VOyUA.GENT, and Burets only one easy condition to comply with. Don't sessd ue any money with your answer, but be sure to write your name and address very plainly.Send your solation of thi puzzle to us at once and yeti will receive our reply by Worn mail. Who kowsbbut �you may win a _Mi Cash A'•rize and also af#TNUIINE Ond. 1n1P.I11(i55 0' I'Sd,1Vo, We hope you will, and anyway it costs yon nothing to try. Don't delay. SOME OF CUR REGENT VilfIERS infmatomi PIANO WINNER no PIANO WINNER :Mr CAen: WINNER 1530141151faiO The walking sick, what a crowd of them there are: Persons who are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed. "Chronic cases" that's what the doctors call them, which in common English. means—long sickness. To stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scott's Emulsion.: For the feeling of weakness they need Scott's Emulsion. It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system. Scott's Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food. Scott's Emulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time. There's new strength and flesh in every dose. We will be glad to send you a few doses free. Be sure that this picture is the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT Zc BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and $1; all druggists The Dog's Lameht. It's very hard to suffer, and be still. Oar name's applied to every human 111. A: "doggerel" Is a rhyme that's very !bad— Indeed, the very worst that's to be had. A book is "dog-eared" when It's been abused. Alas; I think we're very hardly used. Ai man's a. "dog" becauso be won't IbeltllaTe. (It almost makes man honest doggie rave 1) A "puppy" Is a. fellow most uncouthh A slur upon the flower of our youth; A "bound" a villain of the deepest dye— An insult to his dogdom's majesty; A "cur," of course, is not a shining light, Yet even he Is called to bear the slight. To "dog one's footsteps" is, I really think. A dreadful thing, from whlcb we doge 'would shrink. A "dogma:" is a hard religious eoltooi, A "dogged" person always plays the fool. And 'dog -days" finds us panting with; the heat; We scarce can blink, our eyes or lift our feet, Why—why—throw mud upon our noble name? .4' dog's a. dog tierce all the world the same. —London Answers, The Harp of Erin. A. new effort Is being made in Dublin to revive the old Irish harp and it is meeting with considera- ble support. The Difference, • Princeton Tiger. "What's the difference between theTramps' ProtecttveAssoeaton and a golf fiend?" "Well ?" "Why. one links the tramps, and the other tramps the links." Minard's Liniment Relieves Neural- gia. Ber Monologue All Ready. Husband—I'm going to the club. Yon needn't trouble to sit up for 1818. Wife (grimly)—Oil, it will be aplea.- sare, I assure you. r t1 Mits. E. E. Zrnerent*ett M'" vy'� pans E P. STaDD011 Mes. M.lits'{"gevca Greenburg,aae Lebanon, Ohio. Brooklyn, Iowa tot New Lei doner,G tnute1 p ebie, Mel one Piper, , 2 Emma t. lurn' N• Y. • Charles ;1jie ce at Thames Ferguson Balham, a. • lhim Battle Sime, $1 dede1t11*olf'sltoto, C mown, W. Andover, N. Ii.; MM. John Labenz, Plttaburq, rg.; Mte. Anna N. N IL • 1s 0 Ev► wonder, Peoria, Ili.' Jennie D. Alexander, mumbo, OMerlo. • r; N. easier,.10.B ew01naburg Pa ,flirt. r„ nellnmy. dtntont, Ontario. • Mrs. Deborah Jordan, Auburn Me.; C re. 8. A. N. rewer. 2 Guilford St., Allston, Maes„ Mite . Geo Carlson, 58 Concord St., Lawrence Maes. • Mre. s. QQonan 6., Cumberland Union, B. C. Can.; Mre, Georg! Jaakeon 158 Brook St. leg.' Caton W. Ya,• Lyman L. Dutcher, Wallingford, Vt.• Emma Nickelson Bos s8, Cifttyetal Fane, 7111ch.• Jon. inhof 56, PPronty Ave., Toledo, Ohio. n Mrs, Hunan M. Montegne.sel ':, Main St„ nleiunbn ., Vit ries.. Ave,0 oan, 111.: Au6tin, Pa.; afra. E. Midden 105 HWbnrt St. Peoria, 111.; Alma Schulz,819 Pullman ., Pullman, Ill.: axle BPauldtng 85 CentraI Ave., Oshkosh Wls.; Auguet 11. Tanclr,141 rand Ave. Rochester, N. T.; Miss es66d1a unam[, l'oplur Grovel?. Mrs. i'raneee Edmond an Ave„ Now Lonr}on, Conn,; Mrs Peter e, 600 Ste5henton 5t., Punntan, I11. Bice Euphentta );an heti New'Salrnt Pa.1 Anna bau5man 188 ebater Ave., f hioago, 111.; Mita Dora Strang, Bron, 1n,; ]11grd. star"Y Killion, 1301 128 Aa631adeb, Clal.; hte ahaatito Daintier, I'anadena, Cal.; Mrs. Luey 13. 6ao50 Iiouetun, Tex., and many others. We Could give the names of scores of others to whom we'have paid prizes in previous eonteat14 all amount. log to many thousands of dollars but the above names are enough to convince anyone that we are reliable an do just ae we soy. We shall baa •plealod to baro you inquire of an of them y sure to enclose a stamped envelope for their reply, we pay ell prizes and shh ' 000 It you write thorn be ss... bw m.ss.n Q 8®c m m ptanbe pronplp Nes gtoo me 500.00 FoRFEITe WHY DON'T YOU TRY? Wewhn nay a forfeit of 41500.00 Besides tbePrizes named abate, these andthousands ofother wfn• tIie,,tbtel if 'anyone Can More that tuna have received thousands of useful and valuable prize S remiumd *ammo not paid all prima prone• inolnding Elegant Upright Pianos, 11ne English lea Sete Silver o and to hundreds Se se the ahoy and qds rvicos Bak tr'1'tt n *Ito its Dress Patterns, Silverware, y yeti hid nCameras, df tlofwlnnd0n 1 thatthehoar be one Gang, ate., 601r0ieesreasonwhyyonshdolino odS of nt:45 11130e en tile in our tr One of the winners in the present contest. All you have to do is to 605ret.seennlne.Weer,rvo.Co.ono try, We could showhundreds 0f other teshowinlals atom t::otawbo have won prizes in one vulvas contests, all showing that wo always de last as No agree/avid satisfy all Winnore. 0nt' patrons have partiotpatbd to the aistdbutl0n of erer *R1lore "001x,00 (7oYph 1 rage,, and txobenndt of dollars' worth 01 Premium TlerOhandile Prises. Woetld rose Mao a part of thrie 842,100.4)0 or se rin0 '1'P0eght Z ieono, It so, see If you cannot wive the 51100le printed abors and send no a correct answer. Perhaps it will be easier than you think andou may Witt a fine prize. Try it. Sit dovin and study it out et once, send us your gelation and ere will write yeti at suite :yhethar it i6 the oorreet oee Or lint. Moen le your chance. Write tie at once. Adrdretn, Wool publishing Co,, Dept. t2, ` 291-3 Congress St., Sox 3124, Boston, Ma '.rayl , Syrup soothes and heals the sore throat and weak lungs. After a few doses the cough is re- lieved, alld the soreness passes away. Gray's Syrup cures to stay cured. At all Druggists zsets. The Only One. The witty, stllpiclity=..a truthful paradox; —of office bciys is prOvor- bial. Hel'e is a little anecdote which may help to prove this, says the N. Y. San. To the office of a. local fashion publication, controlled sole- ' ly by, women, there name one clay an artist, who wished to sell some pictures. In the anteroom he was asked by the Cerberus; "Who do you want to see ?" :Fie made out a card— "Man Editor," The o?fiee boy, looked at this and said : "There Is no Blatt editor here. All are woznen. In fact—with pride -1 amn the only man in the office.” Minarti's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. Wireless Telegraphy flit ©id idea, We are reminded again that there is nothing new under tthe sun, not even Marconi's system of wireless telegraphy. Tile ILon'don correspon- dent of the New York: Tribune fur- nishes that jonrllal with two -column 'account of the work of James LinCl- say, of Dundee,. Scotland, who as long ago as 1844 "succeeded in tele- graphing messages across ponds without wises." In 1859 Lindsay read a paper before the British Associa- tion on the possibilities of wireless telegraphy. Row mueh o2 the truly prophetic vision this brilliant Scotchnlan must Illave had is shown by the fact that as early as 1831 he was delivering lectures in which be predicted that within a few years douses and cities would be lighted by electricity instead of gas, and heated by it instead of coal ; and be also demonstrated 'the fac- ility with which wheels could be turned and pulleys raised by, electric power, and forecast the substitution of electricity for steam as a motor foe machinery. Mr. Marconi himself, we are informed, in an address de- livered at Dundee, has done Tull jus- tice to the memory of the Scotch pioneer as the "first man who thor- oughly believed in the possibilityand the utility, of long-distance wireless telegraphy."—Lesiie's Weekly. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. To Color Curtains With Coffee. If the curtained have gone so bad a color, why not have them colored with coffee. Strain some very strong coffee through muslin into a tu,b of cold seater, wash the curtains, rinse them in clear cold water and squeeze dry ; then plunge into the coffee - tinted water, and stir about for a few minutes. Fina:ily wring out, and pin on the line. STATE OF ORIO, CITY Or TOLEDO, LUCAS COUNTY sS' senior pa tnerpot tie fira�i1 of 3. that Caesar a Co., doing buslneea In the City of Toledo, will pay the sumaofrONE,HUNDREDiDOL- LAltS for each and every case of OATABBEf that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'a 0ATARRFf CURE. rfANK 3. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6 tit day of December, A.D.,1886. { SEAL1 A. W. GLEASON', Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh 0.ire is taken internally and acts direetiy on the blood and raucous surfaces Of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J CHENEYggs; CO., Toledo, 0. Sold Hall's Fam Fdamily 2011, are the best. Who Could Blame It? "Elis face wears a pinched look," observed the magistrate, as the tramp slouched forward In the grasp of a brawny policeman. Every house needs a New Century Wainer. It is the best, you cannot afford to de- prive your wife of so val- uable an aid. It has ball bearings and strong spiral springs— thoroughly cleanses a tub -full of clothes in five minutes. Have your dealer show it to you or write us for booklet. THE DOWSWELL MFG. CO., LTD., RAMILTON, ONT, The Whole Truth. Boston Herald. • Papa (severely)— Did you ask mamma if you could have that apple ? Five-Year-Old—yes, papa, Papa—Be careful, now. Do not tell a story. Did you ask mamma:? Five-Year-Old—Papa, I asked her, (lit pause). She said 1 couldn't have IMinard's Liniment for sale every- where. An Exemplary Minister. A droning monotone he used When he was talking to his flock; The sort of affectation tilat Made ultra -wicked seo!Cers mock, And ere he'd talked a half an hour The pious ones mere lost in slum- ber ; And all about the house were seen Devout heads nodding, without number, And, then, brie sinful wag there was IWho saw a point too good to keep; And to his friend in whispers said: "He's giving his beloved sleep." —S. W. Glllilan in Baltimore Ameri- can. Lace Made of Bauman Hair, "Point tresse" is a very, rare kind of lace made of 'human hair. Its pro- duction was confined to the early part of the 1.6111 century;, says Sel- ene% Siftings. Margaret, Countess of Lennox, the mother of the wretch- ed Darnley, sent from 'the Tower where she was imprisoned when her son, Lord Charles Lennox, married the daughter of Bess of Elardwieke, Est piece of this kind 61 lace to Marys Queen of Scots. This curious little square of point tree was worked by the Old countess' hands from ber awn gray flair. 9thie is tho p1'oper season to forgive your enemies; If you have no enemies, forgive a. few; of your friends. Common soaps destroy the clothes and render the hands liable to eczema. U Li T KED ILICES EilEPEIiiaSE, Ask for the Octagon liter Orr Misunderstood. Chicago Post. The fireman Who had invaded a girls' boarding school from: which an alarm had been sent in was ad- dressing one of his companions in demi street, but the girls didn't know it. They thought he was speaking to them, "Where's the hose ?" he demanded. "You , impertinent tkiug 1" they exclaimed. Settlers' Low Rates West, Via. Chicago and Northwestern Ry., every day froxu February lath to April 30th. Colonist one way see• and -class tickets at extremely low rates from stations in Ontario and Quebec, to points in Colorado, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and California also to Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin- ster, Nelson, Rossland, !etc. Fu11 particulars, rates and folders can be obtained from B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King street, Toronto, Ont. Far -Seeing. New 'York Sun. Adam was naming the animals. "But," asked Eve, "whatever made you call that beast a horse?" "Stupid." he replied, "there will have to be Ilorseless carriages later on.", Priding himself on Iris forethought for posterity., he continued his labor. CALIFORNIA The success or orange culture in Central and Nortnern California for ten years past suggests the climatic unity of the State. Some of the most successful orange groves are 600 miles north of Los Angeles. '.Pile long summer, the warm and dry at- mosphere, the abundance of water, and the low price of land, make these fields in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys very desirable for oranges and all kinds of farm- ing and fruit growing. Just now the rates are specially low. From Feb. 15th to April 30th the rate from :Ihicago will be $33 to California points. If you are interested in Call- tornia, such pubiicatious as " The Land of Opportunity" and "Califor- nia for the Settler" will be helpful. They are free, and may be had of F. B. Choate, General Agent, South- ern Pacific, No. 126 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. He Got the Job. Chicago Tribune. The Senator — Mr. President, I !want you to do something for a mass who needs help J idly. The PreisIdent—Um, what are his qualifications? The 'Senator—He's the father of seventeen children and more com- ing, and— The President—Mr. Cortelyou! 0, Mr. Cortelyou. (Secretary Cortelyou enters.) Kindly reserve a .nice posi- tion In your new department for Mr. Ful1boulse. The senator will tell you about him. Hees a live issue and a commercial factor. Next! New York and Boston Via New York Central. The numerous trains, the excellent service, the uniformity of its trains, Its four tracks, and the location of .Its depots In Boston auu New York, make the New York Central the fav- orite line to those points. Ann' ticket agent will confirm the above. Humorous Points. "This is an elegant piece of em- broidery. It Is over fifty years old." "Beautiful 1 Did you make it ?"—St. Paul Dispatch. Art Manager—Well, th115 111 good Work. What do you like to draw best ? Artist—Salary. — Brooklyn Eagle. --- Customer—Yon charged me $14 for this One garment. I' blink that's pretty high. Tailor—Weil, the Bill as I made It out at .first were for $13, but that is such an unlucky 'number that i I thought you'd rather pay a dollar more. The Newest Version. " Where aro you going, my pretty maid ?" "I'm going ping-ponging, sir,' she said. "May I go with you, my pretty mairl ?" "Yes, if you liken, kind sir," she said. She led him away to the ping-pong net and then came an hour he'll never forget, for his shoulders ache from the many stoops to pick up the balls, and his eyelid droops, where she smote him twice with her racquet small, which left her hand as she struck the ball: and he'll nerer ping with her pangs] ngain, for she heard him swear when she pinged 111111 then.—Baltimore A mericail. A Busy Connoisseur. ' The Artist—It would be such sin honor to have you buy my picture ! Mrs. Gotrox—Well, 1'11 have my con- noisseur to look at it, but 1 don't know when he can come. I'm buying so much art just now, that lily; con • - noi,sseur is frightfully busy! Zrierler if ISSUE No, 12, 1903. Mrs. Winolow's Soothing Syrup ehotiki always bo used for Children 'teething. Ili soothos the child, softens thegtlme, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diiarrhoea. AGENTS WANTED UTANTI1D—RELIABLE LADY AGENTS VY to solicit clrdere ; handsome profit assured. Apply Canadian Lady Corset Co. Lou,hon, Ont '[)IrANTED—Energetic men, nurseryu�stook iatelyswitllmSOI'JTHCOMBE, correspond E Immed- iately TORONTO. CANADA. 121200 BUYS FIRST CLASS SALOON; Pease, fisc Erie venne,tNnagar , Fans,wN. Y. •feTETERANS, ATTIINTION ; THOSE IN- T tending becoming actual settlers may select convenient farms in Temlecaming otherwise reserved. For information write , 11, S. Robinson, general merchant, New Lis. keard, Out. _ 'dt• p-�'il 'dtk� :S '�ttr'Jkt **40 41,1 • FOSALE �Ar • • ,�f.{ ,,s�ppyy,,�. �A'i' R I''1'di` %lJlr ''JIRc Butter, New Laid Eggs and Poultry Wanted * Creamery and Cheese Factory - at Muirkiafk Station, M. C.Ry. Land, buildings, engine, boiler and all machinery for butter and cheese making. • Will sell whole property—com- 'lit Piete or detached—very cheap for • cash. Apply to 3 GEO. ROWLEY ,yy Box 355, St. Thomas, Out. Coneignmente of Butter, Poultry and new ]aid Eggs solicited. Prices firm for choice qual- ities. Choice young Ohiekens, dry picked,clean, selling 60 to 80c per pair. W111 ay 30e per lb. for BEESWAX, delivered Toronto. Corresspion�de{Bee solicited. JO J FE•E62 Front Street f East, Torouto USE 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE It Has No Equal Manufactured only by THE CAMP .:ELL llflFC. CO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. For sale by all leading dealers. The Flow of Milk will be increased. Why go to all the trouble of keeping cows and get only about half the milk they should pro- duce. Dick's Blued Purifier strengthens the digestion and invi- gorates the whole system so that the nutriment is all drawn from the food. It takes just the same trou- ble to care for a cow when she gives three quarts as when she gives a pail. Dick's Blood Purifier will pay back its cost with good interest in a few weeks. 50 cents a package. Leeming, Miles & Co., Agents, nON!'REAL. 9 i9 SO OD T NGJ TO EAT Lobby's Natural Mayor Food Products These delicious preparations allow of alt sorts of impromptu spreads without the impromptu appearance, and permit the hostess to enjoy rather than slave. Our booklet, "How to Make Good Things to Eat," free to housekeepers," Libby's At- las of the World, containing 32 new maps, Published expressly kir us by the largest map and atlas publishers in America, is ready now. Indexed. and gives new maps of China, South Africa, the Philippines, Cuba, Porto Rico, and is of as ranch prac- tical use as any atlas published. We mail it to any address for 5 two -cent stamps Libby, McNeill & Libby, Cilicago The World's Greatest Caterers 1.. ,sees sew 6' 5 ' :0:1 err,,1t06 Yppvl,r^1' i Wood's Phos h,>dine The Crept English Remedy Is nu old, well established :and re - leen preparation. I1as been pro- scribed and used over 40 years. All so, druggists in the Dominion of Cana - sell and recommend as being the Before. only medicine of its kind that euree and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Bpermator- rhea, Impotency, and all effects of Abuse or Excesses, the Excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants; Mental and Brain worry, all of which load to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Price 11 per package, or six for Sit. One will please; six will cure. ilSailed promptly on receipt of prion. Send for pamphlet—free toenv address, The Wood Company, • Windsor, Ont., Canada, After. C•Oifil tonc;v-ie tlo only re-wel that Women -don't seem to care mucin about. A Penziay Saves is a Penny Gained A Selkirk. Fence many kid^' Dwaa.i�u;nrrrt.�wam,i .� A. Catalogue will!. be tt'tailersd 3roaa kir ya,am win send reaamao 0,31t(3 aelalre gl, S "' L]i R 6.1:FENCE �.+'; 1'.D '1701186111403, oral.