HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-03-06, Page 4'7"HIT, • 11:11 .13 1=t 1' ' Atrt
P.P4ua-Ie:..betiiN¢tiilordu'i,N1..Ui:wuli.i'.1Lab+i . •^•a •• aLb.WrW.h'.++w'b1�.uW+{M!i%r1.M M!h•.IN
ST, BONWACE, Catholic.
Order of service .for the summer
Sundaays: High Mass at 3,30 a m.; Cate
chism and instruction at 10.30 ;•'clock;
Vespers and Benedietion of the ;Bost
Blessed. Sacrament at 7 p. tn.
Holy ;Days: High Mass at 0 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediction et 730, p. m,
Week Days: Mass every morning at 7.3 0
o'clock;. First Fridays, Mass with
Exposition at 8 o'elock; The Holy
Hour, or one ;tour h visit to our Lord
in the Blessed Sacrarnet every Sat,.
urdy evening from,7 to 8.
Baptism on fiundays at 2 o'clock.
The Commur. on Sundays before Mass at
sill H E •x R 1
year paid strictly in advance.. When the
paper is not ordered to be discontinued
it will be sent until such order is given
and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be eharged
when not paid in advance.
ADVERTISING 'RATES, -Tran s t e n t
advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line
for first insertion and 3 cents per line for
each subsequent insertion, Small Advs.
8 o'clock, such as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen wi,1
Rev: Father Valentine, Parish Priest be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion.
of advertisement must
EVANGELICAL, German and English be hnndey �i inhnatr cange later than Tuesday night
Sunday services:- of eac=h week to insure change in follow -
German, at 10.45 o'clock a. m. English, ing issue.
7 o'clock p. ui., Sun. school at 2 p. m, Loeal notices in ordinary reading type
Tuesday evening; Junior Alliauce, at 7, 5 cents per line. Notices for Church en -
Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir praotiee at 9. tertainuteuts or other benevolent institu-
Wednesday evening; German prayer tion at special rates.
meeting, at 7.30, Thursday eveuiug; Contracts for column half -column and
English prayer meeting at 7,30. Friday quarter-eolumn rates for specified periods
evening. Teachers' cieetiug at 5, will be cheerfully riven. Address all
�'ltev. W. J. Y aeger, Pastor. communications to •
geutf dfe en. lut£l. St. Petri 1-Cird2e.
The 13esald,
t ottesbienit norm. flab li 211lr tremely picturesque. ,They present
iln5 aIetlls 7 ' ttlr. Satttita3f collie
Cough s
"My wife had adeep-seated cough
for three years. I purchased two
bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
large size, and it cured her com-
J. H. Burge, Macon, Col.
Probably you know of
cough medicines that ,re-
lieve little coughs, all
coughs, except deep ones!
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years i s Ayer's Cherry
Three sizes: 26e.. enough for an ordinary
cold; sec., Just right for -bronchitis, hoarse-
ness. bard colds, etc.; $1, most economical
for chronic segos and to keep on hand.
J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mau.
a massive and imposing appear -
norm. l0 114r. €eflrerveriantuilung , FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1903. auce. The outer facing of the
2Tlittwoctl abenbs um halbS, wsalls is of a local sandstone-. while
l Sd)iilfe. pa{tot•.! • the dressings are grey colored free -
The Tariff Question. stone from Ohio.
Dentist, graduate of the royal College
of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor
graduate of Department of Dentistry,
Toronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plats work a speeiality.
At DomtnIon House, Zurich, every
tllonday. 1-26
iT friss Lydia Rennie, having passed the
examination of the Toronto Conservatory
of Music and hawing obtained certificates
sf success for Piano and Harmony, is now
prepared to take pupils, either on Piano
or Organ, at her home in Zurich. (Use
of instruments free.)
Muss LYDIA RANNrn, Zurich.
V. BACHAND, St, Joseph.
.1-4• Notary Public, Fire and LifeIn-
euranoe Agent, Money to Loan, either by
private funds or loan companies.
Lieensed Auctioneer for Hur
ou County, respectfully solicits the pat-
ronage of those who intend having sales.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Licensed Auctioneer for the
County of Huron. I would request
those having sales to call on me.
Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran-
teed. Your patronage solicited.
Clerk IOth Div. Court, Huron
Commissioner for taking Affidavits,
Conveyancer etc. Valuator for the Hu-
ron and Erie Loan and Savings Co.
Office- Zeller Block. Zurich Ont.
(Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris-
ter, Solicitor, Notary Public.
Hensall, Ontario.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public
ete, etc. Cor. Square and North Street,
Goderieh, Ontario
• Successor to COLLINS & STANBURY
Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village
and Farm Property at lowest rates of In-
terest. Documents in original German
read and advised upon.
(Aloe over O'Neil's Bank. Exeter.
m04ar t 004f04a04rm0m00a00000*:
i 0 01, 0 0 T H E 0 0 ti; 4a 0 0
d+ 4a $1 gt ZURICH 0 0 0 4
Strictlyup-to-date datein modern im
proveents. Dining rooms is sup-
plied with only the very hest. ¶ ¶
Bar contains liquors and
s c. t 'hoice q
cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ria
Excellent Sample Rooms
for Commercial Men.
41*imeom306i4oacitt0tigais ,tioesgrtt 4tt'"
"rbe Eorntnfon"
Equipped with all
conveniences. First-class
accommodation to commer-
cial travellers. Bar and din-
ing room always suppled
with the best obtainable.
O. L. Shoo nacher Pionn
! P
The members of the Federal
government will soon meet to dis-
cuss the many important projects
which will be laid before then, one
of which will undoubtedly be the
The representatives of the var-
ious branches of industries have
also evidently resolved. to appear
before the government in order to
obtain changes in the tariff.
There is no government who has
not at heart the public's welfare
and the progress of the country at
large. It seems that two policies
are facing each other : The main-
tenance of the present tariff with
a few changes ; or a tariff answer-
ing in spirit and purport to the
American tariff.
Political protection capable to
defend us from the invasion of
foreign products when we are well
able to produce them irteenls evi-
cient. Instead of buying for sixty.
Millions mere than what we are
seilintr t,) the United States, would
it not be preferable to use every
posiiiile means to keel) these mil.
lions fa it home? In other words,
five to ten million dollars paid in
salary to Canadian workmen, and
in raw materials produced in this
country would be more profitable
to Canada in general than if these
same millions were sent to other
If by the development of new
industries and the progress of
existing ones we increase the popu-
lation of the country is it not true
that every one will benefit by it?
To increase our population we
are obliged to look to Europe and
unfortunately we have not always
imported the best element. The
adoption of an absolutely Canadian
policv,framed on that of the United
States would have the same satis-
factory results that it had with our
Our fanners, our financial insti-
tutions, our labouring classes, our
merchants have a common interest
in this matter, which is of national
Dominion Parliament Buildings,
It is admitted by all that there is
no finer site on the Continent than
that selected for the Parliament
Buildings of Canada. Viewed
from every point they look impos-
ing and graceful. They aro sur-
rounded by natural beauties. The
bold bluff, sloping in a sharp angle
to the river, and covered with a
thick growth of verdure, is in
itself a sight worth travelling a
long distance to sec. Around it
there winds a beautifully secluded
walk known as "Lovers' Walk," a
favorite promenade, where lovers
of nature are wont to congregate.
Those who pass from one end to
the other on to summer's day, find
it difficult to believe they .are on
the outskirts of a great city. •
The Parliament Buildings are
composed of three blocks, which
are built in the pointed gothic
style of architecture and are • ex-
Wth Croup
Croup is the terror of every mother
and the cause of frequent deaths
among small children. Dr. Chase's
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentint
brings prompt relief to the loud, ring-
ing cough, makes breathing easy ani'
prevents suffocation. It is mothers'
favorite remedy for coughs, coils:
croup, bronchitis, whooping cough and
Mrs. F. W. Bond, 20 Macdonald
street, 73arrie, Ont., says :-"Havin_
tried your medicine, my faith is very
high in its polders of curing cough and
croup. My little girl has been sub.lect
to the croup for a Jong time, and
found nothing to cure it until I gave
Dr. Chase'sruof Lin n
Sy p seed and Tur-
pentine. I cannot speak too .highly of
25 cents a bottle, all dealers, or Ed.
gtanson, Bates & Co., Toronto.
Dr. Chase's Syrup
of Linseed
and Turpentine.
The foundation stone was laid in
1860 by H. R. H.. the Prince o
Wales, our present Ring, who wa
then paying his visit to the Conti
nent. This stone of white marble
is deposited below the wester;
wing of the Senate and bears the
following inscription. "This corner
stone, intended to receive the
Legislature of Canada, was laid by
Albert Edward, Prince of Wales on
the first day of September, 1860."
The central block contains the
two chambers, the -Senate and
Commons. and the offices of the
officials. The i ront is four hund-
red and seventy-two feet long and
three stories high, the basement
being entirely above the. ground
line. The central tower is two
hundred and ten feet long, sur-
mounted by a crown and flagstaff,
and from which point the whole
city and surrounding country •can
be. seen. On each side of the cen-
tral tower, the main structure
extends right and left. Tho east-
ern wing aecomodates the Senate
and. id, Yofieials, and the western
wing. the "faithful Commons."
Both chambers are superbly
ornamented and contain some very
fine stained glass, representing
emblematic designs.
Reference must be made to the
magnificent Library of Parliament.
It is built very largely upon' the
lines of some of those famous chap-
ter houses, which aro attached to
the noble and old Cathedrals of
Which there are so many in the 'old
lands. It is planned in the form of
a polygon of sixteen sides. The
interior of .the library is decorated
with wooden carvings of a most
beautiful character, which alone
are worth a visit of inspection and
in the centre is a marble statute of
Queen Victoria and busts of the
Prince and Princess of Wales, our
present king and queen, and other
notable personages also find a place
at the angles of the alcoves. The
books are dispersed in three gal-
leries. In front of some of the
alcoves are placed shields, hearing
the arms of the several provinces.
Another important feature of the
building is the reading room of the
House of Commons, where papers
from all over the world are receiv-
ed, due prominence being given to
those of the Dominion. Strangers
or tonrists may, by applying for
card of admission to the Clerk of
the Commons, enter and read the
local papers of their district or
At present the buildings are.
being prepared for the coming
session of Parliament. The open-
ing day being Mar. 12.
M. D.
Sohra:4er, Thorns Lane Jr,, Pat
Sullivan, Wm. Wilzel, M. Ziler,
Henry L. Kraft, Angus McCormick,
Wm. Baumgarten, Tholnas Key's,
Fred Praetor, Wil. Brown, John
Houlahan, Thomas Keogh, Dougal
McIsaac, James • Baxter, Chas..
Willert Jr, ,Richard Hodgins, John
Payne, Isaac Bastard, Jacob Zeller,
Robert Adaro, John Brown, Chas,
Stone. Thomas Follis, Geo. Webb
Sr.,Wilfred Ltafond, Thos. Farrell,
Wm. Lovie, Ed. Gill Jr., Philip
Baker, Wesley Isaac, Wm.Davg,
Jos, Webb, W. G. Reilly, Pat,
Glavin, Jos. McKeever, Michael
O'Brien, John McGarry, Jahn Barry,
Rioharrd O'Rouke, Thos. Ryan,
Theo. Whiteside, C H Wilson, Fred
Green, Silas Stanlake Jr., Wm.
Sanders, Thos. Atkinson, Adam
Birk, Henry. Schroeder, Peter
Schroeder, John , Merriott, Conrad
Walper:. The following were ap-
pointed poundkeepers : Wni. Moff-
att, Thos. Shapton, Wm. Fritz, Jos.
Edwards, T.J.Amy, Silas Stanlake,
B. Cunningham, C. Finkbeiner,
Simon Dieterich, Fred Preeter, 0.
L. Mosser, Albert ]4losser•, James
Hickey, Geo. Webb, Jos. Brenner,
C. H. Wilson. The following are
the fenceviewers : Sidney Davis,
James Clark, Ezra Haist, David
Mawhinney, Geo, Finkbeiner, Peter
McKenzie, John Love, Geo. Down,
Austin Hayter.
The following Orders were grant-
ed :-Municipal World, subscrip-
tions, $5.00 ; Municipal World,
marriage registrar, $1.87 ; Sun
Insurance Company, insurance oh
hall, $10.00 ; Henry Wing, store
- account, $2.35 ; Jos. McKeever, tile
on S. B., $1,50; Robert Gower,
1 wood for town hall, $20.00 ; Advo-
cate Ptg. Co., account, $87.00 ; Geo.
Mawhinney, gravel, 96 ets ; Dick=
son and Carling, legal expenses re
award, $14.52 ; Jas. McCarty, tile
on S. B., $1.50 ; D. Morrison, gravel
contract on S. B., $6.10 ; F. W.
Farncomb, award re Follis, $12.00.
Council adjourned to meet again
in the Town Hall, Crediton, on
Monday, the sixth day of April
next, at one o'clock p. m.
Township Clerk.
All kinds of good logs wanted at
once, for which highest prices will
be paid. Cash on delivery.
Stephen Council;
The Ciouncil of the Township of
Stephen convened in the Town Hall,
Crediton, on Monday, March 2nd at
1903. All members present, Min.
utes of the previous meeting were
read and adopted.
Resolved that John Wein have
the privilege of removing timber
off the 3rd. side road on the Tenth
Concession, provided he piles the
brush on the North side and makes
the roar; passible for teams.
i. ,
The Clerk ,
L e n ;salt; a communication
before the Council from William
Lane, County Clerk, asking that a
deputation be appointed to meet
the County Council at Clinton on
the 4th. inst, t,,diseuss the advisa-
bility of establishing a system of
County roads. Ordered to be filed.
A coniniunication from the
Mayor of Goderich was laid before
the Council, asking thele to peti-
tion the Dominion Government; to
build a break water at Goderich.
Grdered to be filed.
The following aro the pathniast•
ers appointed for the present year :
P. hicks, William Luker, •Thor as
Parsons, Geo. Hill, Byron Hicks
,NetsonBakel Fred Hogarth, Wm
Bagshaw, Wm. Petihale, William
Dearling.,Jr,, Williani White, Philip
Lane, Wilson Anderscn,John Mast,
Peter Kilpatrick, Chas, B6x, Geo.
Snell, Henry Lamport, James
Clark, Paul Shink, John Morloek,
James Carroll, (Lot 3). Jos, tV.
Lawson, Jacob Finkbeiner, Wrn, H.
141orloek, John Brokensliire, Moses
Amy, Edward Hall, D. Mawhinney,
Geo. Mawhinney, S. i'reszoator;; I1.
PUBLIC Notice is hereby given that an
application will be made to the Par-
liament of Canada, at its next session, for
an Act to incorporate a company under the
name of "The St. Joseph Transportation
Company," with power to locate and con-
struct a canal or system of canals so as to
create a navigable waterway from Some
point on the eastern shore of Lake Huron,
in the County of Huron or of Lambton,
the Province of Ontario, to some point on
the northern shore of Lake Erie in the
County of Elgin in the said provinoe, with.
power to snake surveys and to determine
the location of the said waterway; to
dredge, deepen, raise or lower, the levels
of, or improve the existing water -courses
between the said points, and to establish
such connecting links necessary to snake
and.eomplete throughout the entire dis-
tance between the said terminal points, a
navigable canal of a depth of not less than
eighteen feet, and of a width which may
be found necessary to enable vessels of
deep draft to meet and pass in safety at
any point in said canal; moreover, to con-
struct, operate and maintain all such
works and structures necessary in connec-
tion with such through waterway; more-
over, to acquire,lbuild, own, lease, operate
and maintain or otherwise dispose of ter-
minals, harbours, wharves, docks, piers,
landing places, water lots, yatds,elevators,
warehouses, dry docks, reservoirs, and
other structures, such as locks, dans and
all works necessary for the production and
use of electric, hydraulic, pneumatic and
other power required for the said under-
taking, and also for the purpose of irriga-
tion; to lease or otherwise dispose of said
works and powers; to acquire, own, trans-
port by cable or electric power, all steam-
ers, barges, or any other vessels which
require to be transported through the said
waterway for the pursose of inland naviga-
tion, and also with powor to acquire, own,
sell and diepone of and operate vessels of
all kinds, and to transport them through
the said canal, in such manner and upon
such terms as the company may deem fit;
with power also to acquire by purchase,
expropriation or otherwise, such lands,
water lots, rights in navigable or unnavig-
able streams and rivers, and other such
property as may be necessary for the pur-
pose of the undertaking, and to again
dispose thereof or any part thereof as the
company may deem expedient; to levy
and to collect • tolls; to take, use and
dispose of water for the purpose of said
canal or for irrigation purposes or for gen-
erating hydraulic and other powers; to
transmit and dispose of the said powers
for all purposes with power also to con
street and operate a line of railway and
tramway of either standard or narrow
gauge; also such bridges, ferries, tele-
graph, telephone or electric light or power
lines, which may be considered necessary
in counoetion with the said undertaking;
to own, acquire, q r control and operate
branch lines of railway to connect with all
and any railways situated within a distance
of ten miles from any portion of the said
canal, and with respect thereto, with
power to acquire lands and property
necessary for such branch lines by expro-
priation under The Railway Act, and to
connect with such other railway or rail-
ways and enter into to running or traffic
arrangements therewith; also to acquire
and run said branch lines of railway either
by steam or electric or cable or pneumatic
power; to make arrangements with any
company, corporation, permit or persons
whomsoever to carry piassengers, freight
or other commodity over and through the
works of the company, and to eharge such
prices and tolls therefor as may be approv-
ed; moreover, with power to purchase or
otherwise acquire shales, debentures and
seeutitie of
s other canal or railway a.oni-
panies and corporations, and to sell nt•
exchange its own securities with such
companies; and to carry on tt•ani;portation,
'forwarding and elevator business for the
purpose of the undertaking; together with
all such other general powers and privil-
eges, ineluding financing, as may be
necessary for the purposes hereinabove'
more particularly described.
Hinman Sr, i4lrxonsr,L,
Solicitors for applicants.
14.tontreal, 30th January, 1903. 29.ot
i ce . , .,.,.�� Y %111=
F G1 r
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children thall,
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They
are made of a combination Of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans 'Tabules
are widely used by all softs of people -but to the N
plain, every -day folks they are a'veritable friend
in need, Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard. family remedy. They are a dependable, q
honest remedy. with a long,and successful record;
to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stub-
constipation, offensive breath. heartburn,
dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness,
muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and
liver complaints. They strengthen weak stom-
tole-achs, build up run-down systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and , sound, natural sleep.
Everybody derives constant benefit from a regu-
lar use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells rf
them. The live -cent packet is enough for an
ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents,, '}
contains a supply for a year.
Prli t r
RTISTIC PRINTINCG, the kind that
appeals to the eye. and. throngh it at-
tracts attention to the subject talked
about, is the most profitable kind of
It pays the customer far nlort' than hn gill
save by accepting " any old thing " in lien of
an artistic piece of work.
THE HERALD Job Department has Imide
a specialty of this kind of work. Its printing .
has been acknowledged to be the inert issued
front local presses.
As an
for this section, we cover the ground,
and cover it well. Our circulation is steadily
increasing, and by the encs of the year „•e con-
fidently hope to reach the thousand mart;.
Our Work is of the First Qnalliy and
our Prices are Always Right.
If you ever contracted any Blood Disease you are never safe unless the virus or
poison has been eradicated front the system. At times you see alarming symptoms,
but live in hopes no serious results will follow. Have you any of the following
symptoms?, Sore throat, ulcers on the tongue or in the, mouth, hair falling out, ach-
ing pains itchiness of the skin, sores or blotches on the body, eyes red and smart,
dyspeptic stomach, sexual weakness -indications of the secondary stage. Don't
trust to luck. Don't ruin your system with the old fogy treatment -mercury and
potash -which only suppresses the symptoms for a time only to break out agate when
happy in domestic life. Dou't let quacks experiment on you. Our NEW METHOD
TREATMENT is guaranteed to cure you. Our guarantees are =backed
by bums bonds that the disease will never return. Thousands of patients
have been already cured by our NEW METHOD TREATMENT for over 20 years,
and no return of the disease. No experiment, no risk -not a "patch up," but a post.
Live cure. The worst cases solicited.
NE s : V
OUR NEW MET1 na 7.^RIBII'H•MRPili will cure yon, and make a man
of you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that
all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; tbo nerves become strong as steel, so
that nervousness bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright,
the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and sex-
ual systems are invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste frons the system.
The various organs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know
marriage cannot be a failure. We invite, all the afflicted to consult us confidentially
and free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earned
BLADDER DISEASES, and all diseases peculiar to meu and women. Cures guarau-
tires:- you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you contemplating
RFi riage? Bas your brood been diseased? have you any weak-
t J lllllllll.���111JJJtl s Hess? Our New Meahod Treatment will caro u.
o Consul Charge. Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion bice of Charge.
Charl=es reasonable. 3ocksFree.--'fine Golden Monitor" [Illustrated) on Diseases of
men 'Diseases of Women" "The Wades of Sin." "Varicocele, Stricture and Gleet."
All sent Free sealed
No medicine sent C. 0. D. too names on boxes or envelopes. Everything
confidential. Ques ion list and Cost of Treatment, FREE, for !tome Cure.
i' M el It'f, I ± "A LL a�-fiiH.!:. r inl
Subscribe for
Selioiters of American and Foreign Patents, Designs,Trademarks,Copytip
rights. Wiil return fee if Patent is not secured. Send for
Inventor's Guide, or How to Got a Patent.
kirMention this Parfet' and secure special r8tgs.9I