HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-02-20, Page 2._._ 1._.
I .
_. —
Three Torc nto depti,ty„ returidut
officers hove beets summoned or
Iblranil or Spain.
London,:['lab, 16.—Liewt.IlnrW-Alex-
anwho has
obarges of miscoatduct at the refer.
, :
fff 11111f771
teresting deacliption of the curious
--. •^-.--
eu€fum, to appear before Judge Isle•
Cxirurtaona Three other mets arc
I I .
White man, and they never leave
family Wada Ito first appearance in
thea Criminal courts to -day, when the
eha.LIg;•ed..trith pcersolia't}aom, ,
I . I
1 [g
A special '.train Consisting of 1
I.,. I . .. I
effects of ruin and palm wine, Tile
natives are xnostly quite naked,
ca1S 1rLden w.itll• Silk passed thro,tl'gh
early, on Sunday, morning,
U41ev8I1 of the cars w ire consigned
to Preston, Ont„ for distribution
Scarlet Fever Prevalent
in the United States, and other
four ,,,ere for Montreal.
The directors of the Canadlan
Form. •
Pacific Raid ay declared a dividendVirulent
,1-1 per cent, 01, the preference
stock; and . 21% per Cent. on the
common stock for. the half year
ended llecewber ,last. T1vere is a sur-
plus oT half year of $3,2102,970.
In view of the Ilicrease lit the cases
of wit-berLtln
e g in _ 1 .[oLTtreal, the
SOClety for thn Frntr>nt'.rnn nr 1\'n_
X niemum Periodorlsoiii.ti&i is Place
at Slur Weeks by Provincial Boar
of,Health—The Death Rate—Tu bei
oulosis RegIdations..
140rox3to report — 113he quarterl
Ameaeting of isle 1,rovinclal Board c
,Health was held fn .Dr. D,ryco's offic
yesterday, and will- continue to -day
Ube report presented- on contagion
idiseases stated that scat rA fever an
sumllpox existed in Ontario in .
?tutoro virulepT.t form than usual.
During • ianuary there were te,
deaths troul smallpox. The complain
'zeas made that there was not a muni
cipality, in the Province properly en
3orcin+g the va.cclnatforirlaw. :`etre
;taT•y Bryce announced `khat he lead a
W11 which he would present later
aa,memdinag the l-aceination Act, aur
imakintg it mare workable.
albe scarlet fever returns made t,
sire board arrowed that the death rat
late 1J0G wa,s 9 per 'cent. In Toront(
during the last six months of 190:
`]there had been 701 cases and .S,
deaths, whilo in January, 1903, ther
')tad been 106 cases and 21 deaths.
Reports were also presented, show
129 that good results were . obtalne(
from vaceama,tion In ameliorating ani
preventing; the spread of smallpox.
New Scarlet 1'ever Regulations.
.lute board passed several Importan
,regulatiOns in counection with scar
,)a1: fever. It was decided to place i'
oo the, same footing as smallpox ane
diphtheria, and to this end the fol
lowing rules were passed, and at
Order -in -Council will be applied fo:
aconiirming them:
That isolation hospitals be estab
tiiished, and that all cases must be
tremoved there.
That medical health officers, wher
Informed of cases, shall, immediately
:isolate them a,nd quarantine all ex.
!posed persons, either at • home of
,some place of detention.
I Persons who have not had the dis-
ease but have come fd contaec with
It. shall .not leave their premises until
sihe perion of incubation is past.
If medical health officers permit
persons to keep cases. in their own
]rouses, they must be clVarantined.
Mlle maximum period of incubati°n
Is limited to a. week, and the milli -
mum period of isolation is six weeks.
ben scarlet fever occurs In a
school, a medical examination of all
exposed persone, -tvilether in the elas.i-
zoom or apt home, shall beheld daily,
until tho period of incubation pr,
E Deaili Rate 1-', per 1,000.
Dr. Vaux, the Cliafrman of the
board, in We annual report stated
g2hat during 1003 there, had been no
bpidemle of a. formidable character.
Lttrlug thE3 yecax the total deaths,
itasod on 90 per cent, of the popula-
tion, were -13,208, an average of
about 12 per 1,00U. There- had been
at., mortality from tuberculosis of 2,-
161; diphtheria, 441 ;typhoid fever,
Z63; seat -lot fever, '..'.1's:3 ; whooping
sough, 144; meat,les, 106.
Mlle Chairman said Ile had received
a number of reports urging la the
case of tuberculosis, compulsory noti-
Tication. isolation, disinfection of
rooms lately occupied by consump-
tives, disinfection of sputum, and gen-
to well recog-
eraliy strict assent}on
nized hygienic measures for the pre-
vention of contagion, and at the came
;time that care be taken that public
awtagonism *as not aroused by too
s•adicai measures beingadopted.
r!-C%t"VC`V -F-.Z`V C%,.a"
TIm Toronto City Council voted
against tire firemen's Union,
Mr. J. Jr. LegrIs, ex4NX. P. for
I Masklwige, has been appointed to
t'he Senate.
mirz MaepVeraollls majority in Bur-
rard h'as irleveased to 280, with At -
On, yet to hear from.
T,Ve by -lacy granting; $2,54000 to
the Puslinch Lake a£. Ileaapeler• Street
Railway was carried ,it Guelph.
Tire final rctprendlum returns gtvo,
Jor the act, 10"r 710, against 10:3o-
; total on the lists, 606,577.
Dr. Partain was the guest . of the
Upper Canada. ttoilege Governors
UtId Old Boys at a farewell dinner.
I>tilp m:anufackurers wafted upon
Dir Wilfrid, Ist,uraer to ask for an es-
pott•t duty on pulpwood. -
1r. E. A. D•unlloxr W..as nominated
for the Legislative Assembly by the
Ciom,servatives of ;forth, Ronfrety
Taranto St. Attdrew's,S'ociety has
decided to aid in 't}r.e erection of .a
Burns cottage at the St. LaufaVair.
Toromtta P'ablfc School trustees are
'dissatisfied with the abandomlrlent Or
the Investigation into, inspectors'
pjm,rges. I t
The Taranto dpecia.f committee ono
Power has recommended that the
;City' Engineer consult an expert and
presout a. report.
The Toronto I'u.blic School Inspec-
tors have romr to an agreement
and th'e inter>tigation, has been
albandoned r
It is reported that the North'ern
cifit RnLlwav bas applied to bulls-
aOO miles of railway ,In Manitoba
his year: ;,
Tll'e protest e,p;ai.nst the election
61 Mr, A. G. Ivlac,kay, Liberal 1I. P,,
1', for North' Grey, w'as filed-' at
_Irwen ,Sound.
Scllcolcp and churches near Mount
Mblon biave been closed our account
1114 1t. bad] case of smallpox in the
}string-tl5orhood-, ! i
—.----- . , . ,.�
five Arae.
d Men Stop- tin
Exp res
-. in Montana.
Batatte, Mont., Feb. 16.-••r.%, BLit•- official Ili tile Minty 11" been call
lingtoll express, No. 6, east -bound, I tO Soutll Butte, rtnd all approach
> , - »> �, .,,> A4: dl VILL"1[{l� Ln r, country mud, tire unspeakably filth,)', fol• they Therese Humbert displayed her usual
deputation, to ask the GFovel^pliment an the Xorthorn 1: teats tracks elglit still a ffg.> 1 .Irettveen the officers and ne%'er wash, but occastoxattlly use a }
to substitute the cat -o' -nine aine-tails robbers is believes} to be Imminent, knife to serape off the surface dirt bravado and cool n se. Tier sister,, Dfa,
montau of imprisonment as a punish- utiles cast at this stir*, near •]Tome- ap , rte DDauragnau, apparently was
stcud, by Tice masked inert, The • �. 'She cute,, .according to the railroad and create artificial deformities by much unnerved,'
merot. a y neop'le, contained: nothing of value tiglltl.k enwrapping their limbs. Thevrilde time lamalne
,� covered tilt, sides of the train with b ' , tleLl brothers, lttitu and >am d maln-
,alt dile meeting of the Toronto Dis- .hut reports vary as to- dile amount Fernando 1, o natives "ire exceedingly tdtiined an attitude of calm deflalu:e.
trice Labor Gouircil last night a their guns, uncoupled the engilie of booty✓ secured by the bandits. 'timid, and whorl sighted by the The cause does not involve the main
short discussion upon the firemen,'s mail and express, and ran them ahead "I'lrn express messenger says that whites bolted into the depths of tide gWistion concerningthe Crawford
udniom followed the reading of the they did not get more than ,$500, Jungle, w sere they set up fearsome millionwl
s, cut M. Oatt 's charge
Organization Committee's report. �f tilt, train about two utiles, where tPUti4 in otltet
the robbers fired two clearges of the plunder mill quar'tet's it is said wails. At certain ]tours each daythe that they libelled him in referring
It I•ecom•mended that the Council pro- amount to several villages are quite deserted, every- to the
test agaiinst Clhiof Thompson or dynamite, blowing ilio sate to pieces thousrind dollars at feast. It is also one, includin.r the children )tanker en n usurer indirect -
6 ,going otf ly aftectts site entire ira.nSactlan.
any committee of the City Council wrecking the express car. The said that .several of the mail pouches on a carouse. The e4irly stages at the trial to-
endeavarim,g to kill tile union, and trainmen of the passenger train, were rifled. The lieutenant adds that, althot:gh tl,ay slid not ptodure any ✓sensations.
that unlom men keep in mind the after the robbers had left the engine I :Reward Ushered, lee•, searehed for then assiduously, he I Af damo Humbert ave a i nM
g Iong ram -
names of alclel men 'ivuio voted that "I'd cars, hastened bac]. totva•rds Melena, :4lont,, Feb. 10.—The North_ could find no traice of the bursal .Ming statement of her dealings with
why. Butte and }flet an 11,P -coming freight ern Pacific Itaiiroa.d Couxpany has .places of tilt' natives of the l0and. M. Cattaw-1, and alleged that hie
Toronto is under rout train, the engine of which was un_ 111 --- l diemaantiis for exaes,sive interest and
b g just nolo coupled to run to L'utte, and the I oi.fered :L reward o[ $5,000 far the GIRT. O(' Z her ndis fviags from 11inI rest and .> mile epidem-u of influenza. Doc- alarm given arrest and conv}c'tion of the five neon 0 SUES FOR $50,000. he aLsaout $600,000. Vr h1 Al. amounted
tors agree that it is far removed A sheriff' and %vllo are 'said to have held up the
from the geltuiue Parisian la grippe posse altd force o[ Burlington express yu.st:,east of Butte I •%rias heard and Ire repudiated the
police have left for the scene o1r a Ilia morning. Mrs. Quintard Sals .Hiss )3radiey Slott ehar f
that dyads first Lott here in all its ,. g The company rv' > ge o u,sut :tdaLdrime hrm tt
train. the railroad officials asked the d? y alt pay TI bf
severity about ten years ago. Tli'e lite $u",000 retvaxcl far the entire Icer Husband. ,sprang from h�:r�sewat incl asked for
after-effects are not nearly so clan✓- pt'rtata+TaiiaLly> off}vials at' ]leer g a,rlg, or• $1,000 for each member ,5'tnmfoxcl, Feb. 16.—Mise Alice Brad- the privilege of interrogating.
gerous or so serious. The Lodge for their itloodhounds. >;rer3° contieLed. ley, who is in her twentieth year,
1V11i1e Frederic 73umbel't was tes-
prrerac- was made defondalit to -day tifyfng he sought to incriminate s
typo is mdsrtly bronchial in charas -
tel•, and is due largely to change- -- for $30,000 damages brought Ili.
Mrs. I ' political per -
able weather, and fn Bowe cases ' number of .rTantinent
� � AWYER �� � Charles 1e. L nasi n at Sound Beach, Jui%d es, alle. .1
IngtoMinister of War
to cold houses. for the alienation of her husband's •Iurstiee Salle. The Judge enorgeti-
BI2iTlsti AND FOREIGN. affections. Deputy Sheriff Scully, of allay Stopped him from syringing in
'Norivalk, sexved the papers this af- the names of people not partites to
ternoun. the cage. Tborempan ]lane. Humbert
Several persons perished in a bliz- dramatically exclaimed:
zard in �1'ervtolrtridland. IN REPLY TO
Hiss Bradley ffi d daughter of thelate Salisbury Baadlcy, of .yew lark, "lee in elms "ng facts will be
r t tIA stiff fight bets pini wits nes and who diets several years ago, leav- disclosed -viten the main case is
constabulary took yla.c° wit„in seven }Tag an Immense estate to his ,widow i heard." The Judge again stopped
miles of llaroilaa city, — — ' and We sons, Lorrin, Walter, Arthur, I Humbert when he asserted that per -
Sir Charles Gavan Duffy, formerly and the daughter, Alice. T•he laugh- I sons occupying high positions were
an avoweii Irish rebcl, and later ter's share of the estate is even in aware of the fact that the Hum -
Prime minister or 11(toria, died at UeStiOIIs Figures and Promises to Force the complaint as 7St1,00U. Mrs. Brad- ! tert family was in Madrid,
\ice. ley remarried, and is now the wife of !
\eu engines on the liladlcand hail -1 ��on'� Point. Dr, A. Il. Scofleill, a Net'✓ York den- I INNOCENT AND SANE. .
way, England,' attained a speed of 83 tist. lie is a director of the Stam- I _
mflea» an hour while drawing loads of l , ford Yacht Club. Young Who Pleaded Gailty of Mur -
330 tong; each. I hi lose thin, I a., Feb. 1G.—After is run by t11'e labor of these child- She slepdauglttor, :slice, Is of strik- I
the close of Boer's address to the tett• in a t taranee_. She is et. der Denies it Now.
A committee of Congress reported g � lA' p:>cially fond ,,
in favor of a measure adwittina re- Strike Commission, -dist•. Darrow, be- "When there - railroad presidents of horses, and is considered the best New Fork, Feb, 16.—Wil,aam Hooper
arc finally called to book before horsewoman its this part of the coup- Young, convicted of tilt, murder of
gistereci brood animals into the gun far the Union 135ners. After a t the ,Presidetlt of the United Stales, try. :firs. Pulitzer, was reported to be.
United tital des duty free, t ✓evict%; of ]the strike he said><: "I shall ane of them ,shed tears because the quite ill to -day at the, Tombs. 'Warden
Homdura.e and] odder republics are apologize for Inane of the mistakes United aline Workers allowed these + ' r Varderearr said *Young is suffering
involved in dispute:; w1lieh may; lead fro s to o A WiFE S CONFESSION. . from a
to a getteratl ]vat in Central Ail_ of the meat, brut I tic say it does j ill their_ organization, be- "general nervous collapse."
cause, It tva.a claimed, they I Young talked freely about his case,
erica. , , tieL come Avith grace from their ac- taught there Killed Husband and It'ed Chickens despite his illness.
cutlers to call them crimLnnis." g pour Italie s doctrines With 11 Is Sones. I "I am, not insane," said. Ise, "and I
It Ips rrl>otted that the Austrian of anarchy and ctlsahcciicnce to taw,
reserves have been warned to hold lir. Darrow, wc:ut oil, tto tell of the The railroad preshlent shed tears Montteello, Feb. 16.—At the bear-, r'mplia'ticaply deny that I ever at-
tliewselves ]TL readiness for active operators refusli*g; to give the men Irnc+tuse the United Niue Workers tempted to act as if insane. I don't
service• »ere spoiling "I'll 801118 of these 1119 in the case of Mrs. Lafayette wish to appear thrUt way. I am very
mare mOmey, and said : ))Oct. children, and yet he was Ivil- T6.!IOr, elfarged %vith the murder of ( sick, as all Lan see, but aside from
Loral Salisbury will make IC:s first "tau can ilo just as you please lin to take site eaT nlai * i my physical weakuess my mental
speech since he rcetir(st fralxi isle E; g,s of these her husband, I titer 'Perkins, an uncle
Premiership at a b:Luqurtt to be about rccogniz[ng the union. If you poor children, that he and Itis fam- of :lire. Taylor, testified to -clay that ,weakness is certainly not ono of in -
given in London on ]larch 3rd. do not recognize it, it is because fly ntfg Ilt be t• -cher because of theft' site told him the shocking details of sanity.
toil, These babes know tlteit Iriellds- the killin of iter husband and the
I never killed thrtt .woman. At,
It is reported in tit- lobbies of the you are kalitT<1 atnci veru waur to bump •rtfere is not onti tv1Lo woulci not grod is my Judge, I never killed her,
French C'hamher of 1)^pities that a,^,ainsL iL same more; that Is all. tun from a ra•ilraatct burning of his body a•s calmly as� he declared. "T know ft tics others
the condition of the Pope is vert president to though alto was speaking of the I know it ,red. "me day It will be err
critical. The report caaunot be con- It is here to stay, and the burden tare open arms of John llitehell ; killing of a chicken. Yexkins saidaxid' +, p
firmed, and its source c•anlret be is an you aur I nut upoan us. There and they are right. I have no -doubt she came to Itis ed that I did not kill her.
Iraced, , is neither;thc power nor the disposi- the railroad pres]dent loves child- plat, at Ulster
. , ren. 'Neither have I any doubt t)t'ctt Heights, on Gebruatry 1, to sell him
The London Dail,v Mall ublisltes a tions its, this court, I tale it, to des- a ]morse, as she tvaltlte<l the money !'RESENT TO STOP TORTURE.
p the %vol: Loves mutton, These Wren to pay a bill. Sl10 said; "I am
dhapateh from t;ue' emrtla, aayiag tray; the nation. And if these agents make a I]ving out of these child- , go- -"
that tear has been declared betwcell of the Almighty- ecaunot tree the stn- ren; the little children et 1G3 a in to leave R ylor and go to work Stories ofA•rnied Rebels in Canton are
Guatemala on one m1de and �alvatlur et. g $ to a boarding-house, at Woodbourne. Exaggerated.
lom, they; had klcttr*t• ttla::uler slang 3'�car. g- grreratecL
and Honduras on the•, other, Mr. Darrow then took lit You need not fent 'Parlor any more, Iron lion
Dr. I3eTlnan 1lynter, one of the run. s!,Rl a few. inarr> trams aril possibly 1 lire or- S g', Feb. 11J.—Tho storfea
' 1 y7 der at the union for slit, steam for I hate fixed him with the red about the discovery of arms fit the
Peons n*ha attelided Pres:deilt : vlun- atter a while 'tUc .; rv,t e], notsvely s. is men to s!Lt}kp, anti c}ospc] by say- dog. hands of rebels in the Province of
ley after his asbassanation at Lite ]lore and reeap;uize. It •ahcrosehes.l big: lerklns exclaimed; "'lot don't Canton ]rave been gross exaggera-
Pan-American Exposition, died last Patsing,✓ to kite ivage statements If these gentleinvii we're stupid nlcan to say you have murdored him, tions. Talc discoveries were limited
nightt, handed to Lire conintis,8ton, Mr. •Dar- enough to let their tables fill tel do 'XOIi ?' to which sho reiplled, "fie to, the finding of a fete. revolvers.
rote srlid the OP` O' nave been with water rather thitn i came fn drunk and raisin trouble. It is reported th4Lt the German
War llinistrr An 1T has Issued an n kraut this g p
order forbidding otf)ce::, anti c•»T. dlecelved by their atvn •accountants• eir;ht-hour clay, all rig h't. But keep I shot him oneo and thet ball glanced Consul was present at the examim-
•It, at tie end or all this time ,off. I shot itixn a atiaons Into the cases of German
ployees of the'niitiiatry for War txunT still about it. .Liter lou leave done gain and ho fell
participating in ill(, rencewed Drr fun amltd lagan, ip? is nviliillg to give uo it, the mare yon talk of it the on tho floor. I then burned his elo- rnissionary converts in order to
discussion. , :1 or 10 pet• ee,nt. upon the rigures MON" contemptible it makes you thingand put nota paper on the wall. prevent any torture by tho Chinese
that he i,tys crttrectig rrprrsent our look fn the tire's of alt men who I burned the body and fed the bonen a.utlaritles. The converts were re -
Dr. v: ,i. La Dotl reg, .lf. 1'. [at. earnings. lir. I arro,P sold, "eve thiink,:l' to the chickens." leased. The Cltirieae Government il'aad
\ortitLVerit f,stncaslt]re, has written :L wilt br very glad, indeed, to take secretly sent six police n eats to
nleTnoit of his brother, till late 1't•o-, it. Froin the beginning of this sttiL•e .Helitse Operators' Offer. According to Te,rkins testimony' Iron
fessO." Halliday Douglas, o. Knox ('o;- , .ilrs. Thylor told him that she road g Kong to make enquMes in
lege, Toronto. b until the enol, nvhattercr you nulyi Ta-da31r. Darrow cliscuH,a it the regard to five local influential Chin -
'I Say, about whether the Iniroers C1i11$e of the atrium Thr: respunsib]2_ read of a family that did not get
r. C;aalrlt's flay Idose, tine Cama- lti- for tilt: coni funiine along vory well and that tide woman amen who, have been accused of be -
knew wilts i bc*y: were getting car , he said, rest_ t" ink reformers. T1te authoritmeH were
dian recently elected to the Brftish not, these operators have glover g;iv- •tic; twfth those who were responsible killed] her husband and burned the i
Parliament, says hti hopes to bring; en lyrt a correct figure u1 made a for the ,trike. ]f the ntpn sttnek house. She also told Perkins that ,apparently unaware of thair pre -
time Alaskan question before r:arlia- %vithotit use reason thin tlee3- %cerci site burned the carpet and all of her sense here.
statement that wcual :rand the j clothes that tvero
rent and to insist upnn tide tintyiot light crt as}. tar a .:ingte moment t' 1}a;tt;lble, but it the men ,wc� a spotted. She also RECKLESS DRUG TAKING,
the Government iwvc to yield to he wnen the,: taalkecl to the public, I tight and the opera.tot',s not broad. asked Yerkins for some paint to paint
1:111iedl `tastes. have had a co-niputation made cov- Minded enough to see the justness over some stains.—
Marconi, who is noir in London, Bring ever,' eo•rnparny that has filed of their claims, then ill(- operators Tito hearing; ended to -night, and Neurotic Young ilea, and Their LitlTia►
tvid return to Qviada two months a;eltt:<lules with this COnrl>•anv, and were rc•,•pomIble for 'Ll►rs trouble.. He Mrs. Taylor was ordered confined- In Tablets.
hence, after visiting hasty. He pra.lsts i,n lir. &,ter's conn miry; only about aL though tile .:rfke was; due to tide TL )las because no uncommon thin
ail t
o await th
,} a action of t
p• he Grand
re. ,
Canada, and r
1t e.1 6 •c,• "ht}nn L •
, t t ,m L s l,tocrn ti .
mtts,a tit• :• , c a: u 'c
g tt, a C tl sbrit
r third of •Cue. Tnc.t t over, � � , of sr1.
1 go r, IUD in p 1 Jury ,.it the Tiny tnxm, ys Tito Ilospttat, a'i:. a dinner party,
tion exists there at the obstaelvs the year V001." the opt rotors." td see neurotic young men dropping
placed in the way of establishing~ a opeaking of tie alleged] fae.t that 3I'e believed t}ip issue was: lyho their lithia. tablet into a glass of
commercial service by the British 58 per cent. of ✓the lte•adita Hhould be the nlastrr, the aerator TO TEACH BREAD -MAKING. champagne to counteract what they,
p � s men p
Government. ra:ceived only $300 a near, lir. Dar- or tine roan" Nolthor, ire declared, imagine to be its acidity; lacking
In a Foreign Office report ii;• .lir, raw exclaimed,: rhou.ldi be the ntnnter of time otbar, Government Asked to Open Classes as they do both the gastrin vigor to
Consul Beckett, %r Melt teas issued "Gods knows that illi conditions in Ile quoted front. the testimony of tate or instruction. .doal with winea.nd.the moral vigor
recently, It Is repdmmedl that in the. this coat!ptry and to this ntinfli re- late Ar)(, Pnrdee, a pool operator, to abstain from it. It would be a
single Siamese di.4•trict of Clttengu g;}anl,are not ao good th,at tnPll will before a congre:,;-jnngrl investig,li,i0.1 Toronto report — ii . deputation matter Of WholesOme instructs t
tval. during 190'21 1ltat feiver' than 30 be �v&ten,t 'to 6tt down anti earn -0 yetlrs .'1,90, showing the ,111eg;ell from 1110 ,)taster Bakers, Association f t O
elephants, roll 1TV11till 9 a. Inonetary y$34Y) a year." 'bliwl �;t rft" of the operators a waited on Ilon. John Dryden yester- nranv of L11eso drug customers if they,
value of :5,: