HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-02-27, Page 846. THE Zl.r lC1-1 The Peopk's Store THE P i WHVa We handle good goods Our prices are low We carry a large stock Highest price for produce Obliging salesmen J. 0. MERNEF? ZURICH • • • kwAll ONTARIO Cutters at a;r t,, 'Right rye Prices. •E0- Et•£;.a+3•x+3•+3► I have put in a stock of Palmerston Cutters at prices to suit the tunes. Call and see them. ALL KINDS OF JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED 'XO. J. H. WISM.ER, GENERAL BLACKSMITH. ,.�urfch Carriage Works. Cutters! a) Sleighs 19 a1. st 19 19 19 A few Portland and Gs rY Square Cutters on hand yet, which will be sold cheap to make room for Spring work. .111.1111112 F. HESS & SON, Zurich, Ontario Kalbfleisch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of 13. C. Bed Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on Band. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J G. Kalbfleisch Zurich P. O. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat. .....,.... 68 to 70 Oats. ...., .. 28 80 Barley ........ 38 42 Deas , ..... , , . , .. 50 60 .,.1 75 1 85 Butter . .. , . 16 17 Eggs . , 13 14 Chickens iia . , .... 4 5 )uc2s...,., 6 6 Geese..... , , ... 6 5 Potatoes .. .. , . 50 60 TIENSALL MARKETS, Wheat , .. ... , d .. 70 to 72 Oats., 80 82 Barley: 40 40 :rens.,, 65 Vi t41o1.1r. 2 00 2 10 flogs (live) per oivt,. r,00 5.00 DASHWOOD Furniture and Undertaking STORE We have now a large and up- to-date Stock of house Fur- niture a n d Furnishings which -we offer At a Low Price.... UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Large and up -to date. In time of need, give us a call, PRICES RIGHT. P. Mcisaac DASHWOOD - ONTARIO CITY OF OTTAWA. Capital of the Dominion of Canada. Although not the largest city in Canada—being still very young -- Ottawa is a strikingly handsome and particularly interesting city. It is among,the most interesting on this Continent of North America. To begin•with it is a Capital and in this capacity alone it has a :narked advantage over other cities. It is obvious, that the site of the city is one which seems almost to have been designed by nature for the Capital of the Dominion, It is central,and on a magnificent water- way, and is the key to the great natural commercial route to the North West. The construction of the Rideau Canal and the conse- quent influx of workmen and others, was the cause of I3ytown, which. was the name formerly given to Ottawa, was named as the Cap- ital,it has progressed steadily in all lines, The great water power of the Chaudiere Falls is utilized and aids much in the lumber industry for which Ottawa is noted. Here is stationed the largest lumber mill in the world owned by Mr. J. R. Booth and across the river on the Quebec side is found the E. B. Eddy manufacturing establishment, and it is truth to say that the know- ledge of its existence is over the length and breadth of the country. The actual details connected with shipping; bearing on every indi- vidual product, if inquired into, will bear out the statement that Ottawa is better suited from every standpoint for the establishing of xnanufaeturies of any nature what- ever,than any other city in. Canada. From. an educational point of view the Capital occupies a fore•, most position amongst Canadian cities. This does not apply solely to any particular class of education, but to the institutions in general which cover every approved branch of learning in vogue at the present time in other large pities, Outside of Toronto and Montreal there is 'unquestionably no city in Canada with sueh complete and extensive systetn..of education as in Ottawa. It also possesses more direct ship- ping connections than most other cities in America. '.t'here are two waterways, the'Mclean Canal and the Ottawa river, both connecting; directly with Montreal• as well as Many intermediate points. The. 'railway connection is also very good. Most important to the advancement oha pity is the Con- dition of the general health of its residents,and Ottawa is an oxtreme- iy healthy place, Although specially noted for the hunting and fishing resorts of the Gatineau Valley and the Algonquin Park districts, there are also many local summer resorts.., pox. essiu r the usual attractions and ofsuffi- cient consequence to render them extremely popular with outsiders as well as with our own residents. The most important as well as the most magnificent buildings in the city are the Dominion Parlia- ment Buildings, but as they require such a lengthy description for a. person to form any conception whatever of them, they could.. not be described in connection sit. the city, so a full and brief descrii tion will be found. in next week'. issue. Mina. Doan. bath sohocl was held. Tuesday eve- ning to the honm of Mr, ,Tabu Watson, Saublo lino, A large number attended and enjoyed the drive and the gauzes, which follow- ed, very rn.rrch. The thanks of ail aro extended to Mr. and Mrs. Watson for their great kindness. .A programme of rare excellence will be provided at the 0, O. F. concert next Tuesday evening. Mr. Bert Harvey, Canada's leading comic singer ; Mr. .Allan, club swinging artist ; Miss Tory Brown, soloist ; Miss Loonard, Highland dancer ; Mr. • R. Craigie, Scotch piper and the 20th century male quartette will ho well worth hear- in • . Adrniss' • , c ....•.. ... GOSHEN LINE • Special .to Tim .HERALD. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLincho„ visited at Calvin. Dowson's on evening last week. Mr. Wm. and the Misses Elreirt and Edith spent Thursday evenim at Mr. James Stephenson's, A }lumber from here attende the Forester's concert at Varna or Friday evening. Mr. Samuel Pollick called o friends along the line last week. Miss Myrtle Keys spent Sunday at Mr. John McKinley's. Goshen people surprised 'Rev. Mr. Jenning, of Bayfield, with a load of oats on Monday evening and a social time was spent. The infant cbild of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Patterson died on Thurs- day after a few days illness. A sleigh load of young people from here visited. at Mr. Joseph Dowson's ou Monday evening. SLABTOWN ram ago rcr corresnon ent (F tl - d .) A number of theGoshen line residents paid flying visits to • Sea - forth on Saturday of last week. The Women's Missionary Society of the Goshen Methodist church, held their meeting on Thursday, but their numbers were small on account of the bad. roads. A sleigh load of young people from this vicinity were guests at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. J. Dow - son of the 14th, one evening this week. Miss myrtle Keys, of the Baby- lon line, spent one day recently at Mr. John McKinley's,of the Goshen line. We think it would be a kindness if the people of the Babylon line would break their roads. As some our residents were driving along they had the misfortune of being up -set, with serious results. Per- haps the driver was otherwise engaged. kotit WE MUST HAVE -+-2O 000 -+- Bushels of Wheat at our HEN SALL FLOUR MILLS during t h e next two months to fill a large order, and we will pay the very Highest m Price It will pay •any farm- er to get our prices, before selling to other buyers . . . . . . . H. 000K SONS HENSALL OivNTARI() I*14 • BAYFIELD Special to THE HERALD. • Capt. John Ferguson left last week for Cleveland. Jame., Ferguson returned from Port Dover on Friday. Misses Lizzie and Edith Falconer are visiting friends at 13rueefield,, W. Robinson, principal of ottr school, was at Seaforth last Satur- day. G. Chesney, of Seaforth, spent Sunday here. John Falconer is quite ill at present, The "At Home" in the basement of St. Andrew's church last week, was fairly well attended. consider- ing the exceedingly cold weather, Various games were played, a lunch served and all enjoyed them- selves The Farmers' Institute was held hero on Friday last and very well attended. Two meetings. were held, Instructive addressee were made by Mr. McGinnis, of Exeter ; Mr. Lewis, of Burford; Miss Mad - dealt; of ouelph ands.. Mr. Thomson, of St. Catherinos. instrumentals by Miss Nicholson, Misses Maud anis Flossie Pollock ; solo by Miss F. Stanbury and a recitation by Miss Reta Stanbury. ,lige annual sleigh -ride party for the scholars of the Methodist Sab- Special to TEE HERALD. John Hoy has disposed of another horse to Mr. Chesney of near Kip - pen for the handsome sum of one hundred and sixty dollars. He delivered it at Hensall on Wed- nesday. Mr.and Mrs. John Decher accom- panied Geo. Campbell to his hone in Stanley on Friday night. On Saturday they visited friends in Clinton and returned on Sunday. .Among the visitors at John Decher's on Sunday were Misses Enema Schnell and Lauretta Wag- ner and Mr. F. Schnell from the 14th ; Misses Lydia, Lilly and Rachel Btechler of town ; Miss O. Foster, Babylon line South; and Misses Susie and Elenora Smith of the Goshen. . Miss Lizzie Decher deported for her new home across the road early Monday morning. .A. debating school composed of the worthy sires of the community was started. Fridaiy evening. A short off -hand debate on "which are better, cattle or horses" took place the same night with Jno. Decher as captain for the cattle side and Leo. Foster for horses. Judge John Broderick, decided in favor of the cattle side by one point. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wickens returned home to Ingersoll on Wednesday .after having spent about a week visiting the latter's parents and other relatives in this vicinity. Miss Lyd. Kestle visited her sis- ter Mrs. Geo. Broderick, Sunday evening and Monday, ' Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Broderick took in the wooden wedding of the latter's sister, Mrs. Trevitick, on Monday night. They claim to have had an extra good time, and from the look of them one would judge that they had either had an over- dose of oysters, or an overdose of sleeplessness, or probably both. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horner, of Drysdale, spent Sunday at John Hey's. Ernest Rader and sister Clara, of the 'Goshen, visited at John Hey's on Sunday. Louis Rader, wife and family, of the Town line, also Philip Fassold, wife and fancily, of Dashwood, spent Monday night at John Hey's. Mrs. Fassold remained with her parents for a day or so. Mrs. Geo. Broderick left for Denfield to visit Mr. ]3roderiok's sister, after which sho goes to visit her sister in London, Mr end Mrs, John Geiger and daughter Flossie spent Tuesday night at John Hey's. The debate on cattle and horses on Tuesday night was again in favor of cattle by 11 points to 9. SALE REGISTER: Attu FOR SALE. 146 Acres. Composed of Lot 20, in the Lake Road East Concession of the Town. ship of Hay. Good sized Barn with stone stabling underneath; Frame Dwelling and other outbuildings. This farm is nicely situated on first-class gravel road, within 2.6 miles of St. Joseph. Price low and. terms to suit purchaser. For particulars, apply to E. l.'ELLE[t, 7uuTota, s . P Sipple and C. L. Shoe- maker were at Goderieh on Wed- nesday. • Most of the town people who invest in get-rioh-quick schemes would probably laugh at a fanner who bought a gold. brick, REB' T A, m e L�x, ,11G RD E Is the place to buy your HARDWARE, TINWARE, GRANITE, SILVER and. GLASSWARE. ASBESTOS ,FILLED SAD IRONS, Will retain heat twice as long as ordinary irons, and costs very little more. PAINTS, OIL, PORTLAND CEMENT. RUGS, DUSTERS, DASH APRONS, SWEAT PADS, WHiPS. We have • the best Cook Stoves made, war- ranted Quick Bakers, Superior Cookers Power- ful Heaters. Agent for the London Fence 'Machine, also agent for, the Lamb Fence, best woven wire fence on the .market, and all kinds of fence wire on hand. Eavetroughing, Furnace Work and- Mdtai Hoofing a Specialty, CHAS. G EB, ZURICH, Main Street, ONTARIO, .BEER 1R'% %t01R1E. We have a big assortment of STUB PROOF boots and shoes. The J. D. KING COMPANY, of Toronto, -insure you for $100 in case of accidents when wearing these shoes. - They will wear any common rubber to pieces. We also have a fine assortment of FELT GOODS FOR WINTER WEAR. Home Made Boots and Shoes, that we Guarantee not to rip. These goods will be sold at a small profit. P. BENDER, & Co. Zurich. Eggs taken: in exchange for Goods. Did You See That Single Harness we sell at It is a world beater. 111 7et Tear Harness from $2o.00 up. We use best Leather, up-to-date workman- ship and lowest pos- sible prices. a Balance of Robes, Blankets and Piuss hugs at cost Call and see our big assortment of Trunks and Valises. .D ;g ... 0+3.- C. +3. C. J-IJIRTLEIB & CO'S. The Big Hardware and Harness House. ZURICH ONTARIO Special Sale For the next 6o days we will offer Special Prices on all Winter Goods SUCH AS ,1 �% Di 7.05rAE•'9JlklDS' Odd lines, Underclothing Etc. Etc. It will be to your interest to examine these Goods and get prices. Ztei bacb, MERGHANi'