The Herald, 1903-02-20, Page 4E ZURICH HER,A,L.D • QT.BONIFA.CB, Catholic. -, Order of service for the summer. Sundays: High Mass at 0.30 a. m.; Cate- ehisin and instruction at 10.30 o'eloek; Vespers mid Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. 11 1 • D High Mass at 0 o'cleek; Vespers and Benediction at 730. p. Week Days: Mass dvery morning at 7.30 o'cloek '• First Fridays, Mass with Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy Hour, or one hour as visit to oar Lord in the Blessed Sacramet every Bat- urdy evening fromt.7 to 8. Baptism on Sundays at 2 o'clock. The Communion Sundays before Mass at 8 o'clock. Rev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, German and English Sunday services: - German, at 10,45 o'clock a. English, o'clock p. m., Sun, school at 2 p, m. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance at 7, S'enior Alliance, at 8, h oir praetice at 0. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at 7.30, Friday evening; 'Teachers' meeting at 8. Rev. W. J. Yreger, Pastor. geutiche cp. lath. St. pctri Virche. Oottesoiertft north. Kalb uttb benb 7 1.114r. Samitaichule norm. Cehrerveriammlunz Mittipoch abeubs um balbS. E Paftor. BUSINESS CARDS. pg. F.A.SELLEgY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honorgraduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Monday. 1-20 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. Miss Lydia Rannie, having passetl the examination of the Toronto Conservatory of Music and having obtained certificates of success for Piano and Harmony, is now prepared to take pupils, either on Piano or Organ, at her home in Zurich. (Use of instruments free.) Miss LYDIA RANNIII, Attic:h. 7'H 1-1 Et IS Punmsurm EV4Z7 Tg1.7118DA,T VNIN DYE. ZELLER • TERMS 011? SUBSCRIPTION :-$1.00 per year. paid strietly in diva:nee. When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be cent unlit sueh order is given and arrearages paid. $1,50 to be charged • when not paid in advanee. ADVERTISING ItATES.-Tran Sient advertisements, 5 (tents per Brevier line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. . Small Advs. such as"Lost" "Estray" or ''Stolen be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 cents for eaeh subsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must be hencled in not later than Tuesday night of eaeh week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Clyarch en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates, Contracts for column, half-molumn and quarter-colunan rates for speeified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZDRICII, P.O. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1003. A Simple Discourse In Corn. Corn is a -very useful vegetable. If it were not for the corn there would be no corn cakes with butter and molasses. Corn grows in large fields, and ou plough it with a horse. There was a man who had a cornfield, and he had no horso, bat he had n. large and faithful wife, who took care of it ac- companied by a trusty dog, while he wrote poetry for the papers. We ought to be thankful if we, have a good wife, which is much better than hanging around saloons and. wasting your time in idleneAs. Corn is also used. to feett hogs with and can be made into cob pipes which will make yoa sick if you are not accustomed to it. Let us firmly resolve, that we will reform and lead a better life. -Washington (Itt.) Press. How Husbands Shop. 'L'L' It'eashres of shopping are as vigonnisly denied to -enere man'' as are the ulvantages of whistling Ito fair women. The decree, 'being nature's own, is universal, and the attempts made to contravene it are few and unsuccessful. An elecep- tion, more apparent than real, was made a few days ago by an uxorious Berlin husband intent on present- ing his better half with a new blouse. He hurriedly entered one of the shops in the capital and con- fided his intention to the graceful young lady assistant :-eI want a blouse -a good one. You .under- stand. It meet be silk the best silk", "May I 'ask what color you prefer?" enquired, the superior young saleswomen, with a smile. .,'Oh I'm not particular abort the color, but I may say that it may cost from 30 to 40 marks, "Arid the cut?" "The cut? Well, I really don't much care; after all, it comes to the same thing." "May I ask about the lady for whom it is destined? "Why, she is. my wife of course! Whom else did you-" "I beg your pardon. What I meant was, what is her size, at least. ap- prodxnate1y2" "It doesn't matter in the least. Please show irte some blouses, one blouse, any blouse and let me go, for lam in a hurry to catch a train." ,With pleasure, sir ; but if you cannot give me an idea of the color, how can I hope to snit you?'"'Give inc anv blonse yon like, so long as the price is be- tween 30 and 40 marks. It doesn't matter a straw what cut or color or size I choose, for in any cat.te certain to be changed. I told you it is for a, lady" -London Telegraph, L. BACHAND, St. Joseph. Notary Public, Fire and Life In - mimics Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. EBOSSENBERRY, • Licensed Auetioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. PHILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request those having sates to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaction g,uaran- teed. Your patronage solicited. EZELLER, • Clerk 10th Div. Court, Huron Commissioner for taking Affidavits, Conveyancer ete. Valuator for the Hu- ron and Erie Loan and Savings Co. Office- Zeller Block, Zurich Ont. LEGAL CARDS. H J. D. COOKE, • (Late with Garrow &Proudfoot) Barris- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. PROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public ete, ete. Cor. Square and North Street, Goderich, Ontario W. PROUDFOOT K. C. R. C. HAYS G. STANBURY, B. A. --- • Suecessor to COLLINS & STAND/MY BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Villag .i. r r .'I My I-14yr ,, I had a very severe sickness ' that took off all my hair. 1 par- ;. chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair ' Vigor and it brought all my hair bask again." W. D. Quinn, Marseilles, 111. One thing is certain,- Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. ' It feeds the hair and the • hair grows, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al- ways restores color to ., gray hair. 11.00 a bottle. All druggists. . If your druggist cannot supply you, , send us one dollar and we will express , i. you a bottle. Be sure and give the name , of your nejaree. s.tAltrietsf6,ni..il.witd,41.ess, Masi. W. c. v. . Never before in Canada has -A temperance campaign of such importance been brought, to so successful an issue as in the mils of the recent conflict. Let ns look, for our own encouragement, at our stupendons% overwhehning maj- ority. There are only thirteen constituencies which have given majorities' against the liqnor act, and eighty-four have voted for it. The average majority in the . con- stituenciee favorable to temperance is much greater than 1000. Out of fifteen cities, eight voted. that- the bar -room and treating system were a niusance. As Allow stands, it is said to be the largest vote (propor- tionateto our population),ever cast - in any coronion wealth in the world. for a simple measure, desti- ute of the interest that always enters into a personal contest. This campaign has been a groat education to our women along the lines of franchise, never before have they felt so keenly the 'value and need of that wired truet. the ballot. At a public meeting at which our Prov. Supt. of this de- partment was speaking, a low sob could be heard • occasionally throughout the address,at the close an aged, white-haired women stood up, surrounded by a group of lead- ing ]nen, and throwing no her hands exelaimed, "Don't tell me I can't vote: Imust vote !" yonder in the church yard tinder the frozen ground. this 'November night lie two sons and their 'father. would not be a widow and childless tonight were it not for the drink curses and the open saloon,"yes • niust and vote, let no one tell me I can't vote. At one of the polis In the seine city on the mormng of December the fourth came a bright. little ten -year -Old girl. The re- turning officer asked her what she wanted. "I want to vote," see re- plied. But you have no vote,"he said. "Well, sir," -she answered, "mother and I have talked the matter over, and thought it would be a great blessing, if the saloons were closed, because of poor father. you, see. father has a vote, but he would. vote wrong, so we thought Imight come and vote right instead • of "Let her vote," echoed a chores of voices. Even if I have to pay a hendred dollars.". added the first seratineer, "I say let her vote," Aceording the little. girl was ft-tr7 nished with a ballot, old asked if she knew how to mark N She replied, -"I will mit my cross. under the "yes"; if father voted he,would put it in under the "en" The little white paper. meant so,mtuth to the child, was silintly dropped into the box. God stood by and smiled -his approval, and the child departed with a glad. heart. But the end was not yet. • A few minutes before five o'clock a Po n• drunken man Was tishere in to vote by a saloon. keeper,. Your vote has been taken, said the re. turning officer• . Then followed a torrent of abuse. storming, and. stamping, during t r -which the clock mercifull struck five, and the angry man was told the poll was closed, b it no ens !gore him the name of the fair - ; personator. and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- - - terest.oeume s read and advised upon. D t original German ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Offiee over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter. HOTELS. * • G 0 0 42) THE0 t 00Cti a GOMMERGIIL HOTEL Si ZURICH •0 0 * 3 oi • Strictly up-to-date in modern int .,-----=-: ea provements. Diningrooms is sup- 0 • .. .. . 11) plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ 0 •Pli IE F . to Bar contains choice liquors and $ NE 'SHkE MUSIC di agars. If If ' If ¶ ¶ e to eitt Excellent Sample Rooms ee„ el • for Commercial Men, 0 AN ACHING BA.Cit. Is the first indication of the kidney disease, and should be taken as a signal of danger -t warning- to use Dr. Chase's Kidney - Lives Pills while yet there is time to avoid the dreadful pains and certaihi fatality of this terrible disease. There is no guess work, no •experimenting when you use this prescription. It brings relief in remarkably short time, and because •of its combined action of liver and kidneys, cures complieated cases 'which cannot he reached by any or dinary treatment. 0 J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. oc *' oe• ois,400 1nredoliiii$0e4teis*otoar.o$04)1 "tin Mominfon" lbouse ompiridawn ••=0, • Equippedwith all modern • conveniences. •First-elass aceonamodabion to commer- cial travellers. Bar and din- ing room always suppled with the best obtainable.. GI Shoomachor1 Prop 1 0 I 74001C04 Chaneo to.JOin is club That will Ariake need Save Money for Iron. ....Everybody Should. join the MUttial Literary Melia, of Aim:Heti. Thetellthothing else like it anywhere. /t costs altdostitethlrig tojoiii and the benefits it gives are Wonderful." Itellebies yell to Ipurchase booke and pededietait, tiniSicandtrinsicel nstruments special ptleeil. It secures tie duced rates atinany hOtellt. It ansWetilottettiiiiiii free of charge. It oilers liehOlatshIps and valua• ble cash muss to reembett. It maintains club rooms In many clttes for itillnern beta. in lid ditiOM evetymember recoil/US:the OffiCial megaslno onti. tied!. lev'ry Month') ttPublleatton in is clime by inci uding 6niecea er higivolaUs teed and in. Stet:le:mutat MusidaUll Sizeellen Month.trithiit extra eherget 72,,Ditielea in 000 Year in all YOU CAN GET..ALL OP TEESII BENEFITS POlt A.L. MOST' NOTHING, . . The full yearly membership fee Is One Dialer fOr Which you get all above, and yon may with. draw toy time within three Months if you *mitt* do so and get your donate been:, yr you drin't hare to spend *Lao, send 25 dents for three month il membership. Nobody can afford to Pete tlil� Offer by. You will get your money back in Waite Many Eines °vet,. pun particulars will bo sent tree Of charge, but if you are Wise you will sod in your re:meet for menibetshie With the roper Tee blonde, The 25 Off. threetitonths mom- etship o(?et will Soon obaoso. 'Write at. once ad - mitring yone lettet And encloSing $1,4(1. for 011 peorb inali110001)1D twenty-1We cents for three strortrAzzrrititalty !Striae CLVIS aieswinNo. Press Supt. , TX170 7.7-AMP.T. ILEROataka. I.Ive Stock Quiet -Grain 'Unchanged -- The Latest Quotations, Tuesday Evening, Feb. 10. Toronto $t. Lawrence Markets, Business ou the street was quite lively to- day, but In the new market -blinding minor were rather quiet.- Produce receipts yeye fairly large, the grain ou the market amounting to 2,500 bushels. Wheat -White wheat is 1e easier, while red shows A steady market; 200 bushels of white and 500 of red sold at 7244c Per bush- el. (loose is about steady et 68e, 500 besh- • els selling at that figure. Barley -The market is slightly easier on the poorer grades; 800 bushels sold at 471/1,0 to 50e per -bushel. Oats -Continue steady; 500 bushels skald unchanged at 36e per bushel. Dressed Flogs-Ohotations show a decline of about .20c to 25e per cwt. To -day's re- ceipts were fairly liberal, and this, together with the decline in the prices of live steek, is responsible for the drop. Choice light weight butcher hogs are quoted ;it $7.85 to $8,25 per cwt and heavies at $7.50 to $7,75. Butter -Business was rather quiet, not many farmers 'ming at the stalim Prices are osier at 18c to 20e per lb for pound rolls and 10e to 1.8c for large. Eggs -The market Is about steady, with not much new laid stock coming forward. Quotations for bota new laid and held stock are unchanged, Hay -About 30 loads were on the •market. Prices for No. 1 timothy are firmer at $12 to $1.5 per ton, and mixed or &lover is high- er at 55 to 510. Straw -One load only was offered, and quotations are a little easier at 59 to 510 per ton. Cook's Cotton Root Compound pound. Take no other, as all isiiitures, pills and Is snccessfully used monthly by' over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladies ask your tdruggist for Cook's Celia Neel Coin- imi tations are dangerous, Brice, No. 1,11 per hex; No. 2.10 degrees stronger, 13 per box. 14.5. 1 or ;mailed on receipt of price and reni teefil stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. illtrBOS. 1 and 2 sold and reeorattiended bY all responsible Druggists in Canada. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Zurich at :Dr, 13 i ;h. en tit "e drag et ire, Coining to Zurich. _ , --- Saturday. evening this Week, rob. 21.. One of the very finest pea grants of those wonderful moving pictures, everything alive on the large eanyan, Mr, F. W. Hess will sell tickets as a. guarantee of satisfaction to the public by request of the managers and -will refund your money during program if not pleasei, Prices 25 ecut,A, childrei under 12, 15 cts, At Town flull Zurich. Also at ilensall, Friday evening. Feh 20th, 9,114)theS Ladies Society. St. Paul's church, in Opera House, Toronto Live Stock. Trade at the Toronto Cattle Market to- day was rather •quiet, with the movemeut lu the principal lines of cattle only fair. The run of stock was light, l.ut of fairly good quality. The revelpts amounted to 58 ears, including 970 made. 010 sheep and lambs, hogs and 14 calves. Export Cattie-Tratle iu tills line of cattle )vas rather dull, there being very little stock on the market and a ilenetudinore or less limited. A feature of the market was the presence of about 20 loads of cattle from Chicago, waiting tu be shipped through to the coast, whenee they will be sent on to England. These matte are bought in Chicago much cheaper than they can be bought here. for which state of af- fairs dealers give out one reasou. The eorn trop In the northern States tuts turned out mint for export, and is being fed to OW ellt• tie, with the result that the latter are eas- ier finished, better nurtured and more plat- • tiful than Canadian eattle, or even than United States cattle were last year. 1 as dealers say that the eattle there for width 11/2e per lb Was pnla a year ago can 11011' be bought for 4W, and that they are Momp- er and of better quality than Canadian shttr°g',:c(b.aul prices to -day showed e t there 1,1'11.S 110 quotable change. n easier feel - About $4.50 to 54.75 was paid for the best stock on the market. while extra (holm picked stock might bring a little more. Butcher Cattle -Market eonditions were about the same as those of last week. The run of stock was ilo/ large, although mule enough to all the fairly good demand vet - dent. Prices were imehauged. whit It firm feeling wideli, Iii»vever. Would be dissip- ated by a targe run of offerings. The heat stock on the market brought about 54.40 per cwt. There was 00 very iine stutt offering and quotations are unehunged. Mitch Cows-Therg is it very fair demand for good stock. About 15 eows were offered to -day and all sold readily at pelves rang- ing from 525 to 852 each. Stockers and Feeders -The demand for good animals still continues and Drives are about steady. To4lay's offerings were- a little heaviir and of fairly good quality. About 4e per lb was paid for the best on the market. Sheep end Lambs -The market Is about steady et quoted priees. and prospects are for continued steadiness In the market. Trade was good and everything sold fairly telaietrunles fair and pripes are steady and un - 1 -;•es -The demand for veal calves con - changed. • Hogs -Trade is dull and a drop of about 10e per ewt Is noted on all lines, Prospects are for a dull market, with possibly still lower prices. East Buffalo Cattle Market. East 'Buffalo, Fen. 10. -Cattle -Receipts, 225 head; steady; veals steady; tops, $9.25 to $0.75; et:Minton to good, $5.50 to O. Hogs -Receipts, 4,500 head; active,' heavy and 5e higher; others about steady; heavy, 17.10 to 41.15, it few at $7.20; mixed, 57 to 17.10; Yorkers and pigs, kte.95 to 57; roughs. 16 to $6.25; step. 55 to S5.50. Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 11,100 head; steady: tot; iambs $6.00 to *6.65: faile,E, $6.75; PQM- 111011 to gond. 54.25 to 56.00; yearlings, $5.25 to $5.50; ewes. $4.50 to $4.63: top mixed sheep; 54.50 to 54.75; emumon to good, $2.25 to 84.46. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Feb. 10.-Cattle-Iteeeipts. 40.- 000; no Texans slow; good to Aril stew, $4.40 to $5.60; poor to medium, 53 to $4 . stockers and feeders. $2.25 to $4.40; thuls, $1.40 to`t- 40; heifers. $2 to 54.00; miners, $1.40 tp, ; bulls. *2 to 54.24; valves, $3.50 to I. 5; Texas fed steers. 53.50 to $4.25. Hogs-iteeelpts to -day. 24,(X31: to- morrow, 35.000; left over, 00(3: steady to 5e higher; mixed and liteliers* $0.60 to $7,05; goad to choke heavy, 5691)10 $7.12%; rough heavy. sa.ao to 50.55; light. 50.-k) to *0.05; bulk of sales. :1.4x* to 56.5,1. Sheep -11.ec4pts, 14,000; shee,p :Ind lan% stemly to strong; good to (dnee wethers, $4.50 to $5.50: fair to choice mixed, 53.50 to $4.5o: native latebs. 54.50 to 56.50; western lambs, $4.15 to 13.40. Leading Wheat Markets. Closing previous day. Closing to -day. Cash. May. Cash. May. Chicago.... .... w . 79% New York ..... .. 824 .. 82% Toledo .. w .... 7s,4 S1/,1esq St ' Altuneitpellm .... .. 77¼ . , IVA Duluth. 1 hard.. 77% .. 11% .. Milwaukee. 2 nor 10% in% 7t0, 70% Detroit, red .. 80% 82% 8505 8214 St, Leeds 711,; 74% 71% 1'4% , British Markets. Liverpool. Feb. 10. -Wheat, spot firm; No 1 standard California, per eolith!, 68 illtid to 7s: 'Walla. les 81/4t1; No. 4' red winter, (itid to as 4d: No. 1 northern "Manitoba 6s 8d to os VA: futures dun; Morel% 5s -Revalue, May as 21/20 value, July nominal. Cont, spot firm; Mixed American, per rebtal, rid, no stock: new, 4s 614d to 4s 0%d. Flour* Minneapolis, 20.5 ed to 21s ltd. Liverpool-Ciose-Wheut, spot firm; No. 1 standard California. per )'ental, Os 111,40 to Is; 'Walla, es S%ti; No.2 red winter, es SIM; No. 1 northeen Menitolta. tis 8d to 68 Klmil, futures steady; Match es 41, May es 2.m. value. July nominal. Corn. spot firm inked Anterieatt. per eental, old, no Stock; new. 4s 6y.01. to 4s 61/2d: futures steady .Mareh M 4s ol/.01 value. May 4s ci eil Naha. Flour, Mindespolls, 24)s 6tI to Dd. London, Pea 10. - Opening -Wheat. on passage firm, but not attire: Walla, iron, ted, passage, 31s paid; La Plata, f.o.r.t., steam. Janutity, and February, 28s ed sell- ers; 3antary and February, 29s sellers above average quality, fine, Pebruary, 29s UnglIalt etItIlltry wheat Markets of yesterday steady. corn, on passage, tan - e1: Outer; La Plata yellow, rye terins,Mereh and April, 20s 3d buyers; April And May. 19s 90 btlyerst catgo Galata, Foxonlan prompt, 24s 6d buyers. Weather in England tine. London Feb. ie. -Close -Wheat, on pas- sage buyers and sellers apart; 'parcels No. 1 SOS lid paid, aud passage, 30s 10%d paid hard hlatiltoba, passage, 31s sa lam; Wheat parcels, NO. 1 northern Manitoba, passage, Wheat pateels, No. 1 northern Duluth, SOs Subscribe or "TEEL 1-1 EP ALD" 30%d paid, Corn, On pessage grin, but not active; corit, parcel mixed Morelli `21s 1)111d; February, 21e Od pate; eatgbes Otlessaw f„o.r.t. (free on rye terms), steam passage, 23s ed Dahl; patssage, 23s 71/20 paid; parcels Mixed American, llateh. 20s 101/2d paid; Cat- goes mix -ea Amerleao, sale grade, Fel:re:fry, 22s paid. Antwerp, Feb. 10, - Cloae--Wheat. spot steady, 16% Ofg. Corn, spot, :nixed Amerl- • can, 23w. Plour, spot Mioneapolls, 25m 6 Df" R GOOD HEALTH • To preserve or restore it, thete is no better prescription. in. men, 'weinen and children than Ripans Tabule.s. They are 'easy to tak.e. 'They are made of a combination of Medicines approved and used. by every phy6iCian. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people -but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need.Ripans Tabules have become their stan- third family •remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and successfuliecord, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stub- born constipation, offensive breath. heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They streugth-en weak stom- achs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regu- lar use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five -cent packet is enough, for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, GO cents, contains a supply -for a year. ' ' Alf03 ,-..st% Vttirri$64.,1, Kau: 1 2121212315=1121371 IN THE MATTER OF 41111:, r ling RTIt'TIO PRINTING, the kind that appeals to the eye. and. through it at- tracts attention to the subject talked about, is the most profitable kind of printing. 11- pays the customer far mm'(' than he will save l*r-• tteceptitig, " any old thing " in lieu of an arti,:tie piece of work, TUE HERALD Job Department has made a specialty of this kind of work. Its printing has boon acknowledged to be the finest issued from. local Itressis.A. As an ADVERTISING MEDIUM for this seetion, we. cover the ground, and cover it well. Our circulation is steadily inereasing, and by the •end of the year we con. fidently hope to reach the thoutSand mar It. Sa=S1.."2"112,21 Our Work is of the First Quality and oar Prices are Always flight. LAIS111.41.L.,.....7.0t111. THE HERALD, .-40111L.11•1•211•121111•1•• Zurich. ELAraM_L:1190; Mkt tMENSTEMMETEM Vo other Medical Firm iu the wo• rld has the established re tutation for curiug Wate,:21 magi WonaCita that nra. K.& X. en.toy. Their Now Adethod Treat- '‘,.. rattans, discovered and perfected by these hminent Specialists, has brought joy, happiness and comfort to thousands of homes. With 50 years experience in the , clone, Nervooto Debility, byphilis, V.aric.,noic l•-tricraru, Gieet, tres.oaett of these diseases they cau guarantee to Core ur • o Pay-Maas- Ocore: Draios, intipoieticy, ben oat rand Mental Wen Irrleon, Yg id- ea itney and Diadder Diseases,. Their guarautees are backed by BaultBonts. 6 -CI tittO You may hav'6 a necret drain through the urine -that's tho reason you feel tired out in the inonting. You are net rested. your kichteys ache. you feel desponde t nd have no ambition. Don't.let your Life Blood be drained away. Drs. X. X. guarantee to Cure or no Pay, . • pyphill=. is the scourgeof smituttind. 71 may not be a crime to have it, for 1 may be Inherited. but it is a crime to allow it to remain in the aysteni. Like father -- like son. Newara of I\ lerettry and Potasb treatment. Drs, X. & X. positive y cure the worst cases or no Pay. RICOCELE TRICTURVI! The New Method Troalitmelm* cures these diseases safely and surely. Ho pain -no suffering -no detention front bust ness. Done:flak one,atio a and ruin 'roil t sesu al organs. The stricture tissue is absorbed audcau never return. Drs. IC. &IC. guaranteo Caro. Don't neglect your !chimera. Your achiug back telt a ttm. talc. Deelt experiment on you, Drs. R. & X. can nnre you if you are not hoyoud They guarantee to Cure or No Pay. evens GUAISA.AMBETI. ClOISlit NO 157/_%(. Conoeittotion Free. iltoolro event Free. (sealed.) Write for Qtatutioia Treatrlierlt. lever ythigitg Confidential. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 1443 SHELBY STREE'LT, ro 0 ET Fla IT, Nii IC4t ASZEN,,,,22,1cej • GUARANTEED! O'FARRELL & LAWSON, Perla, Feb. 10. - Openly -Wheat, tone 142S NEW YORK AVE., stoady; Vebruary 23f 05e, May and August WASHINGTON, D. 0, g3t, 54)C. Vilna One steady: Pebruary 31f • Dt, May and kignst 811rrenelx tonntry Market OM. 'Weather Itt Pritnee partial. ParisHeloudYelose-Wheat, tone steady.; Febru- ary 241 be, May tad August 28f 450. toile steady': February 3If "20e, May and August BO! 950.: Belluitors of American and Foreign Patents, DesignseTrademarks,Coppd rights. Will return fee if Patent is not secured. Send for • Inventor's Guide, or How to Got a Patent. 9ie"Mention this Paper and secure special rates,`Vatt