HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-03-06, Page 34 _.,_ - - - i �. lar a. pltesus. '1~Isa celttbrated ..,...,... -.. �.. "Fpl7eslAat loGters"' trete small slips I his imnglnatiall. a. Quiekenaei his --- �6of palrchtnent irr silk bags, on tvlric]i memory. G. Eller - his twill. 7, ""` '' r Page oven Wire Fence E A free SamplePacket" enc t, andn hCre ca tr ed :End sou- I Kin& led witltprl iris, rite wtltar-fiX'es r with its continuous coil (not, crimped)is the fences, and ,Were a ear tied about an of wctryhip. \�. best stook -holding Fence made, Mage No. the person its charms or amulets to Thp usual marks of a great revival. 7 wirestandsa3 WOpounds'nrafn-common r- • l� y, shield (torn danger, or to procure 7., Eu.rncast anti rrswasive preaching. 7 wire only i,7op pounds. common wiro P p g will not toll--lt straightens out again -4t of Delicious SALADA Ceylon Tea good forkuzze,-SchaYf, Books -There hardening of hearts among lase � I ' hasn't a spring tesnpor--lage wire has, r were no books then 4ucli as we have Impenitent. 3. Opposition by, the ,, . The Paz& W ror+rencill%eaco,,33t. ai,nrt`"`r' �� i t now; 'theca books Nrpre parchment saanptrwer aano���a o ? Lf eo aefo s r+:oatre7s11 19.42., And st, Oohn, W.U. -1 ++. y,, i (Black, Mixed or Natural Green) Will I;Je rolls which contained their mysteries of g p p - ent to an arson Ili 1 and described their heathen practices. ROaling of both, soul and body In - " ._. - .11 _:__ g ` y ng n this coupon and Burned thorn, etc,-Contossion is p0artie•ular casc+s. 6. ReeOgnitiort or tvhercrAiisce;;enatiorz is I'rolrpbire time between 'the a• en of ei. htee t i cheap, but reformation Is often God's power and working even by. A marriage between whites and 3' -four months. After: wind twent costly. A false penitence ivoulyl have those possessed od evil spirits. 7.'1•hs passant, of negro desuc;trG ;Ire firahilr another t,aatute of trvo to four' Sell lllb it to us with a' 2 -cent stamp for sold these books, and kept both the complete defeat and confusion of teed and punishable Ili A]abauta, � il_ anotinorithLa, the riffs group, the poste�*n Write Plainly and mention Black, Mined money and the credit for Piety- tlxaso �r-Lo seek to imitate God's zonal, Arkansas, California, Colorado, for malars, appear, lletsveen tlzd'' postage. Whedon. Such a burning pile must work. S. Thorough coaression of Delaware, DhAriet of Columbia, 1'lov- t ttv+entieth and thirtieth months. 1. or Natural Green have attracted great attention and aril deedsl among the penitent. 9, In tela, Ceorgia,, Idaho, Indiana, Kon- i Name caused a comnlution in .Ephesus. Be- teln� conviction ianlong all classes Lucky, Maryland, Nebraska, -Nava,cla, '� I e4ddr. • • • • • • • • ` • . • • " • • . • . .. • • • ..... • . fore all ,ten -Publicly, Fifty tlxott- Of people. 10. Thorough reformation • e,Sd ... . ... . ............. .......... . tiort,h Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, 1 • • • .. ".. sand ,pieces -Tho sacrifice was very among all tsvho "uso curious arts." TO ENTERTAiN YOUTH. ., Address ri SALADA" TLA CO., Toronto. great. The a0 000 pieces of silver, Leah, 1'ea beta, and dies �'irgiiI(,- 1 �' " , , 11, Progress of the work iu mighty Dlarria,ges between whites and Ttt- ' if reckoned in Jewish money (slrekels7, Power. A Compcsite Y'ir Euro Game 7ehrat lata _.._... dian,s are void in lrizona, \cystis, _.. _ _.___. _ ,+ would be about $35,000; if in Greek peu•1 the, 'revivalist. This remark- \ortlz Carullnai, Ori:. on and TALK IN MILLIONS. (drachms),. n.s is more probatible, b" South be Dfade'Very Interesting. arbour $9,500."—lixzcent. '•But this axble •servant• of God lived in the at- Carolina. ;liarrlar:g:•s betwec=n whites You orad not suppose from th9,� `l gives no Idea of the purchasing plower masphere ai blessing. He enjoyed the and Chinese are veld in Arir., nal, Calf- !!! e 1 ha laws of izo4]m�ess the ra tore of .tarnirt, \evarl<L, Oregon and I; la ll. natne of the game that it re uireIN What It Costs to Float a New Brand of �' � . �� ~' ���• of tho rnoxley." A. (l+Ly's wages then heart , p ' I q Plug Tobacco. was only a penny, and at ills rate of t>oart purity;. Iio Celt profoundly a.ny knatwlodge of drawing on the INTIi (NATIONAL LP NO. X. wages here, rite sum would amount stirred and moved by the spirit of T� �j�Tj�T�� I part of the players. On the contrary„ �J.�xe Abiarlea•n Tobacco Company DIAr.Cii 8, 1903, to from $50,000 to `~100,000. hali'nes�s, His words, -xis looks, Ills OD NEWS 1Y S FRO Lid tea less the know about tirawin ttrougl;ttt out a brand 91 of plug called 20. So -This one word !,so" is a acts were all Instinct with the spirit y and the power of truth, IIs could (� J A�(� 1•]le more amusing and successful fit "Battle -Ax." 'Me very mention of - divino "amen a testimony of ap- �r �j j j iJ game rvtip be, , �e name wili probably recall to %9an1 at 1Cpheaus-Acte 1s: 73.20. Studs provAl coming from heaven. -Longa. Preach, he caned pray, he could weep readers the time when the name Verses 8-20. Miglitdly-"'f;'Ith overpowering force -all i,n. the Spirit, Let the players seat themselves ijX • &tared• at one fromtevery dead wall and strength which nothing could re- -'�' a circle, each to be provided with aii CODgDi.GN'PARX.-1, Paul's preach- , .,.,�,,,.,�,,,�,•„�,,,,, and fence. sista' Grew -The truth grew in favorFr��� 11.1,�,„,,•,., W. J. Dixon Cured of Rheunxa- sheet of notey poured 'oat in' rivers, Eng and mreii�cletis, vis, s -1`L. Paul '+vent papa+r and a pencil. Th ” idi ev wa^s with the people, and theretrete matey ,]rack of a book luny. be Lebed as a laatud� aveai with the encnxnou9 ,saledc- into the syna�gogue and spoke tloid- • lisnx by Dodd s F;.iatzey I illsvefoped by advertising there w1as a ly fox•. •three months. During this WE HAVE THE I14GHT TO SAY e arketso I pail to writes on. 91 ltoavyl deficit, hitt thl3 did not frau' time na opposition waL�s offered to Impure blood is the breed'rrn� lace : L-------­~,-�=_Z:___ C l;rcir player should fold bis shea5blo MT. Duke. Ike was fighting not ham, and ttr,e al o P p w......-...,. 'i fHe Could hardly WaLlk or Sieep, But , of paper twice, thus making thAldnlyl for trade 'but for trade supre- P stle ryas permitted for innumerable illnesses. When we� ys xLory 5tron•� Rndklcart Oircc liars � !slaty, and lie knot, that the bill t'O speak with the utmost freedom see aniybody suffering from rheuma- 1 J cr•ea es divi,le it luta three equaa sect and lioldmess. But a cl^isle final tfsm lin in on crutches or find on Toro) t) FAI-1,kers' Markets Barwick. I O., Rainy. (fiver, Feb. 1 tions, but, of course, the aper is no would be .settled later on. 4s , P g p 'Al man prominently connected with arose and a division took place. our way, a person covered with Nov 2.-The,receipts of grain were 16• -(Special) -The hardships endur- to be cut, Tim;) lie draws in the upl� the tdbacco busineasi is my author- Tile majority or the Jews hardened sores, we feel tempted to call Gut to very, dull to -day', in consequence of ed by the settlers of a new couutry I per,,eetion a comic heat'd, of a person, their hearts a rainst the trach, and them, as well as to those suffering the rain. Orre load of goose wixe it so often bring oil illneumatistn that I aL her- Or ,r,u animal of some kind, 1ty1 far the Qtateiuentli'hat Mr. Duke � any well authenticated cure rs t said to hfg1l: at Ienigth the leaders proclaimed from anaemia, scrofula: "Poor man, sold at 6Sc; one load or barley at extending the neck down over the "We sank $1,000,000 in making their hostility and retailed Christian- 'tile help is 'within, your reach, and Wc, and 100 bushels of oats at 37 eagerly discussed and carefully [n- I first crease, part of the way to the 'Satkte-Ax' known and gettint; it ity publicly in the synagogue. This you still co.nrtluue to suffer !" We� to 37 1-2e. vesti;gated iu this neighborhood. 1 utiddle, section. r estaWlshed, but since then we have conduct induced. tine apostle not on- ha.ve the right to sa,y that, since we Eggs in fair suppty, ,with new laid For this reason 'Lire recent cure of 1 He thein colas the first section overt, made $12,000,000 from rt, —F rom the ly to renounce, oil liris own part, all have known the lllstory, of this po- I selling at :Is and 26; a dozen, and William Jolm Dixon ha•s creatted a ! backward, thus hiding the head he I t'eldoFvslblp twirl, the synagogue, sernsatiau. He was a familiar fig- }t.,ls r1L:r�wn, and harid:3 tdre lapel tory Tobacco War, by E. Mayo, in Lea- pwbar medicine; hardly any; other held eggs fit to 1` a Butter steady bre limping around with his stink 1 h s ri � g p y . ►fee! s Monthly for March• also to withdraw fhb whole nom- medictne has succeeded in achieving at L10 ,co 22c for pound rolls and l,ht-ILaud neighbor. The la e Ler of the Christians from it. He ,such remarkable and thorough cures t '18c for large : its, and his cure was so speedy and w•ho reeelves tete paper draws a bo'd l then chose the lecture room of a as Dr. August Koeni 's Hamburg I ,Ila and straw.. 'nominal at quo- complete that it is little wonder c,f one kind on the middle sectio ARE WE FAR1ViL+'dtS i31.1£d33 man named Tyrannus, as a, suit g g 3'. aiZle Drops. Facts are eloquent. Thou-, ta,tions. lxsople aro looking on Dodd's hid- connet...g It will, tine neck that th The Detroit Journal recently is- place far ],,is religious teaching. ,sands of testimonials bring news i 1 Dressed hogs are firm. Small lots I ne,v fills as something; to siveai' by. Ciz:,t playrv_r izus lei't for that purpos succi a special export number. It con- During these 5 ears In Ephesus Paul of cures by these "life drops, as ; of light selllanK sit 38 'to $b,'I..i, and 1 I had an attack of Typhoid of Bourse he does not know what kin tKaned. an article written ma'd'e a Profound impression and all e fever, lir. Dixon so}•s In telling of a head ilia first by Mr. H'. grateful patient named them, and ; h&avr at +a'7.7u to $H. plater has drawn^ C. Morris, the United States Consul Asia was stirred. "Aided by his faith- every, day. the list of them is increas- Folk,wfng is the range of quotrl- Iris story, "and, after I got over ft � and lie draws any body that strik In Windsor, Ontario. Among other ful fellow ministers, and perhaps by Ing. It must be further said in praise I tions; Wheat, white. bushel, 7L' to and started to work I1bLunratisnx Ifs fancy, just bo inning the leg things, -he said; his consecrated twelve (ra. 6, 7), of Dr. Augelsrt Koenig's .Hamburg 1 721,c: do., red. Bushel, 721 to 73�c; set in. I had pains in my back and rlaLvn ovar the edge. of the lower gerA "It is common] known Bare that Ilia could not only thunder the law Drops that they are r in my rlgh pup so bad that I had tion. y prepared from ; tib., spring, butihel, 6dc; (ia., goose. , come of the larger concerns in the `ate the gospel from the academic plants and roots, without any ad -1 Iaislxe'!. G7 to (18c; cats, bush o :17 to use it stick to walk and I had Tlivo lie folds back the section o hall of Tvrannus, but In the aur- mixture of mineral fitlbstalrees, such and 37? c; peas. 1)i1shel, 7,i and 78c; no comfort in sleeping. I could not whir•11 lie b.Ig draltivn the body and United States, in artier to undersell I more than dress myself tar nearly j Itan,Is the paper to ,his right -sane( P rounding rural territory and even as mercury;, zinc , , competitors here, have shipped into the other great Asiatic cities. Thous- , ate., end there -1 barley, bushel. $7 and .rl.ie; buck- I two months, and for three or four nelxhhar, will, only the lower sectio Canada machines of a former and ands who came to Ephesus to wor- tare ff not have the unpleasant use I tr]rpat, bufrlicb 50 and Glc; rye, months I could not I;iee ruy right � �hotcing. '!'h,a playas then draws the older pattern. Tlhe Amer]can farm- ship in the temple of Diana, came to ter effects resulting from the use h;.sheI, 5 -'Tic; nay, tinlotity, per, ton, er twill buy notating that is not strict- hear the gospel of the Saviour in the of other Iso -called blood purifiers and 51_a $Iu: cin., mixed, per ton, $6 shioe or put my right leg on my ' deg and that completes the figure F' purgatives, tt hicll arta, remove ; r . left knee Whim the papers have been cot ly ti-tol-date, and at the end of ev- school of Tyrannus. Other thousands to �d . strnw. per ton, ..s7 to $9. "A brother of mice advised me to ; lr•„ted and o rened the most ery season there are left over some heard that same gospel from Ills small ills a,nd cause much greater i Seeds. per Ililbllel-Alsike, No. L $6,75 try Dodd's I%fdney I'flls, and atter an -.1 absurd noinbinations +viii txq seen machines that will be a year old apastls's faithful .m]sslonaries; so ones. the are sifts, asked. "When t to $7.2Z): do. \o ? .$6.00 to $6.:G0, takingthree boxes I be an to walk i -Men, birds anftuals and fisltce will b the next season, and these mach•• that literally all Asia heard the ward should the system rs nalpuried," This ei 1 rpd clover, wti.;U to w7.,,0; t3lnolhr, aroud and do my tvr,ih and pace i mixed up. ' i Was may lack some new, innovation, of the Lord Jesus." murst be left to persona] jurIgment, ` c17, to �_'3U; splits ppr k�ar^rc'1, up my shoes. and we can only reply: When na- - -__ .-_--_ ._ . .. ......�- but will da tlrp work and are just If. Vagabond Jews defeated. (vs. 13- tore demands it. The s rinm is en- $1.00 to $1 7) ; drossod bogm *7.73 "�`ix loxes cured me eompletely." i as good, as the Up-to-date mrachine; 17). 13,-'Pagabond-stroll Ing- They erally' considered the proper time to &. ';, ; etilrs, batt }aicl, 1 i to ` Oe; and these machines -back numbers- worn similar to modern gypsies anti for purifying the system. We do not butter, dairy, 7.73 til :.'0c; rlo., cr7�ani- ' are shipped into Canada ata fortune tellers,. "Certati.li ,laws who P g I Ilo,v Baby G,ci ili Toeth. 'fir )much want to upset that theory:, bnt the ""t ' �1 it: ;c: rhickr•ns, per pair, reduced pinvaice value, thus saving tyrant about from plaz,•e to place ro- 7.-.c to �:i._,:,; t1LLel;tr, per ll?., 1() ti.. I When Ixiby g;et h?s first t+>ntll 1 P must point out thrat blood r;hould be i- duty, and they are just as laeceptable tessing• by charms stud spells to d:urc Purified also at other times, when P:.:• ttrrkoys, per ill.. I:> to .t �?; ` [s, .Curl airy L� y bah titan, ri gm -at k M.,: ' "a to the Canadian farmer ase any ma- the a't-," 1•:xaf til:—nal, +-rho, by there are sfgtns that it is not clear. ptttatocs, per bafi. S1.3.i to $1.30. ocea.sian in the family. lint just ++iters ` chino." the autiLatity o[ the ,sine oP some and waaita re latin ! So, according to no `less a Powerful being solemnly assumed to g l.radi,it9 tt'hL•ut dlarlrets. i this wander of the world should.a 4 % ' e iters&, - i FoIlatvin , r p- rer_uire the demon to cls art so ef- g arc: th'e closing quota- peau .is not known to the ;•ouug ` { t i:., , the a Consul , the Republic to p conversions and accessions to the ; ;.f(ns at fniltort:Ent ttlratatt centres father and inollier. Babies hair the srotrth of us, Ivo (armors who Call o e as to be obey�, -- •N.hadau ,•snits. "The word of Uod ra= v •n ta,-day: y� Call over ter-m.-Tinc,tvtng .1rtLt Paul 6'-' ,u'�+ buy United States machines are ower and fntentiity and led t o ma:^- Teen born with tt•eth anti llavetheen , east Out demons thr•oug it the name of P Rash. ZIa•y. .1111v. 1 1, (, 4 -0000 .really buying •rho absoleta machine Jesus, they thought that by using rclous deeds of self-renunciation as \env Tork .. :;11-•k i83- t healthy youngsters at that. \c- t gathered at the United States im- the same nam turfy could produce well as to file manifest:Ltian of er•t,.t , t,l ten, "' element agencies and sh! P go ... r'i 3-8 7: . -8 { cording to physicians a healthy . peed into the same effects. Adjure you .- We solemnity and jny." And prevailed- Toledo .. .. 77 ifs 1-:, 75 .-5 I Imby may cut its ffrsL ta,)tli beforo ; A - Canada. It is not to' be wondrarea 3t prevailed. , xt 'is four months old. ar it may x , sC a lziutI you by :ill oath : eve+ command � Y+itlntlt \c►. 1 1 • . at t'lratt the United States machines you as under thea solemnity uI an Thoughts. -Tho fnithrup anti per-; Nor. ... ,,.... 76 7x71-1 7? 'slh'tpped into Canada do not wear or oath. -Barnes. 'Whoun Paul preached gistent preaching of the go•ep ,l + 1 lie quite WOLhle, s att the age of � � � r givo satisfaction like the Canadian -No doubt they had often hoard Paul wing's results. Those, who oplause i British live Stock MarlLets. rat`s r, waw t Ir . I Implements. One coulee hardly -ex- proclatin the divinity or (ibrist in Christ or Hia gospel will ultimately , London, March ::.-•,10-,lny Cana- ? eight or nine unontlus' te�a�i• ';d � I a pact •title to be the ease under the 1 fhb stall or Tyrannus. quffer defeat. TlMse Who would be t ellau cattle aro unt•lianged at 1.0 to s u neratlly, however, at birth, a . ,s a rather extraordinary conditions cited � 14, A chief priest-"Ch]ef priest In trine followers or Chriat rnusl bra i 1.1?;c per it,, dre:ward w. Agdr.l•; Alu- l lmby's g;um•t; are 3tu.urtii, rfrin, an] � 4e. � by Mr. Morris. the \err Testa ineut usuallt• refers to ready' to make great sacrificeu fu^ i pr]oan catilr, 11?, t0 1z,.r per lb.; ! aI ct light Irilik et,lur, the c+[g ,; ab K,F i, .�`. fy mein of the priestly order who were Him, .even to ufferfng tho lass of ; (>heep, 11 to, 15e per lb., refrigor- rather hard and kbarp, After a ' , ..1. A Brave Struggle. also rulers in the SanIledrin. This rill thft,gs. Atnong the worst th:uga� ator beet, 91j to l0c per ib. { man was a Jewish ahfeI priest of dis- in the world are bad books, and the Toronto Live Stock. few naouths txe, tdg;as ut the' gcnis w Madge -Dolly is h.nving a hard tinction and had hell -the office of sooner they nre committed to the i ga grow broader fn frrrut, ari tb.,� teeth Miss Alice �iYlit�tl, Oji So struggle between duty and inciiva- i a ruler."-i3arnes, 1'lanxes the better. liomanees, Love-' po nieditimehoice cwt.. 40 to i on begin to reach the : urfa7•e,�rnilea Oi�S>flif. 1}CiiS tion since she joined the new. wom:- 1u, Evil spirit amswered-The cell books and Immodest anti unchaL,r`.p d000 ns, per cWt ....... 3 ,ss to 3 70 and the,, Nvom•e ratiwr uia.x e pre,- j Minneapolis, y b0; + spirit in the man spoke through; the :i)Oems often find their way into bite Buteher..'pieku,l .,......... a 10 to i 40 milaent, but when tfEGtliing it pro- Woman's >tllollthiv suffering is en"s club. ! man. Compare _Mask Ili. 11. Jesus I ( libraries of professed Christian v+n- do good to choice........ 311(l to 425 c e.,:.iu; in aL normal twaty th, du P l do fair to mediuu), , ..... 3 to to a as y' permanently relieved by ;[.ydia E., Marjorie -So Z thought. The last I knot, etc.=That is, I know Ills Pte, and Ill all such caWk; pLM.- do rough toconuuon.... 2 00 to 2 7c not 1•ecome recd and inflamed. `i'Il , ! time I say, her she was wearingpawG9r and authority and I know Paul bonfires would still be in order. Built, export henry ........ 3 5U to 4 2t ' y gums only remain ixx this condition illiii{ilillil Vegetable Compound. bi,6'h heeled shoes with a rain da. ars His servant. litho are ye -You ) ..light... ............... •s 110 to 3 t0 y y I1,�iCTiG:iL SUptl`LF, Feeders=, short -heel.,....... 3 oc to t r:, for a month or so previous t0 titer j "I have never before skirt. -Town Topics. •- have no power or authority, you are do medium .............. 3 00 to 3 fro eruption nr the first tooth. 1 given my en -I not Fits followarr, and so only pre- BOldneas. Paul's ministry at Ephe- do loath ................. r 33 to s ;e The teeth .should u00th . nr,Lke ; dorsement for any medicine, bu temders in the use of His name. s sus was characterized br boldness. Stockare, choice ............. 3 i5 to 40 their arppearanve in a certain defin- 1 Comraound has add d so xz�utg.h tom I 36 -Both of them -It do cominou........., ,... 3 to "J } p ONE-WAY HATES. pleats tea lie did not enter thra synaLgogue tint- Milch co,er, eaeh............ 3o 110 to 55 00 its •order, ,llut this is very much I life and happiness thatl Leel iikemel TO many points in the States ofCald- only two of the seven sons were pres- idly and take a back seat. No, Ila ; Export levee: t��t........... 3 75 to 3 5o mvijeerLs ooatvariation, so anxlow; i fog aneha pine in this ease, For tw en.0 on this occasion. Prevailed -The had a gIorMous message and lee tunsif (&sofa, Oregon and \Yashington. g pI Calves, ................ i fro iroi d5 Q teeth do not always nlatke their apt- years every month I would have tw E'V1;Ri' DIY'. mato fn whom tea demon was raging.•eekin a ,ortunitie,s to deliver at. tore off their clothing and wounded lie pushed through dloars that were Calves, Paoli percrst......•. u 0 to o an p@aranee in the order given in the ! days of relief but pain and could find n 1Vita Union Pacific will sell One their bodies, so that they fled to dis- not tylliingly opened and by the do hit. per a r.......... 5'5 to 0 00 book. There .Lee t+venty tentpornry, i + u one day while visiting Colonist Tickets at the following grace from Ills presence. very, energy p" do light, per col........ 5 75 to 0 00 or milk teeth, 4a nd their "cutting', I ?,end I run across Lydia E. Plifi .: 4 gy of Ills ministry cam [l- rates from biissouri river terminals. 17. This became known -Gradually ed men to near. I. Boldness Ili it- E3raLdstrrr•ts on Trestle, r;,onslftuLes the first dentition. ham's Vegetable geta'ble Coin pottncd, $25.00 to can Francisco, Los An- the news was spread abroad. Fear self attracts the attention of man- The permanent teeth are thirty- I she had used it with the best rresul gelees and many other California fell -This occurrence caused a great kind. 2. It evokes the admiration 1 h Trnda conditions at Df,rntreal are ; ttta in numixfer. T}tcsa begin to ap- and advised me to try it. I found Points.93 kets on sale Feb, i,; to sensation, and produced a; fear of of men, when rt is exhibited in any I earltl,y aaxi colltirilte to •snow ex- : peau at the age of six, and cunsist that it worked wonders with me; Jane 15, 1903. that mysterious power wliieh was goon cause. S. it fixes the atten- pant=Iasi in many delt,Li•tments. Tho of four inebssors, tivo eaeniiips, four now experience no pain, and only ha - - - - ascribed to the nano of 7esus.- tion of the auditors upon the par- wholr-Au ttautu o, fife caantry in : 12icu5pi<ls oriel six mollun in each to use a Eery bottles to bring shoo $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. Lange. "The.Epheslans were so bound titular principles that are espoused. fact is in pi grvac -ally pro6p,erous : jaw. The ter th aro nut in distinct ! this wonderful change."-DNias .4zxc $20.00 to Butte, Anaconda and H.'el- tip in belief in ivagic that It seemed 4-1t has in itself a dynamic forco COncrttlan, Thf a i, reflected by tine groups, with an interval between � DI. Sxrrir, 80.4 Third Ave., Sonth Drina San• necessary to shote that the Cospel that I% calculated to increase con- satlsfoctorr- rondition•, 0f 00110(3- 1 the eruption of eaell, ,so that the nea,polis, ?,firm, -.•$6000 forfeit If wlgina0 was mightier than these other pot,- Miction. 5. IL is s tions by the iaLrgo dlstrlbutin liow;os , abouslettcr roufnggentifneneseoannot6e $,22.60 to Spokane and wanatchee, necial}y needed ftr Irnrr, Spring , traria hats &planed up very , child is free from time, to time from P proauoeP,' ,Wash. ers. which came Troon Satan, the carrying on the work of moral re- ri • la , the irritation of teetlxfng, 1V71'any women suffer, silents $25.00 to Everett, Fa,iritaven and father of dee it." Was magnified- formation. 6. It Is fnvaluablo as,ul ricety. A number of country btly- � The milk teeth firnst to matke. their an�isea� the.irbeswli$tsiadenatraq Nate tWlratcam, via Iluntfngton and T1he tri ebowed that the element- of personal character Ina cry were in Toronto ttti,, ttcel: anti Is.piaea)ranrc:a.se!tplebUivereentrLl in- Lydia E. Piralsham's Vegetable miracles performed fn the name of champion of Christianity, any more are expected next week elows, which make their appearance f Compound makes the entire f,e.q f5�pol5.00t tea Lord Jesus by Paul were real and persistent r the .pring millinery openhig . Al- .Lt alzout the ag;e or ,.even ntonth.ts, male organism health $25,00 to Portland, Tacoma and Se- y This was a vahtable 3l y. p2rovedthedoctrinehetaught.Im os- , though the baying from traveil,are though they orten emerge surlier ( P��� �®�1lG;� TO ��oPjj ettle; P' element iihielt entered into I:LuI's r?iuee the, fln-t of the year has been thein titl,s. After an intpr+al of (flim tors could not work illicit miracles' ;igri. Piyal�haxu gtiill rye ase $25.00 to Ashland: Roseburg, Ett- am<I rhos& tvIto pretended to do so mtnistl,r. Iio ].apt at the work in on at lllx•.rnl ,,e.:ctet, current ardprs tIlrtd. to Seven weeks the "ant a r- g gene, Albany and Salem, via Port- olid• exposed op� a end d the raga Ephevus doubtless more than two year'. bo and well di-4ribated. Buol- l � ailing -W,O-matxt expert ac4®itce etu This is doubtless ono ver f are 1arY• •lsin1nd. Y p ,> y gondren- I per ineiy�ars make, their a1erLaran••e. ; t; p of the evil spirits." son why at i:t,s�t: elle Word of Cod Tecs in g;enerat at tdttebc,c daring the rClikt two central tc eth appear IItL.t, tirely free.. fide lia.s helpc9,cd filo TlIckets on sale Feb. 15 to April III. Many converted (vs. 18-20), IS. gre•w7 and nxi iztily retail past tteek ha^5 been falrl,ygood. At and these are closely tallotveyl by s sands. .AcdcdressLynn,bfam% g p i Hamilton this Creek there has been the two ln•teral f iei>ors, There is ,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•, $0, For That hail grow, were either Tact. This wits another inlportant a steamy flair or ord,,.m to the whole- noir a 4!econd interval, lasting from ... „t kilt full information call on or ad- proles:s�i CirristiLLns whose canvas- element in Paul's work at dr hc,.u:c. � _..,•.._.,e.... � dress H. F. C�iI2�lER, T. P. A., 14 sign had not been genuine, and whose ry p sale trade for sttring a;nd summer one to three weeks, falloLveY1 ipv ter, Preacher in the Furnace. - l JfaJrtes Bmiltling, Taranto, Canada, or consciences were now so potvorfull llzere 5s a world of men,lring hl goods. Shf ament.5 coiltinu;s oil a large eruption of tine thin y the three words, "di,sputing andprr• scare, 1 g P group of troth f In repairing a floor in a churn F. 1'e CHOATE, 323 Woodward avenue, wrought upon that they were led to gitint; ample etidence of the -tire two lower lateral incl,vors and 1 at Tampico, Ill., the workmen re suading-" One class or individual -3 is "Detroit, D3lch. confess their sins; of iievr converts growing inrpurtancta of flu+ city as tile foot ulterior malars - tMiLirh I moved a reg;( for in the aisle anex to Chrfstiaaxity who, before this times specially fond of argument atnd can a distributt g centre. 1"alues W sta- make tbefr appearance Fome+vhrre 1 forgot to replace it whom they left• had not received the light on these convineecinever be rully PiLiipereco rnizca tri firnity >rlp g;,)niia tlfi rr l,orterl to l,ra<ia�treat°:? ltetxveen file twelfth ,and the fit- 1 Tbere was a wedding that nigh ` One Satisfaction. things. Came and confessed) -When h this fact are ,iruliv llttl.t anti in caea.. `vheye, teeuth mx)nth. , and as tine Rev. George norureutts , "r,emember," said the proverb -mon- the conscience is truly awakened and nodoubt cdiyputed boldly and per- the tvltole•sale trade have to repeat , The teeth of the third g*rotip are was walking up the aisle, I (anti • there will always be a hunibie can- sistently. Another class is mnclx they -,vfll, ors fn the case of firms : not ,all cut in one unehain^c ihle or- • rea6in the' norrial c crrenion than s ,,that rho burnt child avoids tlxo ,lore likely to be reaclied through t g ,r ' g g' y �h,�„ 7 { i fe;ssian of sins committed. Declaring the+ emotion and 's • , hr fit other traria cetttr•ps, have to ask ;der, oar are they all out )c.i,mtxltan- � wa,5 to unite John Olsson and iiQ,'.;t than delis -They told hoc, they had -lie ytnpyatllirs. 1!htb, higher prrcAy for sorzre leading sea- ; eou)sly, althangh the. anterior mop- I tllda Gibson, he stepped into fit, . ""« ++ r' e won t 1 fes, answered the sneerer, but been connected with superstitious , by the drvino art of persn7L- pip 19r,rts. This is stimulating the i rare in tlir upper jaw' often carne first, 1 open hole, and, to iso conet:eruatio the burnt child has the satisfaction practise -s, and had Indulged in witch- elan. 1. Disputation and persua- demand from retnllers who wish to r and arc: followed by the Incisors and , of all present, fell through the.Tl r ,if proving to the world that its tam- craft and soroery, which were not shoo May both be safoly employed in got ardel•n place d at current prices. I then by the motka,.rs of the lower jaw. I onto the furnace below 'file fur- ' 1 Ily is stii•1 able to buy coal. consistent ,with Christianity^ winning, souls. 2. Both may be tae- Iry London this weal: there hay been i There as .itga.tn an Interval of two • ntice was hot and the unhappy, Ilow many lives have you ? she 111. Curious arts -Arts of practices qt iteu before Individual souls ,er a o, good <lvmaaut for staple goods. Or- i or three mon-th,% no more teeth pastor Was badly' scorched' befor e I>u requiring skill and cunning, such as n Int Cwleel S. Iced I rosy, at tiers arra large and well distributed. mal:znf eighteen aLppeatrais, until the could scramble orf. Tile ineide azSked pitilessly, for she knew some- no itis thing or his previous "affairs," and magic and sleight of hn,nd, which are withs, be wisely ases. din ci lipr i; bu nass is soft Vancouver current eye of p•ightpen ntronih)s, when the: cliu,sed a. rather exciting inter bubfness is F int tprd to be fully ill) y ludo, naturally reasoned that this torn of practised so extensively in eastern with individual cases. 4•. l;tttzer ir= ,• 1 .. c •a teeth ora cut. Thc�ve are, hanv- In the ceremony, but rite tir,son vwa i death was n.o,n.ovelty t•h lura. 1 likely to prove an xnefficlent m.enn,4, to that of rorrner seasons at this erta-In in mak- game and subsequently over, someavhatt unc-quently. tied ti)g1 cauntriee. Such arts were very polo- if Cot attended by the moving pcttvc+i• thno and the outlook for trade Is in•g their .tzptrzeir:inr•p• nrttpting a,n� I:nrit a,11 right. Y ` of the ,Spirit. Very promising. Bluoiness at Winni- � .---- .--.-. - a 1 1, � 9+ 0- 'A +^,.... tet '- c' Spirituaifty. This, savors a pau•e+rful poi;• it; maaierntr.ly active. Tlxp. tvholr.- . • 'rf, • r. ` , �. ..,;�i —,---&--- .- . element in Pa ill's work. When other salt, untie, Ls naw; busy livIking spring I ; • , - men were weak lie was strong, )fail 7hiptxxents wlxlrlt are heavier than ,- �, cc i i ever before tit chis scaron. Whole- I is '�'�lat a tk1C greatest t111n 1n the &14�0 � everywhere recognized Clio Crict that � 1 m �' 3„ Gold was with blm. Re, himself ex- stile business at Ottawa is quite » �• -•• M1 ,-.-- . periehced profound sntfsfa,etfon and petite. The sales of sparing and � `VOrld,-•-•].11 anything tI1:it'S worn. You gpt style I . ", I ^`" 1-y an.ea�stGoti tet s,iii tltirr his blcrefu�essed s turd tem nrtit } trac7phave in tletie 1oon 1nes con fit anC� %tt11S�1 too, Yll -.,., „ ticum very brisk. • ., .. ,_,,_..- __:.._ - -_ . _ � stren;gth�. Na ,vromdar that he ryas • ` able to eo�mfoumd all ills enetnfes^ --- - ------ a� rose 10 Trc and Stay encs Working in lanrmrony with GodJ�'s One 1'rnoP. � . will, he fommd that (aodss, kin Ylom +'. r b .ill thin;g;s comp to item who Cpranby ."ers fwthe strou t auci•3ae�8 Aes>G Wxt'e it tam made-�otbd oj9euii7g,°v ,vas warkiro4 ixt luinx ttind forhim. waits."' ' ' fos•r .c,bd ag�elnts write els st enCel far ttt6XV s, Ask for catalog. She glorious prwee,sence of the Ropy Thus muttered the wafter In the -`--But th; one thing we emphas$�e is their% �i Spirit, 1, Gave warmth: to, life affec- farshionab]e restaurant. '111xen Ire ��ffA tj�fp 1 't+7asur.MD, ONT. tialls. 2, Powerfull stimulated his , 'yriiL4F"�kp>sT 1Nt61t FiNCrt GO.a ' ,1 MMEA, MW&. - y twazed at; three dume-4 sitting at his t, lel, to Ills rer7asoft ow,ers. 4. Firixl' yxtsr his previous re- ' "li£` 11 4y illibb4l°g �T�ai1C �R t$ iron." 1 .� ,. intellect. 3. Gave gc n one , nttd pal- table and repeated ..' .. •. I . a t