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The Herald, 1903-01-09, Page 6
SHOT STEAKS LORA STARVING MAN N i 00000 t30Oi3QO OOO©OC1 send me some grab and I'll be all I r.in�•lt't. I haven't, bad n. bite since lata nigh 0 t.' 0 Hr's asking for grub,' said the Q kaitigo the rest of us ; po fellow, going crazy and wori t last long now. But I'll humor him all I can." A Sailors Device. " Then he signalled to the sailor : "'r knew you were hungry, ,but I can't think of any ,way to send the grab ;to you. C,an you?" 'Sure,' ,answered the sailor. ' It's dead easy. Load you gun with tbeef- steaks and fire them against tbe masthead.' 'That's so I' said the keetper, jump- ing as if he'd, been spanked. I wonder I didn't think of that ,before. I'll do it.' " The commercial traveller paused long enough to ;put fire to a fresh cigar and then continued : ' 'Gentlemen, it's a pleasure to tell this story to men of knowledge like yourselves. Ignorant ;people in the city sometimes think it's untrue, ,but Win - t° you, gentlemen, who can pump a Win - cheater as fast as a deer can jump Por and hit him every shot, will appre- ciate what I'm going to tell you. OW The life-savers ,brought a platter to full of .big round stakes, about two inches and a half thick, with a big st- chunk of suet on top. They'd bought hat it for their supper, but they cut it. en into pieces that wuuixl just fit the awn gun, salted them and, putting a bit to of suet in next to the ,powder, with d : the steak on top, they aimed the gun nY carefully, and fired charge after wn charge off to that starving sailor. You see, the flame of the ,powder broiled the steak and the suet melted into gravy. Every piece of steak struck the masthead, and the sailor caught them as they .rebounded. The keeper said that he fired off either kieue York Tunes.) Much a diie reertible storm raging on isaturday night that wore than a dozen men were f gathered arounU the stove at po�astoffice to wait for the mail. f Hinckley. And. because a comma traveller" New Fork, who staylag over in aider to go hun ,rabbits next day, was present, because tbe woodsmen are usu shy in ;the ;presence of city strung those who had come were unusu ;quiet. The only semblance of lif ;the assembly, beyond an occasio remark about the weather, during that hour or so was when one ;the men reached across the coon and, Picking. soros crackers from convenient barrel, said: "Pears like I can't get enough eat nobaw in weather Iike 'this. este four plates cif fried potatoes supper, but I'm hungry enough n to e,at dusty crackers." At that half a dozen rose up follow- his. example, but the po Master stopped themtby saying t crackers cyst a cent apiece, or t cents a pound." They all sat tl then, and the -postmaster turned elle commercial traveller and sal " I : uppos'x you've seen a good ma storms wale than this when do by tbe cceao ?" Well, gyres, sir, I have seen so worse. I do net think this will la longer than midnight or I should have stayed over for a try at t ,rabbits, but I vo seen storms do the Jersey beach last for a we at a stretch, with the wind up fifty miles an hour and better every minute of the time." Harrowing Tale of Shipwreck. "Ever happen to see a shipwre there " aattel the postmaster. "Yes, sir•, three of them. I ma say. tl.oli lt, thti worst cite was or on the Long L.1.znd shore— Hemp- stea:d .Beat h, they cali it. Wh your ettiehboe there sail the stor made him hatters- pry he reminded m of that storm az. once. 1 never ea a man eat as mail, as one of ti saitors 00 that wreck slid. If yo don't maid 1'!1 tail you alt abon it. "It was t ti wreck of the sclioone s' faciniere a. of New Haven, wit salt from Turks Iblend to New York The gale i:tru.:k her when she wa about forty ranee down the Ileac from San. y Hook, b,.lt. elle was etasnch-bui:t boat, and h_i nxaste held her to it, and she wan able t wake more headway than be '•arca, latest. At least that was what ;.lie 'saki afterward, for jest before day light next morning tile eehoone Lad overrun her reckoning so fat thrift she .fetehe.i wp at:liore on th was no ound the rom rota! was ting and ally ers, ally e in nal the Of ter a me st n't he wn ek three pounds and five ounces or three to! pounds and seven ounces—no, it was five pounds and three ounces, of steak, I remember new. And the sailor ate every t_bred of it. You see how k it ;was that I couldn't help thinking about the wreck when your neigh - y +bor here said the storm. made tam er hungry.'. m j HOT WATER AFFECTS FOOD w • In Limited Quantities•It is Not Injuir- le ous at Meal Times. t While the general opinion of those ; eupposed to tie r matter has been authorities tree habit of 11 drinking water at meals is a deleter- . ' bus recent i it is now stated, according lit - h8 to Ile. water, if nut too scold, is b ne- a ficial, as It assists in the digestion r : of road. A. too copious s.ipply of o : water dilutes the gastric juice, and - if too cosi lowers the temperature of y the stomach below normal, thus im- - i pairing digestion. If, however, water r is taken in Iimited quantities the pep- .; tones formed by the action of gastric e juice oa food will be washed aside, thereby facilitating absorption. By this means the undigested food is laid bare and is more susceptible to fur- ther action of the gastric juice. Dur- ' bar, hall a ,mile ,iown the beach from the Hempstead ii:e-saving station. "I "I tolyl yoi: thdat was the worst storm I cater saw. along store, an eel it wart. But the terror of it wa not in ti., win 1. The temperatt-r was wh.xt 1•i Lel Wil,: catiry tau tee t, r,c %' iae1 a.:rose the \t•rre the water Ooze in a cont of le Wherever it totalled. And there to maw of th e t .schooner were up alof with' the wind picroing through the and the epa•ay reaching up to cove them' with leo, while the roll of th week a,s the waves streets it tris enough: to fling thein clear of all and down in the surf. 'Qi never saw sn.rvh a pitiful sight as the sailors theft were fn the rigging when I reached the beach. Life Save on (Hand "01 course, the lice -.saving crew got to the beech a long time ahead of ine. The bra.vc•s't men you ever saw are those life-savers, and they've every- thing necessary for taking sailors off a. wreck, but this Same the weather was too much even for them. They brought out their little cannon and fired a line right through the rigging close; to the sailors, but when one of the unfortunates Iet go liis hold to reach the line he was so cold that he east tumbled overboa,rd. And inside of ten minutes after he dropped all but one of the others had fallen as he did. It was shocking. "But the most remarkable part of this story Is yet to be tole;. The one that we.; left on the wreck had climbed x.1a to the eros,; -trees, where the topsail was furled, and, after slacking away handsomely on the gasket (that is the rope that tied thea sail into a tight read), he worked Ms way Into the wad as if it were a. bag. And there he was out of the wind; ami clear of the spray. " ''CGe'lI slave him, anyway,' said ono of the life -sayers, and the whole crew went at it with a will, but just ars they were launching tbe lifeboat It *as asuashed by the ice. Then the sailor stuck his head and shoulders out of the bunt of the sail and began to wave his cap to and fro, making what they call wig -wag signals. Tbo keeper of the life-saving station knew the code, of course, and answered. The sailor signalled : "'Don't try to get me off till tbe .sea goes down. The mast is sound and I have a good bed in the salll.7ust d i >ntg tin_ period of rest phlegm or e • mucus i- cl•'I;ositel on the wr:•11s of the e I stomach. T .is lihlegin, bell g very ten - • :teams. prevents the free flow of fe s- s tale j iao for eouu? time, hence delays e digestion. A drink of water before e m'a1s is recommended, because it t loosens and washes away this de - m. posit of mucus, thereby permitting ✓ the gastric Juice to attack the food e as it enters the stomach. Down Sick with a cola If we could only convince you how easily you could cure a cough or a cold by using Gray's of Red Spruce Grum there 'would be less pneumonia and con. stunptiou, It will cute your cold esquick- ly as you caught it. Ati .Druggtstli es cents. In our mammoth kitchen we employ a Chef who is an expert in making mince pies. He has charge of making all of Libby's Mince Meat. He uses the very choicest materials. He is told to make the BEST th INCE MEAT Ever sold—and he does. Get a package at your grocer's—enough for two large pies. You will never use another kind again. Libby's Atlas of the World, with 32 new maps, size 8xrr inches, sent anywhere for xo cents in stamps. Our booklet, ]low To MANE GOOD THINGS ToLIBBY,i1(BIcNEILL & LIBBY, CHICAGO. The Ring's Shilling. Rather curiouely, it appears, that the new Bing Edward shilling has found its way to London from Bel- gium. While not in general circula- tion as yet in the Anglo-Saxon cape. i'tal, a few of thein were paid out in the city within the last few days, haying arrived in a consign- ment of coats received from abroad. The .Bank of England, it seems, was not aware that there had been a new issue from the royal mint. The new coin has the advantage of being at least original in de- sign, and, while severely plain, on the obverse, is sufficiently decora- tive in its arrangement to lead us to hope that the medallists who have charge of the designing and cutting of the dies from which the British coins are struck are learn - leg something of the delicacies of the art from the French. It is to be presumed that they will shortly be in general circula- tion; through further inquiry at the bank draws forth no further ltifar- matl)on as to when this may be ex- pected, and the puzzle is still nn- solved as to how the coins actu- ally made their appearance abroad before they were known in Lqn- don.i A Tactful /Ilan. "My wife learned French in five Weeks" . "1)'oeii she speak correctly?" "Weil, Prof. de Verges says her French le as good as any spoken In our neighborhood." — Indianapolis •, �'aurnal. When the butter won't come put a penny in the churn," is an old time me dairy proverb. It often seems to work though no one has 'ever told why. , When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul- sion. It is like the penny in the milk because if works and because there is something astonishing about it. Scott's Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be- cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treat- ment. We will send you the penny, 1. C., a sample free. 330 sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWN11, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. Soc. and p.m); all druggists, ANCIENT ADVERTISEMENTS Trow the Old Romans Solicited Public Patronage. Latin inscriptions, advertisements of tradesmen, form an interesting class, says Macmillan's Magazine. Here is one near Rome: "If you want inscriptions made, or have any need of marble work, you'll get it here." Another enterprising man at Bol- ogna, announces: "A bath in town stype and every convenience." le similar notice meets us only eight miles from home, aw'here, of course, most of the customers would be able ti, know- whether they, really, had "town style" or not. A curious example comes from Lyons, which may be paraphrased thus : "Here Mercury promises pro- fit, Apollo safety, and Septumanus bed and breakfast. Ile who has been here before will be treated all the better a second time. Stranger, set- tle on your lodging beforehand." A more independent tone Is taken by heanother hesitate to declare thli athiso dhouse is not intended nor people of moder,- ate means. "If you live in good style, here's the house for you ; if in poor fashion, I'll put up with you, but I shall be ashamed of having you." Perhaps there are a good many modern hotels conducted on this principle, but the proprietors are not, as a rule, quite so frank in ex- pressing their, sentiments. Wise and Otherwise. De Tanque—clever fellow, that. Al- ways says the right thing in the right place. Spiggott—I've never noticed it inDHoy1eTan'is saloonue—I ,lasat ndiglbe $said 'What'll ye have, boys?'" He that is down need fear no fail. —Bunyan. Ragson Tatters—Yer lookin' ner- vous dis mornin'. Fray Dedges—ires, I ai'ays git ner- vous a'ter Sunday. Ragson Tatters—'Cause de day o' rest is over, eh ? Fray Dodges—Naw, 'Cause it's wasb day. God heals, and the doctor takes the fee.—Franklin. "Boo, boo," whimpered the little boy. "What's the ;natter, my child ?" asked the kind old lady. "Have you no mother to love you?'' • "Yes, I got one that loves me too blamed hard. She says it's 'cause she loves me that she dicks me." The men who make history have not time to write ie.—Metternich. "Why don't you employ a steno_ g aphes ?' . "What's tile„ use ? My wife says I would have to hire a homely old lady or a man." C. C. RICHARDSI 8s CO.: Dear Sirs,—Your MINARD'S LINI- MENT is our remedy . for sore throat, colds and all Ordinary ail- ments, It never fails to relieve and cure promptly Ct A1t,LEl W HOOTEN. Port M'ulgrave. Entomological Research. Buffalo Commercial. Teacher—.Now, children, this geese Insect is galled "The devil's dare- ing needle." Jimmy (on the back row)—,please 'm, why don't tit' devil make•nis wife darn leis Backe 7 WIDOW WQDUS HER SON. A Dramatic lfndin}t to an Advertising • Courtship. In Berlin, as in all Other cities.` there are buxom young : widows, and one of them recently decided that 1't was time for her to marry again, and therefore she advertis- ed for a husband. . She received several replies, and after carefully studying tlietn she selected one which purported to come from a prosperous country merchant, and wrote to him, say - Ing that slie would bo pleased to meet ban at the railroad station In the loriedrioltstrasse, at a eer,. tain holo'. Thou she gave a brief, but flat- tering description of herself, and concluded by saying that he could easily identify her at the railroad statlon, for she would have in her hand a bunch of reel roses, and she suggested that he wear a few vio- lets in his buttonhole. At the appoluted time she went to the station, and, sure enough, among' the mar' there was one who wore a few violets in his button- hole. He recognized the widow at once, and yet he did not approach her. She, too, recognized thin, and was ashamed that she and he should meet in this fashion. The simple reason was because she discovered too late that she had made an appointment with her owe son, a lad of 18 years. Mimard's Liniment Cures Diph- theria. Making Use of I3is Learning. A small boy known to the Now York Sun was .Introduced by his teacher to the ditto mark. Its labor-saving possibilities appealed to him, and lie soon found occasion to turn his knowledge to ac- count. llrltile away on a short visit be wrote to his father. The latter ran: Dear Father. I hope you are well: mother is • " sister " " Dick " e " grandmother is wells wish you were here. " mother was " sister " to Dick grandmother was here. you would send me some money. Your off. son, TOM. t, „ „ " HOW'S THIS a any case of Catraarh that Dollars'nobe used by Hall's•Catarrh Cure. F. J. CIiENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Wetoetll5yvneleI'. Cheney the undersigned, earsandelivim perfectly houorttble in all business trans- actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Wssm Tnuax, Wholesale Druggists, To- ledo, 0. WALDINO, KINNAN x Menvrr, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Ing directly Catarrh o i Cure blood; anlmucous'Sur /Ilea of the system. Testimonials sent free. Priee-75e per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Confirmed. N. Y. Sun. First Little City Boy—Do you be- lieve there is a Santa Claus ? Savona Little City Boy—Why, yes. There were tnvelve Santa Clauses in our flat -house Ch ristmas eve. EIL, IL IV. CHASE'S CATARRH CUE ... Ot, is sent direct to the diseased parts by the improved Illowei , Heals the ulcers, dears the ah passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Islay FeverQBlower Medicine Co.11 .Tor to and bW.uffalo. Undeserved Credit. Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Silas Brinker says he stayed un- der wateg fer nbgh a minit 'n.a-half one day las' summer." "Indeed! Ho must be amphibious." "Eh ! Wali, if that's the Greek for liar you've hit It right fust time." Stomt611 Disordus If you want to enjoy each meal to the utmost extent and feel that your stomacii is taking the good out of the food you eat you Should try Dr. Carson's Tonic Stomach and Constipation Bitters' It will give zest to your appetite. Our pamphlet on the use of this superior tonic sent in exchange for your name and address on post card. 50c. per bottle at all druggists or Bent pre - Sample sent onreceipt off6pc.l(stamp) to cover postage. Till; Gf1RSON M DIG1N1; GO , TORONT A Sure 1115. Somerville ,Journal. A woman never hits what she alms at unless she throws a kiss. ENGLISH SPA'PI.N LINIMENT removes all hard, soft or calloused. Lumps and Blem- !Shes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by all druggists. rifa,thematics of Love. Newark News. "ettargaret," he began, "I have $3,75.6 in thie bank. I own half in- terest in a patent churn company that clears $1,700' a year. h1y sal- ary is $20 a week, wvitid nrospeorts of a raise to ,1122 a week neat Ap- ril., I have an aunt who will leave mei 27 shares of a railway stook now quoted at 5,5. Merl me, Mtr- caret, will you be online ?" "Wait," she replied, "till i get a pencil." For site never had, been good at Mental arithinetic,c Sensational Occurrence.,,,~ Policeman (pushing his way through dense crowd)—What's the excitement here ? Bystander—Somebody is getting In a ton of coal. —Philadelphia Record. 1 -mw CAUSTIC BURNS. Take a piece of woollen cloth, or a piece of a blanket, and boil it thor- eughly in a strong.solution of caustic soda, and you • will find the wool will gradually be eaten away, leaving nothing but the skeleton. Women do not realize how soap substitutes," which are generally surcharged with soda, or how common alkaline soaps destroy their clothing; consequently they, week by week, subject costly fabric to such treatment. The hands also are immersed for hours in such solutions, resulting in eczema, coarse skin, and brittle nails. The caustic coda may loosen the dirt, but it eats away the fabric and ruins the hands. There is no economy in such work. It is so easy for a woman to test the difference between an alkali charged soap and a neutral washing soap, that It is strange that there is room for any but a pure soap on the Canadian market. Sunlight Soap has been tested by chemists and analysts the world over, and its freedom from free alkali or caustic has been demobstrated by the highest medical authorities. Consequently the true saying, " Sun- ,ieht Soap reduces expenses." 602. --.411.._••C Safe. .`:.Y. Sun. Gerald—Give me a kiss. in Geraldine—But there are microbes Gerald—Never mind ; they won't tell. c l'.tinard's Liniment Cures Distem- per,, Her Name for Him, N. Y. Sun. Do Style—Why does she oall him her "canned lobster"? Guwbusta—Because she's after his tin.; Young for Her Years. N. Y. Sun. Ella—I'm a slaughter of Eve. Stella—You hold your age very, well. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget Cows. THE TRAVELLING NUNS. A Curious Story I''roni Hungary by Way of London. A short time since a wealthy Hun- garian magnate offered the hospital- ity of his houso to two traveling, nuns—an elderly lady in specta- cles, who said she was the reverend mother Of the convent, and a young nun, lately professed, who, in the words of the official report, "was as pretty as a picture." The pair said that they were collecting money, and during the five weeks of their stay they managed to serape to- gether a considerable sum, which, they explained, was for the convent which they were building. The mag- nate's family- were enchanted with the two vestals, and his wife used to kiss them both every morning and evening, and never undertook any important step without consulting the reverend mother. At last they suddenly vanished, and with them a number of diamonds and other port- able valuables ; and when discover- ed and arrested the magnate's good lady was covered with shame to think that she had been kissing a male ruffian teeice a day for five weeks.—Westminster Gazette, Medicine for ani. "Ms wife has treasured all the let- ters be wrote to her when he was courting her; keeps them by, her all the time,." "Gracious! She doesn't read them over does she ?" but d themoto him iwhenl3heatens to gets obstrep- erous." Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. What Idappened to /Wary. Mary took a little lamb, She found she rather tough, And when she couldn't eat it, why Siie klleked up rather rough., She grabbed the waiter by the face And on him wiped her feet, "Mat lamb," she said, "is a dis- grace; It isn't fit to eat." • "Why should you use an old man sol?" In grief the waiter cried. "Because you are a stiff, you know;" The saucy maid replied. Just • then a "copper" wandered in, And took her to the cells, The record that they kept in jail Poor 'diary's finish tells. They opollecl Irate the prison doers, Such conduct never pays. You'll find poor airy scrubbing /bars ,11n jail for sixty db,ys. Queer Thin,,; About Girls. Montreal Star. "Human nature is a queer thing, especially; female human nature." "What are you thinkjng about now ?" 'F'or instance, if a young Ivan ells a girl, any girl, that she Is ltogether different from her sle- ets, she tzlerays takes it as a coin- lim en t." a t p ISSUE NO. 2, 1903 always bin used fforbChilldren. teethishould g cu Ib soothes the child, softens the ume, cures wind colic and is the be -it remedy for Dfarrhoaa. . UTANTIJD TO PURCHASE—ANY QUAN- ti•ty of mixed wood, suitable for brick burning, for immediate use; state cash price f.o.b. your station. Simpson Brick Co. 1 Toronto street, Toronto; telephone Main 7'07 TEN COURSES BY MAIL Leading thoroughly taught. Expert instructors professions Indi- vidual attention. Send for handsome cata- logue for particulars. Correspondence Depart- ment CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto Can. WANTED, inAGENTS n d evevillryatown Canada to sell made to measure LADIES'a Suits, Jackets and Skirts; good commissions. Crown Tailoring Co., Canada's Largest Tail- ors, Toronto. WANTED AGENTS In every town Canada to sell MEN'S ordered clothing; ge, In commissions; union label. Crown Tailoring Co., Canada's Largest Tailors, Toronto. IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. The quality standard from Ocean to Ocean. Your money back If notsatisfactory ROSE & LAFLAME, Agents, Montreal. Xmas Poulbry. Turkeys and Geese selling higher. choice butmarket er in good demand. Ii any butter to offer please advise. .Will pay 30 cents per 1bConsignmeu sandcorrespondencensolicited. JOHN .7. FEE, 63 Front St. East, Toronto PIOET POC makes a dainty holiday press' PRICE $0.00 BULL.[R CAME A In lust what the boy wants for a, Holiday gift. PRICE $1.50 TS cash is sent with order I will pre- .sy r all express charges to any address Ra Canada. Sold by S. VISE 513 TORONTO. ueen St. est, aeceeseeeelasestsaeleeetteeeteaseseWiteste, ARRST[ 10 cent Cigar Guaranteed Clear Havana Filled Ni\lii11111111111/lida' 0"474,4 V. iY ,. liar 7 crew Foiitt. There are three points which make a "Ryrie" Diamond a most satis- factory investment: We have expert knowledge of Diamond Values— We select personally every stone entering our stock— We cheerfully refund the full price if a Diamond purchased of us is not perfectly satisfactory. Trite for our Nov Calatague. Ryrie Biros., Jewelers, nage and Adelaide Streets, Toronto. ._ s A Col'on red Cow `� ra 741. When toned up by Dick's Blood Puri- fier will give as much and as rich milk as ahighly bredaristocratic Jersey cowgives union or. d 1nary feed, and a Jersey cow when given. y�a ICK9 BLOOD PURIFIER will wonderfully increase her yield of milk. It saves feed too, because a smaller amount of well digested food satisfies the demands of the system and every particle of nour- sishment sticks. 50 celitis a package. Looming, Miles & Co„ Agents, ' O:WTRSAL. • r w ::f1i t SIR mi.ih Irf't41'1IS ;i. r+' si•ta� HANDSOME .. __ Mems, A Solid Gold Ladies' or ' - � Qont s Watch costs from want a $2F' �' $50. !Montt throw your ltlloney own . Ii you WATOII that will equal for time any solid i made, send us your name and address at once and agree tee ell only ttcc. S,i '1® boxes of our Fatuous YegetableNevr Life Pills at25o to box, A 1 ,Ia grand remedy and pure for all impure and weak conditions of the blood indigestion, stomach trouble, disorders rheumatism and femalroublesption, and tonic and life 'A grand a tonfo and Lis builder.. Those are our regular 60c. size; 8 each customer Who bus a box the are easy to sell, as Ticket, *Web entitles them to a fnoop a from you, reeoDo a Prize the chance f your lif piece ofsilverware.n d wo Don't p e.. Sondes your o Enloe 10 boxes and etizo Tickets by malt ost rd, when sold will send mend us the money (52.60) and we will send you the when you send A t,Vatali with o GUARANTEE FOR 20 YEA the same day money is received. We are givingaway�'� to quickly introduce our remedy, and when you receive the a ask these wplease show it to your friends. Hundreds have received watches from US and delighted witix thorn. Tills is a glorious opportunity to got fineh we you to paying n cent for it. andaare more than Address Plainly: T�OtutlP write LIIV E ItFMLeoY 00.,, Dept. Watch On* VP, " • y.. r , , , ,, ,. 4 Toronto, Ono. ,1 ±1 V!: 17't