HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-03-20, Page 1The Official. Organ of Zurich' and }ray Township. VOL. TII , NO. at. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, YEAR. -We Yo will find a Complete Stock of Goods usually kept in a First-class Flour & Feed Store :. will mention a few: Best Family, Buckwheat and Rye Flours, Feed of all kinds, International Stock Food, &c. Our ld dgthe best .� E E factionFielastSee, seasosnave . Leave yourof ordsatis- ers early for any new varities you may want. CLOVER AND TIMOTHY. SEED WAN ED Ra ' . ohnsto rich The season for begiaming farm wmlc is rapidly approaching. and it is none too seen to look about you. to see where you can pro- cure the Best Machinery. We handle the followingLines— (Made in HIamilton Ont) L�9�:"911f}fFlri9 �3t� araZwasssicarassmstaraseczasirasagraagnman LOCAL. NEWS Binders flowers 'PAL SC Rakes & DIDril s Cultivators Discs Fleury, Cockshutt and Wilkinson Ploughs ... HAY FORKS, TRACKS AIST) SLINGS. Repairs for all .kinds machinery, o11 shortest notice. PRICES RIGHT /-fic7N 79 Tr Mr, J. B. Dennis is employed at C. Fritz's shoe store. Mr John Hall, of Dashwood, visited Zurich on Wednesday. - Mr. L. Beattie, of Varna, was a visitor in town axi Tuesday. even- ing, Mr. Ea. Wurm is engaged at H. Kalbfleiseh's saw mill, at the .16th Con. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Eilber, Of Stephen, were in town 'on Friday last. Mr. Willitun Johnston is assist-• ing at Cook's mill, at Hensall this week. Mr. Matter, of Dashwood, is engaged as tinsmith at C. Hart- leib's shop. Mr. J. A. Williams is in Toronto, this week, as a delegate of A. O. U. • W. annual meeting. Mrs. P. Beaver, of the t.4th Con., left on Saturday on a visit to her slaughter, at Berlin. Mrs. Jake Kellerman, of Dash- wood, was visiting ,Mrs. C. Fritz, Saturday and Snni:a.y. Mr. Orville Ehnes returned from a trip -to Delaware Ohio and other places, Saturday night. A directors' meeting of the Hay Fire Insurance Co. was held in the Town Hall, on Saturday. THE SOVE I i BANK1 H. 'Well is as usual in the lead with Furniture. His prices will interest you. Call and see. Messrs. Jacob Deichert and Hy. Youngblut were up to Clinton to visit John Deichert, on Sunday. 3%Jr. Norman Cook, of the Hen- sall grist mill broke 'his arm this week, while working in the mill. Messrs. N. E. Cook and Joe Blaney, of Hensall, tendered. Zurich a short call on Friday evening last. Mr. John Moritz returned from Montreal on Friday evening and left for Cavalier, N. D., on Tues- day-. H. Well has the agency for Spaotzel's Pnenln.atic Horse Collar. The easiest Collar for a horse to wear. The following left for the West on Tuesday :-Wm. Becker, Jr., Wm. Nicholson and Ramie Arm- strong. Mrs. Ileo. Andrews, of Goderich, was here attending to Mr. J. D. of Merrier. She returned to her home on Tuesday. j4Lia5 Buses., who has been visit- ing with Miss Melvintt Koehler, returned to her home at Sebring - villa on Saturday. Mr. Philip Hartman recently dis- posed of a team of two-year-old colts to Mr. David Schnell, for the sun;..; sum of $.250.00. • Mr::. J. H. Roedcling and two daughters returned to Tilsonbur,g. on Tuesday, after visiting friends here the past two weeks. Mr. P. Lamont is stocking up his farm with all kinds of stool. There is just one thing lacking and the boys say the "want" will soon be supplied. of Canada A (-..- N i III.An (�FFIOE - TORONTO X>tOUTISE OFFTob:s - MONTREAL Authorized Capital - $2,000,000.00 Capital paid tin : - $1;200,000,00 H. S. HOLT ESQ., - President D. M. TPrr'ART ESQ., Gen. Savings Department. Deposits of $1. and received and highest rates of interest allowed. Deposit Receipts issued at . favor - rates. Loans made to Farmers on their own notes. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONE VILLAGE OF ZURICH EARLY CLOSING Wo the undersigned business -men, of the Village of Zurich, hereby pledge our selves to close our respeetive places of business, on the evenings of Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of etch week, at six o'clock sharp, commencing with the first Tuesday in Mit b, 1903, and we agree to forfeit the sum of TEN DOLLARS to the Village treasury for each and every violation of this pledge. Charles Grob ..Hardware merchant P. Bender ... B:)ots sz Shoes J. Preeter ............General Merchant Boots & Shoes Herman Well Furniture & Hdrness F. W. Hess Jewelor T. & M. Johnson........ Furniture & Woollens J. D. Merner General Merchant John Weseloh , ....Blacksmith J. H. Wissler Black ,mit1i D. Steinbach ' . General Merchrnt - Carriage Works Blacksmiths Charles Fritz F. Hess & Son John Beichert & Son.... W. H. Hoffman.... .... .... .... ...... — • Tailor & Laundry J. F, Riekbeil . ' ..........Far'pn Implements John Deiehert Jr .. Tailor 0, Hartleib & Co ......................Hardware & Harness D. S. Faust' • ..General Merchant - portion. SUINGT, Y. JOURNAL. Miss Hutchinson of London Wants $250,000 Damages. Buffalo, N. Y., March 10. --At- torney Philip V. Fennolly,. who represented Miss Marion W. Hutch- inson, formerly of London, Ont., in the habeas corpus proceedings by which he secured her return to her home here after the police had taken 'her to police headquarters to question her, in connection with the Burdick murder, Saturday verified a report that; he had begun an action for Mi Ss Hutchinson against William R. Hearst for $250,000 damages. The su)nrnnns was filed. yesterday and n, copy was sent to.New York for service en Mr. Hearst. The complaint is be- ing prepared and will be Anished by ivtonday. It will recite; a multi- tude of alleged libelous statements and insinuations to which, she alleges, she was subjected by The Evening Journal of March 7th. OFFICES AT— Exeter Crediton P. E. KARN, C. w. GILMOUR, Manager. Manager. P. W. GLADMAN, Solicitor. SALE REGISTER. A. FEW good building lots for sale at the North end of the Pillage. Any person desiring to build will find this a nice location for a residence. Apply to E. Zra.1.es. Zurich. r1LEARI\'(. AI'CTION SALE O1' 1.1 farm Stock, implements, Furniture, etc, on Tuesday, larch 31st, 1903, at 1 o'clock, p. m., sharp. E. BossavnErns, auctioneer; SAnr1:L RAN 1E, Proprietor. Mr. John l eehlor's sale, adver- tied for .Wednesday ncsfi, has been cancelled, and. he has decided to remain at Blake, where he will continue the pump business. By -Law No. 1, OF ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL SECTION NO. 1, HAY, FOR, 1003. La •A) E are offering some very Big Bargains for a few weeks.... S9 Dress goods, Furs, Capes, Caperines, Muffs &c 9S Walking Overcoats, Large Ulster5, Smocks, Pants, 1_ nderwear &c. These Goods are away down in Price. Call and see them while they last. UST, - -Zurich ABy -Law to raise by way of loan the sum of $1000 for the purposes bore- inafter mentioned. Whereas repairs to the school house of Ronan Catholic Separate School Section No 1, Hay, have become necessary; And Whereas the estimated cost of said repairs f,s the stns of $1000; And whereas the Trustees of the said Separate School Section are authorized hyo Revised Statutes of Ontario, chapter 394, section 01, to borrow the necessary funds Or such repairs upon the debentures of the said Board of Trustees as hereinafter mentioned; And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Separate School Section, according to the hist revised assessment of t he said Separate School Section, is the sum of ;$99000, and it tvili require the sunt of :$03.5:3 to he raised annually by special rate for the payment of the said debt an hereinafter mentioned, and also the sum of $50 to he raised annually for the payment of interest as hereinafter mentioned; And whereas there is no existing deben- ture or other debt of the said Separate School Seddon; Be it the e°foro enacted by the Trustees t Of Roman Catholic Separate School See - tion, No 1, Hay: 1. That the Trustees of the said Separate School Section :.hall raise by way of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who nuty be willing to advance the same on the debentures here- inafter mentioned, the sunt of $1000. 3. That the Trustees aforesaid shall rause to be made any number of deben- tures, not less than 100 each, and not exceeding in the aggregate the sums of $1(100, which shall ?lie payable not later than twelve years from the 13th day of December, 1903, and such debentures shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the said Board of Trustees and signed by Mr. Charles Gillette, of Niagara i the Chairman and Secretary thereof, and. Falls, was in tori n over Sunday. I shall have attached thereto coupons for lie also visited St. Joseph, his the annual payment of interest thereon at former horse, brit it. appears the the rate of five per cent. per annum. "City" has no attractions for hitn, Mr. J. D. Merner's many friends will be pleased to hear that he is rapidly recovering, from his recent illness. His physician, Dr. Camp- bell, assures Tedd klituALn that years, the currency of the said debentures '-'Jake" will be on his feet again I UV any of thein, and also for the put'po o of shortly. paying the interest on the said debentures the sum of 88,i0.00 shall, in addition to all The sale at Mr. Henry Eicher's I other rates, ibe levied and collected by on Monday was attended by the I special rate upon ail the said rateable largest crowd ever seen at a sale in I property annually during, twelve years, these parts. • Everything was- sold,the currency of the said debentures or any and `good. prices were realized. of them. One cow sold for $72.00 and one 4• This By -Law shall take effect on and 4 -year-old mare brought 41.68.00. from the ith day of March, the day of the while other live stock went in per- llapaessedrthe f th day of llareh,A. I).,1003, 3. That to provide for the payment of said debentures the .tau of iiitid.83 in additiort to all other rates shall bo levied and collected by special rate upon all the rateable property in the said Separate School Seotion annually during twelve IMagistrate—Why did. you steal that ham, Uncle Rastus? Uncle Rastus—Bekase mag pooh 4,fambly wus stuhvin', you' llonnor. Magistrate—Family starving, eh? But they tell me you own five dogs. Uncle Rastus—Dat's er Erick, you' loaner ; but Ah reckonyo'ali rvudn't 'spec$ zntth fambly to eat dein clawgs.—Chicago News. .BURIED IN A WELL. Galt, Ont., March 17th .—James Morgan, pump maker, about 65 years of age, was imprisoned while: working in a well on rridgen's farm, about three o'clock this afternoon. 'Word was telephoned to Gitit that the well had caved in, and that Morgan was buried under the debris. A crowd. of (.Salt People, accompanied by' tL doctor, hastened to the scene. After several hours digging Morgan was extricated without, so far te; could. be scan,haiving seffered any serious inj u,t'y • The meeting of the W. 0. T. U. held at the horse of Mrs. Fritz, Monday evening, March 16th, was largely attended and of great inter- est. The Supt. of anti -narcotics opened the 'meeting With depart- ment programme, after which Miss Andrews took charge ok the de- votional half hour. Mrs. Poulin, County President, at the request of the Pres.., took charge of the busi- ness. Births. ST;rrxr.r..—AL• the Bronson line, Stanley, on Marcia 10th, the wife of Mr. John Stockle, of a son. Hr,.vnutoi . — At the Sanblc line, .Hazy, on the 14th inst., the wife of Air. Albert Hendrick, of a son. LAroR'ric.-- -At file Sauble line, Hay, on the 14th of Manch, 1003, the wife of Mr. John Laporte, of a daughter. Scrismos..--At Zurich, on Tuesday, March 17th, 11)03, the wife of Mr. 4`rillitinr Schenck, of a sou. Jolts LAron'ri , LOUIS N. Di,:aumtitii Secretary. Chairman. N otrce. s Fl KEY Watch for Spring announcement next week 3.1:= ! iC4tM�•"Wr+��"4's,�;,�sYui,ut' i,IY 7lmrISSL'El3YY1'�.Z ',*�'� YF'rn-a'��_ v_L•*y j� CHAS. FRITZ, THE SHOEMAN v ZURICH, ONTARIO, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. The above is a. true copy of a By -Law passed by the Board of Trustees of Roman Catholic Separate School Section, No. 1, Bay, om the seveuth day of 11larch, A. D., 1903: And all persons are hereby recoil. - ed to take notice that any one desirous of l applying to have such By-Law,or any part thereof, quashed, must make his applica- tion for that purpose to the High Cot,vt of ,Justice within three months next after the publication of such 13y -Law and this 00500 once a weep forthree successive weeks in the newspaper called the Zurich Herald, or be will ho too late to be heard in that behalf. ,701111 LAP ME, 33.31 Secretary. /G STOOK OK AKIN ,rJlr .,k � li•,ti ., r'+7lf' gem 911 .tea.,..,••••a .......,..,,.u,,.....�. �.,.,®....�.�.�...�..m,.••• 3., Before taking stock we offer our entire Stock of WINTER GOODS at reduced prices Call and secure some good All kinds of good logs wanted at once, for which highest prices will be paid.' Cash on delivery, J, C. KA. LBBLnISO.11. New advertisements:— P. Ben- der, H. Well, C. Fritz, HONEST BARE S INS A few �, MrJv's L 1D1E:�' Fur Coats left to he sold at away down, prices. We, offer some good values in Flanneletl es— plain and striped ripedl+�� �d `Flannelettes at . See Our stock of New Prints. J. r t 1 Prices rause from Ge to 12 1-2c `°, r urich Stere closes en. Tnescla c-, Thursday and. Friday tit fi p. „,.NESS TRUNKS VALISES 'WHIPS' FANCY RUGS OILCLOTHS HARNESS OILS Agency for S a.etzel's Pneumatic Collars Try diem for your tender -shouldered horses FL.NITU A FULL LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK III.O.H (;RADE PIANOS AND ORGANS A number of second-hand will be spill at BARGAIN PRICES 1'1w 17 tiritlNa7it