HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-03-06, Page 6-—
ly 1'J?trresL•ed. f3C)t GURt'aa." said b'E, �.S.ctye`�,;5•t"►'.i�i"Sr� RVERE
PO TEWD PAIS RAYT1 deR14 ofitl0 r•a+u�1tes 1't�,z uuk izalklway,J� GALE ' may oar^a a ataacilccl elle ehrxazNEWS ly :BRIEF �P�
maxi of our+ csunzp t,il y Der. A'atll'an w
lel Dutalopl> 31110 lasicle� in C,'la•sgury,t9�'�..y�"'�.3CJr•!VE"®„91G9r. 1[�L
��ulcer flea slto t4 ru foie f Navac�C�� m•r LA
fr RITAiN,
_ • if til to s Lhe lrtmot lu , ndoR, CANADIAN. u I
if (over has been any such, move, Ta onto net.vuboya are or�gau}zing
hon ever,. We on this side hil,va nut a union.
Yet been made ,Lrvilr a of t•r,
North (are•y complete returns make �± q
r G T.k-rand v.l'rt'Lnk tlrtaxtgenrents..:13i. aver a year ago made Mr. ThOlim-'oi',s mujority
The 0�. Fears That thetheLoss of Shipping Will be
The Laurier Club banquet, at '1`0-
its tLrran'� emeuts vyzih 'tips S)ou. i ouato, 111zz� beexl .het i0r �Tilrell 08acl, r
len Line for tonnage 'Out g Port- Vel'y, Heavy. �
Tamen at�lb�ut �.�C��i �ni�a6 tints land, brtL'Lite business arrang"elltelits Abotrl w'00 seen eaatployad im't11e els- H y
which heave existed between the Al-vaLots at 1l oft '11'Illiiain have gone
Ian Line and the Cano1i 5'trikr. Lotulon, March �'>.-A
adiatl rail out severe gao tamed a velocity of . betw,ren sixty;
r��� � ,•.�, a � ®�� �� ■ ��, ways have alwtvs been n)o t t,,r- � Valstvlais ]lave asked the City, of, prevailer:l here ;.Ind along the coclgt apd seventy miles an hour at thme:4
dial, an<l this appiles •to the Can- 7•'n.t•o11ta to vote' �t,11,0'00 for mi.mmer lavt night, 0. using zuucll dramag° to during tips night. Theis morning,
atliati P Pacific as wall as to -tile 'band concerts. t'owever, the gale is abating.
Grand 'l.runk Rajlwa3- prol?ertY. The gale w,as very, severe aloing `
Ch1 eoartt•uct for raids for the Tem- In Y.
city, trees were uprooted, the coastis and it is fea e
y 3 pprotpmat° "We are not ,ltakfug a•[ry ctuangos iskrcnlluig ;fleiitavn3;, lies been awarded p , , > d that R
• t Lief �1't��r Htly;tt, cable: 'rk cit and country rvi11 a
ateh received here froxn Gras ! $500,000,
-not including the loss to to our A•tlan#ic s'Ceantsl,ip service.,t Cu:mnleU' & Co., or Sheffield, Ln w,all� of buildings In course of con- aumbef• of vi ssele have been . loam',
said Mr. Jotsn 11, Loud, 1+relg g• A.talaagranl received early til%isno n-
railroads. StructiOU were blown down, and
p griza to-day ann0u crtis,tlao� ompl �i Nicaragua helps Honduras. Traffic 1LtLnager of the Grand Tru
Wil', ' llraprfator of thr L1L� at Lloyds, reported the Crat.+
-de.att•uetfon of Fort-de-pa. , 13a 11 a'r61, nz1a1'u .iconic, Toronto, has many 1louses were unroofrd• Tile disarfi�er. T,ha British steamsAl
y _, \ewe hive been Raflw:ay. to-day. .l.hle DO'llinfOnUne Iresr.n coir-ted an a charge of LOU.- p
Pairi:r,me, 1�ar. � — -:
4, erre last night. Only the vessels received here that forces under the serves as to Liverpool, tips 'i`hoat sp•irinp;' •Lo clef� rticL b, Chatham and Dover Railroad was Aionadirocli, Capt. ti400de; bound
sail to LUtltl011, cola Allans to 0 P_ blocked for conyitlezablr t.itna by n from Blythe far Boston, with!
`Ae9opiging to the Ilaytlen Company command of General Nicasfo Vasquez, llcay. J. 1ti. Dlac•latillatn late of Llud- a cargo of °oaf, was driven ashore,
*Are saved`, sent 'by President Ze , goo, and the L' eylaniis to AR•t- y R rvJ- fuiin"01 inn, Ito Pastor, brick shed which lead been blatvn
I[tya, of vicar- rverp 0 • pas an the I-le of Dian. Her crew. were
Fort-de�-Falc is a maritime toren of agues, to help President ,Sierra, of ate or St. Andrew',4 Presbyterian acrosoits tracks. It re'
Honduras, to cope with the revolu_ In connection w.itlt the deal just quirecl several te�ened with much difficulty by, the
tion b Church, Winnipeg. hours for workmen to remove the life savera. Tlbe vessel is well espy
Eaytf, on the .scrape between that begun by Senor Bon111a, who was eatasuminzlC•ad, iincl t)da rumored pro- anal it is believed t11tLt u�he will be a.
Jdand and Tortuga Island, 33 miles elected President of Honduras,but bable arrangement Iletrt•"een lite G•• Al" John Cr:irs•ford, of Montreal, debris.
I!!om Cape Hzlvtien and about 100 whose election was afterwars dist T. R, and the A.11ans, a special cable h;" given $•',000 -to the Church of total,[ 10�w- She yps of 2,792 tons
received to-ckay states t11at the It is estimated that tiro wind elft licit re
luteal by President Sierra, clave occu- 1.laglculcl S,r rad totva,rdg the mann- t;'lster,
milep north by, wast of Putt All Canadian '!\orthprn also con!te)lr- Leilauace, of clerical stipends. _
Pled Choluteca city, This place is 68
Mince, the capital. Vessels load and miles south of the Honduran capital. plates having its own line of steam- Judge-Ilk-Crim-mon has decided -Chat --�_-- --
dleeharge at Port-de-Paix by; means General Ortiz has. invaded Honduras ships between Canada Ind Europe, there }t;, 'to provision for punishing
to assist Seater Bonilla. Bonilla, him- 111E tabic declares that it is the rlelauC3', reLnrnini;, officers for rail- RA CONFLAGRATION
Dd• lighters It has a, poppulatian of self, is now advaRciilg towards San plevatling opinion in tole Loncian lire to perform crrt Liu duties.
rr,'bourt 9,000. 1 Antonio Del Norte to attack the Hon- railway ;r rlil shipping rvol•ld that The Ontario Government's agent in
San Antonio Submerged. duran departments of Comayagua (tit T. 'T.
Ili-it, of St- Paul, is clack- the Ttnil.skaming diatriet reports
Ing Diessz's. Mackenzie & =Mann, and that there were .1.75 location's in tile,
� result
!Ilexes, edea hl re' and La Paz,MI MI
01"CINNA 4s that 110 is also friendly to the district during the nianLlt of Jan- ','�i1e rebult of an un Tossed. About Tike Dice.precedented tar- Ing tl Truuse a I� s fie ipoas t. seek- ultry. �
i1f617, San Antonio last night was pax- Obeiin; O�yto, March 2,—A car on Ing to list all as weapons against T+110 CaPacific Railway Ca,
%lally submerged, and much lass or the Cleveland & Southwestern Elec- the Canadian Pacific. hLi9 awardedsrad ails contract fat• dolx 00.
property has been sustained by the tric Ilia; Tway weplt over an embank- tracking the line !nory Rao Portage
a'del'nlg' of the San Antonio River. So mein,t twenty feet high last night at T'I[;=UP OF TRAINS. to Fort 11' a line fr ll Ra Bros. &
tiair no loss of life bas been reported. Hem'rietta, five miles west of Oberlin.
;7 amy houses along the river were Th('ompany.
ere were 20 passengers aboard, —
*wept away. The water reached its some of whom were severely bruised, Dutch Governmcnt to porlll. a Il,t[L- The Ga1Cp•; cent steamer 1lluto[� q*
48gheet point yesterday morning, a but the greaater number escaped with road Brigade. Intlna.gal to free hpr s If rroln Lite ice e Pike ke 0�eY a n �t� and Other about equal to that of the out serious injury. The car fell on its in Northutaboriund Strait, :Ind left
Aood of 1876, the highest even re- side in landing, and the Rife Hague, liar. Premier Ku Sir John ,'; erence \}tolls 0,Brfen, . �
amxded. Te, loss of g passengers Y forinel• (xoveinov of Newfoundland, 'in Buildings �•
,b property in the wexe tllrow;u to,gQther in a heap. per i'ntrouuced tui 'elle; Second Cham- is deed. Buildings l7 f[I
her of the States-General to-day
three bills in connection vr•iL-h the Two hundred a1•,uy reservists stl.il-
VENE CEIV,� ti from ape Bsool to finks pori- Cfncinn.atl, O., repot'.t: This tips whfcl2 err O[ brisk, gave way with
�p��' r recent railroad strike. He explained tions at (hypo Breton.
L��9 that the Government considered it The l:iRg h tr eoufarrrd the clrrLnd as #o clay viuited lly tole most dr- the falling floors. The fire swept
s'ttucLive rare in its history. About across the alley knowto as Baker,
neces'sar3 to Oppose ally unreason ('rocs of St. _lircltet and. ;t. George
stzeot, and burned the Large publislt-
able attack on laociety which would on Sir 1Tichael llerbert, •Lhe British 1•30 o'clock flames were discovered }mb house of the American Book
� �R I RRsaeriffce the well-bein of the n,bassador It 11'rinitin�ton. •ln the cellar of Geoz+e Jol'fE°s p y,, property along
R g peo- gro- Cam am and other
m p.le to the desire of ;.v certain spars Tile address in reply to the King's Bary in the Pike building on Fourth Balser :street, and did great damage
speech at the Opi.niug of Parliament strseet, between Vine and Walnut to live Itelepllone bnildiulg. Ail tele -
for in'ftThe and to political,Lit ty;- was adopted i.ty Uri British House phonies in the City, rn-�ere o'u't of dser-
h canny. The Gorernmenc, therefore, of Commons without amendment. stz+eeis" An hone later there was an vice for home time. Ali the guests in•
proposed to form a railroad brigade, Captain ThOmps011, adjutant of explosion, supposed to come from the Burnet Hoarse, on :Vine street
Q_ 1" to ensure :a. regttla,r service of trams the Eing'.r COlOubLls, recr'ntl v receiv- liquors in -storage, The flames quick- just across from the 'telephone build-'omplains That Germans PHUT aed theinlg, 'wer8 called erre of their room's,
In- case of need. J'hE just coinpiain'ts eft not}cc to refits. Lord Roberts, ly shot up through the roof of a,
of railroad employees would be t & Ilurvever, ha•s confil•,necl C a. lain as were those •tt the Gibsons the
Vessel D"efus"e its Return. usted b 3' , , p ' position. p six-slaty-wont lluild}ng, k'or ser- Emery and Stag I3a•tehe,'whieb were
j Y, a Tt ;s d later Ivi which Thomespat era,l hours after that the fire ryas proxmit , to 'tile fire.
would be entrusted later with i:he in, dorso y
A t. fl.onit to al. 1ti nopl retest l The Kankakee hirlldilr, g
New York, Mar. '3.--;T'z;r �'enEzue- and even. copper clasps tram tE,e settlement of the. s}tuition from a pa,pEl• fralli Constantinople cin_ 1-eti'on�d control. g, div anaily�
legal standpollit, tt.s well as regard- "ounces th't:t 1,p. Rulong, Russian The Pike Imilding was do t•ro ed across from the Seasongood build-
ian tutl-orltlos at Puerto Cabello, al I" fides. 1-ng the coodttiono of t:err•ice of the (!onsul at _-ITTtroritz:l., Albania, ll;ts Including thr office of tits y Ing aald Pike Opera, House, and
"Tile machincry was purposely left emploZ*ees. IL also :tloulcl have Lo de- United which is occunieil b the t
been murdered by natives. Sta�ts:s Ex Union Tele S Western
,1�•Yis the Caracas come.-pcpnden# of •cut of greet. It trots necersa.r,� to eticie •,vont consti.luted criminal eels. Exp Company, tete gra.p11 company, the As-
. Government clic( not desire to be Dr. R. J. Gailiag, tit's Inventor of Adams I spews (,01 W11 11'hite's sociat'ed Press, the Big Four and
Jlh'e Herald, after rccliving the war- employ nXaehan c:if engineers for the Gatling gun, died in -Now, York rrsttiuran ether offices, was thxeatc�ned,and all
reaeLfona,ry. It only, a.Lmed at ef-
tlivent3•-four hours in order to yesterday afternoon, at the hamu t, owned by Dialynttr<I
' ailip Fc�s'tauYador, which had been plat., f[.etin'g social reforms. y tJ1.e recces of the 111'estern. Union, fort
-_-- the Restauraf7or in a condition fit to One or the b}iis'provides for a mod- of Ills son-IQ-1aY,, ]Tush 0. Pente- Kerr; Jarfe';; p. rocery, John B. Mar- hours, were 0, daulger. Thle building
aselzed by ttie blockading powers, have i g pillage of the slit cost. Ila wals 8o years ol(l.. tin's restaurant r was+ saved from damage, however.
►' oto r;cA. Thin p ification of the 'I enai Code, with E-Pson's confer- t ,
lax ada an official report regarding rvus mmndafous," the object of affording a surer guar- Lord Stanley, or PreNton, the eld- tionery, HFnty Strauss, clgar store Burned Till Daylight.
the 'transfer. This report ready in German officers declare that the antee for the personal freedom of est son or 'the Earl of Derby, has and the Offices of tite Pike Tit eat re It ,reaps ;not ulatil after daylight
charge of the S'enezuelan autilori- labor, and preventing State officials officially denied this runner that he eclat the fire was brought under con-
part: Tlio Gerintans before deliver- ties i1 raise and assert that the ship Or persons engaged In occupations is to succeed th'o Ella of iliuto ,Is Company on the first floor; the pike
Ing,-lhe Itestaurador had sacked her ryas not robbed. On the contrary) affecting public iziterests from ab- C-Ovcrnor-General of Canada. 1heatro aullito-rinm and green condlagratiana danger
belie a g°o bb,
in a,, ,ruinous manner. '11hey carried seating themselves from their duties. At the Colonial Club banquet on , ' g vel to 1pe•
they said fifvat C-any had ,spent g roo,ns and aCl,er ol'I'ir'•vs on 'L1LE sera- over.
twRlverwAre, cover�, curttaln9, elect $1''000 ill repairing the F�estaurador 19ed:neoday night, Major-Getleral and rloor, atlyd all of the offices on Abo,nt Lwenty persons usuatlyj
;trio light
0.11d had lett ]:.'.Q j'o'ng ell coal Oa REGISTERED STOCK SAL -r. L,11 rie, M. P,, in .;pepkitiW in regard � the third, fonrLli aaud fifth floors. slept In the Pike building and there
g glebes, kitchen uten,sile, I bdaA of her 1vj.thout asking a e'en{;. to tra4e, said thiIL till, lfother The Seasongood building, adjoiningwere at first reports that several
t (Good Prices Broughtby .Pedigreed � Country ['h'Ould make an offer to the Pike bullciin; an the wast, (rine lives had been! last.
C little at Guelph, tits coloilles. Lntl 1'outkil, rr�Xs badly damaged. Nonce of ,these had been confirmed,
tr6n] the cage gMaus•e they differed + A despatch fPalli dew �e:xland t0 'Tho lawiidfn,,,+ a:atjailt[ng tits Pike build- There were ma'ny� narrow escapes.
��, i from Sh'eTr client is to the manner 1 Title London Times sad•, that stepta h on the erlst, owned aty the L. B, g watebmattr and
Clualpalt, t7ni., reilort: °.Cllr annual in r h.0wlarer. Tltr ►1e' ht
r fn whicil til�e ts3�1i'e Should iie pre- sale of registered stock under the are being taken wIL11- ;t view to Lite lfar•ison estate and occupies} by two door keepers saved six lives byl
sseuted. Allis Taylor then atlnounced , formation of a colaa,l};tl elnilloyers, th'e Robet•t 01,1rlce Company, pub- an'tering the building and toreing
' th'at ship rvouiri candntt iter own auspices of the Dominion Cattica
~T� wheel sr,nci Swine Breeders' xlssocia_ federatlaln, to 1v;Itclt labor IegisJa- lisficrs, and llwl>ma Bros., jewellers, their way: through the smoke and
case.tion took :lace here to-day, and was tion in the colony. 0t1 tilt first floor, and Others in the rescuing lodgers.
High School Prhici al Shoots) cbll' 3l0rgan IT. bleach, United eminentlylSuccessful. About seven John R. Dickie (t• � upllrr starless afro were destroyed. Iivo tree 'avel'e asleep lm one rear
Cfeeler Attorney for th•e District of P. 1.. brakeman, The IfOlSdIck Iraildin'g•, east of the l'o'om when the door reals broken in.
olumbia, a I ii l �(l for the See hundred buyers and sellers were - with his wife anti, family, were pias- Fi0';ert Clarke Company and 1}ubme Capt. Glalaman, Bead of a detective
Attacked, a 1 pa present. irony all r bureau, who was, asleep ��hen ,"lttaC�<vU, Of leaf; taut hay had no o parts 0f taua;la, eel under gn<LriluLi,le at their horns, Bros., and ke Com by the Nor- p on• the
Opportunity and the prices realized were beyoud NO. 21 third floor, p g
t0-day to Cleplazy his abilit.y agajnst expectations. 7'lia total sum realized Yitutoria street, Toronto folk & 11,esttrn Railroad and oto- escaped in: his ni ht
Ills feminine opponent, as she occu- was $6,430. One t•IlOrtllorn bull bred Namara,
Junction, last lveninp; by llr. :rlc- e1 .s, ryas l;�a IY damaged. clothes. He lost adl the records bf
pibci the entire as ft ernoan in arguing and contributed by Thos. Scott oP I\'ama.ra, li. TT. O, 'file f3-seal+-olcl '•Che+ Carlisle kiuilditlgp, occupied by Ira's office. Nothing, whatever, was
A RiauGii
SCHOOL CROWD lire pa}u'ta� raised sty leer, that her Sutton West, was rota to W. D. Tlatt, daughter of l.ir. Dickie is suffering the Southern Dw ific Ra.}Iroad Coln- saved from the upper floors,
diamine leas in violation of civil , fxom a mild type of sut:Illpox, patty, and' SmUll & Sans and the (Jin- Loss About $3,000,000.
umbos. S.C., krlaa•. 2,— of Ha,riwtMon, at the handsome figure
2.—Reuben. B. service rues. In tones sometimes of $275. :The lowest rice aid was Eleven judges of the High Court einnati Trust Company, on the first
ills, I'rtncipa,l of •tile Inman 13lglr ttsemulous With e�Oitament; Miss $35, t p p at Abe, 11tiland. the State Attor- floor, and many offices on td1E As thf:re are over 4'00 different
lEiahooI, about fifteen miles from Spas- Taylor read her ariniment from a r ' ne and Otil lr court ot'ficia•ls have j losers, 1t is impossible at present
g, is in jall charged with kill- t• i copy. All tliir animals were young bulls, y, other five floor:+ also were datum ged.
lm-tanbnt velewritten cop She will con- been dismissed n•ithaut ,r. Phb front steno wails o[ fife Pike to estimate the total lose. Vie fire'
atzls fid. Foster, I7 years old, one of tlntte 'Co-morrow. ranging in age from lour months to l' >nsfons be- was still btirnin at 9 a. m., wince.
'ods pupils. Pitts is a two years. Liglrty-threo were enter- cause the court instituted proceed- ImIldin�g and thosra of adjoining strut- !;
yotrsit ratan, a fins against tole Itussfall (>iar•ernor tures awned Jay Robert Clarke & lit't'le prospect of control in thle
�rardua,te of I�taman university, and a ed for sale, tinct all were sold except g g' Co,,territory bounded b Vine, Wai-
Jaon' of a BIXVIL�t minister of this two Polled'Angus and #rve short- of the Province oil the complaints [ and the 1Tu,hme I3ras.' jewelry Y
Il�orns. Two of the shorthorns were of persons rv;hto were uffected by stave, and of the Seasongood bwtld_ nut, Fourth- and Baker streetsantitate. si took ch;a,&g of til° Inman I n1so withdrawn. The sale oras under the Governor's action a.t the first ings, withstood the heat and did X1e .loss was then estimated at
dah001 six menthe a;go veld of had the direct supert•lslon of Air. F. Mr• disturbances there in April, 1902', not fall. l 1 over three millions. 'John Keenan,
I;tkifffeuity in maeOriit .some of the 1i'alls Gave Way. nigh Watchman al t-h'e American
-,Pelt ng tb alneera, who have been •----- Hodson, on, live stockr.Tocommissioner for BRITiSH AND FOREIGN. Book Company, was caught bys fali-
@ta*(�9�ling #,11e rlcllaal, the Dominion, and Air. Choc. Ingram, The rear iw.a.11s of these structures, Ing walls and fatally injured,
�^ i Said.to Have Been purchased lualph ; George Jackson, Port 1 err);
�' " iron i� gt11111I d,tatt r�i-da� rvhvn anti Jnmes 1?cDonald, Gu°IP11, were . �'iclllla i5 tl.reatc rad with a sirik,; r — ---
E iti�,t ant threr (liter largo boyrr the auctioneers. of cilinlney srrcrps. tile tytnlche manewho
ivas charging �p
iss*ara Ordered to rFinafn triter sc11Uo1 by the Grand Trunkr-----7•--..-- In L fight bettiveen nilliers and sour-Wag dismissed. T11e s�dt3 of the stn- I ; iffs at Charlestow,tt, 1'e'., three mail United states conall MtWade, at L011 THE YANKEE
deems has natryai been told„ as Pitts HAIRPINS USED A4 PUSES, ware killed and six fatallywounded. CySleigh repports that• a.n American9'
broug'bt the first information con- C C� 'Iw91c+ Canadian t;orc:rntt. nL ire's Is- p, t n, Adolf Ruizitl , has
'pernilig ttla•t;hooting.to Spattanburg. NO DEFINITE 0I AT•EMENT. Resoulrcelrit Coto➢abus, 01110, 1fotol. sued invitations to a ltumber of rep- 1Yisoovarccl menus of curing tL11d es- �1 `^� I!!
,59 says tdlat five boys bald been in- man UtinsCarsDespiteBreak". recsentative I3rltish Al,Lt's. -to tour term}nathrt; leprosy, and 1,;ia put is in Earilest all
d Does Not
subordinate,'particularly foster, and London, 'Man --`.I he Allan bine of- it into plracLian.t use near Canton.
flcials decline] 3,_r , Canado, Ill the autumn.
elect dismissing ail[ the fallr ring- scree clay to confirm Columbus, O., Di'ar• cliff, last car 1t conai5ts of minute and prolonged
leaders lie announced to them that the. Statement tilat.11c:;gotiatloxlswere on the plain street -title last nlght .Lord Str.a.theona and Loro Mount .sanitation and the utse of highly ren- Think He is Impertinent,
'ase would whip foster. proceeding with tile Grand Trunk rvxl.s crowded and the rails were Ste' Th1en have receivod the %at'mAbt tfsepile drugo.
Railwat.3* ror the acquisition of their slippery; with ice. It crawled aloe peri;oua} thmika of Lha Prince of
Leaving three int6 in a nesse of- fleet Shipping circles in Liverpool. with discouraging slowness. :ilte+gi Wales for their tnuniflecnce towards
Sae took F,ostGr into his private of- g g �
flee, looked the door, produced a
and London, horvevr:r, roniitlently ex- three blocks of tIii,:his progress a lnsa >; Eduards hos pltml 1'uncl. MAY BETROUI LE VFT GRANT CANADA FULL ER;�/iLI DES
"llickory"'hod atte•m) tad to apply ft ; Pett that the Graud Trunk will at blew out. The motor forrurl his Ot•der , have t>cen id;;lied by the --
enc° take l: the clut.11on a Ol' the szr i , of fuses was exhausted) mud ArchblAlop of Wolh, nia in Rusdici, Bulgy;aria Not Sadsilecl'l>a'ith Prop)osrd � 'I ashlagton, Mar. 2.—Reprosenta-
bnt F;oatex' refused to be whipped and , p g pP Y 1• ,
,pulled the rad. from the grad) of the anadian 3.aci1'ie, ails( enter upon a Lite passengers contemplaier:t veith forbidding his clergy to r..0nthturtilo 3facedonian Clianges. tivo De &rinantl, of Mlwou.r}, is quite
teacher.. At file same moment fife
struggle to secure ilia lion's share of disgust the prospoct of waiking, practice of 01coallting In toxic atfng , --, I ceune,st Sn his IXro tsiftou'to have C
the great accession of 'traffic which The motorman lovas resourceful. 1.10 liquors lit Loudon, Mat. xtiblic opinion in p 1>7
tboree young men left fu the classroom Iraynient for their minis Bui(;aria unanimously condemils. tile., United Stu•tes annex the Dominion of
is looked for in the near future be- entered the ca•r and asked the Ivo- ';rations, proposed relorrtts or Maceddnfa a tJatnada, and Ir quite hopeful t
Putbrarst aper ttie dear and rushed at tween Canada and Great Britain, T,lhe men s q p that
Pitts, ' I ];(der-Dempster. Company will retire passengers for Contributions of Aefore for 1Ymr d"o::nlfssion .on entire( inadea a . ' Con cess
fie defend hfmseii from an expected M, S hairpi,us. lie goat a dozen or more. Tuesday Uellpral Sto aforcl who war y ii to .Cha Dlacectanfalts ss will tyke the first legisla-
[assault Pitts says he drew it, pistol from tho Canaciia•n 'trade altogether The metal was soft, but it rra tlitary Secretary to Sir themselves declaaire they wail not ac- tivbl step in't•1iat direction before its
s li y itedvel a ldjo
when t}re steamers included itt ,Lhe found that a hair n would carry, ll ata( r '?,a telt the rv[ extensive,
rvhfch, even it much t 1 uruthori on. 1larcll q kips to in-
from his pocket and levelled it at fire Canadian I'acff.ic Ileal have been the c o . i j, huller, L N p wort. the stet o-f niece etiten,sir'e, would require I;u- tion authorizing titre;I1x sideait to in-
Canadian men. Poster was within a fere az four blocks. In ectal distance gertee and capacity of the roan a[ q g q
� tranelerrld. �, rap'ean Control to ensure their lie- ve.sti�TMal,ty Lite adrt-�aLblltty Of this na-
elet of hien, and he stinick the pistol it burned out attd another was ill- r•,trathcona's Home. Ing carried out, '11he oxtI•emist n°rr'ls- Man absorbingBritihh Rcirtril Amer-
with piles hautrt knockings' it down. Grand Trunk .flay Act. seated, In this way the "night owl" ,
Tho Grand I)ttchvsts Anastasia of Papers denalulce fife project as "in_ Ica is Hort, In committal;.
Pitts had ]lie finger on 'bile trigger Zwlantrral, Ata r. _'.-7:'b!e acquisition finally landed Its passengers ;It their ,. a „•_,r. ,. " -
and the blow discharged the weapon, Of an Attaur;lc fr•ei lrt rlrec L a d.rst>notuanN Ditcl.l,nbr,r CLvrc,ran .,urla:lenl•y left irrnaa,#tonui,t c3n.elsm, end maintain 8110a ling- Of ti,is treat annevation
-f..he bullet gofalg' into the student's ab- P- IL !s Dot a sudd 212 surprise, h OO for ltu'.r ln, wj;aro she is X rp+>rf u.i to that al Afac,Ltislann In uprising is nory scltr:tale.:lrt. I3e :irr,loal,d, rv,}la Is one
be tit rttlremrmt. It is comn,ou re':- a}1 -tile mole certain. '.They declare of the leafier; on the Democratic tilde
domen, inflicting t,I mortal wound. negotfatpons have been going an for WON'T REMOVE E port that the Pow,ager I`Anceso is that the lllaced'anians should break- al the Houre s
EMBARGO. a.fd to-night:
us :
'The .ten,c,hrr• i;llmrnorlecl a plly5lcian weeks, and yet t}ae effect 0f the put- , ate`
(Ind tl1•in surrendered to Constable .chase is clSspntcd. One of tie stories ,--•- infatuated revel, Iles bait•-elf:essc.r. with Austria and Itussi.a, and seryl[ "Tl we nave to grow, let un grow gall
)s3ritish Gonizuons ]peruses to Admit Pictorial postcards, which give•_-m_ the support of the other powers, our owe, eontillealt; not Southward,.
Tranla A. Dletcalf, and 'they drove is that tile (grand T(I'Ll.nk, as a couu- glut nartlnvard. It i':3 fax hotter lett us
¢ across, tb.o, trountry to Spartanburg. tor-stroke, will bray Lite Allan' Line, Canadian f?attic. playment to thoueandr, of 'persons --
in' Germally, are nory to have a spot 'I N!D I'II y J to w- pane here than to tame Posses-
Pitts' reason for carrying a pistol but a rpe,clal cablo from ,London London, 11arohl 2.--In' the House of „ , O E SJ'TUDEI T DAVS. cions fats area • [rout. Our Own shores.
Whta.t, being' physically unable to says: "Althotl;gh' no official confir- Commons to-day Mr. Price, Liberal,efa,l disturb, for it) the Berlin am- }rl at 3 '
colo with thOla.,rges boys, ha needed mrltian is obtainable, (here is a rut v tel DTuyeuln, for vv lliah artistic ram- leer conlfnents,and seas.
al •svea.pon tat his pro#ection, mor that the Graar•d 'j'runk is torrid- mo ed an amendment to the address ples from all over the world are to ltaisc r s Sou 'Will alzort. y TOilp± East-
el .lis resolution roquotts the Presl-
? providing lot the repea
ening a Counter-meet to the Canadianet( Ot the law be colleetc& ern Europe. dflnt to aw
,veertait. oil hat terms, if
--- xcluding Canadian store Cattle from I'Esau," :tsny, Great Britain will code to til
MISS TAYLOR S CASE. Pacific purchase of the Bider-Dempt- British markets. The debate o i sou, iho chimpanzee perform- Berlin Mar � — ; � e
ster Steamers b n the Tire. Crarcn Prince Ltnite+,l Sta,tt s e'•1! o. part of
y Purchasing -the Can- amendment occupied the ni,gllt ser- tn(; at the i.On+ion I'av,}lav, having l±+ividricli iVfllaaIla will bid farcwcll nal laonAtalalo terms of O e
Trlcs to 515eiv t]i1 'Court 'i'Jiat 'diet adia.n Met of the Allan Line, or mak- pion. _ . duly p,a sOci m dical examination, may to hf� t , c lift . h 'tile's,
g" 6 Mr. loan 1 r dust had lihs life insured for sevota} student days ,a,i I3ont1 iJnl- trpo.t IlLsit}a by the 17rrsadcnt shoals',
Dismissal,'6Mas Illegal. ing a oto arrangement with elle b t y, Prasfdant of the c , � versify at 4, meeting of the 11r ealconragin g, and shore that Great•
Allaxis to enable the Grand Trunk tl ou.an 2 llaunds; iI pori:ion of the . • ` l
• Iwlilr$'�,1 t0 shi "O i• - .BO'c1,I:'d Uf 1ipJ1.•iCtlltlir0,Opposed the risk 'IJrI[a^' taliEn b�'•. 1nCm1JUr�4 Ol' fFlnlOtly IlU1'tirSfiia arl)'8. On Su It Brltain to willing to part With C,an ,
1t aasllington's Dfia,r. u.- lGilr i IilbeCe L y r r P goods bCtwCen Cur amendinent on the ground that It sr E' '� stay. Ile will leave far fl. trip 1[t a�rl�a, and i heLt lbt� ore f Y
!P4vlOri -who wasdJa.2ha,zge,-I fmm the moria and England an tlla usual terms would ,be za, dangerous precedent t Lla,yG s 1;e'stern Europe, a o X• , spa Tl o C, wit �
o 1 t, Ce nip aniecl by his are.dastxoury OT je,nlllg bands rvztlk•
'ibat' ISepartnir•,<nt for ublishing' se- ryitll the aa,rLdian Pacific.)* admit Canadian tett}e thus rfvlu it'l=l. and Mrq.'Cilamberlasin embark broth r � t � • i
vete cri;tili ms , giving e T t el. The Oriental taut will for TJa,itld 5tratas, than am>a�ationu
s at the &dminlstra.- worn y. And ere above cable tat them preference over others. ed at Capr Town yesterdn,y after- bel irl at Corfu,'where the, Crown lua be
tloh,.q olio in the PhSIi ala•Y, Diz. Andrew, A. Allan, of tba noon on the Union Lina `,steamerv y b ou,,,hL .Lbant rriLlX Goml.ala, i
Policy ppinOs, art He ;said he was anxious to melee ' Prince ivil'I arrive an D7,a,rch C,, l:I'r five talcs. ,
her Own crtso iyefore. Chief Jus- firm ,e'f IT. & A. Allan, stated that the wishes of the colonies, but that Norman„ for Southampton. lininans° leaves, on the .L' � - ,� •
tido Eitl .li,am of r is • ' - wbile he brad heard various rumors 99 per cent. o t erotvd3 gathered at the docka and Plr duty for tite I elo "In a t cdivid id L tone the Dand the
g . +, the bt..,tract Zru „• , -p f he farmers in Great •, g , pounsau,s' and I. izaetrs, incl the nett could be dir•irl ci ,. t :'tr•,L �a . .
panus Court, to an effort to secure cancernfn,g such. a deal, nothing Britain here opposed to the ad [ gee`s �h° ColOnia,t weer°tart' all t e ala , c and tete,
m s hese clays w111 by trine Ii: Aticns, peopl� rr•ould bare the same rl hto
writ of mci.nrlamua to compel sect . oacl come to lztm _officially: Dir. A1- pion of Ca•nad[an story cattle an enthusfa,stfo send-off. dur}n r l l g I
t* > _ Ian was furtlller, of the o int n " t d i~ ry t cit t11ne the Alit Opolrs tvi11 and p1 n ilchgert as the rip.:zany of tttetr
t,a�y itaxat 'to reinstate lies. J.ro p o fila ti0thing Would Induce film to abate By the explosion of a soda, water bo tllulntnated with. Bengal fires. unit ". . :- 1
c0et]'1694 for ,a writ f n1:andamils had anything of pale lapid developed a article of mile resent act, 1 tank h} r . t it ea9 Statrjz ]n tattle, they wa,lld
' P 11 _ fount<iit , which was being' firutn .+tllenq he goers O Cortntli, and be rnaacic cattza-,ns of t11is count '
rv+era %tiff a yc 1. ag;,o, but since he rt�onid have been most iilie]y to Tile amendment was rejected Char eel with carbonic as at. ,a cr , hr?
r; ,;. ., , _ ,., _, by g _ f; �, n t lafll lOarc..t Piraeus for Con- islricrtirety trust That favorable iscilolQ
tt�toin put
09 T.aty.lor, s counsal rt i.tlldrew heap of it, as they, were most deep- 190, votes to 38, store in Lewis btreetr New York, yes- raittzntinalfl% , t i � rv111 ba ta};gQ ujZoli ;:Vice teg0lutlsliL,�:1
.. ...... aa. ,ern.._ ... _ _..... ,....,�.rtvx we' •,.um.> .w...„sw.. .:.,.,ri v. . _ • .,, —
.r •. we�Gdk