HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-02-27, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and 'Tay Township.
Yo will find a Complete Stock of Gooch
-Usually kept in a First-class
*• Hour & Feed Store
We will mention a few:
Best Family, Buckwheat and
Rye Flours, Feed of all kinds,
International Stock Food, &c.
Our Field Seeds, gave the best of satis-
faction last season. Leave your orders
early for any new varities you may want.
R. R. Joh ston, Zurich
The season for beginning farm work is rapidly approaching
and it is none too soon to look about you, to see where You can pro -
euro the Best Machinery. We handle the following Lines—
(Made 1
in Hamilton Ont)
Fleury, Cockshutt and
Wilkinson Ploughs. .
:. 00AL NeWS
Mr. John Preeter did business in
London. city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. August Hill visited
at Mr. C. Greb's over Sanday. -
Miss- Allie. Johnson is visiting
friends in Clinton and Seaforth.
Mr.'H.'J. D. Cooke, of Hensel.'
was here on business last Saturdays,
Mr. Samuel Faust visited Lon-
don on Wednesday on a business
Mr. Charles Fritz visited his
barsotther,' Crediton, on Sunday
Rev, Irl R. Hicks' weather fore-
casts for March will be found on.
page 5. .
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartleib•
returned from Sebringville on
Mr. Wesley Selicellig purchased a
fine, young gelding from Mr. Henry
Mr. William Devine, of Grand
Bend, visited Mr. Wellington Foe
this week.
Mr. Robert Richardson moved his
family and household effects to
Exeter last week-.
Master Otto Sipple is laid up
with an affection of the heart and
is quite ill at times.
A sleigh load of young people
took a pleasure drive to Dashwood
on Tuesday evening.
Mr. Yungblut, of Hensall, was in
town on Sunday, the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. P. Bender.
Binders 'lowers
Rakes SHOE Drills
Cultivators Discs
HAY FORKS, TRACKS AND SLINGS. Repairs for all kinds of
machinery, on shortest notice.
We the undersigned business -men, of the 'Village of Zurich, hereby pledge our
selves to close our respective places of business, on the evenings of Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday of each week, at six o'clock sharp, commencing with the first
Tuesday in March, 1003, and we agree to forfeit the sum of TEN DOLLARS to the
Village treasury for each and every violation of this pledge.
Charles Greb. . .Hardware merchant
P. Bender . ..Baots & Shoes
3. Procter 4 0 4 4 4 0 4 4 4 0 I General Merclutut
Charles Fritz . .. . Boots & Shoes
Herman. Well Furniture & Harness
F. W. Hess Jeweler
T. & M. Johnson . • .. ,, . Furniture & Woollens
J. D. Merner . 4 4 I General Merchant
John Weseloh • • 6 Blacksmith
.T. H. Wiemer Blacksmith
D. Steinbach. . . .. General Merehrnt
F. Hess & Son . 4 I 0 0 Carriage Works
John Deichert & Son.. , Blacksmiths
W. H. Hoffman • 4 • • • • •
J. F. Rickbeil. . , Farm Implements
John Deichert Jr
C. Hartleib & Co .
D. S. Faust
..Tailor & Laundry
. ...Hardware & Harness
General Merchant
Mr. 3. P. Rat, of the Commercial
spent Wednesday at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hunch left
for their home at Cavalier on Wed-
Miss Carrie Bush, of Sebring-
ville, is visiting with Miss 1VIelvina,
11/1r. John Fess moved to the
dwelling recently vacated by Mr.
R, 8. Richardson,.
Mrs. 0, Fritz and son Ward,
visited friends at Dashwood for a
few days this week.
Mr. and Mrs, John Forrest, of
'the Parr line, visited at Mr, Henry
Zippliardt's on Sunday,
frs,Johfl Schln ehter and Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Ruby left on Tuesday
for their home at Cavalier, N Dak.
The Iowa man who claims to
have discovered a way of making, a
breakfast fond out of cornstalks
should be bailed as a pnblie bene-
factor. We really need a few more
breakfast foods.
of Canada
.Autherized Cpita1 - $2,000,000,00
Capital paid up - $1,200,000.00
• 11. S. HOLT ESQ., - President
D. M. STEWART Ese., Gen. M'gr
Mr. Charles and Miss Lottie
Dennis, of EKeter, were visitors in
town on Saturday last.
Mr. Jacob Kellerman, of Dash-
wood,was in town yesterday. Mrs.
Fritz returned with him.
Mr. •Tretepli Zettel continues in
very delicate health and it is very
doubtful if he will recover.
Messrs. William Kaerchor and
Oliver Surerus arrived home 'from
Michigan last Friday night.
Mrs. George Buxton and Miss
May Fisher, of Goclerich, are -visit-
ing at the Dominion Rouse,
Mr. Henry Bender, of Detroit, is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Bender, Babylon line.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wickens, of
Ingersoll, are visitors with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Hey, Sr.
Mr, Wes. Seho3llig recently sold
his driver to Mr. P. Mousse and
afterwards purchased another from
H. Magel.
A pleasant time -was spent at
Mr. C. L. Shoemacher, of the
Dominion House, attended the
shooting match at Brecefield, on
Thursday last.
Do not forget that all business
places in Zurich will be closed on
Teeedity, Thursday and Friday of
each week, commencing Tuesday,
March 2nd. .
Mr, John Voelker and Mrs.
Gertrude Hess left on Monday
morning for Tavistock, to attend
the funeral of their TInele,111r. John
Zimmerman .
A fenny incident warmed in town
a few days ago when one of onr
village constables informed Mr,
Ran of the Commercial Hotel that
he had impounded a pig, with a re-
quest that. John bring a. pail of feed
for it. Imagine Rat's surprise when
on opening the stable he discovered
that the supposed pig was no .less
than one of his neighbors—a tero
legged one. The drinks were on
Savings Department.
Deposits of $1. and received and
• highest rates of interest allowed.
Deposit Receipts issued at favor -
rates. Loans made to Farmers
on their own notes.
Miss .Minnie Doan's home on Wed-
Exeter Crediton
Manager. Manager.
F. W. GLADMAN, Solicitor.
Special Meeting.
?THE Council of the County of Huron
will hold a special meeting in the
Town Hall, in nlinton, on March the 4th
next, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to meet repre-
sentative men from each municipality in
the County, and consider the question of
a good road system in this County. Any
.other Comity business may be considered
at this meeting.
County Clerk.
Dated at Coderich, this 14th day of
Feb., 1003.
PUBLIC' Notice is hereby given that an
-Iv application will be made to the Par-
liament of Canada, at its next session, for
an Aet to incorporate a company under the
name of "The St. Joseph Transportation
Company," with power to 'mate and eon -
street a canal or system ef canals so as to
create a navigable waterway from some
point on the eastern shore of Lake Huron,
in the County of Huron or of Lambton, in
the Province of Ontario, to some point on
the northern shore of Lake Erie in the
County of Elgin in the said province, with
power to make survey's and to determine
the locution of the said waterway; to
dredge, deepen, raise or lower, the levels
of, or improve the existinx, water -courses
between the said points, and to establish
such connecting links necessary to make
and complete throughout the entire die-
, barTe between the said terminal points, a
navigable canal of a depth of not less than
eighteen feet, and of a width which may
be found necessary to enable vessels of
deep draft to meet and pass in safety at
any point in said canal; moreover, to con-
struct, operate and maintain all such
works and structures necessary in connec-
tion with such through waterway; more-
over, to acquire0build, own, lease, operate
and maintain or otherwise dispose of ter-
minals, harbours, wharves, docks, piers,
landing places, water lots, yards,elevators,
E are offering some very Big
Bargains for a few weeks....
1ES9 Dress goods, Furs, Capes,
Caperines, Muffs &c
Walking Overcoats, Large
Ulsters, Smocks, Pants,
Underwear &c.
These Goods are away down in Price. elftr
Call and see them while they last.
8. F US Zurich
nesday evening by the young folks warehouses, dry docks, reservoirs, and '
of the town. other structures, such as locks, clams and ------,....—
all works necessary for the production and - - - - - - •
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hudson, of • use of electric, hydraulic, pueumatie and
h.ome of her parents, Mr. and Mr, taking, and also for the purpose of irriga- KZ", /er
Hillsgreen, spent Sunday at the other power required for the said under- • rin
Justus Melick. tion: to lease or otherwise dispose of said
works and powers; to acquire, own, trans -
Mr. Samuel Ellenbaum, who hits: port bv cable or electric power, all steam.
been -visiting Mr D S Faust for' ers Inirges or any other vessels which ..e
Genuine GlearinA
Sale of
ter 600ds.
E01'LE wishing some very eheap Footwear will do well by calling and
inspecting some of our CHEAP myna LINES.. A few of the
Priceo-----Men's Canvas Leggings, 95ets—Men's .Fine Overshoes,
8l.--- Men's - Felt Socks, ncts---Men's All Felt Shoes, $1.50
Some 11 omen's Felt Shoes left which will be sold at 50 and 75ets--We received two
Cases of Men's Rubbers which we sell 50ets—LESS THAN COST.
Come and share the Great Bargains
while they last.
GOO :1:14t -:"2.<•J
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange.
. D. S. , • ••
some time, left for his home on require to be transported through the said
Saturday morninc»
waterway for the purses° of Miami. navie.,a,
Miss Ernrna ()alias, who has been ;:i"' and also with p)wor to acquire, own.eillkai,nd dispose of and operate vessels of
visiting with Miss Dora Eilber, the 1 kinds and to transport them through
past week, returned to her home at :ttl'Ile said canal, in such manner and upon
Dashwood this week. . such.terms as the company may doom fit:
The regular meeting of the W. with power also to acquire by purchase,
C. T. . will be held at the home expropriation or otherwise;such lands,
water lots, rights in navigalle or unnavig,
of Mrs. J. Geiger, on •Monday even- able streams and rivers, and other such
mg, March 2nd, at r .30. prsperty as may be necessary for who hathe put •
Mr. Frederick Fuss, s pose of the undertaking, and to again , .
1 i i disose thereof or any part thereof as the ..
• \
Before taking stock we offer our entire Stock
of WINTER GOODS at reduced prices
Call and secure some good
been N .8 t mg herefor the past.....
weeks, returned to Sault St. Marie. company may deem expedient; to lm,y-
dispose of water for the purpose of said
on Wednesday afternoon, - and to collect tolls; to take, use awl.
The Hensall Flouring Mills are canal ov for irrigation purposes or for gen.
running night and day and are in erating hydraulic and other powers; to
transmit and dispose of the said powers
See lid. on back page of this paper. for all purposes with power also to con -
want of a great quantity ofIN, I .
Miss Stanley, who has been visit- street and operate it line of railway and 500 plain and striped
ing here for the past few weeks,. itty of either standard or narrow
biteon Friday for Crediton, to visit gauge; also such bridges, ferries, 6,.t..tpli, 1 elephone or electric light or power
friends prior to returning to her Imes, which may be considered necessary
home at Listowel. in connection with the said undertaking.;
Messrs. Henry Brown, Jacob to own, acquire, control awl operate
England and ' John Levegood, loft ablrapch rine. o!rail.wa • to connect with all
i.o. any railways siturted within a distance
few & luENt; Coats
left to be sold at away down prices.
some good values in Flannelettes—
for North Dakota on Monday.
Tho migration of our Northern
visitois will soon commence.
We have considerably extended
our clubbing arrangements during
the past few weeks and can give
you almost any leading daily or
weekly in nanada, at u low price.
The difference between investing
in the "get -rich -quick" concerns
and pll'f7ing the races outright is
that the Man who plays the races
occasionally gets some of his money
0. W. Snell, of Dashwood, has
suceessfully passed his final exam -
Mations in the Musical Theory
Course at America's greatest musi-
cal institution, the New England
Conservatory of Music, at Boston,
Mass., taking 88%, The highest
mark made by -any student being
Mrs William Kain, of the Town
line, near Hillsgreen suceembed to
his illness his death taking place
on Wednesday night. Mr, Kahl
*as over eighty years of age and a
highly respeeted man -among! his
neighbors. He leaves a widow
two sons and seven daughters to
mourn leis loss.
of ten miles from any portion of the
canal, and with respect thereto, with
power to acquire lands and property
necessary for such branch lines by expro-
priation under The Railway Act, and to
connect with such other railway or rail-
ways and enter into running- or traffic
arrangements therewith; also to acquire
and run said branch lines of railway either
6y steam or electric or cable or pneumatic
power; to make arrangements with any
company, corporation, person or persons
whomsoever to carry passengers, freight
or other'commodity over and through the
works of the company, and to charge such
prices and tolls therefor as may be approv-
ed; moreover, with power to purchase or
otherwise acquire shares, debentures and
securities of other canal or railway com-
panies and corporations, and to sell or
exchange its own securities with such
companies; and to carry on transportation,
forwarding and 'elevator business for the
purpose of the undertaking; together with
all such other general powers and privil.
eges, including financing, as may be
necessary for the purposes hereinabove
more partimilarly described.
Solicitors for applicants.
Montreal, nth January, 1008. '20-9t
All kincls of good logs -wanted at
01100, for which highest prices will
be paid, Cash, oil delivers'.
J. C. i<A.r.aptztecrt.
Flannelettes at
We offer
5c a yd.
Sce our stock of New Prints.
Prices range from Ge to 12 1-2e
te Zurich
aimless - - rniture
We have a large assortment of Robes, Plush
Rugs, Blankets and Bells at lowest priees.
If you need Furniture, our New Lines in. Iron
, and Brass Bedsteads, Parlor Suites, Fancy
Rockers, Fancy Tables, Couches, Sleighs te.,
will please you. Prices Lowest.
Headquarters for Organs & Pianos.