The Herald, 1903-02-27, Page 2BUBONIC nAGUE
Guatemala and Salvador Preparing for
{Bloodshed Soon.
C ty, Xexiceo, Teb. x,31 -The
taken to the hospital with; a devei-
loa,se ut Oso, .real, 0WImcan, the cap-
oped case of the plague.
Antonio Leon, a wvealtby Chinaman.
4ta1 of the State of Sinaloa, has been
died on 'the street. His countrymen
hRiifioially declared to tie rife plague,
have offered to the Charity Commis-
slam $7,000 for permission to remove
42lus makir g certain the invasion of
the body a,nd hold funeral rites ac-
"3t3se, disease Lttto the Interior or filo
cording tb the 'Chinese customs. TAe
request has been refused, as it is
' l;Btaiea[eared
that the contaigion will there -
•At Mazatlan yesterday there wvere
byynbe spread among; the Chinese resi-
71ve deta;ths and three new,,, cases.
Another War Coming
43Arrn is ine_reasing, owing to the
"dumber of victims amongSan
Francisco, Feb. ,u,»- ich.
mneme tbr•on-wpout my In• Empire
gens on the steamer Peru, which has
people. Enrique Islas, a merchant,
arrived here from Central American
was stricken with the plague, and
ports, believe that war between
the health officers were }nformed of
Guatemala and. Salvador is inevit-
able.'Tdley say a battle was fought
•131s condition. He stood all day at
Iate, in January by the Government
the door of )tis store with a revolver
troops against rebels at JuLipa,
In hand, defying the sanitary officers
about ten le -agues from the Salvador
Who were sent totnke frim to the
frontier. Business }it Guatemala is be-
ginning to wane on account of the
hospital- Fate in the evening he grew
Weak a13d was overpowered by off!-
Panama, Feb. 23.-A cable rnesrage
vers. He was •taken to the hospital,
received Here last night from San
Salvador announced that the rela-
WhurQ be dled at midnight. Gasper
tions between Salvador and Guate-
.Izaguirre, clerk of the Herrerias
mala, which hearty ended 'in wear,
'Company, an important commercial
have now completely changed, Presi-
,estalllkshm t t
en a Mazatlan, has been
dents Regaido and Cabrera having
peacefully arranged their differences.
f. .�3, 1 n
; Vdndon, C sole. - Bing Edward
.and the representatives o, all inter -
accompanied by Queen Alexandra and
ests and opinions has greatly con-
ourrounded by the court and all the
duces to I. smooth adjustment of
officers of state, opened Parliament
many difficult qu,:stlons and to the
removal o} many occasions of m1s-
IMs afternoon, I
Early in the morning the vaults of
After rererring to the Kano (Xi-
iaf3e Houses were searched as usual
geria) expedition and the Indian Dur-
for imaginary conspirators by the
xar, the King said:
"I am ;glad to be able to state that
Xeomen of the Guard, carrying an-
I the lattr'r lxpodn e_remony (•o.n-
clent lanterns and halberds. The
cide_t with the d}sappearanee of the
mowemente of the troopstaking o p
dr•'outh and agricultural distress In
l Western Indict, and that the pros -
positions along• the route of the ro-
„ di
t s 1agriculture
p.,cts for l..oth :Ln•cl coin -
cession followed, so the crowds wbfch
mneme tbr•on-wpout my In• Empire
had been attracted by the rine uvea-
ore encouraging anil sLtisiac-
;hher' and desire to witness the royal
torcf or souse time. t.11
The King Rua tsueen ii.'tnrned to
pageant did not lack - entertainment
Buckingham Palace at :3 o'clock. The
,during 'the long wait.
crowds eveuwberp greeted their
The royal procession, consisting of
with ellilluslasm,
4_,.- state carriages, escorted by Life
Ovards, ,left Buckingham Palace at
Loruion Cable -The Liberal lead -
,SO pm. Their iiiajesties were seat-
er, Sir Henry C'anipbell-Bannerman,
ad in the last carriage, tvbich was
said he deslred information on the
subjects of Venezuela and Macedonia,
drawn by the eight Hanoverian
horses wvhieb have figured in all the
• and on the great question of the
sett]^ment of alfaire, in South Africa.
Yecent risyal ceremonies. The Bing
Ile commented on the fact that rx-,'r-
an,J Queen readied the VictoriaTiing's
many was not mentioned in the
8:paech Ili connection with
1Tower through the -Niall, the Horse
Venezuela. Ile opposed co-operation
rpards and Nhltehall.
with Germany in a matter like the
All the great officers or state in
Venezuelan question. Germany was
but rough. Germany also was
varied aanlfarms were Assembled at strong
not faw'orablp. to the :Monroe doctrine.
,&e ro,ral entrance of the House of
If there had ever been a case for
VZOTs*to receive the Bing. The pro -arbitration
tha''Orrezuela affair was
)Cession, which oras identical wvith
one, and if th's course had been
adopted }n the first place a great
% Eat of the previous similar core-
precedent would have been estab-
%aovy, formed, and, lieaded by the
li.�hed Inwards the p^acefui settle-
pisuivajnte an.1 herabfe, marched tQ
innnt of interpational questions.
ithe robing YOom, their Jfajesties J
Referritig to douth Africa, ' SIr
being I=medlate)y preceded by the
Ilenry said that they might have
*word of state, carried by the Afar-
differed in the past over the war.
QuIB of Londonderrry,
but now the %work was over be urged
.After the robing the procession re-
that they all work for the p..ommon
Formed, and, with a blast of trum-
purpose of taz'fng the foundations
pets, advanced 'to the Peers' Cham-
for a new life in that part of the
fiber, the Duke of Devonshire, Lorca
world. Ile heartily concurred in thy;
;President of the Council, preceding
sentiments and de,,tres expressed by
;their 1101esties with the Imperial
Colonial Secretaxy Chamberlain, for
crown, wr;bich Ire carried on a cusp-
the fusion of the two wbite races
jou. Thoa ICIng then seated himself
In South Africa, but wanted to know
on the throne, with the lords bear-
If lir. Chamberlain's acts were sub -
Ug the cap of maintenance and the
j"ct to the appruval of his colleagues.
,l word of state standing on his right
If a bargain were made, who wvas
and left, The ilueen sat on the
to speak with authority for the
Aeft of the Bing and fife Prince of
nation 2
Wk ekes on his right.
In conclusion, fir Henry, who
(1'h.e members of the Rause of Com-
�oke for an hour and a quarter,
m3ojr s were then summoned and on
criticizer) the growth of the national
'Ithelr arrival the Lorca High Chan-•
oe1'lor, Karl Iiaisburc, kneeling,Premier
Balfour, in reply, z;aid Air.
hA,uded the King the :speech, which 1
Chamberlain had consulted his col-
ZU Majesty read from. the steps of I
)cagues. Ile added.: "We entirely en-
bkb throne as follows:
c — D
far se and mage aats„lieB responsible
The SFeech Prom the Throne,
for the general pc•i."y he has declared
in South Africa."
tkZ Loris and Gentlemen,-" My; re-
In regard to the conditions prevail-
Utlifv a with all the foreign powers
Ing in Macedonia, Ito said they were
X*ndttnile friendly.
a constant niI to the peace of
The blockade of ports
✓ 1b e. Tho tdrlilllNt LI I o n of tile
1Aas led to negotiations for the art.•
lawns was (3etective.. there. An incor-
ijyastmen't of all the matters in dis-
ruptible Governrnr..nt was needed to
#u•te. I )rejalce'that ra. settlement has
introduce the pr}nrtry- elements of
*cnv been arrived at which has jus-
order in Ilacedsonia. In conclusion,
tiftvl tete blackading powers in
ht: defended thp. retion or the Brit -
Ing all hostile naval operations
It:h {lovernmelit towards Venezuela.
toan immediate triose.
Broadly Rpeakiag, if, aticiad, the nego-
"Nego,'lAnAlons have taken p}ace
tiatiOns w vre e.'trrieal out with the
tris an adjustment of the questions
I greatest regard not only for the
which' hale n ise�n In regard to the,
fr_elingv of tlrp Anirricatn people and
;bolihda,rr of my passessiotis in ;v''orth,
Cowernn;ent, but for ilre feeling; of
America, and that of the territory
' nezuela.
of Alaska. A treaty providing for
The debate was then swI;pended.
reference of these quer+:ions to
- ----
arr arbitral 'tribunal Ira's been signed
Day, o: the college staff, will have
The speec:`i Text referred to the
Dalkax guestioa, haying,;
Irritates Cattle at. Stockyards a s
3 'Witli
"`The condition 'of' the 'Eta ropean
ltc d 11andkerchief.
. tiovinces of i
Turkey ivies cause or
.�lel3 u
cr s a1i'tieti". have used est
I i< u e m b
ChII a Feb.
i .---:i, _ler •d 0r .at
g teen's
efforts to rImpiess In, the suit�n and
at tl'e stock yarii , :frightered by a
rel I,arvlkrrelnef, trirtnlrled upon an,l
'irks bfinisters the urg'e'nt need. or
)practical, weI1=c0+nls)dered measures"fatally
injured J. Is`. I2us.�ielI, of
01. reform.",
Bronson .'li }.,, at noon yeyterrlOy.
After noting that Austria and flus-
Ruckiell ch o at ti,ri I,tt,lr:wvu0d Union
him havebeen. cansiderfn; the. re-
16r•mas wlifeb the signatories of the
1-Towp}tai four ihours later. Russell
had entered di i ,lo i D of the yards
treaty' of Berlin should recommend
to inspect. a honl which lie intend-
ccs buying. IP) drew a red hami-
tO the Srift,'•tat', the speech a,ddsa:
"I t ast that t}ie proposals will
kerchief froze Illy pocket anti one
rarorO stitffel.ent 'for the purpo.:e and
of the steers made a rush towwLtd
111111. The hank utarted
'thn't I' shall, find it possible to give
rimin hearty support.',
around fir a circle= aril Rust
The Dint; Heti•. rn,entiani}:I the Aden
sell, wvllo Was nearly years
: liittcX'lonrl dispatte and the Somal}-•
1411al expesitlon and then turned to
wvau knocked down And trampled up-
on before Ile could ba r"Lued,
10tlth Aft"1Llly 'On'which sulk Ct he
pd: e
t i Y.n
I s learned that eight students
,Tire prarrc. 1" of events in South
at Eton, who are.aseiolls of the most
Atxlctia lrkts yeen• s ti isreaetory, Tllc
a.rietoeratic families in Great Britain,
vislt ot- -01e C010nial Seeretary al-
wvere recently expelled. Uost of them
it riaa9;tl lujs be•all productive•. or the
wero in tlo sixth form. It Is said
;hKa$' Io bt r'omits, al.n•I Ule opportunity
that 'the youngsters who were ba-
It pals provide-.] for personal conker-
polledwere ateu.sed or offences whleh
es:wv,ftb Lord IYlitner a Ila the Mln4 ,
on conviction would render them 11-
�eters of the, cototiles
able to Imprisotment. : i I
�':�t'` .is<V«C'?t"VlV•!! cent to the pokers for approval be.
ternoon in the field, ,allowed In its
fore being proseatedi to the Porte,
injured is as follows:
presenting the track, the upper ",bt
GED. LAPPAGE, 6 Arthur street,
Istern t Secretary of state, J ''fir.
the Pullmans, and the lower pant the
position of the day, cars and baggage
Lead, left ear cut, also out on, left
Foster; has been sele4ttecl to t•2kE
One of the day coaches, No. 1,-
back of left ear.
�03, was lying on Its side. T,he
clltarge, of the United States' casc
t ✓ o.?C'rr iV•!V!' Oyu
before the • Alaska boundary; coin-
left side and shoulder, fracture of
Two Chiniamen have been arrest -
The Ontario Legislature will meet
ed at Darieel}ng, India, ort a charge
on Marroh 10,
of crim•In:al cousplracy against the
Councillor Bond, of Toronto ,dune-
Cltlliese Government. They,'• have been
tion, has been confirmed in Ills seat,
departed to Clilu a. it is believed there
Guelph) has decided tp close. the
barrooms at 9 o'clock,
timt the coanspira,cy. against the
Clui'n�ese Government• 1s a large one,A
cross pratit}ou has peen filed in
dull that ithore are ramifications of
the -North Norfolk election pro-
iL in' Singapore duel Hong Kong.
As the steamship Graf "aldersee
Sia small hays 11:Lve been arrest
neared the dock at Iloboken yester-
ed, charged with s11been ie,; at
`�y a twelve -y ear -old Russi+an bay
became grea;t)y excited at the pras-
?�ew Zealand is 11llvtlag dffficulty ill
pest of seeing his patents, ivllo came
to tills country several years ago.
securing theala clews millhaving s loan
Ile eaww, Itis rattier and mother wvraat-
Judge McCrlaninon heard the evi-
ing to greet him, waved a. signal to
thein, and fell dead on the deck,
dente in tyre charge against F. B.
Iron. Edward Blake has decided to
Carlisle of impersonation ort Dec. 4.
accept the offer of the Canadlan
Dr. C. R. 3laelean, Surgeon-Lieuten-
Government to act as cotrnsiil for
ant -Colonel, and ox-:llayor of ilea-
Canada -before the Alaskan boundary
ford, is dead. • ,
Fire destroyed Eanfield's carpetAs
the result of a fire at poll -
using at Winnipeg;, causing a•
tovtsa, in the Government of Podo-
loss of over $100,000.
Iiia, Russia., twelve persons have lost
A fire at Quebec, dict damage esti-
their lives, and two hundred houses
mated at $W,000. Three firemen tt`ere
Bane been detitroyedd.
hurt by, aL falling; wall.
Loeser & Wulff, the retail tobacco-
ronto; hand bruised.
nists, who own some fifty stores in.
efforts to stop cheesemaking on Sun-
Berlin, deny the rumor circulated
day=s In Oxford county.
yesterday that they have sola out
lir. "r. R. _l'eivell, of Toronto, de-
their business to the American To-
llacco Co.
clared higher criticism `•tire work oy
fori:able accommodation for all.
About ten oclock auxillary trains ar-
the devil." III ought to settle it.
A riaspateh from Fez, dated Feb.
President John Mitchell, of the
:13th, announces that a column of
troops, under the command or EI
Tlnitpd Mine twill be in To-
route on the first s, -way in April.
ilfenelibl, the Moroccan War Minis-
'Elie Toronto Public School Dy -lawns
ter, has defeated a section of the.
I1}aina tribe. Many heads of the killed
Committee would make Tn.spector
have arrived at Teti to decorate tete
Hugbes "Superintendent of Education
city's gates. The reports oI the de -
of the Public Sellool Board,"
feat of the Sultan's troops by 'the
The Ontario Lumbernlen's Associa-
Hlaina tribes are now, contradicted.
tion adopted a resolution against in
Premier Balfour's promise of legis -
export duty on pulp, and urged more
lotion against future similar cases.
care in selection or nein, land for set-
saved tate British Governnleht from
defeat on a motion regarding non -
Han. -lir. I:vanturel is ill with pneu-
prosecution in the London S, 'Globe
mon}a, at his hoina in Alfred. He
Finance Corporatiou's case.
caught coli -.cilli:+ addressing a meet-
ing a St. Aline rte Prescott last ,sun-
The famous 'Vest Malling stoup,
day= )vee}:.
wvhich was discovered forty years
'.Pilo washing plaint of the Domin-
ago in the cupboard of a church,
Was sol,] at ,L x,ale art C"hristie's, Lon -
ion Iran Coal Gumpttriy at Sydney,
-N. S., was destroyed by fire. Loss
don, yesterday, for 1,4•)0 guineas. It
about $150,000.
is dated 1381, stands nine :arid a half
right band anti left foot cut. At
Inches high and is five Inches in
Argument before the full court on
the U. P. TZ. land taxatiart case has
no many ;wvhao were more badly; hurt
concluded, and judgment is expected
an I%fareh 7 tll-
tion 'th'e matter until they were at-
A, lfartineau, a clerk in the Mil-
itia Department at Ottawa, was
Tmporlant Changes :at Ontario A„*r•i-
arrested on n charge of theft. It
cultural College.
is said his defaleation amounts to
The ,'f:nlster of -Agriculture, Hon.
Hon. E. J. Davis ante _•lir. T,. Herb-
John Dryden, proposes to make an
art' Lennox were nominated for the
important change at the Guelph
Legislative ;assembly for North
;1 •rl�
. ultura I
b t College 'tills Tear. Two
York. lir. ltunns, pruhibitionist, is
wilaratp departments are to be cre-
out of the fietd.
'Ite.i, Onp to Ile calls, the. DeptirLment
At the Branelon electric light star
a[ rio-IJ ITushand•ry, in whichthe stu-
tion R. B. Currie, of Souris, walked
head first into the great driving
,teat mill t:e more articularly taught
wheel, wh1cit was revolving at a
matters relating to the tilling of
rapid rate. IIe was probably fat-
the soil, and the Other, the Depart -
ally injured.
meat of :animal Husbandry. Prof.
Tire Department of Militia has
Day, o: the college staff, will have
authorized till,csLabiiizhment of a
Charge of froth of them, with several
provisional School of Infantry In- under hili. Alr. Dryden
struction. at Ottawa. The schooll
d^^s not think that the proposed
will be opened at the drill }tall in
a"ange wvill mean an increases ex-
Apr•iI, anti probably- continue for
twvol months. i
.Eton. John Dryden rtateal on Wed -
The Toronto Public School hoard's'
uesday thal, an am,:ndninnt would lye.
estimates total :pl)over 9, an u
.tit the r•Omin,� session
aboll.slling; the old piowlSla:i. allowvin>
QI'ea6e Or $101,2i9f) over last yCitr.
The Board adopted the 'lranagement
each country to Bend O21n ll it to
Com3mittee's report on the settle-
the Agri,ultura•i College each
free of (.,17 e Ile s:afd the ilea was
ment of the inspectors' charges and
ordered t1Le report expunged froin
to place all . oil the same
fife recard5,
),osis, ali'1 now file college received
the track.
T,here rs some doubt as to the cause
more appli,%tions than they could
Surveys are again tieing made in
the vicinity of Dunnville for the
paired,and lie, ivas continuallytin
uhil y
new rallwway. A line favored by the f
engineers ort account Of absence of
grades and cheapness of construe-
i(rillirray found that his oar was
tian crosses the river about three
Flom, Jalln I;r3'den A-slis, for (arrant
miles above Dunnville, find passes
of $2,000.
two or three miles nurtb.
Bon. John Dryden, Alin}ster or Ag -
11cuttnre, will ask the L egi,slature for
Three more students of Cornell Uni-
2,000 tl?ks year for 'Women's Insti-
versity died sof typhold fever, which is
tutee. hitherto they have not re -
epidemic at Ithaca, N. Y.
calved a separate grant, and the
Sir William Van13or•ne ,said the
money necessary for their inain-
C• P. R. wvas negotiating for the pttr-
teaanco has liven tnicen oast; of oth-
cha,se of twelve to eighteen of the
er appropriations. Datums the past
Eider-Demrrster Company'sshlps.
Year't'Omen a institutes have done
The Legislature of Jamaica. anth-
goon work, and ;war, Drydr�n thinks
that manes given to them will be
orized an annual cubsi:dy of $12,300
well spent.
towards estabiislibng a new fast d)r-
ect steamsirlp service -with Canada.
The Minister of Edncatian f5 a1 .0
e auastro-Russian not
Th a demand- 11
asking for $20,000 for technical e:du-
cation. Z113 ., I,% an increase mer L
et se of
Ing reforms reforms in has been ' 000 over idea• year.
. '
'`�'IAR =
Mfl 8
iftetiY sk )r T weft ' / fit me"Ad to
I � r. a n y I �� u � w3r' o
Des Moines, Ia., Feb. 1-2.-Fifteeu or
from the wvill lowv a. The limbs of
twyenty persons were burned to
many, wvere broken, and the side-
death, and twice 'that number ser-
wt'&Ik was SOOn, packed with a mass
lou -sly injured in a fire that destroy-
of helpless beings.
Those who jumped from the thirst
ed the Clifton Hotel at Cedar Rap- ,
story wvial,dows had. little Trope of
itis, Iowa, early; to -day. There were
eiirvivfng, but fair heafta,te>s ;as the
n1 is in time bulkling
1�0 when the
g i 8
f came ale dearer
I a,t2n
n carer.
fire broke auf'- an.d naSt nt tile 3 dead
Tile Injured were e ,m e e to ad.
1oin1ng business houses.
ora ltr)ecfathe debris. Owing to,
noon train from T3ellr.vfllc brought
the dostru.ction of the hotel regis-
Thr;. ir'ia`c .R)cpart111e lit'
ter, tate anames of tile missing are, as
confined its efforts to proventing the
yet, unobtaial'able.
spread of the ,.lames. aSeveral times
The fire originated in the base-
tile-,atfonaal Ilotel caught fire, but
was saved, Mitra;nee to the Clifton
meat, presumably from an electric
ww,as out of the question, y3,rnd .the
.vire, and spread rapidly, through
persains .wvho had ]lot jumped :Werethe,
lawyer floors. Escape from the
0010111 stiff ocated,
lower doors and wtndowvs was out
The State Y. 1',1:. k.• A. convention.
wvas In prof +r'twss I'a Cedar Rapids at
off entirely; before 'the guests could
Ilia, tin o, and also aL district Knights
be aroused,
of PythiascOmvention. Delegates to
In; a rewv moments persons could be
these conventions constituted most
the Injured a.nd mis in„,
seen at every, tvindaiv clad only 1n
At 10 o'clock, all but tali of the
their nsght robes,
in.issing had been accounted for.
Wildly Calling for I3elra. "-hese
are surypased to lie in the
debris, a:lthMigb it is possible they
The facilities 0f the fire depart,
also ma�n be located among tele res-
mdn,t were meagre, and each atom-
oI delay increased :the panic that
The, ruins are still bunking, and
alre, prevailed. One after an-
it is impossible to search them for
other the guests hurled themselves,
Forty-four injured ' Six Seriously
—Nobody Killed
OfEiciaa•l List of the Injured,
ternoon in the field, ,allowed In its
Toronto daspe'ttah-The list of the
gealera.i outline the conforma�:lEot2• of
e capital letters IS, the 113' re-
tile �
injured is as follows:
presenting the track, the upper ",bt
GED. LAPPAGE, 6 Arthur street,
of :the •''S” allowing the pOaiti4li ;of
Toronto; Bagga elan ; injury to
the Pullmans, and the lower pant the
position of the day, cars and baggage
Lead, left ear cut, also out on, left
car. .
side, top of head and bruise to bones
One of the day coaches, No. 1,-
back of left ear.
�03, was lying on Its side. T,he
Pu'llm'an "Brantford,' was right Aide
If. CUSACK, 72 Bathurst street, To-
up, but it. had a list of About de
ronto, brea.kesman; injury to ribs on
degrees. T,tle "Dickens' 'was tying
left side and shoulder, fracture of
on its side on the side of the em-
bankment, while the other Pullman
both bones of Jeft leg.,
wao' upside down, All the cars •svere
off their trucks, and the heavy
street, Tpronto; slight injury to face,
wheels were scattered in every di-
acrd injury to chest and side, and
rection. Pieces of iron eight inches
thiel: were snapped In two, and the
two cuts ono top of head,.
platforms, steps and couplers on ail
E. A. IVILSO1V, express messenger;
the coaches were badly used up, but,
scratch on face, injury to left side
Strange to say, the damage to the
coach -bodies was only trifling. All
of chest and shoulder a.nd left hand
the cars must be wonderfully well
slightly bruised, and slight cut on top
constructed to have sustained such
of head.
a shock with so little effect. Even
the windows were but little dam -
T. KOELM, Pullman conductor;,
aged, not more than a dozen being
generally bruised."
broken on the whole train.
ARCHIBA.LD 31AINS, 528 Adelaide
The Accident.
street west, Tiar•onto; two cuts on
Station Agent Rovon was in his
telegraph office, from which a good
WM. T.ULLACI%, 93 Cumming street,
view could be obtained of the track
both east and Rest, and was
Toronto; head, hand and ear badly
watching .the approaching train
this morning when the -disaster oe-
GEORGE HEL.LEUR, 3'-- Jahn street,
turret]. He immediately telephoned to
Whitby for medical attendance, and
Toronto ; ribs bruised.
In Tess than half an hour five phy.-
J. 1ECHT, Montreal to Toronto.;
sicians and a corps of willing help -
back slightly injured.
ers were at the ,scene of the wreck.
MRS. E. D. IIOLDEY, Luw e11 to To-
'I'I passengers on the day cars,
who were not much hurt, assisted
ronto; hand bruised.
in the work of rescue,- innd the
MRS. JOHN KSS, Montreal to To-
wounded, as soon as they were
ro•nto; body, nose and lip slightly
taken from the shattered cars, wvere
removed to the Juncti.rn Hotel, w III
Ft, ww'OOA, 7 Murray street,
Landlord Dan Hlohnes provided cum-
Toronto; nead cut and bruised, and
fori:able accommodation for all.
About ten oclock auxillary trains ar-
left arm bruised.
G. w: COOT:, lumberman, Morrks-
rived from Belleville and Toronto,
each having on board a large corns
burg; really wv>un•d and left shoulder
of doctors; by the time of their'ar-
rival, however, the Whitby doctors
ARTHUR LAPRAIL, ,^,86 Berkeley
11,113 attended to the most of the in -
street, Toronto; cut over ey=e, and
-•Loulder brulsed.
Heroic Self Denial.
J. 11. L;I-1E2NCFf1,, 1G1 Dowling ave -
line, manager for Lvans & Son, To-
Dr. 11c0LI1Ivray:, of Whitby, who
r4nto; foot cut.
was ane of the first to roach the.
"1'wveity-four other pass-engers,
Junction Hotel ltrhere the injured
were being brought in, related last
en route from points in Eastern
Mates to Washington Territory,
evening an interesting incident which
were sltal:en and bruised," con -and
but illustrative of the self-denial
and the hernism displayed by many
eludes the, statement.
of the wounded. The doctor had been
Among the lattor are;
working for Inilq two hours, band -
II, T. LINU8d.1 S, Fox Lake, Wiscon-
aging cuts, settkng fractured bones,
sin; head cut, knee injured. bounds
and making 'cite unfortunate as cam -
dressed at Emergency Ilospital.
Portable as he could igen, a ladr,
NATHAN SP.AC`IC, Chelsea, ]lass,;
of slight build, :wvho hbeen sitting
hand cut, car scraped, Mounds
in the room all morning, called him.
dressed at Emergency Ilospital.
DAVID L. CARVEM Bangor, Maine; �
"Doctor,” said she, "wvhen you have
finished with all the others, Iwish
right band anti left foot cut. At
'you would examine me; my leg is
the Emergency hospital.
hurt." She ndded that there were
L. E. DL;NLUP, We:stfard, VL; in-
no many ;wvhao were more badly; hurt
jured shoulder, cuts on head. At the
than slit lwv as, that she did not men-
tion 'th'e matter until they were at-
a. GO'VC,itll\T, Los Angeles, injur-
tended to. The doctor immed1ely^
acs to spine.
made an examination, and discovered
Il. CA.RRI1GTION, Pullman car por-
that the lade', whose name was nTrs.
ter, Montreal; scalp wounds.
Bessie aLngiil, was suffering•from a
J. Ii. LA\'txILL'E, miner, 12 Gordon
bad fracture of the hip. She mast
Areet. Waltham, Mass.; Injury to rib,
hmve been in great pain, but she for -
bruises. At the Ut-neral Ilospita.l.
gat herself entirely: in her solicitude
)IMS. PBSSIE L. NKULLE, wire of J,
for others.
Ii. Langlile; right hip fractured. At
The doctor told talso of a young
IDn9lisilman, whose name he
the General Ilospital.
BIBS ETIIIEL 111.iSER, daughter of
not learn. wllo, had sustained a very;
firs. Langille ; face and hands in-
serious cut on the back of his hand.,
Although urged 'to have it dressed,
lured. At rile General hospital.
w absolutely X1.10 to d, saying, it
ww<an't Wow ;you to look at it
11 Loring street, Loavell, Mass.; right
� g
you have cLttended to all these poor
eye injurer], bruises4 on face. At
dew-ils hese.,' Owing to Ills perslst-
the Grenpral Hospital•
encs, the wcouald was not dressed.
1AMBROS13 ALLAN, 11 Loring street,
utrtil he %ras an the train wvhich
Lowell, Blass.; left leg injured, ar-
brought the first batch of wounded
tery cut. At the General Hospital.
tfo Toronto; I I •
A. E, �,L.x.FPER, Lexington, Ill.; in-
The most of the wounds which
iaret about head and Pace.
came sunder Dr. McGil1L•vray+'s notice
Account of the: Wreck.
were cuts caused by; broken glass.
liVhitby Jumotiaam despatch - The
Several of these wore, of a very dan•-
west-bound Grand Trunk express, till,,
gerol s character, particularly that
04 111x. A. H. Allan, of Lowell, Mass.,
here this morning at 7.15, is lying in
from- whose leg i vcry large piece of
3n inextricable tan;,le a field
yards east of the t L
', a c oaalon
ab out 300
galas 'Wasextracted,
algid fully 30 feet below the level of
most serious case of all is`
that of George Lappage, the bag-
the track.
T,here rs some doubt as to the cause
gagemc,il' Whose headwvas lnjured.
of the accident; some say spread
man was able to wvalk about,
but his mental faculties were in-
rail, others a broken axle. Judging
f1o the gemeral appearance of tile
paired,and lie, ivas continuallytin
uhil y
track the latter theory it mor,. lu•Ob-
,et•eamiilg and calling Out, 'il'1y ear
is off." Upon examination, Dr. Me -
,title, and it is to ibis rile sectiannren
i(rillirray found that his oar was
Thct train was composed of au en-
all right, but that Ifo had 'a frac-
;ine, a bag ge car, two, vestibuledture
of the skull just bahind the
Aar, and that lie had lost a good
lay= 'ars of the latest model, and
three I'ullluan sleepers. In all there
`peal of blood from cuts about the
were about 1-:,0 Iiassengers on board,
Inti as a xesult Of the accident forty-
Air. J. TI. Langill, husband of tile'
Cour persons were more or less ,sef,_
lady of whom Dr. AleGill)vray spoke,
iousiy hurt. bout twenty Othera
Was r'attl'er badly fnjnrecl, but their
daughter, although, found under
svere considerably shaken up, and the
remainder escaped scot free.
neat -11' the p. mergency stove, had
The most peculiar thing about it ;all
only a fawn unlmilortant bruises on
her fingers. The fariwlly are on th'elr
is the very light list of casualties.;
The Position of the Wreck.
way to Portland, pre., and were
well enough to leave here yester-
Just before reaching the 'Whitby
day afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Iunction station the track takes a
The metors at tlrti''%Vreelc,
ivide curve. It was at the western i
The fo11010119 medical men ware at:
til 1,. t •t r
t • it • or tills curve ha. tlr.. 'Lc-
1 2 Cln
the e scenei
o the tri er k a nd 1 s'
Ls iste<1
l e •t
1•dc.,nt occurred, rl~ae c.per s believe
in raring for rife ln,iuted: Drs• 14fiic-
that the strain put upon the cars by
Ga'illivray, Warren, Mpldruiu, and Ito•
rounding the curve at Buell a. high
wort, or Whitby; Drn. Ford, Hoift ML -
rate of speed the breakage of
Tv.L�, Coekburn and AfOntgoiniery, of
in axle on day coach `-.;,01.'x3, the
OshrLwva; and Drs, Waters and Brit-
tlfl •d from the engine. fate car irntne.-
toll, Of Toronto.
iiately jumped the track, and S114L1
he ilii -falters train wvau in charge
lowvrl the embankment, cul as the ,
of (.onduetor C.11,. I gL11it1''t tttltl
loulaling bcld, all the other earn were '
Engineer Ireland, bot -,l of 1'ot<,
orced to follow suit. Even the all
*ane duct tender were pulled off the
Itlgrtred Bron, hl', irr !1`orrinidl,
I -rack, but, fortunately for the train
The injured, with ono or two ex-
t0 fife
alto engine couplingbad-
ceptions,rrew, were broiighL on ata orw
onto, "d.hpy arrivod in two kitty. Tbo
;algia* .car parted before the -tender,
III locomotive wave dra,ggal down
noon train from T3ellr.vfllc brought
.Ile bank. Thr, sudden rolomso of the
In seventeen, and the, afternoon local
from tile east, arrlving at 'L.'.;0, an
aaggago car caused It to follow'tile,
fay carp as rapidly that It bounded
hour late, CArI'ICdl a lla'lrin OLhCId
ibout like a rubber ball, finally set -
ling at a distance of fully a bun-
IOwutg to the prownee or shark's
ired feet from the track, upside,
)n 'tile, Ilcav' of 111sen..y an(l ar'oand the
Sp'allish there,
lawn, and literally crushed to inateli-
coast, Is a dearth of.
'wood. That any nlan could be in that
fish tills whiter. It is thottgllt tlln.t
:aur and live is a miracle, and it is
tile earthqualcps ri11<1 yoleanle cllyr-•
jo wonder that the Injuries of 'Geo,
turb!tbcoo In the West Incites have
r,appa,ge, the baggagetnan, are Very
e411 tto starics to uliratoto
sew*rye, Tho wreck,
• as It Tay tills af-
:Furopea}l side of the Atlantic.
a �