HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-02-20, Page 5'. ^ ^°yin "71.M.s'•"l i.,"I:ii 'ni-?*1?E=
Hoff nian'.s
Laundry . .
We use no chemicals
to destroy or injure
your Clothing, and we
Guarantee our Work.
TH is
SYw1'I.1MI R).7(:)-
will e{Ire the notp,tn-'
vated forms of Dys, epsia
and Indigestion. It will eor-
rert "'1'lnit Null 1.'eehu
After Ealing." Nervous
fleadnche, Sour Stomach
and Flatulence. Why suffer
when a etu•e it' guaranteed?
200 RAYS' TREATMENT $1,00.
says: "I was unable to get
any relief from i sthms
and Stomach crroxble until
using Our Native Herbs,"
sole Proprietors,
t'&r �aWY ., ':.n..W atN.4s ' r.,, .''M' ^.•,'.Y'L•
Clubbing mates.
01a -We have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with Tni IT"•t11ALA :
Daily Globe . 4.25
,, Mail (.t.. Empire 4.25
weekly Globe . . 1..60
Mail & Empire 1.75
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 ,
Family Herald & Starr 1.75
On Etiquette. •
"What's the ma.nein' iv Ittykit,
Dinnis?" Saye; Dlary .Ellen th' other
Clay. "I was (algin' on ]\lissns
Clancy this afthernoon", she says,
"an' elle giv 1U( 0. paiee iv Chris.;).- tiger Hays in the mutter, and a deputa-
tion. cake, till' she says "I 5npl)se tiara will be selected from the Boards
it isn't Ittykit to hand ye tit' cake .111 rade and Town Councils of all the
1Vid.OUt It plate." she says "but I 1•Iltues interested to wait upon lir. Hays
In .gentlest and submit the reeeen-
lattven't ale dishes washed vit." rnrndation contained in the above reso-
"1r)w -what did she mune by Illy-intion.
kit?" "Mary E+"llen,'' I says, •'ye .A • resolution was passi d authorizing
astonish me ! 1 it possible," I says, Secretary Beam of the conference to for -
"that ye'vo bin livin' wid n)e fur ward a petition to Sir William Muloek,
this lasht forts years, c)1 lies,
an, drawing hie attention to the unsatisfac-
d10I1't know the t).)llenill' ivItlylilt? tory condition of the )nail service to
and from the easterly States, and also
An' here I've bin indivorin, wid the mail service from Montreal, the Int -
more or Liss sticcis all these years,
to tache ye titmany an' various
rules iv Ittykit, an' now ye ox the
what it manes ! Bich ignorance'
and unanimous, and judging from the
I says, riot' ;o t"tan:lv free schools,'
spirit of the meeting the towns in west-
Bard of Trade Representatives From.
Several Centres Met at Berlin--•
Inequalities in Prcigllt Bates Call,
• For Immediate Action.
Berlin, Ont,, Feb. "11=-A meeting of
representatirres frons the Boe,rds of
Trade of Galt, Guelph, Berlin, Waterloo
and Stratford was held in the • Walper
house parlays yesterday for the pur-
pose of uniting in protesting against
the discrimination against theses towns
coal - freight rates, a.nd also to make
an effort to secure bettter railway and
mail accommodation. Among 'those -pre-
sent were 'Messrs. R. O. McCulloch,
Geore�•e E. Goldie, J. Brownlee, A. G.
Donaldson, Galt; John White, Andrew
Johnson George H. Douglas, Stratford;
R. 12tosthinann, Waterloo; R. G. Tor -
ranee and C. A. Beans, Guelph, and
Robert Smyth, S. J. \\']1]]arns, G. M.
Debus, 17, B: Detweilcr and G. K.
Hagedorn, Berlin.
•Mr. R. (). McCulloch of Galt was
elected Chairman. The discussion re-
gaedi.ng• coal freight rates showed that
Brantford seems to be favored above all
other places, its rate being 70 cents per
2,240 pounds in both hard and soft coal,
and 62 cents for 2,000 pounds. Galt,
Guelph, Berlin, Waterloo and Preston
pay $1 a ton of 2,000 pounds on hard
and 90 eents a ton op soft coal. it
was shown that places like Windsor and
London, where the haul is much greater;
get a lower rate. The former place pays
70 cents per ton on soft coal, 2,240
pounds, and the latter 90 cents. A re-
solution was unanimously passed urging
the Boards of Trade of western Ontario
to take steps to obtain revision of the
• tY
ft ea ht tal•itt s a:
0 o secure for
Guelph, Berlin,• Stratford, Waterloo and
intervening points, which are discrimin-
ated against, a teniform rate of 80 cents
per .tont on 2,000 pounds for both an-
thracite and bituminous coal.
The conference discussed the present
train service on the )slain line of the
(;rand Trunk, when Guelph, Berlin and
Stratford delegates put on record their
opinion that the time had arrived for
this co:upany to reorganize its service by
placing earlier and faster trains on
the plain line. A resolution :slaking' the
following sugges1i0ns WAS unanimously
(1) A first mail and passenger train to
leave Toronto at 7.40 a.m., carrying
eastern snail, and giving connection with
Lehigh Valley express at London or the
(2) A fast mail and passenger train
leaving Stratford al about 8 o'clock
a.m., reaching Toronto at 10.30.
(3) That the train now leaving Toron-
to at 5.95 p.m. be concerted into a
first Mail and passenger train to Stray
ford, to leave Toronto at 7 p.m., and
the train now leaving at 4 p.m. to be
continued through from Guelph to
The conference decided that the only
method of having these suggestions car-
ried out was to interest (General Man -
ter reaching Toronto at 7.15 and lying
until 8.30. son 13.1111: after his suicide and there
The e°nferenee was seer satisfactory lost, making in ell $8,054.05. During
the weeks immediately preceding; ins
death Howarth rec•rived $8.78.5 from the
tax eollcetors and deposited it in the
Ontario 13ank in '.I'nronto, under the
' firm mune of Andrew & Howarth, who
snbsegMelt ly asslgan"d,
21r, \Vilhuneon says that the result
of the examination sloes not disclose
anything; to• warrant such a desperate
act a15 suicide. The condition of the
rash books and accounts, he says, might
reasonably be held to indicate that he
had eufTered from worry, as he had not
entered anything since August let last.
The auditor suggests the issue of $11,000
new de•benturr, to supply immediate
needs, which would bring the total bond-
ed debt of the town up to $38,500, which
lir dors aril thing: is out of proportion
to the status of the town.
Coroner's jury. Says Romaine Did the
Toronto, Feb. 11.--J.saac 'Walter
Romaine, the caloied stovepolialr
el•, elturgvd 'tt•ith the -murder
of 1.�ou,s UUuldswil'1l, sat in the dock at
thi. • Police. (curt yesterday for fear
butyls un.. li,,tcu.:u to witnesses relate
to Gummi:. emir : rtllur Jules Johnson's jury
tits details tI the shooting altray widen
ec.ciirie,t ut 1.0.-101 Victoria street last
1iid.�y Ittgght, 1'uc Crown did not pat
etlatude deceaseds Anti -411°1.'4:m.
,a.ateuhcot, .nor wa.•, the prisoner placed
on the s»Mld. About midnight it ver -
cue. of lntlrder was returned by .the
jury, \vi.o Were les.; titan half yin hour
cit it .0eeine tee evidence.
1\1Llly e oldsmith, wife of deceased,
WAS t.a(! moat inipartau t wltlleSe exam-
ined duping the sitting. elle told of the
business relation., cxls.:ing between her
husband incl the prisoner. 'i'hey were.
111 partnership from January 1st last.-
tis„. Goat..m,cn tarn related the cir-
culnstanees lending up to the shooting.
She was in the house about 11 °'.clock,
when ,�11•s. Lucy Jackson rapped at the
door and was admitted. Romaine called
,Gold:Slnith, who in a few moments was
heard to say, "1 wish you would leave
ole alone, 1 have enougih trouble on lay
mind." There was some more loud talk-
ing, and then the two men got into a
struggle on the prisoner's cot. Mrs. -
(a•oldslnith went to the men, and her
husband had a pair of shears, With the
point away from the prisoner, who was
lying down. Goldsmith, in response to
her request, gave- the shears to his wile
and she laid thele on the table. .Almost
immediately Romaine cried out, "11 you
don't let go 1'll pull bile trigger." The
prisoner then had his hand near his hip
pocket. Goldsmith did let go, and waS
about nine feet away when the first shot
was tired. Getting frightened, he ran in-
to his bedroom, put the lamp out and -
got behind a folding bed. Romaine fol
towed up the attack and said to Mrs.
Goldsmith, who was standing between
the two men. "1'l1 shoot you to get at
your husband." The woman stepped to
0110 side, and then she heard two shots
in rapid succession. Aire, Goldsmith
said that Romaine always carried a.. re-
volver to protect: himselt from a man
who also lived' on Victoria street, and
who was known to be erinait with a
razor. The womu:t also explained to the
jury that Romaine, just after the quar-
rel had begun, made use of the state-
ment that he hast just enough bullets
to kill the bunch.
The evidence of Mrs. goldsmith was
corroborated by Mrs. Lucy jackson, the
otter eye -witness of the shooting. \VSe.n.
the. tlwd sten were wrestling on the cot
_Romaine said, "Louis, let lOr up." Gold-
s=mith repliott, "L \t'ou't," and true pris-
oner slid, "Give your wife the shears
and I'll call it square."
The jury's verdict is as follows :—
"We find that Louis Goldsmith came
to his death in the City of Toronto on
the 0th day of February, 1003, from
bullet wounds, intlieted on the Lith day
of February by one Isaac Walter Ro-
maine. and that the said Isaac Walter
Romaine did unlawfully kill and murder
the aforesaid :Loris Goldsmith."
Deficit of the Late Town Treasurer
Toronto, Feb. 11.—A report has
been reeeiVed by Mr. J. • B.
Laing, Provincial Municipal Audi -
iter, from \[r. T. G. Williamson, who
has rontpkted an au:lit of the books of
the late Treasurer of Oakville, Thomas
Howarth, who took his own life a couple
of months ago. The report shows that
Howarth owed the town at the time of
lois death if7,848.10, to which must be
added $200.25, depo,ited in the Ander-
...wog]=," shy' says, •' whtit -does it ern Ontario are determined to hare the
best railway facilities oasihle and rhea
mane :1flt1 vtt,y?" •'I'11 i\pluiil it coal freight rattrs..\tl•the ennelusion of
to ye," I snvs, in a ver few. 'words, the meeting the de)enates ss'rte driven
AV ye'd 50it1 to Missus Clancy whin to the Sugar refinery and other indua-
she handed ye th' cake, 4'1 Mope ye tries.
haven't put in as' much Sody 11.5
11511,11, that mai have bin bad loan. VIE PiMANUFACTURERS.
ners. Jlttt av ye:(1 said, 'T'ank ye --
Missile Cheney, all' it's yersilf A Private Interview with the
knows haw to make a coke ' that Government.
wild. be lttyk.it• "Thin Ittykit jilt' ottaw't Feb. 1.1. --'lessee. ' Robert
manes good manners," Guys Vlore
Fujin. -It manes goods ala nnerS," llutuo; _lioutrcal; 1'lcdcr)c Nicholls and
1says, lean' it 11150 111111105 to do It• J. Iouuig, Toronto, representing the
t'ings th' way ye don't want to do
Manufacturers' lssoeiationh
thin). an' not in 11 natural way. waited. upon Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir
Pur inshtnnee," 1 says, "th.' Richard Cartwright, lion. W. S. Field-
))athurul way to ate u hunk iv pot' ing; and lloii. William Paterson.
is to take it in yet• hand, lint th"' 'J.'he interview was private, at the
wish of the delegation, who asked that
the platter should be treated as confi-
dential. It is said, however, that the
manufacturers wished to ascertain
whether any tarilf changes would be
made at the cooling se•tsion of Parlia-
ment, and, if so, what character they
would assume. The manufacturers would
then be in a position to formulate de-
mand:, for readjustment in accordance
with their wishes. Of course it was
twliclly out of the question for the Gov-
ernment t0 comply with the request, and
Gb11(1 11)"•(1•. tt)1e11>1• 01)111 (1rr't1111 the manufacturers will heee to wait for
i;l�ittlnC(a ati0 ":(1' ))e'iait) ; 1. id. ('r the desired information until the bud -
� e .r tih•)n n
. 5h nd
11 t T e , r �
• .c c 1 down. The deputation
1 pile I et is brats It d< \y n
.n f, �]
I 5vi1e:r t,11':a Mall's" 15)lt'n. dieeuseed in 0 general way the necessi-
7.ltu're. yet)twin:.
1(11 1, I sativt,. 1�Tu, try of protection, and to the statements
ilrncfnln " 1 stir •'y( sltttcl nee ver a patient hmarling was acrarded. It is
fork a v it tinges ye oil tiny " "Aix' not known wether the manufacturers
Wulf ye tttte 1('r porridge wid a fork, will nosy submit any applications for
tno?" says Mary Ellen. "Not at tarilT ehan(Yes to the C;overnment. The
latght a.(cotrnts," I dyes, "But it
difficulty seems to be that the mann
May anil)c to that yifi, fur t]1' 1.1:1(;5 facturors as a whole cannot find a basis
i1� litrltit. do l o (ni).sl1 1,ntly cue- _... far eamn,ou tertion, What is one rpaYlra-
nttlddn tonnes G5 it lv('1 1111 factyn•01'8 finished product is another-
it1 . in , ) plans raw material, and when coltsidel•-
enrshttert, whin sttlntin at lady, t. ,.tion 'of the tariff is entered upon in
take tiff ,rel• lt:tt 1)rfoor so mit. 11iu', I eletail differences of opinion develop,
note ye wait 1111 tefther she s ]labs- which tend to prevent unity of purpose,
e d," ''An' how el(.e5 ell' lu.dT Moreover, a number' of the man0the-
1,now ye'vo tel, tff t'ei` hats?" says Curers pre said to bold the view that
Mary Ellen. ''She' ttt].e5 it furl tim terili as at present: framed 5s well
▪ ruiutrtl, l:'t'p suppose.'' [ 'ti.y5. Oh, adapted to elle needs of the country;
it's 0 (ivare ting i5 .Etty�kxt, 1st:t
it's it party safe mile whin ye're in j Suffering in Sweden.
Rome to do as th' Romans does, ! hn edea Feb, 10,---Mein-
Fur illshtatn(e0, wlal)n ,1 1U d.oillin' i11 1 •5t rclf li , Sweden,
' 1: atl.ways late' ears of the Ctottratl (committee for the
To onto we'll ll Say, relief of famine sufferers in northern
"will i1)0 fork, but 1vi1i71 I'm In ! "sitcden stiy the misery is more 1vide-
Bi'ussefs I use lite 1a.1101fe, Vr 1):it1 'praud that was antirfpatted, and they
ye're tiiiavellini 'n tlhlid. ltl1vtt,, estimate that $1,000,000 will be :required
thry to conforirl to th' ettshtomS IVto furnish lecessaly' relief:
til' natives,"I
rules iv lttykit says ye inucht me
it wid a fork. \"i'hin yore drinlin'
tay, th' nut/Aural way an' th' sin
sible way is t) pear it iliiil th'
51tsSur an' enol it uff a bit, but
Ittykit stil:5 in an' says ,vet inusht
drink it fait iv ver cup av it burns
ell' trangte out iv ye Whin tie`ro
utein' corn ye shad take it in Wit))
i'alnrl 112' dale gintly wit it, but
whin ;we've alone ye 5hn(1 tales it iI1
both hand.: an' Suit in An' ye
S:tn:once on Anarchist Who Tried to
Kill King Leopold.
Brussels, Feb. 11.-Gennarq Rubino,
the 1taliau Anarchist, who has been on
trial here since Feb. 0, charged with
attempting to asassihutte Icing Leo-
poll, :November 15. by firing three shots
\v t.
t1 i 1 5 :u est )'
a \1 j ,v i )] the latter 'etas 10-
turning from the cathedra] after attend-
ine a '.1'e ]'run) in memory of the lite m
Queen llem•iettta, W.1I found guilty We s t Years
r s
A Resident Rendered Unconscious .
by Blows With a•Board.
Seitft',r111 Ont Fell :tutu., A
Most ;:np OV011. ci and brutal
its ;nlzit Wl1`4 (rnittuitted niton Pattti• ,
17h11.1•(1• c thin tnui•11, 4rhile ala. hie; Thee Late i. inJewezery,
Ouart nteed
Watch. s a'ikd
way 111,11,0 )iirout eight o'c'leels: hitt-
ux'(lay night by a V001O; • man sup-
posed to he Jtu'k Maxwell, id
Gederic11, Shaver wary , tr'ttck fly
his assailant over the ('ye and nose
with a piece of board, tendering
hits unconscious, Itis; 11051 w)Iti
broken and be will lose ib:) sigut
'of the eyi,• It is believed. Maxwell
mistook Shaver for the license
inspector or the polieeuaan, the
latter caving arrekted him • tw"'
years ago for horse stealing, He
was wrested at the Grip House two
hour:; after the assault while sleep-
ing in one of the boarders' rooms.
If in need 1)1' 0 good Violin
or Harmonica, ,L can supply
Prices Right.
Fine Watch and
Ch(lCkc Repairing.
▪ W. HESS,
NTEREST is being displayer in tie
use of smokeless powders and
libre rifles.
rebullet dcaliballets in g wee ighing 500
grains gives a sh•,ek to large game that the
small bores can not always be depended on
for. Marlin Model 18$5 Repeaters hare
Special Smokeless Steel" barrels. For
up-to•dete information see our e a t e 1 o g.
Mailed for 3 stamps.
,J@cxrtgart 's,'tkv'Riit,i!'1'"i{ren? "40..•
The i c' sI. ,T, VViiu:en, of Nile,
Anyone sendlag a eketeh mid description may
;wieldy aseortnbe cur opinion free 1'i/huller an
invention is probably patentable. Cnntmnnica•
tinsarrtetlyconfidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest attunes fur scenting patents.
Patents taken through Munn 8t Co. receive
sp.•cin:nooptticeeal, withiout°barrr�gg�et,, inthe
dentine Il Olea"Or1ca t
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir-
culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a
year ; four months, $1. Sold byall newsdenlere.
MW '1 & Ca 3c13roadway, New York
office.„.. ^ 51.. Washineton. D. C.
Is031. n r,:ail\ 0 t(•0pt N7tnclays froni
8 a. 111., t.i1111 i.. 111., The mails titre
cii:;#rib11it d its tropates
1. sir. von ITI.,::sA1.L, (dere at 6 :55 a.n1
has Mt el •cel 1111 intit ti•.a11 to the
Ontario street Methodist e'intrt•11.
Clfntnn, which hr 11as n((eeptt t1; "
sub}ec't to the action of the stn•' "
tioni1'g t'ii111n)ittee.
Il'our of Ono Family Pass Away—Last
Daughter Now Iil.
e • 1 . H. 2.'z kL. , •
L. 11. & 11. , . •
Pawl. 1l1sNr .1.1.• 000
46 6r.
:;; 'cern lf, ••
2 :55 pin
f :, ails
2 • •15 11111
. 11 :C0 0111'
7:20 pin
11):.15 am
•• L. II. & B. '• 11 :Go
• • `• .1:. Ii. t` 11., •' 7 :,it) aI11
Li:i"riixs volt 111:c,DAT RATCON, nl111tt.
be posted half un hour previous to
tilt. time for closing the mails.
Should be in every
If you are not a
subscriber, send in
your name at once.
"The herald
• Ontario
194f'0Ye A r' 'Mood's Phosphodin.,
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reit
�� f able medicine: discovered. Biz
R1- a !a.< packages guaranteed to eure a11..
forms of Sexual weakness, all effects of sl ui4 ;`
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. One wilrpaea.e.
sax Will cure. Pamphlets tree to anyaddress.
The Wood Company. Windsors Ont.
Wood's Phosnhodine is sold in
Zurich by Dr.Buohanan, Druggest.
On to my premises, Lot 3, Con.
10, Hay. a few inonths ugo,,1 lamb.
Owner may have same by paying
all expenses.
On Monday, Jan. 20th, there strayed
from my premise'';, Salable line, Stanley,
a large w hite sow. Finder will please
notify me.
J0l15 Drone -eve,
28•2pd Drysdale, P. O.
o To prove to you that De
tn' Ch'tse's Ointment is a certain
ant absolute cure for each
and every form of itchinK,
bleeding and protruding piles.
the manu'acturers have guaranteed It See tea•
c.imoni'tbs in the daily press end tele yournoih-
• hors what they think o' it. Ton can use it and
get your money back if not cured. Geo a box. at
all dealers or EDMA:1sos ih ri s & Co.,Toronto,
I) . S. Al"ST Postmaster. 'Dr. Chase's Ointment
A Toronto clergyman tells of a family � �
in his congregation, which consisted el
the mother awl five children—the father
being ,lead—fuur'of whuru in a few years
have fallen victims to consumption and
died, And now the firth, a daughter,
wife is employed in the office of a whole-
saler, and who has been the one source of ,
support to the motlaer, it obliged t., leave
her work, realizing. that she else—mainly.
itis believed, ite a result of nursing het ,
brothers and sisters—hos contracted this
.tread disease. liiu'1 friends are interest.
lug themselves in the rase, 1.:t the dii:i- ,' x
laity met with is to send her to a ].lite.` ,
card and treatment iyi:'1
whereproper er p
be given. ;s
It 11 far such eases as tIii: and Imre
it hardly a, e;ergyl an its role. `i, y e- i 'e is
not constantly Uwe: iii, :nag. tt;•pe::is--
that the new Free t onsia:rpl ive l i osp:':;1.
wader the.. auspice's of the Nat tonal )'l 1.i.
tal'ium Association. le Lein. l r:.t.. The •
people of Canada 07 a yyh4:1d meet 1,,•l
grateful to .lfr. W. .i. (loge awl the
execn :e_-. of the lath 110)1:\. 2184$ v, w. 1.0
ono of their omit fe11Y:,4 t,..1' (.10..1 1 .1 thin
i.;ltlrlint Dot. l e' it : r ii 1 t I t )e ,1
it Illtlst he 1t.rpi4l, t Wit all, all ti t tis?
proper furnishing.; 1.11,1 v.:.)`erinttne 1 ts.
The •Natilnal 1 ,xiii,aritin?Aske;atl1 0.
already carr;yihg a heavy .10",i, are Lot
able to furnish the new l i l- in„; so gem -
needy placed
ime•needyplaco:l at tieirdi;le u! al 11 ere tee-
' pearling to0111zeneae!eel eit the 11e:o 1:5 u
over fur 5111ae) Po. tli is pet1iee.
It does nut need the eiregeetieu 11,111
this is the most a ,ng of nil ch .1.l,,•'
at this rinse, for ti:e 1 tl l ..r„ 1;;11::
aw011011ed to the v.Id, .•pre•, ch a,itco:v: of
consumption. and ti1.e to the fatty:, 14 t?.
InOnAtrated by r ho best, ),:relirnl untie.) i•
ties, that twihen this disease it tukcit told
of in its early soneet it, cis: intielt ..:nv
other disease. it cur ibla. The eve hnsl.i•
tat, just so Soon as the lnolitey 13 ra, ise•ti to
complete the furni'J'11104, will 1•e reedy
to receive fifty patients, e of hie e--
evon than• railway faro will not 1 e a tax
upon them.
Chief Justieo Sir Wm. il. Tfered tlh, 4
Lampert Av-e.,'I'oronro, line kindly eou-
ttonted to receive con tribe:km: ler the
Free Consumptive Most itat ; orHwy ern
he sent to Mr, W. J. (, r, 5-1. Fu. It it.
West, Toronto; or to th3 Naticrral .Tru,t
i'o., Limited,' 22 Ring tit. East, Toronto.
and was sentenced to imprisonment
fur life at p:l111 servitude.
roon, MR. P.00IKFELLER, J'UN.
He is Not Rich When it Comes to
Paying Taxes.
New York, Feb. 11. ---John 1). Rocke-
feller, jr., supposed to be about the
rirhrst young meat, in America, owes
$400,000, and .has only 1)30,000 worth
of personal -property, rterording to the
statement filed Stith the Department of
Te cs and Assessments. 21r. Rocke-
feller was Asses -40d at $500,000. \2t•.
IZc eke=feller ea11, d at the tax off]ee and
stitte.i that he bail $400,000 in debts and
that his personal property above bis
debts was worth °lily $30,000, hat he
was willing to pay taxes on an assess-
ment of $50,009. The commissioners
accepted ",11r. Rnckefeller's figures.
Floods Coming.
1):errisse) 11.C„ 1 eb. 10.—It is becoming
more ,apperent ('nett week that the breaking
11 I) of w4titeer this yens will lining improve -
dented floods, and this will mean disaster
.1111 along tbp tiers', Nest branch. The
relnikurt• I:. i °In1 51) In its power to ere -
,nae for the co theseney when it may arse,
?'0t lunulas power ,• isnot cope with the
Y.•••.•e of mountain L100t1s,
Mr. Alex. McLlugh1in, thirty years
resident of I3owmanville, Ort , writes :---
"For twenty long years I suffered from
itching piles, and only parsons who hays
been troubled with that annoying •disenso
can imagine what 1 endured during that
time, About seven years ago I .eslted a
druggist if he had anything to cure me.
Ile said that 1)r. Chase's Ointment WAY
most fa'vor'ably spoken of, and on his
recommendation 1 took a box.
"c After three applications I felt better,
and by the time I had used one box 1 was
on a fair way t0 recovery. I continua] the
treatment until theroughiy cured, and as
that was seven years ago, and I have nut
Rigel:Ad any since, I am firmly convinced
that the ointment made a perfect cure.
" I consider Dr. Chase's ointment an
invaluable treatment for piles. In my
case I think the cw'e was rem arkatile wheal
you consider that lam getting up in years
and had been so long a sufferer from this
disease." 6o cents a box at all dealers, or
Bdtnansoti, Dates & Co., Toronto,
r. Chase's
fid lgtmeg 7lt
17Rerreg224.9rt -0.I03,2r. 11it,,. 121e1,."1421 ' ^r
: )•r! .•'r:),ee re, (1170, one, acre 7118 strength to help him on."
a Ir Tarts are more than. en)•nnets."-TzssYsox.
The Only Free Consumptive Hospital in America.
—The New Free Consumptive Hospital, built under the
au t )ices o ' the .\ atioual Sanitarium Association, will
I .�
be ready --80 ,«eon (cis the limey to equip and furnish
is secured—to receive 50 patients absolutely without
—Over 300 Ottt of 500 patients resign;iitcd to the Muskoka
Cottage Sanatorium. — the property of the .National
Sanitarium dissociation; — have returned home either
cured or greatly improved.
—The Free Consumptive Hospital is situated in the same
delightfully healtlififl locality, bringing the same ad-
vantages to the poorer patients as to the rich.
1 tut .(it: .y llq
GiY1j 1l! (•j 1i�iu(tu -� ,,rnll,• I� (,I"' f�
>>1 U� , te, tb � iNii( t.1
ti, it 1
(Ir l
al�Ctell ,.,,,lir•) 1
The gift of IV. J. Gage, Esq., mut the Executors Hart 4. Massey Estate
-Think of the sorrow and suffering the New Free Consump-
tive Hospital will alleviate and indeed entirely remove.
-Will you not send a dollar -or $2.00, $3.00, $5,00, $10.00-
or more, for this most pressing of all charities?
-The victims of the White Plague are found all over Canada.
•s-..e--. .... ,t- - ...w
SIR W. R. :MEREDITH, ]lit,, Chief Jnstied,
Viee-Pres. Nat. Sarat..Assoen.,Toronto.
W. J. GAGE, Chairman Ex. Coin., Toronto.
NATIONAL TRUST CO. Limited, Treasurer*