HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-03-06, Page 8The + eo T1 E PT 9 We handle good goods Our prices are low We carry a large stock Highest price for produce Obliging salesmen J. D. ZURICH • "FIE ZUl. \ACI -1 HERALD stream. "Yon °teased his cleatih." Bless ydn, Mot' man, that you will never again sell the poison, thongh. it is too late to save him," and she pointed toward tho ghastly picture. (.:gnvicted !' muttered the saloon- keeper, -and sir aqui 1; But, drank God, it isn't to() late to turn from my evil Ways." ONTARIO Cutters at ry 1Rtgbt lrice5. 116 ee;* 44-.E+,-{-49+3•43.-4-3•- I have put in a stock of Palmerston Cutters at prices to suit the tinges. Call and see them. A.LL KINDS OF JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. H. WISMER, GENERAL BLACKSMITH Zuricb Carriage Cutters! Sleighs ! A few Portland and Square Gutters on hand yet, which will be sold cheap to make room for Spring work. F. KISS & SOIL, Zii ich, 011tari9 Kalbfleisch's MILLS. Planing and SawMill —All kinds of woodwork. and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of ]3. 0. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. DASHWOOD Furniture and Undertaking STORE We have noir a large and up - to -data Stock of House Fur- niture a n d Furnishings which we offer At a Low Price.... UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Large and up -to date. In time of need, give us a call. P ield Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. C. Kalbfleisch Zurich P. 0. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. 'Wheat ............ 68 to 70 Oats...,.. 73arley ..:. , .. 38 42 Peas., 50 60 Flow. ...... 1 75 1 85 Butter 16 17 Eggs... ........ 13 14 Chickens fb ........ 4 C> Dtreks ....... .... . 6 0 Geese .. 5 5 Potatoes__ , ... 50 60 PIEN'SALL MARKETS. Wheat . ........... 70 to 72 Oats ... . - .... 30 '32 40 40 P.,......... ..,. 65 75 l `lora. 2 00 2 10 ags`(live) per cwt.. 5.26 5,75 28 30 Pr©ss Supt. SLAFJTOWN Special to Tam HERALD. Miss Laura Broderick is Spending some time visiting under the paren- tal roof. She intends returning to London soon. People around here are begin- ning to think about their sugar camps on account of the 'fine weather. • Wm. Resta of Stratford, spent Friday and Saturday at the home of his father -in -10v. A number from around here spent a very enjoyable evening at the home of Dan Haug on Tuesday night. Bert Kestle spent last Thursday night with a company of friends out on the other side of Exeter. Say, Bert, you want to make it a point to get home before daylight as it looks bad. John Decher and wife and two children spent Sunday at Dan Haug's John Decher, jr„ and Charlie Smith spent Sunday down on the 14th. Some of the boys were trying the skating the other day and managed pretty well. Mrs. John Decher, Sr., has been somewhat indisposed owing to an attack of rheumatism for a few days. but we are glad to say that there is some improvement in her condition. HAD NERVOUS PROSTRATION. PRICES RIGHT. P. Mcisaac DASHWOOD - ONTARIO W. O. T. U. Convicted—A True Incident, HILLSGREEN Special to THE HERALD. Wo have this week to chronicle the death of Me. Wm. Iain, Mr. Karn has been ailing for some time, but was not thought to be so eerious. On Thursday last he departed from his life. Mr. Rain Dame out froin Ireland many year.- ago' and settled on tho town line. His farm being all bush, but with undaunted spirit Mr. Rain soon oleared his plot. Here with his wife he has lived over since and reared his family. Mr. Rain was a quiet and kind neighbor and esteemed by all, He was a Presby- terian in religion. The funeral took place on Saturday and was largely attended although the day was very disagreable. The sorrowing friends have the sympathy of the com- munity. . Mrs. S. W. West, Drayton, Ont., states : "I got terribly run down. and finally became a victim of nervous prostration. I had no appetite, seemned to lose interest and ambition and could scarcely drag myself about. Hearing of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I used three boxes with great benefit raining eleven pounds. It made me strong and well and I had suel an appetite that I wanted to be eating half the tine." Mr. McAllister, of Walton, has moved into our village, The Misses Sarah and Jennie Rain, of St. Paul. Dame home to attend the funeral of their father. Mrs. Levi Stelck is very sick at present. Mr. William Jarrett came home on Friday evening from his school in Goderich township. Mr. Win. Gram was on the sick list, but is better now. Mr. Morris Rife and wife left here on Tuesday for Marlette, Michigan, to see their friends there, and from there home to Sheldon. North Dakota. They have been here since December. • The heavy rain has spoilt the roads here. There is neither sleigh- ing nor wheeling now, Mr. Isaac Hudson had as •wood bee last week. Ho got a lot of wood cut. The Methodists around here had a wood bee to cut sotne wood. for the church. George Coleman gave them the wood to cut. George is a good soul. Mr. Hannon. of Exeter, filled the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sabbath last. He took his test from Timothy first to fifteenth. He is a noble speaker. Rev. McLennan did not preach , on Sabbath last in the Presbyterian church on account of the death of i his child. It was buried on Mon- day. Some people might have thought it a needless waste had they seen the barrels of whisky, one after an- other, emptied by Giles Morgan, while his father stood and looked n, a grim smile upon his face. They were emptied at the door of the freight house and the fiery sluff rolled upon the ground. "It don't look refreshing, does it, dad? See, it fairly blisters the grass." And Giles Morgan, the saloon -keeper's son, watched the whiskey as it poured. from the tilted barrel. "It is refreshing to you, Giles," said the minister, who stoodnear. "You have grown in true manhood by this act, and I atn proud of you." • "-.2o am 1, and I'm ashamed of myself", said his father. "To think of the years I've spent selling the murderous stuff," and he glanced at the sobbing woman a little distance away, Under the starless night a tragedy had just occurred --'too common, alas! to excite much comment. A drunken Ivan, lying across the rails, had been cut asunder by the ears. His mangled remains were in the freight house near by, and his deathless soul had gone—where? That was the dread question which the weeping widow was pondering, It mattered not what the coroner's inquest would decide --they were deliberating now. The roan had Crone—where? Who was responsible for his death? There were many spectators of the terrible scene, and Giles Morgan had said ; `'I'in. glad you didn't sell him the whiskey, father, but whiskey did it, and there's the barrels just conn in." Diel Mr, Morgan's good angel help him to resolve? They shall do no more mischief.' So it was with the father's con- sent that the fiery liquid was pour. ed out to "blister the grass." The woman slowly rose and ttirn- ed toward the freight house. She must see the wreck of the roan, once brave and generous,who had pledged to love and care for her ''till death us .do part," The parting had conic, and what a parting 1 "Ah ! the awful sniff !" she said, huddering, as she saw the flowing WE MUST HAVE +20,000 000 Bushels of Wheat at our HENSALL FLOUR MILLS during t h e next two months to fill a large order, and we will pay the very Highest = Price It will pay any farm- er to get our prices, before selling to other buyers • . . • . . . . H. COOK & SONS HENSALL ONTARIO ii, g �4t Is the place to bay your TINWARE, SILVER and GLASSWARE. HARDWARE, GRANITE, ASBESTOS FILLI " SAD IRONS, Will retain Beat twice as iong as ordinary irons, and costs very little more. PAINTS, OIL, PORTLAND CEMENT. RUGS, DUSTERS, . DASH APRONS, SWEAT PADS, WHIPS. We have the best .Cools Stoves made, war- ranted Quick Bakers, Superior Cookers Power- ful Heaters. Agent for the London Fence Maclaine, also agent for the Lamb Fence, best woven -ire fence on the market, and all kinds of fence wire on handl. Eavetrougii g, Furnace Work and Rooting a Specialty. There is still room for another family. Mr. Jos. Hudson's house is still empty. Mrs. James Hagan, Sr., was very sick last week. We hope she will. soon be able to be around. again. CREDITON Special,to Tnp HERALD. Mr, L. Bertrand, who has been on the sick list for the past few weeks is on the mend. The special meeting at the fire hall called by the chief of the fire brigade, on Monday night last, was a great success. New officers and fire -men were appointed for the ensuing year, and everything put on a good footing. The Oth anniversary of Zion Evangelical church Will be held on Sunday next, March 8th. Rev. J. A. Schmitt, of St. Tacob's, an expastor and also pastor in charge when said church was built has been secured for that occasion and will preach morning and even- ing in the German language. In the afternoon the pastor in charge, Rev. CI, D. Damn, M. A., will preach in the English language. Special music by the choir. • The many friends of Mr. Ed. Wurm wore pleased to see him. around once again on Sunclaay last. Mrs. Michael Beaver underwent an operation on Saturday last and is recovering nicely, under the care of Dr, Hoist. Miss A1beilin:a Wurth, who has been working in Detroit for the past few months, eels milled home on Monday last to wait ort her mother, Mrs. Nicholas Beaver, DRYSDALE Special to THE HERALD. Crows are beginning; to herald the glad tidings that Spring is approaching. Mr. and Mrs. ,Tao. Sharp, of Sea - forth, visited at Mr. Howard's on Tuesday. Mr. Hy. Howard disposed of a fine pig to Mr. Brisson recently. The grippe has got hold of a number in this neighborhood. A number of our young ladies assembled at the home of Mr. J. Dowson one afternoon last week and displayed some fine needle- work on a quilt. Miss Sarah Howard spent a week visiting friends in Stephen town- ship. Mr. and Mrs. Win. DoWson took i.n the concert in Bayfield on Tues- day evening. Mr. Tough, of Stanley, has been making his annual rounds as assessor, Some of our fishermen set their nets a few days ago, but we have not heard of any success being achieved. Probably St. Joseph pier has driven the fish to Uncle Sam's side. DESPAIRED OP BEING CURED, Mrs. W. E. Jeffries, 44 hicks Ave,, .Kingston, ••Ont., states. I suffered agony with itching piles. In fact, I don't believe that any person who has not hacl piles can realize what I endured. The first application of Dr. c'hase's Oint- ment brought relief and it has since entirely cured me. I hope that this testimonial will be the means of bringing comfort to other sufferers by making known the great power of this ointment," Main Street, ZURICH, - ONTARiOO i301 EE1R' %UDE ZUME. We have a big assortment of STUB PROOF boots and shoes. The J. D. RING COMPANY, of Toronto, insure; you for $100 in case of accidents when. wearing these shoes. They will wear any common rubber to pieees. IVo also have a line assortment of FELT GOODS FOR WINTER WEAR. Home Made Boots and Shoes, that we Guarantee not to rip. These goods will 1)e sold at a small profit. ST. JOSEPH Special to the HERALD. The weather is fine and the farmers aro beginning to look and talk of their farm work. Mr, and Mrs. Bisonnette, who heave been in Toronto, visiting friends, returned house on Wed- nesday last. Mr. Rennie Durand, who bus dis- posed of his farm. and stock, is about to leave for his new ].tome in Stratford. We wish him success and prosperity. A few Drysdale sports paid St. Joseph a lively visit on Tuesday last. They showed their best love towards our burg. P. BENDER & Go. Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. Mr, Amos Overholt, who has been away to Wiarton for nearly a year, is now around to take in a couple of weeks' fishing for a change. Amos was promoted as foreman in the sugar beet fields last summer incl through the win- ter hes done a little tinkering on a farm he has rented, He will go back in the near future, taking with hint some of his ehildren. Misses Tillie Gratton and Annie Desjaardiite, of Grand Bend, are visiting relations around here. Smith Is a young married man, whose honeymoon has been cloud- ed by a domineering mother -in. law. A few weeks ago he persuad- ed his wife's Mother to make her second cousin, a citizen of Michi- gan, a visit. A few days of peace- fulness ensued when at'last Smith received the following telegram : “Your another -in -haw is dead. Shall I embalm, bury,, or cremate?" Quick as the current could speed, Smith wired it reply "'Embalm, bury, and cremate. Take no ohances." 11 That Single Hartness we self at lo Jar, It is a world beater. c Team Harness from $2o.00 up. We use best Leather, up-to-date workman- ship . and lowest pos- sible prices. Balance of Robes, Blankets and P].uss Rugs at cost Call and see our big assortment of Trunks and Valises. eeee *43.- C. Jet RTLEI B & CG'S. The Big Hardware and Harness House. ZURICH NMI eel 1 ONTARIO For the next 6o days we Special Prices on all Goods SUCH AS 11REM 1 will offer Winter 1W I 1� 4 '1 J j Odd lines, Underclothing Etc. Etc. It will be to your interest to etamin.e these Goods and get prices. tei cb, MERCHANT' ZUR101 ONTwARIO