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The Herald, 1903-01-09, Page 8
8 The People s Store THEPOPULAR TRADING PLAGE WHY? We handle good goods Our prices are low We carry a large stock Highest price for produce Obliging salesmen J. D. MERNER ZURICH • s • THE Z1 .RICH HERALD GOSHEN LINE �losaie, of the 14th spent Sundry' on the Babylon. t Special to TaalHERALD,Mr. and Mrs; John IIey . spent a Mass Jean Campbell, of Mel illop, week with their daughter, Mrs. is at present visiting her ..sister, Wiggins of Ingersoll, The re - Mrs. John McKinley. • turned home Molyday. Miss Maria Dowson . was the Measrs Art., Jim and Len Rene guest of Mr. Wm. Stogdill on Sun- vie went to Mitchell on Wednesday daY afternoon last, to Work in the mill there. A number of. invited'guosts spent Miss Cecilia, Smith and Miss a very enjoyable time at the home Lizzie•Deoher of Detroit spent their of John McKinley, last Friday holidays et their homes. Miss evening. !Smith returned on Monday. Mr. Charles Smith has gone to; Miss Maggie Bell carne homy Berlin to spend his holidays. I from London to spend the holidays. Mrs, W. H. Stephenson and { Miss Laura Broderick did likewise. children of Marlette, Miehiean, re- j A very pleasant surprise party turned home on Monday. after two ; was spent at the residence of Mr. weeks' visit to friends in " this I John Hey one night last week. vicinity. j Louis Rader received the gift of tkTio E NA ARE Is the place; to buy your TINWARE, HARDWARE, GRANITE, SILVER and GLASSWARE. ASE3ESTOS PILLED SAD IRONS, Will retain heat twice as long as ordinary irons, and costs very little more. OIL, PORTLAND CEMENT. DUSTERS. DASH APRONS, SWEAT PADS, WHIPS. Mr. Artie and Miss Annie. Keys la young daughter from his wife on spent Sunday at Edward Robin- New Year's. son's. ' Messrs. and Miss IIaberer visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Patterson i at John Decher's on Sunday. are at present visiting at the lat- ; It is our painful duty this week ter's parents, at Wroxeter. I to chronicle the death of Win. Wm. Stogdill and Michael Ken- Sbroeder, who, though a man in nedy are at present cutting wood i the prime of life, has been mown at Wellington Fee's.' • j down by death's grim sickle. Mr. Win. Nickelson of Manitoba is at j Shrceder is a yuan who has• suffered present visiting friends in this' exceedingly. severe pain and has vicinity. • 1 borne all with christen fortitude. 11 Tho funeral took place from .his Mr. and Mrs. Jo` ep:r Hayter and i late residence, Babylon line, on Mr. • and Mrs. Charles Johnson .a spent Nese Years at Henry Httr-1a large onet which. goes to21show wning ada the ter's. high. esteem in Which be was held. Wm. Armstrong has been laid up I A few of the Slabtownmen cap- ! -with. asore hand during the bast i tivity crowd. spent Monday even - week. 1 ing at Jacob Racler's on the Mr. and .Mrs. John Orr of Mani-4Goshen. toba are ti present visiting friends 1 in this 'vicinity. f3AYFIELD ONTARIO Cutters DASHWOOD at r Furniture and 1Right At* Prices. -,E 44-4-+1v3►#3.43e T •have put in a stock df Palmerston Cutters at prices to suit the times. Call and sec then.. , ALL KINDSOF JOBBING . PROMPTLY' ATTENDED TO. J. H. WISMER, GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Zurich Carriage 'Orks• Cutters I e Sleighs ! A Large Stock of Square and Portland Cutters of First Qual- ity and Finish hand. et r:i fit Ort to __- 4 F,C •- tl PRICES AS LOW AS THE et LOWEST. F. RESS & SOIL Zurich, Ontario Kalbfteisch' s MILLS. Undertaking STORE We have now a large and up - to -date Stock of House Fur- niture a n d Furnishings which we offer At a Low Price.... UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Large and up -to clate. In time of need, give us a call. PRICES RIGHT. P. Mcisaac $••111• -•11111•••••• - PHILADELPHIA PAINTS, RUGS, Special to THE HERALD. 1 1VIr. Adolph Kaibileis ch, who Special to Tun Henke . 5 resides in Detroit, was hots ander R. Bailey returned on Monday ; the parental roof over Christmas. from a pleasant visit to Marine'. Misses Annie and Maggie Schnell City, Port Huron and. Detroit. and Miss Georgina Schilbe of De- Robt. Eagleson, wife and family, I troit were home over the , holidays. Peter Wild and daughter, John; The "shine" at John Elliott's Wild Of Milton, N. D., are here for ";last Friday night was a grand sue - a visit also August Wild of Lung-; cess. About forty danced till early don. !, morning. Mrs. Falconer and daughter E Mr. Samuel Pollock of North Edith were at Winghani u few days • Dakota was visiting at Wm, Daw- last week. j son's last week. School reopened on Monday. i Mr. Charles Kalbfieiseh and Miss Edmund. Peck and Miss Rae Me- I'1'i.11ie Steinbach of this place were Gee returned to Toronto on Wed- [united. in marriage last week. We nesday. • y wish them a happy and prosperous The young people of the Epworth I life. League intend having an Art} Our brass band was recently re - Social at the Parrsenage next Fri- � organized. with J. Hartman, presi- day evening, 16th. ' Admission 15 l dent; E. Smith, vice ; J. Elliott; cents. i Treasurer. Neil Cameron and John Bailey, who spent the summer on the } a lakes, are home. We have the best Cook Stoves made, war= ranted Quick Bakers, Superior Cookers Power- ful Heaters. Agent for the London Fence Machine, also agent for the Lamb Fence, best woven wire fence on the market, and all kinds of fence wire on hand. Eavetrooghing, Furnace Work and ftildtal Rooting a Specialty. DASHWOOD - ONTARIO NO MORE HARD COAL. £he London Free Press of the 7th inst., says—`Frena a conversa- tion with a. leading coater of this city, the Free Press is led to be- heve that the hard coal famine will continue indefinitely. No supplies are coming forward, and there is not more hard coal in stock in London et the present time than will last a week or ten days at farthest. The fact that the heaviest deal- ers in anthracite are unable to make any further definite terms with the large contractors, or to get any satisfactory replies t() their letters or telegrams, shows that no reliance can be placed on the hard coal market for the remainder of the winter season. So long es the scarcity continues to be keenly felt in the large cities of the Union, the people of Canada will be under even worse famine conditions, as to hard coal. Reasoning upon the above state of the market, we conclude that supplies for Canada have been caused to dwindle to the vanishing point in accordance with the strongest suggestions from high political quarters. Something had to be , done to prevent the question from arising in Congress, on a bill which was threatened to be introduced for the suspension of the export of hard coal. A bill of this kind would excite heated d.iseussion, and receive a tremendous support. Its passage would be inevitable, at whatever cost in embarra3sment and incon- venience to the Government. Tne President has been advised that he has no power to order the export of any commodity. to cease. But as no law exists that a coach and four cannot be driven through, there are ways open to • stop the shipment of hard coal out of the United States as' effectually as could be done were the fullest power possessed by the Executive. A hint to the miners and tete trans- portation companies in accor- dance with the unanimous feeling of the people Who are shivering from want, and think they should be first served, would suffice to block exports as completely as could be done by Order. in- Council This we are led to believe is What hag taken place,' and it is the reason Why the citizens of f`anada would be well advised in preparing to do with whatever fuel they find avallalale from this out. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A Rall stock of B. C. ]Cited Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways ou hand. Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. John Geminhart of Detroit is home for a visit. Miss Ethel Marks returned to Ottawa this week to resume her studies at the Ladies, College there. There was considerable interest taken in the elections here Monday and a large vote was polled. The votes were as follows : For Coun- cillors—A. E. Erwin, 108 ; F. A. Edwards, 88; John Fraser, 84 ; Jas. Thomson, 71; Thos. Elliot, 52 ; Jas. Donadson, 44. The first four elec- ted. For County Council—Mc. Naughton, 213 ;Lamont, 23 ; Consitt 13 ; McMordie, 10. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. Mr. J. Moleod returned to Hunts- ville, Tuesday after spending a few weeks here. C, Kalbfleisch Zurich P. 0. MARKETS Eevised every Wheat .. . . ., Barley Y loss 1 75 1 85 17 18 Nutter . Eggs 19 20 Eggs-- - , Chickens ib........ 4 6 DucksY , .. Y . Thursday afternoon. 65 to 67 28 80 38 42 l;0 60 Cleese Y Y . .. Y Y 5 • 5 Potatoes........,.., 30 30 • }IE1riSALL MAit10ETb. 'GKtli%Vat . ...... . . •.... 70 to / 1. Oats, .YV.Y iY 29 23 Barley ,.,Y.•■..,Y .Y 35 38 Powys �... . ..444. 65 75 Flour .1,YYY Y.Yi Y..i• 0 06 2 1.0 J Cogs (life} per cwt.. 5,00 5.40 DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25c.CATARRH CURE OHAS ZURICH, Main Street, 3s sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in this throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. Editor of THE HERALD. it is our privilege to write an editorial to you stating that we expect another visit from the Saints of the evening light. Now while this is a free country and we believe that all men have a right to enjoy a religious freedom never- theless it will be remembered that these people cavae to our country last winter bringing with them small pox and making the town- ships Glance to the tune of about three hundred dollars and making it dangerous for one friend to shake hands with another. If these people were not encouraged they certainly could not come and we would advise all well thinking people to keep from such, and we believe it would be advisable for the Government of every country to make a law to the effect that wherever there was any person indisposed, a physician should be employed. .Chis would prevent the spread. of infectious diseases and would also prevent those who do not know anything about even the first rudments of hygiene from endangering themselves and all with whom they come• in contact. If every preacher does his duty there will be no necessity of these visitors, and we would believe it is the duty of every preacher to warn his congregation from such, In conversation of W. H. Allan con- cerning this visit he replied, to me this means confusion, disorder and everything that is not of Christ and I believe it would be better if these people were not encouraged. Forgive the time and space Haat we have taken in your paper and believe as to be as ever. Readers. SLABTOWN Special to THE HERALD. One of the happiest and inost charming events of the season took place at the residence of Mr, Alex. Rennie when his daughter Annie was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Wm. Rose of Mitchell. Just as the clock struck six the bride, tastefnlly dressed in a white silk waist with skirt of beautiful grey cloth. trimmed with white silk, was ushered. into the parlor leaning on the arm of her father and placed beneath a beautiful arch of evergreens. The attendant of the bride was Miss Rose, a sister of the groom. while the bride's Brother, William, performed, a similar duty for the groom, while the bridle's sister, Beatrice, did the duty •of flow er •;.girl. The nuptial - knot was strongly tied by Rev, Mr. Scbuelke of Zurich. This clone and congratulations over, they all sat down to the sumptuos dinner provided, and did temple justice to the inner man. The evening was spent in games and making merry at which all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The presents were both numerous and costly which goes to show the esteem in which EB, ONTARIO. SBE'llAIDEIRtZ zibee %tC'1RE moo-;-'31Zl%;0"' We have a big assortment of STUB PROOF boots and shoes. The J. D. KING COMPANY, of Toronto, insure you for $100 in case of accidents when wearing these shoes. They will wear any coinnion rubber to pieces. -' . • We also have a fine assortment of FELT GOODS FOR WINTER WEAR. Home Made Boots and. Shoes, that we • Guarantee not to rip. These goods will be sold at a small profit. P. BENDER & Co. Zurie . the yormg couple are held. They left foe their new home in Mitchell on Monday. We join in wishing Mr, anal Mrs, pose every prosperity in the new life they have taken upon thein. Miss Lovina Weitzel of Tavistock visited at John Decher's last week. Wm. Rader, brother of Jacob and Henry Radler, and daughter Cassie accompanied by Miss Laura Falmer, all of Maple Hilll,Miehigan, visited at John Decher's before returning home on Wednesday morning. Eggs taken in exchange fo . Goods. -:� ish yo all �`YEAR �z � � ��� :.may': H;PPY with L.ser attention to usiness FOR1 Sol. Martin, Sr., and daughter returned. on Saturday after having spent some time with the former's son, Isaac, at Pigeon, Miele, Miss Laura, Horner of Drysdale visited in this neighborhood a few days last week, Miss L, Nestle of London spent her holidays at home and her sae- oro Chases Syrup ter's Mrs. G, I3rodcrick, Miss Barbara i3tnehlor is visiting of Linseed tinder the parental roof at present, '+�rer�t��t� Sohn Geiger, wife and dltnghter, ; A AsthrnaCa$P9 G. 3-IJ1RTLEIB 8c GO'S. The Big Hardware and Harness House. ZURICH any Too mtr.ny asthma sufferers give up their swot their partioul r case iscure,ar beyond lthe conng - t • rol of scientific treatment. It is only necessary to point all such to a new hope in Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed 'and Turpentine, the egreat s efficiencyremedy not onlyhich l is ao prompt re- lief, proven as its © lief, but also as a thorough cure for asthnma, Mrs. George Budden, Putnamvtile, qnt., eays :—"I feel it my duty to re- commend Dr, Chart's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, as S had the asthma goodba.c1 solrae . A. friendlof mi a pers get adeddo me to try this remedy, I did so, and It cured me." It Is irrtpassible to imagine a 'better treatment for asthma than Dr, Chase's iiyrup of Linseed and Turpentine. f leoothe5 the excited nnerves, clears reisef to bronchial tubes, gives the frlfiiltful spasms, and, when used regularly'., thoroughly and permanently mires asthma. 25 cents, all dealers', or iydinanson, Bates &e Co., Toronto. ONTARIO ARID GREETINGS! Caere tretelee0Oseeellereeelti We wish to thank our Cus- tomers and Friends for their patronage during the past year and wish you all a (lost Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR. O • • Ztein .. t ch, MERCHANT ZURICH ONTARIO