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The Herald, 1903-02-20, Page 3
...... . `,, .-,,., . ........... _1. 4 , : . . I 11111-1111.1. I I -1 . I 1, - I . I ___ I I -I I I I - be Induced to vv;ait. Tile inajoit BtowS on u, reckliesS 'extravagant",-,•�.,—�11:.�tvt ,:•mw•,a ,W--V—`m,",.ee°s-'+' ..,. loved her, wa.s prowl of, her, proud boy w11o>n she Ioves too well to 1, of ire? beauty and her grace jPh aaobcl, CANADA � � P R ,. after the fashion of such meal, he I am afraid it wouald dear " I left t}re burden on hEr young shou�l- she Said, "But it cta,n•not be r ders, and `vent his way, if not ex- #tolped. Igave tike last of that actly rejoQcfnfl Perfectly at ease, Pivo-Pound nolo to t110 green gra- ''�1e P,ed �Qr�t '� Cy�S cheerfpl, rind. Smdiiag• As. Mr, Blocks, cer yesterday," i e�ir- - ,the butcher, declared, no one could The major heaved a sigh. It seem- ., p; ��-..^.,n ,a "a find the heart to be hard upon such ori to him a dreadful waste of a sweet, beautiful young creature.1 money. Doiu'inian Lep�ramena of Alrieuituro, esecardingly.; nor la it too much to i' ,' as sweet, Elaine, and as tot' the fntur, I _ (Ta be Continue Utaawn, February• require seed merchants to. furnish a g&Awes , �%, v why one would as soon think of .-� ') ratlowing our azyialag on the allot- statement shativ}n•g lice Percentage p1 I /dg/, hurting a child II teratlon. or timothy and atshk©, to- `vr "�"�"°" '°� �"��°' g i Y we. present 'the results of the I purity and vitality .af tlt'a grace a rad/W- " ° The mtijor away i'ery prpuri caf her, clover seeds }vlzich t}ley cell instead„ BUNN ��� ��, red clover tests, concludines'nd 'It iviaa only when eakint of, I g this ,I ,e� a/ /44a/, of merely issuing a non -Warranty ills daughter that he over referred ateries which has Wean of vii al fm- g declaration. , to his ,good With and high connec Portance 'both to farmers anti the '711aero is a 'great need for 'WI ,r• tions, , pablIc, with throe comments which deserve the most serious stud measures and energetic and persist.- j earnest cons>deratian. ent efforts to protect Canadian farm- 'My'• daughter, sir, gets her .good y and looks from the Detainee. There, is a Precautions Are Taken Against Althoaugh -there care severa.l, varie- r' portiait' oP tray great -great-aunt at ars and tla'eir fields from the far - . Towers for 'which - t=ail tiers of red clover, only two distinct reaching and long -continuing dam, might have ent, by gaol, might have it In E11giand+ varLstietS aro wall known in Canada. ages which arise from the sale of sat. Th,e very image of tier.” Common red clover and mammoth or seeds which contain noxious impuri- I�•�'ry� �e•''•"^a""'Q'°`c'`e`nd•`r`h"`r'`�>c"�� n , Then he, womld sigh, look around Pea vine clover are quite extensively tieiga. ^�^^���.................,.,,.,,,,.M,.,.,,,,,�,,,�„ the smoking -room of the Baretield grown in Ontario and Quebec, and As long as Canadian farmers are County Club, at which' bo spent WHAT THE REMEDIES ARE to ,some extent in the Maritime Pro- content to use cheap low grades of «� most of his time, and order a small i*ince.s ,and in the west. These two seed without possessing any definite wiskey. At this period of the year sheep- var'letieis ,are offered in the markets knowledge of their real value, so long e R®s a�� LilyDa er It may with simple truth be add- seal) is likely to becopre more preva- undaer a Large nnurlter of confusing will the best quality of our home- ' I ed th-a't all Bare[ieid, as well as the lent and troublesome. The symptoms named, -and difficulty Is often experi- grown seeds be exported to coun- major, was proud of Elaine. She -restlessness, a desire to bite the enced in .getting ,Seedy of the kind de- tries where the seed trade Is con- A TALE OF WOMAN'S LOVE AND `� rims the Prettiest girl in the place, affected part or to ru,b against [Tates sired because of these local terms, ducted on a ,more businesslike basis " t i Ta,nd what, is better, the mast lovable. or •Posts -are sufficiently well known. Nearly two hunched ,samples of red than Is the custom in this Dominion, WOMAN'S PERFIDY ,)t ,ac .4 _q ) When in her simple white frock she As to the treatment, as soon as a Clover seed 'were examined, and The sale of seeds containing seeds i• L L walked down the high street on her sheep IS found to present the char- Scarcely any of them were free from of such weeds as bindweed, or wild Kt� 'V`�" ""'•'�... "`^""^^^"^^'�.., � � ) way to market or to church, lists aateristic symptoms,the owner should the ,seeds of nodous weed, pests. morning glory, wild oats, tharlouk. pi Jsda.A JJeJ..P-A.,a..dJ-. O -0 -.A. -O„- or,.J, J., .,.jNj..0.,J4, flew off with . eager • and respectful fit once examine the animal, and If In Ontario the vitality of the ram- ar wild mustard, field pennyereas or greetings. The poor, and mote par- he has any doubt as to the nature Ples Was Satisfactory, over one-third stinkweed, and perennial sow-t�hlstle �� Cfi•�UVER L "Bridget, somehow! % don't seem to ticularly their children, were made of the disease, call in, the assistance of them germinating 94 per cent. should be, restricted or wholly pro- "Flour, Aridgf%t, the, suet, and some feel any overwhelming desire to hear or over. The chief causes for low vi- hibited. araisitrs, please" happy for the dolt' it she entered one of his veterinary adviser to discover11 Tlie what they milkman said. He is an ad- of their cottages, or stopped to speak whether the itching is due to the tality and Impaired vital energy It Is desirable that uniformi methods §peaker� 'wast a young girl, tall nirable maty, and no doubt his words to them and give them a few pence presence of the sbeep-scab mite or were immature seed. , , for grading grass and clover seeds and slixa a,s Atalanta waren she lost are the, words of wisdom and of thethe famous race and wan her Rte's Lauth, but we'll forego them. Atter from her awn slender ,purse. It was other causes. pipping will not be Seed Mixed. according ao filed standards of purity f nio a race barely out o[ her a11, a pudding is an o them. fur- to heir pe,w the odd rector ,just glanced effective as a preventive unless pro- Seed of timothy, alalke and -white and vitality ,be adopted for Canada. enervating when be entered, his pulpit to preach per materials be used, and the opera- clover were present in most of the Any seeds containing an adrnixtare teems, but dowered with a. promise of ury that can well be dispensed wiLb, the halt -hoar sermon which invari- tiota nrust be carded put In a thor- samples. The sample which was sup- of noxious impurities should not 1>e benvty which was closely verging on and well go without it to -day, unless ably sent the congregation into a ough manner. The substances most plied direct from a rominent To- represented or sold as a No. 1•grade.. S falfilman�t. A face of perfect oval, you can suggest one that can be commonly P Farmers may obtain the latest baul- hair of a soft yet lustrous black, eyes made without suet or milk. Can you,, sweet slumber ; and the curate, who y enoployed to kill the scab ionto seed house ivaa; the only one letin on timothy, alsike and clover ,cagaabte in- their, brown depths of }n- Bridget ;r+ cored the very'ground she walked, on, mite are preparations of white that ,vas absolutely free from weed finite tenderness and infinite scorn, aalways know 'by the thrill that'ran arsenic, carbolic sold, tobacco juice, Mods. Thirty-one out of the thirty- seeds, and of which these articles 114e D:fisas Elaine? . Lor , miss, how through or Sul green foxtail. have .been a rather extensive sutra- I tmouiti not small by any means, but should I?" responds the housemaid, °� hint• whether she was In her phut. Some flockmastera com- five contained weds o[ mart', free on application by writing V as full of expression that one was a beset at this call u place or not; and his dim and some pound home-made dips, but most rely Twenty-two samples contained va- SPP , , g pen her mental who, feeble voice would tremble as, upon one or other of the many ryin.g quantities of white cockle to the Department of Agriculture, apt to resod the speaker's meaning be- resouTbes+ scarcely daring .to look at her, be Patent dips that are now upon the ,Seed, Rtbgrass or Chinese plantain, Ottawa.-bD. H. Coard, Dominion De» I fore the words of the sweet, clear `No, indeed ; how should you?" says atawa. of Agriculture. valc•e were uttered• tlaei aril began, 'Dearly .beloved brethren-' market, fortified in some cases by curled dock, ,sheep sorrel, Canada P Ag bare stood with two whits, shapely, •'Yea know what the capital of Zt may safely .be said that there the addition of one gallon of tobacco thistle, lamb's qusrter and lady's hands, ; resting on the table, her France ls�know ami hatwho succeeded William was Scarcely a young ivan, high or juice for a score of sheep. For the thumb also occurred very frequently. DEBT OWE® TO THE NURSE . arms bared to the elbow, her eyes IV. , but 'low, that had not 'lost his heart to object in view they are not all ser- Fitty per cent. of the samples con- _ you dont know anything bliss Elaine; ,but no one had as yet rtceable, so. -that care should be tallied twelve or more species of fixed meditatively; upon the paste- about puddings, do yon. Brad 'at ?" One Physician Who Appreciated the bd>at+d. It was a face and figure "Y ain't no cook mics, it that+'s dared to tell her so; for notwith- given to the selection of one "that weed ,seeds, The worst saimples came svhird would s a raced a London standing her sweetness there was an IN known to .be effective. Of the two from Ren[rew, Ottawa, C,ariton Piace, Services ofaTrained Helper. g what you mean, and I never pre- indefinable something, a natural re- [crr'tns of bath—'band and swimming— Brantford and Item tville. drawing room, a court salon, but tended to be." g' g— P "Now, doctor," said the trained they shone in nothing grander that "You are not,,and you never didl" serve—it was not Bard enough to be the latter is greatly to be preferred. The quality of the red slaver which nurse to the great physician, "What J'urnda morningthan an olid fashioned 9 called pride --a m-aideniy dignity Thu length' of the time of immersion W" obtained in tike Province of Que- do I owo you?", assents smile emphatically, and which kept tier adorers at arm's depends on the state of the fleece, 1,ec was not noticeably inferior to kitchen in an old-fashioned house wgth a smile that is almost as rue- length. Indeed, of love, 'beyond that and to some extent, on the Strength that olltained in the Province or On- The wear and tear of her calling . of the old. town of Barefteld. ful as a sigh. "And if you had pre- a head begun to tell, and the nurse had "HAour, miss; suet, miss -and rats- which she bore for her father—and of the dip, but with proper mater- taario. The impurities in the Quebec „ tended the pretence would have been samples taken her turn at playing patient!. fiats says the maid -of -all work who slim •ciid love him very dearly—Cllaine ials one minute is sufficient, On P es were practically o, the 3 ' as dismal a failure as our dinner same nature. as those found In the After a dozen visits she had come haat stood helplessly regarding her ,. knew nothing.•tau see she had not pastoral hills or whore the boundary P y b promises to be, to pay her bill. m�vstress, ,as it she were about to p � had time to think of it. All her young fences aro defective it is difficult seed obtained from Ontario. Nearly Bridget stares at her mistress for mind, since she had left the school if not impossible, to all the clover seed offered was re- The specialist looked at her a perform some magical rite whose imp prevent seer- gravely. ,, a moment helplessly, then her hon- for which her uncle the earl -whom twin amount of mixing between sheep Ported to have 'been obtained by moment y,. TUren he said, �: mysteries were fax &home Bridget's est face brightens with -actually, an an g p "You know I charge $1.7.5© for a comprehension. Providence.- and the she had never seen -lied pato, had belonb�tng to adjacent owners, and. the local dealer from wholesale p Idea` been taken trip by her battles with 'it, in no easy matter to ward off the firmiar in tine Province of Quebec. By prescriptWil." BaxEfiekl t3clraol Board -have, in "I think if I was to go to bile ilio baker and the butcher and the risk of attack. On componsthe clan- I far the worst samples came froin Mo nurse gave a little involun- their inscrutable wisdom, ordained Scone, the milkman, and hack it as terry gayly of alarm. "Oh, doctor;'" that Chau h 73rid et shalt milkman; and as yet "she walked to ger of conta.minat}on of the flock is Ynmask.1, Iberville, Chartlerville, ! g g possess a personal favor, miss, he might let she exclaimed, "you mean for each Some knowledge of reading, writing, us, have a quart. I'll try, him, any,- wai, n meditation, fancy [,tee,' and still greater. But, with ordinary pre-- Montreal, anal Quebec, and arithmetic, cookery even of the say," and she ekes her shawl and was not even aware of the havoc she cautions, scab should btr itnpossrble of Clxrarloel:,or Wild Mustard prescription ? Why, I've been here most eleruenta kind Shall be a seal- wrought in the heart of the gentle €ntroduction to a wpll-fenced farm. seed wa,s found in large about--" rY bonnet Prom a hook. g quantities eel daook to tier. "Yes, miss," she says, "Do, that's a goad girl, and make eluate, or the hgpes and fears she These precautions consist in using in samples from some dealers, one Then it flashed upon her that the eyeing the pasteboard with a sort inyplred In the bosoms of the rest reasonable care in the purchase of ,set of seeds contaL•ininl; eighteen HP -0- � high-priced specialist might be jok-s it a personal favor .by all means. of her worshippers. sheep, and in r:a,king a point of never Iles of ,we seeds. In ightee l e Ing. � of ,awe, but she says it doubtfully. Do ,anything short of going on your Tho major, a:eein site was alone, bringing • fresh sheep on the r red clover from Prince I general island , and despondently. "Flom. I've got, knees to him, :Bridget." t; g F, P ground , . l `<cs, he resumed, with a By me and raisins, but suet" -she pauses +• opened Lha clear wider, and entered. without first putting them through was better than that front the ion of es smile, "you must pay me and xubs a smuttyfinger a=esiust Lor', miss, catch Mme going on my, "Oh-, here you are, Elaine?" lie t1w dipper. And if sheep are e%posed other two M ir•itime. Proiltices, and $17.5U for cacti prescription or noth- g 6 knees to a milkman, responds Brid- said. at a market, without affecting a Ing!' her guileless cheek -"I dont know =et with a toss of her head; and ,. : the. market price per bushel was g- aallou't tho tinct ; yuu see, miss, the b Yes, Papa, she responded, look- sale, the animalsdtoshould be dipped be- lower. One ��;um ale from liorr:ll can- There was no mistaking his mean- with the milk -jug hooks on to I g butcher--,' cl one irtg at liiin with a smile. `Do you [ora being returned to their graziugs taitreil sixteen rprcicu� of weed seek, I Ing now. Elaine looks ti incl smothers a finger and the door key on the other, Ivan t mo T, and mixed with other sheep. These and YS3, i5p IVL>t! l seeds to the pound, I "But, doctor," said the nurse, "that P she departs on her diplomatic mis- The ma or fidgeted with his eye- are sate precautions under an car- , sigh. sacra, ! 1 j g P Y Nvlliie the ,stimlilt•S from Bridgetoiwn.: doesn't seem quite fair. Hero I've . No' suet, Rri;dgst ? :liter afl, a As the outer door closes on her the glass and glanced at her, and then ;cumsta.nces, and especially so in , Iforell, I:1+lora J:,elfaLst, and Albar- 1 been coming week after week to see raisin uddin • is not much of a Past her through th'^ window. "scall -Infected districts. ton, each contAtio i a plentiful ad- l you and got your advice -you -who pudding inner one opens slowly, and a gen- "Er -not if y y, 9 -, mixture of Charinek or 11'}14 Mustard • aro so busy, and with so many de - change. I thunk nve'll have a tapi- tleman looks in. „ you are ver bus m r + i Clear spo11.S DAUGHTER'S Ci9�ii'�CL ole '•' It is 12a}or Jaelaine, E}aine's Fath- ,. .�eecl• i ma.nds on your leisure that you sear- dear tapiocas l Yes, miss, assents er. ilo 4 a stout, comfortable., fat h- I m always busy, dear, she ro- — With the evr-•Itttc+n of threr+. Pntn- vely havo time, to eat. SCh, I know, Bridget.. "Lot me see, you'll scant r plied, and at Chi; • moaient eery 11latetaarak}n;; iVFuninta;O.Yen 1,)Pfiat t Alas •Litt quallti- of reit clover seed as outsiders do not, how Iarerlous ev,- „ looking man, svitli a fico that, not- busy -thinking." Her c),cn Object. ' ' - , "; • . withstanding its closely cropped . „ „ acct. obtafnetl front tit, 1 ravine+ cif I ri arc minute is to you:' AU1k, sugar, till gaud, arca an =„ ` TJrhrkinl --- i Wi Colunibla, w,,;: vwollettt. Mo, -,t of i „ exaatl Bridget,"li;a �, 1�laine, "I vis white hair ttncl pgyrtzlly white mous- "Yes," slm said with a laugh that Alo=r wotlioll can catch all the , the. Isani ales tvvr,• oWaitl; I from ` Baxt I clo trot« rrturnt d the re - y, y tache, still looks youthful. was half ono of amusement, kali roc_ men tbi:y don't is -ant, but the hi; Ii- 1Vin•1•�or l:tt:,i '1',,rotato r r+ii ou�sr.:d. , doubtable M. D., and at rather re - nicely you t ernember everytlting-' It is �varry that makes es , est alit rt' �u ecitrh dict ono you elo I xuiar hourri. And 1 do manage to • Yes, ntiab," says the unfortunato I gran rotes olt., ain<1 care that alta- fuI.' Do you know the process of Sanipivs front N.w,i}m++ ani lf,�mtrt : g' 1 g cs making bricks without straw, want. it Is suinotinies truly Ila- Totmic contr,ine+l t:n .tori tui' ivrt? tut in a good nig„t'a sleep as a slavey, acce,ptitig tits ewaidiment as , mutely kills trim. Tate major has never dear ?" thotic to watch the manoeuvres of , he t� rc+< r•'c iv ,r c t , r or ivilcl rule. Now. how do I manage to do a gmiultio tribute to her. intc•Illgence. worried, esncl Cara and he are btrang- i I t ely t i h, rloc Hut there's no milk, and the milk- ars, He is well actin tastefully dress-ou rose- licking bricks—bless my Saul, anxious 'mammas cnily, 'oring to mu�tnrd in t.hu ten gram saniphm this , I;r i ansrn�pf aha: trained nurse. Elaine, what can you mean?" and laird successful "cat -Oils' for their' (about one-third of an ounce) that: Do you thiol, Ive forgotten the old mon sold this morning that until his bad indtiwio buttan}iolears a e ofahistlwell cut he fixed his eyeglass and stared at darling daughLerN. "1'lres usually wore oxaininrt.l. "Phe tinmlrlos that , days before site came? Don't i little bill--" tier. scare away the few men who might I large. , know very •well that without her the 1 Saint co:or sweep;•; over the young morning coat ; and •there is pemi.1le "No, I dent su girl's lace, and hes white, even teeth ou his face which seems to reflect offer themselves, l coutl;n,l m -0118t cinalmo ofan- "� PPoso you eta' Mamma, is oncrally very lump ; Puritic�, cam" fium �anriimo, `'cin-; work. l;et therestthat I need catch at- thei red under lip. the sunshine pouring in at the win- 'dear, site said. "And so you can't g P touter, anal Mount Tolmie. , ` \o milk?`' site ,sags, with affected does. tell me lioiv to make a plum putt- and bunchy in piano,, and her "am- rnd can eat without interruption Its cheerfulness, 1 The major started in life heavilydint; without suet, or a tapioca bonpoint"-as she calls it - looks l,egi-dation Needed. " due to hex. I , "No, miss, there ain't a drop, and weighted, and he has managed twithout milk ?" sadly unromantic to a calculating A carefut perwral of these facts i It's good of yon to. say so, due - the mill maa said--" handicaphimself still more heavily. The malar dropped Ills eyeglass, future Son-in-law. Iiia sees ju his and figures po`.nt,; unmistakably to I #tor +' - _ The yoter son of the g Y• and Staring out of the window, mind's eye, lfary's slender waist tho nece4stty for le gktatiou along, • "It's only decent that I should bear 1; youn er son g twenty years from noir. takin on the lines of 1 o[ an earl, the major, with a small shook )its head. g protecting the farm- 1xt In mind. How can I forget the ONLY A SLIGHT COLD j + „ a sort of tri le -expansion look. cgs from those unserru uloue deniers allowance, was, at the age of 25, Tut, tut, lie said, in atone of P P t times when, rig -tit after night, I `Yet It May Lead too Consumption and the pride of his regiment. Even at gentle, annoyance. "Blocks and He compares mammas double chin who are flooding the country with I would be called from. my bed to an Earl Grave. that early age he was in debt c he Beane cutting up rough again? 'Pon and sleepy expression to Ifary's noxious weeds and bleeding the ag- visit some patient who didn't need Early , has been in debt ever since. Every- In sword, Bit's shameful after -after angelic features and beautiful, riculturist by moans of mixed and we at all; some Weer child, per - 11 I Ifbocly, including his relations, de- all the years we've dealt with them," ,vide -open eyes, Then ate wonders often worxe than useless seeds. It lrlaps, who was doing finely, if the u your blood is pour or will set, a "And all the mono n+ if It is possible drat 11ary could is evident that the relative market g y' touch of cola or mfluenziL will settle elated that there was .only one y 'sue owe them. P, mother had only known it 7 That is Ln your lungo, anti the slight cough ahatace for the handsome young fel- 'lout in Elaine :with a smile. "It's too ever get like thlLt, prices of Vmothy, Alsike and Red all changed since the nurse is on of to-da,y may turn to the racking low; he must marry money. The batt of them, dear, isn t it ? But If ho is rar•y clever he asks; to Clover Seeds are not determined by � y 6 major said yes, they were quite never mind, don't worry about it. see a Picture of Mary's mother at their actual value, and competition � watch and shares the responsibility. 1. Consumptive's cough of to -morrow. ri ht, and immediately fell in love Bridget is one to try if she can Usry'a, age. If lie is Impetuous .tin the seed trade has been torr largely I'm only too glad to have been of Weak lungs are caused by weak g g y = some service to you In return for blood ;tweak blood is an open invites- grid married the fourth daughter of melt the heart of Scone, and I dare- and daring he taxes 11ary for life, confined to p -lees without due at- •t,li you have done for me. - Neje a country parson, with a laving of stay she will succeed. Bridget tics a , and if bio isn't ho picks out sem,; •tcntfan to utility. tion for consumption to lay upon you two hundred and fifty concis a year. winnin= way With her, though tribe less attractive girl with es tnarr. q York Herald. the hand of death. P Y b Y g 'Mary of the Most Noxious Reed Seeds Stop that cough by einriching your The major had to leave his beloved doesn't pretend to be a cook. But attractive mother. Thus it is there, cannot be separated from grass and .� „ regiment, and, with a Small milli- what did yqu want, dear?" at this point, that mamma often g more So. "; blood and stratli,thening your lungs Steno of debt around his neck, be- The major colored faintly, anti spoils hrr daughter's chances. It clover seeds by mechanleal processes, "I can't imagine anything more un- with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They Y+ therefore ft is highly important: make luau„ richt, red blood. `llhc gun married life on his retired pay, cleared his throat. is now, that she should dress all g y' satisfactory than a meal at our %a,dd recsiBting pavwes to ttae lunge and a small, a very small, income "I -well, I just' looked in to ask i in black, take Turkish baths, drink that seed: growers Should tltoroughl,y boarding house," said the chronte They have s.Lvoel hundreds from es left him by a relative whose pity you if you have .any change ciu•t of gailolrs of Molt water, and Indulge elcan their flckla of weeds before the grumbler. coitsumptive's grave. here is a. post- outbalanced his indignation, Many that five -pound note I gave you the in a starvation System. all the crop is harvested. "No," replied the impressionable tive, proof that Dr. Williams' Pink a man would have sunk beneath the other clay, Elaine--" �� I time wearing a smiting face and It is not unreasonable to request young man. "Evidently you never got Pills ogre where other medicines fail: weight of lits debts and Ilis pov- Three weeks ago, dear, she mur- looking pleasant.' On these tri- seedsmen to test their seeds, to grade a kiss from your best girl over the Airs rew re other Cmc medicines etc il: arty, but be went on Smiling, and mureld softly. fling sacrifices may depend lfary's them as to qua;llty, and to sell them telephone." -Life. P.M s Katie says: "Som© months ago I only ventured to break down when Eli , Ali, yes. Dear iue, was it as I future happiness. got L, s to a rain storm, and the his wife, whom, be dearly loved, left long track as that ? I don't want Some matunias really do not want wetting was fa rain t6 a cold. he him for a land inhere it is to be much. Ton shillings will cls. You see, their daughters to get married, a first I paid but little attention to It, hoped there are no debts, cions, or they have got air a sweepstakes look ( butt, naturally. the -so are always I J difficulties. s�1 but as the cold; clung to me and fin- the "club, and -and it would cook I the daughters who want to. One ally developed into u backingcoo b, e' left i }antic grown behind her ; so Singular if Idion't take a hare. aY if snresi ways to catch xL man g idrp little tie girl, now grown into a .big It would leak odd, noiv wouldn't and fasten him fast forever is to I became esiarnred tanci consulted a , - one, in front of the pudding ,board it ?" tell • him Strenuously. with threat- S � I e ialer., tiv2io ae urearabottle of waitin for the milk. � suin fish it necesary, th,st he medicine. 'Unfortunately, it 'did not g I El -tine lbolrecl at him with w-% kle help me, and I began to grow pale•, ' The, major ,was Inconso.lafbla at first, such a tender smile as a motherlie-can never, never, never have your lost in weight and my appetite cora- and everybody ,prophesied that after _ _ _ -- daughter. ____ ploteiv left me. I was now regularly the death of his wife he would give CROSS BABIES Once Ili a wb(tIe yon read of poor, 1 In and o under • ,but he , ulled round weak-minded men shooting the .i uuider the care of the doctor, lytic g P , ml- t�ld arae my tango were'affected, and and transferring his affections to TIO.%v to Igake 7'lietlt Bright, Good selves az cracir other vzr account of Kidney Disease Developed Into Dropsy—After Fiff£& eall the I ~vas t.irrt-Ltene d �vitlt cansnin t- Elaine, came t>Sr as smiling and cheer- 1 insurmauntablc barriers which take + I fill and trusifu} as Ivor. Natured olid Well. 1 ,the form of furious fathers andaU- '�8ag'S O r1�ta7&Y9 Cure 'it"��lS Effected jf • tion. T,lre doctors treatment chi<l cot seem to 'bonefit me in the least, Ever -bcxly ,who is ,poor tbi.nks, A crying 'liaby is an uni�ell baby. st}nate, mothers; but the majority I st'eadity grow weairer, and finally r. ht.ly or.wrongly, that it is cheaper 7`lie little chap is not cross for the of young fellows elope an<l leC the t i to live in the county than in Lon- fun of it, He cries beaa;tase thmLt is I furious father rip etre shooting at OH w li-.Y -LIVER �,6,;, wraes compelled to t•emain in bed. At y this time a friend urged me to try cion ; and the major, being under this the only Way he bas of expressing the neargst male relatives or trap - Dr. Williams' fink fills, and even tmprpssion. ,took a small cottage in the fact thn.t ho 13 either in pain less tam `'cat, When his wrath is brought me'three boxes before I tho rural town of Bare[ield, which or disioomfort., Most of his,, little thus Spent. they came home, are- , finally consented to take them.• I evPrylraly knows is Ili Loamshire, troubles are due to some disorder fpirgiven. an;d his dollars are also Dropsy is a natural result of neg= was a great sufferer from kidney; have reason now, to bless my friend's and. to use his awn ,phrase, "settled of the ,stomach or botveis, anti if spent in paying their elapetnent ex- lected kidney, disease. When the kid- disease for several years. She was Persistence, because I felt better be- o fnsl. g Baby s Own Tablets are given both peltses. •• s became deranged uric acid is troubled with pains in the small of a tore all the pills were gone, Hurl I •C course lie brought the old liar= the 'ttxruti2le and resulting orasaneSa Matt is th'e mast curious animal net'.' the. back and in the sine, was grade- gladly continued the treatment, and test of debts with him, and equaally will d»sappe.�ar. You can take, a ma- iriiowln, no is like a runaway horse. left in the blood, and the blood be- �Iy lasing flesh and rowiu we " g of coarse he ,at once, caul with the ther's tyord for t.t, nndl• Mrs, John '1'. Yoir clan't want to let httn knotiv y gat Into es very stgBt-"' waLs sorrier sole to be out of bed and comes watery and vitiated. Flesh She y e, But most cheerful ;nlacri commenced Sutherland, of Bl•Lesfleld, N', B., saps; you are catching him until the bit and weight gradually decreases and fore dreadful pains, and her ankle take a walk each lacy. I am now in i.3'', s the Bost of health, and weigh ten tq sdsv; a neiv crop. "I Think Bajty's Own Talbleyt s tale best is in his itidxutli Novel tat es than stremgth is slasvly exhausted. Swill- ivoulci swell up so that We were Tram her earliest age Elaine had nvoilte}ne In the 'world. for little ones. know by word or look that you len ankles and legs are among the afraid of dropsy. We had a book Donde more than I idid before i took 6 ck. I feel that I owe my life to been accustomed to carry on a war MY baby was v4ry cross and used wa,tit hien until lie asks you, and first indications of dropsy, and this Dr. Chase's in the 1lousa a of frith. the tradesmen ; it was she who to keep, nae awake half the nl' ht tie- tdbinei hmras not even `t1ueR. m tom arises !torn Lha fa'et that about Dr. Chas `s -fid rca<litig Dr.. Williams' Pick Pills, aid hope P• g sy p e lCidne. Liver l)il'IN* . my experience will benefit some bore .the brunt of those many and fore I ,got tile Tablets, Now she Each step a •girl advances bd far the system is filled with water that decided to try them, Izellaf w [,requen:t iuterviews which the ,baker stee si soundly, is good-natured and will a mail reittest. Lest her retreat, should pass dS'"f by way of the kid- came with this treatm eoife Other sufferer. � P cull My wife AA diseases wltloh come from poor and, batchex and grocer Insisted opotr is growlag splendidly." You can give and he will advance, Let Aer g o net's. + has been entirel • cured an Gays lriloocl or weak nerves can be driven ,and ,respecting their little so- these Tiajalets with perfect safety to seeking him and she will fund htzn Thtro is probably no ailment which would not be entirely tl ys ahl� I from. the system. by 'Lite use of Dr. counts, and it .was her sweet face a new•;iprn babe. They are ,guaran. gat, Let bei sit Still at home. and leads to such dreadfully Dr. Chases and, coaxing Painful andidnay-Livcir Pills lax ten time fha `Willisme fink i -111s, which may be b manner which many a anteed to contain n0 Opiate or pots- Same day lie will come and takes fatal diseases as derangement of tile ptioe," . , had from any dealer in medicine, or time and oft had persuaded those onous sleepy s•tttff, and am a sure her! by the "J>and .and leach her to kicfiaie s, and consequently the good "'I am using lir. CliaSe' ' 3" g s Nerve Ir cod j will be ren~ post, paid n t 50c per 5udtiky trate individuals to withdraw cure for all the mltnor. llments [,corn ithe altar, it she ;acts as if she which Dr. Chases lCidney-Liver rills myself, and it is butt box, or six boxes for $2.50, by writ- thea threats of stopping the Sup- which fttlti�c ones siurror, Sold by Were .leading him. lie will change do in checking 'kidney disorders and dorfully." Cling mo up wort- i Ing direct to the Dr, Williams' Metall- Plies. Sha it zw,as who knew medicine dealetvs or sent post .laid his mind and 4ea.vo her an the w � xeventing dropsy, Bright's disease, Dr. Cli�ase's Ilii 1. dile Brockville. Ont. Remember when the baker triust be •,paid rat Z6 cents a box by awaiting diir6ct tbi' o w tli some ata rman,or pfabates etc., can never be estirnat- ill a do „- clnoy Liver I'i11s. It mo, .s 1 Co.,' r icines s" somethin on aaLcount, .end how W the 1)r: W.11tmus Mod} •i e i , i r d , . P Se, �•, crytt.ts es box. At ta>Gl that Subvtitutcr, aiyd mad old _... g e ne Com never ga alt all, If r,ii•e bolds back, oc3, r1tx. Arthur Walden, Perryville, dealers, or IMmanson, Bratgs -W 'be `"}ust as good' do not cure. much longer the Crutcher could n'r r+ackv lie, Ont, ho, w0t draag hear th`ero by fordo. Carlaton Co., N. B.. writes; "My; wife Toronto. C°* . _ - .. a i , I. ,, i• %, . I .,. , ,