HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-01-02, Page 5JFK -, A l y A I 1 AND DOING BUSINESS AT TITE OL.0 STAND.... AM BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER, TO DO ALL KINDS OF PHOTO WORK. '4 Family Groups Copying and ' Enlarging .,,t A Specialty Geo. T OTT HENSALL. IS GUARANTEED TO CURE CONSTIPATION, DYSPEP- SIA, CATARRH, RHEUMA- TISM, HAY FEVER, NEURAL- GIA, KIDNEY AND LIVER DISEASES. 2D0 DAYS' TREATMENT $1,00 PPTF,R BU NEMA.Iv, Blake, Ont., sans s -"For !three years I have suf- fered with a severe ease of Rheumatism, but Bliss Native Herbs has driven it from my system." Write for Our Illus- trated Almanac. ITIS FRED' 1 JOHN DUMART, AGENT, ZURICH, ONT. THE ALonzo O, Bliss Co, Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL, CAN. 3. C . S ONERIAN Graduate Optician; HENSALL. SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES Fitted on Scientific Principles. A FULL STOCK OF Jewelry, Watches and Clocks Special attention paid to all kinds of Repairing. J. C. Stoneman, IIENSALL, ONT. Ube tKte$tern Veal. E$ tate Exchange. 7814 Vuttbas Street Conbotl, kik• Ont. Farm; City, Village, Suhurbrn, and. Garden Property, Sold, Bought and Exchanged. Money Loaned on First and. Second Mortgages, Real Estate, Notes and Other Securities. Farms, Houses and Business Prop- erty Rented and Rents Collected upon Reasonable Terms. Money Invested for Private Indi- viduals on First Mortgage on Real. Estate. TELEPHONE 696. E. ZELLER .�. a r •r R .w ...r.um A G E IV ZURICH, ONTARIO. Sold by All Newsdealers Furnisihes Monthly to all lovers of Song and Music a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most poly ular author:,, 64 Pages of Piano. Music, half Vocal, half Instrumental -el Co m p l etc Pieces for Piano --Once a Month for as Conte. Yearly Subscription, $z.00. If you Will send ne the name and address of brei performers on the Plano or Organ, we will send you a copy of the Magazine Free. J. W. PEPPER, Publisher, tighth dt Locust Ste,. Philadelphia, Pa. 1 BESPERAT , FIGHTING, REBELS DEFEATED BY PRESI- DENT CASTRO'S FORCES. Many Men Killed and Wounded in Fierce Street Fighting -Castro to Confer With Bowen, Caraeas, Dec, 31,-Barquisimeto, cap ital of the State of Lara, and the Towns of San Carlos and Tinaquillo, Which for some time past, have been in the pos- session of the Venezuelan revolutionists, have been recaptured by Government forces. The revolutionists at D•arqui- simeto were under the command o£ Gen- erals SoIagnie and Penaloza. They evacuated the town after losing 112 mien killed and 825 wounded. There was hard f"gh,ting in the streets and suburbs of Barqu:simeto for two days. The Government forces were commanded by Gen. Ceferino Castillo. It transpires that President Castro's recent visit to La Victoria was for the purpose of conducting personally, by telegraph, the operations of his forces at 13arqui- simeto, and this victory appears to be a direct result of his initiative. Jit is nmost severe blow for the revolution- ists. President Castro .is expected to reach Caracas to -morrow (Thursday) at noon to confer .with United ,States Min- ister Bowen regarding the arbitration plans. THE BOER GRIEVANCES. GENERAL SCHALXBURGHER AP- PEALS FOR THEIR REMOVAL. Says it is Now Impossible to Live Up to the Motto " Forgive and Forget." Cape Town, Dee. 31. --Gen. Schalk - burger, former acting•Presidont of the Orange Free State, in an open letter published in onsland, appeals to the Government to be merciful to those who buf'ered as a result of their devotion to the Boer cause and to remove the grievances which now stake it impos- sible to live up to the motto, "Forgive and forget." In conclusion, Gen, Schalkburgcr expresses hope that the people will show that the power of rule in South .ifriea lies in the Afrikander "who will remain loyal while righteous- ness reign, and while his rightful por- tion is allotted hint," THE CHINESE INDEMNITY, REFUSAL TO PAY INSTALMENT ON GOLD BASIS. Great Fall in Price of Silver Advanc- ed as the Reason -Ministers Will Insist. Pekin, Dee. ;31. --Confirmation was ob- tained here in. deapatehe.s from the Consuls at Shanghai to the foreign Ministers There of the report that the Viceroy at Shanghai had refused to pay the January instalment of the indemni- ty on a gold basis, owing to the reeent great fall in the price of silver. The Ministers will iae.dt on the payment oeing made on the gold basis. London, Dee. :31. --The Foreign Office has received no notilicatiou of the re- fusal of China. to pay on a gold basis the semi-annual instalment of the in- demnity, due January 1, TELEGRAPH BREVITIES. Mrs. Ameiia Coates, aged 07, the oldest woman lu Toronto, b; dead. Rev. .7. A. ?daed'onald has been ap- pointed editor of The Globe, It Is reported that a train un the W1 -abash Railway rent one mile In :3b seconds. Rev, T. ,Albert Moore of Ila nlltou has been chosen Ontario Secretory of the Lord's Day Alliance. Nominations for the Legislature touts Place to -day in Notth Grey, North Perth and North Norfolk, Returns from Fort William increase the referendum vote to 100,077 for the act, and I08,031 against it, Gen. lieu Vlljuen has been mated to com- mand the Boers who have volunteered to light against the Mad Mullah. The crew of the Canadian schooner Pioneer, abandoned on the :,iluutic, were rescued by the liner Rotterdam. Rev. Jelin 11. K. Sellers, a Methodist nilnster nt Gtt3'sboro', N.S., was aecident- ally naldcyxluted .at Pit!.adell,hia. President I.oubet of ?ranee has sent $2,000 for the re:lef of sufferers from the en1tlulu+eke at An 1Ilttn, Russian Turkestan. Rev. I)r. Gordon of 11811r'ax, Prime pal - elect of Queen's 17tyrer•Ity. will be In Kingston next week to enter upon his uuat'e. F'h•e did $.10,000 damage 1n n building at St. John, N.D. The sample hoonla ref .loltu Macdonald Sc Co., Toronto, were In the Pottiertlars In the Sanit Ste. Marie elee- tion protest have been flied. Nevern1 per- sonal chtu'ges alt' :undo against Mt'. A, Mlscttghbell, . lir. \fareold Was banqueted by the elti• cells of Sydney, ('.13., hist nhgi.':, lie said messages across the Atinntie at one lout a word ;light be sus aec'otuplislted feet soon, Iles ('.un'gift has pe.:posed to g re LI0,1O1 to be I.ya.i1 in a memorial at eirecnoek to the liruts'11 engineer ,)alines Wn,t, or to lu'ed n uiev+meut for at (diger a 'rumeutoraaLive scheme. Germ. W. Cottrell, bookkeeper for the 'Remelt Furniture . Company nt Loudon, Ont., tiled suddenly owing, to the bursting of it blued Veinal in Iris brain. (foss A. 0, I)hth' has elm an order for box and height ears amounting to :1.401,000, to be dit'ided betweee Messrs. Medea. Cut' Ile tC.Co. of Anliterst, N.S., and the Rath- ls'na Co. OC Oeseroute. T, 1". ZUFtICE HERALD WANSTEAD INQUEST. II.TRY UNABLE TO FIX THE IiESPCNSIBILITY, ) Ea :7ZEN DESPATCHER KElat AITD AGENT CARSON. =l.i LOYIt:EICT OF MORE EXPERI- ENCED OPERATORS. Wyoming, Dec. 31. -One of the rea- sons for the inexplicable chain of cir- cumstances which prevented express No. 5 being stopped before it reached the Wanstead siding was explained yester- day by the evidence of James Troyer,the operator at Kingscout°t Junction. He had been only three days an operator, t and from his own admission did no know the call of his own. office, "KC: The night of the accident was his first night of service in the little station at the Junction, and Itis previous experi- ence had been two nights' service at rStrathrov, during which time he had received four train orders. Troyer, Whom Train Despatcher Kerr at London and Agent Carson at Watford.. looked to as the means of stopping the express, is barely seventeen years of age. Kings - court Junction of course was important only one night, and that night the operator stationed at it failed. Ordin- uriiy the orders received at it are few and -unimportant, and the wages paid by the company for a night man at such a peat could scarcely be considered meagre, being $40 per month. The company appears to have pressed into service, however, a number of very young men as operators to meet the demands of the tremendous freight and passenger traffic of the past month, one of then! being Troyer and -another Hicks, the assistant of Agent Carson at Watford. The jury returned its verdict to -night, and, so far as placing the direct respon- sibility upon one man, the finding was abortive. The verdict handed to Cor- oner 1iiti'vey after ]lours of deliberation was a, follows :- •`1\ e tint that Arthur 1V. Ricketts was killed in the collision at 1Vanstead on the evening of Friday, .December 26th, 1902. That said rollisfolt was caused by wrong orders being given -No. 5 at Wat- ford; re>-poneibility fur this issuance of wrong orders we are not agreed upon as between operator Carson and des- patcher Kerr. That after No. 5 had left Watford by the issuance of wrong or- ders, we consider that the accident could have been averted by the operator at Wyoming or Kingscotii t Junction, had the railway 'company had more exper- ieueed operators at these points, one being but a boy of sixteen, at each of whirll the despatcher, having, ample time to do it, endeavored to get the op- posing trellis stopped." The Coroner followed the unusual course of allowing addresses by counsel to the jury, and these 'were delivered at the evening session, after the evi- dence had been delivered. Mr. Hanna; stated that be had no personal .feelings in that matter, but, as the representa- tive of the estate of Montan Ricketts, ngent Carson, and others, he felt that he ought to be allowed to speak. He had no doubt that the jury would deal perfectly fairly. The Crown ruled that 1.Ite Crown At- torney would make his address, and then if there were any points lir. Manna wanted to refer to afterwards he could do so. In addressing the ,jury Mr. J. 1>. I3ucke, the County Crown Attorney, told them that they were to give their ver- dict entirely from the evidence, and not from anything they might have read or heard. At snnhe length he reviewed the ttil1erent feature; of the aceioient and the orders leading up to it. He did not think the train hands were to blame on either train. The question had been. put, "Why did Carson give tt clearance to No. 5t" That was for the jury to de- cide. Consideration, he also said, must be given to the fart that ('arson had heard the conversation between London and Wyoming, That might be the rea- son he had made out the clearance_ However, all railroad employees were supposed to know the company's rules. (.arson had acted Cit his Own responsi- bility, and it was for the jury to say if he was justified ill eo doing, 111 con- cluding he said : "You are here in the interest of the public, and in the inter- est of the publics 1 must ask you to explain ]cow the avoid happened. That is all I ask of you." 1.lr. Hanna said lie would like to say a few words regarding the cancelling of that order. He dill not like the way in whieb \i,r, llucke had, so to speak, "pointed the finger of suspicion" at ('arson, lie would like to ask if it lives tight that a mere boy of sixteen years of age and 48 hours'• experience should be trusted with. the lives of hundreds of human beings? He asked that it be remembered that Kerr was in a hurry at the moment, and was it not posribla that in the. exei Lenient of the moment he had slipped back into the old word- ing that was in use ep to three ~'eau's ago, and said "bust"' He admitted himself that he had used ,these Wards. Mr. Pope said there was no desire on the part of the railway to saddle the blamo on Carson or shield Kerr, (:orola1' Harvey g.te,: the evidence to the jury at 8 o'c'loek, and the ve.diet. was 'nought in nt 11.01• o'clock as given above. ('LOT AGAINST L2L-,ISDO.IFF. Cenral Macedonians Arrested on Charges of Complicity. Purls, •Dee.31.---A despatch from Vien- na s'lys :c plot hes been discovered against the life of ('omit Lamsdorff, the Russian :Minister of Foreign Affairs, who arrived at Sofia on Saturday, on his tray to Vienna. Several ,Iaeedon- iaiis h ve beau arrested on the charge of being connected wit it the plot. • Samuel 'Watao:l Sent For Trial. trautford, Iyer. 00, Samnei Watson el.arged wit). titiyiu,, Wesley Watson teas' this afternoon. 1,v \h', John Leitch, .1.1.',, tout til) tui til.,J; : w!sari : ,- rxn.rnn.. naxs 1'111 GI2b;A'r 1)1,003) 1 T?,ZTFIT,R A ND ' i,YS't'b;M R I'f,ATOR will cttt'e the most nggra. vated form of Dyspepsia and Indigestion. itwill coi•- reet That Full Feeling After listing," Nervous Tiend:101e, Sour Stomach andFlahalence. Why suffer when a cure is guaranteed? 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.00, JoIsN Bare., Dashwood, says: 'I was unable to get anv relief from Asthma and Stomach Trouble until 'using Our Native Herbs." g JOHN DUMABT, AGENT. ZURICH, ONT. THE ALONZO 0, Buss Co, Sole Proprietors, a5MONTR2 CAN. • 1 N4? t cam am a 1 HOffran'.s Jubilee Laundry . . 1 We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION it lipFF sl`t 1 1 AH tl°tii }.�AiY�.W' �-YR � �-�•�,V^ 1C'�PIfRT.N M1:.00' SweH Jewellery. THE CORRECT STYLES' ARE TO 13E POUND IN MY ESTAB- Iat-IE \1 T. Ladys Broaches, the Latest Paris Styles. Gents Cuff Links and But- tons, Good and Strong. A full line of 1Vatehes, Ol°el;s, 3ewell itry, lhtstcal Instruments and Spooks, ONMAtessimanblveresces WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIR. INET, MY DOBBY. '5 W.. HESS THE JEWELER En The Hill, ZURICH. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE (MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketeh and doseripptinn may quickly ascertain our opinlon free whether an invention is probably untamable. Cnmmunlrn• actin strictly Handbook on ['Monts sunt free. oldest agency for securing putouts. Patents taken through Munn k Co. receive npeciat•nutfcc, without charm), lathe Scientific Fitnerican, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any sciont/ac Journal. Terms, $3 a your; flour ®months, V. Soldbyull newsdealers. MUNN (k Co 361 Broadway, NewYork Branch Office. 4--';' 8G. Wasbtncton. D. C. ZURIC P. 0. Is open daily except Sundays from 8 a. 111,, until 1) p. 111., The mails are distributed. as follows : M to FOR. HEN SALL, close at O :55 a.m. .. " " 2:55 pin " ST. Tosrrrr, " 11:10 am " L.I1., tfuB., " 6:55am " L,1I. &B., " 2 :55 ant 1+n0111 ElieNsALL, arr. 11 :00 am 11 7 :30 pin '' S.T.TOsEr1I, '° 10:15 Hill " L. H. & B., 11 :00 ani a s L. 11, & 13., " 7 :30 ani LETTERS FOR BEG ISTi1AVON, 1111 01 be posted half an hour previous td the time for closing the lentils. D, S,FAU Sri', Postmaster. Clubbing rates. P'Et We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE Hn'RA.Ln : Daily Globe . 4.25 Mail tit Empire 4.25 weekly.Globo , 1.60 lltail & Empire 1,75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family II(arald & Star 1,75 Pees. A,/ter. 'ooa's 1i108phoaine, The Great English Reinert,. Sold and reoomsnended by all druggists in Canada, Only roll able medielne discovered. rs'et packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, ltxcessive use of L0 baeoo, "Opium or Stimulants, \failed on receipt of price, on package $1, six, $5. One w n venue, six toll cert. Pamphlets tree to any address. (Lite Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. ' W0O(t's Phosl)lultlinc iia sold in Zuriub, fly Dr•.Buell anal) , Lhuggest. • x IKICOCELZ & LZTRICTU the utrition of the sexe is so ual. organs! ttong prod produces emissioas n s. lse; of semAs it en throe h the !trine, decay of the organs, pains in the loins, aching in the back, nervousness, des- pondency, basbfuluess, palpitation of the heart, constipation, and a comb nation e._ these results in complete LOSS oft Manhood. Thousands of young an middle- aged men are troubled with stricture. Zf you have reason to bclior.s nu are alli.cted with it, don't neglect it. It will ruin you. Dou't let doctors exp,ri Gent on you by cutting, stretching or tearing it. Our New 1a9ztt etbod Treatenz dissolves the stricture tissue hence it disappears and can never return W ..ure Varicocele and Stricture without operation or loss of time. The.treatnten ma - be taken at Fume privately. Send for our Free Illustrated Book on Varicocele, Stricture and tilleet. We guarantee 10 Cure or rtIo Pay. .f7' eyPsj"• �' t All sexual com plaints affect these or of disease. Have you aching or weakness over the small of the back, tendency to urinate frequently, deposit in urine, ane, hence the kidneys are a great source coldness of hands or feet, a drowsy feeling in the morning. Don't neglect your kidneys. Our New Method Tr..ucr ucret Is guaranteed to cure any disease of these organo or no pay. 'lid© Names Used Witlliout Written Coreeut., O. W. Rowe, of Jackson, Mich., says: -I had varicocele in the secondary stage and two strictures of 3 years standing. I was operated on twice, undergoing great suffering, but only got temporary relief. I was finally advised to try the New NIetbod Treatment of Drs. K. & K. The enlarged veins disappeared in six weeks, the stricture tissue was removed in eight weeks and my sexual energy and vitality returned 801 was a man in every respect. I recommend you doctors with my whole heart." (,` ye� CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURE NO PAY. r` Befnr. '^reatment. After Treatment. We t^'at and cure Nervous Debility.' est Manhood, Varl-- •ere, Stricture, Syph- ilis, Oleec, Weak Parts, Gonornccea and Unnatural Drscharnee. Consultation h"ree. Boot. 'Tea. Write for Question I,ist for Home Treatment. Hrs. `f.` t needy O(i Rergae, 14e sHEl.9v tET OIT :mess Subscribe for "THE HERALD" ENT GUARANTEED! • O'FARRELL (. LAWSON, 1425 NEW YORK AVE., WASHINGTON, D. C. Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, Desions,Trademnrhs,Copy. rights. Will return fee if Patent is not secured. Send for Inventor's Guide, or How to Geta Patent. WeMention this Paper and secure special rates, -64 :r,•a he .some weaker one., give ane strength to help him ori." .-.7.vurrTnat. I'ar,.c are mare than caronets,"-TnynrsoN. EEDE TO FURNISH THE NEW FREE c,0}ISUIVIPTIItE yOSPITAL MUSKOKA. The Only Free Consumptive Hospital in America. CANADIANS EVERYWHERE INTERESTED. —The NM; Free Consumptive Hospital, built under the auspices of the Nationaal Sanitarium .Association, will be ready, ---so ,soon as the money to equip and ficanish is secured—to reccit'e 50 patients absolutely without charge. —Over 300 out of 500 patients admitted to the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium —the property of the National Sanitarium .Association —have returned home either cured or greatly improved. —The Free Consumptive Hospital is situated in the sante delightf clly healthful locality, bringing the sante ad- vantages to the poorer patients as to the rich. ✓,t' .n� (14fllfwiip-4 Nl� FIRST FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES IN AMERICA The gift of W. J. Gage, Esq., and the li 'ecufors Hart A. llfassej, Estate -Think of the sorrow and suffering the New Free Consump- tive Hospital will alleviate and indeed entirely remove. -Will you not send a dollar -or $2.00, ,$3.00, $5.00, $10.00 - or more, for this most pressing of all charities ? -The victims of the White Plague are found all over Canada. $50 WILL FURNISH A BED. •114111.11.1 MMMMM ere .nesmom CO7VTRil3tY iONS MAT' BE SENT TO— SIfl W. R. MEREDITH Kt., Chief Justice. V1ee-Pros... Nutt. San. Assoon.. 'Toronto. '4tV. J. GAGE, Chairman Ex. Conn., Toronto. NATIONAL TRUST CO. Limited, Treasurer, ,i,narea 1 O. ..........M .m -......, .... .. -... .. - r,.... ,.... . ,_. We can print your Bile.