HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-01-02, Page 2near ni, the',rviraless N upon e o faager shore
cago, and lits tour is again, aban. steward w -10i � 1" -gallon can of ex- No r911"
J � (:lomocl. 1 collent oatmeal gruel Is seen loom- xrands :iho votyatgar at 'last." fAA� @
11 telegraphy ing in [�Io distance rrGm( the kitchen, As our vo aFgs approached the End
! PRINCES,. Inventor, talks of going to Cornve'aall and by ttba time the poor follow the all absorbing thought was how
in a short time to make arrange••reaches the dining saloon he is so too pack and story away, ail that's
meats for spoiling the system forsurrounded V7lthl customers, armed not wanted, a difficult task for
FLEES commercial ibusine.ss. wl•tb culls and spoons, he knows not those who hada family of children.
6 2&ore United States patents were rvh.are to turn or whom to serve I wish my readers could get a, peep BUHR
issued to residents of England aur- first with his huge ladle; beside this, dowys into the hold on one of tbese
ing tUe year than to peopiq of any there were splendid bread, burG'ter and occasions, what a weird scene would -------
-- o'thler old world lands obeese, In abundance, which were so reset *our gaze, all under electric
thoroughly appreckat3d that notb-
Ing but empty' dishes• were to be seen
light Ln tha bgwels of the ship.
Many packing away, others nailing
A Shocking Tragedy on a
a minutes: It was really
mending in some way much abus-
Sotrange t
Zdfakes a lilt in a Pde1v ala Belpre
a s
a source t this Efa ever
evening to watch this famished
ed luggage, and elle best of good
hamar 9
pravailin with all,
Farm in Middleport.
Parisian Audience.
throng who had just two hours pre-
ThE last flay seemed tile longest
Wif°' c� �N �G�
e o (; ut own g gait
Paris i1e•spatcll. Sarah Bernhardt,
at her own tile, to -night,
viously taken it good square meal.
IV10 spiritual part of thew few
of the 4.9, owing to every: one's great
anxiety, to land. .All the conerts,
dancing and card parties weresome-
added it fresh branch to bar many
laurels by the areation- of the title
hundred souls received no lack of
attention either. It reminded one
thing of the past, not forgetting I
the chess tournaments my favorite
role in "Therokgne de Morleourt," a
more of rovlvi]1 meetings Miran other-
amusement. I fol; quite triumphant
Left During a Sall and Slapped away—All
Europe ti itrtin; for iter --Fled
new p4ty, by Z?au} Iiervieu, which
deals with tele meteoric career of a
wise, TRiree Methodist and two
Presbyterian ministers were an
inl the fact of having• beaten ail the
best players bn board, and they,
From Her Home at Salzburg After Midnight Dec. 12 and Has Left No
now forgotten woman who, beginning
as a aourtesuni, became a pwominent
board. 11boy contrived to have a
prayer -meeting every morning at
really, played very well.
The women could have held quite
Trace Behind—Rumored Domestic Discord — Left Dummy in Bed.
personage during the reign of `terror
7,15, to 8 o'clock, Sundays and week
a creditable bazaar with all the
1'Yeslay Watson Comes Rome From
Dresden, Saxony, despatch: The
1,rincew the maid perceived a dumulY
and Ended lar a Iunatic's cell, Mule-
Bernh':axdt's impersonation of the
days, the usual Sunday service at 11
School for
pretty and wa:eful articles tbat had
Detroit to Spend Christmas -Elis
Crown Princess of Saxony fled from
T figtue, AIIe awakened the lady -in-
rvaitin and the latter, with other
heroit'le wags warmly applauded by a
a,m., Sunday the children
a g p.m,, conducted by a prominent
been made, Many were able to keep
their hand in at the wash tub too,
Brothers Thinking He Was a
lser home during the night of Docem-
members of the Princess' suite,
typical audience of Parisian first-
sister of the Methodist Church in
having every accommodation in the
Burglar lien Off -Came Back axil
Iter ,11-12. The Dresden'er Journal
searched all the neighboring apart-
niglit0x8. t
Uelbourne, who also gave a
way of Laundry; room, stationary
Shot 1Dovvn.
today says:
ments, there the entire castle, and fin-
few very interesting lectures on
tubs, plenty of fresh water, heated
".The Princess, in a state of in-
ally the groand;a of the castle ,but
trace Princess found.
pi Eq
her work among the pool. In the
of that citti,
by steam, drying grounds were le-
on the spacious decks, a hot
Bran trord d•apxttch: As already rew
tense mental excitement,sea suddenly,
IIs of the was
At. dawn the police of &alzburg, were
U e
slums great sometimes
service for the sailors ryas held on
flat iron could always ba had from
ported, Wesley Watson, aged Ta, was
deserted her family, at Salzburg and
informed of 'Elie cii.saLppearance, and
the forward deck, from- li to 7 p. m.
the cook for a small fee.
shot and instantly killed tby his bro-
The Saxon court funs-
enquiries Were made throughout the
which was entered into* heartily by
But, "throw up your hats, boys!"
ther, James Watson, at the family
y ent abroad.
tions for the reinter, Including the 4
whole countryside, but with no tan-
gable result. 1.1E enquiry by the End
p 1
��U� O��Ts �jr •�� y� 1rI
� �a��liv
some of the crew, especially when
well known Uymals were seine;, fol-
some ome , was ll'eard to gay, for
we aro at last saidIng up the clear
home, near ,Irliddle ort rant county,
, p +
t Using mix-
Neer• Year's reception, have been can- i
of ihAt dAy had estendt;d to all parts
tj 1
lowed by the evendn• � service from
muddy old .Gliomas, and Tilburg
a J o'clock this mornin,;,
celed." '
T,tse foregoing paragraph• in to-
of the I�ir,,� &)m of �,axony, . and oil
authority from Dr(sdon on the old
� � �
7 to 8 P. m. Wednesday evening
prayer meeting was never omitted
docks are nearly reached. Then tivo
last: hours are spent in 'bidding
taken far a Uurglar, who was sulp-
,posed to have entered the house dur-
day's official journal, which was in.
of the second day to all of hurope.
either. These meetings were very
adieu to our friends of the ocean.
ing• the oclurse of the night.
$cited by, order of the Bing and
Dragged ti8'xtea in 'o'sin.
fairly attended as a rule. Of course
it is needless to say that the Sunday
At last we are being towed into
part. 10- listen, Iiia Australian
'.r710 same of the shacking tragedy.
(71own. Fringe, has turned into truth
The theory of suicide was suggest-
mOrIIlllg services N(I'L' always
Call, C'OG-eC, scillas aCZ'GSS the
was On the Iiaxn farm, trva and a
1�irat for several days past has been
an ancredinie tale. Tile
a'd4 and a fruitless search for tilE
been All the
nr r� qg� 7�
U ltl THE (1
� �� � id�at�lUl
conducted after tela ChUI'C11
Nater from one anxiously waiting
Milt miles evert of lliiOno art vilLu;g
regarded as
Crown Princess, surrounded by her
Princess made. ponds
Princes has
and other pi_c<s of -water in the v:ckn-
r, En•P'lAnei form, which i:I the rule
on board all Maji�sty's sbips,
among the throng am the pier,
in the TOwnshIp of Onoudlagia. Tb°e
ladiesdn-waiting and numerous at-
ity of then c::stle •have been, dragged
wherever floats the British flag 0.11effect:
which greeting had at Inose cheering
upon all his countrymen -on
farm, which was rented by Samue]
.tendants and servants of the Royal
without result.
the high .sag, the captain Jilin-
board. .
and James Watson, is'In rather a
household, has r�linished so uttei°ly.
Tl]a dsc rararefN of .the .Princess
Pleasure and ftoitoment of
BCIf Oi' the clilef stewartil taking; this
I conclude h,: quoting the follow-
lonelypart Of the tOrPnSII
1]' township, some
that the police of every kingdom of
Europe bave for ten days been un-
will doubtless a auGe the circulation of
storieM. it is already related
sea°vice, i[ tl;erc± hnppene.l no min.ster
aboald to do :;o.
ing lines as they occurred to me
distance orf the main rwtcl. The Wilt-
to trace her. The official au-
the site clop d,'but enquiries mads
In on Dook,
,Another notable experience was
when descending the gangway of
aur good skip for tate last time :
�, on brothers, who art, bachelors, had
,nouncement was made in order to
here lte.ve 11rouglit ont nothing .to
camping out tit night while dossing
'"Roll on, thou deep and dark blue
their mother as housekeelper for
obtain the aid of the general public
substantiate or support this suppO-
the tropics to ai old the great ]teat
them, while the other ,brother, Wes -
in finding the Princess, and because
the court fiction that she referred
Due to Domestic Discord.
anti stifling attuluspbG>re of Lha
cuUins. Antii what is..a . �; Of fou there
Thou vast and ever sounding
ley 11'a,tson, was supposed to be in
Detroit, where he was Employed.
to remain in retirement at Salzbur •
Dresden despatch: The fight of the
N ill it ! About l.0 p. m. the women
�fionderfu.i art thou, great element.
I love to wander o'er thy billows
S;riue.dayts ago the mathelr left to
rather than to return to her hus-
has C'Iuse'd excitement.
A ship,a ship, don't you see the
all robs in tnehr ure•rsinh gowns and
And hearken to the thoughts th;
pay a visit to some friends in all-
band and children at Dresden, can-
}Anger be maintained.
Princess great
It Is reported that the Arch,iuke ver-
ship?" was Ahouted from bow to
then may be teen a }i3Otes.5lOn re-
tin truly o-. T7a 1I11111ULh •tats
W teach-
other (part of the torvnshill, leaving
the bachelor brothers to keep house.
Developed Eccentricities.
+'mance accolliPWW'd by one of the
ct ,
court chit
stern, and all, eager to get a
glimpse of this welcome visitor of
1 ulait with pluclketa : t1a! pillows s
};,;iltth for tile upper cls k ansa isory
Eternity, eternity and power."
—11. J. �, IlAmiltan,
Heturned Unannounced.
Accompanied by the Crown Prince,
the Princess went to the castle of
wnk;,gsup uedt a
whither it Nae supposed the Princess
failed to find any trace
elle sleep, rushed to the lee side,
of aIle steamer, lvhert the sailors
After nark .last night the younger
brother returned ul;,annuunced land.
Emperor Francis Joseph, near ,Walz-
burg, a month ago. :1 week after
had fled, but
of her. Tito Prlliceso' brother, the
where in the far distance could bl
the Eye
have alreatir b:u:n nL work canvass-
icer up the railing to make it more
�p��eppp�9 �g ('
Z16i�� @@ g � �Tl.
unexpectedly from Detroit, and went
to the farm hU•IIaC After tEle elder
Archduke Leopold lierdi.nand, said
seen only just with uakect
c,•la(le.l. lieds are eolurtrueted by
iDR �. BJ f i� ! [-,
their arrival the Prince broke his
leg while hunting, ran was brought
to be with hor, but lio thing can be as,
a speck against the horizon, which,
}laving two deex chairs togethi v aunt
brothers had retired for the night.
Spine time after retiring they heard
back to Dresden, The Princess, hair-
certafued as tG leer whereabouts'
It is officially eslrlained that the
by degrees, greiv larger anis larg-
bIalnkete H lrata len ;tln i•,e, sonic of
the more fortuntle a 1n,:; ha inmoelts.
samebody about the ;premises, and
ever, still remained at the castle,
Wby, she (ltd fia the people of the
priucee' lis.: learanr..e is due to men-
titl 1Ihere is little
er, untLl funnels and inasLs were
Wsiblc w thout tine aid of
I Nhall ns•ver forget what a charm-
Blew Up a House, lalling the
sutltho room an ensta ars. was made
to ilio rooms downstairs. The two
court did not know, except that the
coulk di that
dcralli nitent..
doubt, however, that it was caused
Oh, jay, to at
view• Of the heaven„ one clan get
llel•e cit night, Gn waking Up
brothers, who are of rather a tkmld
with gloomy tenacity, US-
by dom^stic discord, growing out of
field glasses. what
the upon
aLbsut 3 a. lit. there, shining
Owner of it,
nature, immcdfately supposed they
tloIly, doss what she wants. For a
her hucba�nd's relations with an lac-
last be able Lo rest eye
Jn ono^ face, kit ;ill Ilei gear-
yrere the victims of a :burglary, and,
little while this explanation cul'-
tress of tela Dresden Court- Theatre.
something or some abject from the
1 iotas UeauL•,v, ryas Ccnus, her atppear-
gathering •t ft ry articles of clothknk•,
faced; then fragments of gossip be-
It is asserted here that the Princess
outer wand. The last month seem;
ante far exc•e.din; sit radian •e any-
they made tlseir eseiape out Of a ,bed-
g'an to reach Dresden. It was said
that the Princess had surrendered
frequently threatened flight on this
to have been multi lied LO many,
titin' 1 had er(, ,cc,l before, rvitll
I „ , ('
room window and fled to the house of
n neighlloring farmer, Dar. 1}crughert�r,
herself periods of nervous excite-
account, and that shi was
at father•, the <:,rand. Duke Tux-
so long does It beam since leaving
the wGin as ehvort an.i rivalon
tree wane. About the second quart-
:1lmnnin Lan, 'Va., S 9. -Tile
where they reported That their
menu, and that her eccentricities of
deportment caused much concern to
Gauy, fat^ counselihlg her to forgive
Australian shares. It really is a,
e., li.rih ha,d ti a,7 inti a :1t:Ix•s r:i,t:,u,•e
. 'Ace.
residence of Robert Floyd, two miles
house had ,been entered by burglars,
and ;legged to be allowed to xemain
her suite, and to some of her Aus-
her husband. titE iPs said to be en-
great novelty traveili'ng On theca
and to make
from the horizon acnd there straight
ncio s the Nater > leamt'd the ahhn-
north of here, was blown up with
for the night. Accammociatfon kiss
trian kinsfolk, .who were staying in It is r-xmorcd here to -night that the
the castle with her. It is noiwbUo- , by the
vast southern oc0ans,
up one's mind to reties dawn to such
' Inrrilrg llgitt. L hiL}r}rued to lrava
ci cnanritG by robbers last night. Dir.
provide --d for .lhrm, and they remained
until after daylight this morning.
lieved that she rFvxts under surveil-
1 rancess was accompanied
French tutor. of her children,
a lAe for seven ;weeks. Many laay
horn; such a length of time
pitchc d my beii it tate extreme bore
r f that nJ.nt so lsittl
G Ina:
7layd was killed instantly, and Mrs.
Shortly before 0 o'clock trey repaired
Dresden, ,Saxony, , Dec. V4.—King
i,s spent, and. I would like lex Sire
is seen
none to ditarin in the a:ilant morning'
ur i
Floyd and the servant girl were seri-
to their awn home, armed with a
shotgun, and upon entering the pre -
Left Dummy in the Sed.
The narrative of the events at Sulz-
George and ilia Crown Prince Fred-
Erick know }Ther(- the Crown Prin-
my readers a }iittlo idea of hory ti a
tine ks passexi among ;t s)XIp io+a;1
rvaecrh, nothing save thcr conbLant
tbalnli, of thy: acrr:w directly Uelleittll
Gusty- injured. The house was com-
}Mately demolished, Or1E thousand
mise.s downstairs saw that someone
burg during the nights of Dec. 11, and
12, as told in, Dresden, is that the
cess Louise mats sought refuge, but
they have d(felded -to acceipt tho es-
Or (i00 passengers. :Gere: first Neck
to :; (an!nd one of things of tlAs rrorlsl,
and the• wonderliii works of 111;117,
dollars, which, it is said, Floyd had
had enteral the house and had bsva"t1
making himself at home With the
Pritncas*j who appeared to be in an
txangement of the Princess and her
is usually taken up with makcing •
aCgltiii'ntaIlC'Ca+ slid ChGa.117' UGe!'�
rdhare " `SeraCa wa:a C'r•Ident and a
ill the IlOuse, is missing.
Lollne, Ala., Dec. '2 If. Bass,
gull tb(\v proceeded to make an in-
unusually tranquil nroodj, retired be-
fore 12 o'clock, and after the music
husband as irrepatrable. They have
made+ the Cijbinet ,peony to the air-
friends, arratlging cowmitt4es for
little cullnrra6-1 g, too, for when Gr.
the rya • to o:1r cnoin lit the morning'
foreman of the coal chutes of 311
Shot as He Lay in Bed.
In the salon. Three hours later, when
cumstances of the Princess' flight,
lila various games, and euat,eor
s xirts, also r;Gilcerts, daincing :Ind
ane wt fu cixwunte'r hea. ry lyhis,
e -
Mobil , and Ohio Railroad, was ].
upon going upltiailag to one. of the
a maid haled into the Royal lied-
as they see them, an•cl st decree of
carte parties, Its our Fellow
a1110ut s,il the• larvae decker with bare
e(1 and J. 1•'. Jonas, agent of the
half o they found ons of the doors
g in the ear-
chamber, something app
divorce is talked of as a neeessa.ry
sc:nger;; On this trip rvero marc. or
tact pruj(ctirrs;- at Sue ol,sl 1.7 n, -i a
roaad hare, Nlts wounded last night,
half o s.0 and the form, of a man i
aniae.of tete bed prompted her to go
sequence to the Princess' resolution
less all Australian, Fume of Ohl
he:t,d ata the Other, pyiaman of every
whilo sitting at the supper table of
Ing in bed, A•s they reached the dos o
closer and examine it. Instead of the
tq leave the court forever.
country birth, it glias without l
c'rrnc011 lilt, p:uttcrn. ti..-ing like Thou-
a hate,], 1110 aaaaa61II9 firing through
the sleeper raised himself slightly
_ - --
ing that ;hare was ne lack of
nix froill iib a:..hc s, and Eying about
tho window. There is no clue to the
Span his (1boNe and one of iho thor-
anlusament, and. remarkable to
a:rm'',l with batli tow l4r, their palls
oghly frightened men, imagining in
I N E. ' A S Fe
say, they, rrere all of the Cason
of gialy leading -but to the bath,
one of which l7a:Ct beau erected of huge
Bloomington, Ill., Dec. 24. - The
jury in the case of Daisy Carlton,
the dusk of tile darkened bedroom
that this ivais the burglar of the
rl;��f l
tongue, not one execlltien, auct
many an interesting hoar was :g1jel7t
o, to d:^ Of iKill cloth,
charged with the nnrrder of Digs.
night bedore, immediately took aim
In quietly watching or l:steninS to
nlvacy u}r On .ahs• ferwal d 11(4AC for tine
Joseph Leslie, has rendered it, ver-
and fired. Tisa charge, which was of
the IifE history, more err less, G[
:Cca11111icdlii011 Of a uu 1 ;tt a time,
diet of not guilty. Tier plea was
small shot, took effect in the mail's
One P sicilaii Fad its
at Silit— ®f ilii•ilwuy:
many of our follow passenger:;.
ye , aha m n'e. rrsdii pl .•ce ryas nOL
t..rtain I r(meulber one poor
sc'ir defence. Mrs. Leslie who mats
head, almost blorvbig the side of his
face off and killing him instantly.
Thera a1r• mimes i have known
said to bo jealous of Carlton,
Heroic ���*���®
when a stranger sitting IICxl will
ask if I know. one o[ my best
who haat r t•cnC,i Isis bed tyro
l' '
near the. (train trough, gut an awful
ducklug, ;suite to the. $-all-
attempted to horsewhip the latter,
rvaviaying her an the street. bliss
In an ixsstawt it became apparent
even to their disordered imagination
friends, Nhen a pen further ac-
Carlton, who bad boon warned, car-
that the supposed bur .tr was
p burg,
Boston, MAas., Dec. J. -Professor
patient materially. Crco other cases
q uaintance he or she may airs
frientt the ,anla
c.aa the fioeda:i the a per leak
y p
in they early morning. This. was the
rigid a. revolver and shot her as -
brother whom they thought to be
still in Detroit.
Lorenz failed of complete success in
were treated sliccessfully.
Ln the
prove to be it of
party, w4$cll was a most pleasant
meaauw or ai very stormy and wet
satlant when attacked.
Tdie brothers Samuel and James
Duren the demonstration
rise" that morula s
Watson immediately gave the alarm
an operation for hip trouble at the
Children's Hospital here yesterday,
first case the unusual force employ-
ed by Dr. ;Lorenz in breaking down,
1'I,t maul several fairly good lartlntn,
Tho portrait painters hacl no trouble
SG111, times Nhr..n the alarin of a p.
pia chine; rain was S:gnallc d by some
of tile, from bridge the
to the neighbors. Idle unfortunate
younY,* man, howevea', was beyond the
and stretching other muscles,
scouring ruUju snit our gossip-
offloere tit,)
of all aaidi and must have, died
lint the subject, a bo was
y, past
mads such ttan flmpressian on a man
i er
little new papas, published once
gteate,lt c*xcitcmeul; prevailed amonginstantly.Mr.
A. k3. Barris, or Onon-
the age limit.
of muddle age, that the company,
week, had the clevereaA cartoon for
ille, women. in thea anxiety to get
ga , a wall -known farmer in that
13r. Lorenz, succeeded, however, in
saw; the unusual spectacle of a h
fi y"
sician faintingin the a eratiin
p g-
h' aafing, shore ing wonderful talent,
dressed and flee with their beds to
the cabin, they rwanlri fairly tumble
sec•t1on6 who was GA11ed in shortly,
after the enactment of the tragedy,
placing g the Crippled limb in a pori-
room, .A. second pli sician was just
Is recite than I Crtu say for the
dawn the, ladder, a little episode those
Pretender t0 Throne 01
immediately repaired to 111E city and
Ilan,_ which preybi�lrly will heipthe
.saved •from fain'ting•__..._ ....._.. _.
A penny a, peep was ClsargerT forChildren
cruel officers olijoyod immensely. Tits
Savo iuformatti,on Ur the affair to iho
tl,Is paper anti then passed OTs.
o secured in baste
fro=,Iwho, would
Cram site n wa e cry,
I , -Mother, have
Morocco Scares,
police. The County Coroner, Dr. Fis-
vett•t%.left immediately Par Nilddleport
�41"a6°`°• � ►�5 �'" tb'"4xa.a
n0'anecd of J, Franeb% Lee, who was
Traffic manager of the White Pass
T1:•) chairm%n of committees, tilE
Fion, 12ic11arct --, Irl the Isle o, a
wG got to Englo.ncl'!"
to ho;d an incereti anon and make* at-
& Yrkon Railway.
� y o
it William Muloek was banqusted
m,axtyr untlt things r:;acl'Ieci a cit.
and lis resigned in despair,
Ne, we lire between two and
tlirEe N.arks o[ li[E an the ocean rviave
ra.n e
rg xuants for: An inqucrst.
Brothers ZVere Good friends.
j� j�� l�
before reaching the homEtand> but
by Ills citizens of Dleaford In recog-
nation his in their
Announcrtnents were usually made at
would be the sig-
the fery days' tropical heat was over;
Dec. 29•--
The relationslsl,p.s between the bro-
of services aid of
moat times, w1dell
eve bad crossed ilia equator and were
Tangier, Morocco, .File
tilers in Middleport and the unfor-
harbor improvements.
nal for outburoAs or appianse•
breathing freely again. Tdte olds sus-
Imperial troops have, been (totally de-
un -
tunate visitor from Detroit are un -
I Mr. H. W. Aud^n, 'M. A., assistant
This all Ona Glass and ga-Aa-you-
tom of punishing the, rlTlinitiatad Is
feated after a ,sanguinary battle
derstood to have been Of the most af-
maetcr or Fettes College, Edin-
plcaiM�E style of living seeme:l like
merely a thing tAlkecl of nOwadayo,
with; the rebels headed by the Pre-
fcctionato character, and no motive
f - t t
A case a ,smallpox is repor ed a
burgle, bas been cho, en Principal of
an c. 16 picnic. One might wear the
and talcs axe told of the dreadtu}
tender to the; throne. The latter
far then comruissiozl of the crime has
London, Ont.
i Upper Cailada College.
sawna frock for tea as one were for
games played on them when crossing
decapitated forty of the Ouitan'y
been suggested.
yor Eburg of
.The houso of entered
Toronto, was entered ity. burglars.
Bev. J. W. McMillan, of Lint9 An-
breakfn t, a•nd it would pass un-
noticed. What a relief. I am sure
this mysterious line.
eery, when I reflect over some of
soldiers. Their heads are now or-
rzimenting his tent,
As soon Its an informatio : has been
sworn out Samuel and James Watson
The Dank of Taranto opened a:
will accept the call to St. An -
drew'•s Church, Winnipeg, with the
M:U-uy will agr^_o with: me that there
the discomforts of sblip life in a great
Imperial reinforcements have been
will be pl,Lced under arrest.
n:w branch at Oakville.
consent of the Presbytery.
:hould bo no such thing as swclt d:n-
nnr.,; or full dress antertainlnciltd on
heat dike this .Hats, it makes one feel
it's a thing ilio For
rent to attempt the capture of
Tia,za, tiro headquarters of the Pre-
i Both nlc,n :are, reported to be of a
ana timid (11,,, lositian,
TiTivreaa tuck ?61.0 ficin the safe'
Iran since 'keel manufacturers,
boud a, .ship, but thinly instead of a
glad of ,past,
Instance, to have ars extremely stout
tender, Incensed by the successes
� very nervous
are said by these who knOrr
of Ilse Union House, Toronto.
Col. Prior and lfr. Fberts, of the
of the t``an,zclian fat
; turers' Assockation, Beet to consider
fino cillo of trvo',s and threesto or
a turn tit, wild ping tho rolto a oil
b a ' p
companion in the same cabin with
you, sa misfortune u that has
of tho rebels, the ,sultan has order-
his soldiers spare no one
them best to be incapable of harbor -
In' -will 1 Bust their brother.
British Columbla Government, are
suggestions of members regardingpl
the taT•i;Cf.
ter:,. forward deck where Thera was
,mine twits at such it time. The pogr.
f he
Taaza, In az. Ito of flue counsels of the
.an ill
Their any
when it dawned upon
going to Ottawa to negotiate for
plenty of room and a ,splendt:l
souls, it is a shame to sa,y misfox-
ehiafs, who co11118e1le•3 flim, 'not to
tbrm that they }sad deprived theirs'
better terms.
t4 m. Porter has been arrested on
breeze. An i;.'our or more of this
;tune too, for they were the very
indulge in excassesa
younger brother of his life, 'tvaO
Toxon la's or+ler for Q,C00 tons of
i charge of assaulting, with intent
Uealt hful exerri:e, every afternoon,
essence. of ,good nature and tried so
London, Dec. 24.-1n a da9pat0h
heartrending in the extreme. Prem
Rocking Valley coal has been can.
o rob I1(Ihard Wood, of FIcsherton,
:wil0 Came tlo Toronto with cash to
Sunday excepted, just teas,
was t&a finest appetizer. Could It
hard to make the very least of them-
selves knowing so well that their
from Tiangier, dated yesterday, a
correispondent of tthia Daily Mail
What can b0 learned of Iiia sltuatiOn
they have been annoyed) by,
' buy, a horse,
be wondered at if there was a gen-
roam was much more acceptable than
says the Sultan's troapis have an-
it saem;s
people, approaching 'their premiserg
Dominion Lin•+ steansers between'
The proposition Is on foot among
('ral rt.ux'pcdo wYnn the bugle imll
their conVany, and then again the
texed Talza, and thlat the Pretender
after dark, ancrthat repeatedly they
Liverpool and Boston will call at
quite a large circle in Toronto to
-,vas heard for tea., a rush to tine
appearance of ilia table stewards
t1a,si fled to the Chutta Hills.
had exprealsed their fears that their
Healifax. be ginning nest manta'.
have George k'. Ma•rter come out as
cabins to .get 4411ghtlY stra.ighLena;l tip
made i`au feel that 1;110 food as to
prcmisels acid the lonely sltuatiall of
fide Court of Appeal will begin on
mayoralty candidata, if that gen-
a, bit, and tV-D •camauenced the work
its eondRion was vcr4y questionable,
;Lha home mads them l>'cn Izr}y Ilztblo
Jan, 7th the heari.sg of the appeals
tlfwan Is, villin himself to come
for tY,r, poor tatlrlc stewards, but it
ekpecially the soup ! Many come-
to Interference.
In the South Oxford and Lennox else-
foamed a 13,,'opcless ta„k trying to fill
plained. of it tb(:Tng too hot to eat,
- -
tlo.n oases.
Mr. Joscplt Tr aztet twill appeal to
lien. Stdn(,a Vishr,r, Il'on. 'Charles
Tr"ItrpsLtricb, Jfion. S(
this vague w -holo, ora immediately
Ono meal wmu clearedaway t notil;,r
which was true enough, 113ut what
about tbise who bade the preparing
King Vetoes Proposal of Prince
Francis of. Teak.
s F
Supreme C.atrrt from the d(eelSion of
llliatn I'atorson
xIGn• IT. IsrN.(t '':L'arte' and lir. 11. L.
Y,hrd to l;a prclrarCd. Five mems a day,
ra,srcl serving for so rxrair4 in this groat
London, Dec. 29. -- A' story is
the Montreal co'u'rt unsaatiug and
disqualifying him,
Borden wire pjnrmg the speakers at
not counting an early morning cup of
tea and biscuits at 5.30,'and another
heart 7 1 wkus often struck with the
)van and dein allpearanee of the
printed to the effect that the Bing
Cardiff Gentlool"nxa "t who Hina Dis-
A portrait of the late Principal
ha.nqunt of t1le 1')Olninian, 'Corn-
merclal 't'raveller's' Assoekatlon at
at 11 a.m. Aftornoon tea, at, 8 p.m,,
stewards, (but it Is easily accounted
their dally
has vetoed a proposal by prince
n rear .d i✓+-mn*llontre'•al.
tery surrounds the disappearance of
Donald A. IdaGregor twill; unve.11ediby
ryas the, la(lies' favorite hour when
old teat the
for when one considers `
raui;ino of cinlaes Oren through the
vralleTa; of 'L'aak, a brother or the
captain Frederick J. hewer, off Car -
plan, John Dryden at the DTeDttastar
their awn (lerar pot,
Australian rPo•nlan s delight, rrtiy
hottest avEathex.
Princess or '%Ia.les, to become a
diff, En •land, from the Bath D,otel,
' G
University at home,
William Ilenr;y Da.rnes, a colored
I Am underground railway for Zll-
filled to thho. brim several -times over
.Chen one Ead occurrence or the
hilopened albouL this time,
stock broker. The firm of Panmure,
Gordon S: Co. Offered the Prince Z%�
Vit. llLonaqu0 StreEt. FIs came here
with his family six weeks ago, and
)rue, of 163 Clinton rtitreat, Toronto,
oAgN bu,sinr.,ss sections is talked of.
to a party of invited friends either
wan aged passenger suceninhed
0'0'0 a year to enter into a part-
on Thurpiday la aft he left word with -
died under circumstances which have
German Electrical firms are Organ-
in iho dining raison or in sonic cosy
on dock. Tho gentlwnen es-
, seat and the: ,body was
toithE� tryin;, l
xlership. Other prominent firms have
bis young son tthat he would not ret-.
been Investigat0d by the police,
ping glgantic egm,bin,e,tions,
pecially would be, sure of an invita-
buried. at sola about 8 O'clock in the
scuts offered mush higher figures,
g g
there 'being a keen to
turn for lunch tbzit cls Since then,
has been seen by any+ of baa
Hon. J. Israel Tarte, refuses to
discuss the re ort that lie may
Carlos, of �pa,in, is said to have
abdicated In favor of his son.
tion and su,eJzi a fossa of cod
' g
evening, by lamp -light. This was a
I.m rassive ceremony, and the
contest se-
cure lits services,
he bot
friends, and Chief Carpenter and all
sgeek n seat a.npthq IixiLsh House of
'C1sa Mato Of Connecticut was d
things, Gornpa5(xi of the, choicest con-
co from a. rich fruit a1tko to
foot of there being no relatives or
The Xing, however, would not
hear of a brother of the future
his Starr COmliinc(1 have railed t0 get'
the trace of him.
atase r
ud tae of the cattle disease.
al lady finger. If the pxivato store
friends of the doee,ased on :board
It alt the more solemn. The
Queen assuming such, a position,
Burt Barker, an Englisty 1a1x1 of 18,
W0.9 killed at Port t Colborne by a
xt Is believed that President goose-
volt will • Consent to Ua t'
bet avilausted there w:as more at, the
o souls coat desire was to
'oar ld gr
'svh$clt would be in any erase a deli-
'allow' Is your friend the carpet
broken 100,1 1w,roo atriking blur and
as arbitrator
in the V Cnezuel A taolgble,
bar, where an aLbundaancsr Of the same
each the -land of his birth and to sea
ante ane, and whdeh w,outd lreOonro
cleaner ?�' asked Ilse rust.
ba"ealiitng 41Ls nC�sk. 1
coulee be bought a,t store prices. At
tele dear ones aiteE more, ,but,
;i•mpesissibia in ribs event or th.o
"AlasIll cried the Persian rag,
ersan.•al effects
in ects of 'Maseagnt,
8 pan, sharp, stlppor Is served un-
+, Now. tbo laborer's task Is o'er,
Prince of Wales -becoming $oover-.
"all is avert Ile shook me for, a girl
r0iii, xesignartion alas been an.
the composer, were attached at Chi-
der any and every cireulrtstiance, A
Now, the ibgLtble ;clay Is ,past,
With money.;', --Princeton Tiger.