HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1903-01-02, Page 1NO. 23. CHURC1.4ES. QT. BONIFACE, Catholic, KJ Order of service for the summer. Sundays: High Mass at -3.30 a. m.; Cate- chism and instruction at 10..30 o'clock Vespers and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at7 p. m.. Holy Days: High Mass at 9 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction at 730. p. in, Week Days. Mass every morning at 7.30 o'clock First Fridays, Mass with Exposition at 8 o clock; The folly Hour, or one hour visit to our ,Lord in the Blessed Sacramet every Sat- iirdy evening from„7 to 8. Baptism on Sundays at 2 o'clock. The Communion. Sundays.before Mass at 3'o'elock. Rev. Father Valentine. Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, German and English Sunday services;- Gc,rman, at 10.45 o'clock a. m. English, 7 o'clock p. m., Sun. school at p. m. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, , Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir praetiee at 9. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at '1.30. Thursday evening; English prayer tweeting at 7,30. Friday evening; Teachers' neeting at 8. Rev. W. J. Yaeger, Pastor. eutf clle cr. tutt1. St. Petri Uird2e. ! (ijottesbienft vorm. bail) u Zll2r nub abenbs Z Utr. Samjtagfdlule norm. io ZIIlr. 4` re llrernerjannnlung lltitttvoctl abenbs um halb8. . e ScL2iil e. pai'tor. V. BACIHAND, St. Joseph. • Notary Public, Fire and LifeIn- surance Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. u• J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garro)v &Proudfoot) Barris- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. Heusall, Ontario. pROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public etc, etc. Cor. Square and North Street, Goderich, Ontario W. PROUDFOOT K. C. R. C. HAYS E. ZELLER: Cleck loth Div. Court, Huron: t, Commissioner for taking Affidavits, Conveyancer ete. Valuator for the Hu- Illi ron and Erie Loan and Savings Co. Office- Zeller Block, Zurieh Ont. E•BOSSENBERRY,Licensed Auetioned for Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. PBILIPe Sg Licensed for the County of Huron. I -would request those having sales to call on me. 'Germs moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. Your patronage solicit:d. DR. F. A. SELLERY Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House,. Zurich, every Monday. 1-20 A G. STANBURY, B. A. • Successor to COLLINS Si STANI3URY BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, 3/Loney to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Doeum.ents .in original German read and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Nei1's Bank, Exeter. 1C3+'00411.30134"•.0000"v'0"w`a3..)• i<JC3Y:3Yi,#KUY",'.`.J• 00 O G 0 di fa THE fva nig xc+ Ei Y3 rw Strictly up-to-date in modern int • provements. Dining rooms is sup- ts • Blied with best. If • ar containsl el oe eeLthliquo s and • cigars. 1f' 4 1i ¶ 1f COMMERCi ll HOTEL tj 0 0 Y ZURICH ul 0 0 0 limmamome tuExcellent Sample Floorns cl) for Commercial Men. f0•3 ....._,.. 7. 0' 0 LOUIS FOSTER,- 1 -ROP. c; 0:3;000**'li001t dSti3 300 G4t30i 04,104 0 0 0 0 0 tl;t r "the Zomirtion" lbouse Equipped with allModern conveniences. Piest-class accommodation to commer- cial travellers, Bar and din- ing room, Itiways suppled. With , , tale best obtainable. L Shaemacher, Prop ZURICH 1 .. The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. ZURIC.T.I, ONT., . ) ISI DA..Y, efAN• 2 1903. I. PER. YEAR. THESOVEREIGN BANK of Canada. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO ExiLcuTlvic OFFICES . MONTREAL Authorized Capital - $2,000,000,00 Capital paid up - x1,200,000.00 -OFFICES AT - Crediton Sc. Exeter Savings Department. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards. SPECIAL .attention to farmers business. Remittances Safest Methods. Best Rates. ALL KINDS OF BANNING BUSINESS DONE MANAGERS: F. E. KA N, C. W, GILMOU'R, Exeter. Crediton. F. W. GLAUP,IAN, Solicitor. SALE REGISTER. 1 FARJI FOR SALE. 140 Acres. Composed of Lot 20, in the Lake Road East Concession of the Town- ship of Hay. Good sized Barn with stone stabling underneath; Frame Dwelling and other outbuildings. This farm is nicely situated on first-class gravel road, within 2ia miles of St. Joseph. Price low and terms to suit purchaser. For particulars, apply to E. ZELLER, Zrnuar. AND Mr, Fred Benedict, of Detroit, j Mr.Sanmel Rannie ha(' a valuable was in town over Christmas. Miss Llzi:ie Trnemuer, of Detroit is here for a visit with her mother, and sister, . FoUND.-Grain Bag containing 'quantity of chop. Owner gall a this office. - Mr. Bens, l:Ioltztnann and wife, of Elkton, are visiting friends an relatives her this week.. Mr. Adolph Kalbfieisch 'seas in town and "Philtuielpltia" calling on friends the past week. Congratulations to- the young lady, who found a ton of coal in her stocking this Christmas. The average lean suffers ' more from an overloaded stomachl than from the pangs of conscience. Mrs. Krueger, of Detroit, is spending. a week with her mother. Mrs. Sipple, and other friends. Dr. Schellig, of Detroit, visited his parents here ot-er Christmas He returned to Detroit on Tuesday. Mr. F.Witwer and family attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Wittver's nephew, at Exeter, on Wednesday last.. • Misses Susa and Sadie Kirk of Fuirgrove, Mich., are spending a few days with their cousin, Mrs. 1?. W. Hess. Mrs. J. D. Merner entertained her mother and sister over Christ- mas. Her mother will remain for a short while, Mr. and Mrs D. E. Studer, of Seln•ingville, are here visiting the litter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kc hler, Jr. Air. Milford Faust. of Caro,Mich., is here this week looking after old friends: Milford has a good situa- tion in a large store at Caro. Mr. John Moritz, of Cavalier. N. Dakota, is spending. his holidays with his mother. 11Irs. Hauch, and other friends in this vicinity. Messrs. P. Lamont and E. Bus. senberry had a match at ten blue - rocks on Friday for a side bet. Lamont won by at score.of . iso The r egnlar. meeting of the W. 0. T. I.T. will be held at the home of Airs, P. Bender, on Monday even. ng, -January 5th 1903., at 7.30 p. 311.. Mr. Daniel Melchor, of Minne- apehs. arrived Sa.turclay and. is renewing ;leg=intances and visit- hor'se dao this week. Mrs. Henry Thiel spent Christ - 1 itis with her aunt, Mrs. Becker, at St. Thoinas t a Mrs, Daniel Stoinbach,of Detroit. t 1$ Visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Heideman. • Fine Iron and Brass Bedsteads, d1 Parlor Suites, Fancy Rockers, I'ancly Tables, Couches, Sleighs at II , Weal's. Messrs.. Philip Sipple and . John Schafer left for Detroit on Monday for a short � visit. Phil. intends lgoing to Lansing from there toEdmund.visit itis son Edmund. A FAMILIAR NAME. In the homes of Canada and. the United States there aro few names Imore familiar and none more rever- t ently spoken than that of Dr. A.W. Chase, the great physician and receipt book author. He is blessed for the suffering he has relieved ;and the diseases he has cared ; his remedies are used and endorsed by the best people in the land •; they i are popular because they cure when !others fail. Address and Presentation. The Sunday school class of Mr.• 1.Fred Hess, Sr., assembled at his I With home on Thursday evening, Dee. and surprised him by prsent- ing lainwith a, handsome arm- c'lnur. The address ' was read by Miss Susie Johnson, as follows: '•Army words that we ca.n use will. hut 'very 'poorly- express the gladness. :which we leave. in Conning u to your home this evening. We, as your Sunday school class ask you to !accept this small token of oda love, !for the lessons you have taught us, in the knowledge of the Christain religion, which we are deeply thankful for. Otic prayer is that God linty yet spare you to he With us for many years." Signed on be- ; half of the Sunday school class. .Miss Victoria Johnson then pre - se 'ted the chair. Mr. Hess made d :�l.ort reply, thanking their kind- ly, The evening was spent in singing and playing games, after which lunch was served as they had not forgotten their baskets. ; All returned to their respective horses, satisfied with the evening's amusements. Cutters. Sleighs. F. Hess and Son have a large stock of Square and Portland Cut- I ters of first quality and finish on , hand. Prices are as low as the lowest. You will need to see their! stock to appreciate the values they; are offering this season, 20-tf NOTICE. 1\TOTICE is hereby given that the 1 28th Annual Meeting of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on - JANUARY 13th, A. D. 1903, at One o'clock P. M. BUSINESS- Re: ceiling the Directors' and Secretary - Treasurer s ecretary.Treasurer'a annual reports; Election of Directors and the discussion of other i business for the good and welfare of the Company. All members are requested to i . attend. Pxrna Dorur.as, Esc), HENRY Etun n, ing his parents on the Bronson lime. 3t President. Secretary. Master Harold Appel bad the misfortune to break his right arm on Friday last, while playing in William Klopp's barn, Bronson line. Messrs. John Windsor, mcreha.nt of Brown City, Mich., and Ea. McGuire of Exeter, visited Messrs.. E. Bossenberry and 0. Either, on M onday. Fine assortment of Rohes, P1051) Rugs, Blankets. Bells, string and open ; at lowest prices. Large assnrtanent of harness and whips at' H. Well's. Word was received this week announcing, the death of John Jost Trucxnner at Pigeon, Mich., a for, nes resident of Zurich, and for many ;years 'r resident of this 'ntvnship. Mr. Truenlrler was about eighty* years of age. The sari intelligence was received )Ore on Monday morning that Mr. Thomas B. Kelly's father had been i11ed in the Wanstead railway wreck on Friday evening. The clevenserl was here the clay before visiting his son and left Henstali on Friday morning, stopping over at Exeter till the evening. He was en his way to Oilsprinrrs where he was engaged a.5 millwright. "Tom" has made many friends while liv- ing in Zurich and all join in. ex- pressing the deepest srmpathv in the Rad sudden death of a kind and loving; parent. NOTICE. Take notice that I have applied to the licence commissioners of South Huron for permission to transfer my hotel license in the Village of St. Joseph to L. (l. Itouthier. Any objeetionsagainst said transfer must he lodged with the inspector on or before the 1st day of .January 1903. Dated at St. Joseph, Uoe, 18, 1909. Witness, Ernest Primeau, Eng. L'eeigneul. DIXIE Special to Tun HERALD. and Mrs. Jake Meyer werevisitingvisitinat Mr. Ruepfer's on Sun- day last. William and. David. •Blackwell were spending their Christmas at .1 St. Marys. t MissMary Shuart left for Honsall to spend Christmas and New 1 Year's. Mr. Bouge is putting tip a kitchen k for Mr. Burkholder' last week. He. says he is right in town now. Jim Kyle, who was on the sek list for a few weeks is improving. Frank Follick is on the road sell- ing medicine. He sold 25 boxes last week. FouND.-Navy Child's Cap,owner call at this office. Asth s Too many asthma sufferers g ve up their search for cure, believint, that their particular case Is beyond the con- trol of scientific treatment. It Is only necessary to point all such to a new hope in Dr. chase's Syrup of Linseed. and Turpentine, the one great remedy which has proven its efficiency not only as a prompt re- lief, but also as a thorough cure fur asthma. ,•" 5 Mrs. tieorge Budden, Putnamvtile, t Ont., ~says :.--"I feel it my duty to re- commend Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed t itjtd" "Turpentine, as I hart the asthma velar bad; could get nothing to do me f good. A friend of mine persuaded me to 7 try titin remedy, T did so, and it cured ane.', It is Impossible to imagine s; better treatment for asthma than Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, Ii Soothes 'the excited nerves, clears the e Pioneer Passes Away, Mr. John Manson one of the arly settler's of Stanley, passed )caeefully away on Tuesday morn- ing in his seventy-seventh year, utter an illness • extending over several months The deceased was One of the gold seekers to Cali- fornia in 1840, and. after spending rime time in California, returned o New Yank, where he 't� as mar- ried and shortly afterwaards carne ,o Canada, settling down on the arm he occupied at his death,.r. Manson was a pronounced Liberal in politics and a faithful adherent to thePresbyterian church. IV: loaves a. widow and several sons and dar,nglitdrs, besides brother in New York and u sis err Mrs. Peter Adamson, of • Godo- ielr. The funeralwas held on Chur;Sda.y trftern Ylei1 to Bayfield emetery amid was largely attended "Th on no more A)lr song will know, :Yet again wo hopo to 1)100± then, 'V110.n the day of life is fled, And al:Vcii with joy to greet thee /Whore no farewell tears aro shod," bronchial tubes, gives prornpt relief to the frightful spasms, and, when used t regularly, thorondhly and permanently x tures asthma. Zai cents, alt deniers', or ' 2delan0on. Bates & Co.. Toronto, Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, MITNICIPAL NOMINATIONS. 'HAY NOMINATIONS. The nomination for Township council on Monday brought out about two hundred ratepayers to the Town Ball. Messrs. P. Lamont and Wm. Stelek were nominated for reeve and Messrs. Alex. Thomp- son, J. K. Goetz, Wendel Smith, William Stelek., Robert McArthur. B. S. Philips withdrew leaving the other four elected. by acclama- tion. After the meeting was over Mr. Stelek also withdrew his nom- ination for reeve, leaving the following as our this year's board without a contest :.- Reeve, P. Lamont ; Councillors, Thompson, (Uoetz, Smith and McArthur.. It is the first time in the history of the Township to elect two councillors by acclamation, but as all are good men and well distributed over the Township, the electors could not do better had a vote been taken. STEPHEN NOMINATION. Reeve, Henry Willert and Samuel Sweitzer. Councillors, Win. An- derson, Fred Wuerth, Stephen Webb and William Yearly, re-elect- ed by acclamation. HE,NSALL NOMINATIONS. Reeve. John Scott and Frecl Siallacornbe. Councillors, Thos. Hodson, James McArthur, James Moore, Jno, W. Ortwein, 1Vm. Stoneman. coir Falis derRESESRearstrrilKiNININE "I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop my hair from falling. One- half a bottle cured me." J. C. Baxter, Braidwood, Ill. Ayer's Hair Vigor is certainly the most eco- nomical preparation of its kind on the market. A little of'it goes a long way. It doesn't take much of it to stop g falling of the hair, make the hair grow, and restore color togray y hair. $1.00 a bottle, All driggisle. 1f your druggist cannot eniply you, send tie one dollar and we express you a bottle. Ho sure and give thee name Of your nearest express oflied. Address, .1. 0, AVER CO., Lowell, .Mass. 45 01 FANCY DISHES CELLULOID COORS �tJ Christmas Time rani •rr• ,Tr, ..... or., Wo invite e yon cordially to make ,your selections as early as possible. Our stock is large and cheaper than ever shown before in Zurich. Vases Albums Cups & Saucers Collar & Cuff Cheese Dishes Boxes Fruit Dishes Handk. Cases Card Trays Toilet Cases .3arcliniers Photo Holders Toys of all descriptions DRUMS HORSES DOGS CRADLES SWINGS CUPBOARDS ROCKERS EASY CHAIRS So many more that space does not allow us to mention. Call in and see for yourself. We can please you. 6,, FAUST ZURICH:= : THE NEW LI1 P OV1D 95 Every Pair Guaranteed Per= fest or Money Refunded. . . Heaviest Sole made ori any Rubber.': Call and see then, /-/ ► . FRITZ, THE SHOEMAN -ZURICH, 6` 7, : ONTARIO Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. EW FALL - SS GO' "` S "Vo have just opened up our New Fall Dress Goode in all the Ye NV Lines and Shades in Home--spuns Box -cloths Ladi.es- Cloth • Zibalines Meltons and all kinds of Plain and Farley Black. We would ask you to look through our Stook before purchasing, as we have exeeptioually GOOD VALUES and can save you money. NELETTES We have also opened a ease Of Mill ends of Flannelettes, from 8 to 10 yard ends, good, clean stook, which we are running out by the piece at a big reduction. Flannelette Blankets, 60 cents a pair r rt.e CAL EARLY AS THEY ARE MOVING OUT FAST.74 Je Preeter, Greb Block Zurich Ont. ZURICH S aAa AT THI!3 DDLERY AND FURNITURE HOUSE FANCY ROCKERS PARLOR SUITES ogILl)RIi3N'rS ROCKERS CHILD'S ;WY SETS [table, 2 chairs] CHILD'S SLEIGHS DOLL CABS Go. CARTS CROI INOLE BOARDS FANCY TABLES and COUCIIES • FINE PTJ i ;srI RUGS ROBES .WHIPS 'TRUNKS BAGS PURSES & WALLETS For Ladies and Bents CHATELAINES SCHOOL BAGS High Grads Organs and Pianos.