The Herald, 1903-01-09, Page 5THE : URCCH HERALD ON AGAIN ,✓a AND DOING BUSINESS AT THE OL.1) STAND.... AM BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER, TO DO ALL KINDS OF PHOTO WORK. .)",d'ozotleta'a"C,u',,,`'i''AL4,44t • Farniiy Groups Copying and v• • Enlarging; „.,t A Specialty Geo. TRIO T HENSALL. IS GUARANTEED TO CURE CONSTIPATION, DYSPEP- SIA, CATARRH, RHEUMA- TISM, HAY FEVER, NEURAL- GIA, KIDNEY AND LIVER DISE?,SES, 200 DAYS' TREATMENT 51.00 PETER BRF.NNEMAN, Blake, Ont.,v ks • •' For says: three years 1' have suf- fered with a severe rase of Rheumatism, but Bliss Native Herbs has driven it from my system." Write for Our Illus- trated Almanac. ITIS FREE! JOHN DUMART, AGENT, ZURICH, ONT. THE ALONZo O. Buss Ce, Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL, CAN. VAIDNIZEIMMEM riRRII IH1411111 . , ti 3'.C. STONIIIVIAN Graduat3 Optician, HENSALL. SPECTACLES ANC EYEGLASSES Fitted on Scientific Prieciplcs, A. 'FULL STOCK OF Jewelry, Watches and Clocks Special attention paid. to aril kinds of Repairing. J. C. Stoneman, HENSALI.. ONT. the Western 'Peat Estate ExL;hange. ..,.,-....48•11 781- Dunbas Street Conbon, gilt Out. PREACHING EOL WAR, 11TOIVINXFDAN PRXESTS AMONG THE KABYLES. Telling of. Wonderful Miracies Wrought by the Pretender --Ru- mors of Defeat. Morocco, ,'sutra, .,LproccA, 'Jtin. 7. --,'There s i,. great anxiety at Tetuan for news of the result of another battle which is report- ed to have taken place between the farces of the Sultan and those of the pretender. 11 is rumored that the let- ter were victorious. The Uovernor, after a conference with the leading Moors, has decided to pur- chase arms and ammunition, owing to fears of attaek by the isabyles. The Mahomutedan priests are preaching a holy war aiming the Kabyles, and are relating the wonderful miracles said to have been arooioplished by the pre- tender. BOERS A E CHAMBERLAIN, )✓OTHA, DELAiRREY AND OTHERS AT A GARDEN PARTY. Farm, City, Village, Suburbrn, and Garden Property, Sold, Bought and Eschttnged. Money Loaned on First and Second Mortgages, Real Estate, Notes and Other Securities. Farms, Houses cosi Business Prop- erty Rented and Rents Collected upon Reasonable Terms. Money Invested for Private Indi- viduals on First Mortgage on 1'iteal Estn.t.e, TELEPHONE 696. E. ZE'L9.,.ER AL, EN Mrs. Chamberlain Tactfully Aiding the Colonial Secretary -Conversa- tion With General Crouje. Pretoria, '1rausvaal, doubts as to whether the Beers 'would participate in t he. entertainment; given in honor of Colonial Secretary Chaxiber- Jain and Mrs. Chamberlain were di si ZURICH, ONTARIO. Sold by All Newsdealers Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of song and must° a vast volume of New, Choice ' CopyrT l t C.mpositions by the most pop- ular authors. 64 Pagan of Plano Music, half Vocal, half.Iustrunuental-A1 Complete pieces for Plano---Oltee a Month for op *sate, ?early Subscription, $21.00. It you. Will send as the name and address of FITS performers on the Piano or Organ, we will meld YOU a copy of tiro Magazine Free, J. W. PEPPER, Publllther, 'illflhth a Lbcuat fits.. Philadelphia, Pa• pated by the• appearance of (Irnerals Botha, J)elarey, C'runje and .i+ntttts at the garden party given by the Governor yesterday. The attendance of. the town Boers, however, was nut large. Mrs. Chamberlain is tactfully aiding the Col- onial Secreatry in his paeiliu.ttory mis- sion. When Ueneral ('ronje was intro- dueod she at first slid nut vetch his name, but immediately after she heard it was General ('ron je Mrs. Chamberlain sent for Int and engaged in a lengthy conversation with the noted General. BRITAIN MADE PROTEST. Treaties Are Being Broken_ by Tur- key and Russia. London, Jan. 7. -The action of the British _\ulbttssador at ('on- etauttinople in protesting against the passage of four Russian torpedo boats through the Dardanelles is warm- ly approved here. The contention of the St. Petersburg Government thait the ves- sels were entirely changed in. 'htuacter by being stripped of their armament and flying a connive -dal flag is regard- ed as merely lurched. This is not the first time that evasions of the sante kind have been practised, and on similar pre- texts. Warships, when smuggled through the Straits, are represented by the Rus- sian authorities either as ],armless mer- chantmen or transports conveying ig home tint' -expired troops. There con be no doult that such expedients are in con- flict with the spirit of the convention Of 185a and the treaty of 1871. The Daily Telegraph insist, that if the+])ardanelles etre to be free of entry to Russian war- ships they mint aunt be closed to those of Great Britain, BLAZE IN CHAPEL ROYAL. Lava Siren nt)'. It is .scleutlfioally reported. that the lava strotuns flow Vesuvius in 1533 Were so •liot twelve tears IutuE , that steals was .issuing from the onsite find crevices, 1s'lllle the lava beds from the eruption of Etna' In 1787 were - found to be steaming hot just below the top crust as late as 1840. But still more remarkable are the selentifie re, ports of the volcano Jor'ullo.-in Moxi- co, This sent forth iutureuse streams of lava in 1TSJ. In 1780 the lava beds were examined by a pitrty of Scien- tists, and it was found that a stick • thrust into the crevices instantly ig• tilted, although there was no discoin- - fort experienced in walling on the hardened crust. Again some forty years after the eruption it was visited by sclentists and reported to besteam- ing in many places, mid even eighty- seven years after the eruption two cud- - utnns of steaming vapor 'write found to be issuing from the crevices. Some- times the upper crust of such a sire= of lava cools so that plants and lichens find precarious growth on the surface. while a few feet beneath the lava is almost redhot. Ilea Fl1sta)tu. Two elderly women and an old man, evident strangers in the eity and who were carefully guarding a huge tele- scope between them, stood In front of the Grand for an hour the .other clay. waiting for some Ixind soul to direct them to the ,residence of a friend they had come to visit. The noise and bus- tle of the city evidently confused theist, and they stood bewildered, not know- ing which way to turn. Finally one of the women plucked up courage to address a man who was passing. say- ing, "Could you tell me where Will Blank lives?" "Who?" inquired the than. "\Vhy, Will Blank. I3e used to live next door to us itt. Linton, and we have come in to see him." The man had to acknowledge he had never even' heat d of Will Blank, and the old lady turned away with a scorn- ful seine, saying, "Olt, I thought per- haps you lived here." The Christmas Decorations Were Ig- nited. London, Jan. 7. -There was consider- able alarm at the Chapel Royal, St. James'-l'uluce, this morning owing to the sudden outbreak of fire in the Christmas decorations above the altar. The chapel was crowded, the occasion being the annual Epiphany service, at which. the King's offering of frankin- cense and myrrh is trade. The draught carried the flame of :t e_andle to the de- corations, but before the blaze had made mush headway the oliiciating clergyman mounted the altar and tore down the burning holly. SUDDEN DEATH AT DUTTON'. John D. McDiarmid, a Prominent Liberal, Passes Away. Dutton, Jan. 7, ---John D. Mei)iarntid, ti prominent fanner of Dunwieh, died• very suddenly last evening. ile took an ac- tive part in the recent municipal eke,- Lions lse•Lions and drove. to the polls on Monday afternoon, and.returningof he .was t n- able to net out of the rig. Mr. Frog - gat, who accompanied hon, assisted hint to the house. lk'ath was clue to the bursting of it blood vessel near the heart. )'he deceased \Vass tt stctutteh L ibernl, and for a number of yetis Stas President of the West Elgin Reform lssoeiattion• He also took an active part in municipal af- fairs, and spent several years as a mem- ber of the Dunwich Council. lie was also a member of the Sons of Scotland and 1. O. F. Lodge. A wife and daugh- ter survive him. The, funeral will take place on Thursday at 2 o'clock, and will be conducted by the 1. ()• F. Lodge. Honor to Sagasta. Madrid, Jan. U. -The Cabinet at a. meeting to -day decided on a State fun- eral for the late Premier, Senor Sagas- tit, who died suddenly yesterday even- ing. The ceremony will be similar to that for Premier C'anoves del •Castillo, who was killed by an Anarchist in Au- gust, 1807. The body \Viii lie 'in state rill the Chamber of Deputies, The fun- eral services will take place to -morrow at 2 o'clock, first at the Pantheon and subsequently in the 11rrtonha Church, where the interment will take 1100. The ,remains of the late Premier were :onvcyed to the Climber of Deputies this afternoon. King Alfonso, accom- panied by the Duke of Solomayor, pray- ed briefly at the bier.. Immense crowds have passed before the catafalque, which itands in the lobby of the Cortes. • Uatlts In Finland. One of the greatest trials a visitor in Vinland has to endure is :t Finnish bath. The method of procedure is unique. Divested of outer clothing and attired in a light and airy cotton gar- ment, you are slung In :t sort of ham- mock composed of cord above a large receptacle like the boilers lu pul)lic laundries, This Is ahuost tilled with cold water. into which at the right mo- ment is flung a large redhot brick or piece of iron, which of course causes an overwhelming rush o1' ste:tut to as- cend and almost choke you. 'Then when that process has gone on suffi- ciently long you are shaken out of your hammock, Immersed in cold water, and after very drastic treatment yeti 're- sume your raiment, sadder and wiser than before your novel experience. No Sunset For Five Days. At the heal of the gulf of Ivothui;. there is a mountain on the summit of 'which the sun shines perpetually dur- ing the live days of June 11), 20, 21. 22 and 23. Every six hours during this season of continual sunshine a steamer leaves Stoellholiu crowwcled with visit- ors anxious to witness the phenome- non, At the same place during winter the sun disappears and is not seen for weeks. Their it comes iu sight again for ten, fifteen or twenty minutes, gradually lengthening its stay until linaily It stays in sight continuously for upward of 120 hours. A Question of Color. Beujolu1I11 Cunstunt NV II ell 1)11161ting the portrait or Queen Victoria made the grand ribbon of the Garter. which was part of Itis illustrious sitter's cos- tume, a ceratin tone of blue. The Hueco criticised this part of the plc• tune, but Constant stuck to his color. One day be received from \Windsor a little parcel containing the order of the Garter. The queen, l'utly convinced that she was right, had sent biro the ribbon to prove his color sense was wrong,. She dill not confer the Garter upon biro, however. Albumenized )l1Ik. Albuulenizod milk is a Most nourish- ing drink for tin Invalid, and lit liot weather. taken at interval, of three boars between breakfast and tt (1 o'clock. dinner, would be all the noa'is h- m nrequired btn personto health. Drop tilt white of one egg in a glass. add two-thirclir of tt cupful o!' nllllc. cover and shako until thoroughly mixed. Strain Into another glass and serve., 511th Rinnt, "J'n1 COO pructIc'tl1 CO do tae heroes do in books. MISS Slight, so 1'11 just ash you bluntly, will you be my wile?" "No, tlt:utic you. Fir. 'd'etat, 1 myself• don't believe '!n •those silly hookish no- tions, aid as the silly heroines nl\\'ays any yes. why, 111 tell you bluntly, no, sir, 1 won't:" JiiII Cri(4s. "',\Tint nlnitts the baby ery?" risked ,the little visitor, "Oh." explained mho. "out' baby doesn't have to have 01t3111lng CO uutke it cry.' Voir IV:u•ning. IIe viervously)--IVIto is that tr:lli;t- ing around overhead? She -That's papa. He always gets restless toward morning. Alroots (line's Eton tri nat)on. 441\•11en 0 • 010 I) tits good int' toad," said Uncl:te Eben, "he's Mile to '1101lrine ht`s 41 Voitauo vviten lie Oil' nullin hut 8 (Jl'ecr ,triter," Mrs. Dt)Vltl Patterson 0f cliesley died The dide of the hippnpnhltme4 In front the effects 01 barna received while Wood's Y1O 1k0line i sold in some pars wilyIWo Lame by Dr.Bnollanan, Drug ;est. TItit i ttl;'A'r IiT,OSI) Pt l I1•rh)t A'\'D ' S1 !'1$ n^. REG - will cure the mn:t nggra-' voted form' of Dyspepsia 1 end India e tum. 11 will �r -cor- rect "That Full Feeling After Stating." Nervous tleadacbc, Sour Stomach • sort Plata Ietn'e. Why suffer when a cure it guaranteed? 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.00, JoIIN I•IAr:G, Dashwood, ays: "I was unable to get any relief from Asthma anal Stomach Trosble anti I using Our Native Herbs," JOHN DUMART1 6•(p E NT. ZURICH, ONT. THE ALOI1ZO 0, BLISS CO. Sole P roprietors, MONTREAL, CAN. tog'rr er., aa3rfi;r aun,hnra�t�1�±2 t Toff nian's Jubilee Laundry . . • We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. H. H WF E�r 1 T h e Jeweler 0 18o other Medical Firm in the world has the established reputation for curing Men and Wotnottathat Drs. K. & 14. enjoy, Their New Method Treat- stnent, discovered stud perfected by these Eminent Specialiste, has brought Joy', happiness and comfort to thousands of hooses. 'With a0 years experience in the treatrneatof these diseases they can guarantee to tints" (or ao l'sry--Emis- eiorn:a, Nervoetn $)ebility, Sypphiilai Var*e.rceelu, tett-lotto-44 Gleet, Secret I)rai:xa,s, impotency, Sexaeall rnud Menta `6Veaaknettq, Kid• nuoy and BladderDielcateew, Theis guarantees are backed by BankBonds. 4 S a IFE You map have a secret drain through the urine. -that's the reason you feel tired on in the„ aorninq. You are not rested, your kidneys ache, you feel despondent nd have no ambition. Don't let your Life blood be drained away. Drs. E. & X. guarantee to Cure or noPas. Sypttili' is the scourge of maa.itnd. It play not be a crime to have it, for it may be inherited, but it is a crime to allow it to remain in the system. Like father - like son. Beware of Mercury and Potash treatraeat. Drs, K. &K. positively cure the worst cases or no Pay. t VARICOCELE TITU The Now 1¢'Iettltaod. Tresttnaent cures these diseases safely and surely. No pain-nosuffertna-no detention from business. Don't risk operation and ruin your sexual organs. The stricture tissueis absorbed and can uevcrreturn' Drs. E. Sc K. guarauteo Cures. neys y l� d Don't neglect your kidneys. Your aching back tells the tale. Don't let Doc:ors experiment on you. Drs. K. & K. can cure you if you are not beyond huma..1 aid. They guarantee to Cure or No Pay. CURES GUARANTEED. NO CuRn NO PJkVi. Consultentioa Pros. lltooke 'sent Free, (sealed.) Write for Qv:osttion ESiunk for 117roaae Treattsnent. Everything Confidential. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 14.3 SHELBY DETROIT, Ito cls �c ^ r t" ' u: , a 6 K &'rK :i'. A 4i -180. . STREET' I Takes pleasure in wishing I all his Friends and Custom. ors 1�41-appy and firlo4, roux NEW YEAR 50 YEARS" EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending n sl.oteit and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invonimt is probably patentable. Communion• tunas etrattly col edentlal. ITandbook on Patents pent fact). Oldest n +Aney fur securing patents. Patents taken through Munn Co. receive apcctat notice, without charee, !n the 4 Scientific v1ea0 A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tamest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Term. $F a Year ; four months, 61. Sold by newsdeslers. MUFF & Co.a6lBroadway, New York Branch Otfice. r, ' " 8t„ Washington. D. C. ZURICH P. 0. I: -?lien tlu.ily except Sundays from 8 a. in., until 0.p. m., The nails are tli$tributed as follows : MAID FOR B g1CSALL, (101•,0 at O :55 a.m 44 " 2:55p1n 14 " ST,JOSET'rr, " 11:10 am 11 L. H. &B., .4 (1:550111 " `4 L,1i,&B., " 2:55ani F11031. 13r\sALL, arr. 11:00 tun ca ., ry .0 )n1 'J r 1 14 Sr. ]'OSE'>1T, " 1(1:45 alis L. •H7��T. & B., " 11:00 tun " L. 11. d'L B„ 41 7 :30am L'in"delta .roc Raul1STRA:CION, must lie posted half an hour previous to the time for closing the nails. J).S.FCAUS'T, Postmaster. 44 44 at e. 44 .1 Clubbing rtes. ;t, \Ye have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE: IIwSI.tALD 1 Daily, Globe 4.25 „ Mail .& Empire 4.25 weekly Globe . . 1.60 ,., 1VI1Lll '& Empire 1.75 Berliner . ourltt.l ((Ionian) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1..75 Subscribe for "TH I-+; HERALD" ATE(JTS GUARANTEED! O'FARRELL & LAWSON, 1425 NEW YORK AVE;, WASHINGTON, D. C. Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, Designs,Trademarks,Copys rights. Will return fee if Patent is not secured. Send for Inventor's Guide, or How to Geta Patent. iii Mention this Paper and secure special rates. ,u:•� :1 1 ' t. • 14 t,ra Nome weaker one, give me strength, to Help him on.') -Warman. -Kind hearts are more than rnrnnets."-TaNNIsON. NELBEB TO FUR -ISH THE tiEVi FTEE C011SIMPTP E .OSPIT1 T. MUSKOKA. The Only Free Consumptive Hospital In America. CANADIANS EVERYWHERE INTERESTED. -The New Fee Consumptive Hospital, built under the auspices of the National Sanitarium Association, will be ready --so soon as the money to equip and furnish is secured -to receive 50 patients absolutely without charge. -Over 300 out of 500 patients admitted to the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium. - the property of the National Sanitarium Association - have returned home either cured or greatly improved. -The Free Consumptive Hospital is situated in the same delightfully healthful locality, bringing the same ad- vantages to the poorer patients as to the rich. 45 /1011 III i r 14.• ow�••�t�F-� i,r•.�l.rpIt,d,i' , tiro? IX 54 G-R Y M•�: :Ir,•,nW =1xy1,41d l. •, i I I-iIc�tl Iyt1�US 1 1 FIRST FREE ll U,9IrtOSPITAL POR CONSUMPTIVES 1N AV/ j•MI� :Il ii E� R�<�.i' I•• C.• Aqql'), ' The gift of W. J, Gage, Esq., and the Execrators ?rcrirt 1J. Massey Estate -Think of the sorrow and suffering the New Free Consump- tive Hospital will alleviate and indeed entirely remove. -Will you not send a dollar -or $2.00, $8.00, $5.00, $10.00 - or more, for this most pressing of all charities? -The victims of the White Plague aro found all over Canada, $50 WILL FURNISH .A BED. CONNTIlIB UTIO.�`S' 1t1;f Y 1110 SEXT TO -- SIR W. R. I)CEREDIT1I, itt.. Chief Justice, Vice -Pres. Nat. San. A ssoen., Toronto. NV. J. GAGE, Chairman Ex. Cont.. Toronto. NATIONAL TRUST CO. Limited, Trensnr''r. 'I'1lri,nto. A, 4' '• 'WAR .«.i 1141011449% Vie: Wooays ?hos ioasfo, - ------ . -�- The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reit able medielnc. discovered. ;Six packages guaranteed to cure all forma 00 Sexual Weakness, ell ofleets of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco.Oplmu or Stimulants. MallOd on receipt of price, one paekago $1, six, $S, One 1)1410 please, six tei01 cure. Paimpblets Tree to any address. The Wood Cowpony, Windsor* Ont. t'' hitt; u. ,ytcRut' bath. :v ,vy5 4.541.5' 41)C 0V40.44,4444 +,+. 1 We can print your Bus