HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-02-20, Page 7a _._•_ .-.--�---• _-. _, MWww.ruMPvw„wu,.mm..m,uw-u�rrn _ FrT tIRdaY ZSCIPOL TWENTY— ECOND .Ai NUAL T.ATEI NT�� s I �-1�et .OF LLI THE .SACK JIrl(1'I1I,MNA,TIONt� L url6sox xo. Vi'll[ ;Y+'l1i$xLu� till .n. , 1flan, .. w..rer .ten .,•..• ife CbsAetian Love. -1 Cor. 13. React Boni, 4:4-21 North American , 1'ormito FAr ltlers' bltarket. Colas. (:illichris$, of Port �opet, ,Commentary. -At the conclusion Of Feb. 1k,,-•••Tlte offerings of grain on Cured b) ®QdWii Kxdn(eY s the preceding ehatper the apostle f the street On Saturday were a lititle milts, ''I., promised t0 show the Corinthians a more ilueral 1i'lleat is weaker, with s t Assurancen Isles tat 300 0 bas d of whets i er M erceltent way than that in r t which they were proceeding, They to 7N 2-�c ; d0U ,busla(:ls of reit winter X,,x-1, ishe clvevoeer Ili 5pleiadi.Eil 1 t. wore sq distracted with contentions, at: 7' to 73 1 3c and 30U bushels of y divided by parties, and envious of i q g� t� , fie gy �t grass at 67 t -2c, Barley is un Health ja seventy-forxx"-Wlhat DI®. l! „ each other's gifts, that putty was D IE—I i -1 1 �ltVg St, West, TORONTO U changed, typic sales of 1,0 s0 bushels T3:Rs tar 3Fa1 oA't]xel►lattcr. t „r. nearly destroyed, This was a full � at 4:7 to 50e. Oats are firmer, with Port hope, oklt,, Feb. ".- OP00111,0-- f roof that unit to God and Man For th,e YOar meted 31st December, 1902 sa.ies o 800 buHtsels at 36 to 36 1-2c. �'as wanting; and without illisthelr .e clay ii, full ssi,taply, with Ir rices Everybfady, is Port Hope kc s Mr. (D numerous gifts. and other graces I1ee. 30, 1$01. 2a lrlet Ledger A sets.., .,. ... ... ... ... ........... -.:: $1,131,:100 61. steady ; 30 loads milli at ;,;1� to Chas. Gilchrist, odor fiftetru��wyears were 'nothini; in the eyes of God; siSCEIPT5 $:1�.:i0 ::a ton for timothy, and $(i to Chief of Police and afterr4ax•d Fish- A�other elle► wefflafl, M1C5. tar it was evident that they did not Der-. 31., 190'3. To Cash for Premiums.........., a,. $1,04-4,653 74, $13 fo,• mitieii: Strad-, weaker, rr•It•h Ory. Overseer of the Dominion Ga4+ love one acether, which is a proof ., " k�o Cu6h income on Inve(<tments 3�'i,ih71'f szliv i of two loath at 'pia to $a a tan. Hanle, of Edgerton, Wis., tells that they c7id not love Gpd, and, -------- 1,_70,810 1. There iv:ts a rood ppty of dairy ernmont. Se is seventy -fame years of how she was cured of irregular, consequently, that they had not 1Cruo-----;r - ' pa a;lu^e. \erti 1:�i3(i eggs, 8U to rt'c l age ncxw, and a ]itralthy Ivan. But lav Dia - ties and iiterifle trouble, terrible rell;gion. $,;,46",,1 J$- tats du7cu, and tu'ld egg;s 1•I to 1,c. has had ills share of suffowii I•'ol' > Love superior to gifts (vs. 1-3). DISBURSEMENTS rhoiar d)try roils, 30•. Vegetables � ten yeF.rs he was afflicted was Dia- jpail><S and backache by Lydia E. 1• though I iypeak-The objector in- unch tnged. 1'zetes and Kidney Disorder. JJodre g sists that the cases cited in tills and Dec. 31, 2903• By payment for Death Claims, Dressed hogs are ~,tf ady, ivfth light Kidney Pills cured him, Pil1kh,-,flil s Vegetable Compound. the two following verses could never Profits, etc•:,. ... ... 111-1 .. •..... $ 374,518'!-1• ctef1111g :iL 7,.80 to $8, alul heavy at � Speaking of the Cate rteently, MT. "eiwhile ago my health Tongan to occur, but this has nothing to do °* a" By a.lt other AxkLy`naent,s,.... 16,851 s1;:-V�-M_- $7.",0 to $7.^r:, Gilchrist said: Pills with the apostle's argument. lie 6:11,.•^,6147 I E , fail because of female troubles. The - I F'oiIorvttig is the zantaa of griota j tar have a Dyea•rs,Ioici �Kl an. doctor did not help me. I remembered does not atoll to discuss wliether it , $1,77 x,78 r i]:i t3o,ls : dost m mother had used mems,, ed would or would not ba possible for ti l,n:at. tunica+, Ir,t;tt.. 73 to 7�' 1-3c : ' linen T got It pain in the ba,clq ands y these things to actually take place ASSETS regi, T to 7'3 t- c ; h wind, 70t!, gu't•`t', ruy urine is full of brick�(iclarb I take Plnikli,armt3Vegetableponapounai but even it it were possible, yet with- r •••••• .... $1,070,703 98 :;6 to 36 L -_e: NL:?.�•, : Fl e•auple of .Dodd's Kidney Pills and P p Dec. 31, 1.902. By �iortt.ages, eco...... 671- c u:1t,,s, on many occasions for Irregularities out charity there would be no profit. Debentures, (market value $1.01.)7,535.;•3) 1,U80,GU27f'. 77 to oSk--, barley, a7c to ,i0e , buck-- lion :ill nght, I generally,' keep them and uterine troubles, and I felt sure Tongues, ole.-rCltat is, though I Stock and Bands (market tvtseat, i0 to :>lp; ryte, ,,31=_c; it('�, I om hand, for there is no medicine like that it could not harm me at any rate tunes able to (xpeak alt the lEtnguages valIlie ... ........• ................A )02,76.1.005 1,455,7i 0 87 ( timothy. $i3 to *Li. a0 ; mixeit, : them. k to give it atrial, spoken upon earth, and with the elo- p= rf to $I0; straw, p:=r ton $8 • Rfr:'+i. • ` "when I aoramf�rtwaced 0, lase T•t(:af Estate, inCludin}; t'4w •rny',y buil{I- 1Q1,68� ti9 /1I was certainly glad to find that quence Of angels, and though I have .....• ..... ...... .......•• � er bukh. ; cel ik{,, No 1, .7 to ,{i7.:"10: D(>tld's P:Sdnev; 17lils T was in. a fear- . ...... ,..,. , t , � ,h r Within a week I felt much better, the the gift of tongues bestowed by the '• Loan ,% on 1'otfciw, atc...................„ ........ 3`_1,6122 92 No. `, Y(t to $"1.7:) ; reef clover, $6,30 fn! •state• 2. ey hal a elude me a new, terrible pains in my back and side rtlifrlt of Pentecost, 13kit have not Darns on Stocks (nreFlrly all on Cr(iti ' 3,, 1,31,7 n0 to $7. ,U: t3suattty, $1.75 to j�.;r0; lu,ln. 1 have about ane -quarter acre were beginning to cense, and at the lave -That love to God and man •, C'A,rth in Banks and oil baa.nd...... 8f),lti., I7 applets, per lrbl., `n1. to r_; ,ire.,, -.;i in aL garden. I dug and plaxted it time of menstruation. I did not have which is shed abroad in the regener- --_ __-- hags, $7..)() to 1,,8; e;_•-:, apt~ I :1+k, last spring. Oran I first took a dons nearly as serious a time as hereto- `aced and sanctified soul by the Holy - $1,77%7S5 3:, •'O to '.'.ic : butter, d tfr •, 16 to20,n; I{i+iricY fills I could, mot have done fore, so I continued its use for two Ghost. 1'reuTiunis outstanding, f>tc., (1c`4s cost butter. vlvzlltu•ty,:.'Lto_:,u;citicl.„>,s, : it10 ,•1 sive IS?ilonlJd ita•v4 been dead suouths, and at the end of that time I �'. GlCt of propltrc,r•-The knowl' of collection) •• . ••• 1f)s.(1f3” 10 per parr r:,c to t?.:.-, ; thre'�e, pf+r ... only for .Dotid'f� Ind have Pills." was likeanowwoman. Ireallyhave rc7ge of future c•v(ats, and also sa:bil- lntere:9C anti Rents due aml act•rcre,l ...... ,38,04576 pair, 7;,c to �l.:l:i; �(•e;;( pvr Ih,' never felt better in my life, have not ity to speak (god's word (chap• div. 3), — — — — — — — 1A to 1.,e; turkey,;. 1,, r tit., 1 s ic, It is cures like this til h are pul- bad.a sick headache since, and weigh Ail niysteri;:s-Th::tlgl, I understand $:,.010,813'1 1&s; I,uuuoea, l,.t• h.(;;, L._p tar ilitr D(rrld's Iiitlney Fills their popul- 20 pounds more than I ever did, so I , the`• meaning of all the types and fig- LIABILITIES $1.• 5, aritr. mlhesitatingly recommend Vegetable uses of int Old 1Ces.Rmerlt, and all $ 6x1,00,) 00 r ; Gpmpornid."-Mss. MAx HAvz-E, Ed- the secrets of nature, and the dal•). Dec. 31, 1902. To C,ua.rantee Ftrnd 1,t':tdisig Wheat �taa!€e'i:. 1La'i. tt+tilt' n1,' Congo, fit'. Va. rton, Wis., President 1S1o1 Behold things in Gag's proykienees. All AssuranceFun anal ,Vnnuity I.f- g�� ]-Every-];very hnmu.n art anti servo bund ... ... 4,.18;,,:,6:, UO I'allutvin), tri' the. t�lo.inf; tit�,t (- r 171E t". j1 atm i or Sarah Jane Reese. dLCOnomics Club.—at,000 forfeit if original of I)E'atil I,06Sea await inp; tioll•;•Flt importaal,t Ayli:lit of iltrvs t about letter prouinggenuin4nesa cannot be produced science. ItemovF illountalrls _6ee ,(} 0;3 $J til:~ : Ott ('onto, rrhleb was to have been up ' 3roofB, etc. r , r Matt. wii. LeO, x i. L'2. Removing 1 ` Women should remember there -- - $1,49 ,,768 •,G ('n• :}I. 1I:,r. H dllttire W. L'..lahnsOrk's caul in '1,s one tried and true rt,,medy for i mauntalns in a ,phrase used to signFfy ---- ----_ w Ya •1. ......... ........ � - clip removing or ce 116 erto great s 7 t C'itpsirr u tete dais ago, but wltictz all female ills, Lydia E. Plnit- HAGficultiEes ; getting through perplex- Not Surplus .........• ...................'........•...........'•.1,t. $6lS,O44 7C3 Mol lo,..,. ,................. 7 1 tva,? (13suic an at(;auunt of the faii- 1l aiWsVcgetablisC,,mpound. Re- ities.' Though Thad th0 highest kind Audited anti found correct—J. X. LAKE. Auditor, � `ilalet3o... ... 77 1-'3 ?U 1-+ ,IrI. Of the witnesses to appear in inse to buy any'other medicine, of faith and could accomplish the Th'e financial posrltion of the' Company is une�retlfd-it., p,erreni- , Inslratli, �u. l �c,..th: you need the best. � greatest por;s?fble revul�s. I3nt have atige of net surttlu to tinbilirtirs pxceeds that of any other home Corn- 1 ein........ iii i• 77 1-� tisue tar the iia:11, has not been taken not lay(,-;�otiee that Paul -toes not ,any' 1 w'allurer This - Wev .ti. l t a`n IA=OlICy Wanted. assert that one could have these New insurance Issued daring SIM! -.... ...... ...... ......$ 6,600_161"0r� R. ti. Dun S (,•a ti:..ort i,ll:tittem;of Sure- tile rare has V:vll dropped It I things rr'lthc,nt toy(, but says " ]t" Exceeding tine best ,rrviuuh y lar In the history of t•he A to1ugh old fisherman of Grimsby he could. I atm nothing-". otbing in Company by over one minion dollars. � , eontnt rual tai '0.0:� 0 fat r:elrtrth - til,> bet+n lE'1kI Irf•tt that airs. Reese As resected himself at an Insurance vbelf nutlaln in the, sight of Gal, Insurance su farce at en<l of 2y.0: (net) ......$ O,�l:x7,`'6 t 00 in i eU, :rrY r; , *r 0 �8.a (1,U. tgsi n L $ i, tisr mother of a errs Ad, b u family. the 2' ......•.• R 4;31,;,0:, lad' tiv ti 1' a tr,•ri: * 4` �l:i~ Iti irnly 3T -ears ilii, but is the office the other day, and Bald he nothing in the church, and good for PRESIDENT � tveik In the 1'nite I - tUltf-Vi arc M:i11, Illotile. of t,evcntren children. Sha, wished to i.nrattre tris Iifc. IIs was nothing to mankind; ,10111►f L. BE.IilKllW, j agwlln,3C -'t;1, ln�t teat 243 t1,,+: wa.F; mtrtried when She lure 16 years asked bis age, and lap replied, `'91:' 3• A17 tuc goods -Though I distt'i� �e [C-PRESIlDENT5 t ps e E=din rvcu?k ?it<l ' Ic) the {leer, - of "ge, allaild bas fire CltS1,3r(>n mIs the arried, What . exclaimed the clerk; 1%ute thein piece by piece with 1 "ninety-four? Wily, we Cannot in- Body caLre. Body to be burned- XAS. Tll4Fwunx, :11•.D. HC1N. SIR J ILLIANJ IL, XJsItEI1I'11I, K.t'. a �:-04againstL3-1 ltt.tiwook, .,,0 ttic lilotIzer orf�three ltsetos of twins and stare you at that age." ff ?Lc,n wI}l fight for Christianity or DIRECTORS �tst�ef:eclint; week, ,nil :i.7 East rt's(r c.,,• c,1, triplcfh. "Wily not i°" asked the old ,man. 4 die for Christfarity who rr 311, not tivc•+ RO:ti. SPY;i'I(TR 0OWAIV, X.C., I.LiJ., i'.?1i.fX. I:. tiL'1:1I:' Y. I ;�t2•,,a . i UC failumi ilk tkt.s 1'111,'�d 8ulte.•. 7•: 1,:l: yr°u of the rSiiliiren rite firing at "Why. because of your age," said', its. spirit, wltich is love. Without the L. W. SMI`1`.11, L•'st., IC,(;:, r).•(.L, T. fes. U'1il.i,..[., I. I A ever:: ill t11f f'a;;t 7, sxrul.lt, tt•t ryr•ti:, 1•o,n(4 nut! five are married. J3•ut one the clerk. caul, txod rajacts all rine, and so re- D, NPC`RA13, F.,,q., 017r:UPIL ELird :.'0 In tri.• 1't -111t: +tat(>,�. lt_, +•lilkl of tit;; ( tier. flainily has died. -Get oil," Bald the old salt, "look jects lite man, wile is therefore CVQJaitild if,IG•1DIFtSCYi�fC 7(i T+'IiKtrt t,an6P f rs;, of *45.00,) (r Tht fattier o' ttiig� remarkable family at the statistics, and volt will find � profited nothing." WM. McCARE, LLS., F.I.A., F,S.S. uir')te. f:a stilt l(.Ills but fire snip„ fife. )las that fewer men Idle at nl,let-y-folir Il. Th'e cluallLiesa of lore (vs. 3-7). MEDICAL DIRECTOR t CDR not nkudp telt, he.nlr rt itlt h:s wife. Mrs. •thus, at any Other abet,''-Londoc 1 4, Lcsve-"Iiaviu�; px:vltk<i tore as SECBti"i``fTwFtl' i I3xntl.trctts ark '1'r:kdt'• ; l,(•ese iri Said i(r b(> remarkably Answers. lite goktelt ice t' NvIllk-h opens the L. GOLD3f:'t�ti, !t.I.L. S. Ti3.Ql2llUR.N.1f,D.,(B413.n1, I tiVlaf,i;,ktf+ trlr:tt' tit :ilolktrral !,ice �t,;aut: sat+kitsg.-`tr. L'?inl7arrland in - 1► circ- of ctf>rcit;t,' Ili` proceeds to The report containil,g the proceedings of the AnnualMeeting. field `rya"ek ir:vs tiltc«rn a t nos! o,p utrlrt:7 :Teti( ttch'nt. I3A 1 DI9lt TALK describe it. 'Tit'; he does as a man on Jarrualy 3191:11 last, ")lolling marked proofs at tai. f utrtinucci pro- ! {temand for Az le lr(;oaly. Sao •Ion t might describe, t;olti, Iry showing gress amd solid position of the Company, will be sEpnt to poliryuolderx:' I the inti+i : of tart' ,i(rx,i• rtI ni:u:utas- : In our last Issue we spoke of some; its effects and th:> marks by whish I',tmphlets etplainn.tor, of the attractive rove:tinent plans of the ",)NF,-NVAY RATII!:'s' Important features of binder con- ma�� he cii:tiait;ul�hrd.'' sufferettx Company., and at copy of the, lnnnai Report, showing its unexcelled fill- turers axce eonlpar:ttiva•1; latritt„tn<i' rlt tion. �Tlsis subject is of taut- tont;-Thin, is the net;FLi%e side of aLnr]al position. wilt lir iurniYrhtxi an application to ttif: Iictitd. Office or tiny there is .( .era Brut Ir t;iut; in all' Every -lac from February. 15 tm ficient moment to justify our pur- t love, it suffer:t nl1 ttie weakness, of the Company,s agencies. iii lint* with 'ittrrfas.iag indifference alk hprll 30, 1'103, the Union Pacific suing At further In the interests of E Ignor:i•rsce, errors and Infirmities of the I,cart or to-l.erti abut rtfecOlig will .sex`. On(rntsy Colonist Tjekets at our fztrmfnt,* readers. i the children of God, and all the r nt or the Htals'Ce and rrtrke(lness of the eltfld- �- these ttinci ai- savrngA - �y� t1'EteaY The 11Nr+~ S,RF - E sales at pre»ent l,ri,'e- sp urti,>r» idle faJto`sing rates from Missouri 17Vo spike of taro advantage age Limn retaas s A 13 float'snt; c]evatar as used on the : ren of the rrorlt], nut only for a racflEt, both here and hereafter. � arc C(>ittint; torrr.trti f:((l� at Tux- Iltt'er: Massae-ilaxrls Iilnder. 1V. rep^a.t 1 ti.tne, girt 'CO tilt, elld. Is not puffed b Ttae ltf+ns are laying stga3ar.-k3f>7rx ( o to and trFltle in n1, :ens (tclntrtrni nts p O.UG to Agcien and Batt Latae b'aith-•-"The vls3o:t Of the unseen ,t, larger thult •t teal* ago i"Ita Cit,. 'Ghat it is very necessary to success-' ni)^ "Is not Iufinti,d with pride, or Heb, xi. 1.), with Its collse(III nt Cit ,,I�tt Fkp, Journal. � : ftrxnr`r pri•"til o' ' tOlrlt' r �_U.00 to Butte, Anaconda and fill haa.rvostin > in 'heavy eropa. ,,ell-coucelt oft aacouut of any on- trust xn God.11 Ilope--The sips- - Let oo s reed lit i rt Un't rand q 1l('k l 'r(sti+l, 3, .vC Another Important point is the can- clorrxnenirr or tluulifiur:liana, nientat tit�irt of future rod. 1`IaiLh a.,,d ll f vtimudnta•(I tilt! ,1r'tll:cni, r$ I tin v i:; � J 2.5 <1 I,iry'siX:tt,l, natural or acquired, itli (sttuie fe,ix s;rnvni r,•tnil(rs rtIlo rtpr>' t^3',GO to ��"pokane and Waatatchee, structlon of the stain frame of the will be stronger assn more camlli >e,tin(� w;aYh. BAbdor. A railway bridge requires el it or religious:. An the next world than 1n this. "TI i ,lit;lkl)pta3utpd 1,,,t y ear Iu 5. T,,nseemty -- Uribecomingly, t euri> dr l r, rfeq (. f g o"t"' un of culla 525.00 to Everett, rralrbaxven and a solid- foundation, and a binder re- ira.ugiltfty, see Clot Iter own- om�r happy: state will continue # f of l:kte o*c}cxini that Chert, wilt 1,,(+ 4w l4hateom. via Bluntfiigtotr and quires a eltrong frame. Trills is an- I•(, g it alit utter enr.my to self- ever •ire shall know simply* been ! -i rrCa.rcitr t11is vc;ar aInd tills !s onus- Spokane. other place where the Va•sse}•-tar- clod has promised it, that is, br the iAut; an increase in l,ueirrrea�. Du.,il)Ps $3;,.00 to Portland, Tacoma anti ris Milder undoubtedly exeells all Its 3r hziese. Charity nEer`E r seeks its .faith similar to aur present be Ea - competitors, Tlt. frame on the <xwm to the hurt or others, or with iia the as el." Ci`eatest . . . fs 1 :tt i :it �!ui test during tarp Ar.ist tui;01 hll ice$, 5.0 Masse Raxris is splendidly trwmid- the neglect of others; but prefers -Greatest in extent, in endnra t(ef>c :for sprain:i itillt?r ir' ,a g>att h ne A ca Ashland, e , vial, rt- ils�eir 'welfare •ter ft:, awn. , � quire for slsitnt; t;,a(idc. TrFadc At the esus, y,;bany and Salem, r'ir3 Port - it will stand call the strain that it S. Rejoicetu not ill lvn- teous- in manifestation. (4reates bee Ianel. without love tine Others would l g quiet, Con eentrt iN :t trills is called upon to boar. '. believe ness-it is not lore, but its oppo- fit nothin i quiet, a,3 ,s urn t at the seaFalr, but $3a.D0 to San l'rttnci co, Los Aa• this is the secret of the success of tilts site that rejoiceth in the downfall Teachings --It Is more Imports ° there is :a gr of r tt rt'(,tri t (r: succi- poi anti many other California machine. Ityou are buying a binder or in uoy or disgrace, of others. t 30 good. IJn1 ni- 1 &:nee in #lip future. r. In WiHi11P('t; points. this year wo advise you to carefully j be good tlia.n o t S Intim Chicago and St. Louis piro- and ]n tire triumpli of wickedness. dos prompted by lore are ac f mans bur e” laver ivril ill the Itt:kt- look Into this feature. Ton will be But .... in the trutlk•-In the 'el'e- table to God. Sacrifice without oal t arf t tknEl the" l:aLvt' leer n braying frrelt by likkeis Co low_ rtLtW are a t3ifetst well repaid for so doing. .inti we da Lary of truth, in til. sulci. "'The is vain. Lave bears testa. rat C.Apf-etation ()f It bit; listrpaEp in lig tines connceting rR*fth the tlnlori not speak without knowledge of the truth" frequently mean" ``tile gos- j clic �arnuvt-r• Cllr cr�minh season- Pacific full all abo�o paints. seubjectl. pelt' Loge joys in th:= triumph of PRACTICAL i_L'RTP_T• llE�aaey si,lpruetlt� of , Isri,sg :tst(I s cin- For full inforralatfon call oil or Remember what we ba,ve said virtue and is glad wlrt:it the lyes- why the Creel; word "ai apt mer g<)ods have barn made br Ham- address about tho Massey-k9arris. eel azo extended, even tlsaugh it be trarislatc<i "r'l)arity In this rats Ilton rclio)t"stvie firm, it;atrxr this H. F. CASTER, T. P. i1,„ j thz"otiglt rtyatls or eilemiev. See Phil. ter and in the rest of the rruf>k to tiife tai ictus trade c entrees 14 ants Building, The Node Ill Dtodern Portrait Stat ties. t 1., 25-18., "love," IT the rs art, . (lig •N -from the : Toronto, Canada. { I Cannot 'tell: or wily 'gly trtL"reller(r are C(,ntlnt~: forward free- ° V. I3, C33+OATE, G. A., There 3s sometllln:g peculiarly Fib-, 7. Deareih-1reEticrYLthas and hard- Creel: word, `"philla," which at 11% and t1w manufacturers and the 126 Woodwird ave,, srrd in the Idea just carried out at { ships; or covert:th th's failings of means some forth of human la rvllulehale. nuuscS are bu?.-y mra•ting ; Detroit, Mich. Leipsic of an undraped statue to ,Bee. j otbers. . Beiieveth "Is ever ready tr,Lnslated by tile same word, � - not know. It seems to me 'info c the demand, l(). irw of lreis. treads ' thoven. If nude iii,'uies of distin- i to believe tine bt�s;C of every person-, arc tfrnrlt hrePd. Fsr,d there Is a.go{a,i voFAp i,1, hlrAc7ie; ed men are to tie encouraged .arca will credit no f v31 Of F"ly iaut ato that it is so, for there fs ' �r deal of triik about slddlt3onaC ad- men ensue thoroughfa.rers it, will add on the most positive evIdelOc ROP' int; in common between the � vanr'ek In Ir•f^(>:;. Thr• f"utlook for al, In ,.»pith 0' the fact, that thosewho a new terror -to eminence. The had- � eth-nape is desire, mingled Accepts words except that titev •both ma utiy , InCreal�i,ai� i.t: i„e> * i7, elitest depart- juw the ni;.or frewiently cut th:�sit» mean mind a)nlosst l`er1s at the thou ht ' expectation. Ain<luretlr rel aitl�- <lalufnated emotions* of th soul. I m( -lits df iradv ah+, Coming l;eason is ,;tilt f+lyt t it is ruts>tt that anything or ,statues in Pa,r,liainient Square of � everyt:h`in.g as frown this Lord; f they are each spontaneous in dery pro"niri:Yt". Lt;ndule j;)t,l,ers are, enols yet -, than a era x(71heal- l.isxYl Salitslaury a(a Apollo, o. lite, 1 ful under all cfrennimi Lnces' arletfan. mJra first eve lost all t hUi>c bauk,at and fillillg t,rders for lite slight rcariis+l t;pucrully heal• '.lhcam�rlain as ]lcel+cuies, of azry Ill. Ion$ enduring .Luc! ti -It of in our federal laL*ad be sin; Y rs l +lfmrle as all,, (vs, 8Lo Ei,) \erE.r #,nd 1 } el,rfrlt; :turf ruuinx r tgt,ucisa. The tray- int; gnich-ly. aml t, rl-& of septi. &9tin.gulslix-3 p p )ver isattt ll antAmttst latter, in various forms, is pr lile `el!err:out oil th( road nor~ a1`0 tnt•'t- catmsa ,I, lilt; in tilt teal~ would and, let ll,,l s,Ly or Lord Roseb,ry, as eternaa in it very tied (endures, in every human breast. They jug with (•lie( 1,r ging vuccess, Ill Seem to rat° lilnuir nsi In the ma- Gnpi<7.-Lando- irtitIl. - 3 het<Itlre a4, lana; evidently heed tvititin ora f ;r,"• }Oitrtwat ihore i» fi Eirrt,l> (>vp,viiEf<wt ,ioYftc of r:v>ten. thctr[orp, it is C1eiLr Tillie I) 4r 11tIti ,for God is tote. Prophecies gilt I> HAD of prophecy ”"Shall be done .y,y.'+ purpose. and well do they accom i in clad+• ltttad tr :tlf t,uyfr+g fr+pit runt tIlr r: ut,r Lit' rf mu't be gam "OunM mail by the name of °Che revelation given lav troll to the their object. i,: tar,Afr itp t nu:i. It fare ttriatot icaiit f i,.tti t. t•., free from A 3-0-013,m uny 4uttllcr •r(sr :(.(•p :ta i.rirrtl f s,el,tit mitt(--tvhnh ru:i.y be at- EVilliam liotz, raac7inrrtn, sante feet j thurclr being camt)I,Aed, the gifts Divina lave Wail In mit,n alr,u,ut)t, ;,, i`ln i .:oltn;I- fc+r iraltlt> !( it•(Itt to tt;p fact t]i,tt Ixrotxlialy my' store.., complaining that his f e i (,f prol,hrcy` will be no longer ho was formed, for In the "fma. � very promi»lt:pr, i:. i� {] iii„•„ ir,tu }int :~ip,•fli he lvar httart hint ver), badly, lie had Ill rieCclEeci. 'Gocl°' was ire made, and lila npvet fpr 1,w fes ,t, u. elm: , trlett the snap vain tried to get: relief by consult- ,, ):art-C:od I•s:,pt•vr•s far Iris regain what he hast lost urttfi Csn 1 -� 3:,.1, r i ;sc i +,ptic I`up latter pi- Ining phtixfeiatns. 1361",, exposed ra: e'llil<lren a knowledge Tar tuperfor Plied abroad In his hmrt by A ;,,rr:al hrklrtiwr.Y. 1Ili,11:1 +rs ,,:Tutt tiro IH)r,' probables great cleat, to, tll^ cal(i by Ills Octtx- I t<. uhai 'lie hal, rtivellied to them 111•o1y 03108t at convorvion. Ila ar g , t worst, cirL:7y, i i fI'ifn<1 r't Hill's(° t( its: iii+> ,'t,llorr- c)T "'.ft, tttiu i`t-1 rruk,t;vo of Soanble pat1A71, lilt+ t<f - iia , lle7'e. T11ei1' grea#est dl-r•or'hrieli ire 1114 DIr'irle l:mrit'f( mSki'� rT,FI,iT t Ill <'1 ,prielii t tCl,i 3i 1 appi :it:t1, to Tubb ti oil tl i a1:iI1 t Ovrdiderable until one day 3lL fainted isi tilt,1 nature and grace are only the lee- -with hitt iliakrr, axed 4?Uuse;, mla' g I' rr d,t •s after he. again i Of better tllings,. Perfect- n .asurc, to fee] for tills 1nine rvi„3(+ tract°Bing (r1, It•t•3lull, ll- g tttn »h;atsak 11; tt+ l>` in any tie- street. A Te y p,innsni, < lsts 1,r had g;uTls, acro bf(3 su :.sr Irish Ian! l+ill- crit°,• tusuic:+ t.=t,tf•, •(tri ••nice 11x2+5 Dame to my stash and strowr.ci rue; Tplre state of etc>rita.l blessedness. A world as Juni did when h<r (sing #ill' ltrldi•adr to h:kv:” him call- cnu�i er'tl,ic ulriiNYIYLIC i,trwf?r; a 8 his feet. I lltvr. seen a 1?r, �t chit<]- i'Faui uses this as an illus- 11mven to sinter and die to i±, on' .T .,. r t �'x. t },a, ., is ,t ) i,:. �r,l,,iit,n ht l't•� Etiflicletrt to many sores All MY life, but 110th g i trati0n. The press:nt estate is a as back'. e nal ibis, nr,<l rvFts afrai,.l til(:i trati of r•llildIlaod; ih,t fatnrp,that , „ 4)-;in(>rttlnl* ilii knnc ficl t hi;y t`('�F:i.l (nit x, .itiIllrle dctii.btl #lacrefore,�lthat .to c1, 'Chis word ` agaltp, love, is •,Van vr• gttf io 1}, poor iellory would lots his limb.•:.i of m,xishood. Such is the difference fully ana)yzetl in this Chapter t "what o'clock is it the r„l(r f, r,n,:errd tterilt by {lib He as'.,pfl me Fc)r St Jacobs Oil; r44 3 lie#.rvee:rt earth Fan<t Ileftven' in an at7)er lin-rt of fire etre ( ":FIs. surr.” titu'r;ti ;vigri,c.,tian of rxLp, and rubbM his feet well with thff' o.1,, j 1.3, kOr nate-In thin Irresent life. y took tl,r, remainder with 1 word, 'Lino frtet is clearly ' Co cart;a� Ian awl. M:.;nn to g;rt ti;i:: f 1ct ix in fs: emicsr tt ,any out sand lice t same m:tn : in a, Infrror, darkly A.I10ent mI4 Hunted, that a, person May be tI) till eilitt,» 171 nine 1st to :tilt rrrnnininc healt37yj him. :11'ter nine -latus the -1 rr>rs tvexe alai mcztie o. g1Ft,r, bu scaseaA of many eammencluI e til Fin[7 t l•.i,t, rt tr .hf• reopl,(.:rrtl. "Iti7r,clE.';alIlwit,uti# its p It)u;a r.- o'civatfon again came foto my store, per- sulfsheci Iuct,tl, and the r4tlectfons i t up r orv, it's seven, ' Ili tvoatl. sails in t7rr operation esti • well, a.ncl requested ,tae to f , and set late a,s a, sounding brass } Ftird yc' mu.,. r y Ct luau,/er- l were very obseltr`b a ll l Imperfect. t'knktfr, evmSai, without E1 part n #tt i love lis, ',lit, ( r : ti =r nt•1t rti .r•lt tyi,ss: no# only* f(leilitritas rho rcrita tO you of this xI}o.. trva face to race -Tho mcdfaln through of ilio ace a1, ClE)<l in tltfr soul. rptul•lt, t"i r,,ld. tilt. up. there's ,k tl.a•. >s. l+rrC plays the s^nra 4(axaia- `u3 Corp ; ase also stated that1 r4lrich wt3 perceive henyenly, tltir5 , grace f rv,>,.t p;ittlpiulati : tla,r(s trvcro ra+1,u bar eerie when the. hliar`pr is trnlubky zilrer 1, ons had bc_ ell' .11 of ; is iritic, aa,l with it we nmr see 1Cllares has pra:,iLblti_ been l sanirM bottle, ; , - our er- controvarsy Over the tlueNtlo)I, .are n+ory l m(rcial t iniAsatrra tv,tr lw,- 011for tits• c t,t)r rh tt* t tat 1:7an � f :1q <7oes tIi)x Ithonmr:.ti .t try the t,nten. is faith ,e. glass, darkly. III p : ( ltr,•akf »t , .z I cae•n'i ht ,i.s excel:) ti ri.#'.c iri t ,:i,,.--Ili°.rix the rthi(:h l,:°'k•••d lsfm.-John L ;fall visrtam, ,:I,nu f ca to face with what docs religion consist Y tbtaat over laa.yi.n�; nga}m. j! , .till Y il,LVE� ;ver iu,ncrres top rht�(zt.' I,anceC, our, vi'siUakrr, ;<: o al)Fill w:nprelvend the any other subject, and It Will itlfaxllt- ; Let jay spr•eall ber rvtrigs anal ig a cs3t t lr.Hs cani3ntte until tile. enol of time: ; girdle. the earth, 1 - - --- _ ..._ _ .__..___.__ . _ and this notwitbsta.ndin; the fact ? ,1L•nd let every.tbilig lied}; go daffy , 11tuct tile Lord has �.:, descended in ; 'With mirth, this chaptor � :Riko it so p1311I thin `'I`he heirs every sehoot child can understand. r r axe nor* It is often said, "".Nin preacher is 1 laying agafrn. too stringent in Ills rerna+.rks, lie - needs more love," when perhaps tbmt , YDisappairli� f1 Is the, very tiling; that has caused bim { dacky longed for a bicycle, longed : to speak as he has. But this Is and prayed, too, that soma (aur often tr perversion of divine love. would give him ane. Everyday he for as a rule, tits more real love aL : slue downstairs hoping to find the parson possesses the closer will be machine of lxfs prars in tit(•? ha11. i Ike t is a to ciao teae11inbr of the Scxipw tricycle, Iasi nand eths4irt:ycXI ma minatlying, It was ambush to be a witness of the A flood at Cornwall put out the ablld a raptui"os, heard instead a fires in the Canadian Colored Cot- Heavy sigh, and "Oh, 'God, I did not tou Companyrs mill and drove 1§ev- tbiuls you would know '1110 difference seal prroplo tram their tltvellings, between a bicycle and a tricycle, iz�tairarmn,�v,mn�,,..�.R-:-•w,.•..-...�.__ Ilia; Thrift? I°iXt.1ANN, ( cliar;lcter or EAcx;, the Inysterles o > 'h 1t broLight you ironic In this ; Iyravit7e»ce, i1,?( ?v <,f i.demptian, ondition 7" c1(tnzlancled airs. Doildol ;rind the I;lt,r3c•s of the t, avenly state, _ go through tate dirk hallway in ; there wgi3A be alltJrcvzatlgh, romp1ete2 th'e wee Ixodes• "Thrlftisirall," srifuubled Mr. ];miler. knowlcd r, AS the original word At Kcllev s carp th"VI'li aro, giving � ,si;niftew. ' sstorles will ua longer hwaysli a I)smp of coal with eN erysli tz•Cltblo ars. tllclnk, and Iwiks trying to getsli -a 1.:,. Ncvsv abic7et7t. -lurid titings tan.,' -Chicago Tteeard. i C)lttufrltble acct P01 the'Clixis annm,�in, Single Or a011ble-•light, stronry durable, econ k r orn,aal, will not sial* or get rtdety 1f itted zt ' with self-acting latches, tvhio8 open either way, A ehild can orcu rye close Ina, strontl u rvitYcl-oto rurfaeo to rosisst, l3cA farms 4at0 mrtda.(lsod'arrol+'eA?oosrxtr(ii'aultrgNettAng, ' ..�-* �' '1'FitxJ'ag©'WiraPe;sao a0.,iimitell;V';1'al7tznr°�lUe *, r*r +t ter&itats:"Ey a [^ (iiia. lYl olitrd�]l, P4. tan(I St. 361111.0 ITS Yi�