HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-02-20, Page 1OL.III,, NO. 30. .'�ai:.;.):; (�3'drd„1'r. 'it2Alafatki2iF. t;.t n.l te„ ! Yo will find a Complete Stock of Goods usually kept in a First-class *.Flour °.r. Feed Store We will mention a. few : Best Family, Buckwheat and ye Flours, Feed of all kinds, International Stock Food, &c. SEEt Our Field Seeds gave the best of satis- faction•last season. Leave•your orders early for any new vanities you may want. CLOVER AN TIMOTHY SEED WANTED y1/4, sto Z rich The Official Organ of Zurich and Ilay Township. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, FEB. 20, 1903, The season for beginning farm. work is rapidly approaching and it is none too soon to look about you. to see where you can pro- cure the Best Machinery. We handle the following Lines— (Made in Hamilton Ont Fleury, Cockshtitt and Wilkinson Ploughs ... . Binders flowers Rakes D sa Drills Cultivators Discs HAY FORKS, TRACKS AND SLINGS. Repairs for all kinds of machinery, on shortest notice. PRICES RIGHT I'D,. a,(i'�° la� l/ B.lf. La , 75-77 VILLAGE t }F EARLY CLOSING THE SOVEREIGN BANK of Canada >» 1 Miss Emma Caifas, of Dashwood, • EN \1) OFTWE - TOEO �7'U ' 13 is visiting ting friendsin town. EXEcr"Tivi OFnirhs - Mc stra F AL We would remind you that this is not maple -syrup weather. Mr. Albert Moser, of Corbett, was in town on Sunday last. Tho ice -harvest is on in earnest this week.. The quality is goad; Mr. Will McLeod of Seaforth called on friends here, on Monday. The thermometer registered 15 below zero, one morning this week• Mr. Walter H. Dumart, of Berlin, was in town on business, on Tues- day. • 14 Sr. Samuel Ellenbautu. of Michi- gan, is visiting friends here at present. Mr. John Schafer and family were at Dashwood to visit relatives, on Sunday. Mr. Hoffman, of Stephen, is in town assisting his brother, W. H , with his Wood. Mr. William Rain of the Town Line, Stanley has been quite i11 for the past six weeks. Mr. John Dinnart was in Shipka and Dashwood this week distribut- ing Our Native Herbs. The Excelsior Orchestra furnish- ed mesio for a ball at Iiippen on Thursday evening last. Mrs. M. Zeller is down with an- other attack of illness. It is hoped she may soon recover. Mr. John and Miss Lovina Doiehert visited at Mr. C. StaCle's, in Stephen, on Sunday. Miss Beatrice Steinbach loft yesterday morning for London to attend the millinery openings. Mrs. D. Steinbach raturnect en Monday from a visit with her daughter, bars. Baldwin, at Sea - forth. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartleib are at Sc:bringvi11e, this week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hart- ]eib s father. .A number of young folks from Zurich attended a dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hey, Sr., last evening. Mr. 3. F. Rickbeil •sells horse- powers and choppers, suitable for farmer's use. The; are very reasonable in z)rice. Cito attended a party at County Coun- ! tion with such through waterway; mote- 1 Thursday evening last: } and maintain ur otherwise dispose of ter - Mr. Louis Foster had a dancing i urinals, harbours, \\ har\ e , Mucks, piers, lite a nultlber froin her Autherizecl Capital. Capital paid up - II. S. Holz Es 2., - D. 111. ST Is\y At,'r EN $2,000,000,00 $1,200,000.00 President Gen. 1\I•gr Savings Department. Deposits of ;(1. and received and highest rates of interest allowed. Deposit Receipts issued at favor - rates. Loans made to Farmers • on their own notes. A GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS BONE ---OFFICES AT— E xeter •Crediton F. G. KAttel, C. W. GiLMOUR, Manager. Manager. F. W. GLADMAN, Solicitor. Special Meeting. 9T't1TI; Council of the County of Huron -L will hold a special meeting in the Town Hall, in Clinton, on March the 4th next, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to meet repre- sentative teen from each municipality in thq County, and consider the question of a goal road system in this County. Any other County business may be considered at this meeting. W. LANE, County Clerk, 1)atc1 at tloderieb, this 14th day rf Feb., IOu:i, Pupal.'. Notice is hereby given that an ap>1ieution \rill be made to the Par- liament of Cantina, at its next session, for an Act to incorporate a company under the i name of "The s,t. Joseph Transportation company,” v,itl!:pm\rer t.0 haute and con- struct a canal ut system of canals so as to Create a navigable waterway from some point on the eastern shore of Lake Huron, in the, County of Huron or of Laalnbtou, in the Province of Ontario, to 50111e point 011 ' the northern shore of Lake :Laic in the i County of Elgin in the said province, with ! power to make surveys and to determine ; the loeutlou of the said waterway; to dredge, despen, raise or lower, the levels of, or improve the existing wafter -courses between the said points, and to establish such connecting links necessary to make awl complete throughout the entire dis- tance between the said terminal points, a navigable canal of a depth of not Less than eighteen feet, and of a width which may he found necessary to enable vessels of deep draft to meet and pass in safety at any point in said canal; moreover, to con- struct, operate and maintain all such works and structures necessary in coraco- Ciller Lamont's, in Stanley, on. over, to acquire,'build, own, lease, operate party on Thursday evening% Ai landing places, water lots, yards,c•cvato1s, wutehou ,s dry doclts reservoirs and - 1, PES YY: 1 AINS! E are offering .some very Big Bargains for a few weeks.... LA IS' Dress goods, Furs, Capes, Caperines, Muffs &c Walking Overcoats, Large � � ��' WWft'% 'N L Ulsters, Smocks, Pants, Underwear etc. These Goods are away down in Price. '' Call and see them while they last. FAUS - - Zurich e hie (iedrn Sale of inter Goods. t �e to No4942.4'24.-b4s► [•,O1'[.E wishing some very cheap Footwear will do well by calling and inspecting some of our CHEAP WINTER LINES. A few of the Prices. -. Tetis Canvas Leggings, 03ets----Men's Fine Overshoes, X1.tri-----\teal.; felt Socks, soots•_—Men's All Felt Shoes, $1.50---- Son:e \\ omen's Felt tihOes left M Melt will 1)0 sold at 50 and Stets—We received two Cases of \peri s Rubbers which we sell at Mets --LESS THAN COST. Come and share the Great Bargains while they last. d7"i aS�' S HOEM, A nil ZURICH lot of Zurich people attended seep other structures, such as'Ioc1 s, dam's and »,„,., report a splendid time. , all works necessary for the production and Mr. and Mrs. Justus Ntelick re use of electric, hydtanlie, tanetuuati,c and turned on Thursday last from a1' other power required for tl.0 said tinder - six weeks' visit with relatives in 1 taking, and also fru' the pnl•po2.0 of irriga- mcxi and around Pigeon. Mich. ' tion: co lease or otherwise dispose of said A aniltiup;-bee find party. at Mr• port by cable or electric power. all steam- ONTARIO Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. works and powers; to ac•quire, own, tracts - Henry Roeltler s, yesterday ,tater- ors, barges, or any other vc• -0is which : 1. IcH210011 and evening, was enjoyed by require to be transported thrun h the said the young people of the town, waterway for the 1>tn:sero of inland =vigil,- ' infant.child of Mr. and Mrs. tion, and also with pow•>r to acquire, own, •£ I C a Schoch f t) 1ltl sell and dispose of and operate vessels of dl ltlnds and to transport thou We the undersigned business -men, of the Village of Zurich, hereby pledge our selves to close our respective places of business, on the evenings of Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of each week, at six o'clock sharp, commencing with the first Tuesday in March, 1003, and we agree to forfeit the 230111 of TEN DOLLARS to the Village treasury for each and every violation of this pledge. Charles Grob ..Hardware merchant P. Bender... & Shoes J • Preeter .General Merchant Charles Fritz, . • , .. Boots & Shoes • Herman Well ...... Furniture & Harness F. W. Hesi� . • • • .. ............ Jeweler. T. & M. Johnson.. • .... Fulni+ture & Woollens J. D. Merner ... , .:. • .... General Merchant John Weseloh • • • , • • , • , . Blacksmith J. H. Wismer . , . • Blacksmith D. Stoinbateh .. .. • ................ General Merchrnt Y. Hess & Son . • ... • , .... , . • Carriage Works John Deichert c& Son .... • ... Blacksmiths ' W. H. Hoffman,. •,...•..•.. J. F. Rickbeil . • .:.. • .. .. • • • • . Farm Implements , .Toho Deichert Jr .... .. • . , Tailor C. Hartleib c& Co Hardware & Harness D. S. Faust . • • . Tailor & Laundry • , ... .. General Merchant —When an editor makes a mistake in his paper all the world sees it and calls him a liar. When a priv- ate citizen makes a mistake, no ' one knows i.t except aL few friends, come around and ask the and they co editor to keep it out of the paper. When a private citizen dies, the editor is asked to write np) all of the good quantities and leave out his bad. When the editor dies the citizen will say. Now the old liar will get his deserts."—Tho Cleve- land (Okla.), Triangle. AN Oi3S3T'TNA'L't�) OAS111 01 i+",OZ1l1MIA + `' Mr. W. D. Johnson, Tilsonburg, Ont , writes that his father was en- tirely cured of a long standing and obstinate Cased of EC'zetnal by the rise of Dr. Chase's ointment. His leg and foot were a nitaSS of sores that refused to heal and he suffered terribly from the itching and st.inYg- ing. Thou;h be used a great in any 'remedies and was treated by first- ,elass doctors no, p er•1l)tt leilt x'elief 'vas obtained, 'until ho used Pr, Chase's Ointment. A CONVENIENT JAIL. Batliurst,N. B., Feb. 13.—Yester- day afternoon while the ttutltoritte., wore investigating the robberies at Mr. Hinton's store, which took place ten days age, and Hold.en- raber & Rosenberg's, 0I1 Monday last, they got the information that Fred. T.hidabean, who is at present i)1 jail awaiting trial for 'breaking into Laundry's jewellery shop about a month since, wits the man they Wanted. On going to the jail the constables found he had cut t1 hole through the floor ill. his ee11 1111(101' the bed, through which he hard been getting in and out of the jail at will. In his cell was found plunder which was stolen from the two stores mentioned. Two other arrests wore made, Thidabean was brought before Justice O'Brien and remanded until Monday. Mrs, Prank B0ssenberry visited her sisters, itt Guelph, the past week. through yell, ,:,C 10C L, 0' 1e • 1 002)., ! a , died on Tuesday' of this week. The 1 the said canal, in such manner and upon little one was only a few weeks old. such terms as the company may deem fit; M its 1 1 p Point. Edward. and Port Huron and expropriation. or otherwise, suo11 lauds, r. Orville. H. E Ines left f(n with power also to acquire by purchase •n,tt t h n,•n hn •a.i11 water lots, rights in )nL1lnahle or nnnarig- „ e rir1 att•e. able streams and rivers, and other slwh Ohio, to visit his brother, Rev. M•>,� or• pose of the undertaking, and to againr. Relnic Durand, of the Sauble dispose thereof or any part thereof as the \�T E1Lries i . p ty ars maty be necessary for the tnn•- line, intends moving to Stratford, shortly bfr. Durand will have an auction sale on Tuesday next. E. Bossenberry, auctioneer. company may deem expedient; to levy and to Collect tolls; to take, use and dispose of water furethe purpose of said canal or for irrigation purposes or for gen- erating hydraulic and other powers; to -TAKING +3 - Before taking stock we offer our entire Stock of WINTER. GOODS at reduced prices Call and secure some good Ha1NEST ARGAINS A 1'u�DIJ+.S' Fur Coats few k 1IIJti"y }[ lett to be sold at away down. prices. We offer The regular meetingof the W. C. transmit and dispose of the stud powers some good values in Flannelettes— T. U. was held at the hone of Miss for all purposes with power also to con• Acidic Witwer on Monday evening, struct and operate tt line of railway 2211(1 �' �v Plain gild stl'ipecl Feb. 10th. The Pres., Mrs. Hey- tramway of either standard or narrow 0 "' yuS Flannelettes :zu(*e also 511011 bridges, ferries tole- l l nnelettes at rocs;,, led the devotional and bnsi- g gess p)aLr;ts, Et)Ch. member having graph, telephone or eleetrfc light or power lines, which may be 0onsi(lere 1 necessary +,, , taken p atelles, were, soon at work in eonnebtiou with the: 2.;1111 undertaking; 0f (. ()111:' tit 1. C t �ae\6 Prints. ill starting to make "L• quilt, The to oyes acquire, control and operate meoti.lg closed with the singing of branch lines of railway to connect with all Temperance Doxology. and any railway's situated within a1 distance of ton miles from'any portion of the said 0:1m11, and with respect thereto with Huron will be held ill Blackttll's neoossnty forc'0011 buire rmc:lt pinny 1' is and capl<. erty Hall, Hensall, on Stttardaiy' the 28th priation under Tho hallway Ant, and to of Feb. at 1.30,p,tu, sharp, for ' the connect with such other railway or rail. purpose of organizing n. Fanners ways and enter into running or traffic We• , arrangements li' also u ixc t to Riding. rrt I t Is) t o 1 S�a 1 n o rents therewith; s .iu 'c, x oc :tion in the, I a t Tt b )f 'tilwal • either object and aims of the rissocittti opt and rim said branch lines c railway will be fatly explained at the by steam or electric or cable or pnenulatie meeting, A'good representation of power; to make arrangemonls with any farmers from 1(11 parts of the Rid- vhon sbeveotloorcn corporation, person passengers, li'nci�*hr I • ins; is earnestly requested. or Other commodity over and through the A Convention of farmers of the south Riding of the County of stock ) ° New s Prices range froin 6c to 12 1-2e 5cayd. uric"' Owing to the extremely cold weather, the meetings of the South Huron Farmers' Institute held here on Wedtlgsday afternoon and even- ing were rather slithly attended The addresses by the different works of the company, and to charge such prices and tolls therefor as'ma.y be approv- ed; moreover, with power to purchase or otherwise acquire shares, debentures and securities of other canal or railway com- panies and corporations, and to sell or exchange its own securities with such speai(ers were very instructive and companies; and to carry on transportation, interesting' and had the weather forwardingand olevator business for the been fine, aL large gathering, would purpOke of the undertaking; together with have boon the result, as the ftirniersall such other general powers and privil- in this section are taking a {great eges, including financing, as may he interest in the -various. subjects necessary for ti>.e purposes hereinabove t 1 1 clisetissed at these meetings. The more par rou ally l Osoribeci . r'"(ILtl()iNSTIT1i1,1)ti (aif171iNslili:r.1)a, HEN MUM & i1119'l1rTGL, Solfor. applicants,plfeapplicants,'Montreal, 3011t Januaryicitors, 11)03. evening session was enliveIleCd by V. W. Mess with his phonograph, and by a number of songs by the Junior Jubilee Singers. Mr. NV, 0. Caldwell was chairman of .the ternoon meeting and Mr. li.. Ness, Sr., .discharged those ditties in the evening. 20.01 1, Y 1. 1HL r n V s s .a r Al ELL'S F rniture We have a large assortment of Robes, Plush Rugs, Blankets and :cells at lowest prices. If you need Furniture, our New Lines in Iron and Brass Bedsteads, Parlor Suites, Fancy :Rockers, Fancy Tables, Couches, Sleighs etc.; will please you. Prices Lowest. eadquarters for Organs & Pianos. All lands of good logs wanted at once, for which highest; prices will he paid. Cash on delivery. J, C. Ka1131DIAISCH, ;, .�.wa�aie«t,