HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-12-24, Page 8.. ..:-oriel:,. 444* • 176.. HE NEW STOP, is now CO; plated. We h: -ve dou= bled our floor space, which gives us room to carry a larger .f nd a a better assorted stocks 4 A ' EASU E TO DO SHOPPING IN THE NEW STORE People say it is really a pleasure to do shopping in the Now Store, EN erything so convenient for the buyer -plenty of room -the very best of light, and a big stock to choose from, We now hand this new store over to the pub. lie. We want all our customers to have a share in the store; to call it their own, and make them- selves right at Moine when they come to do their business. Merry Christens lime! This is the time of year when everybody is wondering and planning what to buy for their mother, father, brother and sister, son and daughter and friends A visit to our store will overcome your trouble Youi will see such a largo variety of beautiful Christmas gifts. You will get just what you have been looking for. Xmas Gifts For the Ladies Beautiful hand painted China. Chinaware of all descriptions. It would be hard to find a more beautiful range of China- ware than we are showing. Leather Goods Purses and Chatelaine Bags. A very useful article, and one that will be appreciated. Sett of Furs What would be more appreci- ated by your daughter, than a nice sett of Furs. A nice scarf with muffs to match, we are showing a nice range of furs. Xmas Neckwear Collars and Belts Christmas neckwear, new collars and belts, or a nice pair of kid gloves, any young lady would appreciate any of these articles, for a Christmas gift. M antles. Fur •Lined Coats Ladies' and children's Mant- les and Fur -lined Coate. Our stook is right up to date in this line, we make this one of the main lines in our business. Wo aro now selling mantles at prides that will astonish you. Come at once to select your coat, they are selling fast everybody wants a new coat for Christmas. Child's Coats Caps and Furs Wouldn't the baby smile and clap its little hand, to get one of those nice white Bear Skin Coats with Cap, and nice sett of furs to match for Xmas. Men's Wear New silk faced overcoats, neckwear, gloves, hats, caps, mufflers, Handkerchiefs men's Fur Coats. Men's Suits That's the Line in which we can please the most particu- lar buyer. Handkerchiefs Of All Kinds and All Prices We have never carried such a range of nice goods and the price ranges to suit everybody, 310 matter what the in- dividual taste may be, You will be surprised at the large and varied stock and the low prices will be a reve- lation to you. y All Kinds Of Farm Produce. ...31=rtaseemormansmaranacumarmummaccrcrosmarmninam....M....m....12.1nnem 73 vs II4 CF.4 PeeP e Preventios, the now Candy. Cold Cure Tablets are said by druggists to have ton ' speoial specific ace. vantages ova r all other remedies for it cold, I'.rst--They contain no Quinine, notaing harsh or sicken - jug. Second --They give almost in- stant relief. Third—pleasant to the taste, like candy. Fourth—A large hox---48 Prevontics—at 25 Dents. Also fine for feverish child- ren. Sold by J J Merner. A document filed with Sheriff .Richardson on Saturday, shows thatMr,. R. L. Borden's election expenses in Carleton amounted to only $72.55. Two dollars and a half were spent on hotel and tra- velieg expenses by his agent, R. Richardson, and the balance was divided evenly between printing and advertising in one account, and hall rent in another. The campaign is understood to have been the least expensive one Don• ducted an the recent elections. An otherwise normal boy baby, with six perfectly formed fingers on each hand, six perfectly formed the on each foot, was born a few weeks ago in Toronto. The baby which was fully developed, weigh- ed from ten to twelve pounds at birth. Tho father of the child bas an extra finger on one hand, which doctors say. is not very unusual, but for a youngster to come into the world with an extra 'linger on ouch hand and .an extra toe on each foot, all properly formed, is a rarity. The case has aroused great interest in medical circles. .0111. A BUSY FAMILY "Say, Bub," said the book agent, as he drew up at the gate of a house in a country town on which' was swinging a barefooted boy, "is your pa around?" "Nope. Pa's out breakin' in a colt." was the reply. "Could I see your ma?" "Nope. Ma's jest took a, walk to break in a new pair of shoes." "Is your big sister at home?" "Nope. Pete Lawson fell over town an' busted his leg, an' she's gone over to break the news to his ma." "Maybe T could see another one of your sisters?" "Nope. The other's gone to town to break a $10 bill." "Well, 1 gness I'll have to talk to your big brother, then. Will you call him. please?" "Can't. He's breakin' stoneup at the county ;fail." "Your folks seem to be pretty well occupied," smiled the book agent. "Maybe I could interest you in a big -book bargain?" "Not me, mister," replied the boy. ''That feller corrin' over the hill called me squint-eyed yester- day, an' I'll soon be so busy break- in' his head that 1 I won't have no time to talk to you," The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomack, or stimulating the heart or kidneys is all wrong. Dr Shoop first pointed out this error. This is why his prescription—Dr Shoop's Restorative—is directed entirely to the cause of these ail- ments—the weak inside or control- ling nerves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr Shoop. to strengthen a weak stomach, heart, or kidneys, if one goes at it correctly. Earn inside organ has its controlling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail, then those organs must surely falter. '.x'hese vital truths are lead- ing, ead. ing drugk�tsts everywhere to dis- pense and recommend Dr Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few days, and see !Improvement will prompt- ly and surely follow. Sold by J J Merner. Clubbing rates. pjrWe have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with Tr l ieuALD Daily dobe . $ 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1.75 „ Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Harald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun l .75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 .41111. MARKET REPORT.—Tho fol- lowing is the report of Zurich, markets corrected up to Thursday Barley 50 to 50 •Peas ..... ..... 80 Bran ... •20.00 Shorts �..... 23.8006 36 '•......... 92 .92 Hay 7.00 5 5 5.00 5,1fi 40 40 Butter 23 23 Eggs.,• 23 23 Hogs liveweight .. .. 5.65 5.6 5 1 ENSA.LL MART TS Cook's Best Flour .... 2.75 Wheat..•,..• .... •.•• Oats.,,,....»..• 36 36 Barley , . » . 50 50 Pea:. ..,.. 84 85 Hogs livoweight. ,.»,» 5.65 5.65 Oats. ... Wheat Dried apples Clover seed Potatoes When you want a Piano or Organ calla at. The file .. sl-iwood Furniture Store and you will see the best Piano made in Canada-- ¢';ley also handle The New Williams and the New RayRaymo d Sewi lg Machines :m If you want a good machine just drop a card. We have no agents to pay a big commission, so we � '- customers that comrna,ssion. '"' a tial 'g to you, isn't it? Any order by nail T ...r have ot,,. best attention. Our prices are try; ; Lowest. . Furniture and Undertaki', 013 l RA.L. pp: ;1:r! EE DASIIWOOD l<aii , $2.63 per years The best metropolitan paper in Western Ontario. Contains latest market quotations and all general and local news worth printing. Special Offer ` Send $1.50 for the London Advertiser for 11 months. Remittances must be received be- fore lst Jan. 1909. ,ri: "Ml'.' i 74.3iv' eat1-nr'i.",.OI`.! Vr 1s;.Fh6,51u tAQXv URN, T.,%140;10,04,, ,..dV 1.$1..t1,4",1+± Just a Minute of Your Time ciristmas ifts F rniture We have made big preparation€i for the holiday trade, and you will find no other house in town so well provided with dainty things that every woman would love ,.to see in her home. ,Nor have the men been forgotten. We have lots of things suitable for them at all sorts of prices, and you can be quite sure that onr prices are always the lowest. All kinds of farm produce taken. Coes in ! HURON'S LARGEST COM 9 MATRON STOR E PHONE 13 ZURICH Now is the time to buy your Winter Shoes We have the best Winter Footwear that can be bought. You can always rely on get- ting the best when you buy here. Me's and oys' Socks Felt Goods Women's Leggings Etc.. Prices will be Satisfactory BEN`Yd {�